Message of the Oovernor. kx 1:1 ni v iTvt t j j run vt. M.iu., k.ata II. m ; JmI a.i. : OWHtlllll MM Ifcal at . ( mwi mi iBrfabi aaaVt Ua) Mr IM I MU Wi k mj 1.1M.u-a af Was at IM) tola. aa wmaii I a a a. i.iai.m a) mm M aasi aa t a aa " 4 B' tanMrtnarUj Ifcu-f .n.a ' aa IM imu -l las hmi tu at all la eUto W aa4 l aaaV tMf to aa fmi h MMiaaia4 Itol Mi am ii a ill afala M iMaiaul. M I M4 to mu at la wo U a Jw M-t la law m fkf U va l"' raaaaaj aha bmni Ito aaa) aM laaa mxmimm A 4aatital at Mat MM Maa aaJMa4 b aw a ato MaWiaai. Mlaal aaat M) laa) Im lU ant M hM 4afta la Malaf fmu U aay aa IB aa aabiM fiaUa4 al kiah HN Ma g.ltjirat to toaUa a Maa at aat aa a4 bana ata aflOof U. faaai M IbalUMn Mtolaa) laMa, ablW tiaa Uaito aaj Mral abaa nMawlrtlW Mai Ma at BM Ma4 air lwahaf rat HM, M la iiMMW a im aaaM to tMw't INf Miaatal Mm ai avaa la mw na a rf.bar4. IMt rlr U ta anatiaf llwa la m abba M baxal Wtoaoi. aaJ Maatola WlIX MWMlbMMnWiMb lU Mi m ot.h att ) Tto HiaW (WU tad laa next a ill oVtoUIca amir lb lauafkltut aad carrful fukk Uoa at lb UarJ AaaJMblr Ttoaavarnl nl Ito 111 drbl na lb lal of Octer, laol. alnrtcra ailllkMi iwo ku ,traj mh aln I a -anil alne haixlml mml Urty m Wf il.5-r Iki l Cla.W talinuilol umMliil ul pal Ji. Inlrnal B to laadrd Mlr art ( Aamto ll nl l4 millkHM al iMUr. ift C0 aj Tto . . M mm. ah. Al. I- (u-l.lra ff unn W. SU laal. anj nrt.if ar iJa Tto amoaal ul itoM lainili Uoiw ialHioa onm kaa.lml tnJ lartily rlthl Iboa atat dolltrt. JK.OJO.) and Ito nllnwlnl I lalrnat Itorroa da and un(Mkl to one ana drvd tad rlithir llaauid tr aajdinl od toadolUrt(tNO.IO) Tkaaamaal nl lalrrrat aktrk to atoluml Ocbjbtr lat, I HAM. aad tora wid la cah. I aa aaadrrd ami lack Ibnaaind on kua dradaad on dulUva. (UI.IOI ) Tto la laraat aulurinf al ubtatuil dale during UNprrartilRantlvnirMatliillii: January 11, IMS. Ibra kumtird and atotfltt IuoumimI on kaiulrrd and alnetT brira dollar (AJUH.I97 I ApMI l. I"89. law- hObdml aad four Ihnuaind no humlrrd and on t'ul larm. (H4,I0I Jaly IM. HM. Ihrr aua drrd and right Iboitoand nn handrrd and alnny arrcn d.illara. (A:in",lli7) Tm.l loc fltraJ rrar rndlnc SlilrmlT . IW. on mlllWin Iklrly-lao IhoiiMnd Arc hundred and nliT-rt dollar. )t.U.Mo) TlwauaHinl ol Inlvmt ahur utnl a llllii du April HI. HMD, incluilra Inlrrcat on bnnd (our rnllllnn dr hundnd lamiMnd dnlbu, lit AOO.000.) yrt lo b laiurd, bearing dale OcUbrrll.1t& , , The balance remaining In lha hutiili of the Public Trcn"rr Oolutor lal. IWIM. a on hundred and flfiy tliouaand ihlnr four lara elgliir lonr crnla. (IV).M M.) Tto amoanl from Uira. Including paymctil In ib-miair la lar hundred and Iwrnly all llii.u- und aaren hundred awl tlx dullar l.irly lwo oroU. (23fl.7UIH3.) I neiaiea irnm tcrcrai mnnilra remain unnald. bul we cannnl ex- pnrt more lhau arreuiy Are Uwuaand dollar (75.000) from lliia amirce. Tbo Milroaled pnlble expenara of lh HUM gnrernrnenl during Ihe pnenl flrl rear will be. lUrea hundred and acrenly-flr . 1 . I . l.l M J..II.M innuaanu two nuuureu "i"i i.-"j (lt7S.t30.) Add inlnrcat falling duo during flacal Tear, of one million thirty two Ihounand II r hundred and ninety-six dollar. (tl.Btt. MM,) will loara the amoun'. lo be proridrd for one million four hundred nnd tcren lliounnnd eiffht hundred and twenly iix tlollnra. ($1. 