B USI1YE8S CARDS. firioiTortirCarollriaslioul(l realize, as uho I United States shall ofildally moclaim th Una 1 1,000 and . jhhu U4U 'v . vt 1 rcspectiTcly, o Article Ulti of the iur.fud. joined to tk -1 VTIUC 'A larr t ho doubtful BrottoTxi rm ti water bos bant fro a BKAUBS m mountain where pe earth eruption occtirrcd Indication tince ycxltrdaj u to L U The basa of th rolcaao Is abut 1 0 nolka In rote on th faal oucstfoaJ ft I, 2 j. tlrcumfercnca and U dooUtcd. At kasttaU T'v- .Sv-T :'l will be nron of hpr nrosDcritr and o rnnumti. tv. i wk. ..j MM. itmrei -1 j tlrhi tljhcd thaXkrctarjthlp cl ts beXtarjthia cf is. J7t t PROVISIONS, DRY! GOODS, -4' IF ZX a I r -f ' ' . ....w t-jAJO ilUlUVW T p.. . . to ! . . 3 V SK hcroodnam, 1 ererj man who roted the . Republican Ucrct I .1P.W '"i . i BOOTS and SHOES, &c. " . ... v i n 'Ji ' i it ,or ctMtjetiWI iiTriir.n tvw ia l Sued a prociaxaaxKni t.x mjziq.z oi ux There wsj a f uH caUact tucclhrr ca ' ThcrtLUXih rk& teiill M ManrrUitdr. had rone from Hono- amonsr the beoole either 2aiortihoIl-l5!ffiWJPj.1 ' . x - : 1 lics the anpaiauz rrcctxcl3 at llaunaXoaii The Vfhlte Uucxe wu croirJM iji l.DOO feci Into iLeair.- Tho txrtr 1 that tkne. Lor Ctct. tli -." oJn'IindWaUrpxbcIUraa Wadc'trotf , blL crcara Conn try Produce always onnand. . : . Accommodation for Farmer on :.ihc: : Coi r3 r A V l a 1 RRfi r . J I pauiican party . ar. , ui& . pauwuiu , uvuriK eeijauf cs. ana win co mn aelf- and trill do Itirt t f. a t l craier. r. I Mrixllort. i i i 1 think ' proiicf. -They. haT6fntrc4 Jt1, Vh5pShi to be otpr; Ulilheto-J -T -- I lr ? . . ! . t . ' r . -i '. T,. .illicit 'Jmo W kim-wl. OTvl JMj South Front Street, 'il -1 Ts . i ; ines, :w?i i.r,f.'y Liqu AKD ors, CIGAES , l TUB CHOICEST BRANDS IN STORE" !' :-Agents for SMITH'S Celebrated . t- ! Present Use and Stock Ales. H' -' : --: r . if ' i This ALE is Brewed expressly for Southern Markets. j '.- ' ".i ! t - sud WARRANTED TO KEEP IN ANY CLIMATlS. Being cxctooively engaged in the above bosinesss, am prepared to offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to parties purchasing' in my line. I May 2 1-tf-, . ,,. ,:s, .... 5. j . ;i ttu:. .3- u . a , rii. ana inere is no rcmcar or meant nf.MiM v rt. i n --tv x.v i UC 1MMIUS MB IUI IUUKi'.kUU UlVUUtUU' wnq prot partr intend ta oZocI- men. nd of men of cmv complex- the great work.of boilditig H.tip afaev( in fesa to belong to the ;CpnserTaUTe ; sii-r.v-r- nll 5t ' ' ' iUf- frtfoWvtt-: WhilcnmifTed P making tnreats or -wnai vuy intend tc 1 1- - t.ui. ii' r.- t--.iuK,! 1 I vT: . Tr.r. . v. v . . .UM"" are almost .l i in 1.111s 'wfTric in!iL Kir i. v in diuum lu i rFLaimimn iinnnfrn vn .inniTinn HArj ' fair trial. It should ba jndffed in reason "V A W .r"" "r, U tpartlcc .-rv ; ue appeal to mo great, Dooy pi our i 'wuh rh;i;f;r CI I onij teir tiF . .t A F-Vffy fiMP.ofVMW'W0a "- jrPi.woso.wno arf arepK cp aaaaxu maintain' ... mtid r B:uo all bitterness of Reeling 104 . w we iwuww h - m ww y i warus. UIO auuiQriues anaxg iroyq irqm f ,TftoM tirttWi iTt V.o, nnWiriTYimn eer discord andi fitnFeanAihna.preYcht I OejtCan r;i..M.wwpjAvrf- r- r- ."