- ,. , -. . . . . i f . - ..... . , , - ; - ; AI ACT IN RELATIONrTO.iTHE iPOWERS AND i)UTIE9p CLERKS OP SUPERIOR TOTJRTSl tf Oiifi U H IV General Asi&nUjfhf 'North Carolina do FCTrpy 1 That as this act jWiUjbeii 905 poratefl In thegenef al" act resrej&ing the p'rac tfcejind proceWureVbT(HDf;cqu required to -.rtjljorted'to ifieVQei prcsentnession, by tne conimsioiiejsjapj pointed ior that jmrpo that 'eerierar act and hot' elsewhere kmonzXiie . sets ,01 this'eTOraiyAssemWnefia oUjerr I-iSeM- The Sfcretafy bf Sktelts'uired to-, have the third section of " .his act.andJJiat , portion relatfrigTo the'Su u printed at least'we'ekly "in 'four iiaterspiib fnat purpose, atonies in Xhe vfrli.r1.-' " " rl Beef 3. Thc terms of the eteral Spenoi' iCbir;.ofj this State shall oegiri Iri eachyearkt he times hereinafter stated,' arid fenaltconthii is nereDy appropriateu iron any ' jjludLbe sooner dlgpdd&Tdr.' " " t-" OkJ Ai)G2.If IRT. JUDICIAL .DISTRJC?J i& )'Jnie county -first, monday .ib jTarch and tjcumer. . . . .. . ....... .:at t ?f Hertford, third monday' ia! March .and Q& ber. . ......... . . . . . , . . . .i;d vq ,kY iO Gat'es. fourth monday after .the first 3Ion tftV In March And. October.-4lI i .eaoiuO Chow an r sixth jnonday after the first'3Ion 9airlnMarckand October., . 'nimf ss. m-ft 'Perquimans, .eirhtb. monday after the first 'monday ia March and Octobers UC, forinAf"Tilr tpnth mftflrfa.T'-aftra Jtlll ififfcit ' 'mohday in.March andOctpber. ' .. " W Camde'n,. twelftli - moniclayif after .tl.i firil monday in Jilarcli and October. J CurntUck, . fourteenth, .monday. .aftoritllfe 'Jflr'st monday .in Marcli aridiOctobenjrjlxfo? TyrelLo UV1 ttliu Was! and Fecruarniot Iriio;ii: Martin, second Monday after the third Mon- lilydefrthMondter IhirdSlIn-' day in September and February. Beaufort, sixth Monday after the third monday in September and SeJhtuacOOTXi" Pitt, eighth Monday after the third Monday in September and. February. EdgeeombedufhOtUndayiafXer thq third monaay in septemoer ana jj euruary. Wynd coutry?ti?e 'firs? Monday in ! Septem ber and February. Jqnes.T.thirdr Monday i in- Septemberr and February.- Onslow, first monday after the fourth Mon day in September and February. - Craven, third monday aftefrth'6 fourth Mon day September and ;February: u'j Lenoir, fifth monday after the fpurth Ion day in September and February, "'- v j Greene, sevenths raondYSf ter the fourth monday in--September after February. r ar. ! Carteret, j?iUith. monclay: , after i the fpirth 'Mondav in September and February.! t TV lisun, cic veil 111 uiuuua unci iuc iuuiu Robeson county on the fourth monday in August and February, ; ,. , r ' 'Bladen. second ',. monday, aftef ' ; the fdulrth "monday in August? and'Fcbruary,i;; " ;I !; Columbus, fourth monday after the1 fourth WrfridMK iiv AugUsr and FebrUarytT' l v 7 - Brunswick, sixth 'monday "after' the fourth "monday In -August a"nd 'February; 'radNew-cJIiindvef, , ieighth- .monday. after? the iouiiu upniunj u august uuu a: enruar. i u.uBnnionk, tentlkmoncl&v After. tUe fourlKi monaay in August ana February. llarnetf countE-4llo second 'Mdndav in Au gVIJnraF?brua'rw ..j-. . Moorty,- second monday after the second jmanday in August and February, (i , 31ontgomcry,lfourth monday after the sec ond rdayjin cA-ugu'st arfd- Fbrilary. Stanly, sixlh monday after the second mon dny in August and-Februafy. ru ntqn, ieiglh f&QnCSg after second jp u6ny iB-AgusliAndaiebruaryii 3 Ansoiit tentu.mQnday atterthe " day in August and1Febi'uar!yr i 4 second mon- Jt i. . : - . RichmondtweJfthjMonday after the second - mondayinrAugu4f and February.1 krrJQHPiberland, fourteenth Monday after, the lctirid Monday miAun&tUbd Fela-lfaji 'v SIXTH , JCDIPIAL DISTRICT. lington, third, monday inSeptember monday in September and February. 1 f rc: rr J .-r Duplin,, twelffh monday.' after, the. fpurth monday ,iftAig and'Febmar ; ' - ' ' , t,nFTh:rftDjCiiL'DtstnrcTv Granville County second Monday in August ,-. and February. v- " vci r -t Warren, seconolJilonday after the second monday. in, Aiigust and February. 4 Frankiim fourtlf Mohday , after the second monday, in August and February. 