I i ' -i ; ' v . . . :.: .!'.; i i-:---r j -- - - - - . - . ... i . . - i 1 . i i . : s i T -lis Bifci ItioT i:c E s-. sor 3 cc wcrh ,tET' AYouifQ Hii)Y retUrtiihg!td her; rel ncrc. but iprn 'V ' , - 1 i ;;oaniry iiome, alter a sojourn of a few ..months to t City, was hardly recognised by her friends . In place coarse, rustic, flushed fa r.00 f? VJ.L V I these outra hv a iar or oddn motion, and plexlon ot almost marble anno in&tanrit vrcnt olt he taaZe an exclama twenty-three she really anDeai but eighteen. ' Uoon inquiry aa tdthe tanse of so great lebange, she plainly readv bem .made, and Wli aii I A 1 ' . . told them tbat she Used the CrAOAssiiir Balx,' and con- F-'t---. ir is confidenllv believedi art evetarbt tnericauaihtd 'with Uiem. are ineu ui "- part of tbe rtt. atita. LmastanccH r proper ftirUhrnnnidrratiegtycf i i i ar - 7 m i h . . . . . . . . . . " I mp 4aj oc venueman can improve tneir I s?2ttss&5-r he Jury. II), our cusp Jllicrcj A.nuuulc Ima hat Is. thc4iekvAa uviul-otdtfi and would peraonaT appearance an hundred fold. I It la simple Int not stand at half-cock, hut the prisoner is con tent with the fact tluit the State haa offered "w cuicacj in urawing unpurfues xrunL, aiso WionHByMts'oirecU. Itim ana the deceased, so tbe link on that aide 1 from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving thesurfaca as Nature '.intended it should' be, a wafiU link on " .ai4 the other clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. -Price $1, sent by dence rs rpnae I Va ry n he threw down the gun, picked up nla pLMol, I tjl1 m.u r jtxpress, on receipt ox an omct Dy . . W. L. -CLARK & CO., Chemists, J I HHo. 8 West Fayette St., Syracusci N.'Ym. The only American Agents for the sale of tbe same. nrl mndf his i?irr k ...4. 'V r. . . 77: z; jT.; a. i' i :i7 . a loaded.' rTbustba f vldenc Ur: regard, vht I tr3T 5 ihealleratloa I AWaaitri ' .. i ' f k ! ''-'.'-'.'' in. - Miiii--iaiTrl JJiq ill IIMIIi IIIIH II III IWI --ifl B-LWlW 1W a''ac-ag;::a i iH itj, ' LZZ--ggMIMBM ' "' ' ' ' : is.r.roch ttoU.eS Of - iU.lX Jl , )A I ' ( M iulenbTiV lfi ..ouit.ti noMjnr Fori .Ti::CLtf ! VCt ..r-i Ou- -tfJ , .jw. r-- fC.. Jones 1 repair, 80 lliat it would aoiaetimea go oil at . xxv a iaa jlZ i tp w ypry hkely to he unveil-1 tia n? f Vftvrn, Onslow. artcreL, uonea, . K ft jir r tn,n vti.t , ;utTiL -p-j mVTT tion of Burprise andexhibiled Iht n&aal emo tions of grief, whlcbj K0tJ4 beUdiau4iUe aa riuakoKortbCar'.... Jkccrcar;....;: 1 Jiik of Lxlttm -t3 4 ; lwTaHSawsai.JvJ Ilcrtrii a chain of dr -vV. r tItNWaBERN:7ro5lf6 fegulffircersiilttid ttiithose--'btt' have Unties enastcAl tb'trleirCalt fimip mmmKm i&wa'&a -feMaBjn iS MIlOTmt4SY;-"v, .-, ni 1 dable. ,tAVr.ch )B;iW .iU nott- lSi .be.prepaiiKi; to , announce -. itATvsrt bvzL?jb .'jnrinux : iemptj!t6 partichl arize, but we do say and places liofrgistratioriinieti We will ScJc ,ntv u illP TTund thank. T. - - fc.. . . .. - . . . . . : I ry iii vu I J I aavA ' i w am v t i uovuiai w w a-' w - ' a . i Huk cf TatTTTtJe... or. and so f.lr-from being a i CkaaavcLil TUitv' aide, sa as to. n:;Jci cl.in.t! 4 ihaC wi(hdat'clf.K.r dnfsu KNOW THY DESTINY. dent is about to TemoTe3erk Sheridan.? - guiuaithait.iltnerpseni, acuyxiy. na inatiOTmmregara wrcgiaipuuit, i .short .btSread1 a Lfir. as;I'possiVIe rt .ttja MADAkx E. F. ThoHNTON. the prcat 'RncHah Antra. logist. Clairvoyant end Psychometrician, who baa ia- Tne toniabed the scientific daaaee.