-4 - r 1 1- , " , .,11 i South' thisState wordd WaHcvby return of prosperity. Wo 'have BivH u?r Zfki. i,UfAf&&fa far tcx mnoh already of stnfei confusion ploymen.t acxactt 4vyi viv nvw -. -ar . T - a I T ' 41XJMlSt WTwrxjr M.a, uu I . (T'T'.V : . . . J; " "'T I tHeaInOI ion; ouuivce me wane or troo, w Commam2m6n25 omftAtf JU)rr& Prayer Id item, eak of the TEOPZERxy KCS MaYNABDi 1 ' The inlands arc all hlsh-alep-.arid raounUln- TT nv'j J4 ly of Tolc&ai56xihj bat; not . being protec- . o vi kdo. ted by barricT-reefa except in one instance; . BEII10IET yllr - destitute of rood harbora. Ha eastexnibst and largcar of the i&laadl tlarly xelcrated on IU irtst coast. rrhacjr a'rrroir. arid beach.' rtsa in tolcanie rnountaln uopex; which iper parts become watered and aUord cnlUTatfid ctdcm id erable txjrulsiion : on th &peV&eV'.le8 rapid, tba BEXI aOIET Klirr 8a t. Jones t co n ing irce naTe noining to lose in any way, nd rnes t-wbia happchav". AUtbetalti abbutprol enowajnen aDreDlaibnviJsaaeu wroulffil a a -ja . w-a t . I 1 . j uuul. w lasiLJi six 11 1 ' r iiim iiiiluiii av nil 1 f m . . . v. . . r: . ot-; 1 uie soil ine interior 01 me iaia.titi rorma a wJGi $ it' 'ift! lfl lii from 8,000 to 4,000 feet high, and is fefeS i&Mfe Vtrrered by thick forests, mrtly ?axnpd. sWSSct ssmsi Sara S3 i?J5r5Pl,?.? Tallkyi openlnr from them conuuln trlUhh ferl 1 J i. Zkax rrr axaav a. . . assi ''Tt'i. nkcC 5ertk Ckronaa, f..;..;..'' v )wn out ot cmi l iv..t ..in tn account oKbdliUcaiOpimopal WtlATi 9 f7?"t ""r Carolina 1 takte shall bo leVied. Vapi ort IS cruTof wUd osewhohayebben thrown ouWcrij yiSt, ,iwJLS?i cattle. ii;XcW lofUest 12,800 feet high. Manna. Loa tmVway the innocent arot ; tho guilty w The farmer who Abore the plaJ , Hid is ono nhvee thlmghts: of ;the peopW; wouidlnow wilL. The nation haa .spoken, declarirfg Jdaat work, and is WSWtol fjectedtoto tho air to the htfrhS of W0 tnraei tbthe. besa.iheana of uimroiur!that Cettain -DrinciDles and a certain or, !2meinS :uPIl.llH Wfll'W? fcef The Ura formed In some tce a"ercat their condition. For seven 104 der of public men shall control pubUcrafi nSn5h8Iw SodK& '1 0 f' mmm-mm w V a WV. kf 4 UUr I ftnn r1ftfthHi nn nMlmine f f V j T.a - . - , i i m mwm vr a w aa a ajo De caret ul now tner? I aititnA of ihA mnitnn w.. in rwi -. - IcveL llolokal. the fifth island in armarenUr.fonned by a chain of rrol- mountains, broken, howerer. by numer arlncs. The mountain slopes are coTered lurk of rLiiVAu..:.. . ....- runic erf Ltrvcrua iiokftirhAia.i:.j;;; iuk rf TaiWrta :;;.!Zt7 c M ... have had turmoil, excitement Be V ell ivug j cans rtz I V& fmruv iiicu ouoii wuuui uuuui, I uHuuwMii tuvss uuvicis wiiu unq 4cu.ui i fJQO' itement aod confu-i iaira intms teior tftonext-toor Years, r iTrTZ"" ,' , rwbMr, 2- -i::.' rv,J v i t ; 4t-v : .f ii t . .S .n Diun. iiLUCU ui una wiuu una utieil , Jievu-j "ww3 u due uviuu uc itn:viiicui yv. . w uuiiu; uiiu uuuusci ui iuunuu i tP,? wr hv ,Hh.wft KopnJn. and obeved. Tiie "POWRTts titat TtK I podiucians,--iVzriort4 jjcmocrut, l&u. .rwv ww - vp w r . w - ti w . v vwa Mtu l T " " . - a an - . - i - w ed oi our resources ana greauv impover- are ; ordained of uod. it ua re- fTeleffraDhed to tho NjlY. Tribuna.l t ous l ished. Every interest is lansruishinirl and member how terrible Peace arid Industry weyeneyer so rauci I has been iorreststing tli needed as they are now, bur punishment. those powers for TEREIITO EAETHQUAKE3. r -.if :.j i the last sevenyears; and profiting by thq ' V . oiLim jj w ivju islands : The first great mistake of the Sou thi lessons of the past, IcV us address ,'ouN . side villages