i 'fi I - i - - -i m - i " - v. - -1 v- -- 1 " , .. t . - - 1 " '"' 1 . TZJt-. ' " " ' ' . . . . . r - - -r " :i::Ji:r. S-i..-.- mwU V, Wa vW-'-n 'A-5 -?..- - CMOS. UBKHTX, JLW uilMJviii Ittalt XT. 3JP?tTnt latO 4LD iare, it is J the circamstanco j that the i t . ! and -.also . triatacti re . setsiopisU arc I ?z dcbl M3"jnEcflDffruIaf rota I'iaUawaw ... . .. . . i ?Ai 1 1 xiinc - ;j:.u;K;M..lnpn...- . MJ-TrrrT i Jinn - A Com I " " - - - r -. - r us bo tola'1 1 -V ' 'rLl in " 1 -. I catt8t&ja ipSogaffescfafe tiascixy-r. tSjffi?-gTr ;-l?ijfciwUoa 1 if r 1 Tnr w w 07 iMATXji,B,.''1tl t13 Kf.it I acknowledging the ifeiercer .or. Aewf eoej W: m4$& ? : Time jJaso trhiU a f3ommeiisd .tostand :out in bJ a spoke. The shock to Democrtiic ner viuti M when it is boltitipiaUfdl Uiat ho and : WWWfflW' wwr:fl2u5 01 , Xor.Urnt &a lie ton. , Jt ctatT for r irKTtriJ jeAr alter thi riectkMVWliUtttbUe S-Sf. i .- a - i:jjM.:-r.rr lf mnnntnin itiltfcatitl hence-he T worria. i Jlnxrmrry " ooQ ' 1 oe uonet anq jnatpeeaujr, w save w nJlvEB )8jd'4l:r. fetJX I tne aintin DenocraUc sKin: .ffi there- cannot act a m. in i i i in - i. - - : -i . i- - : - . ur i hcwkiu. uA.'iuk . . ,r .. T .. .1 i j i ii . i. . . , .r: V.'f ul' r." 4 V.Mt tw)Iet to mount the huiDgSiBnd MW6tEmmmmm ToucannovioolttVwnia it that the secret ot the wnoie matter It a aVt v-011"1"1- ! w XmriwqfrhcrisiWii likely- 2g?Sl nC2 cpcpona. ;VC. , nnna rA rii1 h f.u . - 1 mirr.' iinijr..,.iUHCi. iE3Qvco(i:" 1869 . . J KKUE1 YEI 1 no dog bark.w He' is; impage,- going from speaking with all the candidate far Casstsfelgatai .. . FOR y ICE-PRE8IDNT ; 7? gelitfyler Colfax J0& W HOEDM, of Walie 'STRICriEtECTORS.1 1 jJ 21" m' ' W'B. ;BrijiiMi''(if 3d-Dist.' A. H. Gallowaj, of If ew HanoTer. ; , W-.lt; ' ;.. ,u. 6tlt'I)ist.:RiiIii!i.B!iirMeiiI.Ucw 7th Urn'4 W J ' PPflTCflffnf-KHriP"1 I5 1 1:"eii convicted of treason, perjury, or oj any swjni,narwiea wie oia repivJiican aire '"Wy 'V VATO crime, since becomiDs citi- :n jMr. Ki: aridhii : Motr in : the ffood Hhr;.tiktin.sZm&U: of tne" umtedutwof corruption, ..'..v...., .. ,-, rttjrj; A' ".?! "KCZ" '"rrtAr r 'rtfor niai-praciice m omce, unless sacn person iuc aru wiug eiu . a ..... i liii- trsined,' common" and rood ttmn Iai"y '- e . Ob, Eridav last. Hon, IUWV Kinff and 4 F "Vu.? ;7t : 7 uTi -r.Tr. 1 ZA IT 1 : ; . Ti V -7. y ' I - place tp,PIaco,;and ckntGlani unction some with decided tMlar P !' TTIII!ltrrZ7Tr . . i Whftlftnd' nolorpd m..n- listened.. iit&l Mknwniih person who sfiitea :Wmsdf :-?A l'era-781cjit.---.in.. ; s r H - i : ben : Fll; li Hend to the Colored man'! IsnoW ' mouruln ; 1 IVrVtttooU Oct'Wm.-: . I i ' Tlint nortion of onr -artfela In Kimav I r . ... ..r . 1. .,;, I trThe (hUl'Lost CaHseOtl T pouxdUt0Mm in.it i i VT I u; 1 1 r-" - - . . - - - mosttavorabiy iraptessed.