L Wit yui vVu cpubucmu fST Tht REPUBLICAN ig tkt official newrvaper h tto Uff of Ntw Kern, jmbliehing- ail the Laws and Vr4inanc$ y authority. i NEW BERN, JULY 23, 1867. Tost Omc, Niw Bebne, N. C, May STtn, it'.; i rht hand corner. ... Pat postage stamp on nppcr rigi The Dial In will close dally as foil Hows; . . f 1 m . point WiMitwid bontb, at.... ...... -v. t-y A. Rat Kirer, every Friday, at.... ........ Jil. s whl irenwu r - - " o m p. M ilaMWMTewrr Wcduemtaj and Satunlay, at 4.00 P. M 9.00 F. IL Offlc open irumwj u - rV- iV ! ajidaVaffonX? l? K-s0 A-M-' and frttm t to 7.80 P. M be dtlivcmlin the United - State, in- ,iZ. m, -.t h nriiiaid. r thevwill l I ltt,ii-a to For iwtioH, new. i one, riujauwpuia, ""v vi iivi"iAur-iueyuiiain'oi an encrine i jolk, Washington, 1.-a, and - all pouU orth and -tom&frtor t tf; - - '.t"-- K j j-t...,"ACV .v;f' "?Ject to thC; amq provisions as a J. - IL iimtturrilll. Mills KAl - t ft. jlltlll x fclding lroU let fittatne dead letter office, tinkca addresssed to Ueada i j.. ,v ' - .. ) rsnrm can have the Repuican5 left I rsr Persona can nave 111c ltEruuLicAN ten at their nouses orsiores ujr luuviug iucir uaiiies At th Omce, 0 K1&ku ewecw . j ' I -r 1 Tub Kew Bern itepublican Association meetsat the Brick Building known as the Jarvis tore on every second ;and forth Mon- day evening. !a general invitation t be pre- tent extended to the dtlna of New 'fieirn: .. -j .4 f'A J':j MhU fcrrmi? ; 4i ei l'lTS5TOLJ'ArIP fjiii Association meets at tliujl on Pok)k tt, 2d door, above Fleet St., at 8 dock "every 'Friday , evening. . , I . Sixth Wakd Republican Association. jIold3ita regular weekly meeting every Friday evening at 8 o'dock, near.the corner of 3luddy andlQuen'&tsJrf P fX I A"t f tj ' .nvrnTivofXTV iv Tine iKBtrx. j. , , . 1 Mitchell, Allen & Co. Agricultural Im: elements, Cotton Gins ana Hardware. -. Fob SAtfe. Sado Fountain and Stand and 31 ayor's Coukt Mayoh ' PALiiEn PiiESiD- iKO, Monday July 22nd. ' . ? 1 , , conduct, but hetprovocatiubeiQg very great, ahewas dismissed ': 7 Mary Jane! Several) 0 ir.n rloonu a. t f.a r rATrsy " v lay s issue, for want of space, - . ! , The Cask op Chas. Stcboess. the alleged 2. RAMPANT. I . ;- .-T.- -f- . j AB1IIVaL OF BLOOB MOEE. iBSDEES it AHDE0BBEIE3!Iy . 1 -: 1 As we are going to press nother jnuracr perpetxatea almost within, the 1 oilts of the cily. r, f -l-i- - Last night as Deputy Sheriffs Bryan William-, . Shipp and D. Ryan were proceeding alotg J le hue- of the Railroad, toward lsachelor s 1 lr thpv miittwn Rn?5nirionlnolfiniTf.olnrrl 1 vrr. v r ., icn, whom they arrested, suspecting them ot1 ounection wjth .the Band,o put-laws.-.who ! if est .tfiieighforhpocLi j Therrsoers," W.ere j Ten ju charge ofvWUiams, eMcssra.' J Jones, for hemg drunk and dis- aat;fy menceraent in which to. obtain license, and a ShlTi Hllfl.TlfllfiTO Olio Qnrl .PoitU.q ; J An I 1 r 7 - - I , ,,,, i j. , I f-" vn tmmm .wa w wuu, HI I VUl interestincr artinlos- and J?.r rauger,ot the Macpil'Uouse, at More- license, however, shall be issued, excent on BAGQIN'O mulJIOPK 'A-. -i .! r ti: ,t .apvam ui "isuwajuwu, fri ftn(i amnsffltlfint ar ntTwl A Rill at th UJ un eacn ana every merchant; he'-Qrarid Jury of thd CHminalCourt. - f. ; w. flwi tile;linu ; shop-keeper: book-seller and vj'w -. 