r -V the foiled m. "".vLgiTQ '& Eppler's A (f 1 Kpw Berne, pvblishina all the Late and : st ioi vv.U.Y. tt'l '", w gjfBftSEiffi. lies?- J .V t 7C-JwS4 tfa . ITT 4 ... I. k - I. AMraaQiw . f Krhonl r. y - . :j;7-J-PM.)t..hL- I .1". -II. II , 11.11 ' i rjf ixeTcr ftT.r,r r -Trfr? v-y. z:suz'VJ9j1 v - i -Mm n - FaU: and-Winter 1 . i feet A?P T.ACII3T3 4j -t5tt 16 ' jU. vdSi? aiHotiiMiik-i- SHiii--i-: 1,, wager on me coming Presidential dec- - ' TT'SVS? lhurtyor.(T ll A PROCLA,tIATIOlri- iliis office and cover llie f olio wiDg amounts linonrharids: . " 1 ;' ; f vrv:-J'.V.:s wc: ii' t .." eo n J - I : i ; ... . . . I .1 Quan. ....... I 2- . ' " WW , r.- r?al attention. .;; Contfcn PctV.VV. V toenu of Produce solicited 1 aa.h pcrcord prompt returns made. CO 10 10 3 CO 1 to 2W I. . . I ' to eight hundred dollars T .Ha"? senator elect, deces iGsn. Grant will be elected President of lfte -d-8enatoral District v , m tkevlUthJsenatoriafiistr; ent iu In tMSS ? Jones, senator, elect. iS Mf P - L: " - - .;; ir n;strlrt ; nnrt FTn A, w represeniatie from, the cSuntV ; !: iv:; : ; r -?: w rJ8B u. anoverrneeuOen Jofipnh-V TT 1 1;L, ff House to rent seej adrer . .i - cvineligible. r -..Vu; V!:!. . V- T! ;-,'':: c 5.0flft . BCe Indian l;District;,vice;EcL:'W ? ' - - - . -.y : , jVUV saci geound alum sjllt.ai - 7 Found at Last! Found atLastt! o. nciiia' '. AwirTHmDimtivmici. ' . i nA W commence it, semiinui Wim 'ttfMlA V. ' - Vtnij citv Mondar. th 2ftfl nU-v-- J A represetitative IAi -ii , ; TlPV. iVfi rv At -t v ---jz xsvv ;r : i t VTtii jL ""s.vuuniy; Oi -VYavne. 1. ii -SJL JL m. AjtA f 1 1 1 f 4 - 0-In6ur next issue e il print the A Scou .Wo ..-.v,rv;7. spcechof the Hon. J. I,; Pennington, 4eplSe Wof our readers will remember Mr. P as A r?X? thqSounty vtn&t: l-j ' ' r'-- Uteeditorofthe Newn6 2:' 'VS- iiblel S? X!s "f! hf 1 ---- -" -J tt notice - .m.,. iSXc.Fiftf "l .FURNISHING' GOOtis 'Tv'siJ.LJi :-.-.....:;. -t -wTS,'; r; -t sSflSiitSs. B-Keose CouncU No. 5t, Friends of S'AiS !" - ' Stpaper EUen. S:,T0r7, SJoreKepAid xStode aperanceat their last 'meeting changed ! "in taany otherrtlclcs toonQnroi:, ' 't ,f , V1 ' '' fJ i ; . ual toeW-L - ooewonu tclu-?0,o"T,rtftic-,ta: Utmm compleu Stock " ' . .h " Sr cnmv . ..J'ncate Secretary: V!.Sent f v- C0""J I NBWYORK iwntchW.i,. rt.. ! - . .1 ! ' " -Vl Lfr ' ' ' ,U ,,.... CU. --' i . . lt i i , i - i , -r r . J. . . ,,.. I , , , 4. -.. " - 0 -"V AlftUiaLk. I I M ft - . JJT -I rf . I I k-MWk h . ' "i"1 ' 'T rEattCJCSOtn. 