-; ; ;,.in Urm ttn.of tbatcorsed: insUw-ar r r " ib a rciAA 11 cua a a. a a a om jua owmb- . a. rn.ua na a,aau a vuaaw w w v a- . . - - i . - - - ' w Lit T.'l 'S- -SJ: .inere are nu reaiocuun as nTT-'Ti TwiiVti??,: i"r, tionanaoiiiig. miotxiacirtox'aiidy rj-.fU hToWMn-i. Yr'f ! ! THTO WnTJORLEAXat ! pfe resident; and none for holding FfI: ' Jv - &QikV' offioeonfy for causes specified in bee. 5, rt.aMMfluim(,(,LW .uu: i,.avak1i m'nr. fnr thk In'iiiiniiAn mmnrakbnt lroabtii 'mt KfJ- RHawTki rl H'oo bf &aisma ewe for Wocb regrtt.hTa'rte fty1" ii.-Xroa. h carpel-bag port on.of. his JeUer, ! fed U only J 8hff on necessary to-ay ifiai i vrm Jcave, uio.w.tti UbcilinculiytKccrjed yatmUy p occaaiooi tender mercies of a ceneroUi ptiblle;epcersny f f publle display bj toopteof detnocrat- . AjjtOrthe Ferry; ! triUaay to tlart portlon'gl olrtt ?tf tirffertMlc rho jlta .not Afoilainted wlLh lb.l a boav i :A Kot7 And Well Selected' Stock Art.n, of the .CiytpliQ-Tati.Se onnorwhl-i. nniKiriilt; of th 'lliiinr lion reads asfollows: j - :; JiMUivtir saall be disqualified tor office: First; All a.,uiicwiw;oc icwpairijuq D H ' A TCMV'"11 'hall have been legally restored .to-the rights rMEil of ciiizenshsp. , .'ypBBEPBESENTATiyK,",; ., ,r ir the holding: AtG;V S.'.SEM0URi -of Graven; .,7 To the Republicans V Wprth'f j one WEEK publican causa -could not be jnct'by tlieir- 1 h.Ata )lSi'IlOC&' ' IT." r'Ci'l M 3 tt a0. C V.- i new ; llctrupoliuto police, forca -At to tne Lousrot a ppatiuti Uilcr tllaoff - T. ; ...... 1 i.t . i.i. ..1 .vi.i.. . i . .i 1 When;C6i:tIarke Waa off llm stand at tcnrte.'bU wtfreseaplfir-irrU. ber.eM ia -Vr7i Vlr.f ?fljw P1i?:?,0nPntf 4 this cltv mince March ULhi 1802. (oearlr seven -r fK-w.M'.4 J.h The Section. onoled above aimlvihir 'toimi-mnopK Wjw earsf) 'that I bWn "honscs and. bind. 10. rny burned; stone r which there are. f out. chlK UL.tlO - FURJiLSIII XGaoons. a, UcU at .rMrTZ - Aa4 my oiW arUcW to 1 t .1 1 1 " ,f.'-:j'i fWfA-i );) t iy ,U est question fiver c oto-Oi(zens:-W bring y6u nid W WIe Jngs of great joy." ; The thonsnndf Pennsylvania by : fifteen thou; vBTair be elected we will ha-tHr stfeoiHl. ; sacdhiotweu and Let -every - 'RemiWfcan -.get ready for . t 1 o tit rioTian 1 1 1 Mav . a wo mam oitn 1 a. . . 1 CLE GET Or rEEEDOU." oiM.iobk mMi i)iiiXn'vi mS? MORE, antf the treat-1 eraMf)?im; SmW Xeuse aiid Trent Rlver I, tot rforVi -felt I tub iX4rPtT Couw ;' ! ,iu n..ii F..i- aa . ', . i . . f Lir nil . . . . . " " ' !. i iOl. II1C JHIUIM'. UCnUUtiUnaB WVOHI I onsidered by the Amer- i that a jfVrrjr was. nceuen. ana at ine(ias . . of iif.BtVbd fixhedO i." V t'.TJK.'JJ'.'.'f'It :"' ' ! "! -7T,." f". '.Vi H Mill J. ' I t,iw -4lUt. ..J i . IK.'. .. . .,tr.....''.L-MljfM.. . I , j .' mil. iw ! - .. . vz j :i. ;'- Wore. lnirucMneKlucrain-rhtarnru f j. .iht r ' 1 liHHla:t-UichTaid;0lsl kll g-llc 1 tlJUl ortoi AiU .Ikt J . 