-of . the Old World, haa" prjonrje' nqw located herself at Hudson; N. T. - Madame Thorn-' O0Una tan possesses such wottderful powers ot second sight, rules importance to ibe alneie or mart-ted of either apt. Wlin I J QareZ In a state-oi trance, "she deiineatea the Srerr fe&tnreai of I of a Congress to elect a Resident. tbe person you are to marry, and by the aid of an'ih- Santa Anna is now Reported to be alive at L Cfimihall Court fi competent President has na'er3nslderaWnvlrie ; nerenr-that exists is kept up for a .i ' . - .- i -w w . f m -ii . i : tj ti w f-'" tj.oiinajDoniiciUoOheDttict active, aUeiiUoft toWie of action wApractice.-, IWJici' Va jif iWt? regard .it as. bigbly- ;bly-jfortapate tbat notu5e are iVetft6 tis at'theHicSt btopeteM ijurisdio a&Wmbmeni.hiIfHn da,?;H trope, aiarantees to produce a life-like picture of the ,?n WMV''? v ...,75'Aj r,,t :'., rt 1 eumvitf 'P flTWTBlTl T)JTi' CT(IKLlBrAT tmrytovWttovam ih T?.. ,K . t7A. peteni1 Jidge'ov ready tq;racet respon- SPEEOH OP QfflEBACD. ?j HllUUJjy Ai character;Ac1..,Tbi.i no humbug, as tbousanda of Texas. It has also, broken.out at Layaca, T i. JMit.'imi Jlic i.. . fu4ll,i 4estimcs.asiert;'8hew ! r a v. , rWe.WAcerelyiUrustVtbalbcsgilI io For the gratification -of taaxry.bfu? certified certiiicafe;-or written guarantee, thattbe jic- r FiancTTiasabolish 'who bkve iSeett airestedi anlnpoi'whom Veaderi' wbo'may tipt hretofdre hirfehltd ture is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small. RH qH - P1 R H z .-t-i-tf f vW 'ft ijt. -V'Tf-H U' V,,V1;- Y Virff. lltrVA piaJSSfflSSriS Tho annonncemenvof thoappqintment tnrt..-lipewd L.thtt -BS.W;maaeto a.togonandnie sun,conlnU M of registers for the different conntics of i"; the. event ihey. ire prora tobe the tX Ctarlcston ttn e'llh'ol Jutyv! ''t5! :-'wf..:B.. v,tfUii.,irmia.H.. perpetrators of -the crimes :charged,'thej f'Thero may .eJcistbbnesOdffieranccsloj ,'-hr;-:yi:;:v .; U;t the Wy important workf regis- 7' to snfil-ri at thearlies) opm.on as to(1ihe p?W and, - .t 1 - . nns?ihlft moment, the extreme tnenaltT of Romftff .Gener blCJilesX)rders.ont- DO it-i. a1 1x I r r 1 ,C;..1-X' V. . vtKf:: AKH GRAND; EPOCH IN r tratioais to wmmencelwithout aelay. 1 ayHJ - W.wiuu MbOICINE ! Dr. Maooikl is the founder Although tbis process of registration of a new; Medical System. The quantitariana, whose . vl r ii: j j Taatluternaldoaes enfeeble the stomach andparaiyze seems to be quite Well understood, we the bowels, must give precedence to the man whore- cannot to"6 Strdngly ifrge its ) importance bardlr. nfi3dent,toHau5L-4;"nJQCurflT I v;Vv--v;i--v--v toai jurii.micai ujtd wxn mc ww. . au. """.n.. vV- JA wjK. tf liberty (4$Pf eUqnti r! a! frr, !!!!"":"" fi ! rf CeSff4, s 0 A crfAr Judge to the eharoe. if , , There is no-(5Torj:!TIIiaapinioawiIl bdfccr .VH jy A V.Pytt 'Ji? ItiUT'kiSisrrritlutAnT'DiRTr; in