1 New Bma Produce Ilartcl. XST The REPUBLICAN ii Vu official newtpaper if the city of New Berne, publishing all the Lame and Ordinance bj authority. - . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1868. Tub NoimiEitx jccational poTmns kavicc amJ wntTrKWi frotn tb Worth fuf tbprpoof edacaUfif tU rolorvd cUVlrt of iLia ; IlUict. aoUce la hcrrbT rirca lLat ll iVlbd 5)mx4 UoM.and Ue School IIoam oa MriraJi Ktret. f ' It. J. lillOWV : jl O T P.ArtI9 olcd v-pon all to rid tixLr cliidrxn to kUocL atJ 'iarllCt. Uoa aecnra to Ub om of the trrit UcMlsa, axa lj. a f9od Ameuiom, , Dealer a QroctAci isd Prsrrixicx. Apple. pet tLL.... flOOCC-M - but.w. .. llSaSTS : 'v. ; wCl.W lb dried....... ..... lCCtIO Bacon, X. Carolina.. ......... .". 17(C. ' LOCAL- DEPARTMENT. Ucat. Col. V. XL C. aM Bma Qlcr. Post Omci, New Bkrhe. N. C., . May 27th. 1867. Put Dostnge utamp on opper rieht hand corner. - att. jvut. ex ew scrsc. 2(. c t4-tf . j For 8nle . . Per BoTton, New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Nor- NW Bern, 1st Precinct, folk, Washington, D. C, and all polnw North and i " v 2nd ..;;-;....4 . tot, lit..:..-...;.".- SirS 1 " - " 3rd ,rj: . ' . I . (..w.M.W Applj lo i7. S. TALCOTT. oct 15 tf Klnaton,X. a Morehead ana ueamon. . v., ... (l . . A n.nnira I Und. dallT. at 6.30 A. M. I t - ,4tn Bctf, wholc?a!e.:. ... Goldsboro', Raleigh, Wilmington, and all . James City, oointa Wet and South, at.., o-SO A. si. I WiarvinB . fith -V - a.O V isiS 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 n ii :rv r r a 5 111 i ? f l 1 1i:;-U:JLi;-V.'. ivtw . v4 ro;.- .w l.sr S. p 2 & g8; ' ..- ... - ' .v ' M j 300 165 1105 ,11 , . I 22S 189 !8S . 7 - ,t . : r 'v''" J uv ii oy ' u . : .. oi .. . ........ - i i i A rut: rr am - II I '-;o - iiwJ I ' . - - - .- I lVV.W...V:..i 739 39! 700 T - i;:: 821 24rmT- rr:,:,: . .1 , 5th ; ; .14 569 . :5 '5ft4 621 .! - fi21 1 - i - : --.' ; : H . ' iIt ooi'' I i !. 'U lift 'W.Kft, .. "I ';',, .; .-- - ; , I. 12HU3 10;:i3 IS 5 Sffi. ,4 t.: mill-ciVlWliit f :rv lom " 4 ................. ,io4 ,iv3 v:. cv . rtYAL us - 1 32 - -i .T,;.:tr . K ;mA: r t Jwm. ,iw,iww.wwu uuw.uooo qooa 000 andFridaj. at. ............... ...r...... 9.00T;lL CreCieck, Ilatteraa, every Wednewlay and satnraay, at .w r. ai. lyes. Swift Creek, Waahlnjrton and Plymoath, N. j Adari at w .w.r. ah. i v Adam's Creek,10th Bay Riyer. Vanderaerc, Total vote, ff js IS s. i JUSTBECEIVED. i- f- ... .j 1 - Kn$ coming by nM ni M tr R (Ml V m.. ttui rmm 1 I . ?i f watr'rilih ' VUlt VVvu fiviu m.w - - I 'a Vl 1.111 to 7.8(1 P. M. Sandayt front T.au to tww a. m., ana irom Latham's dodlng drop lettera, must be prepaid, or they will be j Brown's: r 15th-, xs i . v i. . :s .. Lm 4 sent to tne oeaa leiier odjcc, uuicob buuicbw w uwub t Bnreaua at Waahington, IXC. X GEO. W. NASON, t&, P. M. .. , , , The City. The city has relapsed Unto its customary turbulent, for the ; ehange -from Tuesday, election day, is indeed marked. Business was, on that day, lo a certain extent suspended, and together with