1 r" v ."iVOu uaj o ttuiuscuicm. tioner.and confectiouer , whose..nxsf . cRimi tyan andjhipp proceeded u,tiie;roadAfThe i ; v : - - - r ;'.'" UU;r had not not gone far when they heard Ki:LKS Govermn'o Pkoceei in;gs tn BAnk he report of a 'pistol, and returning towards ! RurTCV. We invite attention to the speciai dwd. thev found Mr. Williams had been shot! notice, published in another column. These nd the Robbers had escapca. Air. w uiiams ; i-vlAmA ' l' ! ; H irepoiicuwucuu. T ; 1 !.lIes.hipprfno; Ryraojmmedutelraei of importance to all who expect to take ad ack to"" the, city, for' ieTinfprcemeU, '-withl vantage of the Bankrupt Law. , ' H : i hick they again went to the scene of the . : , lurdcr. They have not returned up to this t PR I C ES CUR R E XT.! 1 i . ' i " . .... It me (midnight). Mr. Bryan Williams was j ne. of the, most emcient omcers , ot tnoi )unty, who haa recently arrestea several Tiams has been brought to town. murder at bachelor's creek.' C r. Reuben j Bratcher, who was; an impor S witness against Sturgess, the alleged Jer of . the fieudish gang who are throwing pm.ruid. 'fear-ipyer --ourrt cQmmunity.jwas ir4 murdered in the woods nearvBachelor's; eek on Saturday last. No clue has yet been y ind to the mUrderersHH O r 4 I .t f C-i ;! f i:-'::-:BOimEBiKS.;--;r1.-:-..:; ' We learn that Mr. -Isaac Harrison was rob- i oiv Saturday at hi. ?s Creek, by four ro Mr. - IlarrisTnving near the Trent road 1 .Dover 8wamr.cwef learn. :has ralso been t.VJ,. 1 vnKnn nTlincn nomii JUCU , BliU el-Ill uuuuici xouu nuvouuuLi v could noj;, learn,- arrivedjon. the, strain, last mlng, a fugitive from the atiack of a band marauders X Criminal Court of Craven County, His nor, Judge Qrben, on the Bench.. , ? , County Solicitor, C. C. Clark, Esq. ! 3lerk, ;WmJ Qecl Brinson, i Esq. ! . j . ihefiffjir; Si ' BallenOer: 7', S Xn --Tk-xs-.r..t rut. ' ft v ; This enoo t emnanelled. and his Honor, Judge G reen, lver'5aVeryJimpnKive !charge, perfectly OTBsonance with the charcretofore'.de- by.ihimTr t' r'?i:'- . T::;r'? , ' 3,'fwcoraca with the decision pf the Su jib. Court the prisonelaiay wood,1 n;bo ght into! the tttminal Court r this J week re his iiohorudge GrenanU : the ;ddy ? execution determined; - 5 ro Petit; Juries were empanelled after his; jr's tllargo td the Grand Juryl. " : he trial of Allcn.White was set for Wed-j That f Tdny , Fisher; for. Thursday prpt led the parties are ready for trial ;X The Court "th9n adjourned until 10 o'clock is morning. i HT' We.return bflnccre'thap splcious characters, and his murderers were nna ' . ; "doubt mcmoera'of the gang whom1 he was uir-caib.soda-.ir.. ..cv.: -n 14 "4'ra-rtiJO iff! C'tft .l?rl-t J -JfiOCtit.:.' ,'au Stone :....... v:. .. 15 00 r?UlQg :. . ' 4- i 'Corn qaantitv.:..Vf?f 1 IS (HS- i OtXl jincdtlrSf'tUfatfcve'the 1 rjody.c6f 4 Mr. I toirn-A-4ftiB'0iI' resldcnee, near Bachi-!- b oersthree l)Iacksand tribunal opeiied its session , yesterday n at It 6cldck,7'.Thc Grand Jury wc e 1USUU. Xill.. AUi uwuumwv - - : T. nn TT.nMr1r .(rf snnih nf (he . t -. ri,Tf luetic : Knrsnn'a I . . . . . -. l.. wna- a cqir ui vuis-h v.". - j jiethocust cnurcn, Deiwwen jrunoa. uuu.cvuia V. wh'ich ve wnnpubHsh our.nextf rtrWu ! '-.At.- f - T- . 1 1 a " b with ,hc exception of grndta. Seymour, f The Citv Council ct tthV'&ayvuVofilco ; :mo AUui:muix'.uu f hj . iepiuruieufc pre- b " '-- seated a plaVof neVUovJ proposed lUtxSSS S to be built for the use : of Atlantic; Company V; i" -'i r''r i't build the house: NifeV VU ;-. . On motion of Councilfnan 'Menhinser an additional sum of twcnjty-ilve; doUars :as Taxelo be c-cssedfof tiicniVntb of August, tutu , toee au verrisement. J ;: 0PlU4i;offreihc folQW'ifi preamble aaa.rlaiio:wblcikwcre curried, Whereas, the yellow fever and other inf ec- ;nv v esi xr.uia