IN RELATION TO THE: POWERS AND DUTIES OF CLERKS OF, SUPERIOR COURTS. - . v : The General Aiicmbly of North Carolina do enact: .J.. Sbctiow 1. That as this act will be incor porated in the general act respecting the prac tice jand proceeaure of the courU, required to be 4-reported to the General ; Assembly at its present .'.session, by the commissioners, ap pointed for that purpose, It ytlll be printed in that general act and not elsewhere among the acts of this General Assembly, unless other wise hereafter directed. Sec, 2, t The Secretary of State is required to hare the third section of this act. and that portion printed a a lisned in mis state, ana tne sum necessary i that' purpose, is hereby appropriated from any I monies in the Treasury not otherwise-appropriated. - " '.: ' Sec, 3: 'The terms of the several Superior Courts of. this State' shall begin in each year at the times hereinafter slated, and shall con Un ite" to ber held for lw6 weeks (8undays and le gal , holidays excepted,")" unless the business shalhe sooner dlsp6s6a'df."t,rt; tr ': . ; :. 0-.'. vi FIRST JCDICTafc: DISTRICT. j Wilkes, fourth Jtofey Sifter .third ifonday in march and September. ? i Caldwell, sixth ifonday after third Jfonday in march and September.' .- i iBttrk eighth ifondayafter third .Monday in JUarch and September " 2cDowell, tenth ifonday after third Jfon day in Jfarchand September. . . t . I Alleghany county," the first4 Jfonday in April and September. . - , (Ash, third Jfonday in April and September. ! Wautauga, second Jfonday after third Jfon day in April and September;;! zjiisoiv;: Jfitchell, fourth Jfonday after third Monr day in April and September 1 1 lUOi Yancey, sixth Monday after third Monday lion- relating to tne superior court Clerss. i -Ff " wwwauuw.y :.. y- - At Wat Wrpiriv fti fnnV nnh. 1 maaison, eighth Monday alter third . V r-m . . - - - - .. I W A W- n A 1 .., .4 U Mil AV1 Krt. - 1V1 I . : Buncombe: tenth Monday, after third Mon day in April and September. , v. ; TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTriCT," Clay county, the first Monday in April and September. - J i;-,..;-i : f lierokcc, third Monday in April " and Sep tember. w ;"--" arxii :utrA. 1 : Macon, second Monday after third Monday In April and September. J act son,. fourth Monday after third Monday Urtle county first monday in March and In April and September. uciooer . . . ........ - Hertford, third monday in -March and Oc Gates, fourth monday After tle; first Mon da1n March and October..'1 - Chowan, sixth. monday after the first Mon daV lit March "and October..- - ! 4s Perquimans, eighth monday after the first monaayin Alarcn and October. - -x . Pisquotank, tenth -monday -after : the 'first monday in March. and October! r 'I -"' Camden, twelfth, monday after-the first monday In March, and Octoberj S T -1 '1 Chrntuck. fourteenth monday; after 'the first monday iir March and October. ay i Haywood, sixth Monday after third kon in April and September. ' I - I Transylvania, eighth, Monday af terthird Monday in April and September; f - " f Henderson, tenth Monday after third Mon aay in April and oeptember. . OF THE QUALIFICATIONS AND; GEN ERAL DUTIES OF CLERKS OF THE U SUPERIOR COURTS. - i si ? 1 1 I l iZBKtONV JUDICIAL J)IspiiCT0 ber Tyrell county the first monday. in Septem- sr and!Februan4'i'tia,.u,iU ? Sec. 1. , At the first meeting of "the county commissioners of each county after the elec tion or anrjointment of arrr Clerk of a Hnne- Tior Court, t shall be the duty of the clerk to jj.l! . . 1 i uKiiyer u) sucn commissioners a oona, wnn sufficient sureties, to be approved by them, as 13 now required hy the law, payable to the Washington, third monday in September j State of North Carolina, and with a condition and-FefcTUary.: -a hhit -f.t:i i y ;yA & be void if he shaU account fori any , and day in September and February. , Hyde, fourth Monday after the third Mon-1 day 1uf September and February, '.; rior Court, theTIcitc5rffor CbS Jil&lcial Dis trict shall inspect the office of the clerk and report to the court m wnung. v if any clerk' aner oeins I urnisnea wiin tne necessary books, shall fall to keep them up "as recnlred by law, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and the Solicitor shall cause him to be prose cuted lor the same. II tne solicitor shall fail or neglect to perform the duty hereby im- posea on mm, ne snail oe. iiiaoiej 10 a penalty of "five ! hundred dollars to any person who shall sue for the same. r a . : rrr .- 'rn -i EXBTIKG SUITS. , iTheTfollowinff sections, numbered lll 21 3. 