the unusal quiet attending the voting, gave the city an air of quietness, similar to Sunday--no noise, no ex- citement,-rnothmg to denote the great strug gle that was going on,- save an occasional knot of. citizens around the polling places. and the line of voters awaiting to deposit their preciousvcharge.fe But yesterday the 'jitrects resumed their wanted bustle, and business be come renewed. In walking the streets, the political feeling or opinion of our citizens can readily be ob served, from the appearance of their counte nances, rnose ot KepuDiicans, wearing a joyous, grcatf ul look; that of the Democrats a contrary one. It is amusing, however, to notice upon what lif tie comfort the Democrats solace themselves, r One meets another on the street and exclaims, Did yer see Kentucky and -New York?" recievmg an. affirmative an- 8wer,they pass on, no tcareing to enter into farther detail. 'the election of Grant and Colfax, and our own gallant standard-bearer, Hon. David Ilea ton, is accomplished facts. Let this suffice. Let all proceed to their, usual vocations, and endeavor by every possible means to assist the great Republican party and its gallant leader, General .Grant, in building up our- whole country, and make this particular part of it, the old North State, what it should be, one of the foremost State sin the Union. J Now that we are victorious in the great bat tle just fought, we can afford to be generous and treat our political opponents with courte sy and gentleness. . . , niack.mm i8w&!?.?!!?.:r::::::::: iX ALUl.lti d It 3 I", And Brass Foundry, 0000 0000 0000 0000 Q000- 000 New Adyertisementsl 8200 REWARD. llorsc Shoe in; by P TrenVritli. CRA TEN STREET, Xcxc Berne, X C. HirHest Oasi. Pric raid for old Inn. OoDrjer&a 18 KM n 1 AD klnda of abort tumM work don with !plch. w r mmfAHM, 4. f ft W 4h 9 mtk. 40 wen. WC75 I! i-. ; . Ilubbs & Brother, WUOLXSALS AND ECTA1L DZALEB9 IN TWSMJ?. I JUST.illECEIVED ! GROCERIES, PROlSIONb, X paid by Crarea County for the arreat and conTic- uon of : tne Morderera of illi. john wkst. vh ahot near New Berne, by some person or persona u. juujwh, on .Auesaay, mc xaa oay oz uctooer. 18CS, By order of the Board of CommUsIoners. '- - JAS.C. HARRISON, oct2 Xw , : . .. Hegiatei and ex officio Clerk. ! ' t ! i ,1 NOTICE. -1. AND RE CUT IN Q BY j? .-.I-.. i OFFICJK A. A. M., PORT MACON, N. C.' ". October 36th, 1863. " ' CJ BALED PROPOSALS Will be receired at this offlr- IO on PRIDAY, Noremher 80th, 1868, at IS M.. for the deUyery at this Post, of One Uundred Cords of ;. . Merchantable Hard Wood. The - loicest lid, if 'reasonable, trill be : .accepted! . . . .. .. Th tuecesgf nl bidder will be required to cie bond, with good and sufficient security, for the f uthf ol per form an ce of .his contract, and , each security shall state bib puce oi resiqence. . . , No member of Congress 'shall be admitted to any share in the contract, or any benefit to arise there. from. The contract shall ba sabject to the approral of Steamer; !EUen ;S;:'ivTerry Zl ot i u , : .. u.. j w The leUTery.of Wood, under this contract, must ' :t )i a- t - ,L i- . : i commence before December 10th.' 1868. mnA h mad at 1 the rate of hot less than flity cords monthly till com- . i :: A ,- Payments will be made in such funds as may here- T-.i .; J.