li 1 ri ii 11 .. ...... -. ----- . - . ICS 7 t&wimi r I Tern ilJMt w om Lack vt rrct roscUtci tciri PUtZlASlS&lX Titt-v jvv .u: ' 0 KJUM, OM t&Mrtkni ... . . (LCI T GEO..W." NASOIff, jfHi i .... ;i Ppdil KctSort clxrrrl n t-r mr!'' rr Lmc? f.'.-.-.-jji e Tor feiYcrtiscstcau Ucru-1 brrxxl1 j, C ! :.y0LV:-iy.,6;i: ';'"! NEW BERNE, NG." SATURDAY, .OCTOBER 3,;.1868., i i U ; - : TRIGS 5 .CENTS.,..: S7. n o-.:-:i iV I misa I ' j ; r : 'vkTtS OP BtTBSClUlPTIOWi' i;i in m - - i r tj. t.f 1 Li;jli! . . . i . l -.-.. J . ' i HAOT? ATT AKf''. '-'-TV. . . . 1 i i 1- Mi'' "I To lay -Taxes ranl Provide i ;XortKie;apport of the City Goverhnicnt ; ! t'"-; 1 it' I A 'Y- T. 1 :ii u. NKW YORK. 08tt v-r ' if! i-ii:-: V.' '.I I ; Becl. It is ordained by ttieiiayor tndConnHlof ihe city of New Bern, Thatfor the Cecal Tear ending Jane 30th 18C8, a tax of one per cent apon the' yalne allof real At-riiiritf- i I eetato within tne iimits o the corporatiou,- be and the UllllJall J j :iM J ameia herebj laid to be- collected as b .by-law prori- ' M further ordaiTUdj .That from and after the It dayi Of April, 1868, no person, fina or 'corporation shall prosecute or parry On Wither of the trades or occcpationa mentioned in Section 6 of this ordiiiance, . until he or they shall have obtained a license therefor In, the mso nerlierelnaftCTlBroTldedi .Uiii i"-?-?--?. v SecS. It Ufurth&cr&UKdJ&iX? tcron cons desiring to- obtain, a license shall register with the City Clerk, first ; his name,, or their name ot style se cond, the trades or occupation for which . a. license- Is desired ; third,: the place where such trade n tcnpav: tlon is to be carried on fourth, if an v inn-keeper, the yehrly rental of the house and property to be occupied for said pnrjKjse, and thereupon, upon payment to the ot-r rart. or other oemon aathorized to ceileot the tax herein provided, shall make out and deliver a li cense for such trade or occupation, which license shall continue In force for one month, at the place or premis es described therein.' -i - a - - Sec 4, It is further ordained. That if any person Wanna shall exercise or' carry en any trade or business lereinafter mentioned for. the rexercising of which a TTHTrr titttltt nnTniivp i i chq ' '. his fellow nxj r x!xvxv w A t: Vrr ... 1 ti. ndw,' bopmg to' rum thoi ttsoarces, &nd jncrtaue of power, lo . thl n--ernmcnt -which ht tod wlum of trwetied ,r all xxa- -conspirators nave not yet txxn iLLt mA n. v to destroy; and so to paralyze all lW And kutlr come that mamlflcfni. dami - v From the Rochester Democrat. TJLYBSES A5D THE UHI0H. . action against futare trouble of the samd I Uon of fellowship sod human brvihcrbood kind9 ' l' - j 4Thli conyenUon Uecl-rres its nympathy lUowelr Cobb h fair inistlion ot 355? Am "Battle Cry of Freedwi." r -" ,C4UC,, "" -""-"." iaoottnuometninsixucT,8omeuangbi-i- If.: t'-i-'n ri. , . . Is this a man whoso counsels are UVely toi f .1U on an raf etior avtod fricodleM race-n We aVe gatbennfrom .the city, we are gath: Droniotd lh ormaintain the honor! cowardly,, uamtnly, and ;unncrout. I . earing from the field 7 1 f:. :$houtuig Ulysses and The victory , we have . gained we' wilr not yield; jhouUng TJlytsointl theXTnion I the v -tv: -1 4 sA s-H la.; . - vw, ; and ,Wr F th: ITnion yiTaral E - ' , - , , ,v, . the Union! . w ' "r'i r , isuv4iiwwt ngiiuw4iwiuKaiu bim . ,,! ,weave,sworn r,., ) i:i ;j . rT" 'T-J t- 'u " ' " - ' - .:r.;;.r;.;-f.5l?.n Horace Greeley on tbe Soutiu " J The Ve-lfaracs-or -thtt r DgriocrnfT nrlll bel . w Trt trrri Cnoitcs:' ' TrrA tnsuraiicc!! .it:;-' buried in NoTembcr." The Ilenoblicahn. no Mr Greedy,: in; thW; wwVs" in- 0 rant, wm attend the funeral iq. t nnirmn inrBWJ i ri nrran dots, uarran i kikkh. u i auici uunctui view i m No league with the rebels whb brought dn the of tiie rutnro of the South : . . ' lll1151? .. 7 r , , v , 7 . - . . . ; , k : ICJrant- IndUaa al leaxt 23,000. Ohio C0.00O, : war' ' . 1 But .let; no one -fear .that .the crime Un3 Iowa not'Iesi thaniO.OOO. The whole We win conquer at the polls, as we conquered wbercof the South is now: the arena and 1 Wett U ,moTing. with IrmUUble power for - I ' before, i - ! 1 the victim can1 finally triumph;:- RocaU fV,raaS jwatadia,, j -. - . j .:- - . . w-r . - . - ....LI - - . A. , enouung uiysses ana me unioni r tho dark da of Kansas, hardly twelve It . ' . We in next xTovember, perheads shalr find,' " . Uin that behalf rrfourred,hei she,' or or they shalLfdr I ' 4 " RVtnntin IT1vrp n1 tliA evcrr such offence. resnectiTely; forfeit ar penalty equal I : . . ; . . , te three times the amount of the sum of -money bnpos I Ivor, universal ireedom, and the ngnts oi. an ""w": w r.i .u i.r u,i i land&Land ., Bee; o, Jina oewjurmer vruatnea xnat in crery , case whereimore. than one of the pursuits, hereinafter '. i Shoutipg Ulysses and described shall be carried on by the; same person in the ; i t . ... . - - same place at the fame time,: except i as therein men- irr-lnriiiwc! fnmvpr tioned, Ucense must be taken out for each, according to yHORCS-Uongress lorever the rates severally i rescriDea. . u ; a . . nurran l' ' : Sec. 6. And be it further Ordained That on and after I ' 1 . ... """"rr' JNo accidental theorv snail o'crnae ine nations r"" r . v; , . . i m w n.fnT.ti th mnntrr n iJii. nerewun Biaieu, bubu oe eBpecuyeiy anumonuuy i : . . T . i v - I Tnnpkn. rliftrwrftfrf tiVl X GOCrai SOIdierl I i. '' -ftrTr""" IT 1 v license is required, without taking out such license us ; .... ti . . . ..... t .i. . ........ a c&uuia lemocraK. woo wu iiujh uuuwr i . , . r: r , as, the Cop year ag vua w allyexriphaUc.liLhU commenU upon the folly I Til fiSfl fLIT- TnillTVtfloTr ' o nVT I oy, armed rumans irora . juissourt,. ner I0f DemocraUc editors trylog to show "caW . :7. TTnionf ri 1 laoblest'cittrens butchered; and all who 1 In Maine, t&Id : ' ' r t . i : - :t.?: :: ... ' .. Ir nftum t n5.Uvprv mm it F "We vera totcn htdly In Unl HUta ,m W . . M. . ..'..r lost the President. Bat we are I Yj f n vnru Anw n-l T Vi vit Tin ttrinn Tinrwk I -. . . . . the Union! 4 'I an eltfctipn . and cbose4.their I Cf elecUn Seymour than I havo'of making a I ! . . .. ,. I -Hurrah, boys, burning "of the . Free State; Hotei and : . 