' . i ' - - ' .".'. , , ; " i -t ,'." ' . - . 1 . Mr-? p p: I - .If- r 1 : "SeillELIKGElVS ' HOTELS sev rtfj- 3TA 'REPUBLICAN is thTTmcial nmZJ ... 3 . . i J'rw i-j.t,;c, i:y v.va 0?? ari artcr TcJUy. Hy tt TrCa X IXU-J M f.-U,: . , ; I ": i . 4,'. Lcara Hw.tfil Cty ,'. ;,, ? ? L. 12. Arrftt t L n. ............... 4 ..; ! w " t Le :t 1 : rrt .. '. .". TJ. . T" Arrive ti !4xius,..; V " Lt L4ita t tii rYeiopemenf than creen nV:l?. . 1,- ... r,.: .i.-.a. 1 - J. . f -; JobFriritine: : r.d w;.. . "Jirai of our GO TO - ; - , - ' ' -May 27th, 1867. f Put postage Ptamp on upper risrht hand corner. . ' 1 r - r Tne inaua m uaiiy as iouow8 ; 4 - 4 ArrtTt t Hi j IIa4j.M. J 1 . has been reopened .with, ample ftcconmodatloM . And Troll stiT4Tlirt. M Alt. w-ifS - - r T . Utrr ;;Dt?;r i- B aer & Bpplr's, .'ioo'i itu) m.-1 .-, t.i I-.' j I nil SiV:r:i! 1--. Lt H 3lSr) ..'.. .... I 'Ji it. Lct ;.'oc!j IIaJ i. ... ,.l41- Lear kl2itw3i...t... i ...; ,....-. ta l tioints esi ana ooatu. at.-.i :- . v r ca ir Bay Wver, every Fiiday; i.t. , , . .v;i . m' - Trenton and Pollocksvrlhv t-tery Tuesday and Friday, at ....... . .' ' . : o rA t '-. TW . ' W at OCIBt.,..,,....M ....... .... m 1 J 1 : - 50 POLL OK STREET ' "-- .... r . ' I V . ' T w M ............. Let Nrrort . " it Arr.rt t iori.e4 City.. it L'nf.V.l ' W . - . - , , it, Jf i . it 1 . Swift Creel:, V hiiwUn ittO-rimonth N -C, every Monday, Wednesday &ii&Friaay,'s:-v:K t - rod T r..a ptoisj Wot at 1 1 J P. M at . : . .............. , . ,i .. . o rA r r Office open,froai ?.50 A.' M. tu 1m.I and from 7 1 m r : ere sea of ianrW ttf, I V. . . npe apples audr Qthcrfrvit.io7-flonk;. Vt ; v- rv-!-r'tv.--x 't . market. Let airlucli h--r , - Vp';-- - market Kioi . ocMrtoiteiiEiT'r'.A!- 1 ini"ri Trrr otel Office lit i . For Boston, lew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nor-; ; folk. . Washin-ton. D Cy.fl,a4 o!Jf voints North and - .-.' Jvt S." Jt . ;-. ...""I ..-- . - ' .. i Morehcadand Beaofort,?N.l.C, at;. 5.2Q M I ju,anoke Wand daily at.;. ' GoMeboroY Kalcigh, Wilmington, and all . ; :". : . - . . . - .; ."..:. t - .. . - " - t . , . . M .' -'.. - . . . . !. -, - ,-; . ' .-: J" r ; : Special OrAer-I 1? 4,, . "tNcvJ 08. flfV.-yt fjfiRi . f ; . AH letters to H eKvenid in the United Stated 5T Persons can have the Republican left at their houses or stores by leaving their names at the cfflceV 39 Craven street. ; t v Tite New Bern Republican Association meets at the Brick Building . known as the Jarvis store on every second and forth -iton sent is extended .to.the.dtizqns pl.w. Bern ; FlfrTfr WARI) liEPUBLIC SOTATIOi. This! Association meets at their Hall on Pollok st., 2d door above Fleet st at 8 o'clock every Sixth WAitt) Republican Association.