POrtS, and the oatll'Clir.and Nnrthirn nnrtt ofbrir own cdaSt,; th'ereforebeit i,; ' v- ' a Ou.lninilne flu -STnniistifri fin o IT vnoonlc, rVring thisPrt exceptia -iici vc&scld hh w HXCins Vf. v ? W!1tpr f tic ct.,t , . ; . ., : , v J v-ootia cii A communication wasreceived from Capt Dougherty,' requesting payment of accounts ; held by liis daughters; against the cit7 for teaching school;. Laid .uppnj the ?,01 ? v.? --;r S?1? rPf !er moved i that Jthej City TaxOrdinahce for 'August be published the usuaT ntimber of, insertions'; also, thatrQuar amine Notice be published for 'one month! Carried. , . "j ! , Amos MJ Brown made application i to be permitted to keep hogs within the city limits. Referred to the Sanitdry. Committee, with dis- cretionary powers. " ' Permission was granted citizens in the vi- cinity of Craven and Pollock streets to sink a FmFiuc juucuuu u baiu birecis. A number of accounts were allowed; after which the Board adjourned to meet on Mon day next at 4 oelock p'. m. .New Attraction at Mor&tiead.' Our people are beginning to appreciate the' fact no may purpose 5 to continue in the same, Kcf'n.-W;' 'tS -4' : I j'-rf M j suali call on the Citv Cirk at his onlce. with hat re have, in our Immediate ticimty, as de- intheftrrmi,Vi of the inontli:,of 'July "5UUU, Buuimur rusuri. usctiii uu imiau in any offf.6therrrStal bitidlrw fSw44i8H?. urftthe result, ,-e.had the NaajfeaddM new at his Hotela most desirable resort." A Band of MnsiVi in mntinnni nttoruiinrn on JUusicis;in conUnnal attendance. On Satur- I JT ao l lor lorehead I -7 ! Vegetables. We were shown some speci- mp.. tomatoes ,,..1,1 -beat n.nvlliinr in thf l!n " '' Tltp-ir Trr irrmrn In I Geo. Allen. Three tomatoes weighed thirty six ounces. Anotiier of tub IIianwYMEN Arrest- ed.- jueputy Sheriitj.isryan v imams, arrest- ed.- vesterdav-morning me .Tospnli Will ifims 1 - vt s ;?? i-a, s , , tr u who is alleged to be one of Sturges' and Hick's gang IHewas lodged, securely' in jail1 until theprand Jury of the Criminal Court; con- !clu4e3pou hla case! - t U.C3, feu,umuS uo.ucj c,u anything in the line." They were crown in nnrl thst. whpn cnf.i fror.ffor.nl ci,.,iH A 8MALL sail- BOAT,- SUITABLE FOR A - . ' - ' M Wm . wuax A UVMV iiOl Lii JS Cliai I AK 1.. T . X. I a I . ,ivliUlm,iK,iiw.ugVi i mc giuucu ui uur uiicrgcuo unvusui;in, jir. i uiijuunt. i-iitijr ui-iiHre, nv siiaurc ic:iunica I lObaiiel. ' Lnaalrc at ths . , mo iif lvnrdfntr . . ' - nt- imnni.f.itin n oil xvlm ' Avnnr. 1 1 . KEPoaxED BT .. . P. M E R W I N & CO., Hay . 4 'AT t Tf.t5'S5' ' . ..'-l.i ? 1-.4 -AG "O vu.v ........ .-. J.. ;,v.!.tU. NAVAL STORES. li' i " New Dip..V.-ri.m.,.-Ci.V.'i:r:,.9' 3 50 0 00 Old Dip......... 3 &5 f 0 00' Scrap .Vi .IV: 00 ?V0 00 - piriw x urpeuunc, xax para ny pnrclt r 40 . j 00 -Uqain.'v. fr.tr.Kl :.:t. . .i ?;v. 1 I5 ??i 4 00 ---riKi ko i ar, as to size New Advertisements. FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED! OFFERS FOR SALE, chean for cash, the stlendid &ODA WATER FOUN TAIN andbTAND and FIXTURES, adjoining the Ice House, as the bnsiness is too confining tor him. j; This is a splendid opDortunity for some yonnjr man to make rnnncr mxn tn mate money. 1 utj M ufJ-t.y. Jb UJtC JN UJtCJb KJ 1 1 f , V ii IXJUClllJNU'A'r' BoaiiokaKajidand-ITag's Ees.d1U'. C.f viaAIbe- ' T JffisJ : 4 . . . ""j.r'r" ..:- w.v :T.O S 3W5Q ID'S misrE; The Fine Fast Steamer. . , , L. G. CANNON, SLACUM, Commander, WILL sail for Norfolk. Va., tonchin? at Roanoke Island and Nasc'a Head, N. C, on Thursday, July 25. at 4 P. M. For Freiirht or PasMajre. apply to ' - WHITFORD, DlLL & CO., July23-6-2t. No. 5 Craven st. Mrs. Annie Sullivan JESPECTFULLT OFFERS HER SERVICES AS - ,J .... - ; i . S ' " D RE S S -MAKE R '. v TotheLadieanf JfeWBcrh and vicinity and gaarantecs satisfaction to all who may patronize her., '-: . fr ,.,1Toh 5 , rr-f .