1 other buildings in unresisting lawrence; r yuij riA.iiviui. -. , ; ; I Sattirday norhihgtJ Bam . J j I DU111 W Vlll ';WorIT?iV'Jl 1 nW. MORTALITY paid.' Any number of persons carrriBg ;on any business iwji ,-rrz, ...... . - comingrtt ? iff- ithin the purview of this or in part- !!.; . . . COMPANY, nership may transact such business at such place, under such license, and not otherwise. ... . " . .. . v . (1 .) Bankers shall pay ten dollars for each license, and every person shall be deemed a banker w.thln the mean ing of this Ordinance, who keeps , a place of business where credits , are opened in favor of any person or: firm,' by the deposit or collection of money or currency,' and the same, or say part tnereox snau oe paia out or remmitted upon the draft or check of snch creditor, . (2) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for, license;- Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose -occupation It Is to off er property for sale to the. highest bidder voice. ' ; Shouting Ulysses and the Union 1 j This rebel bounty policy is not the people's 'v 'Shouting Ulysses'snd the Union I I. m i. . .1 : k VamI .aMLm I ?; 1. wim iwucu vuuiiuu B.iu .b..v.v. . tigress, as evinced Dy ino aaopuon. ux.tna and remember that this, was the. school 1 majority of the Slates lately in rebellion, of ivWin ' Nathaniel Lvon and Edwin V. 1 constitutions securinir equal dtil and political Sumner first learned to comprehend and riuw w , y. j t. t v T "li,. j , . I ment to.sustain those institutions and. toprc- t execrate slavery. ui .cannot .deem t it e nl lhe people of snch SUtes from being hV ' or each wrrK., . m. 4 anarchy. rJTOJ M f4 rXIf MTSMKT. IT. r. i ' true, ' ' ; Shouting Ulysses and the Union I j r each llcense. Jivery persen tH -Kr,tW r, who shall off et for sale such liquors in less quantity 11 . , Ci) Retail Dealers in liquors, Including all distilled - -. . . j ' m nnra MMmnnAii on icrmentea liquors, rauwmw w vwwiw , ehall oav five dollars, for each license. Jt , rP A T MOB E3 T OF PA YMEN OF than one gallon at one time to; the same purchaser, IIBEBAL MUUW v p . shall be regarded a retail dealer in liquors. ; . : .ai. il (4.) Retail Dealers shallpay one dollar for each license. .PREMIUMS,, i Tfwerv wrsnn whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries or any goods, wares or ' merchandise, s or foreign or domestic productions. In less quantities than a whole original piece or package, at, one time to . the same person (not including; wines, spirituous or malt liquors) shall be regarded as a retail dealer. ' j : . (5,) yhole6ale Dealers ehall pey four dollars for each 'licenser- Every person whose, occupation or. business I sBVRER3 RECEIVE Tllti it is to sell groceries or any goods, wares or merchan riiae. bv one or more original packa&e or- piece at -one time;.tothe same purchaser, or wines and- liquors ; in . 'Congress of ecual at the South was de- if tLcv should, it caa only t so ordtfel T.r1 that they may invoke a more complete maintained; while the quesilon of suffrage In j t f,'Vr m sum of all villainies," now writhes under ple.of thoe 8tte. the heel of- the Federal Constitution.