409,82 ) To meet Ihl Ihe Tmwurrr wll hare fifty thousand thirty-four dollnre and eighty-four cent. (f .TO.OM 84,) after wvingl one hundred tbouaand dollar (flOO.000.) temporary loan; taxn receired ince OrUi bar Ut, 1668, ninety-Are Uiouaand one hun dred and nlnety-lx dollar and thirty-teven eenU, (03,199 87;) eatimatcd Uixe due, icr-enty-flre tboutsnd dollar: (i75,OO0,) pro ceed of tale of North Carolina rnllioml bond, one hundred and erentocn tliouannd ix hundred dollar: ($117,600,) making a total of three hundred and Ibirty acrvn tliou aand elK'hl hundred and tliirlr-one dollura and twenty-one cent; ($-137,801, SI.) grav ing the amount of one million and (ixly-nine tbouaand nine hnndred and ninety-four dol lura and aerenty-nlne cents, tl. 009,004 79,) to be prorided for by taxation during Ihe, pres ent flacal your. The stocks and bonds held by the Stnto in corporations, and interest due from said cor porations, is as follows: Blocks, eiiflit mil lion five hundred and thirty four tliouannd Are hundred dollars. (8,534,.V)0 ) Itond. four million two hundred and thlrfy-rVmr Ihounand dollars, (f 4,2:14,000.) lute-ret, four hundred and seventy-two thousand five hun dred dollars, ($472,500.) Making a total of thirteen million two hundred" amp forty-one thousand dollars, (133.241,000.) I recommend that some mode be provided to ensure the payment of this intercut, nnd of such interest as may be due the State in future from corporations. The report of the Public Treasurer will contain full details of the public debt, with recommendations as to the beat menna for providing for interest. I have full confidence In that officer, and respectfully commend his atatemcnts and views to the consideration of the Gent nil Assembly. Tlio estimated value of all the property In the State, lands nnd their improvements in cluded, is two hundred nnd fifty millions of tollars. (250,000,000.) I do not regard thias an extravagant estimate, but assuming HJhat It is.iind putting it at two hundred mil Ilions, (f200,WO,000,) it Is clear-that line pco )rllcof the'8tirte are fully able to carry on rtheir government nnd nt the "nine time pro vitle for llie payi )vit of tlio interest on their Hebt. An ail mkm tax of one per cent on :two hnndred mtlHwiM would raise two mil "lions. Aia lmlf ) " oM lie one mlll'a A ckluen oth five tliousunds doK toaAfleaT of debt, would pay twenty-live dol "ibrs to the Sbito, in order l) raise the million hilt will be nocessa.ry-nd so on In pnipor Ition The Interest ob tlio State debt should' lbo uiet promptly andin good faith, and the axes necessary to meet it should bo levied. The Constitution which we have all sworn to aui)pioiT)iw" I'-"- -v - "never he questioned." If we hcsihitc to meet the intnrestof the debt, or if wo fail from any cause to make due provision to meet it, wo Urerel-y "ijnestion" the debt, and do violence UtoHaakbakUni akito M-a Hal af rto aa .,k a ,lkk Ik I I 7 .7" l.i. i . i .i--.M. to a - Oto. I a I . TV i-i mimJ b Man Tbto a to "T. " . ailklb ttolaiall lA Ml aL Ta Ilia at .toMwi i .. aitor-- ,li trr r. r:Uhu,,!r.",r "'m: - -- "!-- .aj 1..M.1. ! j: i -tjttj 'irjr.T-- t . 4,4L . ..- il Lib kf laiial (a iMhaalfcto, I ton ! MJl,,aM It Mkra. laaltoalbM. aoa- ato mm. u. w to-to. u. aM. im. m , faa ' Sim, iuTtoMJ.lU. bat r atolJitotoJ to. a4a)l w- II U. 1 ' r.-JHk. . 'inrit t,r kl.M rpla al 1 ... prrnrti. M. J Z2T?XZZ- - - toato.lkl.',-rw-'- '"'' "'"-"i ...toMT. ---VabT-ir-r"-bTJ- tot lb. bTto at it. Ktoto III t.J a 1 Tw. rnMttlkHi ,...l.W. IMI "Ibcfr ik.ll l-l.rc . .. mm a ia IM) aaiaai i Wrto.blaMJ, la lb atn al lb iwarai.ry ui ; a.a,. . 1 , . 7 L -.i Ma mi h mm a-a"" '- - " ' . . 7:.,. ; STH9H?!to "KerchlIlU Chb M tM-ur. rjLrnitoT,; h . ft -r. toMrUx M U'rt, mm Urn l-- (lluJ w 1Ml ,lki ul ,b m t-nr buW U aaautoj ! btoUka-TMi TimTTT, m.. to.-. im I Nrr p.