--Holds its regular weekly tneetinffv "Prf n xr eTfcjgsn sLojjg njcarjtiie csjfcea- tfl ffiiMdy ana yucen sts. . I i JiTiTV ADTERTISE3IEXTS IX THIS ISSUE. , ( Mitchell, Allen , & Co. Labor Patent I paving Well and Pump, Ice Pitchers, &c ' iMAYO.n1s06mtV,Mrfyd presfdmS, Wednesday, ; J j for exhibiting a pistol in a; threatening man- ncr, at the; market, on Tuesday evening, was turned o veroj thc.-niilitaryiantiiaritie4; j Special Meeting of the City Coun- 'Mayor Palmer in the chair. - . t . I i Present : Councilmen' Radclilf , Foster; Ja- cobs,' Stanly, Menningcr, Uubb3 and Sey- i mour. - ' -y-1- , Itjwas moved by Councilman RadclifE that a Quarantine mark or flag be disphtyed from a stafFlri;thi,'Chdnnci-wa opfiosfte'Fdrt Spfilolav Carried. - " , . ' ' ' ....... ..' Councilman Mermingpr offered the follow j t lug resolution, which was adopted : iltrsolccd, That the quarantine established by ; the Board at its meeting on the 23d of July, instant, will not befheld to apply , to any ves sel arriving from an American harbor, if such vessel has no sickness on board and ' is pro ' vided wHlrabill oVhii5althvfi!omnhe,,pdrt Of ner clearance. n ,t. Several bills were alloAvcd. : On motion of Councilman Seymour, the Board .'proceeded., to -.an .election; by ballot, of tnree Assessors ot taxable property in the City. Messrs. Sam'l Blasffe. F. J. Jones and Geo. J R Kimbafl Mm elected? "W'l.W ' J, - ments for carrying off the water. . The Sanitary . Committee were authorized to purchase lime required for the use of the" city j Councilman Menhingcr offered the following resolution : v r , y.lksoliti&triisii ihh Maor is keiPeoy Author- l2$, BlP0.- against a.i aeiihquent tax payers, where the pecuni ary! situation of the . delinquent will' justify such suits - The Council then adjourned. Assignment op Registers for Craven J Co.cnt V,-We-.Itiarni; that j.thot RftisOjri fip pointed". f on Ccavn jOreoiity fiTe&i?3& IhlCrnci : Jipnjf rcanSIijoj il iiYdttiHoifd on fmfr6 morning. There will be three Board Of JRe gistralion and three Registration Precincts, ': Viz: , . ' ...;'-;;S:f; , . The First- Registration Precinct ' will comprise the 1 following Election 5re cincts ' !i ' ' " : ' nisi xjieciion rrecmct. becond and F6urth Wards rWiggirittraeUiHcfnc - , Registers :, H. P. Doane, Nelson P Angels, i '? j ' Second Registration Precinct, v J Core Creek, second Election Precinct. L ilves' CreelfKffdecftolPrexjinct. 1 1 ' -AA : . r 1. "..-.l. VlnntiAn T'rrinpt I.V Bigwrift CmMttf BlefenhFT- i Little Swift Creek, sixth Election Precinct. .-.rTtJjflt'J Boy. P-BopfhjlJiCT tu v 4iitu--K veil j ears.-'W u tiro vv 1 j . o ia, '4c$i&o&, -diueijafr-jitiyjery near iheiRaif- i . '- !.!.. ........... ...... .-..j.i -.-L.-r- water by diving offntho'&fclc "fitj recovered -feaJluIhas been taken in chargyhe unfortunate parents. , ; thc:piiairmanofhd5hi,nite ; lauthoryedJitb'i mak,tlrQn66'srsHIlf frrUn?