4 1 ea-$6axtmr briar t Wbo II ! hftt errrr Tr-u. r7 . be hoped that the members of this fJoim- wiil attend promptly to f heir -nieftinira -; 4 racrawTB. arc espeeittJijr requested to be miu me next met'unmif the Council, as jmcss oi importance is to lc transacted. 1L . I, l ' tiieywillI j T Act eotifinali uTi? r .A-Brlt rKio tor . I - f3 IT Kra JLU. I . - ' ' .it AS V. l . """"''"'C n-Mtwening of our well known citi Wm.n.&5weet andR. Penn i;n bwnj? cricooraging news.- in Time TnE tom,D &c-A portion above Com --v:- ,xr 11 Com aml Wuth: The resf of'. fZ17 e-rSao.zcd ; and i - aaay. They WJ arrlr ' ' gi'EWipped for the Season of iss ri PJind-H t JcTorrrw ! - " ; WHICH' L . . ' I r jfsic ; multifarious, diversified and endless from Teltles' by ocarefuUy selected troope I . "ft M 1 . I " 1 i . . . ... I Ii. f i. V ! . . . . J.. rrr? t; iraris ii' asm ;;?irwH Uiy l.f-,7.?i 1 vHiori vM-'...-.' . 1 : ' IN THE LATPST .(7 I p 1 1 XAMi-V-tt jhMh Kfflt ty;, I. " j"V,-t l'..lJ .miA ... w. .1 ons: ,. I, ... . y y 'I a-M-i fwt tJ DU DDIS. rUMT-mZAD. f,t -tyrtf L- m - - ---- i-m ft I" I -t t ,1 iriiir ;r. special Court 17 k -- ' me met v:.: Dl ew WhfJ:.,?. lmlnC8s was trans-' L,r.?sPnt t0 form a Grand Jn ,;uu afternoon. ' f . i;0Drt met at 3 o'clock n ,J, . rt" GranWu Judge iaea to ciuree th jWMr ?- Ur , i -We mar,-- " "u aoie ana i v lmClW at cuses iencc for i i v"g on (their k.a Grant and nnifcv .iu iT ev7nr 8 m11 oa Middle street, 1 Don, ;.n " l. mU to be vio auencu v.cn.,. r6 I WftO- rw.ll ' HS fa of Tr?7 tfie Pse of organizing &c oP.1 effected, e Association; Can ,onia P? ; whether or not the -"Miu6 ; fcU me same SUBSCRIBEa from 10 obtain the desired in- t1 of Trad. aDy 0f the offlcer8 o :a .' and :n t in,: mcers send-tlin I'AliAGONS .pj.j -r - fc I Tb grcatW the and competent C-iginality and Excellence, r MT'-il" they gated an asem Wage f Artists fronv the most celebrated schools ol Mncstrian and Gymnastic irt ' i Both In Europe arid Amfirifta k IBtCi Ji:rk::: i: xvr niidjALHAIOUfi rJBAOiJ TU BXwS IILS ThefaciHUesfor Speed7.id certain transit are or, I, - V -7- ' j -;: .-.;! Our Stockof : . s.-j:?...'.--; t lit 0 . NO jTADED HORSES. an5iJT!