-l , IbMktoi (UtoM. tur oMHlukto al i a- K,,.,. HiaM bmailk U lb. raanl u( ku toba alll to Italiard, mfl. umimty lt..iw. m MM. iwm, ' ' ' Mail taj totnMaaat bbka bti MH ,.. lm U ihu luUkvL Na lo rflm Ikto. Ibrt tajaUl to Ib-t) la t'rfjf I tm .u.i ba-a..M .xtoaa i. , . la MM 11 aaft,alaaV tater Ikal la tMuliMMU aul Mara aa4 Ikat IW I ta at IM wt i lUttali) k aae- ll aaaf MMlf at ' kawl m Ik iU 1 hunt H ika) ka) I ; ava.a to Mil Hxk MMtoto. Mil LuiM aair mm aaa. la W H. t4 I if It It .. ax. ravai '. al H Mi Mm, atraka. aa a fa. ' taaMtt )4(MI M tlfcJK.W aaa M aaaaft, TU M l la iwi ar fH Mlllol la late! IWM 14 MVMU ku Ik. y M al bal Iiiib) aa lb M)u)n4 ; A ItaM at lb lallM tola JUl . Wx rtctol he Ik lUaii.r-a. IWI" m! lt'lal.aJ Haul-a. lk i .jTiictui aa4 Mrawea II--J M lb tnelarfct tUtmi M la T)MMwk UlllWwMl H-J Ml M IM) It Xt.k I uIh IU1 1lIMkN Watoata la.tofc at lbh Itaa. a .l i I ' l .to, at MJ j t tax Ma IMt wUa faaala i alM ka Marra4. aaJ M al aat aaaW alMt. klbj I " . 1 Ml bail la wsiaauara nd bt. I eMU M4 ka lb ala at lb rl Irato at , It, aa k) l'1"' 1 1 lnda Tkaat lUaulk, Ibafc aa4 lb Mb k tbMkMaa, ."a a. alll (mil I1' I - 1 laaMnlbl. lal all! .a aaJ lMl Irsla al la IMl aaaa La bataMtua Waa alacbra, j I m " " tur lb. UrnrrtJ Aamuulr cvarai Ilk aw M to lb lailalt ! rMwarl" ! .'a .m .a . . .41 . . gtaibHi; tad I ltK I Mil amy aiuaiiaxai trir.J:.ral, M.J.(I)tli..,VlbrH 5o ' W. tor . Mlui-k. rlLa.,. a l.l mt fmlta bull. a lUaUaw nl Ito nwtoi laliuUI ailamils lutiUitoliLle l.l hriarr, Ra i.iiC l lrrU ol liuUr ul .11 a Ut rri ; ca1: aiaj. la Bar. rrrrylbii.f. nwilrtlal Ito matoirul tkrir eiilikna our .nrniBKnl b bow ariilrj ua a a.lid to' Tto Ua t are urrr all alike, and al lailbfully and bunraily ailialeUirr. rka-irif toarra bl and iranqulL Imoilgrania, Itorrlme. a-4 unly arWamo i-y oui ra-M". Tl .iiMikia of Ito Orrrrral Aaternbly I rrartliilly Inrilnl In Ito n-r" ,h 0 iirtaia.tml of l"ublrr Inalractkm. berewilh Iranamltlnt. That orfl.r H dlllgnlly ra nged In bit dulic I am alltcl. Irom my kmialrdf ol bit cbaraclrr and quallflratlona, thai Ii will to abl to put In opmtioa, al an rarly prrtnil, undrr Ito tnnctkia of lb Urne ral Aaamnbly. a ayatrm ol -arboulaand mrani ol adiicBllna In all reticrii bctlrr and nnire rstrnairo llua any binluloto In exlslcaca In the HI. It 11m f nlrrralty of Die SUte la Intrparably mnnrrtrd a lib lb In) public arbiKila llnih tbould be foatercd. KdiiraUon III ag rlcullure, mrchanlcs, mining, cnisliiwring. and in all the utelul artt and toiencva, should to rnmunisl. Nornml Inaiructinn almuld be provldrd for at oner, IIimI t mnr Iihvu well edutati-d tcacbira of our own lor our public arbotda. Nearly all the folate school f jnd, the pro ceeds for lb niost part ol llie lumltdt'ioailrd with this Stale by the grneral gorcrnutent In IM3II, ha been kwt ll I unneceatary In abow now il aHt.or lo dilate uiin Ito adranlagr thus snatched from ua Itrgrrli are vain for what ia past, l-rl u Improve Ihe pretenl, and add rent nurm-lvr bi the future. We must have free public achoolt for Ihe all the children of Ihe Mate al what rrercott. Thi i a duty which can neither be poeinncd nor cradi-d. 8o tlioroii;hly am I linprrssrd with Ibis duly, nnd ao uimcstly am I committed lo every feasible meaaure to render its full performance certain, that but for the assurance Hint it will be thus per formed I would deiir of free popular gov ernment In North Carolina "Kdurntlon Is Ihe cheap defence of nations," not only from without but within, ll Is that light whicli refined and civilized from barbarian race. It form and compact the only society among men which Is worthv of Ihe name, il