Strctrta it P. Mtf!Wfir-4 co aut 1 Distil ttir. I r i I ; CSrt TAatt KTriSK iotiB7,nMii ia-AvWiS& ill w wva y -- - iwn nr. nniAif of. mwatrat lotf Tor trw Errvrai veacc. io... ......... .... ... t . . ' n t 3irCAiii ; " j y tr Ft. Domlxxfo 5 a 1 llyoa . to h t extraordinary PiDs, and cure, the most virluent soreaH nP0D Tfe herst place iwith a box or so. of .hit wonderful and all-healing Salvie. , These two great apeciflcs of the Doctor are fast super SVe. It be nmversaiiyaentood that while W'P'Vi:'' !ir.i vin-..Hs R-iow b- the ;'Sf r'egis&ation aoes'noVlnean .,;The,aovo;moraUupport.of eVciti- ergplpqi and, beroic record , made; bjt ueneraji sicioes.aunng ine iaie reueuion, withUi'tbrlrcopimanda, irMhnztrd n'vfdi v:.VlAa4::::naniiX.2l1 mmandinsOOVrsofl'ogUwmnljT Engtuu ikiart la? 1 aDrindrtpfahelr'oiitdtheM &;,C:M,,lMa,:,'''f'; .u 5 r UTwadioaida off IteriftraUan Will wrnrgan I oibbed urrtfc t bok;WL.u. ,! monq Cotiniit: Ak Mh. v ' " " - w I . k Wakcj &xTier4indjirihKm,!WliicbifaialttiaTB l iU r ft r Tlwl- .for in-UiU order ,Tt I V VrT-T w -tban. six, elmiw jncexcc6t .the MttU-?9-t;:r.Tr:-v S ! lrArtTVflfallfliJNlIihoTfir Surara. Tebowa il ? ! ilred foVeacU Diitrict tn S6aih Carortna; lxa$i ' Creabed xibXx . iZ bxxrjr. Lexinrton, Bmufbrt,CrocnFUhit Cbes iucoo-4a demand..... u a ? . . m m . . . . v lav . - - Ibis PTr CorDwl .:..V.f...... 11 ft J ..,;'frr;i I It utter. .... y,. , .. .... X a i Bflfnrtl r.7.:r,I.V.. iu-cartLSAUi.lJLj:w . ' ' "rf t-OO - - I V ' - I. .1' - - . . . . 1 .!' I' . . - . C f I - ' - " - - " - . .-.I"'' kWll.te fanttabed w.PctComMdcxAnd the bowels in perfect wder; tonethe stomach, creatb an. colored. , ,t : oi earnesiness uiat 'prevails; among "ail " ' ry . :V i . . i. T?. oV T-l riaaa.W For the county, of Graven, (a very ft r ei i e i ii a appetite,' and Tender the' spirits 1 light and; buoyant. There is no griping and no reaction in the form of con ' stipatlon. . If the liver is affected; stored i iairjd if the nervous system orated. This last quality makes the sirable fo? the wants of delicate females eruptive diseases are literally extinguished inf ectant powerof Maggiel's Salve announced that MAGdlEL'S -BILLOtTiJ, AND DIARRIIOEA PILLS eure While for Burn,' Scalds Chilblains Cute and 'all abra aians of the skin MAGGIEL'S PILLS is infallible. tanners. ana i Koe tvcot u ft i Willlxs vm-r qtiBtity.,., l ei rfrA'l"! ir""rt I KUawl. prr r ttiT I SO ftt( iiTbaclcioaprecincu estahlithed by Uw'ct h$:..?. ,i I UlUSpCS til liiUl Uk .UUUUig. Ui CUkl. fit Oil I OCUb IU VIBtb IICUUCIIIM. IU I'V.i fVW. I 1; .''i;lllll lilL. .L'.'ia I ; :JIll ill tii,it1..,'.L'i -III; lit. i.-liii. .'...'..Mi'i i . . i - y-t ' I I , , - -1 - - Tl . . X I I A T L L . . a. .1.1.. I . . . - . C . 1 I ' a . . n M t . .wa AMf I .f. . 1 . A . . its function. arre laree , countvV we ,see that onlv three luUMlXWKi W-.rX9ZHVilM?A W-r iffiTOu "Jrt. I ' : ' 7.; ' IsfeebiiUsWig- .1... w critoithat,; too.,, frequency, ebocfepur districtespeciaUy.. iu ,:Iiemqrth VBaVw'i; nTl 3of th'R e-w vi--r meoicine ery ae- " - rr -tT. 1f. Mtt- f Htiv f.if r-it I Pwsl-li;n nrrlnr tif Vo vniMit hAvm-tl I -?TT v MMnnlrT rtfPnirt Coftuiiinders a niiWii. ...... . i a t. . uicerou and ed. ; VV hetber any. additional, board, will '::V:r: bythedis- ?