wriELKEi-cncircnEa Aarl nm riAnnlA TaraH in tint. snKm'lfinv in vrwvr4-1 soIvas tn thft fntiirrt Wlfn VAttar nnnvo. I r DWBLLrjGSDBMOLIUraDa. THTT4TTRRT tWJ liri rr- i iJl .i-HABITAHTg SWALLOWED 8TBEAMS OF" W lUnk of Oo-nmrrc". ....... ........;. Iluk of rayctuiin m&k of Taaor-miMM. CxraamercUJ luaa ox n uautnoa ircmooro xiiui... itr..., ranacr' fiaak, GrprCXrrO Xerchaau liaak, fMrwDtrt. Vlrrlnia nak Ti.Iti...i.:.:w....... ooa.i inmni iui t.w..... a . r ... ,i . Ti.w w ... i Luak Kotes. . r . Gold. VIIA - with yVdurc, and scytral places on tho Island oS """"-v.... 52-1 a rcpny H e trouble of cultiyatioa. I Electro ew sf New fclrm ( rw ............ V. 8. vacr m, f ca " Z n. .aTa: of 4 3 v. , w aw. .... ........ -M . I M - - . ..... Bj fll.t t LOUISIANA. nntnra. It. i;Aa. . AWMtiWf WfVDU VHIUUk um iUiiV-- f a a a ai . . . V a ai Our Soldier Dead. T. POWERS. ' Hubbs & Brbthter, , , WHOLESALE; AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, X CROCKER Y, GLASS-WARE, after all reasonable ground of hoping .for reconstructed on 'no other success had disappeared. The third was. than that of reason.7'' ; in not accepting in good fuith the Presi dent's plan, as it was calledbut not as he subsequently perverted itin 1 865. The fourth was, in rejecting the Howard amendment. -. And the fifth, and pe foundation YA. FR0M AN ISLAND. second was. in prbsecutinsr the rebellion destroyed by passion, but- they can be. K Ban FaANCisco. May 7. The5 hark Comrt! n of the new Oonstltuuto Jn thii Buto by ii xruji mo oanuwjcu islands, onnrs accounts ,v vrv .."aJv,j iuoiTuwrecacu of a terrible volcanic eruption by Manna Lou V?? 48 toIk)ir8: Senate 21 Republicans to which began its demonstrations on 2 Larch 27! 15 Dcmoci ats. House probably stands 05 Re. un xne zotn, iuo earthquake shocks were felt r craocnus ; majority on joint and dgring the two weeks following to April SSh ' ..V. 1 'M. i... t - JHon.. John 'A. Loan: Commander-in-1 and a tidal wave 60 fect hltrh rose orerlttia rd Chief of the Grand Army of the Ilcpub- &awrifJ rhans i- t. n , a , -ntl w5pnff human beings, houses, arid u t a lie. has issued General Onlprs Nn. 11. , evervthinc moTvhl hfnro it a U4k1 t, it- . I ' I i . ; . . -r? uiogrw. uiise, was uie Ditter op- from which we.teke the following ex-VXS Jj f,nd fjm 13. 2.000 carthouakfi hnrt. nrnnWi "aV Tne foUowing Ulhe list of tho Bute Exoc Waischina the earth opened in many placcsj ulte offlccrs elected, who are all Republicans. position shown by a maionty of the white people of the South to the recon struction acts of Congress. . But these acts are now a finality.. They' Killed many persons. In all. ona hnndml tracts : ' lives were lost, besides a thousand horses, and nilmi. , Anfi,w tana : cattla The craters vomited fire, rock and .t Z J r t4- lava,' and ariverof Ted-hot lava, fivoorsli; - a- a s-wxrf vA. bi vtTIll if S tola flowers v or otherwise decorating the uiues iodit. nowea io me sea at the rntn of miles per .hour, destroying eycrything before KS5 1 iivuki. M ua imuj. 1 hr,v Wm I'nmnvnto ;ntr, kk r a I eraves 01 comrades Who died in dnfonrn h ana iormmg an island in the sea.' A. new jjm w avrViiA aaavjva uwiu ajaia iii bjv liiii t . i v n i i . v-vm - - -r . - . i-- i it t "vr n i- - i lu - of their country dnririir the Iate rebellion' cr lwo.nules wido opened, and : threw, htical life of North; Carolina, and there . zr.f r?cks. and cams of firca thousand fect into is no' from largo v Sotioiis, Pine IApois, k.j k !. Mil) D LE STREET,' ' ONE DOOK SOUTH OP POLLOKlBTREET, iiNBW BERN, N. C. power which can separate them Atf ' on,i j u" .Tr m "a.