0 X LTiiersl dactkmt sata t larjs sTcrUsej, fpsdal XoUcm cStsrrsl O m crt. L!- tlsa t ,. i caarya4i i i: NEW BERNE, N. Cv TUESDAY; OCTOBER' B; : 18GS mm ' . fwnlA : PRICE 5 CENTS: 1 'J 1 . e Is V,;f,fi rfe'j; sV-Hi II-Irif ;tA-TVT." tf X?T I ITW A JVIIM 4.tJI--frtn::tPCTCaT thai lha Hcrmbllcana hare I cf navrilrtl til tnlripd nn tryrhr wmt tr o i a xaLAxAi - uuc tLVEU stirrup . mvii u i in nuir.7;.ir.TTi: r tth: : 4 v 9 r F 7 w" ' I J -- - 1 . ; ' ' - : i a 1 - - -- J . - - - - . 1 .1 I 1 : ' 1 I " " - - T ' ' III I 0e IBAWnATTPAn yfe Insuraace ompany NEW YORK. ; i i' CS,OOD,000 licet pportant New Feature in Uivt- itnds and Modes of Insurance 1 1 SMALLEST RATIO OF MORTALITY, tXPKNSEiS LE8S THAU-ANT CASH COMPANY, t mVAAL MODES OF PA TMEN1 . UJf than one gallon at one time. IWUivi". I , UhaU be regained a retail deal PREMIUMS, lliiow"-" . . . i wuoiesaieueaier, BONUS EVER GIVEN! ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID; ILL KINDS OF NONFORFEIT NO LIFE AND ENDOWMENT .i . .r. POLICIES ISSUED- POLICIES INCONTESTIBLEt LOANS MADE ON POLICIES, TEGULAR LIFE POLICIES AFTER milEE TEARS NONFORFEITABLE Mowment and ten Annual payment Policies, Non ieiUM after the payment of the first Premium. ; Tclollowing are examples of the pperations of the IHTidend '"JCIKS ISSCED IN 1SG2, ONLT FOUR TXABS AGO. A'T IKSB'D.- xio,ooo; 8,000. ' 7,500. f 7,000. FRXX. rAm. ; 11,280. 1,0S2.. ; 70S. APPSD to roucr. 13,572. TOT AX, - AM'T YOU $13,572.' 10,848. 10,208.. ,505. s. s. 2,708. 2,505. ' 571. r. JJ anenurely New Plan, fiving Insurers the rWb. . Cnli0,li?? Policies that lapsed during the war, VTk!?""! (if In good health) and placed noon a I dividends the same as if no i vujirnwi : Uedical Ilxsiainer. t r.l 1 Hs1, Thompson, jenu 7 r a ' New - 'jf.c: To i lay; Taxes and iPro viclfe for the Support of tlic City Government. f.' J Sec 1. It U ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Slew Bern, Tnat for the fiscal year endi&e June 30th a tez of one per cent upon the ralae alfof real estate within the limits of the corporation, be and the same is nerebj laid to be coiiectea. as is by law proy" 7 UfitrtAoraaifUfUTtiAt from and 'after, the 1st day of April, 1868, no person, firm or corporation shall nrosecate or carry on el eitner ox the trades or occupations mentioned in sections of this ordinance, until he or raeysnau nare eouunea a license inerezor la the maa- ner nereinaxter proTioeo. - r I i rrc. . 1 wrvrtAtroraaMeaiiiax erery person or per sons desiring to obtain 4 license shall register with the City Clerk, first: his name, or their name or strl&:..se Yl th tfU kl aWr II n H AH fav avwlsVa la aesirea ; intra, ne place wnererknett trade or ; oorcpa- ucnis to oe cameo on: ionnn;u an rnn-keener. tn leaily lentalof the boa and x.eimti tabs oosaBied for sal 4 tmnose," and thersmBoa. apon paymeht tot Sat 1 vniy viers, or outer person snuumsea to coueex- tax nerem pronaea, snsumsjw vx ana aeuTrra li cense for such trade or ocenpation, which license shall conxinoe in force for one montn, at toe place oTprenus- es acscriDea tnerein. - . Sec 4, It it further ordained. That if any person or persons shall exercise or carry on any trade or business hereinafter mentioned for ine exercising ox which 'a license is required, without taking out such license a is it that behalf required, he, she, or or they shall, for every such offence, respectively forfeit a penalty equal te three times tne amount oi ine sum ox money impoii ea zor suca uceusv w iu uc vi iu ciij, Sec. &, And be it further-ordained,- That in every case where more than one of the pursuits, hereinafter described shall be carried oh by the same person in the same place at the fame time, except as therein men. tionedj license must be taken out foreach, according to Sec , AndbeU further ordaiMdjThht on and after the first dav of April. 