- lh. &&2!?J$!?i fSSKSSL CHoaus-Congress forever! Hurrah, boys Ifc 8t ot expected to-die poebly ruu u,f Wment of Republic Indebted. t i . i nor speedily; on the coutrary, its spirit nets In tho uttermost good faith to all credl- shall havcV-en expelled from its quiver- g . intr remains. But the work of Congress ; ,iv. TtUdnetA the labor, of the nation has. been done so thoroughly that it will that taxation should be equalized and reduced in Blue, Shouting Ulysses and the Union! A LTTKRAKY ODDITY. BONUS EVER GIVEN. ' 'L'AROESf-X quantities of more than one gallon, deemed a ; - ' 1 wholesale dealer. .vrV l. ... (6.) Hotels, inns ana Taverns, snail pay nve aonars for each license; Every placed where food ; and lodging are provided for and furnished to-travelors or sojourn- er, in view ofpayment therefor, shall be regarded as a. Hotel, Inn or Tavern. "1 j T" .r " il.) brokers' and commission juercnanis snau pay four dollars for each license, t myperson except one htunin'r a license as wholesale dealer The Brewers shbuld to Malta go, The Boobie tall to iScUly,' r The Quakers to the Friendly Isles, The Furriers to Chili.' ; : : :. j mWSNJykJlE! ANN U ALL Y:., ON All PAUTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, IL? KINDS OF N0NF0RFEIT NO : LIFE AND ENDOWMENT t -i" POLICIES ISSUED; - . ''AW- " v " POLICIES INCONTESTIBLE 'A.:- er or bankor mhoe . bnfiiness it is to purchase or sell stocKS, money, goods ; or merchandise, or seex oraera tncreior in original ur niihmtcti nArkflfrns. rr nrodnce. or to manage Easiness matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors of f riorht: nr whose business it is to purchase, rent or sell . . . . . i . Jl . THL. real estate ior oiners,1 snail oe regaruwi as a ou" w Commission Merchant. :,. . . ;; y -fv -v .5.i Theatres. Circuses and Jusslcrs shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to', be. fixed - by the f'itv Online!! in each case: '' ." : ' i jKwiing Allies or. lMuiiuTi auuuw vai dollars for each license. ' rat! . v." ' (10.) Jlorso Dealers and Livery, stable Keepers snaa pay four dollars for each K cense." ; ' ' ' . t" (II ; readiers snail pay niiy ceoi iorui;u-iKeura. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, books or doraeetic produce as their own producing, who sells nr Aftora tn kpII nt. rptjui frnoas. wares or commoaiucs, travelling from place to place in the streets shall be deeraedapedcller : ' L - ' :; v (10.) Manufacturers stwui pay two oouais iur kku - cuubc Any person except one noiuiiig uwuc ir..a!irt Hoaior Kanfe-fir or firm who s li ail manuiaci- ure by hand or machinery; and offer for sale any goods,. wares or merchandise exceeding annuauy mo eum v one thousand dollars shall be aeemea a inauuxaciurer- (13.) Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographers An1 Pwfrtfora oi ail no v ftxwi dollar for each license. ; , (14,) ISxpresi Companies snau pay utw uui w eachlicense. - r : ; r ? v? ?' ' ' ' - 05.) All public drays shall pay iweniy-nve au 1Ui Gftcbr license . . - i --. ; (16.) Cart-houses shall "pay twQ dollars for each M- Sec," nAnd be-it further ordained, ThM inOr dinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting nerewitn, be, and the same are hereby repealed. -.. ' . ... v. .. . JOHN'S. MANIX, City Cferk. ... New BerncN, a, March 30th, 1868, -fit : "-: T ANTED AGENT8- $75 to $200 per month. The little, snarling, carroling ''babes," : That break our nightly?rest," .Should be packed off iVJ-Baby-lon,;,; . ! ! To Xiap-land or to Brest. .' ' ' r ' ' rr ' ' From Spit-head Cooks go o'er to Greece, And while the Miser waits . His passage to the Guinea coast, . Spendthrifts are in the Straits. be "found inipossiblo ever to reanimate as rapidly as the national faith will permit. the; carcass or give -to it, past , oppres- n'f"Son ctW ioX JL. sions even tne ; scmDiance oi a reneweu tlme to come, should bo extended : oter a.air I legality, ine oiacK is no moreacaaiHei; i rxyjod lor redemption; ana. it la me amy oi he is uow in, law a man, and must stand I Congress to reduce the rate of Intcxest ther or fall as h.s conduct shall determine:--; I " bc"Z5T II fJ??):1 fSfh, wl: ,V Thct; is no mure TogTCal basis fvr, "y J bx:rflcn of deot is to anlmprnTC Ourfrrdllthat discrimination bv the State between' the cripltalisU win seek to loan us money at lower lctrnl rights of one citizen and those of rates of interest than we now. pay. ai nifrrf W snuh discrimination cannot.! oontlnoe 'to pay so long as;rcpudiali .W W m -" . W .... :t ; -1 : :VJ'l:- vMejmtat :ii -Frtucdte- Jtanp.,r' . .U '.(1 i! -:i 1- which shall rcftrct the arsUawsU a4 IsScm W tM : , ;..i .I'.-rW.L .ll--'.n!'.a mwiwlrtalag4 ioyei popaUtloa of trr INorik Ccm on, "par- . ,i iiui nr" iiii n i . sir wii nr u m i am i . ui r ,L: . . 1 MA 'I'Iim I v '"t -- - -i - - - - m ine nature oi vuiuj;, uwuic iu su8pcctcd. i , . ' child is surely :bom iwho shall see this y IL The GoTernment of the United States fiir ltrrmil l.ind. in everv nsrt. a land of shorddbeadminUtcred With the strictest ecoa SpginstersshouldtotheNeedlesgo, , Equal UjghtH and :Winb:bibbers to Bugiindy ; . ,. ;i no man shall be degraded or .exalted be, j$?n90n cl.loudly.for.Tad!calytform. mtndpki . i Gourmands should launcn at canawicu tsiebr j c:iuse ; oi . m wiw wi vhim, 1L we proiounaiy aepiore wi unumc Ilea, by aa atooyc kAlai oftnlU U tie &etrUs i ... i t ... 1 1 Wags at the bay of Fun-dy. Bachelors to the United States, Maids to the Isle of Man : I Let Gardners go ta Botany Bay , And Shoeblacks Japan. . . " Thus emigrate and misplaced men , Will here no longer rex us : JAnd all who ain't provided for Had better go to Texas. 1 , every avenue to fame and fortune shall I ljund tragic death of Abraham Lincoln., and I be oiien to all alike; and whereon cacti rret the. cccion to ieWfocrAn. 1 momiug-s sun shall . smile more U,ug j gS,pSS tatodi53.Ih nautly because Justice is the basis, and hcj was pledged to support; i i i -I'f 1 who has acted treacherously ... , , .. . . m and, the, cause . . . . ;. . rtt who haansurncdl tt: .; T:T., lT-.AfiIi ri-hteousness the maisuro of iu political uijh t lcgisiatlTe antf ' judicial functions; Vmuu ULli UUU itiUllllaj institutions. , A land purged ot grtl wh retus ad;iIoweU(bbfS more to all hnmauity, through tho unM nlaa m- execntiTe nowcra to render lnccure versal diifusiou oi knowledge ana. virtne l Oie property, the peace, liberty and .lilc, oi i A. Democratic IiCader, . lAmonfr the Democratic leaders woo , wi o v.m.i.w. - - o r 1 " i" vr i 9 1 v v I. under the aids of universal law-guarded I the citizen ; who has abused tho . pardemlog t flnm. 6 f il P9"i who has denounced the hatlo:Lr I I Ulatnre as unconstitutional : woo. nas pern- i , I'll tcntly and corruptly resisted, by every means I 1 1 in his power, every proper suemni at tue re- coottruction oi the uuies