-r."14 'T' u"! trat that life. This has been done bv a 1 vard in thA larWl..- Tnx't.hiia rh9AtrnA I Visible at nhrht. 50 miles distant.. ; ThalAYal ! mainAtv of nnr nmn1 v AUJnfn! forni of ceremoftv is nrrihfnf I haAjnshed out from thoshoro ne.milei Al Maior-Gea. i wwvf... i m.wuv.Mww I -J. -r'"'r?',YW mv.w www I Wo gh nn fhMvnmilno .1.. . - : II ........ .-.. : - - . . - - , , i j :M-r,,it 1 ' ' i wovuhm,(uw luiHdiuuitUweuwtgt Hint Iim X ion acquiescence in tne win oi tne majority :w .""vrt w w; i icai lsiana.rpsq suaaeniy. t emitung : a column j disorder. Ai-AU'TAAw: raDS? Buwv.uvHngeryiccsana costirao- oi steam ana smoKe, while the Kono packet 8.000 ma r1"-1 7 ."r r r t .;:rf "! Al ials of "respect, as f circumstance Jmav. ;was. passing 8pattering'.-mudi:oit .the vofeselJ Itepubli can iorm ot. government. . . . permit." - " ' -t 4he greatest suocfci occurred", April S.agreail a8 'iKW ot this: peK "VVe are,?rgansi comrades, asbur ! GbTcrnor Henry C Warmoih. " Lieutenant Governor Oscar J. Dunn. Secretary of State George A. Bovea Auditor O. IL WickllflFc. Baperintcndent'of Education Thomas IV. Conway. Treasurer Antoine BubucleV' Attorney -General 8. Bclden. ' Members of Concrcss- First District, Gen. Second, James Mann ewsham (Rep.)- Fourth, Fitth. William Jasncr BlacVburn fRep; ., ;v , V" FLORIDA. - v . COKSTXTDTTON BJtTiriKD ASD TOE RE PUBLICAN TICKET ELECTED. ! Meade telcgrapha to. Gen. Grant anQ Uie partial returns indicato about iorilv for the Constitution, white the can (Reed) ticket has been elected by GEORGIA. i i ; We arc Bulling dor large stock of Goods UKES to cash purchasers. Our Stock of scluw iriu pie was made in resisting' majority declared in 1860 only repair that mistake. the foundations of permanent by submitting now1 in good therlwill olithe regulations tell .us, for the purpose, ajrwnr: was; dreadful, so 'violent that no' person coui J onATrrrrNO MAJOurxT j. . - l ".l a T - " - .a j v". i a ' a w. . . . - ' m . so thev can oiner :oi, Pi-esfirving-and strength-; 8a.--tn lue us tremendous saoclct I tion and toe r j i. x. a. i r .1 au 1 1 -i f 1 1 1 1 Miri ui nn i nn n Tvmmn nrvnrn .i t . . j : : and' fav nnowl w , . . aM5l"ai ."SH monnUin. rnshin: aefo thh . "TliX 1 Gcrf.3leades oOkial wnicn nave nonnn mrrottor tho coiriior i' A" . r ... t . - ,":rri .i.:,ri.. i.i j i .. : . : "" . muoi .in :uireen minutes. ana ihfen rAsfiWi i. i o .prosperity, sailors, and marines ; Wholnhited'to sun-1 Then, cama tha irreat tidal wT,ntid ihn ihA I cd in thU State, the lateirebeUiom-P'iWJla't' can add streams of niava.' The vfllsures oniher roa the oovsrrrn TICKET. ntrrjBLic mm ........ . ............ .. .... Tx a PRICES. CUKUET. axroarrs tr . Ilabbt & Brother, - : ...... - VnoUxU Dtclert in Grocery and Prvrleu r t." tr . r . ry . r- r. r .. r cnocrarrn. ' Coffee, IUo iroayra.... Htnatlw... m. Doalaco Jcra feaa, Yoaag Iljaoa.... iiro Ompcnrocr and ImoorUl . Ootmr.... . l'oootJata . - ilUk Iirclll.... rrt rluar, fron... ' WmmmDt OLbbed Ucrrlatc per box. uara Miilawn, Nrw Orieaas. Csba..... Eioa.M . b ogara, Te Uotm ;'r CoflaaA... I : Ooffas!i.., i : - U z I ' raa alafd . . . . . . Pwwoerwl. ........... ApToa, Drtr.... "nc.pr bu.... tf. f. ...... . - ............ .... ..... .. ........... ti a S4 a a 1 " UlX( W 41 U u (IIS 1 W (ii ae l co (i i a I U IS ltn (LtS at U CO . so "a . If IS it c JTVU n Ciloe a n :i rt n I no m ir-xo .uiegmm-.li'Geirpit I omciai reiaros uare ueca reoeiy- from all but one county, and (press .wffl. ' f -Thu . s.ubnutting,;'iet'it: bo ' 'dons; f110! to assure this result th promptly Adcheerfullyrnot merely iaenv tnememoiTolO?r,heroic Te earth crUouTwaiiSwed riODiand 4. 27 .JlcpubUcani to;ipwuti and I ? . : .v ' S .: " . . ueau, who maae ineir DreastS'a Darncade the sea many more. Twr1fnl a.Tffnrfn one doubtful Crockery and Notions ., I J: f . lit than rby cher-' -wca-e all destroyed by. this wave;' The hiV if AtVvh a : opened. nider te and reddened the oiy otOur.;neroic - Ti trtu ont'un a sense of justice to the majority, and Ju between bur country and its foes", deference to the great principle that : the . "Let ns; . then at tho'- timoapbihtbif,' terror prevailed in the district, and the whole Tegion was" affected. The sloop Live Tankre people alone must rule, but as a matter gather aro ind their sacred remains and uVand Xr Wim l? Ia larger and in greater tarlety ban tnat of any other of policy and common decency: for noth- garna. passionless : mounds above .rtT., '.1 " . . ! inn in nn : .ffi, w. . 1 VUfclU CKiano. rmtlia. txrtam ISO no shore I 8"0" "at tue uonsuiuucwj israunca oy 1 ,vo J uaj.. ,., i dia earfu l majority. Mr. Bullock (Republican) is elect-4 - to .rw v;p ;..miib nav Oid Dip I W CUB BP 1M fllM AnTrnxlx tax fmXA Vr pmrtk t 43 (i !4 kOala9 a a a a a : at C 4 M Tit, m to aire... U nia "fc. .- S 03 UtM Thollouso stands, 05 Rcpub nocraLa and six donbtfuL' i licans to 24 Democrats and six doubtful. larrvr . 1 . j ........... i-.l r.;. -kiscxLUuciiora, . ivirtwa.i!;.r. :.v'. ...... Una Utooc.:... ....... IS s 11 IS o a 3 1 Oom 4TqaaaUir..... ISO KUuM,Mrbftbd 1 VI ft a m a t CVMM BY LAST . NIGHT'S MATT,, hoas in this 1 All Goods as ReBresButed or ing in public aflairs can be more impolitic With the choicest flowpra of imrtnrr sl. . .- " tr i MpiiAif A wrr sr nnAnr. s w . ."""'rT'"-"; nmp lot. iia raiiAiihAVatham I w-. ; v . nil fin n r " "" A1 vcoo ic- okl they saved trom dishonor- Irt n 1 " i.. i .. . . . I. v- . 1 - 1 MT U I no irrMTMI tnMn mn n 1. l From Washilxi st on Ixrtpeacli j ristanco by a mioority ot the people to in thislolen presence renew our pledireS GS'ZdSXSft. ZXTPgZ n.ZZ 7,. 1 ttJE&m XOm.rJUOUSi : - m - . r . m . 1 " , " , I . " " I . WW" -4 aW aVSTaaay SwWbVSMmI ' " " " menta fee COLLCCTOU'S OFFICE, . U. .INTEEtf AIi EEYiUnJE, Cash Orders' will have i personal attention. Consign ments of Produce solicited - V prompt returns made. K. HUBBS. Aug.a-d-tii O.. HUBBS Ferdinand XJlricli, At tha 14 Big Indian," on Middle Street, stitution, asserted their purpose to minister the government on certain Ciples. ':" h'iiTi--'i:- j f.o7.'v A r ;i j j ' We confess we are surprised at terness oi spirit maniiestea since election by. the Opposition There is nothing which tor HU rr.strlct, lbs jLtmad Wat Hat Kbraea FpedjJ Tum, ta McraW ta kad&k A, latcra) vQlba aan4 pajhjN ?