-i Every Steamer; j; CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, ; ITotions, PiiB Lianon, ic, Sc.';. MIDDLE STREKT; ? ONI DOOR SOUTII 07 POLLOK STIirrT, - EW BEIUVJE, N. C. t7 are selllas ear larxs stock of Goods at LOW F10 1 CBJC5 to cah purchasera. Oar Stock of A New and Well Selected Stock 'croclccry and Notions or DRY GOODS, and Schooners 1: ddcr wIU be required to pay for this Prints and Domestics at wholesale prices at A- ' BAER & EPPLER'S. Pollok street. Holton, Hague, and Minnie. in! (Sjovth Front St., opposite Gaston .5. Kidi V j House.) I Cieo. W, IVason, Jr, Gen'1. Ins. Agt. Closing Out at v " BAER At EPfLEIVS. ., : CO Pollok slntt Great reduction in the price of Photo graphs, at ! MOUGAiN'S GALLKRY. GET THE .BEST Home Manufacture Rcady-Alade Clothing at . ! ; : , ' , -. i -i ) BAER & EPPLER'S j Pollok street, Jvr;ii Ai. Foster. Insurance Agents Advances on Cotton ! w E WILL ADVANCE $50 to 75 per bale ON COT TON : AND HOLD THE SAME ANY LENGTH OP TIME DESIRED, ': - -' at a -:;'"T;- Moderate Rate -of Interest. . .. .. 7 Jones & Co. novo- tf . . DANCING SCHOOL. 200 bbls. CHOICE PL0TTE. ioo hess p6eb: 20; PISH, Mackerel, Herring, anp ceiTedfor that purpose, The successful bfddci adTertisement. 1st Lieut. 5th Art'T. Breret Cant. IT. s. A. octg-td ' A. A. If. SAM. K. EATON, V - 20 Po Strut, Ncv) BenulX a Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry neatly repairsd and ' WAKBAKTtD.' . OCtJ7-tf. . :. CLOTHING, Is larger and la crealer taritty baa that of say other house la this City. I 11 1.11-" 1- T .l M t I ai. ww as KejreseiiiEi or no mt t Cash Orders, will have prompt 1. rfifir n 1 nffnfliti. . a"af menu of Produce solicited & prompt returns made' Boots, hoes, E. HTBBS. A or. 3 Cl -tf. O. 11UBB3 Corn, per bushel.., Ducks.............. ; Flour, pcr Urrtl f3.OOCM6.C0 r-cri pcruorcn S0C3 . Fmb Flh, per bunch lOutS ;-? $Looaio Hams . SOCiw Sweet PoUtoet, (retail).. . . CiS3 liar prr ton 300(30 00 I-"1 20G3 MttA pcrbuibel $L23CL40 OsU . m CO Peaches, per lb dried. .7.7 l oci3 Oysters, per bu qt rt43 Onlont, per. bushel $L50G.0a M peck. GCK73 Peas per bushel Pck PoUtoes, Iriak, per bbL 1 ! 7i-KC55 " , wCiC0 Turnips, per buihel M SOfLOO peck riCtS? Turkeys f2.002.SC Wood, pine per cord f l.TSeO Oak and ash per cord f2X003jCO JAS. BEDMOND Checked Store, Market Whart New Berne, N. C. WBOU3AXB aa axTitt oriLsa ta Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and-Shoes READY-MADE CLOTHING, Mats & Caps, Ferdinand TJlriclL, wfl ths "Big Indian" en MiddU Street. 