4 5, relate exclusively ;to actions which have ueen commenced, ana in waicn no nnai judT- meni nas oeen renaerea prior 10 me raun ca tion of thi3 acVas & part of the Code of Prac tice and Procedure: " llmportant Article in Ihcjl ARTICLE IV. i' respeciive cpnuies. TroTrinrtiirtjrrs and Beaufort, r sixth Monday af ter Tibe monday in September and Februarv i h-. Pi tt, eighth Monday after the third Monday in September and "February.1 , " ; t Edgecombe, tenth '.Mouday after the third monday in September and February, Wayne county the first Monday In Septehl ihdr anai eoruary. -: M pay over, according to law all monies and ef fects which have or may come into his. hands by virtue or color of his office, and shall dili gently preserve and take care of all books, records, papers and property which have come or may come jntq hls possession; by,virtue or color of his . bffice, "and shall in , all things faithfully perform the duties of his office, as they are or hereafter may be prescribed by law. ... BONDS- HOW APPROVED, v&C. f j Sec. 2. The approval Of said bonds by the commissioners or a majority of them shall j' CLZrKS TO DOCKBT EXISTINaUITS. ISec. 1. The clerks of the Superior Courts at the request of a party" thereto,', within six monms irom me raiincaiion oi a general act respecting the practice and procedure of the Superior Courts of this estate, and on the pay ment of a fee of one dollar, shall enter on a separate docket, all suits, wmcn; -at the' ratifi cation aforesaid, shall have b&en commenced, or in which final judgment bas jiot Lecn ren dered in the latetCountyiCourw,Nkiperior Courts of lw, and Courts of Equity, of their rrociDEDwrriii Sec 3. And every suit not so transf within hr time aforesaid; fehall abated the Clerk of the Superior Court shall tax costs against the parties liable, and collect the same by the proper process. .-' . !Sec 2.-The said , suits, shall be proceeded in, and tried under the existing laws and rules' applicable thereto. After final judgments shall be rendered therein, the plerk; shall. en ter such judgments on Uhe execution docket required to be "kept by him, and the subse quent proceedings shall be as provided for ac tion hereafter to be commenced. EXISTING JUDGMKNT8 KOT DORMANT. ;Sec4J Exl8tingjudgtnenis and decrees not dormant may in like manner be entered on the execution docket, and the subsequent proceed ings shall be as is prescribed for actions here after to be commenced, as far as shall be com patible with the previous proceedings, and no ten acquired before the. ratification aforesaid shall be lost by any change of process, occa sioned by this act. s . . DORMANT JUDGMENT?; 4 Sec. 5. Judgments or decrees which arc dor mant at the ratification aforesaid, may be re- ivcu ur cuiurtu iu mo mauuer Herein provi ded. JODlClAlTDEPAUTMnNT; 1 Wtlci l Th distlnctlinicttreett ctIoa at & and oiu In equitr. and th form ot all nch kUodj and solu shaU be abolished and there aliaU bm la taia State bat one form of action, for the enforcement or protection of prirate rUrhU or the redrf of prlrate wrong which hall be denominated djll act Ion ; and every action presented bjpeoe of th8Ut a a party, agalnat a peron charged with a pnbllc offence, for the ponihment of the aame, thall be termed ' rtm rnal action. Feigned Issue ahaU atoo be abolished and the fact at lne tried by order of court before jary. , Bee X, Three Commleloner haU be appointed by this convention, to report to the General Assembly at It nt m-mmln-n, mftr-r thla ronslltation Shall be adopted by the. people, rale jot practice and procedarejn a cordance frith tie,proriIon of the forefoln cttfofU and lha raarmtba haU nrovide f C th Comnupaer a reasonable com penation. ' ; . , J J Boe. a. The same commissioners snau uw rrpon iv the General Assembly a soon a practicable, a code of law of North -Carolina. The Governor shall have pow er to fill the vacancies occurrinjj In this commission. ? Bee 4. The judicial power of the State snau oe vesiea In- a court for the trial of impeachments a 8opreme conrt, Superior court, court of justice of the Peace and p pedal court. ' Bee a. rne conn for tne tnai oz impeicomniw soau hei the senate a maiorltv of the member shall be nee- eaarrtrvnrniB. and the indment halCntl erteti beyond removal from and UnqtaJlj8tion to ar4 in tmsiate, trarTne party ihau be naN to inoicuneca and punishment according to law. Sec. 6. The House of Ttepreoentatives soleJr, hall have the rower of Impeaching, no person ball be con victed without the concurrence of two-third of the 8tSuators present. When the Governor 1 Impeached the Chief justice shall nreside. . Bee 7. Treason against the State shall consist only in. levylnj? war against It. or adhering Iq It enemiea, tnenxaia ana eociiort,- - no person inair oe tarn. broecU