1 1 Johnston, sixth Monday after -the second ' Monday in-Agust and. February. , . WakeeighthvMdnday after the second MOn TT4ain AVgnt andFebruary. r UiA Nash,' tenth' 1 moSdavrlaftfef the secdhdCMon- day in Auguslt aqd.February.VTa: ! Halifax, twelfth Monday y&fter the second : jnouday in August and February. T t'f --.lit tortuampton, fohrteiitliIondaifaftlr the j seconu ijionuay iii ivugust ana r epruary.! BJSVJ1.JNXU JCU1U1AJU UlSllUi. ' Quil ford" County, !!the first Monday in ' March and September. Rockingham, the "second Mohday after the first Monday in March -and September. . I Caswell, fourth monday aftertheflrstMon day ip March and September. . j PerisoiiVsixth' tridhday after the first Mon day in March abd September. t ' Orange, eighth monday after" the first Mon day in March and September.? 4 n t f s Chatham, tenth monday af ter the first Jtfon tlav in march and September -V'.vii j - , Randolph, twelfth Jbnday after the first f Jbnday in jarch and September. ; ; 4 I Alamance, fourteenth briday ? after first Jbnday in Jarch and September, 3 i , , ; ; EigHTII jUDICfii- DISTRICT. the rjk Davie ; county,. the first 3oriday in April Rowan, third Monday in April and Sep ' l-o. t - ' ' j ' : ' em ff,l'1 'Davidn; :scondn3ay'affefihe 'third v Jlfonday in April and September. ; " Forsythe, fourth Jonday .-'after the xthird ,'. : -lJJanday In April and .September. u :j j . t t Stoke&y. sixth Jonday after the third Jlf on daVfrf'Ani n and Sentemberi t u I - ' ' Ji !.. -Vi .1 O 1 ' . . , . .i '.';.. uitjr in xxuni una ocuitujirer, - . --.- i auKiu. : Lfiiiu iii)iiti;iv in Lt'j- i UH i Mini tinn. i. rf.iu in Innl onrt Ssnlomluip . . . f NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. rvPbVn county. the first Jonday in Jfarch and 5 uutneriord, thira - Juonaay in t jarcn , September, j 4 ; s -i iMt vj Olevelandl second! JoT3aycaftet jUie and- bird i i ' jonaay m-iUarcu ana eeptemoer. : - - Lincolrt.'foarth Jonday, after 'third Jbn day in Alurcli ana September. f f -1 Gaston, sixth . Monday after 'third f Jonday , Jrr Jarch and September. I ji 'Jecklenburg, eighth Jonday after third rfM. Jondayu JarcTfand September. ...... t - ? Cabarrus, tenth Jfonday after third Jbnday ' .iin Jaicn ana eptemoer. f i tf.-,,, ; i f h' TENTH! JUDICIAL, W?RiCT.t i; rj ;, Catawba county, first Jbnday m'Jfarch andv vK'BinUtafoerP'-zze iu:T .1a i-Ai 7Ale'xanderV lhird-Vbnday; in Jarch i; and Septober; ? ' ; ! . . Iredell, second Monday after third Monday Wilkes, fourth ionday after third iTondayJ CaldtrelK1 sfxtfi JTonUa af ter:ftirdWondaH in march and SentWirtftAiM- Miyw luT i . ; BtirhrrifonaaliTteT HLfraardndav Alleghany county,, the first "iffbttdayi fn April andeiteapera 'ITftS rrr-rT Ash, tWMHdaVhi iA1)rl1aridtSfeptember. day in April and September. - . -1 -:; Yaocey,ixth Monday. after, third xondav in tprilrid -SeptemUeV. f V)vO madison, eighth Monday after third" Mbn day in rilfktodSefirenabcc; WMnfr- A uuwiuur. icum Aionuay aiier luira Mon Anv In A rrll o n rl S ontom hoi- TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTriCT. ! CaajLtonntyi.t.h first Monday ih Anril and September. . " j '" j temblr? ljnd Sep- Macon; second nonday after third Monday Jackson, fourth Monday' after third Monday in April anda Septembr.. ol gn Haywood, sixth Monday after third Monday in Jepril andgeplember. - I ! ! eiTranAyJfaoIa, JeiptES Myffaiflethira Monday in April and September. ! i ' JICDderson tenth Monday after third Mon HinAtnf 4rad September;--. ?-?JTTt4 ERAL DUTIES OF CLERKS OF THE cHPiPo fih (P?opafii teelec tion or SfWF "USPS RWX.VJPJX, Pt. .a Supe rior Cbu ourtirMianwthe fldfy'df 'the61erk to aenver to sucn. commissioners a bond, with suffifiierit.sureties, to be approved byjlhemas is uuw requireu ny ine Jaw, payable to )he State of North Carolina, and with a condition to be vofyithfgjlapj ttonwiprahf andl pay of ef mordfoaw Pf- iectSAvhicb'Jaave or lbay .bonae ittla hisiiands Dy5yiriueTor,)i.p,r or, Jiis,ortb;ceV4andhall dili gently prefveand takexwe jaf ' all books. records, parjereud AtpgertHwliwai have come or may colirfnfcrmVdeirf)y virtue or coldr of- liis: office, and'- shall lri all things faithfully .perform the; tdvitis of .his.office. as they are or hereafter may be prescribed'by law. ' -:--- 1 ; .Sec, 2.f.Th? approyal'ofFaid bonds vby! the commissioners, -or a majcvrlty ;of them, shall be recorded by"; their "clerk;- any commissioner dissenting may cause hi& dissent tobe; enler ed on record. Any coiiimissioner 'apprdvlng i011 hf .kjioys qr.belieyes.to rbev,in shicnWt4halIi)!riofiiIIybe liabaa Mifj lie was a surety thereto.,TilSsaid bond acknowl-' istered ,iu;the ; office of ;tbe uWittr-"hf. thP SPJy111 a seperte bbok;tb;be kept by , him. for the registration of official bonds,' aiid' the original with tlie approval - thereof endorsed gpptMitlr the registerjfor 'safe' keeping. bondsasareor may be given by law on offi bonds.