-Jai VAi1.i.VT 1- ' ' " ; : air irina nt KTewtNO done at shos koticx. and oa u. - - wicffTTA-vprvra ' k.. a 1 1 ,uur svu r. .-.leu "sa " W J7 tmt - . . . - . - ... t.i ..... i . ' ' ' " 'i very reasonable Jtenns. s - -. . ; ; -1ST OR 1 21 "CAR OLTNA H OElCULTVltA Z. ' 7n V. - . r , . .. ... . . AND II X Ti I W A' J E S TO K E ' SfeX! CQTTOy .QINS; A$D CQSDVXiSERS: "" ES. SEND FOR A CATALOG wuiy 23 35-lt.: - " 1 .. - rt ' TJHITED, STATE3 OF AMERICaTP District of. Harth Carolina.' AT A TEIiJI OF THE DISTRICT' COtTlT OF the United SUtcs of America for the Ditrict of Hotih Carolina, 1 ell at IJizabetb City In said Dietrict, on the day ot July, 18G7. . , It i ordered, Ttiat the follonin? rale, order. &nd r. pnlation be prescritjed as a rnjp jrovernln prodt-dinsa In e prttscrilcd a. rule jrovernhiL' procx.-dina In Ditrtit ot Act to 'tMi a.uni-.o .yru-iu of . B .nkrupu t i throughout tbc United btatcf.,approTcdMrch sJ, tl87, io addition to and ith reference to tc- General Orders In Bankruptcy,", tnd the form tpdlled Jn tha pcuuuiuo jacreio Huncxen, rrarned tTtne Ja."tlcei ox toe Sopremu Court ot the .United Males; In pcrsnaccc of the 10th S. c:iun of wild act. and imuro. d hv ald Conrt. I au.i promuigv.vvi .uay i"int , ' - KtLE FiKr. In yolnutaiy BiuTcniptt 1 j ..-- ; -rf -i l . jptcy where the pc- tition- states that th'r debtor, whttber au IndiridaaV a ha residi-d or carried on basi&'M tor the six months 11a resiaiti or carrien on nnsiru lor th ix mnnth i : imjof filinjtho p-ti- tlon. or lor lonet period dnrinjr Pnch vix months in any one of the counties within the Dtetrirt of Pamliri. the petitions phall be referred to the Itc"iter nominated and appointed for the k)njeisional District of which snch county so stated in the petition forms a part, ex- viiiuus iuwKcii.oi.r.(.'oior rviain)D sait courtlo. I sball be rof erred to E. W, JoN K J, IIwj., Ulster : except in such caws n the Connei filing ths m tltLn shall re- a 7 Witne the lion Gmnai' w"rmoKS kr Cit3fl?aOriinauces : o:- MAYQ1VS OFFICE ) New Bern, N. O.; July 23d, 18G7. j Sec. 1; It is ordiiined, by. he". May or '.and Council of the city of New "Bern that a month ly iicensc-tax, for themonth of July,VA D., lt07, b, and the same is. hereby,levred on the vaiious business occup itions,' trades, and )ro f essions of the citizens of Kew Bern. 'as follows:- ; v w u -, " , Sec, 2. All citizens or persons engaged in of practicing an- of the occuiiations, trades or professions herein "specified and taxed, and aioresiiui, ana ouuiin license lor tne same. : Sec 3 Any person -who - shall .commence a busintsSj trade, or profession, as herein sneci- ed, after the first-day of July, aforesaid, and yithin the.-aforesaid term of July, skill. be Sec-4-. Any perspn who shall continue or commence a business, trade: or1 profession, as herein specified and -shaU-neglect to obtain bua" mercan- 8ta- sales prr month, -amount to two thousand dollare ir less, one-half per. centum on said sales: Provided, that when said sales shall include a .Z3.W.1?!! tlmn taxed; I .t. . i ' .' . to said sales; and, provided' further, that no sales s jail be reckoned to be less than fifty dollars per month, .r :. ; . , ; , - . . . ; (2.) On all bankers and brokers; commis siarn -shipping,1 receirFng and forwardiug mcr- tunis express compai cnants: express companies: and Insurance aScnt8 whose receipts or earnings amount to four. Uohdred dollars or less and real estate agents whose receipts or. earnings amount:to two hundred ddllare orlcss- two and half per : .1 . n :-j r . 