before a Jttvtlce. be" ahan mate a- mcrd af tie nroceedlnga, and Uk lb aame wlUt the Ocrk of the boieriovCort of Um eonaty. " Bee. St. Whca the tSoi of Jastlre of the reot shal ttMYimi vacant, otherwise than by tht czptraiion of the linn, and la case u sae lauare ny ut vovsrs ot aay cia- -trtct to elect the derk of the nperlor coart to Ua coanty, shall appoint to til the vacaacyforiham&cx- plrad term. . s . j : ., AfcB. la eaM the czzce t CJera or a svperxw eovtrt for a county Uan become TacanV otherwU than by the explrauoa ! tM term, ana mca ci azausrafey the people to elect, the i adg of the Superior Ooert for the county shUl appoint to tH the vacancy, aalll aa election can be rriirTy held. Jones, ..third; Monday ' in : September and j be recorded by their clerk, any commissioner February. Onslow, first monday after the fourth Mon day in September, and February. i Craven; third monday after ie fourth Mon day in September and February. dissentmg may cause his dissent to be enter ed on record. Any commissioner approving a bond which he knows or believes to be in sufficient, shall liable as ;it he was a suretythereto The said bond acknowl- Lenbfr, fifth monday after the fourth Mon-1 edged by the parties thereto, or proved by a day in September and February, i Qreene, seventh monday after; the fourth monday in September and February. Carteret, ninths monday after the fourth Monday in. September and February. ' .. Wilson, eleventh monday after the fourth monday in September and February. u i pouittii JUDiciAt DisTricrVV 7S Tiobeaon county on the fourth monday in AuirUBt and February. ' i -Bladen. . , second monday after the fourth monday m August and February. ,Columbus, fourth monday after the fourth monday in August. and February. . !' ' Brunswick, sixth monday after the fourth monday in August and Februarys $e w Hanover, , eighth , monday, after the fourth,' monday In August and February. .; . j - ISampsbn tenth monday after the fourth ; monday in August and February, i ' " -Diiplin twelfth monday-after the .fourth monday in August and February. f T T tWrf JEI?C'Af4 dTRICTiT,n' cfQ' HartbyuyMheetoTidIond gust and February. - ,Ioore, .second monday. after the second monday in August and February. : : v Montgomery, fourth monday after the sec ond monday in August and . February. 7 SjahJ sfxihjfcnonday jaf tef the"second mon diy in August and February. ! , Unio,' eighth "r monday after the second m0hdarJ.inIAllgust and February j .tc jiu v 'Anson, tenth monday after the second mon day in AUgUst and February. I ! ; Richmond, twelfth' Monday after, the second monday in August and .February.; v V, V. v Cumberland,- tf ourteehtli Monday wf Ur the second. Monday ,iu. August and February subscribing witness, before the clerk of said commissioners; 'as their presiding officer, reg? istered ' in the office of the register of the county, in a seperate book to be kept by him for the registration of official bonds, and the original with the approval thereof endorsed deposited with the register for safe keeping, The like remedies shall be hadiuDon said bonds as are or may be given by law on offi- ? Sec. 3. Every clerk of the Superior Court, before entering on the duties of j his office, shall take and subscribe before some officer authorized by law to administer an oath, the oaths prescribed by law, and file the same with the Register of Deeds for the county. f FAILUKE TO QTTK BOND. "" i " Sec. 4. In case any elerk shall fail to bond and qualify as above directed, the cliair man of the county commissioners of his conn ty shall immediately inform the Judge of the judicial district thereof rTwho shallr thereupon declare tne omce .vacant; and nil t the same, and the appointee shall give bond Hand quali fy as above directed t & '5 r' g "f 'c f I 'liV oFFiCTS-wrmuETOi he kept. " ' Sec. 5. He shall haye an office iri the court house, or other place provided by the county commissioners, m the county town of his county, He shall give due attendance, in person or by deputy, at his'offlce, daily, Sun days and legal holidays excepted,) -from 9 pclock A. m., tothree 'o'clock, P. M., and longer when necessary for the dispatch of business. ;f 1 ! 1 TO BECE1VB OFFICIA1 FAPKBS, &C i Sec. 6. . Immediately after he shall have given bond and qualified as aforosaid, he shall receive from the late Clerk of the County and CI.Tt .. s llercliaiits' Club Houso,r h craven street. Near the Post Office, NEW BERNE.1 Ni C. TJERSOXS coealnx to 2?rw Berm, wiS lad this a and comfortable place to stop at. Xrery attcatlow paid to electa. i IS All Alwa7 WppHdwtth Uaeate? Wla-a, Ueaora, . , f With aS tha market wtH nppl. . ! J , J '"'"zoDonraa,: f 1 ' UMurpasaed. JlijM-tf. . , . rtoprlctor. - . 