- fjsir, te'yiinii'iii ftv.1; 14 f fee. nEvexyi clerkofthe Superrbr'Cbiirti before entering opf thp dutiesf Tiis office. .sllfake.abd snbscribs ..befqie, some officer .authorized .bv- law to adniinistpr an ontit -rti I V I- ' 4 1-v h 1 J ? 4 "a"V " "e fWSVr toi.the county.. Sec. 4. nr-gnsp anVRlrrlt lnirT.. ;i i1' 1; .mkh ofccntjVnimiisloiters t liiscoun- in rj .. -w i t..w .jiiviivi yL lilt; mdjaal.disirwit therfeof , fvlib riiaUtherwrpon declare the'orllceXvacant: and . fill th. iy suau immeuraie v mtnrm iim 1,1.,. an4 appouite shaltgiye bontl iiudiua!i' fyS3aT)oveJiecJciL? , C if; . . OFF?CIb WHERE TO IJE KEPT, i bousevor othr place provided by thb toun t y wuiiiiiabiuiiere mine county town of his WYPWz) m aitKiy!HBeiudanctiin person or Dy aerjuty at his of.ice, dailv, (Suh o'clock a. m., to three o'clodk, P. M and luugci wutju necessary lor the dispatch of f -59 RECElyEpFFICIAL. PAPERS, &C - 4 -;oeu. w lmmeaiateiy: alter be ' shall-have given oona ana qua.ibed asaforosaid, he shall receive from the late Clerk of th rnnntvUn Superior Courts, and Clerk and Master ,of the Court of Equity of the. countv ll rc books,-papers, money and. property -of their respective offices, and give receip'ts-'for the same ; and if any such late Vclerk, or clerks and master, shallrefuse or fail within n sonable time after demand to deliver such , re? coras, dooks, papers, 'money and:proDerty they .shall be .respectively liable on thim. c;al bonds for the value thereof aud be held guuty oi amisaemeanor. v v ' l l: r?: TO KEEP RECORDS, X&C. ii-, :"! .pep.. 7.'. He shall keep in bound, volimes a complete and faithfnl ropjnTrl"nf nir h;a"iffl.ti lrranygTegpIes tJiii-edt t6 alleTsbns de- siring thmt-pn payment of thaleffai fees. bee. . Ihe clerk shall keep the foliowinff booksiif - r. . r. - & cv uuvk v i voi, -a it-ww .ot summons or other original process issued by him. orre turnedto his office:;trThiff: docket 'shall con tain, brief note of every, nroceedins' wimt. Ti5veT;t in eachctiDir,- up tu theflpat-jirdgnierit luuiusivr. 3 . i ' AirxecutiofkDocket. in whirJh tlnh. ptaiise 6f the judgement shall he recordotT. and ,w,pceeaing, suqsequent thereto, noted,- ... 3. A Docket of . all issues of faotr upon the pleadings and other matters, triable ueiore a jury, ana or all' other ma.ttPTa for nearmo DetoreJthe mdees. ata mimkr tprm fished tthejudgc atihQ mmenccment of ' An alphabetical index according to the names.of jthe, plaintiffs, of a IV final j judg ments.iu civil action, rendered in the -court with the dates and numbers thereof. - ' nrP. A Dockets of al criminal actions con iainiug ajidtejof eteyrocceding in each. fBTOOt THE B0QK5ME.TP HE 1'UI Sec.' 9. Thie bobk 'specified in the! above ectiofl shall 0e supplied to the5clerks?bf the Several counties by the Secretary of "State, at the .expenso of he State, and , the Secretary shall; as soon as - possible, transmit an ac count thereof to ihe chairman, of the County . Coromlssioucr9,:;n .order. ha;the price may be, leviel ia the . county taxes, and also the Audi for1 76f ipallir accounts. wher shall add the same to the taxes bf 'the respective coun- Iiao WAAS wA . J . . . f lira, uuu icvnio uu aauum xur it as r ior other taxes; .The commissioners of any coun ty ijuiing- uucaus8J5uci sum tQ oe levied with the other county taxes; shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: ,T3ix:iT? oi-TO-n?. j ; PAPErS IN EACTTACTION TO BE KEPT SKP- . - Sea 10: The clerk' shall keen the nanera in Meh actfon niiKsparate roll of bundle, and . . .. . . . ... luje, ana t ti rarnerratnation ttacu ogeiuerr . pr label, and tile them in order of