1 !i' 'iV t V Vii ( app ICHtion Tor charter lint not inany.wav in. iinimrnw w raimnrTrir.winiruj '.w, ,:hitjOT5lw ' . Hn T0 ,M5.lla ll!n;u. 5: r!7 ..Thasameprtner has an artlclacomplnfpS 1 vcftwle lno Mattex.tuniufs Wfradt I A - -r -V j-tnoutlU4.4iaiiAUhh;Jt;y.lalxd tj?we- ' bitterly of Xorf oik, Charlttton; 4 irtmchLn f . :Tl !lrr1 I Willi hui&ik: lln&'rtixvA1 f Vnt.r,l fortlr thirrmidairthlr IB btsliesi.whUh 1 Rrtzsltd W .tlv.irrctr In ihq Vtycvh&nUt.X t ? Jill; tff UL;WX iX VT ? ' 77 J!! , TV ! V .dlatelTafUXcJmpf oppfisssiUt 1 Qeiu 'Ifrussetii. iajUlr hmnticx.bf Irent-J Ohio PenhsyfvaniIhdiana shall prevail in this country, or whytlu-r j tj4j, ka have just voted for .'meinJjefaVof ConT we are tb have') Wnfumori, y&Mrth)P&ilY.fc Dnnon-,1 y lCKsour-anu ppqraaiwx. udjin. maKing a jriresiaenuj vvsnensioere QnneVislp them that will think ' of beihg ful -words, ffj-et r us thave . peace lir-rand , . twii.y'ii.Hjw Af si:- -V tlj ii..:-i , away f rorrf.ihl3-Muon8eh.a dayrV 1 next Tuesday is the"time ful .words, fx5t us J)ave peace lrr-r-and i Twt,4-wn mliiidiis-ofjiisl ' nrhtirid'iL" 10 du;;-i : .. ; Remember! nes th viutorv, W-Nbvember. if , we are: onlv T - t--t-:.' ; v'-U-.- - - . n true to ourselves. .ioj fOhrbppbrient larebbaten ' a the! for "The Battle KEQTJLAE HOUHTATt mrthi'and'heftfiti tKeSbnthfEeV are t-vnexnmjgr Kcreurnwwswm. dispifitcd;; ao4eprfeda 0nela9ti,the Democratic party in the days of and united charire.aloDjr tbb j whole! line ! Jackson was its adherence to regular uay Will UU UU19. . A iic uiva vi mio IWJ W r - ,i .t- Y 1 "-J"" ii.:vL.o: liiu i.;i?m4 'iM-'Chiei cause of the success of the Kepub- TJir' Will I U 11'Mf.f . Illie UV UIIIL . IAJ 4. I - all -a cessation 01 oiuens pany ; Htnie-fa i ' J - r settled condition of affitirs wmcfr ill tn- f tematio organization m order to compete 8n.8t 5?ff. with njpnions ncmyl At the .KfifAVfFK?1'.- H-FHM-.V Republican State Convention which Bea&m mind, fellowKfltizens, -the tm- DortaDce bt he election of the third of iiext m6ntW:iSVm Ior Grant jimd Colfax and ; eject-all our- members of Congress We can do this. dv ininy inousanu.uiajoriyi ,t' i -JL .'at.' l.4l islature, his speeches are lislerVeV to wiiin greaVMuiertist. ! ' The ' ifnet itiat 'certain democrats 4re tryiug , nana ; :tp - ignoru O i 'w him, politically is likely to make him still nr-wttTr Tteiujncans! -J NeTtrD!o;6 --"-""O " -- -o -i -t, :-r, , l tt.t m rm . - m known In this Stkterifialnmly all the . mer :A :,r tLHL I'.L W"w?.o imn-ewnBf ice paruu m; 4 TVT. TTT ' t Ttt ihU rltr WAmuli4 Thtiin'nnacrrra of 1 hadaa. Interview whh.Qcxi. JlnaacU lo-dar-l ! lm rallroknidiirna fnortolklwilmlntr.4 PJ BBlUaJ,J'" dUcuaotcpAnw ad (Sbhvened in Raleigh in September", 1867, a plan of organization was agreed; upon, oi wuicu tue jouowiug w a parb; t.. t , - r- - - - A. : - v r-l prevent aa ur a possimt, any tanner pauic VT akd ton and Charleston: were eiertloc Ihemtlvea.i iit!ri nvmitmi j,.. .-. i . . . . . . . I J ' ... " . ' - I t"" ....... .. L. 1 Vn!UH" ' - to accommodate the trade oetwetrt. their titles ' Uen. itbnrau lnttcut rtmoTiTijr sll troops : v i , , andth'entrir'arid &fcmOlpJ car f rphTthrviclolW Into hVe irrff y..' r'.h';' ' fojardopds wqatJcppTcieape. nntHeinerrif cldkrs thrrrv in ; I Ji-UW.iaiJLiii iU.; CUlU UiJ An attempt was'made-byJuTtannasj and J pn'Satordaj Bfht for3j boon vsfiT the, ri J i .xV'o. tWv:: s- others laxnibndate.ihc railroad ....