-t. ,ofi.i Qf , - .f.mi !; " J !l ' bpbdrtnnity ot'mining treeJV nna iniry . mf than.tSx.nf5 Uiese. and: DrefcraUi- V W Wn . " 4 Intact, it is here JK?..trxrp itir.iua .iODlumy HxiYliBlfttf v KlY. ' ti ieLWAA iwnmWI Vl .bYSPEPTic state, but think it. probable such will not r: JL-iiU-: rri i?r-iTM TVn ia I where all others! faU. Kn thc r" " 4: ' , a tf,rrm ITTr .fv " .it f " " ' 7" ""iu tlori 2 IlThllfini kB4-.Wllr1attK. .W''m' t'M an.indefinate periodiofifinrfvwetJfcKo. r d L. ,.L.i 1...7. J,"- ,: . " wi8Ues.)tnrougnany, organipjAicijorc oi thobUc ICE-COLD LAGKK UUJL their own. arei.exceedin?lVib6Deful- of 1 iT'-ixuti oj .CorNTaRprral MiiTaf-All resdel. of le?ft ' SfR G L?.W the jabor .tp be per- w:tnw;s:nfT bickerings- nncli4 serlrtna- klhrk J . - . . f:..:a.' v " ""." id! -.i-- tv c? t v o . i inassra tyy.HsiT McLtii, No.-28. Poiiok at4 New Berni. N. c., left exclusively to the boards already se and all Druggists, at 25 eta. per box. i i , , , thia paper are warned not- to purchase maggiel'S formed is by no means a trifling one. We i22f 55 l68 y00' thinks Wweven"tfiat'ifie Agisters selected proprietor, in addition to tbe name of Dr: J. Maoeixx . i is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or pot June 6 16-tf. . 1. - r tact siohsin the ReputlipanranlJ. '7fi ''; ' ,!:7. 1 I tcra!ln'th.'difc.-irof;UiHr iduito I nHvii.v.i . . : i - t . ' . j , . i f . v r v'. t.. n r i , i i i i .'i ..t i.t . .fisiTria : -a - - i - - . m. a-.-.) sa A..sfcBMHi . We can sav'to these .unrbcoustriictcd Ttf JU Editor of tie Neither Itevullka:uA W7. PBPcd as .soon .AVpracilcaUlcpr r 1 1 " .vtrl.: iri JZif W!U prove equal tMd. competent to the secoonitbaaf they epecfc thej JU. ;A !iWWjJ?,W'lll V.,.,:.fA..Nn S-StS5ST! 1 nrri7. in inn mm itvwif inrnnirn. i 1 j Ti..i.iiki". n.iT TAi..i i ti . r tj i 1? ii wo n b is it ful it t aritir 3E . . ft 1 M 1 Whether the different" boards ' confined in their, work to certain MADAME REMINGTON, the worid-rcnowned Astro f5nQfo wQi;T;ofl mUiA logiat,and Somnambiiliatic Clairvoyant, ; while: in a rM" , . clairvoyant state,' delineates the very feature .of the ferent places and precmcts IS person'jpu are.to narry, and by ., the aid of an instru- announced. HIVUVV tUWWV' JInV( 'iUW".M W vuwmvw.wtw. guafanteea to produce a perfect and life-like picture of 'the future husband or wife of the applicant; with date .of marriace. orcn nation, leadiner traits of character. &c. tTbia Is no imposition, as testimonials without number work 01 registering can colpr stamped ceiye information. the RepilbUcan masses in a knowledge of porwhito or colored working men ! j ? 1 Harnett. Chsrlcs Shcppsrd, Caltld D.JIorlon, Ll iutk- h ' v- -rriL -?: i Who wan benefited. hy;Uie war f i U j. David W. Scott, John Munro. ' ' ' tJ aoM... i . nnw mu t.u ueiLtir uii. 1111 v n lub ihhii m urk- i . . t i. .r wm mt r.r f - a i , 1 i al and bomeutous t6 W uian; black or white than before the js.. WidujhuraLpavid;Uenderson. John J. :;iWt.';.t 5? v',V . Vl' ' Ucnsbaw, .Thomas Danfcls, OUTCTiW. Ucnrr. WrkmS'k0 aspint ujdyoxi beUeve in equal talation f vt CodhtU Sfuotph'AL Hascall. . I. assert.1 iJv etatinrr olace of birth. 