1SC8, for each license eranted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly1 paid. Any number of persons carrying on any business coming witmn tne purview oi tms ordinance, in part-1 ncrship may transact such business at such place, under, such license, and not: otherwise.. -r - (1 .) Bankers shall pay ten dollars for each license, and every person shall be deemed a banker w.thin the mean log ox tus urainance, who Keeps a place of business where credits arc opened in favor of ,,any person or linn, by the deposit or collection of money or currency, and the same, or any part thereof shall be paid out or remmitted upon the draft or check of such creditor, -(2) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for r license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc cupation it is to oaer property xor sale to the highest bidder, r - . -, r- . s . . ....- ... (3.) Retail Dealers in lkiuorS. ' including all dTstfllea or fermented liquors and wines of every, description," shall pay five dollars for : each . license. Every persen wno shall oner tor sate sucn liquors in: Jess quantity to the same pnrchaserv er in liauors. (4.) Retail Dealers shall par one dollar for each license. Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries or any goods, wares or merchandise; ; or foreign or domestic productions. -in less quantities than a whole original piece or package, at one time to the same person (not including winesv spiritcous or malt liquors), snail be regaraea as a retail dealer, v . . (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay fouT dollars for each license, Every person whose occupation or business it is to sell groceries or any goods , wares or merchan.,1 dise, bv one or more original package or piece . at' one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and liquors sin ,voiTTJlnl RECEIVE THE LARGEqI quantities ot more than one gallon, shall be deemed. a (ft.) Hotels, Inns and Taverns, shall pav five dollars for each license. . Every place where food and lodging I are provided for and furnished to. travelors oi soiournr- ers, in view ofpayment therefor, shall be regarded as a Ilotcl, Inn or Tavern. -' ' . ..- (7.) Brokers and Commission Merchants shall , pav ;;! ; J fotir dollars for. each licence. 'Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker .whose business It is to purchase or sell stocks, money, good's or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original -or unbroken package&ror produce; or to manage business .... L .rnn irinc A UTtrrTA T. T.Y UN l frwlcht or whosabnsineeit Li to oarchaaev refit or sell M Viunsiuo ' -r - ; realestate for others, shall be regarded as a Banker or Commission Merchant. . (8.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the City council in eacn case (9.) BowiiDg Allies or Billiard Rooms shall par fonr dollars for each license. ' ' : 1 ; ; - (10.) Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for eachllcense. (11 ) Peddlers shall py fifty cents for each license. Any person, except persons peaaiing newspapers, docks or oomentc produce as tneir owirproaucing, wno sens 6r offers to seU at retail goods, wares or commodities, travelling from place to place in tne streets snail oe deemed a peddler. w : (10.) Manufacturers shall ply two dollars for each li cense. ' Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery; and offer for sale any goods. wares or merchandise ex eeding annnally the , sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer. (13.) Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. ' " (14,) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for eacn license.