11 ( ..'tit L - -m J ACTIdl? COMMENCED "APTEB THE RATIFICA TION TO SECOND OLD DEBTS, &C. - Sec. 6. In all actions hereafter commenced. founded on such contracts as are provided for in an ordinance of the Convention of .this State, entitled An Ordinance respecting the jurisdiction of the Courts of this State," rati fled on the 14th day of March, 1868, the sum mons shall be made returnable to the term of the Superior Court therein designated, and the subsequent proceedings shall be in accordance with the provisions of said act. ' ' r EXECUTIONS LEVIED ON PERSONAL PBOPEBTY Sec. 7. The late Sheriff of any County hav ing in his hands any ' fiere facias execution, which has been levied on personal property of the defendants, which is unsold shall proceed to sell ithe same asnow- required by .Iaw, i he shall pay ' over the ' proceeds after deducting his fees, and shall also make return of the writ, to the Clerk of the , Superior, Court, of the county to any Court of which the writ is re turnable, the proceeds to be paid by the Clerk to the r.arties entitled thereto. r. EXECUTION 8ATISFIEP. Sec. 8. The said sheriffs shall in like man ner return nil executions in their hands which are satisfied, whether by a sale of property or otherwise. Vind shall pay. over any proceeds thereof. EXECUTIONS NOT LEVIED AT ALL, OR LEV IED ofc-nfeAL PROPERTY-.--- ' Sec. 9 As soon as-the- successors. o"f , .he said laic SherrifFs shall' have "qualified and given l)ontU.Al required by law, tlie said late rHhenffs' shall deliver to such successors, all writs of executions in their hands which have not been satisfied and. have not been levied at all, or which have been levied on property which-has been sold, and a residue remains unsatisfied, or have been levied on real property -.which in ,wholeror in part re mains uosoiu, wim a return siaung any re- !i - " . . 1 ' ' i . 1 .5 ccipi oi money uy-xnexn, ana meir acima under the writ The .new Sheriffs shall pro ceed to act under such writs as if the same had been addressed and issued to them, and shall make return thereof -to the "next term iri vine icted bf-treasoa Dale- oar the testimony of twoSrrt- nesses to the same orer act. or on confession In open court. No conrictlon of treason or attainder shall work corrnption of blood or forfeiture. - bee & The Sapreme conrt shall consist of a Chief J netlce and four Associate J as ticca, Bee 9. There shall be two term of the Sapreme court held at the feat ttf!Yeniineatof the State in each year, commendns on the first Monday In Janoai ry, and first Monday in Jane, and continuing as long aa the public Interest may require. Bee 10. The Supreme court shall haTe iarlsdlctlon tat reriew, upon appeal, any. decision of the court be. low, upoa v? iaatierf .nwritMraf in no issue oJactalljU triad before Uhvto art r-ad the conrt shall hare power to issue ny remedial writ Deceesary, to Rlre it a general supervision and control of the inferior conrt. Bee 11. The Supreme Court shall hare orleinal jurist iltrrlan tn hM Halmi mlrtt ttia Stats K t 1. A . u.wmvm mn v . m m...w. . ... vwi, VUBWV UQLW ion shall in mercty rKsoromrndyttory as prvt )n ine nature oi execuuon soau issue inereon ; tbey snail be reported to the next session of the General Ai Mf fnrlta irflnn Bee. IS. The SUte shaU be dirlded Into twelve iudl al Amrtr 1nr nrh rtf m'Kir4i a inilcw shall K. rKn&sn who shall hold a superior court In each county In aald district, at least twice in each year, to continue for two. weeks unless the business shall be sooner disposed of. Bee. 18. Until altered by law Ihe following bU be: the judicial dirfrfcu 1 ' J J . I ! First DisCrtcC Cnrrttnck, Camden, Pasqtrotahk, Per qaimans, Chowan. Gates, llertford, Bertie. . Second District Tyrell, llyde, Washington, Bean- ion, Martin, nit, jsAgecomoe. Greene, tenolri Wayne, WHson. iJ I i. U Fourth District urunswick, Piew llanorer, Duplin, Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Robeson. . Fifth District--Cumberland. Harnett, Moore, Rich mond, Anson, Montgomery, Stanly, Union. Sixth Distrlct-rNortharnpton, Warren,- . Ilalifax. Wake, Nash, FraaklhC JoHnaton,' Granrtlle.'; ; t. Seventh DIstrtct-Ferson Orange, Chatham, Ran dolph, Guilford, Alamance. Caswell. Rockingham. Eighth District Stoke, Forsythe, Davidson, Row. an. Davie. Yadkin, Surry. Ninth Disttict-CaUwba. Cabarras. Mecklenbnrf, Lincoln. Gaston, Cleveland, Rntherford, IpJk. ; Tenth. District Iredell, : Baike, Caldwell, Wilkea, Alexander, McDowel. ; Eleventh District Allephany, Ashe, Watauga, Mitch-1 eu, xancey, M&dison, uuncombe. Twelfth District Ilenderson, Transylvania, Hay; wood, Macon, Jackson, Clay. Cherokee.. . , Secjl4. Every