'acre, disttosition. I A(1utdMa,'tMvnMA ah tKt? t'of'nf A'fBfc I - -'' . . rr . . s - ... l ...v. mw'. v wiv -v. u.iiMitvLvii.iii i ..it 1 -t i .1 a. - . .u. 1 . w rw nrki tpihtu inn nmrwniin inn r-riif lrwi -nit.i- it tt. - tj i-. . .. t-- of eves and hair, and enclosing ftftv cents.- and I f , , . . . ' iuafcivyuiv ieau to .seusuiuvu Ulv. ri fj.ryrv-.-i r.rr iC j i.V. nmun, iujwti ijbuc. v. ii. vojiwc, juuuus .u ' i . . " l lohArprs tmm Laxfltion a Wfll HJitrirrirri New I rt rm-.. 'V-v.-i J . ... . j ,.r r ,1 envelope addressed to .yourself, you. will ye,, -u-mu. uyuuu f f cnemv,r:,; j;.;i I.iian io-H., VIhoWr t r : v " " rV ' , tbe picture by return mail, together with desired be taken in the matter. bY.v3rOdtal vi., nAl.rr:z.: r-iVhfrh-har V haa th nirV Wrf l"" vfi - I I .v.. . ......... .... I .V. ,VaAoN hk IlnnuUtMrtw.f h 4 . H.J . . I - . ' - ... . ' '', ..v. . T wM&ix i. . . . iMmm'immm tnmt7t&n Vitirai SI?'N- ; iJytneactptngteMdfi relation par vd 0 ;Kiniit ihcreckless . Wby are you to ,xtei for t ojAed g-TT-n ".Ti .f fw -J;:-t-n!:7f-t---:--i j t. .,. . . regisirauou, iv wiu pe SALE OF fitlllStE. BUI PECFE' o:- : .1 v. : JFJIIIE TO :, ETt BYB OftY A large 6'p; greatest I'mpottancc It teaches how the .deeoiBed resoected. il T$o young.lady or gentleman' should' fail to send their jtJemianngGeneral ooservea mat d.insanejicjCf :poUticali Stiicide, when and are unwimng-forone to "represent the is allowed until t impalpable that by .unity'-and ortcert bounty iriUhVI&limres; or-thtflDfetrfcUri ext. toMmnZ. TV . -f-lL- J - v T the CongrjesSt ofUlfXJnUedBtatsil i J i . c . ; i jo - v, . we7ir aay oi ucwDer nexi, u complete ut wtiori RrU'-'niVpVn'rtintf m .i d i 1. ti JvtJJ Circular, giving Information of the A, Vn-ry HV-i .v..'.!;!.' '-rV '4! i r '?5tJP1 Wa PJP. .r.7 t0, f0".1!? r , ,;Tp which wing pf tbe BadiVpaxtV ih (hiil ib theyoungof bothsexes,:!f'n l wr grauou. yv e Bcarceiy, victory of su ch a bharacter as wiU'eeiid.'a City do you belong f- ; homely may becoma beautiful, ( the anticipate all this time aUowed will ac- ri-ii I t ir iVy- u-" ' u W1" r-v.iiv AxiouaiQiJXiWu k and the forsaken loved, r - vj - "W"VJWJ w.VW.'i'.V.W.!WM (,.TKo. Wp vionrlpron Wia I luauy oe reqoireu. in penorminir me i " w . . r- --r r" i . i . .1 uu tuu cuuio-XTVtifUt- vur crc7ft I . 1 fTl .'P..l ' l"tl . ..l' .. .1 ... - a. I aflrlrcss" and receiva a codt. toostoaid. hr return maiL Work. r Ihe IUtUre 'Will test the matter. ' -'ic' 'ir-.is jci . : :1",1iI'wt ' k T p n npjwTP .r r, " " i ' conszanxiy; on me increase: " yve ao not . A8V..iri AA??ABB.'?1! however.' . . - " ! llv. Li 'Wvl my1 r.-U'.!.:-. of Mays-r-tenV! si iTroy, t. i :hi ;sv3,Ji: ii . speaKt-ax .racaom 9" mis .snpjeci. ; j - ' ; 1 juier me . registration nas an oeen I 1 . t ' 1 . r i . 1 " .1 I ii nnmninrnn cn ia Tr no (orrinni t n rxr rna i D.aiwlettVOei. WVPrice. "'OH I;i! i FOUND; A SET OP UPPER TEETH, JV.B0UT TEN DAYS since, corner of New and East Front streets. The .owner can have the aame by proving property and pay ing charges.