' RATES .OF ADVL:V'ii : If 1 , , 1 ' ' ' ;;;"-' " "' - Tea lliaf or w LfcA U spaco r..r. '7 ' ictl Ox urt, css lirtinScu. . . , , , - IXJ ErhabrttIiarrUca 1 '. 'iT . ' t3'r fedil KcH cLcrrd C f-rccsi. Uf Cnrr T-.-1 ' m v .' r r'Mi vrkw . s t t I Y" HBERT.Y ADOMOX, K0W AND FOREVER,' OXE.'ASD.. EISEl'AR AELEfT-Daiiicl Webster. . - - . fVW M VOL IY.-NO. NEW BERNE, N C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER .15,- 186S. PRICE 5'CENTS. A3 letter iWdj U c !rv c am v. -, . . V ,': c V i i i I - i i.fc .-i i i i AM :1 It' !. T5"T OmPLATTO I. ' We ConrratnLite the conntrr on tli bju sored success of the reconstruction policy of - I ! -m m - : - - . 1 ' - I CM WW M at . m 1 if M JLdl i fae Sapper; oflheCity ' , njStTot u8tai.W mWiiii .WESTWiUlBTHESTAROFEM- PWTAKESITS ran 4 :t!f 7f' tt CiOTernmen 'J: V - 4 : til ma 4s' 8ed 1. It Uordaintdby the Major Mrid&nncdof the tlty of New Bern, That for the fiscal year endine June 20th 1868, a tax of one per cent upon the ralae allof real estate within the limits of the corporation, be and the same is bereb? uia to De collected as is by law- proYi ded. i -r.---1:- .-r;.- "r--v .. - It U farther ordained. Thai from and after th 1st day of April, 1868, no person, firm or corporation shall t euner ox the trades or ocenpations Lite Iusnniiicc I ComFanyi 1 S- iifj- .i.rriJl.o'J --sif M prosecute urcjury ua euner oz roe trades or occup mentioned in section 6 of this ordinance,' until he or they shall have obtained a license therefor in the man ner hereinafter provided - rv . vf -s Sec.3. It it further otdayud.TiateyerrT)moii otcct.' sons desiring to obtain a license shall register with the City Clerk, first M wane, or their nameor style; se com, the trades or ooenpation for which, a license Js' 'imSiAl desired; thirds the. place where snch tradeor ocenpa- tion is to be carried! on ? foartn, if -an inn-keeper, the pearly rentatof the house and property to be occupied 1 1 zor aaia purjK)se, ana roereupon. upon paymem to tne tax herein provided, shall Biake put and deliver u Jl cenfte for such trade or occupation, which license shall continue in force for one month, at the place or premis es described therein. iv e"K; -x - TT ec 4, ItUfHrtUer oruaiMa, That if Any person or Efersons shall exercise or -carry on any trade or business ereinafter mentioned for the exercising of which a license is reouired, without taking: out such license aa is in that behalf rulred, he, she, or or they shall, for .'!:Vi. .1'Yf' pos- M T important Hew FeatW lxi DiTi lends and Iflodct of Intnmncc ! ! , 7 SMALLEST RATIO OF MORTALITY eTerrieuch offence, respectively forfeit a Denaltveaual e tnree umes uue amount oi me sum ox money im ed for such license to the use of tbeTcity; t Z iJeci , Ana oe u juriner. oraauua That in every , case wheremore than one of the pursuits, hereinafter descriDea snau be camea on ny me same person in the same place at the rame time, except as therein men tioned, license must-be taken out for each, according to the rates severally i Tcscribed -; -- ' ' Sec; 6,; And be t further ordained. That on and after the first day of April, 1868, for each license granted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly paid. ( Any number of persons carrying ori any business coming within the purview of this' ordinance, in part nership may transact snch business at such place, under I such license, and not otherwise, "7 i f i : ; ;t - ; (l- canKers Bnaii pay en aouars ior eacn ncetse, and every person shall be deemed a banker W.thin the mean ing of this Ordinance, who keeps a place of business where credits are opened , in favor or. any person or firm,1 by the deposit or collection of money or currency. ana me same, or -any pari merejpi snau ; De paid out or draft or jeneck oi such creditor, . Franli P. Blair's War Policjr. 