judre of Barerior Court shall rcsid In hi district while holding hia'offlce. The judge jnay exchange districts with each other with the con. sent of tie Governor, and the Governor for good rea son which he shall report to the Legislature at its cur rent or next session, may require any judge to hold one or more sped fled term of said courts in lien of the judge in waosc district they are. ' . r ' Sec. 1. The Superior Courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction -of all civil -actions, whereof ex clusive orir1ual inrisdiction is hot given to sovtie other Courts, and of all criminal actions in which the punish ment may exceed a fino of fifty dollars or imprisonment ior one monin. Sec IS. 'Tbo superior conrts shall have aoDellate in. risdiction of all issues of law or fact, detet mined by a Probate 'Judgc or A' Justice of the Peace, where the matter In controversy exceeds twenty-flro dollars, and of matters of law in all cases. , Sec 17. The clerks of the nperlor courts shall hare inrisdiction of the probate of deed, the rrautlng of letters testamcutarv and of administration, the ap pointmont of gnardlaity. the wpprcnt icing of orphans to audit the accounts of cxutors. administrators and guardians, and of such other matters as shall he pre scribed by law. All isssues of facts joined before them shall be trsnffvrred to .the superior. courts for trial, and appeals shall lie to the superior courts frow their judgments in all matters of law. Sec. 18. In all issues of fact, joined in any court, the parties may waive the rtsht to hare the aame dctcrmf ned hy jury, in wfttciTtasthQ finding of the Judge up on the fact, shall bW th fevcoand effect r a iurv. i Sec 19. The General Assembv shall nrovlde for the establishment of Special courts, for the trial of misde meanors, in cities and towns,' where the same may be necessary. Sec 20. The Clerk -of .'the Supreme Court shall t apjK inted by the court and shall hold hi office for eljrht years. Sec 21. A Clerk of the Snnerior Court for each county, shall be elected by the qualified voter thereof. m me nme ana in me manner Dreeenacd dv law. for . . . ' - v A gents .Wanted FOB ru i ! : OFFICIAL HISTORY '.j,Uo'. :-5:T! -i-i-'f-JOB PR1WTING 1 f fi flfiiiHetc. ibnrarf er. Cone I unci ana acsuiis. B:IIon. Alex, II. StcplieiiSe A Dock for all Sections and all JPartU, ... . - . ritlll$ rret work present the only complete and k X timpani analysis of the fa sees of the War yet pabutneo. ana givee uose interior lir&U ana taaaow of the great cob filet only known to those hlghoacrr who witched the fiood-llde of rrvotatloa from tt fountain tprtaga. and which were so acccasru to Mr. Stephen from his position a second SccreX the Coaf ederacy. Te ptibUe that Thaa been surfeited with AFFA TICNTLT SIMILAR FltODUCTIONS. w promise a rbck of fare, both arreeahle and aaUtary, and sa ta telkxtVa treat of the highest order. The Great Ama rican War ha AT LAST foad a historian worthy of lta importance, and at who hand It will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which trails andjastlce so ergeatly deaaand. -kTTI T t iniiBiB urire rrny warn naaucsira lOODuua vnftlOW, llhUw&rlr. Its OAtIaI rhirarlrr mnA mm4 a.l. lalned with an Iscreased commission, make tt the beat subscription book ever published. One Agent In Easton, ra., rrporU "a sabecrlbrrs la three day. i , One In Boston, Has lOSubecrlber In f oar day. . ' Obe In Memphis, Tcnn 10a sabscrtbrrs la five days Send for Circular and see our terms, and a fall im crlptioa of the work, with FTtiz notice of advance sheet, dc Ad dress . . - ; 1 NATIONAL TUBLTHTinC CO O- I M South Seventh SL, PhUadclphla, Pa. i April ao-tw . . " (xERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH. J OB PRINTING ! SJB PIUKTWGU Job piuvtjxgu We call tWaUesUon of the while to the rwvat aa. Horn to oar oOc of a eoasplctc - FAITIIL,Y and an AGRI CULTURAL, JTOURIVAX. Job Printing Establishment, with jvarir presses KUfTM, of the moat improved s,nd ( tevoted to vuuijb LiTtatATUKK. Inclodl nr roe- ry; Novelette, Tale and Moral sod antmalaingBcd. inz. cenerauy. in ine uterary xepartment we shall rue wtuia toe reach of oar Granville county second Monday in August Superior Courts, and Clerk and Master,)f the of the Superior Court-of the county, (or) to . . -W7 m m m w i m f a aw. - . : t a a. . - uourt oi jnquity oi . tne county ail recoraa, and Febfuarv.t Warren, Becnim Monday j after the second rrioriday.inrAuguat and February. nr-tj . ? i "Franklin, fourth Monday after the.second monday iiriAtugust"a"ni EcbrhaiyXQiJ. Johnston, sixth 3Ionday after the second Monday in Airust and February. Wake, eighth-Monday aft er-the second