- i2 j4&&zfil-Z& Lfcrpcot and arn.T.Th Uttronolllan rrfiiai Uh'.1 J ?nUWIv fcrcmr OS Kiojr if TBTT in - .' -ti-.- r. . ' . . -f 1 v VrtrV T-finn'rrrfMnKmt with oHoxl-1 Doer&Uoai. Tha force as now oxrTdxrl m. J - fil.TIttXaJJLnv - moralization and Dissolution. : 45,? fflc. n2?. 1 a;,t"7-'-iP? ! . WAmo-rw nt -4 . . - - ii.y.. . . s..ner. tee the warelses and whWs or 001. ttd Wm left this tnornlar to ff!?;, , Blair's Attacs; oh Gbakt The a.L.Ui1! rot down than thathe busineas ot.our rnTestlcatematters lnhlt dUlrfct. . i V .AV'JlAVtV. v.J.- Louis narjers brintr " the full report of rtte vi-liv rafiniifJ blniiit unbv d-- -d vansees. ' McCulllocb and Ihilllss hsdvanothcr tntcr- : - Mh Vpare.tiine to this" work op to thefev; 1 shall iOiprts upuu mc Fpiu tiw aitwoaifcjy which 1 desire to brlnff yu of. registering their- InitM ,-tti:.be:;I.nown also that fthere -iaW- Any.lfeptiblican- ..desiirng; an office r Jta bntone daV for otiriii Jtvefy,R Frln?:!cf the election !etv everyeubUdan'jat the,,lls,Wi'iJn",i;! morning; with' hit vpte readyAo cast,, ana alter, ne casta n t w-tiFte w-1 leimofks withothera alldav for ,the ac epnblieanrty cause. ur ' - i."u?.ri-;.iM Tl'isth -w-avouf fnends - won' the .Vlyt tf - ?a' L 'a hi. a.-. if a am . Avoi4m . r - . ' .. tP'-i UVIV V3 iuiim(. cum 19.. ) r i s; .1 o ' i "' "' t'i?.!i -'.:il:i' -It.::.! .i i"T, of , Spy ember the bjhe nexVelectkni . allow ' bcm; sodal eqiiallly and asstdaUon in our houses 'nreisewuerc. knowing them to be such, aad4bat we T. 1.1! . ubUcan rve that . wmr aevm ;ilJibaw "FT - . ..; a -.w ... comes a mere -appenaare -oi' iuc military - --7-17 -.J a'ti .v tt-f.- . :.tr Ti7:.Trr-. I : w mng'of the election -And oir the name. V" each ahd every inanaxmmcii,wnp. VeniSt tiStiU pot: see. the. propriety of restoring -for the 1he tickets -!tcli: 'were- first' adopted reWa thelrIetca ' :He publUhes'an K-tkir.AnnkliiMiii .navrit ta Ka nevrl . i n I ... i . ' W,. rr, uxl mJ w w prnianenas wuatyr: t-v- 4 ' ' ' tiKellow-cUiiehsithe electioii,; is;iieaiatr f&WP? thisdState eVapprpacUnglectioi ' tW liave walu. iienUyor. (he-eorrec everx man do Ius:damraaa the23(LiTv .ufttrFi-l,: tr-'y -Ion of ermra which, ifleft uncorrected mutt Carolina. wia:8WniheVlrth.iimV Bew . Vv... ' . I V . . T . . ... i.-.i I if f i . i. speecn ot rrana r. uiair in rwponsc 10 t:juhB-fftiUw' rMnluilfln telildi1 a T,cw rcKMWD iipcTTiarira. iioresuii.Oew-1 . A r serenadedn Frrdayevebirig ,W There It f bltof1msc-UltoVi.u?5i!I rd snd ThPrntortMa6ftk iLe'Alibaiai tT.TanJ.TpTin'Pr? irttla n4onseany.dhV.that he-nude use suh- Prf bv one othe Seymour and BWr dabs, claims will soon lilled Approritnatlons IuLl-ijtiU itlOJUdvlllUUi. - w -I- - . l ..4i..i iM .m a K - t a a . i . m. a ia n m aw w it ir i r m . ij rr a iir a l mom . a a av .a a i aw am rvin aa. t No member" of the Republican party W CWiafr(t) on the iflth of Ao5usU - V .vtf.-.a tl AyrA-M.AJ irliri nassae which vtm conttrnfd u a thrfitt 1 . . . . , . iJ I . XJeCL LoBinlrett la herts. h - ' ft. .' Jl . - . ... - i uecnmc a caoaiaaie lor aor uuic&iuiiu w - A 7" ; Vi 1 T t.