5 LMIEiWVAP VERTISIliQ : fa PUBLISHED DAILY ; tin tl' 3?.rn' snsar ttof ioi ToJeNf- A 'Mxk U?ilL Amd mfvi.rn T .mill d fpedU 2Sotj OxmA per eeU klrtw Cm e ... For dTrttlcrTf !I7ie4 lrSS ffjti. AH lcucrhc r'ifyAlli.iJYirT-W!).---l2. . lb. I. ORDINANP jnm oj jtauuofi -sa awuqn vJlo -sJl Yfao Jfaioq no pad mlrl mV w . r - . " ' - . f Taxes andin. . VT'W nVT?VT???T7TJixiT Ti a"" AJ" -MAkUJL .JJJAAlVuiJV.A lx ...... ... -, -i- t" .-r- - z r" Tr . r . r r I - , N "J : y r I S-OT B, , , -T JPltTGE i!S. r e- ... - -.f : -cjO CO 3?Ot . -kft ; II jr&- i- tiod -iiannoD ajk -. t Jon 10 rJii3uifawiA. J -. wncJiTT. otai lm.ja g.i. la Ki4vt iwi inVtu Life iTisuwncfCoinpany, 2n;'oc Diow nmO o:qrr4 'tfi'lbii -'A.riih Uwrir yrtd iUiroiirTii fi&?-':'-Ti, I V. 'f'"-SV F l uc iniarantec.-bY v -r of equal Intent to inflnrnr V?erA t i . - - r - . . - p. i uiiiiiucu iiv irwpr' r i i hji t : iah: miu i b-t" - : -.V. V -SS:,vjf '.f of gratitude: arl of dt:- 1 tHir-t it shall be unlawful for -jCAi I s-tl' XiEfc-' to attempt to mfluencc the bt:; Itllrw:- ,lfrPrt-Cl rTTr. . livof.the qualified rcttr of thU IsCXif i ordained by the Mayor and Council of atT ot.M,w Bern, mat lor tne nscal year endine J 3pta lSGBs-a'tax of one per cent upon the value all of real- estaccr attain tne nmits or (be corporation, be ana tne ara& literebv laid to be collected as is by law orovi- 41 U fu?wier oraainecL, .That from and afjer t iybf Acril, 1868, no person, firm or corporatr pronecnw or carry on eitner of tne trades or TnCntiaiieain Section 6 of this ordinance. tnj enau nave oouunea a license therefor in the her hereinafter brorided. . jScci tt is further ordained,ThtA every person or per- onsoHriug to ouuuu a license snail rejpsier wim ue ' cCirA-lerto first his name, or their name or style ; se- cxna,. me trauus or occupation ior wnicn a ucenso is As once,iTbey- i3efittytbJrdrthtlace where snch trade or orcnn- I -- tiotttrw be"camea bnTtonrth,- if an -inn-keeper, -the t 2 GTeTerj maa a "Welcome, nnnK)9e.-and theretftton! hDOnynVtiTih " Hi' City'Cle in ani;iccUon, by any threat to atmchvotcr from craDlovnicmt Tc uUrlndebtetK .or todrair 'iioiii htm patronage, or -tilth to all credl- todischargofrora eraplonncriL or refuse ytjjy rental of the hons andproperW lote occripied foraaiq jjnrj09e,-ana mereupon, upon paymenfsr -tn tax heretn nroyideiLhaU.inake, out and deliver a IT- I cetu&fot such trade or occupation,' which' license; shall tlT&eacA and ali a- home. I which It was contracted. - I- JCZ ;y0--rlVi. Itfitdaeto tht laborof au wiuiu aa;xiiis lesson, r,M thatUxaftq 8Ubuldl4 T c