1 . cixt u cuiu ; raapu. cu. tuui eseess of receipts above the said amounts of four juiuuiui uuu ,iwu,uumueu, tciH;i;iiveiy, -m j taxable. i . . - . ; - ,: I ttJ.rVn.aii uoaraing nouses ano noieis whose receipts, per month, are liny dollars or. over. one iiaii.i per cent on saia receipts: ito- rttf, that no excess of said receipts above boarding . . & I UllttCfQ finfl TtV'rt t Hr11 Oil Mrl Hllll'ira ltl IllO fflGP I houses, and two thousand dollars in the case of hotels, is taxable.1 ' 5 . 5 ' ' ; (4; J On all; "auctioneers ; bar-rooms . ' and lumber dealers, who saw their lum ber: ten dollars.. .V:'.:.4.;....:..v. $10,00 (5.) Club or eating houses ; cotton g' ns and presses: coal -and wood yards; grist mills; itinerant ;: merchants, who sell by sample: lumber dealers, who do not saw their. lumber; peddlers" of all Classes; pianing macnincs; sieam rui--ways; .'musical entertainments, for profit : h--'reward : all showsand theatrical ex hi-: 'l-iiftn rir -rrtorm;t nvi . CJJ AQ Provided; That if a cotton" gin and press, grist mill, planing machine, or steam railway is connected with a saw-mill and worked by tlms-irrte engine, one-half onlv of the tax levied on these subjects shall be collected. . (6.) On all turpentine distilleries, upon . 1. n . 1. A .till ....tilln nmnlil lilt CJipilUllJ OX IUU Mill Ui SUJ13 VWJJIU ed: forty cents per barrel. . . 1', -40 : jProtwfeo?, that . when the capacity exceeds fifty barrels the excess is not taxable. " j; ;(7.)TOn .all artisUs, including. typists and limners ; boot and shoe-makers ; gas . : fitters ; house painters ; .livery . stable keepers; lawyers';1 makers of wagons and other riding vehicles; master build ers, including house aud-shp ; builders ana utick: Tnasons "machinists; milii- ntrs: nhveicians: dentists: nriutersand uiolsbersr 'fiash. Wind and rhvir makers : i r -. ' ' sail makers ; tailors ; tin and sheet iron workers;' undertakers; watch; makers; jewelers: f ourl dollars', JHV.:.'. o .. .11 W:t..i l 1 tl.. ,.1- smiths who keen . a shop : boat builders r and repairers,, who. may ,kt ep railways.-. , other than Kteam:- billiard rooms. '".for", each table used; bowiiug alleys; cabinet rs, carpenurs coopers ; copper- i KmithH r.lntlioft cleaner and clVtTSi irun- -r. smiths and mantua makers, who keep a shop ; harness" makers ;'oystrr houses or restaurants ; paper " hangers ;' pleasure ; ; boats, kept for hire ; Sign painters, w no keep a shop; public two-horse wagons, ;draypr other two -horse vehicles and " jvheelwriglits .t wo dollars. 1.. W- - W Prodded' If naner hansrinir be joined with house paintiriir, and mantua making with a iiiillinrry, then" oah-one-half of the lax levied on paper Ratigirjg'atid mantua 'making slial be collected ; and prodded, fartlter, that wug- house builders a carpenter shop, as an adjuuet to tneir,respcciive.iraaes; anu nayu auu ru- ing vehicle makers itct as wheelwrights; with out beiner taxed for the Fame.