ihe date .nnal judgment. r.j5fT eageuDy ine parties tbereto. or proved by a subsblflgffdeisl-dfr tlfeerkbf said cdmraissioners? ds1 th'eii 'DresidinVnffii'WA.j SOLICITORS TO EXAMINE KECOrns' &c. Sec. 11. At every regular term of a Supc rior Ccwrt, t ! SolicitoforOhe Judicial Dk. incknan sr.? rtuepffic2r of nriiiQiTiid report to"the co4rt4n writing. aner Deins t urnisbed wim ine necesMrv books, shall fall to keep them up as required keep them up as required gaityof misdemeanor. Dy MWAe sballbe andHheBoliatdx sha ct4'ffr tUpVatie. Hlth8ojicitbr.alHai or neglect to perform the duty hereby in? pueu on mm, ue suau ue iiaujej 10 a penalty of - five hundred dollars to any nerson whn 3 1 - MM t shall sue for the same. ; rKitSfTAUiTs;"" . The following sections, numbered 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, relate exclusively to actions which liave been commenced, and in "which no final ment.has been rendered prior to the ratifica Uon4 of thi tlceTandP Sec 1. The clerks of the Superior Courts at the request of a party thereto, within six months from the ratification of a general act respecting the practice and procedure of the Superior Courts of this State, and on the pay ment of a fee of one dollar, shall'enter on a separate docket, all suits, which, at the ratifi-. cahowitofefiaid. shall have been objgffinal juSnT?rin!ias noM) dered in tne late County CourtsTTJupeTioT Courts of law, and Courts of Equity, of their respeciive counties. HOW SUCn SUITS PrOCKKDKD WITU. . bea 3. And every suit not m transferrcd same by the proper process. Sec. 2. The said suits shall be nroceeded in, and tried under the existing laws and rules applicable thereto. After final judgments shall be rendert3dhere.inibev31erk shall en ter such judgments on the execution docket required to be kept by him, and the subse quent proceedings shall be as provided forac Sec. 4. Existing judgments and decrees not dormant may in like manner be entered on the execution docket, and the subsequent proceed- after to be commen(edYas far as'shall be coSi patible with the previous proceedings, and no lien acquired before the ratification aforesaid shall be lost by any change of process, occa sional Dy mis act. DORMANT JUDGMENTS. Sec. 5Jh3djrmeatsorecre(aliicli'aredor. mant tf thfe rati fl ditf oh aforesaid1, tnay be re- : i s - . i . . viveu or eniorceu in tne manner Herein provi ded. AfcTjOIpMMTENCTAPTR fife ItAJirfc'A- mons shall be made returnable to the term of the" Superior Court tlierein dpiTfrrihtwl onrt ti ts4ofhU)roceedini3iftlib6la accordance vinniic pjuvisiuns 01 8aiu act, EXECUTIONS LEVIED ON PERSONAL PROPERTY Sec. 7. The late Sheriff of any Countvhav. which lias been levred'onpertcmalprdperty of the aetenaants, which is unsold shall proceed to sen ine same as now requirea by law, he shall pay over the proceeds after deducting ms Tees, ancrsnan also make return of the writ. to the Clerk of the' Supenor Court, of the county to anourtof .whiclvlheiwritis re turnawe, the proceeds toe pakVby the Clerk to the rarties entitled thereto. k EXECUTION SATISFIED.. Tl. s:id. sheriffs shall in like n.an-1 ner refnrn nil executions in their hands whirh are sntiried, whether by a paler of property or otherwise, and shall pay over any proceeds iiieiuor, EXECUTIONS NOT--L-RVIHD. AT ALITOR LEV IED OS HEAL rROPEUTY. ' Sec. 0 As soon as Ihe successor? 'of the said' ltc ShemrTsrRh:ill hive 'qualified nnd given lionds as required by law. -ihe said late Sheriffs shall deliver to such successors, all writs of o.xefwtiprui'in tUejrrJiands which have not bcrnj jatisd, aj)Have not been levied at al!7 or which have heen levied on property which has been sold, and a residue remains unsatisfied, or have 'been levied on real property .whj'cli-in, vwhole or in part re mains unsold, with a return stating any re ceipt of money by them, and their action und.r the writ The new Sheriff s,shall pro ceed Vvacunnder? such write aiftpesame had ben tefdres&ed and Issued) litem, and shall make return thereof to the next terra of the Superior Court of the county, (or) to any Court of which the writ is returnable. Any Sheriff Tailing to make due returns of such writs delivered to him, shall forefeit and pay one hundred