4,5, 6. - ; i S"TSS nnci rA- TI ii tamti.uf8rwao DA8 been soccef 8- iut ,!t lU?Zae? ln'Mg Dancinsr in various P 11 1 of the country,, will commence a School at Lowtlirop Hall on FRIDAY AFTEKNOON NEXT, at 4 o'clock, for J Misses and Masters. day SdwSSlrt? tanSQt Monday, 37edne o3ock. y1111 each week, coinmencingat 8 ! Soiree-Every Tuesday night at 8 oclock, New Berne, N. C. Not. i, 1868, : - U , nov 6 tf ' New Berne Academy. tftneJpaV tW riencedin SchinR . ia of thTs S!0 at of our Uni veAtr, it ll briSfed "Siii U' Terms of Tuition as heretbfore. By order of the Board of Trostw;' : . : . ' ' Oct. 19th, 1888: ' WM. J.CLABKE, Sec'y oct 80 tf. liW of T8 forlne apprehension and de- Jharlek T. Burley, SaS being TEEE .e ertmoof oomTnittinv Tfn Tears old. oare bnllt, and about Twenty-Seven tV 1 - " ; i v e pcrfTRSi Jtfd,,,,n tte Wf. BfM- ; AKLES T. BDRLEY. as above stated. By order of th nA.T ""V?? M xwertate .. , ? ol ine Board of .CommifMilnnr .t..ta. - . ""'Jl -Jr w . . r t v vs w . 4 art-, cl oS::?? f?"f ' . Mullets: l ; " fUXKI lha. Taf LARD; . , ,,: ; i . : 2,000 lbs. 0AHVASSEI) HAMS. I 1,000 " PACT0RY CHEESE ( 1,500 GOSHEN BUTTER. ' ; . . . 1,000 " Carolina RICE. , . 500 sacks SALT, Coarse and Bnisl ! 100 bbls. CRACKERS, Soda, Sugar ' and Lemon. 50 bbls. PLL0T BREAD. 30 :u SUQAES, 0mhe4 PulYemed,' A. B. & 0., and Rrown. . : :" 1 r . . 25 bbls. MOLASSES. ! 20 Sacks COrPEE, Mocba, Java, Laguira and Rio. j j :' 10 Chests TEA, Young and Old! Hyson, English Breakfast, and Japanese Teas. 50 Boies CAITDLES 50 " SOAP. 25 Bales OAKUM ' ' 15 " SAIL CLOTH, Kos. 2, 3, 50 Kegs LEAD. White, Red, Black and Green. , ''H.r .t-tS 'M-i 20'bbls OILS, -Kerosene, -Lard,-- Sperm j . and Linseed. - ' H . 30 bbls WHISKY, Bourbon Oomj Rye. 10 " Gin, Rum, Brandy, Sherry and Port. 10 bbls Botded ALE and PORTER. 25 Boxes Condensed LYE, 25 POTASH. 25 " STABOH. 100 doz. Assorted BUCKETS, '50 t Corn BB00MS?;f lOOOoils ROPE. - ' - ' J 20 Bales C0TT0H . BAGGLTTG. 2,000 00TT0H Tna! 2,000 BUSHELS OORH A Complete Assortment of SHIP 0HAH- . DLERY: and other articles too numerous! to mention, All of which I will sell - Cheap, for CASH only. , p. lLffiBrm, New BernctN; . Bpt.15, 1868.' ' ! SeptlS-tfv .t " . ; v.iL i'. A. ! ' 1 IT.' Foxmi at Last ! Found at Last ! ! . A SOUTHERN" DIARRHOEA UEDICHHEL ; X HE M03T PBRFECT HEDICINS EVER COM BINED for Diarrhceal Diseases. .1 4 It creates no fever In the most violent caeesi It produces a healthy action of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, thereby relieving many complaints arising ifromDiaiThcia.' rr. ttt fV . f ItliaBurecumforDUnhealnAduIt, -5 v , It is a aurs ear for DiarrlKBa ia Childrar:" It i a sure cure for Diarrhoea caused from Colds. j is a sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. It la a sure cure for Cholera Mortma. It iS a SUre CUre for fThnlor. Infantum , v.w.w i I is a anro core tor Consumption of tha Bowels. It what every TrsTeller ahould be supplied with. -It la what every Plantation ahould be supplied with. V" eTerT Household should be suppued with. It acta like a charm with Children teethlne. ' i It is what Children like 1 It is perfectly harmless. -It should be kept in every Nursery. i -1 . , H is sue, duc sua opwuj. t It will eave you a big TJoctor's