u enounce aircwsoxs : . r.: sa usvicril crime?tTikiifl-a-fT?rnon"l.Ioriii rtqm res t p (rpsxtmrri , i . i - t Ptromgo to any member of w vote 1 dcecribed therein, r .t-:4 11' 'feaoV.tirslwfWrith-.fit pv, ? .T: The national debt, contracted as it has . A 'y - u4 u V,,! fatn.flr; rfl " P7W of the-Dnion fir all XAm Ml Aaseti peTBOfis Bha(U ie?erctsew? carry JMiny trade or business I " hereinafter jnentioiiedvf or "the exercising of which a ? I 1 o i ) lcjcsc is required, withonttlkinswnt.fuch .lMriBe as J , is ihatbehaUreauifedhe, she, or or t&ey shall, fr 1'u"-1 ereiT-sun o"ffenbe,5respeciWelyfo laiil v.? - ... -f . . v v - , 1 l 7i.-T--.-r penakfiatal hi'fhtwctl lmnil-H imniink if. lh jtnrn fcf nwinv lmnna. I- iifh licnne to the nse of Tfie'cfttr i-J lit hljBOJi cd for Aiich license to thq use of the 'city; J " "u l , Sec.. tiJticf ''Wtt fmtffUrim-deid.bTbatt in every , ' L. " 11- 11 1.. T f case wnere psore iuiii upe ui mc yuuiis, uerj-tuniier i escriheo: shaii.be carried on Dynne same person m tne.i;T satheDlnce at the.vame-time. tknfl. license must be taken the rates 'severally' n-scnoea. -Sexio.?ndtrrAier ortJaiiW That on. and after I A aH iwrl rmfinm ,U b i?n f wist herewith statea,,hajjpe respectively. aim, mpnttu l f - til -ciu are mgrtai ijuih neid.- -jftnv number of persons carryinsr oh any business iATifrfrnMTT thiTrti;Wi"hf tMM.Inrdfnftifn; in -narti. i "r .-- f ak i, nersmp may cransaeimcB. duihhuw nucj piace, uuuer i ktich Kcensp. and not otKenvise: 4 J--'u I? I'(l,),;Bankeri ver-Der8on i trig ot.this urainance wheraJcreaits are c A?m, -by thejdeposit And the same,' oK'if rwAmitteApoh draf t or check. of euch ci ''3)tilitctioneer8, shall par teh' dolrarir for; -jcvery. CB Tai 0' Or Since Ana v.noiiA J ft f...,r, - f I . . Seymours: ueart cocs7ftit-a-nAt. v , . t o ;t x i . r.j ionT)jrcne sameperson-intBe. .t . , , " . , t.h-i ..timceptasrein men,- f Old Blairs heaO.,gofia Mhailir,.')nr. .; , ,?., taken out f or eachaecordinto 7Arir? f hpf;fit "V o .it V., v. j -Aa.-,.; rt'un ',w, vtin .u r.u vjt rr. of the nition . w. o. iiiav it Euairioniawfnffnr f Milallied aid wdrvaUTWTierson to cOT ATccwfal i VAk' b Sec ;fMTat,"n4lian:be unfafuVTokJ,! 7J Coneres to reduce the rate of interest there- - a A - B 7 -4 V A & . J . I I capitapstwintseek to.ioan us money at lower I utUTO oppress orjittcmpt L.v rates ox inieffiinimyojiowrpvn.rak niusittorllimidato finvh fT, T;f: VV-- " a i . r - ' -. w i uaiiu u t : a n tlViAwdTiowruavriand. mi continue paf id Wrirts rcnadialfoi. S rai I UhI or total, open or coyert, is threatened or gu&pected. t