dollars to any person grieved thereby, to be recovered on motion to the Court before which the-writ is requir ed . toWretufiiclT, All proceeds bf execution in part only satisfied, whilg'fn the hands of any late Sheriff, shall be paid by him to the clerk of the Superior court of the county, to any court of which the writ is reUirnablo foithe:Use othjeiparties entitled thereto under; ihe penalties now provided hv law in c ase of failure. ' ' " ' i EXECUTIONS TO BE DOCKETED. Sec. 10. The clerk of any Superior Court to which any, execution shall i be re turned as is above prescribed shall ait !if r quest of any person interested therein, mid on the payment of one dollar, enter siu-h ex ecutions, on his execution docket, and the like process may be;l hereafter had -tiiercon JssrjDTkJed.inpimiIaf cases! on jfiffgWicnis rero Vered af rerthe f atificafioh of this JtttT PENALTY ON SHERIFFS FOR FAILING TO RETURN. ..Skc UAnylater Sheriff on other officer having - execuiioi In hia hands, and failing to make due return thereof and to proceed as iierem prescriueo hali in each case forfeit. aim pay to any any person grieved, one hun dred dollars be recovered on motion of ih & Cdgjient i?oT d6r5iant, tteiT J3EC. ia. iso ludsrment shall ht heM t have, become dormant by reason ofj any stay of execution thereon yirr T6bedierice' to; any general or special orders issued by the Gene ral lateby commanding the military District of which the State of North Carolina formed a part, and the time during which execution kyfas so stayed, shall. not be counudln deter- being dormant v ' ' obdinance noF14Tiior -kA.Rcn1868,' not . AFFECTED., v ; , Sec. 13. Nothing in this act contained shall affect or impair any right given by an ordinance . of the Convention of this StAt entitled .Van Ordinance, respecting, the juris diction of the Courts of. this State." ratify the 4th;day'of March "18G8. in the cases to which it is applicable.'1" f !v Ratified,.the' 14th1 day : of.ArigustA1 JD (Signed,) JOS. W. HOLDEn' Speaker House of . Representatives.; (Signed,) TODRCALdwKLK r-resmeni or ine senates" ; : 8TlTE OP jtfJRTH SaROLIN A, Office Secretary of State C--CT -t"H2n swiguti.icza 1868. I copy of the original act on file in this office: loiio-I istlL J. JIENNINGER. s act. as a Dart of the Code of Pmn- 1 itca witnin tne time aforesaid, shall be abated and Ui01&Jk of I hBdridrJ Crfiruan Ttax wan uKauist iuc uar.ics jjauie. anacDi ccriiie Spf. ft Tn nil flotinna liprpafto nmmn I t?.k Ti., f 1 . T . 1 .1 founded on such proikB' 1 a'rlZ, for in an ordirtance. oayphUqxlS .o4 affiViJ?J fiTuT l" State entitreAftiO th.UN iffilfi; .iSSgia.yiS1 jurisdiction of the Courts of this State," rati : Wake, Naah,. IVanUln, JohistonY GranvSe: " j 7T. ftJLL0d,ntcr1ber",f ,te tied on the 14th day of March. 1868. thaaSS.' ,..ff-o & Cb.thain-.RaJv !L5foJWva!M few Constitution. iril -,r.YUw 10 . ? -J-U odJ Jii I bftrv.iH Ji.ixV inhiTl L aA ojwVa-eqtiUr, theJonpr ol and dlU' fttuli . . v m ' . . v a m. - 1 v- ' - i . Slate bnt one form of action, for the Xrcni w tail dc aoougoca idq were aAi w-miwn protecuonof prtrate rlehu or the n or.prlTate lrrniKi wmrn nni ho dptinmirniiffl iciTirvoaxji: ana I .n .1 Arr.Anrfrfrtot V tVio of th Statu a inal action. Feigned l&rccs oUaUlalso be abolUhcd and tescimj after tbla-.ODnrtitbUoa fhaU be adorkV tfy,jeojvlA.rnleaftjf prcUce. and-prodnre io acw wiin ne nrovifioct 01 tne ionium:; wjcijon. i ecomeirtloatMllproTlder.vrthecuiiMniMlimefa'l . rr . .. . t. . . OVC ATI uv.VUTra nmmil BlODeTI IDU UW ICDVfl IO. the General Assembly noon as pracUCuIc. a .code rof lavrox iorumjajoiina"Tlie uortmoT nau nare pcrr er to fill the racanclea oocarrioe in thia commiaaion.r . sec. 4. i ne lomaal pewvroitae bute anau be rested Uv. a-, co an. for the trial of .lmpcachioejjta a Sppreaue wart, S?up6t coatw "tonrV of iuatlct lot the-IVace and epedaloatta. '.VriViii immii il yii: k i l-a;aThc,cti1tor the trial qf imwachtaeattf ahaiV dc tne euaie ; a majority of tne members aaau be nec essary iq a.quornm, ana tne jnapmcnt hairDOt fxVtnd oeyona reraoTanrom ana aMqaiIleMKa to dMQ Qflce in ims siave, out tne party sbaii be liable to Indictment and poni8nraent accord: Sec 6. The Iloate bl Kn.wnttIrM kaTMv. bn