lateiyin rcoeuion; before tliclaur ; '- -.:! j; : :::i M ' li. . i !l ) I Our Foreign Citizens. ' Tke &ka3 wlH be drr44 to tbe LpANS MADE ON POLICIES, .? r f km. f t. i'liij in ittf: I vigorously; depunce General Grant and ng formed in Republican corruption is Howell Cobb, moling the eh of Georgia. This1 An association of Irish citizens is about this city for the purpose election of Grant and Colfax. latlsr . . . t IstWUXs 4 out be who has pcrTcrted the public patronage Into euof wpvctr,lihMK!ktaoi of pro4 an ecglne of. wholesale corruption: and who . ..-.. , , i ilfax. j I hnri ih&tlr Imncachcd ' lor hich crimes rorafl;- It wl3pld for tbe B!fcteac trpntteraan was once This movement is thohaibingerof better time and misdemeanors, and proPff, Jg1 ?cnoa4l04trrmiat and end j 4t tcm isgenueman f Ireland. When she comes to rccognUa gnllty thereof by the votes of thlrty-five Sen- . . . - - - - - - aker. Of the House Of ??'riui.w.irii.friMini eta onfv bd W ; by anaT.IlUsiDa.of tWpWitWeacvararrM entatives ; tnen iur. nuuuauau a found among tbe inendaot trecaom, ncr xu- us., i ne uoctnno ot vjiw uhuiu. try of the Treasury, and while in tuie brightens. , . ?lbcr European hf bccan$c,,?i? o w,a nn, nt the Jhief rebel con- Heretofore we have had the anomaly of the Is once a subject le is always so must W re- nt and his Enzllsh lord flchtlnz sis ted at every. hazardTby tha United States, the Uws of nations, and at war with ovt cs- sense FAmiwno machine: Representativ fFK nra.inarllltlteh. hem. fell, tuck, . j. . . " i ' j vt u . i r?cu KUll v ui , qutwiBj v"CI rC: ffi - w nno nt the chief rebel COD i fornyV VeaVs; w'e 'will pSy "" Snbseouentlv he was a BHc- Irish emigrant and bis English lord lighting; siSforany mad Subsequently ne was a n side by side against the Republican party, .er. mnTwhAantifuLormoreelaatieseamthanl i.ArXtonprftL without distinction, in tne I T En ehh ?old have made com-; . . " ' . . . T ,1 I MU.X.. w M ' - . - - . . I II 9U C o . . I . .... . ., "rae? tQe Z 88., "L.Uo,mv W nftW hfi is one of the mnn rnse airainst us. Wow. one of tho two tional honor ana. inaepcnaencc. . aiuraiireq iiSlUULtPE WMtfMlm9 ftmbuthed'slanderers of loyal was mistaken-was Uking a step fatal ;to dUzens are ntltlcdlo prcoecUon 'Inall their , j. n;:t,o tronva-aitoia&opetmantii andtxieiiseaf tost JWioutnea wanucrc o-j iu true Interests. It ii more likely that It was! nghU of citizenship, as though, they were l' --4.V; ( .U to .av? :-4fFeut- 7Jk on?wWch twice that amount can be made.. men. and an active supporter 01 Deymqur .i. -fl aUrftwrl F.n.liah atatesman. or naUvc-born: and no citizen of the United nft lo.Cr- -' : rTt natiVeor naturalized.-must be liable ill .so. !.------ MIlll JLAC.. , . . IUQ UUUUHt 11 WM. w-v w.- r m ' I - - . . by other pari. I When ; this patriotic individual was ted Irishman. . . ' .. . i . f . . ; J t t to' arrest jand sny foTelgrv of UuDlsrsUoa and the drrUcpetacBt cd oer acriest UraU ttinctal aa4 coauMrdal Walls tbe SrybUam wta be yra-rtartTy a peprr, the darptrtsxxls cC .' COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART. i SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, t'-.' ,1'n? iitl f 5 1. tl.i I, CAU 1 lUJN.-lJO Pot he Imnnm amAn lw'ntW nSlC I VTTi: ! HSUi.