Vn.'TKot36Vferdmerj Jf thujaoitedUS 1 j should he adminiscd .with the strictest econ- )Stcred 1 by ; Andrew irineara.inejiewiipjniftjUArromt andthecorrritioh3fwtbli'h,afoleei i& heypin't tell wha4-ihey:want0ih i: Uhamefully nursed and .fo , , -vywv ,y -vweuw voter may cab? iri anr'eiectfmii 'i no I niu- ,tt " - - t(QCC- -6. J'lliat irxinyr iicrsoo -iiolating l rru anv'6f .thfl prQisipsof ibis.act-fhaU ic.L ir. ' shaiLtjeaeeniecta-oankerw-thinthemeahr r -Rr&ufrtKmuAinruaAB. . 1 -VllX. Y e nroiounaiy aeniare me unume-n wn ivuuu ui -uuviuii vioiaiea uic nro- I . o .UK .nrurTii I ..il :f f . lypartthcjfeoffshaa bxypaldut;hrj ..(; . .IV , - 1 "u . w' editor, i r 'CeywrulethouBtrQLr vt" v Lto ilie beople who elected him and the tyuse "'avna oacpqyeiun ! mYlT? TTT r A "PAT TTffl 1 Ueense Ji vWC i.: tf""'13 f nldJo auonoril.who has usurncd of.haTinflf V 0 ated the. rrov siona of Keo. I.1 M ftl(rA.ttPWIiA,,( Person snail Deaeeme an aucuoneerwoosejoc - - - 'V i"r patio 'it is to otter property lorsaie to loe mgnein: lttPimiTti.Tii i mfiu- kkumukb juuiv.- ...r p,vu vny, onaij u lioness man DIIV l ! . nlill adef.t iithtzaitlzKir!. 1 Cr -v'wijfcYfflM, oiiir whofOla jctused toxecuta tbe.Jawa H who nU.ne-lAi Vif'iAVI hnjil v. f...,At...tf r . . .- .. DX'Retail Dealerg in liguo, includang &IT distflled UleatlotrRcfcfp. ti,9 V4! L I" -' WHl H!i, ,efmenteioTiiArgT?aai.wiijectewae Vt? ' J , ' - . ; " -"i -rj-fiai-t ..iliJ. vi 1 Lf iTiy 'oars.ATKl' Otl o 6orlVfctior Unf ? - . t ; r i snail pay nve aouars cor, eaca license, x.yerjr, pereeu x.uhuuu vviiuai Vfj;-n .tito- roc:. . . , , r 1 ' h" ,.-.! J l ... . l . T f ? t - . wAawerf4rfiafeachiiiqhctt .- .,, -9 nn "T ployed U1S executive powers to render Inscfcurd nainj-yitiatoaJthe! provistanaro&cpcc-.t vfio ; niui .r? II . -.h-uCl 'H?e'gnJlfef,-- ''i Sei6u9eatW(i,Ienaete;ri,',.1 '.tnt;.-T,t. aj property, the peace, liberty and life, of tion th,.fihaJ!..bo fiodrBGt Jefw. than L 1 1 M Y ,;r6idjB6,b:Lee'-itria:B6aUrcsi,ra'I '-in luspowpemj proper attcmntat tlij iei lineil nof lesiitlfah flf tj- MHtij ahil oliq wtt ---h-J.!: :.tT n3J4 : KnHArt .fiball ree-arded as a retail dealer. l" TP-.tvUA U-"daii..X..i AtiJ i-jt'.M t , COnatruttldn 01 the ntatCSThtlV In rellttonf tmr'.tvJ -.. .1 - .1 . ..-r i - Dlesaleporruption; andilwhoi .T v" 7 x Wt f-jl rt - . "v"" ;i " 7'"-.! f i st Wholesale Deals' K&all pay Idur doUare fdr eachi t f i ; il;f? jM5Wise ; jJiVpry person wuuee uctupau 'i ls-'to sell croceries or any goods, war onsntUies of more than, one &BdnJ sb41ldeenkcd;--a i utituQ.; .". f.f , wholesale dealer. 