Bare. tbTwr ? !npch.IneNopero4i'La b obn yicrea wiinoui wve roacarrenoa or t-o-tbird iof M Benmtor -present:' When -the. Gorcr&or U tm peach od Sec 7. Treason airainvt tho Stal khan mnmlrt niiW In levying war against It or adhering toluoemit, giving them aid and comfort," Jfo perron ahaTl be oon lcted of treason a A !. on fLt Iatiroony of two wit- umea io me same over act, or on conieasion In ortee eoan;'q;conTction of treaoa or .attainder (atoll SecS. TheSanreme fonrt hn rol.t . W,f- asm;e auaiuarjoaat wnttlcea, ir C'-.i.'X (nui do iwo terms of theSnprtme court held at the scat of porernmentof the Stale in eaca yearv, commencing on tne nrct Mflada ry, ana nrst Aionoay in ware, as UiMubiie H tercet ntar reoa tw-w xnexicprcaaa coortahaa have furisdiction to renew, npon aDncaj. anr decision nf ti.. r,.. i : .. i i . - . r. w.w w no the necessarr SecV4tiThi4ft)reinA)iirt alUUhaA r.tf.Ai.l'i-. diction to hoar.daims atinst .the State, .bat tta dedi- iuu wiiut w ucfety rewmmenaaiory;. no 'pfoceB:ln .tbvefratare of execution ahalliasne thenpon ihK.n h reported to the next acselon of the General Aaacm- bly forita action.' ; Bee J 2. The 8Ut shall be dirided into twelve iadl cial districts for each of which a judge ahal! be choeen, who shall hold a M peri or -court in each county In aald aumct, at least twice in ea.cn year, to continue for two ween aniesa tne oueineKS i nail anall be ioonr rflnnfnr : Sects. Until altered bTlaw th- fno-Tr,T:v.n VI the iudicial dUtritla. . V r-i- -'T .1 FiratDUtrictCarrtrnck, damdebVPaaauoUnkJPer. qui mans. Chowan, Gates, Hertford. Bertie. Second District .TTreU- llvde. Wathlnrrtm,: T,n. fort. Martin. Pitt. Ederamh, . TMrt ' nUtrlrt-TrnrvK r.Wo t1'" -w - i - Third rpiJtrlcU-Craveii. Carteret. Jone OnlloV Greene, Lenoir, Wayne, Wibjon. r - - , Alamance Cawcll. RAckinchiim.' Elthth DUtricUStokca Foratthe, DndBpn,Tlo ah, Davie, Yadkin, Surry. " - - ZJr - - wintn uietnct catawba. Cabarraa, Meeklenburir. Lincoln, Gaston, Cleveland, Rutherford, Polk. ? . Tenth DiPtrtct-IredeU, Burke, ' Caldwell, WUkea, Alexander; McDowel. .-. ' . .'. . . ., i . Eleventh District Alleirhanr. Abi Wat .tat Vha. n v. -t - i . t ' t . J 1 - v r .w.nM.v. ' ' -.; , wood, Macon, Jackaon, Clay, Cherokee. -. 7? ;r. Bed. 14. Every judro of a Snrerior Court "hall reside in nis aismct wniie holding hia office. The rndzea iuj cinnuso uieincia wuueacn otnerwitn tbe con fvmva'wiivjnuu rt-pori vo uio iegifliature atiii vuk ui utii ncBBiuu, iiiaj require any )uage to Hold one or more epeanca terms 01 said com ts In lieu of tb judge in wjose district thry are. Sec. 15. The Snpcrior.t'onrta hall have cc!urive ondnal jurisdiction of all civil Action. k clnsive original jurisdiction la notpriven to romc other ' ""ST. .B,r lu"B wnwciTcn IO KOtnCOincr "" min' (oronomonth, . , M - ' "'"nffn Jv?c itt. 1 he snperior coart shall have npillntc nsaictlon of aitlpacf of lmv ortct. dctcrmlm-d l.v rroime jutwv OPH-4ntJcaof tha IVace. ubere thr S U!i m m a a,a aa. . I ' tfai'?Tefttiofi,16irVporttoth 3eoerali).gnbliat"'i: ', laaW bf tet ihall be tried before th. J iliUAi XirOlV .uuvM ii'iiuaurrui uwor ku intprrr.rM. vn I I r-m-r a a . . a a sv-w . a i. conn jhall have power to issue any remedial wrtta i S'J i: "m!-. T! .."'. i :r i ; imi . to clve it a cenrral auDervulon I ' 1 Ttrmh rnf srJT fZ4!rf 7.. matter In rontrurcrtr PTrmli twntr.r. tn... ..j,llUBr unor in till 1rti tmrnt inr of matters of law in nil cares. . . ' ; cc. I". .iVrtiUoHn of.thc pio'jsUvptxiovili. the lrraIlll1Ir,oat,V,! "Honthw vrty Imj oitM;t hrsulrs of Atiert? ttstnmeStnrV ami erjadnttfiidtaaflfit ' lhr.:5.cd.l P"vt polntment of ?nar(3i.-.r.8. the apnn nticie of orohanV to audit the accounts of oxecutor. administrator rr.li '. Tnardiaas. and of snrli other matters es shall br pre ! scrlbrd br-law.