4: J1 la well enough to keep the war-like letter of Fnivs P. Blair before the people. Democratic papers have become frightened at the startling propositions It cor tains, and hence they suppress it. They dare not kerp it before the eyes, even of their friends, and yet It is the real basis of the Democratic Platform. Being writ ten and placed before the Convention when it assem bled, It, and nothing else, secured Blair's nomination. .BadVttJiect, and then ad at the,' polls. - " :: i '.f. i; washikotoic. Juna VVB&J iDzm Cownni.: la ttvlr to vour inanlrcslbe leave to say that I leave tayou ta determine, oncousaltatlon th mvXrlends from llieeoari. whether mv nam shall be presented to the Democratic Convention; ami to rud mil tMJolIowing, at what I xo a tides the real andinix itnu in thit conUtt : " f , The reconstruction policy of the Radicals will be com plete before the next election: the States so long ex cluded will have been admitted; nepro suffrage estsb-' iished and the carpet-baggers installed in their teats in both branches of Congress. .. There is no possibility of changing the political character of the Senate,- even if the Democrats should elect their President, and a ma-, jority of the popular branch of Congress. We cannot,' therefore, undo the Radical plan of reconstruction, by Congressional action : the Senate will continue a bar to its repeal. Must we submit to it? IIow can it be over thrown t Jt can only be overthrown by the authority of the Executive, who will fail to do his duty If he allows roe ixnstuuaon to perun under a series . Of cjrjigres slonal enactments which are in palpable violation of its If the President elected bv the Democracy enforces or permits others to enforce these reconstruction acts, the Radicals by the access!on of twenty- spurious Senators and fifty Representatives will control both branches - of Congress, and his Administration will be as powerless as the present one of Mr. Johnson. ?'.. ., . There is BUT ONE WAY TO RESTORE THE GOV ERNMENT AND THE CON STITUTIOTi ANDTHAT IS FOR THE PRESIDENT ELECT f TO DECLARE THESE ACTS NULL AND VOID, COMPEL THE ARMY-TO UNDO ITS USURPATIONS AT TUB SOUTH, DISPERSE THE CARPET-BAO STATE GOVERNMENTS, allow the white people TO REOR GANIZE -THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS, AND ELECT SENATORS AND . REPRESENTATIVES. The House of Representatives will contain a majority of Democrats from the North, and they will admit the constitutions securing equal dril and polllicaj rights to nil, and it is the duly of the Gorcra ment to sustain thtjso Institutions and to pre vent the people of such 8tatca from being rr admitted lo a state of anarchy. t 1L The guarantee by Congress of equal suffrage lo all loyal men at the South 'was de manded by ercry consideration of public safe ty, of gratitude; and of justice, and must. "be maintained ; while the question oft3frfRe la 7 30C 1 . BERUE nEP.UCLICATI; - ' SECURE A JIOME IN ;THE GOLDEN STATE 1 1 t . .'V rr-k if'- i... ' -" I ...,. i.-. auineioyaiBtatesprorIyDIongstothepco- v t . - 7 - v-. . . - asatlonaijCTime; and U'BaUonal honor . - X-7TZTTST. " requires thepnymenfot The pubhc indebted- Xm'C &kXTTTfi ' U .'' t'ff.rZ 1 U M'Br Ik. ilnwrpdrgttd under: the Jxntt of the latt, November 3WA, i857.?r theptcr. lliciiUermost rood faith to all credl- tors-at home and abroad, not only according to the letter but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. i that iaxatiqn should be, equalized and reduced providing us mpiuiy as iuc nauonai Tana win permit. ; V. Thy national debt, contracted as it; has been for the prcserration of the Union for all time to come, should bo extended 6?er a'fair - . i . ...... . pencHi iorreaemption;.ana ills lUe duty of Congress to reduce the rate of interest there on5 whene'ver.it can be honestly done. M S.J ;VI. That the best policy to diminish four burden of debt is to so improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower Homes for itai Mfimhrvra ; -5 kJi .V t i m . - 4uu wcrcuy lDoace immicrauon.. i;; : . 