touches Ihe earth, and ft blossom with luxuriance; it oil yield its choicest fruits, it mines open and pour out their varied treasures, and it river and sen nre whitened with commerce, which carries with il not only exchangeable wealth, but idea in government, literature, science nnd art. It Is tlio only sure basis of good morals, for without it tlio Divlno Word, the fountain of all truth, would be a sen led book. Il Is the strongest bulwark that can be erected to protect tlio rights of prop erty. l'roHTly holders, are therefore, sc clally iiiliresti'd in promoting education, Taxes for such a tummsc should lie cheer fully and promptly paid. The nllluent and fhernliirhtcnud call afford to care In this re spect for the tmiT nnd the ignorant, since it to not uiaur uuiv. uui incir nik-iitm in terests nre thus beat subscnal. Hut little, If any of t o money exHndcd for education is Bent out i f the rilale. Jt remains with us, and while our people aro thus enriched with knowledge, they ore not rendered poorer even in money, as the latter is collected from the by ono hand of the 8lalo nnd im mediately disbursed to them by thcollicr. The iieopk of the State aro anxious that Industrious end worthy Immigrants should enmc bilker nnd settle among us. It is a pri mary question with all such Imigruntswhclh er in the communities or fitatcs in which they are invited lo settle, there are facilities for educating their children. If we do not put in operation as good public schools as (hero are In other portions of the country, wo can not hope to attract to the State any consider able nunilrer of immigrants. They will con tinue to turn their ctcps towards other re gions, not more inviting than ours, It is true, in climate, soil and material resources, hut in whicli thev can secure for their children, nt the public eburges, a system of schools lo fit them to l-ccomc intelligent and useful citizens. Tlio peopio of Nortli Carolina have long been a unit iu favor of education. From the ilaps of Vaneey, Murphrey, Stanly. Cameron, Onstmi, Cnldwbll, and others, to the present, their enlightened statesmen of all parties have enjoined this as the firs duty of the Ktate. I am persiiuded Hint tho to educate tlio rising gencrali'-n is ns firmly fixed now as at any former od. This is a subject on which nil can vree. A rivalry can exist in this respect whicli will be generous in its nature, whicli will violato no sacred rule of charity, and which, honoring those who mny engage ' it, will confer immeasurable bene fits nnd blessings on this and future genera tion. I recommend, in the most earnest terms, Mr Ibaal Bl baiaf llia7 r . faWtol Mrra.M. lJ .k-llU a ka bara aailal, Hal aa Ml at la . aal AatoMbir al M. irato-a, M la . III a-)t IMI r arlrtHmU l.y uui a-'". i-. ! " ; , T.VT ' (a, K-i . Half to Ik.a la.lil.noa. a ia i a. ail to i.irlrd and rircll. and a lair , and Ju.lly It. thai an lubitual Wkr with no I m t JL. kXj. I nto... to im ru .lb. crime, ll It Mkr an! hiungrt bo, Inr Ito lu) B hl, UM ,. u.ii-i l-.-"'- I .Iu.t n.r4 Mil and WnfLllOUtr. a I -l ia. aito to IM arfo.uu.-t. ul ito la IBMarto. T 1 .. . if .i -ri.. i ...I . , ... ...ix. tin! Am.aUi waal aaktt ran. at 1 e kit 4 lAa Mil Ml MM l' IWM M .a. la im at to aa, af Ml U4 J I. .u i Li.ato aaJ Traal.a al .. . - Ik UaaaJ Aa.lra.Wf at a tally ar M k y. ,mm tMt iMaa IVMiaa wa lauy auj., aa4 Uh WaM-toa laaa Mr-I ! naaiai M iim Tb 1 aaUl ak KM bWa laM -a Uaaaral b f abaH amaV, kf Maaai kuto.aM, tu final aMM"M.i-'-- rv . a, M.aato Mr-. " ' : lmM la laa Man aia racial aa mm. ia aait U aa Ik tat tial. braaaal aaaara nuul to I aaJ naWll . biaw to (rMll) laailulKto ay a mw latoUiftaaa Uwa Ibat a bb k itomv kM. Ibjf caaau ltua la caa- LtalaM at4lai la u nkto. "to laal U ca but. bk (a4to allbla Haiti aa aaaa naalik l" k. Mu4nkU bi tat iaaM M M M laal M ta but. bk (a4tol. IMUa abaaM nibat la MinaitMl wa ia " . aa aamaakiaf ua lb itf kuut lb -j .