- All If guars of tntjjl julucd bvfonr them shall bo .trsnsferrvd to the superior coart fir trialj and npicaU shall lie to the snperior CouiU frow.theiP jadmnts4n nit matters of law. 4 , s Sec. is. In all ixsnes'of fact, joined in any coort. IhH parties may waive thoripht to have the san ilctcim? I ned by jnry, invbich ease the finding of the Jadjre cp on the fact, shall have th f ore and effect of nry. 1 Sec. 19. The General Asscmbv shall nrovid fnr tb. estabHshment of Special courts, for the trial of ml.' hmeo,4U'jnft ana towns, irnere tne sama maybe necessary. . , Sec 20. The Clerk of the! Supreme Coort shall h-' spin Intcd by the coutt and shall hold his office fos eihtyears. Tr t -j ; &ec xt. a cierjc-or-The superior Conrtvfor cachj county ruhall be sleaedby the qualified roteri thereof; k "w ini-u id uiw ananner prenscnevaoy law, for," mi cicvuyu ml lusmwM oi ine ucncrai Assembiv. Sec,2ilClwka ot the JSnpejion Caartf shall hold vnnr omw ior lonr yer. i . "j. "l,"n',u hiu presenne ana. rcnjlatc the fees, salaries, abd emoluments f allott! cers provided for, Itr this Article; but Um salarica of the Judges shall not bo diminished durfo their contln-1 See, , 84; TU Uwa of Xorth Carolina, Ml repurnant lo h Constitution, or to the Constitntlon indUws of the ; United tiUte. shall b in force ontU btwf uUy aP tercd. - li Sec, 25. Actlona at law, and saiU In eqnlty. pemtinrf when this Constitution shall go nto effect, haUb transferrcd to b-arta having jurisdiction thereof; without DreiuotebvrMixMiAf th -Kn mA .n J act onsnd suits, commenced, tjefore. and pendlnff ab; . awvpnuji ujiivm vrcnuuu aescmriiT, ot toe rules of practice and procedure herein provided for shall bo heard and dcterroined.'Accordin talbe-practlcc now a use, unless otherwise provided for by said rule. J Sec. 26. The justicraot theWopremsCortshaUb? elected bv the qnaJiodYotera of the State; m is provf dcl for the election, of members of the General Assen bl. - They haU hold thelrU&ces for eight years. Tbe Indies of the Sanei ior Court shall be elected In like ia inner, and shall bold their otllcexfor eirht years ; bet the Judges of the Superior Courts elected at the ftrat oUvtton nnder thia constitution, shall, after their eleo :Vn. uu'lerthcsnpnintcndcnre of the Justices of the Supreme Court, bo divided bv lot into tnMnil ne 6f which shall hold office for four ycarv the other Sec 27. The GcnjerpJ'Aiivhibly msy'provide by law tnattuejuagesor the Superior Courts, instead of bi. ing e lected by the voters of the whole State, aa ! hr en provided for. shall le elected by the voter of Uer respective districts. '. - -;n r r li Sec 28. The Superior Wrts shall b, at all timU. open ior tne transaction, of ail business within their ii. risdiaioi except UeirhJof iaeuci of fact rcquirhl2 "j&Ty. . , MP Sec;2a A solicitor shall be elected fr each Judicial district by the qualifiml voters thereof, as Ia prescribed for members of the General Assemblr. hn .l..n office for the term of four yeara. and prosecute on be half of. the State, In all criminal actiocs In the Superior Courts, and advis tba officor of justle.ln hla dijj v J0: .In.e.ch county a Sheriff and Coroner, shin . Y, , oj tne quaijnea voters thereof, at Is we cribed fw member of the General Assembly, and shin vmu wieir omcea ior two year?, in each towns ho there ahull h Cw.t.M. .w.i i m.. . -voters thereor, who shall bold hit office for two recra. Wben there ia no coroner In th mnt nluT.. Zz2 rrr. r.l"4 " '-7 exi.unjr tor aar fvv 7 7 e omcea crcaua 07 UU'aectlon, tbe .u,.lulK1, mr iui cvbuij may appoint losuch 'tit. flee for the nnexplrcdrtenn.: r . 1 . - , , , . Sec SI. All vacancies occurrinpin the oficea nrort. ded for by thia Article, ol . the. Constitntlot. . .l: JrlSib!!PS9Anlm5t.?t governor. nnlesTotb! erwiae provided for. and tbe appointees shall hold their place until thoWxt regular election, i TT4 Jhe oncers elected at the flrat election held under this Constitution, shall hold their oficea if or mS terms 1 prescribed for thenf respectively, next man lor after the next nvnlir .Wt(M V, v. " 7- r'D eral Assembl approval of t ttuttbefrtenfM shall begin npod tbe UCooatifuUQobythe Cohere., of til se Ter 1 tmtloM f w v..'r United Stats. Sec S3. The i exclusive orljrinaj fictloV undef aVcBrerTu.! h QB the dematyS tiOot J InZJZ. m,rr. ru.' not oe w rontroversT. and f rrJ 'I1" mnf,BP wlth,B theircountiea witr. either party thVretoT heshouM eVteTju oflfxmS tobesummoned. who shall try SJ aViS7 ThJ VS5 arthS?lIhom ent shall bi mxdered InanycfvQ ctlon, may aiteal to th. Snr- JT-Z .Tu t?2Si .F1 00 trtI of the whole matter la f Pfart ; but If -the jodrmentlhall befS twetitv.ilr Annmm . . 