- (9.) Orrall market stalls where butch-' I ers's meats only arc sold: two dollars and fiftyVcentt;. y,:iZ,HlV. i".'C V. Si i 1 $3 SO (10.) On all market stalls, where dead or live poultry only U sold; on all fish ; :'J stands, to bekepi near the river; and on . : t ail DUDiie one-uorse cans, aravs. or oiu- er one-horse .vehicles: one dollar..... . $1 00 ,(11.) On aUmartct stalls, where vege- ' tables only are soiu; onau caunsmnas or shanties, where a table is spread for - the accommodation of transient passers . " by; on all Street hucksters Ot Dreao, , rtirua and frnitst vfwtables. fish . Ut.ififtvvnt' .. A -i: L EDWIN WEST, toe uisxnii tHnir, or the United States for the District 8aiet PPy to a. u. iii uuaiu'. Attorney at Law. t . A D?!1 ?thi & J . TERMS MADE KNOWN AT THE SALeJ - - iu PA ' ' '4.:':7'- ,:" cha3.i1ibbard. ; ' . " . W b. bodiiak July SfiS-tf. ; ' - ' ' - Clerk.' Jnl. ' """W . . ana uixeti as an aauiuonai one iiunured aollai Juiy ja 3m. custom iiol bc ' CitvCJrk. LAGi:n;iLT:R ; , j . r -v; JfTVDLE ST., XEW JJCRX, X. O. nonTicea that b ha n -urjM bnlrH- at h tu Jii .ir rt , hfra superior armzuoMxUliots b ckaaad Lodn. v ter, Tiagcr, Beer, . Co n gre: Thankful fo t itit Uctp, U totitULlly ta'Mu . July S0-3TMm. . V " ' JOHN OTOySOk SALE. OF-YALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. -:o:- TTT1LL BE SOLD AT PCULic Armnv i at l t r "'f " ' ' '"A " FI11ST I'lLlCtL ' I '! ,a--j , Tnwnp on v-rarcn sirri &i irci rrom Uie corrT ti Pollok and Cravcn.fr ntlna Xcet on Oaten atictt, and runninjr back to the baci lin of Lh. loL . . . : , . i ' T.st SECOND piiici:, 1 1 rvMnritJ on Craten 1 feet from' the corner of PoTlolc street, and runuiicr boci to tbt back lino of the lot . '-. v t L V TIIIltD PLECE, j Part rt 1,t Vk 14 r,n ..tn a Tlai . nerof Tollok and Crave n street, fronting 0 fevton Craven street and about 135 feet on Pollok trett- J . ' r . "tnt upon tbera. the owners of ; which will bo allow! reasonable tin Information respecting the premise, and tmri. ef NOTICE. mnC.FIRM OF IL N. WRIGIIT H CO 1IAYE -JL tuls oay ctMolTcd. ... . . -... ianmu, 1M17. . . . II. P. DOANE, July 20-35 tf. . . .'. - '. . P;1RWIN & CO.; I VTnoLEaALH Dhalees in finfi"PP T?TTQ C- PT? AVTUTAVC UliUOljliJUjO ir Hill f 10111110, r 4 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC I i "WINES AND LIQUORS, ft CIGARS, TOBACCO, xlc. i) SOUTH FROXT STlTEET,j t OPPOSITE TUE G AST OH HOUSE, ". .: : .. r . New Bernb, N. C. P. Merwin. .. July 18-34-tx VT. B. -Walker. FOR SALE. A about House for Rent. AUOUSE AND LOT ON FOLLOK STREET, opposite the residence of JAMLS A. Bit VAN, lyq. . f JalylS-34-tf. -I. DlSOSWAT. I -r PUBLIC SALE. XTTTILL BE SOLD ON THURSDAY, JULT JSTTT. VY ibtrr, commendic t JO o'clock. A.M., at u, . tiuarter master a Depot, honthcrn Wharf, Cb.ujejtn, s. a Jot of tK2rTlceaLlermdiinscrviccbltiQuahrmat- tcr'a stores ; WUITE PINE LUMBER,' SHINGLES, PANEL doors, WINDOW SASll, SAftll WEIGHTS, AXLE ' PT7LLEV8. ENAMELLED WAS!! nASTXS.TinTV IS T ' and SINKS, PLASTERERS' HAIR, part of TWO SAW MILLS, OLD HARNESS, SADDLES, CTRRT COKBS and BRUSHES; It M' Horses, Mules, &c, ; &c. TJEM3 CASH IN GOVERNMENT FIJND3! -it."-- - " - ' -I i I i The property purchased to be removed wltUis & days after tke sale.- " t i ! ' By order of I ' i . Bn t Major Qcn. R. O. TTLplJ ; j :"'.'.' Chief Q. M., 2d Military DUtrlct, . . J. D. STUBBSl " BrrL Lieut Cvl. and Ai Q. M. '. ' July SO-td. 7 FOUND. if-' :' i A. SET OF UPPER TEETO. ABOUT TEN DAYS CJL since, corner uf Nw and East Front atrets. The owner can have the aama by piovlng propel ty and py Ton 25 a-ti. ... . V i GOODING, WATERS & CO. ...Li V HOLU1LE AID 1UT1U. illiLIM IX V . .... ML Pure Drugs, Medicines, DTE STUFFS, PERFUMERY ert. : ; t ,. i PAINTS, OILS, - Comer ..of rouoE ana Ur7tn btxews, Ji'-- t. HEWBE'BS, H. 0. - it A t Jane 1-tSO-U. EDand UPHOLsTERINO In an It branchM done! to i t ' . .r :. . V : a A. NELSON A CO 8, 'July 9y-tt:-j ;-' , ; CraTn at. ;j BTRTiTnAL . MONTHLY AHD . EEOPlSb IEE. 1 i j rrtrilS PERIODICAL has inat besaa Its Errata X(A- wne, ana is acrotea to , v 3' I nriainai''. 