-rr Cloths ; and Cassiineres 1 P Wearied, TraVcWorn n I ftr -H-ftftIftT-'ft- Mil lyilT. TTfjrr mnnjr4M KVKRVTTmrn. TErnTrr-r itr- m, ' i f z - , . - - - r" jiHiiiixlAIlT -uia ne pipT-itfa iMttericr w tt L uux'liri, 1A. O,,0Il i ; TianKouldtaowell to lookoVetonx UfirlnNM JH mT j Lm ' Stocilieforerp-rchWag- elaehere, and -see what In-' VV UJlS.QaV (JCt ' datwe;caifer5 Having been dolii Where they will giro " business La thia State fot oyer Twentj Years, we know m . j-st what kind of good suits this Market Tc v- At2andhalf-natRn'i-v r .... - , .. iU.. . .ADMISSION, ' , j -children.. -..v.;;;;;; c??tf 1 aa -y--raLa v. aa vaai u iu U ClOCKj A B. CROSBY, Agt. Scpt227t Baei .6; Eppler iio voiioii si. Qreea; - tiv -.j . ; v 20 bbla. -.OILS, TTpmne, Loxd, 8peza " - ' .nv r ! vj- : : - to SO bbla WHISKY; Bourbon Oori Eie.v 10 u Gin, Bm-t,-Braitdj, Bhezrj tad PcrU AmTet,V:'1t rt! -vw " t EHDIIS AISD DLniCD. ' ' itavl' Mwfr-iV ...-... v5 p. f, .... .... . . . - - " . ... I .111 T f VlfTTTTV WA11DTIIESTAR0FE1I- ; 1 v 1111 .. ! 25 Boxes .Oondcnsed LYI ' ; ,55 h.4. a POTASH.' ii'ihn.:... ',-. ... . ' .' 60 . Com BfiOOHB. Bales (XXM&E&rt .: i . . i:j j A fapIgta.'Assorta Ent cf SHIP-CniAII mT.TTJ V. 1 4.kva -4-aIv- tu iVfn '.VAllofwhictil'Trill Bell !'"1 -S .... ? riinnn. r!ASiT onlr. .1 ;...P..IERWITI,.;.. Tt r T . t n .a & r ffO . . .... . sept, i5-tf r ; - v ..-h'A mSS HRE taHs lis .North CaroMna that they.hare bern PtiJBfiTL5 V. . . iSCMDAH. AROHATin.snTOAPP.q - segujie a noirn rr An,d Bottled AVinci and Uqaorm, 'ilSheTtai! -ord;ta ererr put cf THE GOLDEN STATE ! I t . .. . - : .. -.., . JAS. E. HOOEHEAD 6 CO.. Ooiiimisi3ioii Mercliantq 1 . - . I I ' "or the Pwrhaae and fl' .'.;.,. : iiSiOTir.: mfh:'f' Prnviu? ATI a . .1 ,i-;M.StDri: gur Geieral- Wcinte,- "' I j. j i -T4". - ? Ltl it J c . j W POLLOK 8TRLET. NEW B2HN. N. a .i . - . .. Jn. V. ' ' " U ' ;l . 'This B-r-A . H Tl m-4aA mm 4 K- Jk . J ttere fnx caaaliriys CadU BIST qUAUTY cf . ;;t:.JJrcaa, Cakes, Pics, &c: a . ' ....... -.Ifiri , for-Ji-ftl with afl kiada of Or 4 Hie lmm Hcnestiil iLEc.Mfi j OF CAOFOnrlAf ' -r '-" ..: ' t -i. t,t,t - Jxrporatd : vndcr the Zokm of Iht Mate, November 30A, lE57,for L?pvr Tote of providing : ,1 ..V . Homes 1 for- it3 ITembors , Ac ttenby 1xk.so Laualrrttlon. ' - . 5 .Iw rxitao. iXLowx to boud sou rxax S taun. A s-?." v. : . -; j ' ClUCVLATt r- ti.. . --n its "I oikcr -b,eet cf laufett to -rti--l 'f'" 3 1 ckeerf aj f arxla&d 9- '4 . ir n It -I 4 4 1 ' 4 : :r t t - Q is ii- ir i u i i ; A til 1 ; : j ' . . :1 r-f V - fi , y 'A ' 1 P . i f ' , f . V t 4-.. FOR GALE AT T&13 OFFICE. . txxxtUrj IcuaifTtiit Uoizm4-4 Aor!ftlioe. rot one Box 4 ia t-. t. Eaa rianrlaoo, C-Lrar-Ia. la . Sept 22 tf j v - .... , ! i r . ,