1 exor bnicbt tefa3 itlVx; be y&Xmtet rwr t ti procccaicz. ua ntc im umi vita ii i-ici ci ic Blptnortosn 01 uim euuniy. .. .. j SL VbCO Xho Ode ot J oUlr c Lt.o P-cc hIl become vac nt, otLcnrUe than by It expinUoa ot t& tLnje, andln ca ol ine iijur tj u Totert ci anj cia- trict to elect tb clerk ot Vbm tnpertor cocrt lor iu pleutena.' - , Sec Si. Ia cam the rfice of tWk of m tzpcilat tout j . a uii &.auu w a. im aawA w - - v zz ve,t.8. wi IlZ" - r 1 . . Near the Post OfEce, if i t ? : .,f Hi rV 1 H. It fc . . V; . t 4 PERSONS coming to Xew ' Bern, wOJ ttt4lhUHra& A; and cxinirUble.pUof to atop at Ererr atumioa Awaya tapplied with the beat bf'Wlsca, Uvtura, asd Ctrars, t .in With all the mariet wf3 aapply. . .3Y::i7..5Tiraj&uiuitf: layM-tf. rpoprietor. iOtTlCJtali .HISTORY ..i'(1.,..ir Ju i'l ' ) f 4 i ft ! ; J. '''.& ia i rrUIIS gteat work preaenU the ? only 'complete od JttU'rfrw.,J,u,k ot.J f tha.Wr yet pablished. and glvea tho Interior lichU and shadow p the grl. rreal..epn8lct-only Jcnewn. IMk Jh officer atehed the flood tfl bf reru!titldB rfran It Tunin apnnr. aad wklch -were ad aaocsvtbJa U itr. frtcpbeaa from, Jhia , poeitjon a aecond , oCcrr of the Confederacy. ;' ". 1 v. r . . JITo'apnWIe I . . . . . .wwV v.-w. w promiae a I . 5 rr ?"e ad.aalatarvaad an l- eanaj treax or tbe b!Cbet order. The Ortat Aaoe- S?.! tA?0??1" .7 cf ""J,"' "" " bwmooj 11 tu receira tbal UTyrr'r W""V1 treatment wwea imia rVS. "TOUj Ocmand. If : !.V."InAnAT nf rajptfertI t.obUia 1 iuib nuia. aaaa ii.iri a 1 rna aai v aa ai a jm " ... 1 Uned with as Incrraaed rmnmlitlra n.v. it . vl 1 . sheet, ie. Addreaa NATIONAL prBMKnticran 58 South Seventh ft . Ti.? , jGERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH. 'A F AITII li Y a n d"Sti i AG RI- t...T. . .t . : .. Devoted to CTWICE LITEJIATURE. !ocJaiif Poe try, Novelettes; Tate and Moral and it jinjr; irearraUr; In, tbXJierary Denartment we shall 'present the choicest varieties ulthln the reach of our I'.haU b-r-nlil frr.m th w-.t . kt I. J " , - - - . ' . m Inilji r I . jtinc .i- JL'ji m ,f? ii; ; , 7 ' AGItlCULTCUE AJO),U0?rTiCt LTI RT. i J f-n"TifC aaraunp ua ? have-met the cordial approbMlim of iiie lanvir ill vuip YM re-met the cordial i ov r l hiit . . : - "v . i e. jxxr NPn'PW Baanrruioiniajfa Bl.1,1. svd irHsbl-lufm m VeryltnjoitM;t hraul:eS of !tjdaliv tinea and lfili (.ui .f tie mi:j senMUon-ilvcrnirtaryvhlthlbe dm' lly aaih Ttl pottittft cf ihr fic LX0Brn la alobe worth tLe price vf swb- "'""'"' ' -:'. .. , NEWS DEPllrmi XT w oocii empirics and or l loecfSMUilr MAKTOWX TCLXBBAni sctiption. The same Industry, carr. ar d dlscrlmlaatlVii tn csth- erinr and preparits the 'tlrri&e v. u of il 4.,. v ir-rioriiiipapcr. wuirji btfneito las . Lrc f .w of I I'S marked fcatnrra and rlvrn such m lwrl ..n.r "On mil I rtmtla&ed with rWloal k4 rCits t meet th Inercsslcr demaxxis ef the rnbllc . TKHMS -To Hnllar atwl ft oonlfrr recti red without the ratK azd all bcr1i. tlona stopped at tbe end of the time paid for. SneX men numoera sent. Aacrrsss- - v.? ritlUP ItjrRZAS. r..u t June 10-lm. jujjior a imj rroprletvr. OermattowB, rkUadciahia. la. ti. i r . (III! r .1' 1 QTf ! ' . t .'i nniili:;x iri.n'J ' I v,- fl 1- 1, fC .,';;(! t: .l jiii.ir tinn!l f, ' I ..'I' t PUBIilCM" i Mr nil.. t i , j . r.i-. .4 i)i ... ........ JU)Jl2iJ " t .1317. 'I ! '...177 1 1'. li f it 1,. . ?T ? ttt uo of (he p.U!e U IU rml afia tto to our oCU. of a corr. jUti' J " Jot Printing'; Estkblishnient, - ' ' ' '' r. !. ; . uiof the osl twprov4 a4 ftMarw paUMM, v New. Type, Borders and Cnls, Croaa tW ' ! ; " C,rCrr ' "' J.t'Ud ! ,T.- , . I 1 EXpfcliEllCGd TTorVm PT1 WUU UliUiitiL and dilra to tsuil. LUm byitrr tion to otr ittrxks. VttouciT ALL mtDS -job;--wobk; With tliViufaa'iliii it wiII U' droi KEATIiY ainl at CHEAPLT j as it cotjj be done tUewtcrc HAVE TOUB bill-ueAds; ft.r, I. j POSTERS, ; " CARDS, . . , . fATALOOtSS, - ' 1 ; ur-aiuins; LETTEn-ilEjissi . , .CIRCULARS, f i' Printed at tho . - . 'it ot .!ur . ; :-r.,i trniZrh'?'1 - - Na . 22 Craven StroH. July 13 32-Lf In March and September, v Aug. 29- 4w I ludmnent (. , . - . . " .1 7 . " " fc wnn . "tj (!.; j r 4, , whet I; .v.::-rift v ia pernor i oirt. new. . In an Clsea 1 i t