1 if,r. - !,?.: . ... lilKBSUeep tftey'yfc ff0t10 10 on or business ; ; Buj the. hardest thing for theirf"' bear ?Ke o? wh ?prec??tho Swallow' tliktold LIBEBAD ' MODES CtQUrMENr OF, , 4ir4ijvi. j I afi s7l il2(t 1'T lo jJl'iV" f-.ltit f-D: 'tr-Rilf jiiuwr.-7xjrjt;. j-'l; Jit i-J'M. VT.'ft .. i v 4 h . ' - a i jo i i . - ' - - - - nMA 1 1 no. i 1 1 ii i ii t - TTn awiiia rnnuiimnru iit . . :.v7 jf!." ' vj ' j .ctt'toHi -f:-a"- .t--.-t-------; ; . . fmptbeoV- foY- high 'crimed l.-PffW of ' lbM- f14?- muni. a .nowtiim.? .y5n??I Jffci r,r?.?fnt of hU own VrYowlcds?- Wr'tiy.U bom j J lr. .v,'P ,.: CSSS -me Doctrioe, of Groat BrIUarff.Dd -l-rf arr, provided for .-and furnished toyetors or sojourn-T guch a pill to swallow, 04-'- :x-i. ffLotLfer European powers' that because atnari F PWn-;M .tlOiatlany He Prp-J fte "' :' -p'-3 .VirVciir .U .A tJVi -iArfZ-T-r rt ....r. r, r 1 ; Fo?Iof h m:. followrliim owallov. htnt: 1 . 1 once a snoiecr ue is-ai w&ya muav io re t w 4yi : t ois , acu . snaiL, jmmcaiatci Y 1 ... 'Brokers and commWon sistcd-htwiylxfufilted Jstates; arrest, of. by warrant cause to W'afrcsted .ucH:rrJ jr, f,. tun , i r., .teardoiiarsfor eachHceaie.'AiiT persoa iexcepfcwe, . owaupw nira,avraiioy lilrflJ-toUowljIm,. 'ft3 Tclicof -feudal i mes; not authorired by n.VU' jo J'i?: ccfi ijIIJj tw'.V;t. aj" S-iiSrilLSSJ!!? -?? J!L!! Ti ' ' f If it bursts the rtv. O 0U r.i ...VKmnlfcoridr and.iuddnendencc: Nmtnrallr.eJ SOHicJCtll: -etidenoe,- ihalV CSeChim tO I 'XrjWlo ,1?- a:ii;T nif3I .71,:? r or iuercfH4vu,. nsciv).;H"jiFt'' 1 1? j.-t i I . rvi " k 1 . . " j-r v,-T : n . . , r". 'i Arttwolfi-n nftftiLirrs or nroduce. or to manaire business 1 'liLLln-i : ' t . r I itizna nrc entitlr1 tn nrr.inction in" 1 - 1 ' i I I I !!. I r; r .- . . . . Jugglers shall pa a snnt j .cv fjj. tn.-i,u s? ? irsr (: wtfjrv.j.ij not to exceed two hundred Sonars to-! wj nxeainy tn . jut. .,r,f:' tn nTm-.AT '''',iM' vk,n 'mKTinf: 'ifADE' ATflf UAWJM.uatA it uu.i IT1,;T ,7T xoeacnriunoi niry a large Imperial ph'otOLtapli of ' ail tiJtir,i tnrianujiajxma arm saniacaiecjtyxir lnml st$ul.A i.trntantMjcrsiiaU CM doUiMi 1 ...... ..... - l.- . -. ' i. ' ... "ill cense. Any person except travelling from placc to prnce in tae -Btreets enau.Taxt; j , uailipaiffn UOCUUienfS. v,y,l Ldeeiued a peddler. j I ,,.r " iManuiactnrers snail paviiwooi-arB ior eacn h- i -ia.x ahu sulfas. aKeicnes..xi meir nvei and ar. OTie lrrmnng; a license as services, o pages 50 per inousana. MoBT-t-"Reconstrutloi.'VS pases Kellkt "The New South." 20 naw - .-7 T - -t J. - -i- - - - i . . 