- Bern; secdhdEJbctkA IHtotthtt'- '' Fifth Ward, City of New BertfThrYd-Efcc- iron rrecinct. . Sixth and Seventh"' Wards, City" of New j BmwnSIird iikcjiorUPirecina)o . Bay Riverl'pur;KElectjon,Prrec Sxiitlt: hIbbMdgf nWweauses set ? v,ia. uaxycsvjoj t -t f,;;W; ncers are hereby announced;' , ' " J he.ciyii offlc iern appointed wilU be fore entering- utliqir, fetieiniuV d ui- i - uua"e jot me I'eace, '--Notary rubhc, or other person authorized bv law to V'1 congress passed 2d July, 1862, for all. persons annointfd tn nfnp o ' government of the United States The boWl required bv law will ' r. -.4 and filed 'with the nronor offirpr The Commanding Officers of the7 Military1 I osts named, are charged, respectively, with .wuiwu ox mis oraer witum their com manflt ! i manas. ' By command of Maj. Gen. D. fe. SICKLES : J. T7. CLOUS. ;, - Capt. 38th U. S. Infantry, 4 - A. D G. and A. A. X G - : New Bern N? (Xi July 30th, 1867. To MeffefiiZQgfct0rM:: t Iy, pEAPH;SiR Injan, issue. of -thf Jwrnpl of, CmwmeH-, under dtfeoiiSOth'Vinslaht the ioiLawnig paragraph appears, headfedp w i . ' v .U tTTflT, Tm.v t tJr''nh ,v'"r;'' B. it. Walker, was- miSRincr.froni hac.rsulrrc' near a erullev on a vacant lot f adiaficntvth 'Ms I premises, discovered, partly; revealed, " the points of several, pieces of sharp flint! rock." For the sake of brevity, I will omit the other sentences in the ptfragraph , and respectfully request-as a favor of the editor of the Journal if he will inform me what State Ms. Talker Truly yours, . , READER, STATE ITEMS. Funds Wilson Church Vx ,' i - ' ' . ': - nounce, .skysfthe Raleigh Progress, to the many ul"'"7i5!flw that all evidence bropght-before the military laeaenteriaineaby manytnat uis prontaoieto cultivate poor, worn out Janu. v e nope tno fiMtim o ot .ir.J Hmitn. in: ierniizinir his ' lands, may befollowed by all of those; - of tarmers. . 1 ' ! - Improvement in Job -Printing. Messrs. "Rn vliss: fr. Wonfl of this : r.itv. have recently procured a patent! for an apparatus called l ThP I hrnmntip. nkinor AnnaratUS. ' ana oer nr annliedHtliri tn-int'iryffter,Jss' enables the Printer to execute bxwork:tn any number of one rauXnu'UDC rjnipressioiurvjquiretfc.- - j-ii srfeooiihlsaiachinexji 'Saturday bj-'ye-; me v eiuuii oiuto ckjo, .. ... - ----- mAmpnt twn nnrn.lle.1 furrows, deposits the ftniPf thprpin in anv iriven quantity to tne acre without variation, and ihrowa tip the ridges, or Cotton beds, on the fertilizer.) .The land beingt)repared! as ' above - described, by tho first, oneration of the machine, in the -sec- nnA nnpration the two ridees are at the same moment planted thcottoneedand the same covered to tlieeqSisite fletti? : Vhen the ma- New Advertisements. . MITCHELL, AIxLEN & CO. S AGRICULTURAL HOUSE vv Mr I Shenfifbt CrajenCountv foi disobedient Hforrt V4'- lor are beins subscribed by. citizens of Ii?.l!Spre.s.ta? f?n . . i w . . T, n! a ii.tm.iri iikjst iv., 13 tnis aay dissolved dt to aid m erecting a Roman Catholic jStaalaipwut, d James A Patterson is authorized in that town. v. . 