'Chrlxtian'tlti in. Fallh' aiul Yr'. f V t rrt-t i v H and to an examination of the propbedee rchuinf to Che rninre oi uxe ennren and the oru. - AU who prize Truth aNre Party, win do well to anb-, ' I acrlbe: andaHwho deaire to-do to can bx. beard on its S0( P?- Price.S3irannnm,orSlloralxinontll. OJtc at is Broad at. Afdrrrs 1 T1 .... . . t ; if J. T. WALSIL ?! Nnr fVrwv'N. V4 i. Jarrll M tf. i . i ... . GO TO B tier & Eppler's, 30 rOLLOK STREET, ' - "Where you can save TTTENTT-FlVE TER CENT, by purcluAlcg such GooJt m lit following, or anything la their lire: DRY GOODS, BCCT1 AS MUSLIXS, LA W.S'S. ."' ' l , DELAINES,' ' . '. - fOPUX8 "' . . . . 1 I (Tlain and MfnrriJ ; -; uEMxos; , s . ' -:--. ALPACAS, ' ' l: - CRZZADIZS. clnguaxs. ; - - 4 , cjucozs V ' J5irC77JT2)tl UNBLEACHED DOMESTIC, BED- TICKING, SHIRTING, ; STRIPES. ' - FLANNELS, - . JIVS QUITO NETS, ' , , (a3 csToraJ rs tt-T- r f 'rr DIAPERS, . ; '. -'.".' ; TABLE 'CLOTHS, LINEN, ' ,'- . - - ' - 5IIJ5 and . ' JACONET UUSLINS, NAINSOOK, . BELTIN0& SHAtTLStxA MANTILLAS, j '. ' - (oX tba latest sly lea.) . . BALMORALS, . - ; . no OP seietA, LA DIET HOSE, (of all qnallliesj .. INSERTION, -v. EDGING, , FRENCH and MM BR 0IDERED CORSET STAT. 't S ! (of all MndaJ t LACM COLLARS, RIBBONS, j EUFLINGS, . HAIR NETS, j WATERFALLS, ! DRESS TRIMMINGS. J . (In endksa TsrietlesJ tfLJC atd AORSTED BRAIDS, j . STAR BRAID, ALPACA BRAIIj, SERPENTINE BRAID, WUITE A BLACK J LINEN and COTTON j TAPES, TAPK j : TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, '. '. .' cfalklada. And a great many other articles too curaerou ' . too mention. Clothing of all ' QnalitieB, BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS SUITS, BACKS. SACKTrXS, LINEN SUITS, Whits and Brora : also FINE FRENCH . . and AMERICAN CLOTTIS and CASSIMERES. SATINETS. JEANS. LINEN DUCK,. ' SPANISH LIN EN, I . 'Ac; Ac, Ac ' A aomlcU Stock of . . . ... . j . BOOTS AXD SHOES, Pfftd and Sewed, from tba Cheapest ta tba 71m L I A STOCK OF Farnishing; Goods, That caxrot baat, rock m White Shirts, Brown LI dm Shirts, ' Fancy Sh irts, 8 II II an d 71 c rl n o - UndcrShlrts and Drawer, Collars, Tics, Ilandcr- i chlcfs, Gloves, Straw, - .... .... .t , TV ool and Far Hats, , i t . . . . . of every jrrade, ... $ And la fact, ercrythlx btloefls to a Fifst-Class Dry Goods House. Wt would alao( fntlte fpcdal attention from the trade, as our f aril! lira for JODBINO bdn now com j4cb one of the firm bring coatissaSy La New York bayL&s for this market," - : ' - 4 AIT we sak is a trial, out not to boi2 i it QUICK, SALES and SMALL PROFITS. .-:-... . - .. - : j , '. ' . ' - - . Rrnaember that we bare moored te otrr sew Vhdlni 90 PoUok street, where we win be pleased to see joo. a rn rn TP T,rrr, T n:7T T BAER EPPLER. , C ' '- - .. f . r : : s . I. r At antic and , N. C. , Rilro -1 - LTS MorrWii dty.. Arrc i IWTMr Li- t e w 1Vti. . . . Ait.r kl:ttcs ... Leavs Kli-ua ... ....... ... ..... . & frj A. t. ?x t Aint l ) 1UJ., . Lratf j I.vj Anii tit Uui'.ttKNs' , I . turxxiLrviG. iwr.x, a 41 LraMwJ; IU1 . Lcss klsrtoe Arrits t N-IWr6.. ...... ......... .n - i ........... ...i,., i, u . ursT irrxr... f - ... , ..................... ViW ArritaMaiicadciifV.'