-j aMakl to Wiwllr toUal Vk. M UM.I -tokl lar ra-l"J lu . (u.a ku MaliMt a .lb Wt . , SMJ Ito to Mr ImmI. bu aitunaaliy b ad M laa waUuM al r ' i-' . . ... ...... w. iku Mi atlwanL 1 k hi al Itbur I lb am toalr tfrJ klalrt tannul aflt J la ra wan nnaaaiiflii i r sal rat Itr. 1 .... telle, ao amall la- , W kl tof (re. ' 1 Ll. La M to.l.-J a k , L .r 4 la-am J " - -r-- .bull!. U .Ut .1-1 . Ill I.. a , Ito MiLtoxkb,-. JTr.T.!! I Atocmuir uniil tuitoir toa. ia a f I llua tic nari4 A ..ililnrmn lurll. I fcrl dnrp laimal la ali.U rar ciaorri Ito 1 nrk;ngnM- ul Ito fiala. llur pirarnl aail Iwlui .oilty unit to laa ua lhor tlKMikl kl caly to buaoml. but ll tlaiuld I protected and pfuamlol by ercfy nrartirabl oxana. Hut whit Ubir aWiukl I protcclrd and L,imml kllrfM ttould reratirna cwnle- nanr or laror. Ercrj one tbnokl Ut rrquirrd lu pnrau urb boasat ratling lor a bring nil llie lruiHl.ia alHiuld la. il failly Iw. a. II nil Ito nmlaiillarv. of aiinie kind for all ai do, and all sbuuld to rmpk.ynl. art taw. The law of creditor and debtor It of Ihe Aral Importance. Tnerrtolkim of lbewo clatart ikould to pUitly and carefully de fined, and a.nlract tknuhl to prumpllr tn forced. Our rilal (orwnment will mil to In oompk-l oncratHHi uull every imprdimenl lo Ibe cull cl ion nf tlcbl b renxirnl. Miay law wlili I. elve iniliilm ncr bevund Ito UMuil dtla- I Uiry pica, or Iwrond tto onllnary ty of ix ecu lion no tullUii-sl trcurily, air, under any ctrrumatancit, otilouMlui uniiiy. i ua "crn dy"uf uyuH'iil,as il istirmeil. i mlioiKil in inol caac to ue nil ami buuim mm I.. ,1.-1,1... A a.utiil and ill, III lout rm It ratln r la re tno linillianiru ; . .... a as) li in Is ImialnH, 11 not ucairoym, in .... , , .. grneral laws w urn aiay i t-uu w iua- im. , tnillior for years in the hundt of the debtor, with Ihe certainty la many cases ol Ihe rii. of Ibe Uel.L The debtor lunv pload for indul gencc and lenity as ding as it is rruaonable to do so, oral king at there la a well gnmndrd aMurnnix' that Ik will he able lo pay; but complaint mny justly proevvd from the credi tor, who has crruiltly wronged no one by fir at extending credit for hii prepertv or f'iMidt, and by thacquciil indulgence and fur--rarnnce. ttay law of various kinds have lieen in oieration I this Suite for years. I suy nothing as to thrir constitutionnllty ; bul even wheu the unfortunate condition in whicli we have been placed during this period it con sidered, it ennwt Im assumed tliut the diblur will be harshly trcttcd if now required to meet his obligations. The losses incurred by the relieliion are nit confined to purtleulur cusca. They were gcaeiul, affecting Ihe w hole people of the Mate in every walk of society. If debtor cannot psy in the last resort, after reasonable has been extended lo him, he Is a bankrupt. What rendered him s bankrupt w hether llie rebellion, or his own Improv.dencc, or wait of economy or fore sight Is f.ol mnlcrlll to (lift argument. We may lament hit mislortunes and sympathize with him, hut still lie fact remains that ho is still In possession 4 properly which jus'ly belongs to his crcditirs, some of whom innv have been reduced to Ids condition by bis failure lo meet liil obligations. The ( nlv nfujro of such a peson is to