1 : : j to si;m in lia nidation. - ... J.. The lienderson Index says that one Of the Aadvfor sale- at Wholesale and" Retail by ; , larget syields : of Wheat 'harde of in that sect. Jf'i- v'twi-mnr-ynn'. ion was produced updn the premises of jTW. ;WOjPil&.COTr-&.-TIX KEIC, Smith Esq.; of Williamsboro. It was planted 'UrJy'n : j ' ' in two lots,-and tK6 erage yield of edch lot n2i to l;eThe land was Vughly improved, ,ii -isBblsaty.MdSS'Potk; :- which goes to, prove the grreat fallacy of the oo6' -LbsT'lJabon'.'i:-. ,',-CVl:..; I Hnrray's Kbrta;,Caroli rr-' The flrst-Class Steerhahip ; " ' mmf?mX&AFftr miiXiAZacJx T-or freich,t or passage, having unsurpassed accommo- ""wwj,kji Ml1ZJ2'JJA i' -IM-Ml niTFORD. DILL & CO., Steamer Louisa Moore insures at loWst'ratea. ' V Newhern, July 30 90-2$. P. MERWEN Sd CO. , ; t1 L'iE SALE'.D CALEBS 127 GROCERIES & PK0YISI0SS, - F0HEIGN AND DOMESTIC - I -. - : .f i;n .".ivt il'i i' -' T'H.a WINES.iA.NB LI0.U0RS, CIGARS. TOBACCO, tc. ' " Ship Chanfllef y; 0ils:and Paints. A i - r . f , SOmXIIJFROtfT,, ST11EET, OPPOSITE THE' GASTON' HOUSE. s -ix .n-z-.i -V.XiBW Berje, Hi C. y.-- . 1 ; W kli 1 M Lr: V ' w' ei' vo-VlZl' 'July lS-34rtf i s ..-'J 7...j(..t-j -: -J..) I Dissoltitioii of Copartnership. : All persons Indebted-to eaid, firm arc.reqnefited, to ;:,h xU :M:j.1 l i!!: .;-; 'y(V ft:. J : JAMJ5SA.,PATTEHSCCf. v ; jtsly 29,feB7: ' -."r . "T-'r r 2000'4!do .Lard. n ill" . 500 -.do . Butter. 1111m rir c.hpps 1 0 lUslilUicklcd fibrxicgU A I a do Jblour. h X rtli7: faf8 crackera. rof.a.iLraass,f Green-rasd Rlaclc PJ. With the assurance that-It WlU DO" UOR . . .. - t t tc JLe. "lV 'i ' :Sainatiia,Snuir,6bacco;&e,;r;-i JH - ..t ; L.-ni y,- ioj...r.:;- .i-v; A fif . : r-, ij. . '.a; I1;)! h,,V:8l:r,V,?.,ta4 I IJcrj llirt liTuiraajj.uw - i-r. rAi.:..:: -'v "y.':-,1?;:. i? O r A.JJ M- U:A , - --'' s: T-j ', iSifi icon; e-iir . -r-'i w -NftlL: U-.i as .it couj.dbejione.elsewhere, t '4V :i ;. ; "-irv ij twr -t-LffVpFWcVo'rrVrr " - - ' ' T . . - i I -:: t. 7 o- -s.' 1 ' f 1 J OB BJtmTIXG! .JTJB TRIXTIN-GU J, i . .. .. .-. . . . . ...... - . ... . j 1 i.-'; ' rnT rr Trmt-r s t mi Ijo i'iuiv j v cf- . ! v .... ';: 1 ... ;- h We call ths attention of the puUle to tht recent tddl I'V :": - : -'- I..;.. . . .-. r; - ".f ' . t . - -- . i 5 WITJT uYEW 2WESSES 1 !i - ;." cf the inost'lmproTed and modra paUeraa, ----- . . . . . . . . , ' t i Xew5'Te,:Bor fl ! from the " -it .: . ,'';v?.v;r'i. -.: v.-t 2 : J ; FIRST FOUNDRIES IN TIIE COUNTRY- 1 . . 1 ,; ' -Experienced .TSr6rmeii. V and a desire to build np a business by clrtcj satlsfa ,.1 , .... - - .- .;. , . ,-; ,;;, tiorl to oir patrons. 1 ', " " -' . 3 I ' . . . -1 I Hlti 1? s solicit lL kiKD3-V'.T;iAk .....- ' ' - j ' . i , ? r - i - " ' ' : '. - . i w c . ' ; . " -v , , . - . - - - w - v . .. , . - ' j .t : i -v-:V' "! if -.. . , . t '! ? J j0 :. . . i .- - I ' - if" su-.-;-: ry.;r ;.1,-'-4 .- 'L V CLOTHS and :u ---'.- w--"' V -" l r-." - ' ' 1- j; ' L :.V:.. r. n T i:'Trr.r-B XT, c -M - " CAssiMEiiEVWf 31V.