-U': l'..i-wD.l wW'I--tt laimiiig ofi;. wortlOeM casUron machines, under 1 J m . ...j i j I r ritrtnt and nhllanthronist It Is l nower for acts done or words snoken in this W A Slfel? Secretary ,,oi... tne rxrury, u j -rinV. IndlcaUons which rather kuntrrt'and' If w arrested' and" imprisoned. rTif r; an-activd 'conspirator, ne came to tne city J'Stand thick,-that ;our foreign cW- ittsthedntyof.thoGoverrunent.tomtcrfcra U uyiq Mil ivr- JJit r and really practical cheap machine Aug 22, zm PJRilGE B CUR RENT. woteu Annual paymeni, roit s .i . Unltlis A: Ttrnthr. iMtttfterlhe paTracrit of thellrst Premlipn,. wtn feed Tt'radi sltcatloa try Sn-orti, Xra, fee Tim and Saamritt as rpeca via jnalL. .:i j ; i TH rrporta m Q xasttcrs mi IVocal Xxtrw wQ f :'vU- bui (no-it 1 1111:01 hir . i ; T ; r .- ? ,; 1 Dry Oood, Wines,. Liquor; 'Cigar, &c., jfid&e Street, New-Berne, N. C. I , ",'urj trtf examples of the 'Operations of tbe t t f rutR4H lffcROCBBIES. .k ,A f r: iMUd ',f 4 'f-i tirthlK )iiiitm?. Ifiairtli t, 23." ItateVhe ri"TT -s ' V. ......... ... ..., .. ... I . . TjimiJivra: ' ... 88 ' M ' I ll'HS'-'.U! -t!J ill tTJU 'iC " 1 xrr :Wrk rith a lanre quantity of I An. aMk Krininir to understand their true in- i lnhia behalL. . tT '!. : ctnna coflnnniw in iiirtiic . ai taKMia inn . (now uicuucuca nvtuij w. uw - a. i oti.niiv ni.11, lanuiui m k VjmF" s :r mr , Mr rh receives and adopts them. It mat- the late war. there wcreone entitled to more i ter slandering i ne Bwtas, . . , I rTitui- tr Iteruiblican nartr how ther Urval honor than the bravd soldiers and 1 Spinner,the Treasurer ot the uniteo 1 1 can do without their aid. They can i seamen who endured the hardthlps of cam I. the country: the bounties and provided by tbe iawa forlbcse brave m , . .... 1 . . - .... . r -i 11 . r . - 7 "" -. t , 1 nnr fiinWtiUZeillOI lureiEu QeCeDlnOIr'! deteiKiers OI tno MHOu w uutiiraiivua ucTcr 1 f . . . ... ... ' he must have the money for them at any t QOW in Qlure. we to be forrotten; the widows and orphans of UPrCOXDiTlOXAItntlO!f PAPEII offered them on the market and ltand by them. They driven from home, the- gallant dead are the wards of the people ' 1 ' fillled np the interest blanks at sucn rave and wrongea uy prejuuioc, uauppns-2 p.cKv, iWjw,v., . , , ; , . , ! v) r.livflA r nfla 1 1 1 III I ft (IL-liU VU4 vwi W s mvm ew ineuua tuuso a btiltes, Mtraaucing vne.crcuifc ui . . I not do wunout tuc iwmj ui un wjj pairn tou uu nnAmrt' J r.i A nninion 1 r&rriea the colors of freedom. But 1 the service of prximent, ft wUh to urge, pensions vuMr raa pronlaeat f eatare, cad as there rppean as ytt ae odirr prnlecting care. wu i ta'iMt... iX i" ' Ii .r.. "wu&D IU 13UZ. 03TkT TOUB AW s J-r.;-iiin-x! b.i.l oi- ilnoq was 1 iuusc o .. one we shall conduct to trittmnU. V XL Fornim ' immlrratron. -which' in the the iamous : twuivu i w "'ni n-nt .un win ha i-Wt. atanda'i nti l.nm Hdi ao much to the wealth, devel- la EaKera iforth Carollaa, tbe adrsU?re wkka lk C'beiong.iU-l' f t! ISngUehr Breakfast ' 1. ... ..u. ... . . . tier, oavo in at most 01 uicov, o- - mi wu9.uuibu vu. . ...