Mon-i, they ehall he respectively liable on their ofu books, papers, money and property of their respective offices, and give receipts for-the same: and if any such late clerk, or clerks and master, shall refuse or fail within a rea sonable time after demand to deliver such re cords,, books, papers, money and property. m me nme ana in tne manner presented by lai tae election of merahers of the General Assemalv. -Sec, 22. Clerk of the Superlon Court shall hold meir omces for four year. bee 23. The General Assembly shall prescribe end lenlatc.tbe fees, salaries, and emolument of all offi cers provided for iu this 'Article; but the salaries of the Judges shall not be diminished during their con tin- usiivu iu uiuce. - eh-c 24. i ne law or riorth Carolina, not repugnant to this Constitution, or to the Constitution and Uwa oiy. 'present the choicest varieties extrndeo: means. Tne rtovetetle. Tsle. roetry. etc. shall be rnpplied from the best and hbzhest aoarcr. anil ;tc equal to anything to .be found In any journal or mag. aloe. . . ... i I AGRICULTURE AND IIORTICULTCRE, jBrnbradog Farming, Gardening. rult-Rllng. rit Our labor In this department for over tblrtv yrars. have met the cordial approbation of the tabi(e. Oar narpose bas been to furnUb nsefnt and reliable Infnim- anon anon meec Terr imporiani orancne oi inaati r ttad to protect them so far as within our power arslnst tnit lajseoocmnca ana seiasn parpose or tne snaay rmplrie and senaatlon adrerturers by which the f aim er is Incessantly assailed. This portion of the (Jan mantowk TcLconara Is alone worth the price of sub- aciipuon.. t , . . . , . i ! ' ' s fflTK'R ni"lAnTlfl---CT Tfhe same Industry, care, and dlscrlmlnstfon la cath- enngana prenaungine sumng events oz the dav. ex pressly for this paper, which hUberUt ha U-ew one of U marked features aad glretj sach onlversel Mtlsfar tlcn. will be continued with redoubled effort to innt toe imreasme Oemands ox toe public. to order received without the cash, and all s a barrio- ficns sioppeaat inecna oi lae ume pia lor. rpect pMO numbers senC Address . ' j ; Editor snd Proprietor, i Germantown. PhtUArlrvkia June 14-lm. New Type, Borders and Cuts,' from the FIUST FOUNMUES IN THE CX)UOTRT Experieiaced Workmen, I and desire to baild ap a be si see by gfrlaf atla!at tiosi to ocr patrooa. li -1 uiy u -.vhouua vuturnj t " -I' Nasll, teiith"monday"after Che second llon dav in August and February lri U n;. Halifax, twelfth Monday after the second monday intugust'atid Pebruaryx v)Uti - 11 -Northampton, fourteenth Monday after the second Monday in Augusfand February. 1 J)n-nrja5raT Guilford county, ;lhe- first Monday in March find September. no t4 Rockingham, thei secQndIonday after the first Monday in March and September. Caswell, fourth monday after the first Mon- the first Mon day in March and Sentemben Person, sixth 4 monday afteri -mm l a. 1 . uavjn .jviarcn ana oeDiemuer. ,r-.r Orange, eighth monday after the first Mon- dny in march and September. lUndolphi twelfth -Jfonday after the first AfbndayHn ifaich krM'SeDtember. ui 1 a Alamance, fourteenth Jfonday after the first Jfonday in Jarch and September. : i EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Davie', Jndayi in April and September. Rowan, third Mondayin April ana Beptemt 4JaViason,tsecond . Jonaay after the third Jfonday in April and September. Forsvthe. fourth Jonday after the third Jfonday in April and September. . Stokes, sixth Jonday after the third Jf on day ip'AprSland September! i HN Surry, eighth Jfonday after the third Jfon day in April and .September. 'p. . Yadkin, tcrilh Jonday after the third Mon day in April and September. . M VKUXtH. iDDlCIAI. DteTKICT -rolk'rounty, the first Jfonday in Jfarch and September.. ' fiVU-i',"f rj Rutherford, third Jfonday jn Jfarch and Semcmbdrj-fTAlvi " pt f - r .-J ffTA r leVeUndVsecond Jfonday after, the third Jonday in Jfarch and September. - liincolri; fourth Jfonday after third Jfon daV in' Jfarch and Sentember. '! V 1 ' 1 .raston, sixth t Jfonday after; third Jonday in Jarch and September v u v Jfet"kleuburg,1 eighth 'Jfonday1 after 1 third Jfonday la Jfarch and September. - 4 Oabarms; tenth Jfonday after third Jfonday ' ihLSarch and September; ; r, TENTH JUDICIAli DISTRICT. Caiawba o6untyi firet Jfonday in Jarch and SeiJtembcxvi v ' -v.?-fjv''. v.'i-i-Alexander, third;5 Jfonday Jfj; and IredcUecond llonday after third Monday in MarCli kid 'September. , - , cial bonds for the value thereof , and be held guilty of a misdemeanor. i ' ; ..; TO KEEP RECORDS, &C. : Bee. 7, tie shall Keep in bound yonmes a complete and faithful record of all his official acts, ana give copies uiereox w ail persons ue- smngthenvtin pay mentorthelegal feesr BOOKS TO -BE KEPT BY THE lCJ.KBKSK.