-V.- s, .-rr.' TOere you can taie TWISTY-FIVE PER Tracciir .v,t . ; . ; . - . - ; . ' followicr; cr anything ia IhCaX Lre: Lurt:-e ur. u r c.uo i - - v?-.: ; . .. . ' f ' Letre iorr4 C.:j uUcsf ..-'A-Kx ; - ........ j I ut Lrsv ArrlT DEY GOODS, iuca as XVSLIXSi'; - ; .law.ts: , , t ... : . (Hala aad FUartdj 1 - I - UERIXQ3, - - alpacas: V ; r " ' OZEXADIES, I . : " . . QIXGBAXS, i .' ' . CALICOES. VXBUZaCUKI DOMESTICS, BED-TICKIXO, - . STRIPES' r . . - ! - i - I - . : ' FLAKZEL3, - - , J1US QUITO yzTs, TOrrELLIXO.t 1 J EIAPZES. ro t -; . . . . . ". . TADLE-CLCTirS. i j S1WSS and : . ' i JACONET ITUSLItS. ' naissook. : ' 'EELTIXO, - 4 JTA.V TILL A S , (of the latest styleO !-..' 2AL2I0&ALS. U00P SKIRTS, LAPIES ETCSE. . : ,t ' .(of a3 qualltleO v IXSEETIOX, - . . EDGI2ZQ. , .. .. FRE::cntz . . . . 4 EXEROILZXED CORSETS, CORSET STATS, ". .;,. '- .,V . ". (of all UnisJ , ' LACSCoilARs, JURE 0X3, . 1 RVFLIXQ8, ... ' - . v - - II AIR NETS, . !? :t..,;WATE-RFJLLLS 1 1. .-, . . DRESS TRIUUIK03, ''I , SJLKtiA H ORSTZD, , , ;, STAR BRAID, ; : M .11' M't i SERrEXTI2rE RRA ID,' WRITE txA DLA CK . ' TRIlfJflXGS,' r oxaauiMia. And a great many other artlclci loo nuacrcui ..? " : too mention, x . 4 . . . Clotllihg of; all dualities, ursrsTss suits, - ; DRTS3 SCITS, , vC t i: SACKS,.SACkTLXa,.; . White ad Erotca; v . . . . . . " 1 pivb rnrvrtl . fcs 1 -.:-. it, 1- - ..J7r:. ft!vi AinntlCAN 1 1T wnoald alaa lartu special atUauca frr.n the trcs. asccriacli.tif IOTUiitiiw una; w ... .... . . - . - ' .cwlkn,r - tJij - Kirttcn . u Gelifcitcro.. l.tu T. XC LeiTt GoUbcro J..... C A, It. Lt llLLttac 1 is Lcat :itw iwrt-t Arrfe a: Xc?ledCtr (SuiimJ i.. .. tzi T. L on tLi urt2l C&roLa lUruad. wit il rur,Trr. - Hty S 1-tf Ecperlttcstit cf Tratrwaa. J. IL PATTERSON, . ' " ; MIDDLE STPXEiy r- V V;A 2LZCUZD xA KVnOLCSAXi AXD UrTAlL DiAlXSJ .LX Dny goods, . QROCERTES; t MOOTS AXD SHOES; . . . . IUI U V A i C'U'-3, crockery: ;v ? .: f STOVES, end -: :r:;J . SOnOOL' BOOKS.- :. ALSO, ooioossio!! a5d ge2tthal zzhtvjz : Mmercuants.t. . : ' . , - i. : . . . Liberal iinxcx xsa ca 2 rtluci cf Ceixr rW 1 'Li ifajl-X-tf i on GUOCERIES, - , PROVISIOXS, ' i:' DRY GOODS, ;i bootc a-shoes,1 x-c: . . .- i '- -" Cotrtry TYotfict alsrtrs calul.lAcctfc.T.ciUt.a ; i."..-. . . . . . .' 1 ' - ' ;: M,AC.O.N.i!:S.Qrj:SIJi:'-; BEAUFOltT Et.lRlXOR. ' IIsom at ' ' . Morehead - Cityt.Zf. 0.7:7 US J I'll I UJv J Ul', J. UJ A 1 r. t r.A,:i I . ---" T-. - - T 1 r. . , , ' " 1 ; u I! I! f Ij -j t S I i . i. 0 ' f M" 'A if it . ii 1; S' J ri s . s - w - Jf tV . 4 , r . 4 0 3 n- 5 iv M x False Report! -Two white men w$ec Crested sometime since as suspiciotisharaei ters in Jones c(Juntyand brought to this city, " were releasod;: mander,-3Iaior Van Horn'Iwerq fgain arrCsted,yfefer agaht set free brthe.qstCpgmandejw? :.;'gave.rirbt . warm eiv had been secured. . , i BAER- & EPPLER, 3 at o.o. i ; w I r