- :r--. ;- - J June 25-24-tf. ,r ,! . . f. .'..; '..; r ' 1 - "ED7 and UPnOLSTEWNG in all it branches doneo - order at - -r; -.ii . - - T ' ; s '- ?"C..A. NELSON & CO'S,' 4 . 'July 8427-tf.1, T! i"5: :: ' 14;S' Cravenstr 1 j u j . 1 uuui lmcwu au ua iv uc tciuueu iu uy . tut; r j r . f A t Ui: I ftommandintr; General: then he-is 4tnnve . m.,-. . .. t. . , 4 J. Pblladelbbia lAgii .anarOCCtWidnaUynS neiu iorinciuuers 01 me voiismmioQai i-j j 'ix ui -' ' w fi wv i iA4v.v.. - ......y. vvv.a,z i y i Convention. It is f DOssible ;tHeVefofe; iri-:- - -r-i ; :r ;f! mayiltOt SWihetvriOACmfQf f--r&r7if ""fviiF C .- -r t mg to tne enemies oi, our, cause ana tne v ia , j LL . i jj:.Wllliaxnii Qedrco that nrTth! all the work ner-essar a Iv tr he - ' Ua aO.evldencer.OLthe lqaruincr' deiiUl Ot ci"!: oTf vu..v I " Z Ji ' I tiinn r . . . ... I - ' . wuuuhi 1 . . I V uui.a i ),l ,t . . . . . 7. .. ! . l.i . 1 . O Derformed m the full and final com oletion Johnjt us&eU. tAXiyzxun. Jna 1L grab apt. X- Aa. jremmanVt X, KewbcrTy. . " 'Coirnt tr bf ' Tl'rt trne!J6kri 'HoWn anr? -'jM:u FOR SALE. ..r X " SMALL SAIL BOAT, SUITABLE FDR A sition formsjthej entire:. editorial matUt yesterday'! t7itThaZ pf tilommenl ofi .mpral:ureyoMion has .npwjiairly oojn- nvllltf(.dftVOtd lta an ;tnrui tmm ftfci ' r ? r I v - " . . ..:-iTi." -t: "i.rr-r iiouwen,iioie iwun, ti urant. iang .r- I ajTl - m lanrtlrt 11.111 , ... : , f . -. ... I T . , .Countuoflnt'r-L.emuel II. Aldrich. Pin fit. jiev.iizumf!. iHTlWHll O'Uieia, xv !uia itzanM' B.' 5'tnllK, Richard Becman, SyuncrA: Uofr- Mr. . . ft ,1 t - . I riv 1 . - : -Hi - - ; .i tnoutiuu .anu loncai-powers.- ns weii.as j.neiteeisieraDcreDV-appoiuveu.wuif dq im- (t r. iul rjyt. p, i i. f ::J.uR.iM,4cviucu:.uuu,;cujpawliMr tr.Aili.tvh natrifti fpcl Intra of i fi,A flL.i moaiaieiy pounca or me, i-ost mmanacrs. of regikrhontheeleb1ion for members htionfiCanfrresitbaa triven new vW. u& tri0 fepling-pi the gphtlq. U,. htyUf -report; aO onee ioi Ixhi of the CoriStittttionalCorfventionin North Ai. 7 i:.JZaa mennq;uave,ately,cstabUsled a 6ol;tlT -Pcpessai7.b)oKaano .. ? 1 .. . . - ... r. w viuinu w . , i.' ' inrL .. Ail cwimunica-uyos arum, iwczuicra w iu i?C Couna.ul nor be.ueletore-li day,of jNoyemberRext- 'ItiJylpccur, previous Biclorneiius, ll.Oibbcs: Wlng1Crandall. twuxc i Ilosearana'X'TJ. Ilari.'u. V C . V "i foirnrtf or'uvar. i-nnr.tTrr'.Micreirr Jtra&ts i i J cixoacen. iyjij vj. ! ennult. A. S. Mason, , ..County tflfeu Jlaner-: B. JoncsIL E; Scott, 'ilenry'W: Penny, VT'.'Ti: Pickett, Isaac 3L. Pcctf 8.''d.' Ashley, tdki- Miller. E. VrritL uti oto "at ftbuc Arrrnx f Y tb Court IIosm la 5rw Uk-td, at n aot Moa tb TXl day of AtiK, XKTI, Ot lanrrfiry of land la raid dt j : r I t j i -FlltST PIECl TWrloalnV t5i'-CVVw ttrtrt t0 ftwl from Cbc err T2 Dd (Crarra, fr ctlnr n f c-rt era CVttt azxl runslc; bock to Um Uac littc ol Uc Ix. j ; SECOND. PIECE, "Is'l, Bceicnltti; tm Oavrs 61 frrt Vxea thucmroodh aod CrTra streets frotitJns tt lrs hAt Co strcvt, and mocVnc lck to ibe lck line e( tin ta Part of lot XattoaUt jJaatrfNrw IWn.ssflr' rivr pt !roilox; ad artB Arta, rnroux w , Cn.Tcn atrcrt,od alw.t IS fwi ta ltk tea. ; Tbe above lands srill be. so'4 iW terj menu upon tbn.' Lhc onxn of iidiairi a rttwopaU time to traxrr tbn-ia. For lrfrpjn5,PrTT3 sale, apply to A, OTllCBlUED, AUaracj slU '7 - 'tdOAUXiK XNOWX-AT TUX till; W3L a. July-35-ts:, - 1 ' r jtm. Pleasure, Fishing or Market Boat.' Capacity about .stand . 