bUL t ! It ia a Msofcine long sought for South. -' ' It is here 1 Found at last 1 1 Found at last III 1 It is our duty to circulate it 1 . i " Price, 60 cents per bottle. For sale bv Watkina A CtL R. 8. Primrose A Co.. and R. . Berry. Country orders JAS. JL PQKHBIAD; & Cp- C ommissioh 'Merchants, . ..... . . . . .... . v For the Purchase and Sale of . .. . ,: Elour, G rain, Provisions, COTTON, LUMBER, v. Naial Stcreani: General Proftnce New Berne, N. C. March 3, 186S-tf ;-. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Aad maniother 'articles too nnmerom ia hmUm .ii making a complete 8tock usually kept la a. first class , KACTAcrraa ajtd saiLxa n SEGAHS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AH kinds of 8M0KJNQ, CHEWINO, and SNTP fOBACCO. 'Meerschaum, Briar Wood and Rubber Pipes . and Segar Holders, Clay npes and ... I Tobaeeo Pouches. , Orders punctually attended to. tf. ane 816- "DRY GOODS and 0L0THIHG HOUSi; j which ws are Wpared to sell chespeV than ever, sad STOVES ! STOVES ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE STATE 1 ! The jantor Partner belig contlnaaily in NEW YORK, watchhig the Market. ! I UftnrD.rnrTlichinfr fin fi fie 1 I I II I I .Ala 111 I I TU I Till Ml C2T Country Produce bought and toll. 8cjtl-U T. For Sale, : -:o:- f H mUE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLT JL javs b. xooauraarj. CUEXEHT B. rrKLXT, Samcil T. Joxxs. Henrt T. Bxxxxtt. -:o: - i S. "T, JONES & CO., BANKERS, Corner South Erdnt and Middle Streets; , . : TEW BERNE, N-di' Ws afV alsa prepared to MAKE CLOTHINQ To Order, IN THE LATEST N e w Y or k i Ii announce to bis friends and the nnblie croermtlv OjJIc, Parlor, Dining Room, and Cooking Stores, for coal or ttood, ' (. f which I am prepared to sell at a smaii advance on manufacturers prices for cash. All of my Stoves 1 can confidently recommend to the public Old Stoves Repaired and Made Equal to Kcw Ones, PT Tia Roofing. Gattcrs and Leaders put cp and repaired at short notion. WILLIAM KELLETT. Craven street. S doors South of PolWk st Nov 5 3m New Berne. N. C Chango of Atlantic & N. C. Rail- j H&EE PORTABLE BTtlV vxetxw r. Cutum Olns,axd o tvopcrtor Tottoa Prva, forsi New Berne Hall I rTsvlcgrrmoved myrnabHthmev. and fitted Ua 1 JL house formerly occupied v itUllnrr A CvL oa klodk iimt. la a manner kirk 1 hcs IU sntrx the MY FRIENDS AND PATB0XS, I bav no- a wtll tcj-pttrd Dar. A f a3 stock of Wines, Liquors and Lager Beerr constantly on hand. 'I wH also fsraUa BOARDING lid LODGING, and ' . LUXCIl AT ALL HOURS! OYSTERS IX EVERY STYLE! LA OER BEER BY THE KEQ ! FERDINAND ULRICIK tv . SIga of U BIO INDIAN, P- ' Mlodla street. road Schedule, BUY AND. SELL AND l Poreign and Domestio Exchange, r ' Bnds and Btockgi ( Gov't, State etc.) :Gold and Silver Coin, , SouthiBrn Bank Rotes, And other uncurrent Money. .' IPapis Fashions! :1 t Coll ectioni Orncx Avuumc xto X. CUR, Cottvaxt, I . Naw Bxaxx, N. C, May lt, Itca. : f From and after May 1st. 1SC8. the Mall Train cf the Atlantic and North Carolina Itailroad will rua fol- ! lows : Leave Morvbead City 4.20 . if Arrive at New Berne .;. .. a.S5 Ieave New Berne..... tLLS ' Arrive at Klnston. r jn i Leave KInton....... , s,r Arrive at Mosely Han...... a.vo Leave McmcIv lun, S.13 ArrlreatGolVlsboro lao WHICH WE RECETTE AS SOON AS -THEY ARE J Leave Goldsboro 1.45 P M IN THE MARKET. " . i Vire "" C ainiD cvin.Lun, ........ .... ................ 4.U) . Arnre at AewiJerae... Lorcla Brothers, . X) SALMIS n GROCERIES, ntOVISIOKS, DHY GOODS, BOOTS arul SIIOKS, J.v. Country Produce always onliancL . Aicomvnodaiion Jor Farmers on tXs JVtmiees! BROAD STREET, Jaa t. Cm. . NITW BEENE. N. C. n tocl: THAT department belsg headed by fas well known saftjl wrMaanv ' -'V it i Made on all accessible points ia the United States and Foreign countries. . . CONSIGNMENTS . - ''r"---;.:i ' or;.;;;;..;. Cotton, Na val Stores, Luriiber, Shidgles, Staves, or any Staple lerchbndise .received," and sales made, Jfor.the usjial. commissions, either fin Nev BerneiNew York: Boston: PhiladelphiaJwn.PLL always be pleased to seehu iyh'-Zl- lw'ruL' T.I -j:-'. .-f OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES.'' - A Europe. ' '..i-- ..'"..'. : CASH: ADVANCES: Leave New Berne Leave Newport. Arrive at Morehead City May 10. lRCR-tf ft, 00 t.ro 7.40 w. a. riALL. Geoeral Ticket Areat. Mr. A. HcLacklanl - Made on such coasienments, or on any approved col laterals, mt a moderate rate of Interest. BAGGING, ROPE, AND IRON TIES v h Furnished to Ccmsigners at Cost. ; :oet4tfr.r-':-- v-: ' v'- - UST receWedTfor my CIRCULATING LIBRARY, complete set of , , ".v.'.;J. ' ... ' . . . . . ITIarion narland's Works, . omprtsin? tbetoHowinr Books, vit: "Alone,-' "The Hidden Pa th,- "Mom side, . -Nemesis.". "Miriam,'' Husks," -Ho (.bands and Home," "Sunny4ank," . Also, WILRIE COLLIN'S last Novel, "Moonstone, WALTER O. WEST, ; -ot&ti . i'-H ...it.. ,, SQPoUokSt, TJDOLPHO WOLFE, 23 Reaver Street, N. Y .'i.--.'.S ---,-!- ..: -, .- SSI . i JL HE subscribers bee leave to Inform the citizens of t they have been appointed areata North' Carolina, that for UDOLpno.WOLFE, of .Now York, for the sale of Our Stock ot" Cloths and Cassimeres j 0(3 90UCJnSiT9UIOII Defy COMPETTTION la PRICE and SELECTION 1 , . jv vc twtHnwj k AACI ( ve trill be pleased to show you ovrgoodij whether you buy or not. ' ? Country Merchants would do well to Took over oar Stock before purchasing diewaere, and see what n dacements we can offer them. 1 Having been doins business la this State for over Twenty Years, we know jut what kind of roods suits this Market.' lied by John L.nerttaj; Broad StfTiew Berne. SCHEIDAU AiORATIC SCHHAPPS. ' And Bottled Wlnc and Linnork.1 v Mr. W 'a jame Is a household word ia every part of he. Southern States. . : . t - .. ,s ADRATN A TOLLERS, -a ' An.ws ask is,: A TEIAL. ' - -Remember the place, & Eppler. ; SO Pollok St. " saa sssf sissv . .. .'3 . r . - r 1 - aw . - . ESn AIDAILIIS Purifies the Blood, TPssr tela) Vr Xrmxxlata Em yaw lawn, Jaly XI, 18Goly. 