- Sec8l"h clerXJshidl keeix.thcM fbwing books: .- I 1. A docket of-all writs ofsommoas. or ouier oj liuii isauw oyjucma, .or re- turnea to nis omce. : mis aocKet snail con tain a brief note of eyeiylrQceediBwhafe ever, in each action, up to the final J judgment inclusivr. 2. An Execution Docket, in which the sub- any uourt ot wnich the writ is returnable. Any bhenif- failing to make. due returns of such writs delivered to him, shall forefeit and pay one hundred dollars to any plrson grieved thereby, .to be recoyered on motion to the Conrt before which the writ ia ri-tisr- ed to be returned. All proceeds of executions i ?fie Unltcd ahall belaforce nntll jawfuUy af-i f . in part only satisfied, while in the hands of .srAc&mi'atlaW, and mwaj wu(. w x ; J v w wm Mav r II TT fc tilaaa lC r I wMunvwvu w u-c luuiiB uiTiu lunioimaii mpmir. i. i JOB- WOE stanse of the judgement hall be recorded, and avow Trvwi r-i ry ertiHcsrttiont ieiliPrvti AmiA i w v y yiwwWM' nuwv-f uvwvuuva a v j with An alDhaoetical index. . . ; . 3.A Docket" of all 'issues of Tact joined I lo maae aue return tnercot ana to proceed as UDon the Dleadinsrs and other matters, triable 1 Herein prescribed shall in each case forfeit to the clerk of the Superior court of the county., to - any. court of which, the "writ is jeturnable for the use of the parties entitled thereto under the penalties now provided hy law in case of failure. r , Pi EXECUTIONS TO BE. DOCKETED. Sec:-1(X! -The"' clerk of .-'any Snixrior Court to which any; executiortslialVl re turned as is aoove prescribed-6hall at Hi r- quest of any person intsreated, I herein, mid on tne payment ot one dollar, enter su:-nir.- ecutions, on his execution 'docket, and 'the like process may be thereafter' had thereon as is proVidedin similkrjcases do t judgements recovered after the ratification of this net, PE3IA1.TY U0N "SrilirFFS "TOR FAILIXfJ TO RETTjRi. .r.;r.D ) Sec11. p Any late Sheriff v other officer having ''executions in his hands-and failing and pay to ariyhy Dexson "criefetT. one hnn dred dollars be recoyered on motion of -the court.! J '- vr:,- ,d .vlwrt. ;;rI xiO ill JCMVE'lJpT. pOIllIAKT, WIIES-r.,, j Sec. 12'. No judgment' shair belield to have become dormant by reason of? any stay .i - . - ox execuuon mereon ln oDeoience to . any before a jury, and of ' all other matters for - -a f .1 1 a uearing ueiore ine juages, at a regular term Qt the Court, a copy of which shall be f ur- nishedtp the judge at the conxmencement of each term.t f- ta u..i u n u4J.iUii;u t 4: 'An alphabetical index according' to the names of the .plaintiffs, of a 11 ? final f judg- ml ciyil &cUoji. rendered in tthe court, general or special orders issued by the Gene ral lately commanding the military District df which the State of North Carolina formed a' part, and thetime during which execution was so stayed, shall not be counted in deter mining any question -itespectinga judgnient being dormant. f? T j ORDENAKCE OF 14TH OPltARCTI 1868, jfOT with the dates' and numbers thereof. 5. AJJocKet ot au criminal actions, con taining a note of eyery proceeding in each. BY Wfl91ITIl3 1 BOpKiATK -TO BE FUr?- h ecl D. The-books specified irr the above section snaii pe supplied to tne cierKs ot tne several counties by the Secretary of State, at the expnopf he State,- and: the , Secretary shaU, as tsoon as rxissible, transtoit an ac count thereof to the chairman of the County j ordinance of the Convention ; of GrfaO -State. Commissioners, in order that the price may entitled "aii.DTdinance respecting theA juris- uo icii .m: uc vuumr uucb, auu lueu .uio i uicuon oi ioo uouris ot mis ouiie, rauued Auditor of public accounts, who shall add Sec. 13. xTothimr-lrn this act'oontarned shall affect or impair any right given by an the same to the taxes of. the respective coun ties; and receive and account for it asrorJ other taxes. The commissioners of any coun ty failing to cause such sum to be levied with he other county ,taxes, shall be guilty; of a nisdejneanor , -.: PAPETS IN JEACIt ACTION TO BB KEPT SEP- Y'-lX-u ATATE. : : Sea 10. The clerk shall keep the papers in tech action in a separate roil or ounaie, ana at its . termination, attach together, properly the 14th day of March. 1808, in the cases to which it is-applicable. ' J -' J 1 'KXKX i Ratified the 14th day of August, A., D., xoua . i ; (Signed,) JO& WrHOLDENt III Speaker iouseof nepresentauyes. SSXL !TOD,lU C ad WELL, i JL W. rTesiaeAW ine oenaie. (Sign? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; " o t.i . A a a m . : vJrrlVJ& 0waafAai c diaji., RnlHnJt. Avmut22d 16C8.. I. fienryirenJUDiHXSearet 3abel,and file them in order of the date of Ihe j hereby certify that the foregoing is a true final judgment. ! SOLICITORS TO EXAMINE KECOrDS, A.C. ' Sec. -11. At every regular term of a Supe- copy of the original act on file in this office. U. j. m jn run u felt, Secretary of Slate. without prejudice by reason of the change, and all such actions and suits, commenced before, and pending at, the adoption by the General Assembly, of the rule of pmctlru and procedure herein provided for, shall be neard and dcteralncd,-accordin; to the practice now In use, unless otherwise provided lor. by aald rules. Sec. S. The justices of tbe 8uprcme Court shaU be elected br the qualified roter of the SUte, as Is proTl lfl for the election of member of the General Asaem. br. They shall hold their offlces for eifht year. The Judge of the Superior CtmrU shall be elected in lika r.i irtner, and shall bold thrir offices for eurfat years ; bdt the Judges of the Superior Court elected at the ftret V tlon under this constitution, shall, after their else. itu. under the superintendenee ei the justice oi the Sp pretne Conrt, be divided by lot into two equal rlsssrs. oiio of which shall hold office for four year, the other Sec. S7 .Tho OcncrakAsaesAhH mv nmtl KM I .v.. ii .-v k, . , '.l 7' r-- 1 mat wi juat- m iiK uyrioijjos ri liiiiadoa bev ac wmcu iit me voter oi l DC wnoid a Lata. i en provided for. shall be elected br the Toters te. aa 1 here oterm of tVHr respective districts. , : Sec. 38. The Superior Court hU be. at all time, open for the transaction ef all business withla their ja rfedtction, except the trial of issues -of' fait rMalrLutr a jury. -.---' ' Sec. tt. A Solicitor Vhall te rlnrlT frVsh indlrlsJ district by the qualified voter thereof, as la prescribed - - Aar a m 0 . m. k - iwr memw ot me uvneraj Asscmniy, v m, u4i-lvok(. omce ior ine term ot lour years, and prosecute oa be half of the State, in an criminal actions la tbe Superior Conrta, and advise the oflrers of iustlce in his dia. te elected by the qualified voters thereof, as 1 nre- criDea zor memners of the Oeneral Assembly, and sbau noiatneir omce for two years, ineacn township kiivrc buu ut svoBiuon ciscxe id uajb rainnw oy'ine voter thereof, who shall hold hi oQce for two years. V hen there I no coroner In the county, the Clerk of the Superior Conrt for the county may appoint one for special cases. In case of a vacancy existing- for any canae,tn any of the office created by this section, the comaiiaetaner fox the cocaty may appoint lo adch i vf flcelorttie nnexplred term Sec Bl. All vaeancie oceurrlar vncrwfor1 ded for by this Article of, tbe CohstltuUoa. sbsH be filled by the appotntaseat ot the OoreraaT, vales oth erwise provided for, sad the appointees shall hold their places until the next regular ejections A -.;.' Sec 82.. Theofficers elected at the-flrst election held under this Constitution, shaU hold their offices for the terms prescribed for them respectively, next ensuicr after the next regular election for members of tbe Gen eral Assembly. But their term thall begin vpon the approval 01 this ConstltaUott by the Congress of. tha u ni Lea sates. . , . , 8ec' to. The aeveral iuatlcev of the Peace ahaU haVa exchfaive orleinal iurWUciloa nnder aaeh vsianAM as the General Assembly ahaU pirscrtbe, of all dril acv uoonounra on contract, wneretn the nra demanded shall not exceed two' hundred d6Cara, and wherein the n esiaie snau not De in controveisr, and of ait cnminai maners arising within their coon ties where the punishments cannot exceed! ffoe cf f ty-delUra. ?rlm,V3limr.n' f .OM month. When aa Issue of joinea oexore a justice, on demand of either party thereto, he should cause a jary of six saea to be summoned, who ahaH- try taeaisATne party apalnat whom iddment shall be rendered la anydvfl -jr vv m uia superior uonrt rroua the woe, ua ii ine jnoment taall exceed tweaty.flvedol lar.thmjDbcaV Irlalf the rh4e aaMter la i.cuij ii.cQOiiWvwkM, then the caae shall be heard in tne sppellate court, only upon matters cf law. la all caes 01 - a CTlmVnsl nular. tK mriv imif jadmect UciseA tiayappeaf to the Ssnerlor Comrt, where the matter .k.m K ,m .. SJ w aw v it. m aac W SOtJOT ALL KtXDS JOB WOBJ l.u 1 1 f-'. i. jm. I With the a&iuranee tliat It will U doci ia'KEATEY ixk &s CIIEAFLY v. I. V.I.V.U 1 I BONE - AT su it could be done dicvbera, Hi:!'') :i 5' 1 1 ' -1. .1 ; ' r-r. XUVS TOCR m I t l i I. 'I IV HUm-BILtB, 1 f I1!, a 'i ') 5i- hit f 4 i St J ' r . - js ;sEEPlIBIiICAr-P i noiliHfl:i hfinia :- " cniGXfijLnsz ---- i I - ' v.:--- ' " t-- m. .... '!: 'f i 1 1. . . ... .. .. . . Ha SO rcrdi "Sl ! i .iA .YaaoJio .CL 1 .i July 13 02-Lf " i