- of HAi Una, a pea! fdltf juvuTACTcaaa ajtd dkjojeb SEGARS, 1 1 i t i i. . . . ..i Knirif pirWi'n th a nW HonctiVnon ordpr. and lend it f nVndlv ?, J,rrvJ? a P?aoa CXtcnaing irom tfta in the principles and purposes of the Re-1 mZ l to tho notice or comradea. ro,.alMs!apeL of Mauno Loa, from president BcnatorS An tho- l U, uJ fow cceU p ia Lac trard la wrrlM a rrcllnshuyscn and Bnra roa 1 Taxes lor.Jrw Utdorrr Cocctr ars parage U a . . a . a, a 1 a b) AS Ta 11 1 ' hi T a aa arc smi GQUuiim on un anhVv-i ! i v 'Tor X$s Cocatr, to Z.IV BcOcd4,ai . AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL All kinds of SMOKING, CHEWING, and bNTJF TOBACCO. V Meerschaum, Briar Wood and and Segar Holders, Clay Pipe and 'I " Rub 'fJi rtS? X WW and Fuwlcr are not fully com 2 one to sercn roct .... I parts of -the country in time" for simul-, I iawiothJ and an eruption of moist clay was IF14 WMqwuAW v.i-n ..!:...' ...- i ; yorWsjCbnair,un.UCMat taneous compliance therewtth, n " ; v 11 fyirown f rom the side of the mountain beurcetf ft The Trneachtacn CQUrt jhaji adnrned .ca-1 -Tor Wuoa Coamty, u 8. r. Vrtv t n - ' ana iwcaarason, a aiitance , ot til Katurdsy, on account oi thg iEoesj c-f Bca ? 1 or nowM &l No vote was ta, 2jg W oyerwbelminffhQuacs; . M i I f V"F M it;' Tobacco Pouches. XST Orders pnnctnallyattended to. Juno 5 16-tf.' - publican party. 2 In former times, when any party was Buccessiul at the polls, the custom was Mr. Stevens', Bill for the nestora nfAotol vn t-f xr aiV I Af thA ttAtllkl KtlltM ' ' : ' r r . , i w ' f f ' . . .... . . . . . . 4 .- ' m - . . . - - - he admiasion of -' r"u.ST?1 ioarrninj mil ea. 'An er After tho adiourtAocalbg t!0arah3enata lv Jot Orar Coaatr. UC kV Eases, at Xrrt. z . a- wka, a, rwTiTinTi -sva aa nAAn a am av a - 11 a a i - . X r, It r -1 ll AX Mn Wtwllng the City Charter. - of.PartmtCaaatMa oka A. Xladrk. ojthelchui trees on thtj JuiJast vDull ! OamqVVoato adjourn, Mr. Drake said Ur?r" q 0 lv and OTacefully. and indfre the iancfifs4-1 1 ion- tnl noww nrt.i- following bill for the admission of 'ihe feta'tei ' T ' " , of North OaroKnai'South OarinaIidulsianiL Vfl??$ST be Alabama and 'SeXr This inli made X4caoab Geastr. aa ri.ILCaM.traiW . - ... - . ... : i i. - i j ft -ww . w kai i w " r;V;2.,-'mUe!5 ''?2.-a'. .WlkoorHcrwittdol Mkhan NOTOle waa ta-1 rfSWO-wtr. ww.Ckarry.aic-- a avsiis is k mu i it nra'aw vn vttt arvv ,ai a-a irA m m at s T IIousc-Furnishing: Goods. UE undbTrsigned WOULD KESICTFULLY announce to his friends and tho public trenerally ' i 1 - 1 J 11 1 M. . .V. . luai rre uar recti vw a suu wcu-bckvvu iwu. ua OJfc Parlor, Dining Boom and Cooking ! A. ?x.',lJtoves,for coal or toood All of which I am prepared to sell at a amau advance on manufactarera prices for cash. - All of my Stoves I can confidently recommend to the pablic. . Old Stoves Repaired and Made! i , , , J&qual to -New Ones, I Sn Tin' lloofln?. Gutters and Leaders j put op and . repaired at short notice, : S r . Craven street; 8 doora Sonth of Pollok st., ! NoT6-Wm i v ' New Bam, N. C 1 - V ful party bteiir; management -of "pubh'c affairs. What eood reason can there h why this custom should. not bo observed 1 the. special order "for, yesterday, (tTedncsday) now? - " : " ' 5 v " 13th inst., andVill be coatmuedunm disposed 4 Thetateof Kortii CaroUna is cow ot 1 J ? ' : ' ' " ' ' and is destined, to bej 'jc yo JpSffl na liitvn tn fJCamenBC rorccioicea wnm 1vaTv1 ith FtboVnaJtrAs.HM State. Its srovernment will bo adminis.i pursuance of the provisions of aai act. ,entUL.rlh. i h ; . . .. .r iN.if.TwvaiiM (vemment