compromise with his creditors, or to titer a court of bankrupt cy, or to make suchan exhibit and disposition of his property nndi-ffects as will satisfy his creditors that he islxed in nn honest puruise to do them justlct 1 do not by any mentis concur in l lie opinion that nn lioneat bank rupt lias incurred my serious loss of charac ter ns n business rrmh, or that he should lu distrusted or nvoidtd. Huch a4 man, on the contrary, tins displnjied honesty, moral cour age nntf candor which entitle him lo the re spect nnd confidence of his neighbors; es pecially when we remember that we have just emerged frem n condition iu whicli nothing was solid, and in which nearly every one was Involved in pecuniary disaster and distress. Failure in business or loss of property should but stimulate to renewed exertion. The hon est, industrious and upright citizen, howso ever reduced or depressed by misfortune, will always find friends to aid him in his efforts to improve his condition. I recommend Unit -Hie stay laws be repealed, and that creditor and debtor be placed on a footing similar to that whicli they occupied previously to tlio rebellion. The homestead exemption provldod In the Constitution, even if not good against former debts, will nevertheless operate beneficially in the future. It will secure a home for the family in any .event; and it will have a salu tary cflcct to a certain extent in checking ex travagance in tlio credit system. THI aiLITli. Attention is Invited to the Heport of the Adjutant General, herewith submitted. TheH views and suggestions of tlio Adjutant Gen eral have my entire approval. The opinion of Waeihnhtoh, utteied in 1790, that a "free people onghl not only to lie armed, but dis ciplined," and that a well-organized militia 'is certainly a-i object of primary importance, whether vieWe Im reference to the national security, to the satisfaction of thecomramnity, or to the preservation of order," is not less weighty or iniportnnfnov. than it was then. The expendijurc incurred thus far on ac count of the militia is quite small. I'did not I I iw a.n nil tu nrn vi urr. urn.- i. -'' , niia.i'M, " ' --j It M IIBIIBI at l Mil IHT m iaU ar all .t IM ta MtMM4 ataaxva M Mr i MM lM A rnauHnUl HMMJif at mm, aua mmui aaaiMaaaia aaf ata- . la law . a l.aaal naa. M tut Utoa-n. U ''"' a4 ai i mi t anaaltol kkaa ta aauw Jut ka 4a.iU.aa aitltoa IM awaJell-aa at to- O-a a. I Ira- iMf aul, la. a-l Mal iamUf T ' . . .v JiL. U. I II to iMianial ibM ' WulUaaniMtiiM la) mhim )mI( IxtaJia Lto aalUrr. a lU aat toxttokaa kto aalUT lb aJ a4Un if) 1 j.,, M . ibal hmi to Hto I nj m4 bto aMalf bal Ma at lb IimJ A Uf lb ba( M,a,la auaal la la MlUW MMluaR. lUa Vai aaklw M-ar) abaaal a raaaUMl to b a cant ll Ml xnaoMbal a IMf a-abl U a la4italab la IMU bariMa UaaaartMa lb Mat to la aVM. la aaab aa M la Mat pari bar, Mai a to, IbafaiaM. MMatally laatol Ibal auaail tbaaU a nuaaavl laal la JalM. lb Itoato A' aik baajlr aaJ laUjf aWI-ai. mm laal a) la- n i - ka) daiy U) tiaMia niiy rrmj -- ,., -f UB, !"T ' . by to- to) a ... - Mato. Mtltoaf rtaiJt arwaaw vw IM4M W fU.t to.b to IM taf IM IM aia aai to aito MWM. t awito to - ,.iaa.Mto to rto. b laMnM im Uimiu I M tin trtix ia i-a- 1. to iM a i ,. im aMf to atia . to. .-. 