- . r (15.) All public drays' shall pay twenty-live cents for each license. a,- i :i- :--t. .,-... - (16.) i Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each li cense. '- ' , Sec, 7. And be it further ordained. That all Or dinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. . V. - JOHN 8. MANIX, City CfeVk. New Berne, N, C March 80th, 1SG8, T ANTED-AGENTS - to 8200 per month. everywnere, maie ana xemaie, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON 8ENSE - FAMILY. .SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will stitch, hem, fell. tuck. quilt, cord, bind, braid-and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only 818, Fnl- warranted for nve -rears. We will pav 000 for any machine that will sew a strong- more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch" Every second stitch can be cut. and still the doth can not be pulled apart without tearine it. Wa nar amenta from $75-to $ 200 per month and expenses, or . a com-: mission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB & CO.. Ptttsbbbs. Pa or BOSTON. Mass.' i ... .. . '. ., CAUTION. Do not be imposed noon br other nar. ties palming off worthless cat-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. ' Ours ts the only genuine ana rcauy practical cneap macnirieymanniactured. Ang xs, 1863, zm i, ; PRICES, CURRE NT. : nnbbs & Brotlier. a; Wholesale Dealer in Groceries and PtotiHomr : Dry Goods, Wines, Liquor$t . Cigars,' &e., V i Middle Street, New-Berne, N. CJ;f , ; . j -t . OBOCEItlES. i ' ' ; 'a , Coffee, Bio...,....; iw.r... 25 88 . 82 ?' 24 i -45 ' 2 25V . i Lsgnayra.... ...... : Maracaibo.... ;... . ' St. Domingo.; 28 S 20 a 37 1 60 , java..i...... xeas, x oung uyson m . .... iiyson . . : - Gunpowder and Imperial 90 1 70 0 3 25 1 00 1 90 1 00 a 1 75 1 25 S 25 20 25 10 5ft 30 00 15 00 18 00 5ov 65 . 20 V 25 - 75 1 00 a 50. Si 0 oolong UncotJa apanr.. 4 f English Breakfast, Bests . : . ; . : i .L.V.: i. Flour, from .......;'..; ,vi ifamiiv. ........... . Gibbed Herrings per box... Lard...;.:...... ..... Molasses, New Orleans . s .-. Bice....................... 10 13 17X 17 17 17tf 15 15 -19 ' 17X r. 19 .) 19 19 Sugars, Yellows.... ill coffee A . , . . ; .:. . .... 3 Coffee B. ...... i i s Granulated ;,rowaerea... ... i ) Crushed . . . . . . , . . . . . .... Salt.i;...-.::;j..rf.a.:.UU Apples, Dried. .i..;...... .... J....... ITX 60 SCO - 10 12X moon... Pork, perbbl..... 16X 20 80 00 SI 50 Beef, Corned........ ... Butter. . . ... . it fc, . . . . 15 17 SO 15 .50 23 neeso. . . . ' UISCELLAHSOU8. 3oottw&x - Bi-Carb. Soda...'. 28 11 15 1 85 1 90 88 00 150 Blue 8tone. ......... Corn by quantitr; . Flaxseed, per bushel 0 00 00 00 1 75 1 10 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 120 00 fifty . y f - 60 Oats.... . .. .... ... 1 00 va. - ' NAVAL 8TOKK8.:- New Dip...... S 50 Old Dip.. ........ . 2 80 scrape';..:;.... ......... 350 Spirits Turpentine, tax paid by pnrchT 45" Rosin. .. .... ..TTT... 09 Tar, as to sise . . r.y.V... ; hi - 59 Pitch. .............. .. , y0i 4 00 S 03', 2 80' 60 4 00 ; 2 25 2 60 TTTT y i i I I t II I iy villi er. u u ter o -: nmxrnjw , ; , , . ' . ."' " ' f .. -. . "... f- Sometimes at night' when on my bed, ' . . , ;.Wiapt ronnd with deep, I. seem to hear ... ; In dreams the slow id measured tread ...r Of sbldlers drawing nearl . ' ,v All round tho night Is hobgvwllh gloom c : The murky air Is chill and damp ; vi,-; r ; And grim and darktliQ shadows loom- !..;; y'Abosl the gSeepisj camp; .T, .tT!-;i:-.::: .:- i llearcr "sai neerHa ground, . Closareren iep the soldid.kep; - - fV. '.Ccdrdwlth a hojlow falling sound. Distinctly in toy tS. V -'-.;V , Once mors as oft of old, tolle; And in the network of my dream H , With steady tramp go by.' ; di At last they near the sentry's beat ; I ,1 hear his order sharply sound, ; MHahr and no more the marching feet !, Re-echo Ver the ground. ' ' ; ; ; , it I hear, or seem at least to hear, : : : ".. His challenge, uttered stern and brief- ' The answer spoken low and clear, ; .t : 'And know.'tistheReliet . v ; And,' wakingi find it but a dream, ' Bornof the cloud of battle past,; : ': r .Whose fringes brightened with the gleam Of peace that dawned at last. ; J O. hearts borne down by grief and care, Yearning and praying for the light, : Watchful, as anxkraen tries, where . ?d ."Yo.u stand hung round with