1 GrcatKepifbliT& Ltwy. . States, natiVe or naturalised, 'must betablo rir', JAr t" vlt Ke TrtdrlT , U 'rtrest and imprisonment by any foreign! J,0?1 AV0.0 V?VlMf lTiel gwriww.,.. i t power,. fiactj.tjoncor words, spoken jn. this i)ontyi1nriithieht,thcro7cnca,'maV Harct j-idrs.,. ib country; and if so wrested and Imprisoned,! been wmmittel. tlieUa ? .T-.f fiiJS?r?ateS55Sl JD3iko Wrefaitiru. in'tWi t'rlili if, 1?. .jn.'dcf.HHof, vlt, ; .M .7 . .,-,T,Myv; . , tOirrat)h tif II.J iSrunt nH Srhnv. . . i . . , , . i i . lirtnl '-in1 etrftitnn . . I. . I II.-m ... ' . . - spec1ftlitJonor, lbpo Jtho. brave soldicrsdnd so, 6fiend?n), ktiall hd commit UhI-t!S'))HttV 4ii i wait fn:tu :U U Ui-i " the; service of the country; the bountib and: "o.J??. , r. k. a 'TtJ:; J"4 .Jlf.V nenkions nrovided bv the laws for IhesebraYC 7. fhat Any. .JustlCO. oLtlic UniOIl.' iilUeilV ailCl KflTianlY- defenders toqe iders of the nation are obligations(ncveru Peac6.br other officer charged witb thef ; j forafctV-";? te widows 5ad prpbana pl execittion of thw nt u w!m aimll' r.T.tr:45 rphvWctanD r l(J 'irT H r i n iun n M t t n!t a i ii fi 1 1 tni -1 or nofricct to carry out'ihc nrovislons . V j! -yr hv!hn,.Vi ,ry;7: I f , fr. .7 fa iTTiTn " "orrr of 'said act shall LomiiivVif 'Vii.TAr iL 5iA..in'V 'f-:1-? iJ-3 P-m4.).ExprMfcConwaniefl shaU -pay flTCdonarrtbf B-?CBoiN EcowoMt, Mixo off the DkMocidLrJcrotCCting carc,u , L. . H . i 01 . !U. ..rLnau: .I0nUt Ot-a mtsde- .V V ;w ' ' " ,aoach license.- ' - Ju e i.i.al. mnsi Jnfl -t JC nGreaRednction ofExnejwes, in preparation I XI. Foreignj TiiLE-l&i'ii(-H irifw!rtx rBrr- w-if I n5i Allrablic drtvs hall ay wenty-flYe cents. for I andoatireatt?:fJt the preesl C , Cv uTM nrt1o4 for each jg pthSuST5 -t I r ol.wwoll -. .fiiul :-:ith .J.---e.--ft.f i.;, .t:6.) CartAottses shall pay two. qjoU T. TlrVT' A Nlr KNIHA WMKJvmi 5 t lf -Sr 7. JLIkH Ot It 'fttmCT'OmtnffitW ixnac.aiL WT-iJl Uvni nv-tnlntfioo -;fiiii.ii -';--;. be, and he,same areheteby Repealed. J " 1 " -, ' ' 7 . - ..... ...j rf 7Jf fi.f j -vi. j i fiiu - , j r-i - --tj-- -jr- a-.--- i-r - .BV..,-r5q.T..Tt "TI I - . I . . i. w wf w pw.- t - -iv -.11 Unast baa nrlded so much. to thi .If- - - -. iw . . c. I. v J J Vll, v -. - w... Debate in the United-States Senate on the 1 - . - . . ... f 11 .1.', Lfuul .TjJ "",Sii-'- ift '.', ; tut sin-tiff i. J:':?.w)V,..u j . Kverv second - .i. . ttiJULv 411 Jl Jiiri .rSft . nM T rU'1 li?MSr.v .