-- mis -.k., . j - . Hr? 59 IBM'wVrfiriaid in VtoM with the exorbitant m- tunJ andtaken to our arms -from a sense bf of allnaUons, should be fostered and enoour-1 preat n;u??isor! k r-T.,r ".T' : l fright: '"Whether elected or Irlslt voles, or in 1 at!d bv a liberal and lust poijey. . terest.iadded, after the war uui ani of them, he ia the lnend of Ireland arid ? jCI L ' This convention "declares itself in vn. irir inn -'f ; . t. . - ... i . i ... .. 20 & ..25. , 1 . Hates or Subscription 121 1 ! . .. i'A,' I) iifiailla dH ,7liilJO) liiBacon .......... ...... Si,' j U oaaefthrti SO 00 . St li ca..T-ix 1U:: v.' " H'lirT.' K'w'.'t tvl l ri Blue stone. ..........-......---; i-z; 1 year llx.. Hip m4 . v.. i". IfAVAI STOKES VV i s" HI .IM.'MIU Old Dipt,. ;..ii.j cra twenty per cent, above ' their par yame. I "EQroTjean twwmL' that because a man Is oace That is. he ! bought ; inimalured six per I adbject be la always sx, must ' be. resisted at - so' ; : rcent. stocks at 120 z and. immediately, in every hazard by the United States as a relic Woformd peace and .when money, was Pf the fendat .time?, Jipt thojixed ?yuw t I -1 .1 -AnmnfiAa if v Snrl W UUOUUa MWiaUOHr BUW Ul IWUV1 1 .-. 1 i .v.. ' ' il -.1 ... .ti' "4 I uuvjvuUw.-i,.Mu.r . r . UDuiaxea u pay... a tue . " enUUed to be Drotectcd In all their nenxs: 01 ' . --it ,A, , . -, . w auzenauip as tnousrn mcr - was-iwuic and no citixen'of the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable to arrest and im prisonment by air fortin power for acts done 3 or words spoken in tnls country, aaa, 11 so arrested andimprisonedU it is the duty of ,the Government to Interfere lft bis behalf.,, .: The seventh enumerates this broad and gen .1 ,-. it - ;S80,o sea This, as the intellicet reader perceives. chivalrv - "honor, ana -nisn- : rroritlm!jn1w sfflt-nsmftn'shin-'' ' It si " j'iArJr Jit-4 w.Vkit:" t ftv;iL . I WHS Ual y Ui tuu i civitiuu. - : " Vl .. -. . - " . - - .t t 1 OAST OtMYcar Thm ttoatha Jce and Ecual IUrht. are received back Into I sir Mmsth , - j - 1 SM t tha corimouionot.taeilovsj people; and we fArr tli rrmoraJ of the disoualificatiuBS and restrictions 'Imposed upon the late rtbcls la tno same. measure Ba.tncuispint i; will direct, and as may be consistent with the jafety of th loyal people. -, " ' ' ' ' RooLted- .That we recrxrriixe the rreat prin ciples laid down In tbe immortal Itdsration of 'ladependenc as the true' foundation -of democratic ! povernment r and t. we bail wlta Hales, of AtlTcrtUiu. as ' ," J .: . i " I Dcrape.. ................ .!"-, TnottPsoNASWt, ' " r - I."- '1 Tar, aat0ia8U,.X;rt:;ii;,u.i'-. New 15erne, N.c:' ntch. 45 oO a 00 4 00 : 00 a 25 8 00 2 WJ fully intended to ruin tho . credit of : the loovernmcnt, so as to niuo ?u eroua policy: - j rvL'r T.i easy and Ur: ' Is it; any wonder that I "Foreign emi emtio n, which in the past ad- Howell J0 bu warmly aavocaiesoeymuur 1 aed so niucu to me weaiin, acvuopmcm 01 r . 1 Tea Hart or o. Uc U rewUtsU a r. gladness every effort toward making these 1 AmeTicanaolL - t : r - " 1 4tao4iartWt 7. " , Whkh Umes are the best ?j-Mcjd-Umc K u, ur 4wtir ... A KB WMU0.1 TO LTtftlBiui-vwuw. i , . . . . . ! WhvisrJiickirnPiel keansmiin'SSUOPr Cecausc It containj fowHn-picccs. I Jyl-tf. t . 1 1 I If . 2 ii " w ? ! H 4 i , it . u i 1 - i i r- U a il a ! t; a f! 1 - t 1 . fr .

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