10 barrela. Enquire at the ! , July 18-M-t i 7 rX?UST0M HOUSE. ; Th latruetfona'Winjbc traristnlucd to Boards House for . Eent; A ' HOUSB AND LOT I ON POLLOK . gt.'.opposite the residence of SF AMES A. Julylft-84-tf.: ' . ! ,t r - v J L D1S0SWAY. - IKSURANCE NOTICE -Orrxcx Nkw Yokk Boabd ot "Ukdebwbiteels, ,r January 5tn ,: The Board of New York Underwriters have Mr. J. A, LELAND. of the firm of : Leland. Co.. their Atrent for New Bern, and places on .-and Pamlico Rivers.. ; ELWOOD WALTER, t - " 'v-;aw The nnderfilgned i . the authorized Acen 1 examining and apprai ., . UT hUCfU MI XT MIX t : also for authentlcal ' - In order,.therefore. KIia -r inn .onra r ti m rvtcaia At inailir. r I -- ' : I Ti it i V . a a, a. a j. , . a w.av,tU.w. k-b .uumw"j:YV nothlrlnrr xvlth Pol Pru.l tvl,rt ,lWi .1,: ttcgiauauon, iorocgu me nuexouix to-mat aate,out as . m , , . . f 1? 0 .... '-.rK ltJ poooandoti, ?r.l . .I.Jv- at present we anticipate it will not; vi ft'1 tT,' ; slcKne5 p.opugea.vtQ mi .;Jin.eOitpnal rj.r. Major General D.E. fcigivliES.?, efiSt chief duty, ;&WSS!S& ; tried, heretofore, toampress on the I" . ' UA;6-' STREET. t.hojromfit.r.t.innifa.ail.ii.tfln rn .ar.n.tnt I . .. )-'! .i.vrn !- .Ll'.,.'J T: 5 .. . .it . . I'thi ln!irirmt. rln.-.v. i.ri bryan; rrXTv". tt, vT , ernmentinits darkest .Hoar ana day 61;::; . ! ' : i V . J tteepest-'amicuon. 'Ane" cry- or -ncero Lr. :.,. , - . : y, aetcnccot'theAirf'-TJniontefeV nr. TmeiCthef e Uampie pacecop- i-VIArhlnW rlK k'tal'. 5n,fel LaTATfc r e: . BAKYEBTEli : ILLYWnon Yortr, tw Jeraey, InnBTlTtnlai Mary. Vf5 1 . POrtr7ito.1 PS sn1 candidates .to i tru j inten cent ,en:-.anv Pii.-' w ,-o! v;n . ::(f..T.TKT ... Aih , kanaasii?xaaIciah.Tto'rr. iml on Chi iS. iv? forielection toaher ConsUtaUObalConi - . t 7''':j'LZ:J lt VA- ...hr,r. BTPkAnsojfJtlf Jl. ... i i.:r : ciflcJcaSL.:The irdiia-CDntAtna 171 appointed eflttOlC MViJiwonj .'f T;iii 'JAa 'L' Hi-vii . J ;imI ptZL.y ca 11M.. ADl2 !? 'or: theNeuse As to the vital importance ot tne wii.., r .r. tt:.a 0.- V; ': .PTheonir CTOutd'UicfcrJ'by thU Wartaraa rfftrcitr.cThe blank nndftr.iiWriof vwlnt- r i Qaartcrmatcra Depot, Roatbera Wt-rf. ( ti.a.atotoCer1ceaJtaCa doors, window BAnv exslTaVDanv i rULLETS, KNAltELLtD WlSli HAI ( and INKS, rLASTERCRS ILin-.partfC TTl ' MILLET) axd BBUSIICS ; --t . secretary Jioamotunaerwmera, ky fM it wSfh'tTiMar i'fnX t tUnricnnn-,,. r,u k Y rw,'e i 't.l: . : ' i I" """.. r 1 i ,m' tesnt fK inirirthw.i kA:- a'"'. M.Yti,-.mf "vw- . t r : ;SoawBt frrwUin. ttnre. nre Bebs, January i8tvi868. J i 17 :r .i.i..w v'l ' . more ana -pure impressed-'Witrr the :nu ler." ins iionor reiasca v wcnargc; an the WkatoI rew tofUnderwriterainNew York for 1 . ,- u ,L ' -i - v . - . - I UOnai conclusion mat in Order 16- bruiC IVut tv