night ; , j iWho let no doubtful step come near v Without the challenge stern and brief; ? Who listen but who never hear . . v : The tread of the Belief ;s,'U;,v ;? ' Tboner or later it will fall, , , t. f Through the thick darkness drawing nisjh, ' And to your earnest challenge-call . .". Shall angel:lips reply ! " " . "... ". n0it - hopeVyioil.1 See some st ranee nassion everv want annul v. Hope travels throuph, nor quits us when we i ve."rr -Typ- v - . . : : i . :i' When the half-starved prisoners were ar riving at Annapolis, from ' Anderson vule, an aged woman was observed, upon the arrival of every vessel, esgerly watching the men as they, stepped or were carried te shore. : When questioned she . invariably replied that she waitedjbr her son.- Shir , was repeatedly In. formed that he was dead ; but day after day, carrying a bundle of clean clothing, she was seen at the landing. azin: mournfully but hopefully at every coming YesseL ' From bondage, woe, and famine sore, Bearing a rescued band, , A stately vessel ncars the shore Of leaf -clad Maryland, Where Severn's glancing waters kiss Thy tide-washed sands, Annapolis ! , As denies to meet their valiant ones Thronged forth from conquering Home, Bo, winged with love, to meet their sons . . The expectant people come. ' A tattered, haggard, starving few. Woo struck and fainting, meet their view. O man! Ver faults of erring sense, ' Kind mercy's man tie throw ; Avert, high heaven, the recompense .ft For this unmeasured woe I We may forgive, God help I and yet Justice forbids us to forget. , Dark raem'ries rise of shot-torn braves On Shikih's furrowed ground, Of countless glory -guarded graves " By Rappahannock found, Stone River's mounds, South Mountain's ' crest, ... And battle-blasted wilderness. w droop the tangled boughs along The tomb-watched Tennessee ; Loud sounds the night-birds plaintive song : O'er .fatal Qhistee;t;., , ,' ; Unheeding rests the nncoffined clay. Unheard fame's echoing reveille. With patient look, where hundreds wait, An aged matron stands, Bearing, like Ruih at Boaz' gate, . A bundle In her hands, ; Hoping in each wan, sunburned face Tne features of ner son to trace. As stood God's seer on Carmel's side. ; To watch the gathering storm, So, watching by the Severn's tide, - Long stood the widow's form ; Her mind a .wreck, her sense opprest, But hope unconquered in her breast. And when upon her lonely path The tempest gathered bleak, 1 -Rousing the restless waves to wrath On stormy Chessapeake, By all-enduring love impelled, ' i : ' She still her fruitless vigil held. . ; When Reason, tottering from her throne, . ,To madness yields control, . Hope ne'er forsakes, though Faith has flown, :Iifes shattered golden bowL . r . A homeless dove, a throneless king, . . . Arnid the wreck a sacred thing I m - Under Republican Rnie ' Prosperity .The Democratic leaders and presses are an - pealing to the Pfsdons iars of tte labor- in? men.' or usanng uieia mat uicr iroaia oe rf 5 -r : . oetter on uunng a uuuuuaui; auuuuisirauon than a Republican one. This we deny, and could easily show is not the case, not with Democratic leaders inauguraica ana earned on for a period of over four years v During, the .JKETVT BERNE, OCTOBER 6. 1868. ; oil than thev erw wen before dnrin r IVm. I muaket. nuc rule. ATith afew rare excretion Vxerw I fnxns.7 tltJ cc?ri?1)lA 11x6 d"J niYe MiMted. rnnr of tK. inrrtM. r itf- I the when? they, had the . disposition saved more I hing bctll put into the gnn naked. moneT.'Secured more homes, and been better I A hnnt ihnnmA t V. ?2 ,?,cryw7- ' IH? true thty hare had to fQrmd lazAc witWnWm A TW wnuer prices tor the neccssiUes of life:- oat wror wages bare necn nigher. in propor- uon (nan crer oeiorei uoaer tne XKmocrat lcadmlnUtratlonjo:Pola Pierce, and Buch-anan,-saboring men fcctlred fifty cents, seren- iTrnTe cenis, and onaarb occasions a ddilar a daj; and large classes of filled mechanics but the a-liule more,: and tifttia 'Without: labor.. fori (fcnHEiosU J ta thoEaSdd riilonuakct.'