-Tin nt he imnosed Innhr other oar" Ke RebeUioiA Mnav whlfepcVhTen? ii''! fwfuo rtfrrtr-i I. , V " t4. riffi Ak-f57iWi r Published under autho TTTT1 1 1 1 1 f everywaewi raahjiaud femalerito introduce thft O'ENUI'NTC IMPROVED1 COMMON SBNSEJ KAMnrri BWINa jL-HACmif Bi-I iTWa Machine. wilU.stitch, enwfelL , tftck. j ,nuilt, cord, bind, braid and efnWo6WHnir I ' Aoet itfporioi iraimferjsCF nljta JIuI-J, e wealiu. devel-L Sec R. Thi nhrkKort Ti. :n f I i ' . - I - -.w.MMlvaa i v-w iuiw I 1 iv.1 i art. w A. Ajwnv.ii asM mm., a . ..... . . . : i . pcrtooKaar; ' HTiw nMir .Wi.Wi.rn, ih.ni '' '" r. rucauOTJ..,,. , rjl - t ' W I I ' 1 rf m J A a Jr. - I ' r -before; the LaV;: . i "a 1 .(.! f f j . . i , i ly:wuTeAfPr.J1Je. roranv macnine ears we win pay remll sew estrone x! -xax.. 1.x i hS., i-i-'S--- t?-"--rfe7; ; it,T.fdtSIlj3Si.ite ln but wlionow frankly and honestly cqopcr- in tfiis ortie ' wvu,itou;,..,1,,j T7.iiri aiii " . . -- , . MCFUEBSUN 8 HAND-BOOK Fl.l'OLITlr TVU- 1RA8 I rO Ver UIlieLS UDim -IIIC-'OIWMB A HinIUi US- Rtitr.n can De cnt.iiaajeoij witi;iwfM'it.htiiiii. r.u Tnn.. ir t,. i j ... . rr ip. . . n..i -r-r . t . j r "i - . . fT) f n a vr m Jt,T-j I ii,o como mMcnrf ai thrir smrit of Iornltvil.-f yucauju 1. I tuw oc.a.w ... - - i - v oncefi .Tnkirn-i-o ;f7o , fin mon. will-direct; and ha hiay be conistenijji f lje; ! P ,ti yo,fi'i;.., Tir--.irxff.Tf- .,.;, r- IIxiH a'friioxIcfuqoS K 1 lyAsyL COMMEQRICULTVRE. AJtTn d K:cs D7vli Rntrrr.T . 4 -7 n r. rr rr j titt? r- J 0 may n i'i::. nrt ri- THREE YBAmNQtftfpnymTAtoI'E PRICES CURRMT.C, T. - - - ' - . a r1 1 .i ,; - i -i. T 1 4 le n Jigai-aMf (jranl i aid Union Coneressionaf fomrnh iSV; iatety? ot tUfe:wyaj.peopi. r,. ...... . . U ' dN.WMkhrKtMBwiLii-iJVV L-ti.LL.l' 1 I i.m Wn tn iht mmi.rtiil TM-litr.ti.l j :o: I 1? ito Pohcy.-I)cbate in the Uooae of nf .Ifldenfcbdetic wtlm true foundation X)f H : rM'"1 ": '- ?nrro ib.ti . .nk ..X., tCiW-J-. : m i a -i w a m w m r a jtur ul m tb i:b 1MiiArmtir cnvprnnunit r Aim w. lin.il v with 1 me, C 7. r 1 i !fiiir.Vn. t ! ! - -. - if. i. ' r' - ' XV &tiiX. 05 2t i Jlepresentetives. & paes-fl-per thousand. . i ; : r " . l"u gladness every r..M mwwAxy Vrlewtand 8ommarit r; c win prrmJC forfaubieirfterAhpaymentof uMMdle $trectjSf form oiLt ' 1 .' . 1 1: i. Ji1?lk )I : y d.t il V i fi fg jr t; Coffee, Rio......... . l - Laguayra . . . MaracaiM CU'l A to UM1UI-,H!'WU stwi i: y?vr.v w iv? t st Dominso.,,, ' P0LICIKS ISSCZD IX 1862 OKtT TOUB TXAJtS A.Oj f ; -; -t .10E AT " 1 ' V.i it ADDED i 1 TOTAI US. . ' IMSB'DT " " PATDT "TO TOUCT. AJl'T POU .matte V ' 1 A ' 1 i rt . . . iaeni5. W PlaHT'iPiuHtn retnth eyerfmiide W ntOoiapany;iahe'uwj' '..