'T.'TlTZ ; a. to a- mm- mw. MSMato.7 --f , " ...7vV TV. -r' al la (m a.atoVai 'J"Ui . ar l.ri m. mm toab w M IM Anil.. ad la l.i iMiaaMMWi iikiauiia Kto ku Aato.lMt. IX r T rtoM. ! M ,t, (nanllt. I", to Ma.naa.lto. Tm imaaablli-a ul IM tapHiaiMM I. I'M. oatolto IMIIalM I i I- '-" a.a. M ato .to IMI IM Itaarol A Ul at.f-1 mr, aM .ntoarr la aatotl Ikla IMU niiHi ta aiaJ. ikMllf. aurirt rioa raa rat atar iim at t.i au.a Allrallaak lall.l l IM IH-alatWllltoi m rtait aitom.ri b rtBrt rrau TM M.rf"-.l'- 4 IM lllltoa k, IM gnrmmrmt af IM I allrd M-.l..: IM to IM I .to a IW ha.l. ul..iar. Ito all IB Ik. Irorallr latoj MMKItora. allk Ik. prmprrl IMI It M III. .to liatr alll M ruilmnl .i all. la ail IM Mai..: t- 'rr.l.lrarr to I'tltota an la IM V kf fetok-a. to s ariiu I utruMj. Rartrn-d IM I bIob at lka Hlln lallwulahl. .M nrrraal. W. B..a M larlrwl. t ISa rt-.WIC. la akkk im. la atoilr- rmiMiu, I. I.)l. IM ..aa).! -nm toto auja I. irtlnl-el tad rl.ll ruku. W. Mt. M JUUiall.rM 1-MlltorU O. .-Ito Oto."" Iba. akl- ll aw ...rial ll.ll.. ll rkaia.1ri.lail rrrrf .a I. ina sarin im Ua la auik. kl. na an I. Illo. a" la la a imu B.tnr kln.- ll awl kl. rklMrra. TM t nluB I. oin all. nut a. aril a. pr.... 1 Mr. r. to M li.Ha Ua aalkwll' Ua arlhw la an. ...... .l im i.i.ii.-i. In, a mm li'lillicuM II J. Ir lltv- iu ..M 1 hi. lll i-a.ur. alaWlllr I. IM 7" - ' a...." i. Ii I,. Hw-..b. aiihmit 1 hla alii ra.urc ii.i...:::,i . I., alal oaa.tlnl. Tbli , . ,. ,,k ui inm.11.i ami iim-ruiutiM-iit.a ui hlrh im cuK-intmrBt may nt...u vi lu.i.-r. ulrwla wllh a ! hinMlih Ii.hb Inr Allimlr lo III.- Ta. IBr ara ll la etn-l.-hlBS H" H "t tl"" " ul U.lli orrr, rarr.Uii; allkll II..-c-im. ol fir. ralM-luk-a akkk will .aK-rrtllT rio-: lulo Ma atat.-a. i.tlu.l.r tmlui- lime. a. 1:1. uld Hialra ar. rlu.trrlnr around .-nr roaimon rrrtlr. II itld la IbiiiomiIIiI. 10 art hooiwt .titirr lo III. mn.-rr. or IM duratliia ol Ihr Hrpiil'llr W'r know only Ikal II I. a ri al. I n.-Srri I, r..iilti.lloii.l rii.-itim.-i.l. .ni.r.i!rl l ll.n tl . .run ll .a. (onil.-d ; thai 11. i-b.-i and ht.-a.ln2. arr liinnmrrahlr lu Ihnar ho ll- nilrf 11 : and lhal oor rlill.lirB and our rhlidnn'. chlkln-n .Hi lake a lli.l nrlrtr In II.. lolttlnita. nniratf.. and .lMl-m ot Ihrlr anitolora. and parlakr In larrr ami lullrr BM-a.arrth.BW. do o( Ihe and n lliiln-lnu-rnn-aof rvllKlo". IHaTly ami lnw. alilro B.u.l .pnnr fn.min.h a r.r.'rrmrUI- ft11" '-'..'..'rrmri.l I. tu llie hand, nl II. Irlrn.1.. and alll hr adn.lul.ti-nil hr Ihrai. nin. nl nl Noilh Carollus l In thr of (1. tllrlnl.. and .it Ihr lili-nd. nf ll.r nalional pov.-rn-nH-nl, and will he alnihiMeri-il by llii in. Ii liokl n il be our aim to at ll for .iiin rlulli.n or ii.rj.lnn In anr. I.ul fnr thr in.u-rllon and b-nrSl nt all. ll. vrrv anli-lv, wllhiml rHrn-lH. In Uir lnia.rlanc ut main lalnlii ami .arrrlnc nut In pond faith Ihr gr. al prln rl.r mi ahl'-h ll la fnnndrd. ahrnliili-lv i.niilrr. lhal lla rri.-nrta ahmild ronl Inn.- to ailnitni.lrr tl. affaii.. Innnulhrrwa ran harin.inr hr In th-ac n-lalloa. hi-IBrrn Ihe nnlli.nat and Slalr envrrnm. nla, fur l lime hj rt-h. llluB, bul now happily re-tt-nrrd. I have the honor lobe, griitlrnrw. Terr rrani-rtfnltr. your ohrdl.-iit arrrant. W. V. . 111.I)K.N. Agents Wanted rou OUR NFAV GREAT Standard Work C II A BI B E lis 1N0FRMAT10N FOR THE PEOPLE, 77i lirgrtl, bet m,d cluvfmt $tilnipliun huvk trtr pMUhid, nnd tndorted ly lt LiUrnrff rtojtk in Europe and Amtrica. Aa well to supply a much needed want in our own country 'by diffusing correct in formation in n form best adapted to our peo ple, us lo gratify repealed solicitations from friends lo isiuo nn American edition of this valuable work, lbo rubliehcrs have under taken the entcrprsc. The vast amount of itlimlrnted trash that bns flooded the country for some years past demands a bookiof this character, for tho benefit of those who wish to rend for instruction and enttrtninmrnl, in