! feWTtartof BepaWkan rule, tho same class I ' flffc&orcrs have repdted ttliom tothsa ontfr V lorHhe same kind of 7wcTkTand Trardy ever rSLSxhTSSl?! cut Of ipynient Scsl ebSM it- sibws a u mm " a. ' lii i luiiulxm am . a v a JolSi a tiltl iSSL SiiSSfr. . r. conVutu'Uons secnrlcg'equaf dril and boUdcal itf riS. "I rights to all, and it istS duty of the hovem- lUrTr h ; 7;;TC. " V1 Z ftZZ: ZtrT fZ7Z XDDl o sustain tnote insutuuons sna to pre- PfS'SSSSf Snln Wnl T,lt PPl Of SUCh BUtCS frOffl bdng HV l,and consunt employment admlttedto a stata of anarchy. lC- IS,UJ!.jrliappy H ot L The guarantee by Congresa of equal man " la.borlnr men and me- . ? , VTL'J rT, ... -MV ss- ( AWA SUW TiUMiJ fi 1 1 " f VS W VI S tney lonnerly ma, nearly all'the time, Pierce and Buchanan " labor! ne men and me chanics roamed over the land in search of em plovment, out of means, and begsinr their ty,' way from, farm to form, an- town to town. In the winter seasons soup-houses were pro vided by the charitable ana town authorities, wher8 the poorer classes were served with their quart or two of soup and a slice of bread and occasional piece of meat, to keen them roTulres the payment of the public Indebted from starvation and out of the poor-houses. lhe oVSmost good filth to all credi We well recollect the terrible scenes of want which occurred in this city ten, eleven' and twelve years ago, when the, lower part of the building in which tho Rredonian office is now situated, was used ejj 'soup-housa Gaunt-looking and raggedxhildren, and starv ed men and women came every day with their pails, pitchers and basins for their rations of soup, which was served out to them by the agent in attendance. The! scenes thus dally time witnessed were truly heart-rending but there Qonirrcss to reduce the rate of interest there- was no ueip ror it, ior mere was not employ- i 0q on menicnougnioraii,evenaisxarTa . Our old dtlseas, If they think but for a mo- menW will recollect these times. , . And this was not the case in our city only, but lnncarl every town in tne wnoio country, - xio su scenes have been enacted In the Northern tial States at least under the Republican adminis trations.' Think, derr reader, and you cer tainly cannot deny the above facts. And prosperity has not been confined to the laboring population alone; during the Kepub- hcan administrations of the last seven years. omy uur iarmers nave maae more money aunng .j viIL Wcj profoundly deplore the untlme the past seven years than they ever made be- iL .a t Lt, nf Ahh.m v.inmin fore in .the same length of time. They have i , v - nsiderably more for their labor. they have received a great deal rtlon for everything they had to it is true, but tncj more in proportioi seiviuereiryrjayingourrwreaeowanaiaTing up more money han ever before. And the same ruio iouowswuu neany au classes 01 luiRinpRS- men. while some have amassed Im-1 mense fortunes that they would not otherwise tevedoueIt is only necessary to reflect a little, wiren an will -at once sec inar incsc tflen ; 'Who has abused 'the pardoning statemcnU arc true to the lei ter. and how false cr; who has denounced the National Leg ore the statements of the leaders of the sham- fna,Mrl .. rrtn.nntirtn.i . M h. nmil. ocracy in regard to these poinU-i?rni- HU W XlAH X HAIiisi nil. I . . The report of the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy presents many iinervsuu . louts aa wuuuvwi tvibu gunnery small arras and heavy guns. The report explodes one theory which l,ad ben accepted a, to the number ot DalU or cartnages expenaea in miUDg one ' man. Estimates I have been , mode thai of 3000 balls fired, only one ever KW. it- intn ' mrlr anA another r , 7- 7 i ' .Vrt nrvn calculation says that from 3000 to 10,000 cartridges were usually '.expended in killing or wounding one man. How enormoo, these tfnute . may bif compiled from tho expenditure ol am- mnmlinn in Knttlp Rin nfl ItinffWl of DV this report of Captain Wise, Chief ot Ordnance, who, in of the ad- vantage of breech-loading small arms 1 over says: those which load at tho muzzle, l Tho fourth advantage "is im-1 - A m m can be Diacoa ai a ume m uio upeamu i at the breech, and in the event of a tailui e I to." tTu7' 1110 fTWn"; withdrawn by the movement of cocking and opening the breech. . The report sa vs : "Simralarly enough, the lesson of one of all nations, should be fostered and encour of the WttaX of 0?