- . - -".'V"'.': ";: : J)Sf.:?.I 'iC. aij q;nic!3 ovOt sdT 7. .: .aciraaMia'7'- io Jin k,-.uM uotain rucieainaciapatuiuurin&iae wai u.L .v "need Of rtn good health) and placed upon 7? Jfof: wi .carry tiw. aiyjdcjftdj, the. same as il no , -ovt f ?.rXimt tlt Medical Exeri .viV 'n.M-iicra.SfiT ;ajrr! fcnoMa v mm w.r Mnv - v a a' ii.ju jiufuw,f Agern W7t fibbed Herring, per box ................ ot0 v H PSges-aC .per tjtod. t., Tfir fPom officers, with some of the most becewary LiATd,...-. - - - --Mf . n - ...4Vnn.a I . .i-Biai nr-LTi J nJ.i.:i : i-.-i .t r ' . -r. .;r,.unrinciDics a uvuiir ruuiiy uu every hicu'oi.t ldwxh 11 Oman idirhts nfl lin'!. " '.:ti-M, 1 r-.n ;.-.; - i r-..7,'tii ill r l .1 r wi-r-S-1 nm i , anRace8."4pases-3perthousn6ViT,. - O American &u.- . ... A XLCliUJLliJllii q i JMi 4 1Ion,.J. O. Blaike "Republican Economy vs. lfe ' '-T 1 aiJ r' VMiTV-T t Tr1 ochitrc Eiwanc'-i4'pagest3 :tbonsaiid. Iiuponantto Alastratcs, tHjrks, t JO M ,i:0T , j Sfxkchot Hon. Gj.kiiv, SoioriEij-,'Purpos ' -SllcriCTs " atia OtltCrei'1 Mwa'rM , , of the Republican Party." 8 pages-.$6 pef thousand. mob ,Yk1 titrM-HtuQ-.mJ imh fjj-- VS..ut) 'j.'l; JO Ziiiifyutt ZZixj . I Gex. W. H. Wadswobth, of Kentucky-i"EepuhU- HH " i . - ' i ' -r . ., ,r - t . eanianv. the Test.of.Xoyaty," . 8 pages $6 per thou- X nE undersigned have in press, and wW odd lad,: rtKft T'i 'i'itfi tJ: t' 7A GEcr.aAKDBEws.!ofMiipo T nalYa f .WJr .iPin:. L,., , t jn Reconstruction.:?a-esS per thousand. - ! ; U' ' 5 Ji f'JS ! wwL! ' r.. 1 , . ! Le tJ-?! !i-j,Tt v r. JT .feonthern laboring Men, ,8 paees-sS per thousand. General Assembly, relatin3 to the duties of Juiaf. . fir IJA JLIFOlClVl A . '4'1 . or toon, anaotocrionniy t 1 r,i ii j:.iiiJi;oj L.r.m. vJ.l dm 1 . J - . rr - r . . . la Eaxtcrc JCorlh OaiuHaA U arfraxU wtlca iJLa Couimfra.lhc -.vwyvij. wm; jwit 0 isic 1 urtucMcsM m b c A4 an jrrruner xC.ai a IT - . - 1 1 .- ,i4l comity jjactr. 1 if iqu icjo wivwj t bix, ;v o ccu,,p7Ailt ja I 1 V. .r . . 71 " . ' 1 U .Cjsrtiiaii i "Retmbllcan .' Party smocracy.TtJ a pare?5 per -thonsaod PaiftXrrm'ntt TviAn GnnDowderandImperial,;aiir 90'fi 25.:ol FaJMtDemocracyTt! S paree(5per ' -. nnlnn .. r -.. Vj ! .100 0k 1 W) I I THI DTJTT OF THE COLORED VOTXB. UncrJafpanV.rflA- i Pres-S8per thousand: Officert, tofrethcr with the Coot li tot Um of th Siate,' - A TtfalMrno I 1181 OI Uie tOUDUn H UL1(DfQ IW )QK1U . ... t3 . v. . . I m w A,in . i . i . i IOC klDiVVl UUIUIIIg VUUIM IU II1C KTCIU xi n,nKii.n names or ae wuaes ana fowiwn ox caca Uupac x ti'.w.. -t Elegant Extbacts Fbox Rxbkl Wbitxbs, ' xxo. names of the Clerks of thejbapcrior Court; Deeds, Sheriff, County Commint