.V.V.liII!V.ilI ttj t S3 - Pa nc Train rociort W.li NorJi rr, y ma4 Train r&!nr Wt st 1 p. Usa4 frtn.' Wts Urr sjrlrsJ of Its V la.syrvw al u r. pj")ff4 Tn.: r'r-r PsMrrr.tts ttvm lL k'wt wa't trss 11JQ JL It' Ur .rf.K. .-. i ; - . ,V--. Tl A'rr9'l4ilai Traia 3 irtt C'r ca Xcr-Sns. Uv!t.-;ir Prtl., rrttrjt r7 a;tvtL,f tr-, as (Ikrt: . . Lrava .'-'fcrrlrsi utj (ulictf.. 4 03 JL JL La r IlrrD....,,.. tJ5 r't?t-r....v.,..., l'-.'C j ArritatOi.kiJv? Ijjo P. It. - -. RirrcjtxxNo. " . . ' Lrt-rr Cr.'JtlcTa.... 4 Ai 3a. Lrjr K'.Twtcva , t Lrara Jvrtrlksrna........... Anite l jjontrf-si Otr t'iUikit).. ...... If. Ttirr.-- Ti.lMmi I t pntdiJ fcUCwija oate Kottlrvliba IUUrod. I ' ' WOf. XL 11AETET. liij 5 I-tf t ?c;r!U4rdcail of TraxrpvruuA. ' ;J."& H. PATTERSON, - .": : 0 ! ! ; I1DDIE STREET, " SMJT JtEMT.'T. 'tS- ' WllOLKlALB AND RlfTAIL DxAULXI d JDJIJ- OOOflS, ; ;'; GlioCEMKSy " ; ' BOOTS AXD SHOES, 1 cnocKEitr,- . . ' ' ' EtT7 rarlety .f . SCHOOL BOOKS. '':-. -. ? ALSO, . ' . . . OOHHIBSIOZr ACT GL3ERAL EHUTCnj .-,;.. MEItCJIANTS. i - .! . . , -,.,, : liberal advances &ad oa a3 amides of Cmcttej rra dact 2.!ppi Uosjb ilea r Ui!r rtk Bssm U Elnitoa, NorUi Csrvliaa. t Msyt-t-ti , - . Lorcli Brotliors, . . i . . . - GROCERIES, I'ROYISIOKS, ; : DRV GOODS, . HOOTS euiI SHOES, Catttry Frodcca altys ca tui AccsmaMCs for raraura oa iVa rm&lM. , BROAD STREET, My-I-U ""J XTW BEEN X. C -. MAO ON- HOUSE, ' a JE.Z UFOIZ T 112X1 o n. Th atAsIrd itrls srsr3 tl slot rslrv " C9CS4 al " - ' i ' - - - . . . 1 iloreliead Cityf N C: 7 cpn for ths rcr;i! of CBu.fer Us f UICVCC ' - . - I OK THE FIRST DAT OF JULT. MOnEriEtlD: CITY, The trrm'cns of tb ABartle and ?f ort CaoTtta TulV usd. la tjsUlsiH sHaaiol r.poa &caaXvrt Harbor. at4 . tioowurd itr It ltttiufatiu; trorr. lva aif4tfe- .LL-. lu mU. UmIZ CahlBa ribUtCa. and iu twJ-ttri : om EFF011TS TO PIE ASS, No raliis h3 r rparrd to rrt.dfr tie Corrti of ta llos rotnforuU. axid tLc&r -axas shaU tic ttpprd tctrTrr prart icablr. Aticcllrc sciruau ars rai;ar4 lovat epun thrm. and cxsru-y axd pvUu-rs sssj mark tb v'xt of sH lb -mj .lo j t-. I:-ctt )c1 cass rf cutaptalct shall tx? sroirid ur tvxanCUO, as4 nont thaa leave . . THE JAC0X U0USB r 1iMliifird. if It la poaaXUa for lh prrwWtoT Hr Alls! action, ... . . - . . . THE TABLE, r ' :; ' . a Errry dccary cf tlt aoa tls3 La ; 'aoufi xpoa tla BEAUFORT HARBOR " And Us trfbcUry trs ars fr VTld for tL arlry and exerlV-ecc f th nb. Cmht. Au Ukca from tbrtn. hlr k 1 b fcrrud p to tb Mt t;U br rspvrUonsl corks la aAdUioa to sJ tb laxa rtca to iCHiad M IrsKiiM IJou Is tn lbs Uu-rk. TLEASURE 'SEEKERS Wm find tno wunber one BrLLLlTin TAELE, BAB VjOOU. mltk tb VUarift W lnr. Liqaors. hr-ars rd Torero, axi4 tAlL LOATS i1t!i f r Ui: rr Fi'irrxJcms to a3 parts vf th IUrStr. DTUI0 IIOL'SEH, wbcraaa taay IsirrUU tn tmkk-drra Wstcr lUIba and daii tarUUra for a j4r U frcrf , U tkat taoda of bsiLii sboUd U rc:mrd. . 1 i uusw axd d Ay cis a: MctlcUaa, wH ai aS times, be la aOendxnse to eis rca tbe twer witk tbHr aoU-tirrlPx straita aad ta rotarW of the py and tLij Liaacsi CiM asae ! ae:Te.- . . . ; . .- . i The seardty of raonrr baa Indooad tbe rrepei' U , make tbe terms wlihla Lhc reacii ti sJ ; - 1 ' ' . -BOARD PER DAT t 5? . - ' wi:rK " : MOiiTU.. fw ReTTr.Vr, tMa dxf tfal rgpT ToTt. Tj jT most t Icaaaxt In tbe cetttry. U bs epesea ?1lber s'so.-ivVl t rTt BALL LIClEMON TK lOJl2PaT nr rr7- 5 i' r i N" M ' v T: V ( t ' T t . i h -7 f : K. j. If 1 A- i 1 H 4 "f ft ?1 :i n .-4 -4 IV r - ? '4 - ' I 4. -t 1 If ii 'a u 'i ? ii ; '-1 ! - . K i : -. s ! ... (

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