$$ 'luei: in" how immensely imponam wis lasv- mentioned advantage, . of the breech-! loader, really is. upon the field of Gettysburg, after the battle, an immense number of : muzzle-lbadiug arms were bicked up, both of our own and rebel eJ.liprv N'.rlv nil nf t.hoA fnnnrl'l to be loaded aud ihis of itself U per- w 1U'CV4 , dUU j t , .u haps not. to be wondered at; but the ctinous lact was .aiscovercd that aoout i nnA half nf tho nnmrwr ln.nlol enntnined I .loads each, tenl load v and the remainder one legiU- maw loao. in one or; two instances as many as thirty-two and forty-two bullets were found in the barrels 1 . , urvua ZSZ s?t ik Yhe official report of the examination of the arms collected upon the bat: Ie-fieJd of Gettysburg, states that 'of tho , whole number received 2774 wo found at i least 24.000 of these loaded ; about one half of these contained two loads each, one fourth from threo to ten loads each, and tho balance one lload each. In many of these guns from two to six ball a hnvn Wi fnnnri at. th a hottnm of uw( iwre wiw omy one caargp oi Pwuer. In some the balls have been found, at the Knt tnrtT f K tm witri t n rJiftrirft of powder on top of the balL In some as , mnnv.sm sit T?Tvr rpfrnlation calibre. 5S cos havebecn found, the cart. . , . . , . - I nrfm having . Krvon Tynf. tntO LnO WITH i " 41 1 r r o I without bein torn or broken. Twenty- - threo loads were found; in one Spring- V,V?V , J- 1 buck-shot, with a corrcsnonding quanity tnanT model of ,1842. of rebel mV found a wad of loose paper between Sime kind on ton of the halL the ball I - r, "T - m -J ,r xi xnsnr ok vuo vmooio-fXTB were aoout halt way down in the barrcli of the gtrns, and in many cases the ball end 'of thd cartridge bad been put into rfcrun first. The cartridges ! were . kJTO rLVu'Uf . - ' . 1 TrZ . . sw 10 sustain tnose insutuuons ana io pre- suffrage to all loyal men at the South was de manded by every consideration of public safe of gratitude, and of justice, and must be mniutaloed ; while the question of suffrage in all'the loyal States properly belongs to the peo ple of those 8 tales. , UL ; we denounce all forms ox repudiation ah natfnnal Hmot anrl ftitt ,aflMn1 twines tors al home and abroad, not only according 1 id the letter but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. ll V. ; It h due to the labor of tho -nation that taxation should be equallred and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit. jtV. The national debt, contracted as it has been for thn preservation of the Union for all to cornel should be extended over a fair rwv4st frr vi m r t-mn anA It ( ihm rftif r wheneve whenever it can be honestly done.. ,yL That the best poUcy to diminish our of debt u to jt our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower ' rates oi interest than we now pay. ana must continue to pay so long as repudiation, par or total, open or covert, is threatened or snSDCCted. . J V1L The Government of the United States should administered with the strictest econ- Tufo)K Jolmson ill loudly for radical reform. - ana ine corruptions wmcn-nave oeen so t thewxession to the Presidency o An- rp rerrei ine accession to me rresiacncy oi an 4rw Johnson, who has acted treacherously, th the people who elected him and the cause hQ w&s pledged to support; who has usurped legislative and judicial functions; bo nf to execute the laws: who UAed bis high office to Induce other odeers u a Jii.i n.. v- 1 pi0yjd hla execuUve powers to render insecure 1 whkh llih oronextv. the teace. libertv and life: oft . Una, lenUy Jnd cormpUy resisted, by every means ol nAnitmMttfi 9 tVtik Mft4 1,11 In tVktnm who has nerYerted the nubile Datronare into an engine of wholesale corruDUon: and who has been justly Impeached for high crimes' 0Mj ym. , TTn?rTi T 1, . f : i IX. The Doctrine of Great Britlaa and UIll0Iif LlDCtiy EH& other European powers, that because a man . 