Mu Thm i.h.m. ti. tv-i. i-ul. '-t Bingvesaeia and Cargoes insured the same will" accoru in, every particular ni otj T, rtf .i v- i F7 -ATK-'sr-: .tr. " w. p",'1:" 3 i v i '.'vi . . . I abont a SDeedv reunion of thps-a Sfotno'l .vidnTcft relifid oiirbv the nrisonpr1 finnii r firsfirl tfH -miw t KixaaB uui i uauiaU:cu lit bcza ugiuo. -r t -- f s- '-r i r r s - : www ilms v-w v - - w .w .w - - t m nu su ttoeDroofa of losa , h: ; J witli.'me rDatriOUcl:Pttrposes audlbbjects 1 -li ' IrJLk' X? .FJ iriiii .i-ru n 1 twas that 'the1, lock bf .the trtitf watf.'iint'hf I'sad toiliri trkirMnr- rnt t tonlt. m Wftinti truv ftffot 1 V . , r-M-. i -.-,' - f UiCV . 1UU?.. UiWlj .UICIT UUllUCUl' IOrtUnM UlL j.I i ... I. i.-L7 . TJ. J..7 . .. ..".. IIWM aMW 4VWf VaW VMMMW MWJ a aft '. . W - . f V . f 1 " I ' W I a t II.! A . . . . ' M' I af-V I nwnnr Willi If" 1 M 1. i I fl VT1 M ttB V I rl IW ' P 1 M III aV. at ik 1 aB mt m K M I a ar .11 - - m piojertytnsnredin New York, Baltimoae and Boston, .r., .,.,; i;: , I- wlin.PWceywn9re readyand Tma evidence r may. Jate been,groatior.;a .spons1flid U toborhcinUr pf,Uia.CooCTe.w ':andupon which Calms for oss may. be made, of hia -f , "-TSrPv!i; wU4 d r ' v I willinrrto work tothk (wit .nrl , 1 l conjectureff,lhat byppssbiVtT.teetul.went cnllod. by. Juarez.. It -is stated ttat".f5veral SeadinVes td perform the duties .required of km. by - -QHlSEAtn3 OTO.flrTT jL I uVJ?SWan9?-59 Wits gf eat enct .totally, butcertalniv btndinff more 6r thc'Iiunriiltah hail tn-rS? f ,tho PoUolaa lssuad.bjr the qompaxdoaVreats . . V 1 '1? 1 ..fot ?Ss2 nhiS ??XLV?i?& tnat,ia.caee oi any impenecwonm proois, orirregu- ..TJiArp.intuhorrinV r I "r- y, -r . - -JTtj-vlr; : .VI:' J .(... r i."- "-"' wm nia en aeon aarlty of proceedings, the Underwriters may be' exoner- iafewm-Mm stances wonloV be: itfuidlfirit tilnrrh jurbt which to 'find thAtsrieh" Wdsthe txrqnd for VcTxCrur wllliihc Trench nrat :WVcpAuence.thereot : v -r in ouT&fam mW$nr Jf iheU peaka.;fcTbd dUntSaM y v. T:,w&J.; feeliniof astonishment and indirnatioi MilHnff ;to bctoed, jicTtfJif ihVificgi , -J.-.-. --.NewBe,:N.tc.r ; trAlsl reined 6auntf thettoodyj . L ! TKe cdnVlction liow f asteris "itself on . J?,i . .Kr.TfTrrt-?'rrAr:t T-f (hat in .making .orjt a. fact v clrcurnbntial VorkatOuerttSro.2--'-''i uai r,u,dc.ind .WW-lfer. theaindofdstercryne,, 3troap criniay??bn broughV -tESKMi "iSf"'''"-" " A"1J",iD-. about by! a desperate organized in pi8Sedon Thurrfay bra rot? rftW oSo1inOT2 feT? W'lW ". . 7:i:;7'77-r'X':'7'y-. :-7'mm v.i-fc -ii' TTT'lT--' 7.7. -7. i i r ' ' -" " j . . ( ; .'.'. , j - - L...- 1 '.. ; I'3-- - - - - ' " j - - ' i.- n! . - . . : ; I nnder, thaupt .lUtoi;rft axuocs arc lUKnawn, ' ' nn.ii: lii I adrictai IVcta'Mrxldo' f Jl.OtV.mc .lVtrx Anal. a rrrxjnea en . me lio b oherrrktlnri' l.Ttrtw libzini abd Uh t n t'u uij VrlC5xii.labo rtlcisctl TERH3 CAHEIH GOTEHHMISIi, f 1 TU after tb sale Bm. Ha)or Gca. R. O. TTJ ao'Tiam1. trvt.Urtt.CU.airf, Jaly a-aTO-Vi. . GOODING? WATKI f , -.. W ... I I . a 1 . If 7i?oi ''Ir'Erycf a77 mA xlxr?i5 nr Vuw aiv Tf!v at I"'--!- T

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