Dor nL'Tr Cortiwrxor.'each County. , TAIs 1paaiphiUl bTo' a V - - ja contain e r eet aiiowca oy ine new MolaascSeOrleanatrrt. -VJKfAioi5 .rJXa 18 ii9 f-fin- Itnok.. Darid ll WftMa, Spec! M -oaatooer of lotw- The work;; wilfroidali,oaia ij; Salt Apples. Beef. Corned.. . a JT . . r J f Butter n) V$ ' Beeswax ..ssfny-iSla .Cfjla TU-f'nrK Khdfl. i Tl Vi 1 Cora-; Flax Guano, Oata . . .T. . . . .-.t ! f.:?.'!. J.1. Tl-irlI..lJTAUI!ia''?.' y-guarrUtv .im .-.., . . 4 -"if trn seed, per bh'hei;7:...;r:: r. .i.'."s- i'i j PexuTlaitroer toarj4i uxix . .11 w tow b l ai ' auu.K...fR.niaMn. P. MOKTfl!f . NTX lna 9TIW. I tUrmtlant mnmhrr r ilk Kl1"tl lUr. ti 1 H(.TT rrtr. DrvTucI IT hi iwuirwiriii.wirrraKIfji(ltTr13 ' Rpnresentatives Thaddetjs Stethevs. Boct- I all THE fiAwa cbxCTtcKikoTMctoTT OTtKn a! 1 n cnt to any addrrasct'on tmibr cf ' i trttnwr ldt tP well, ScHUicx, J. G. Bladte, and General Joan A, 1 OnrtYLrra tirr orrFoaxi.'djKni to the new orer oil torn oortare.. . Logak. thins. This book, of some 400 pajres, will he pubnh7 1 .ln&matio ast prw.td rod Jy anyrortjcairihe Also.- the letter or special commissioner u. a. w exxs Lea as soon as the anal report of the comtajjaiamcri I vr7 viLirdK1 nirn01 io.aru idGeiC P'O. BoWABMElTTidiyrrtTa by th? rpOt toimt'wibfrtr fw dook wiu dc iunner aaia dttuit iir-crjjiM jj rriT i . -- r'Y". ;?i..j:r,-, . . . tUv.-i t-.. yiCUOLS & GQRJIAN, PublUhcr.. 4 Bccre mtETv.Bi -IIAHIFESTSoi . .. . 3 'i "J . Ka jTXOlULOX THE 1 dates' letters of acceptance. e copperneai i ljuiorm; Frok lTPlalr,avrevowuona7jetier, x. ovayS V PTiBr.TraT3d tlllT'i. D JOCBATlC JJ ACTtV-8 DaireS JTtliousaiidi- LXi . Address of the Pbiktebs' Grant ajtd ColtaxClcb, with the Republican Platform. 4 pages 13 per thon- aano. Ik Ose Tear r SkHW KafcijO-PAQrerluinsi New Dip Old Dip. Spin'Turpentine, tax papttrco 4 Jg tOTV.-.sK. .?1....0.,,Mf .ba ."NTamertma vpeeehes and docQnemta I hot; iatiacted in the foregoing . will-be publUbed. jPersons wtning U tcr thA riisr.retioff of tbe Committed cah remit oniaa veSVti the mocrr.i av thuqnlled with the utmost promptitude,' and with the best judgment as to price kid adaptatloivto; theo locality wherp.thn spehef jare njlTAllfiC274ivd'alterf tteifHa a.tj the best manher. ners' and SurreyoTs' Compasi trust the aiscreuon w r," " opriN Wiryj-j..,- , (, Vt . .. , , , Vt- . .,;t. OKI I . . n. 'HI ill' - . ' inn VJUIII IITiil I fT .1 c:cfcaaVitoa; apoa taEftitU F'- .JtrWi-KtrTS a toiaew- , f,tii. n! a- r;. I ... tZ.. nlZTI r TTr"" 3l,"'".,,si fTMYrkT- TJttfi PmVMrlCAZ I la In r-:ia:;:'i tlx oU VCT-- . New BeiaeJWC.'- men