5 S, &ES, ifnTtS ButS arellc of feudal times, not authorired by the laws of nations, and at war with our na tlonal honor and independence, Naturalized ciUteiis are enUUed to rtectkm U.all their righU oi ciuxenship, as though they were rtWeJborn; and no dtixen of the United States,' native or naturalized, must be liable to. arrest and Imprisonment by any foreign fjfiS u u doty of Government to interfere In Kfa KKff - - X. Of U who were OitMul In the trUl, 9f 7" 83Lmen who endured the hardships of cam- ruj ra and cruise, and Imperilled their lives in I the service of the country; the bounties and iha niiant dead are the wards of the rworjle a sacred legacy, bequeathed to the nation's PrSreIgS ImmlgaUoi which4 In the pfjtaa socta wea devS- 0pmefit, and resources and Increase of power to this Republic, the asylum of the oppressed iymPaU,y with all oppressed peoples stnxg- ellnir for their rirhtx. - On motion of Carl Shurz, the following two I planks were added by a unanimous rote: ' Raciied, that we .hlghlr.ctmixncnd the spirit of magnanimity and. forbearance with which men who have served in the rebellion but who nowfranUr and honestly co-opcr tewiMlnto5?tiflhe?I1?' try and i reconstructing the Southern State goVcrnmets upon the basis of Impartial Jus- ice and Equal Bights, are received back into the communion of the loyal people : and we iTin ln6 . measure as their spirit of loyalty irill direct, and as may oe consistent with the safety of. the loyal people. . . . P 7e!leiih?T& dplcs laid down la the iuimortal Jeclaratlon Q Independenc as the true foundation cf democratic roremment: and we hall with gladness every effort toward making these principles a living reality on every inch of ca"--- TVTMnrr "Ramo TToll T AM V - ALU Otli i . I M 1 ... Vlt . ' H1ory"ofc I Middle tree, la a maxacr wuca i boom win rotxx tas v TOTmrTin A"WTi PATPOWQ n I f aate tw a well tnppUed Bar. A tall stock of WineS,' LiqUOrS and iagGT BCOT, coMta&tly on I wQ also. raznUa SOXsvuiu .ad LODGntO, sad " i LUNCH AT ALL HOURS r.O TSTER3 IN E VERT 8TTLE ! . : ! LAGER BEER BY THE KEG I FEItDINAND ULRICII, ,Dccli-U bii rations and omhi ,AJ iJjJXiiuillt, t ... w tc 4 " ' t . Tuesday, Thurcday, and S atmrday Homines or Excn wmt. TJtOM tt CJU YJf MTXKkT. E W II E H fi E c BEPCiaJCAK 1s Issd as a Iilejeiicit PrciTGire JonJ than reflect the statimeau and oJona cf tka" - ..,v?T t r ApyWpopmlaUosi of Eatcra Ttsrlh Cm by an caxtapconilslnx oroosiUosi to ths docLrl Eoookn, and by a foaricss adrocacy of lbs rUrta prl&dpks ef . . Zguality before tho Law," vtnwccTouduutj lads. i Of orpfk. witk assnes UmrA aaSe&arUv f or aS f U 13 for tte latlolau f .o -tttdiuoux u-atiM I'r' " TllT lt&&" ad tlx dmioyyt series uraL aisi a WklU UoXqaaoas, tO U proaaUacsl a jwpr, ts AvpartSMsls of COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE. AND LITERATURI wQ rscalTs allrrrtttrs Yj Zperts mttH frports mm s2l scatters of Xoeal Xatercst Q tons a psonlacxtt Xsstars, tad as tkers appears as yst ao other . ... .. uncoiTDmon AL,xm ioji papek ' 9 la Easier Sort Csroflaa. Us AdrsmUcrs vkick Us EsirmtOcGn vQofsr asaasrcrtUlae2c3arti parest Hales or Subscription OmTmt SlzVovUs TbrrtttocUs - MS O om Uosia Cates or Advertising. liaea orosaUca spaos to coosUlalc s sqsare. Onssassraoa - - iLO Srk Mtwreat bwotiM Liberal Aadsctkista saade to Uxa XjyI-U. S 1 1 n if ' V ' 5j n i . t - ft .r n ' .. : 4 4 It 1 ii ii' 4 t f C: 4 if '2 , u Ii i, 1 t I !i ft w m i ? . i I 1