I . xuoioi mu, as iar as ucaru irom: is asFi-t:., - .f tPrtWI-.in nil ?t. nrfmhnto Ti.i: U.1"""- luw w eiucieni government m.m;uwii- ot tne reoei states, passed' Alarch 2nd., 1SG8 can principles. This is settled. The d the acts supplementary thereto, framed rUrml hnvA tntikA a i - u constitutions of State governments which are people have so ordained, and their wishes republican in form, Sid have adopted said must be carried out 1 1 Every 'office will constitutions by large majorities of the votes vLin Tr.viur iJ,i- ,: rnu cast at 'the elections held for the ratification be in Kepubhcan hands. t This is right or rejection of the same, ' mcuon and proper in itself, under; the circum- Therefore, Be it enacted, that the States of stances, and wns ejected daring "the gSjS0 SSSU late campaign. - It .was indispensable, admltted to representation in Congress as becanso no otherwise could the State IISMtej have been reconstructed and restored to amendment to the Constitution of the United the tfnion: - I States, passed by the 39th, Congress, ?and tne union, u, i knQwn M Article 14 0 th f0JZ ! But.it does not follow that tha minori. fundamental conditions: I r I - a tmi a a . m J ....ww 7rr,-T!i a tr nrfl tnVkfl flnn "mat meuonsutuuons ot said SUtes shalll XL LUNCHSAIN, on Polio street; np?t door any civil or Political nVht Pniovrvl W 1 any citizen or class-ofciUzens of the TlnWrl Lager, Beer and Lunch Salooni ; .Edward Brosche ! T- . a a. a. a W .aa tU V.l... . afc.,1. Aaua V..Ija I J V T F" S U K.UIUIC11 11 V ft af tn thA MtAn inmeni oi n;i( ftuuicr, wuaa uv i i r c 9 f - . J i 01. a . w- - r . i a s a a . -, w s - . m si i au si ina nirnr w - t a w iv m ana -k. a spared to give aatlsraetion 10 an woo patroniae mm. i the maiontyv ; Kepubhcan Drinrinlnj nrt I Ii j . l i n . wo yw eau- Give him a trial, and if yon are not aadsfied go eiso- "CUUV' principles are tied to vote by said Constitutions respectively '.: -' t " ' i Y.;ix . i n owf ucenu u uiwr operations tnev onk ! eccpk wrsuca enmes as are now leJonies at to thd rood of all: and tW 11 I common law, whereof they shan have been ii "f -'" v -T-'T"' :rxr QUi7 conyictea and no person shaU ever be an. ii one portion ,01 lqc people prosper nea 10 service or labor as a punishment foi ul bnsiness, all other Jportion mast feel So"'6 .C"8tod';1 the benefit of such prosperity. If th Second. That if : the day fixed for the rnt resource of the State are developed-if Sla industry, revives and receives an ade- the .passage they may be convpned within quate rewa.-.l-.f the! State grow, and SilSSSltS prospers with the tide of immiirration lhc Constitution of such State, v - i:andlPita:..WMc!l;m,,st;fl. where. April 15 tf aa - G UN-MAKER, REPAIRS GUNS and alters them to percussion in ; the hct manner. Ha also repairs PistoK Marir ncra' and Survojprs' Compasses and Spirit Levels. j ' 1ST" Safes opened and repaired. ' j v - .1 , At Maglena & towell's MacMne Slop, , Craven St., between Tollok & Ponth-Front sts.," ' ' ( :t IS IS Ncti-Bern, n. a We k-uocK 01 earujquaaa, Apm mao f e mouon 10 aajourn over Dccause he b aiZJ s;tea a Sarw H frwa its, icau lb. JK- aiwtjd a) TraaVaa, sra Jt' Ilia u O . Jor Qoalow Ooaatr. U cm of mj Dn- t2 fdteo4 at JacUaarUa, raa XaWTiS U Ox wiH iMMm BUjyu. IJtAllLt -VLLl U I A . . . 1 1 . 