--tAi.--J iea JJcracUrect a here. .. ? - ' t- .' - rontnt Md waar.LhUf rence tf all IUd calf. "-rvv . , i 1 WuO WILS ALWATS ES ITXAaCP tv and , d6 herein :rescive that we win notauer FROUKEW YORK. '5inr Yoax, Oct JM.- OLD JX1X3TDS A1TD KXWCJCra. re-We The final booy. Which marked Craven's f jwftokrf . . .--inro if ' will. ShoalKew York Bay, U adrift.- - V ". 8 Wnoim M.r.OX aro inter- ' : 1 . "1 FORO - ' - -r. - i.v l Ml Ilia .-ralUMi twr- U .4 tt. 1 , wv wH. trr?.- . . -v i - " 4r a . wno inus .inreais - usawnauoawnii pouu-1 i.niiru mtnr . . a a m VK w a Lft aw a" j j 1 j . . mm . av jgQft. gi ' e tno SorO.J. wbb: ln titled li . our, ffitUha1.S As a war democrat, GenerarWalbTidiracan '.1' --: .Ata, uet. epithets 'and abase heaped uponihe heads of tateit RJo JanerH advfcca state ; t .V7lZL-. i ...ITii .tevWeo. . lie protests apalaU theTtoTjOSoa of TU '-J' nolo th .Epplcr'n, so blame forete yjr' In oorcUy ? : Can aay one expect that exnj- persons protected by t he ' AiaerlcaariUi hav- ... . - graiion enerjryr enierprisev or .capirsi to any i inia mere. .... . .. extent will flow to' this' section of -conntrv I ?! l1. - - -L si v H?P JSul1 51 I 1" Jlie same deviced the gicely tnisrt4annghlt.Qamend- W'H1?0?' a class qfiohoe of; 8nJn. propeny nave oeen sparea, alter their unxc - - -V ; Ralplcfli OcL 14" 1868 1 - VW type insteaa or the ltepnoitcaiiiuectorQ t waocic!iinywi? l L-KaiS1?? VVV. IT v u . -v.-c- i ... iusment of their: platform, and lusUfrlhe t H central iJ.xecnvevxmmmee l murders at-CtoIlW:r:frbey pro5Cer..nsno countries GcTsvantionr t...-.vr w CCT u ,iw;v TniA rirml ','..... j . i ' -t . ay w 1 -f ... - v Aid . U Uia SUi Ur rr Tct aaiU-tiaU liior licfet from -i : rr? Enco5fse--Bomev Manufacture, and OitAtCredncthm , In thef-price oACtegftfo Q my ffm&&ecm Committees K Eppler-and get you a suit made wTRlii -nl !- - . . v v.r isH.sz2J W5-'t to order for le than jrou can buy one ready K K a l a m - atrecmls td destroT tmr GovenifaenL i v V011 V1'? ' t sales of 3,10QI imws-m. .ther.Pl! - .aos, other ? etulghteired : .7t eholca lo.'f.7i7L h4t ; . Ct-j- - they, might have had to nnderfeo the hMw &t noan diiM . pXrW mMa s?s urf 1 AH xrs ttx itv A XuTftU A , tr.i KTwi pcnauies iopueir DttiDcn aaa 9it"inc8 qnicc'ianuiDft viit. ouu : - " - therefore U'lU:0traae i i'' &ermmr: Btafc and tfierttivaVofitM great Jcaase J U the ntctta of ' every 'trUi vUm.nPine 2.47; frdihU'. firmer.. coUoa . Hi. . .Govern i liooni &ixj&.Ijv--:J w;rr:vn; rt: tp i:J. new. C3: v.iu). w . xinneycoa- b a& r a h am ri kb m a a a a ba a m. a u at a j i iibi r i . w w-- . !.T-r: . :T-."77.' : CT- . 77 r.rxv-.. Unties .In :dera 'i saJ . . f . . i at I M T i 1 . . . . . .K V . . . m r uuL.stiinnt;sX Uisctnmtt IK O OT- d,r. tiiTlUlw: tnsefltgoWWr.aterUagadTaac . :?z ' c-i A FOREIGN lIAKrnVTV:.l, - WrSMfflr: CU .Lrvamroou Oct. SoETeuInc. ! - " ' CO . Cotloa oplands II, Orlearur 'm&X Rr

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