'j- For sale very cheap. fTiHBE IRON SAFES. Fire sad Barrlar rroof.. X One Marvin's make; site (outside tneaumresti 4 feet 1 loch h!rh.SftT Inches broad. fe-t 1 Inch thick. ' One LillU's make : M (eet ft inches fc!h. S fret 1 laches broad, J feet 1 Inch thick. One MllWs make: feet inches bJjh, J feet 7 lochia hroM.3 frclS xncDes uicic. All la rood order aa be seen at our Wanleese. ' : i WHITPOBD, DILI A CO. Oct. 13, IKS. . NolO-tL New .Yorli: : Balioix S4 POLLOK STREET. NEW BERN. N. C ... NOTIOS, OP. 8UPER10B OOUETB AKD . BEQI3TEE3 0FIIEED3. Wr. are now prrpared to faralsh the foSowiar BLANK forma, at short notice, and as cheap as ikwy caa be prltted at RalHch. or eWwhere, for c a s sr. Crrticatsef Arpoiatmeat as Magistrate, with OalVv of Ofice. Letters of AdmbalMratioe. Letters Testamentary. Fieri r arias. Venditioni Exponas. Sommottf, with Notice of Cocaplalat FXW. Bianou withoat Cosnplalat Filed, Scprrkir Cosut Writs, with Doad, Jaror Tickets sad Wltaeaa Tlckvta. fcmmot'i to Jsrors. Apprentice Iodeatcrra. Sobporaaa. Marriage License. CoastaUes Booda. Areal Bond. . And every other kind U priaUr feme aeaLcnar. and with ttt rams. Seadlayoarordera. AddrcM: Nrw Ccui "BarratacaB New Beraa, N. C Sept JSh. l-tf i t e This Bakery Is stm carried oa iathe bet f canei. -n... .AM . I W. W W .Wl , 'JLT 111 . T-T V t ' Hvonr1 soTrnc " Dine f. JLsaiava, vuiiwj jl it7j uv j J Parties aad Weddlrfrs fansliWd with ail kinds cl Or 1 . . armectaitod Fancy Cakes athi ttMttestnoUre. I: Important to 3Iatritrnfea, ClerJxu TnE anderrlrred Lave la pre, and 2 soca tsea a complete aad f aH Analysis or tlic Li a tts, ander the Cods of Civil Procrdtr, as pawd W tha Oeneral As-mb!y, retstlnr te the daUes of IaUcrs of the Peace, f beriCa, CVrks of Cosrt. and ether Coesty OScera. tofether with t CeBtitati of IW fti m. toevthev with 1 tlt of the ComttUm nm tr.te Jskisl ItrWta. the time of hotdrac Court la the serersJ CecaUre,the names of the Jodrea and .Solicitors f each Ctrrttt. th unMS of lhCVrka of the Rcpertor Court. EepUier of Deeds. Cherts, Cotruty t'rtcTr Utlonrra, TreasrvTsasi Cot oner for each Cocstr. This ptafklrt a 13 U reutaia the Fees aHowvd Vy the acw law te the several oOcrra. with some of the most accessary. Terms cf CEvl lid Cr Eibxl Procea. The work wHl coetaia abest 1M pares. ad wfa he must valuable book ef vrfe.crr fee Ceeaiy OiSerrs. Sent by mail to ay port cO la Us ttaU. povtace pId. tot 1 1 per err?. Adirr-f, IICIIOLS A GORMAN. Boek aad )h mler. Kalxmu. .C, t5 THr erdmlrvsrd ait alo prsi!tr-aderihe dlrectica e saeiaNt rf its Kak!;h lisr. Dmrt r ul rr Law cc: crur Cirrvr Orr texts, wrrm 4 CcarrLkTZ MT cr rej-va, aaj ted to the ew farmer cC tble. TlU !. t sa 4J3 T-T. 13 be jUjn ed a oen aalbe last rrrt cf its Cearffilctrrs rpoistcd to renre be tv ats nrra art 14 tj ta Gcseral AtvesUr. TW sOrssad prepa eiht rrt- bcrck wm rv firtW W.i hefors pe it j tj-.r et-. r.irECLh a ccixlrrv::,;rrw M. CAEN. . rtoprlrter &Knt IS . - . - , ;s,;:V.;.:,"MK.a.j, Seat-" Va lo.lS-tf (ft 1-1

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