11 " . . ... fnMLo7, attend to business. iliwtt ..i 1 fj' 1 . " .. H Iff PnnHln V.m Va.L I i . now uui viio uwjue Bianoa upon anovucr. ana 1 1 'wm vt Avt 4wa.suomfDUwu f . . .T. -. . r r v - . . t . . a a a . aaJk a a a from.'' it. - ., ji . . .. unranqi . aj . ' , -. . At ?aliata, S3-alokaka,. 13; Palalua. 4; Ilonaho, 27; Vando, a vjota single white person 'twas killed or lost. The whole group of island was enveloped in smoke. ' ' ALATKJi'ACCOUHT. ' 1 HohoPltjui, April 7 a! m.- A: vessel has just arrived from ; Hawaii, brineim? full ae- LcaunU nftho Java flow. , It broke out, two mnes auovo vapt. Upbert iiruwrs house, and flowed dirootly to, it. The family escaped with thoirclotheg only, and-the. path br which thy escaped, was not covered with lava.! In ten minutes afterward tha lava had pushed into the sea, fonning a point a mile long. Tho jets were thrown 1,000 feet Thflicenewas 9uoot the most terrific granaeur. The dam age is confined to the island at Hawaii Ttrit "aAH ITlAJiCISCO BTJLLpTin'ji f DISPATCH. San Francisco, Mar 7. Xbo IfopolulJ correspondence of the. BuUetin gives the' de-l 'Zr:.zr Jol(lc Qturhances. showing! that the earthquaKe-sbocks extended toaU the isianas ojuie Uawauan group; hut no dam age is known to haye occurred except around Manna Loa. Numerous extensive landslides' accompanied the other pcqoinena, destroyinzi ? JPPT- The summit and aide oft1 mil,l,o(X) feet ln.hight, were thrown 1,000 feet oyer the tops; of treea and landed in the! valley below. . The gasses that issued after-' ward destroyed both ytgetahle and animal! "v rmlcsa fissures opened" in th lain sijc . .V lava stream" Bows' under thei ground, breaking out in: four jets. six iilllcJ- 2tar t-aa K13 SO Kaj, US. ta aw Bcnatora couU 'noVaca lrMl..i...'ii: i.-.f;.rr r - - . 1 ."WOSW fo;rAia to tell ' thcia The1 whom ' cdVnirV nfrw1 waa eWS J?Te;w Beni Hall I iww Biuierjng-, mere were cenaxors Jaenr who !-js:..v 1 were possessed of such composure as to to CTatttcrnrfBtTtaw-i ihsensihle to It. the. ha envied th.0 r. flpsat5 BSfS 4 ana lumo mimcr unimportant business the Senate adjourned oyer to the usual' hour to-morrow. XO ..h-x.-t-C .u ri i House. The 8pcaker laid befora the House at communication1' frotn -iho' feenersi of tha amy, submitting a statement c t thft votes cast f or and against the Cons tf tuUoj;, follows : Korth j Caroh 'fo-lotittor Jf500; against 71,820. , Souti ; Carolina, for, :T0.75c Sainst, 27,283. deofgiaCfor, 8,007; against, 71,300., Louisiana, for, C0.152; against, -19,. Alabama, for, C0.607; against, 1,00 :TaejCmmunicallon was referred to the com (mitte onrcconstructlbn:' ' " ' " ' 1 The impeachment managera Ihts morning claimed a. majority of one for conviction, bat Hr, lo ward's dcleri d m conUnucd, ' A Radical Wacua was held Uds, morning at l .o'clock, when it was determined to'pcatpono ' thVflnal action of the Senate ; on the Jmpeachmcnt of the President until Saturday next, when ills yilNDS AXD PATEOXS, Wines, 'iJquora and Lager "Bec" 1 -"tu.'lt 1 J.. r- !" - eooaUciljoB LrrJ, ' J aia slat faraUa nOAl aad LODULNO, aad . ... " X UXCII AT ALL HO UH3 ! 0TSTLH8 IK EVERY STYLBt LAGER BEER BY THE KEv' , V FfalliltN'AD VUllClK - - " EBCOIPGB.'IOIIE .UAHUFACiHSa. ,aix;iCilcs-! expected that rJIowarjLwill bcable ta at 55? ilPnl! '.'V IrrliWrd not Veoovcr by ! . ."'J 111! v- iiiv. -a I. " ! I . Lcara vacf atoaaara Ht . A1.1 ncLACKLAlTi x Jr&At 1 Ai 41 ' ; st nixs a rjnx ai, l sa a ! ! t