stead of cheap pictures and sensational news paper clippings bouud up in the form, of and sold for hooks. This great work is of itself a complete and select library for every family. Containing over 8,000 closely printed pages, on all sub ject of popular interest, from tho best au thors, and especially adapted to the wants nf the -people. Tho daily inquiries received a to date of issue give assurances of an extra ordinary sale. By applying at once, agents will secure a cboico of territory for a book that will seli to everybody, regardless of sect, party, or section. "Send for circulars, and see our terms and a full description of this mammoth work. Address, United States Publishing Co., 411 BROOME ST.. New York. nov 19 if $200 REWARD, TWO nVKDRKD DOLLARS BEWAFD will be paid by Craven Count, for the arreat and convtc tluu of th Munlrrera of JIB. JOHN WKST.nho w .hot near New Berne, hy'aume peraon or persona, un known, on Tuiwdar, theS'tli clay of October, 18CH. By order of tue'Beard of Conimla.fonera: JA. C. IIArtltlSON. oc ! Iw ReslitcT and ex ofrit Clerk. I I It I C K I'l'KHXHTt aaaawaa Ma MM) Hi t i iti aa M ttMaai aaW bi CmmX Iim, iarMa, t IMUIU ?! k l i a I M m Mi i: . t M a .. w a a a to ... M to to to I - MA to to to to toj Mato to toaS I to to to to I to to ' lllkkkM-a to I to la h m ji a I to to I M i a . JIAK toMi llk IM Ml to kaa. Lajaaaa. a TADIKS, Wllk a IM all aaaarf. LODOIXOM, t toary m.- iii l rAinrti. IVtoa. Nat 1 1 It. Aeila Waalra OFFICIAL HISTORY or tub wab. It Cauara, Ckarartrr, Con duct and tlfanlU. By Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. .1 Html-for all Sfrtiimi irnrf oil IniUi, rtlltt " " fir"'. Ik. aalr totopW. B I a,pailla'aMl).U at IM iwaa. 4 IM W ar frl aa r" lkc lalrtW Hrkt. at kM nf IM r"al Mil toil' la lk." air. "! aka aalrknl lU .l nrt. to artoltoa fiato ll. fnanula wlara. aa aklrti BtwM an..tM la Mr. Hlfkra. Inn kb bd.UI.pB to wenmi v).rral Iht l.-nlnlrrar.. T a M- Ih.l ha. Mr toll) ArfA ttrXTJ.T Slwlt AR PlillHHTIN a. a ar. ai w. n.., rjr..-. - -- . Irilialaal I nr. I i. la. ticBrai im-r. iii.w I " T l.a !... . . ..o.... ,.m.. ami l..llrr artf-allv . totea , il.t. rb Ii. fiavtal fk.rarler earl aalr. . allk as larrrnat Bill II Ik. Brat aiiHwYtptlon hr. errr pi.NI.kiil. Onr Ar.m la tataa. I., n parte n itlarilbet. la lkrr.da... ... lane In fkalna. Kara . In ajrarrtker. la fir dare. Oar In Wrmpkla. Tea. . 10 wlanlhri. In rr .. Hrad for ClrrBlara mal arr oar Iriaia. at a lall a arrlptlonnf thr work, allk rrr Bolter, ol adi.aee .he,t..e. Andrr..Tm!Ai n,0 M Unalll Kevralk !.. ri.lla4. lphU. Ia. April pa-w JOB WORK DONE AT THE DAILY1 "REPUHLICAS" JOB OFFICE. I i il n aal aaM IM I y aaaaaat, s baato XmAMI aa i a - jbiant-:1 ?. ti ai 4 i'i aiki . tajaa. tia.M iM) MM tllll ika into, lav ... K l aa a)i iim . . ....... . it . l 7 aaaaiat ' rtoaJi t M-k.4 'law hwto. I -IlEPUDLIOAir Job rrfnlfng Office JOB PRINTING 1 Jon rrj.ynxu JOB rriSTJXGt! Vt tot Ik. tolrtotoa af tat ili I lla to aat toVa af l aaaaaa Job Printing EtUllishment, wirr a'xm' rri:ssi:s w Typo, Bonlcm and Cu KIISST rol'KDIHKS IN TIIK COCKTBT Experienced Workmen, aaa nlr la kalM aaa Maa By rtrta ttUata bo aarpttraat. Wl SOUC1T ALL UXVn JOB WORK, With tlte nssttrnnco tlmt it will b a NEATI.Y anil a CIIEAriVY" at it could bo iloua elae wliere, . BATS YOU! BILL-UK ADS, HAND-BILLS, POSTERS, CARDS, CATALOGUES, Bf-LAVTB,1 LEGAL LETTER-HEADS,, ' ' jftejRcbLAns,- . ELECTION N0TlC!3,r ', ' STC.,STCnT&- Printed at tlie - REPUBLICAN " 0TF1CE, No. 22 Craven Street July 13 32-ti

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