4 u. Capital Stock i....L.....tLOoat)00 VI tided Into Qdoaa ihirM t s wh mvka f u. o. currency. , I Certificates of 8tock lned to robacribcri tmmedl- aieiy upon receiptor the money. . f . , , , j . No rxmsoK xixowxd to hold xoxXTXur S ctLXxa. 1 :.,t 'I shun; .r; wwlU ;EepubHciM FapW CIRCULAR containing a full doicrlpUoa of the Ui( AY tnllt l U'.Uw'... .' J - -IT. tial or total, open or covert, is threatened or suspected. i j t VII. .The Government of the United Sialcs suouia ic administered with the strictest econ- on receipt of stamps for postage. ah leurr snoaia do addressed sent to any address apon recclDt of atamrw tot m. turn postaee. .-, r : information as to price nt land la any portlea of th4 BUte, or upon any other subject of Interest to partis proposing to imigTate, will be cbccrtallT rurdihed in 5 ' V 1 EXPENSES LESS THAN AKT CASH COMPANY, t LIBERAL '' MODES OF PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, INSURERS RECEIVE THE LAMEST remmitted upon the i (2) ! Auctioneers, shall pay ten' dollars for license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc cupation ft is to offer property lor sale to ; the highest bidder. . .- " . ; ;' ."' ' ' . ' ' 1 '; : - . - - i (3.) Retail Dealers in liquors, , including All distUled or fermented liquors, and wnes ox every description, shall pay -live dollars for each license. Every persen! who shall offer for -sale such, liquors, in less - quantity than one gallon at . one timer,' to the 'same purchaser, snail De regaraea a reutii ueai?r m liquors :J. . . - (4.) Retail Dealers shall pay one dollar or each license. Every person whose occupation it is to sell Or offer for sale, groceries or any goods,, wares r or merchandise, pr foreign or domestic productions. In less quantities than a whole original piece; or package, at one time Ito the same person (not including wines, spirituous , or .malt liquors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer. -. -I (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay tour dollars for each license. Every person whose occupation or baslpess It is to sell groceries or any oodsr- wares or merchan dise, bv one or. more original package or pieces at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines ana liquors ' in quantities of more than one, gallon, shall be deemed -. a wholesale dealer. v - ' (6.) Hotels, Inns and Taverns, shall pay five dollars for each license. ' Every place where food and lodging are provided for anaiurnisnedtotraveiors or sojourn ers, in view of payment therefor, shall be regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern; X Lv . V ) Brokers and Commission Merchants shall pay font dollars for .each license.' Any person -except' one holdlnir a license as wholesale dealer or banker whose business it i to purchase or e!T stocks, money, goods or merchandise-, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage business matters for the owners ,ef vestiels, ior consignors of freight, or whose business it is to purchase, rent or sell real estate for other , shall be regarded as a Banker Or Commission Merchant. ' ." . W t ... (S.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the Citv Council in each case. i (9.jL Bowling Allies or Billiard Rooms shall pay four p dollars for each license.. -: , ! (10.)Iorse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for each license.' . - j(ll Peddleri shall psy fifty cents for each license. ALL PARTICIPA TINO POLICIES, 1 or; domestic produce as their own producing; who sells or offers to sell at retail gooas, wares or commodities, travelling from place to i place in the streets shall e deemed a peddler. , . ' , ' ' (10.) Manufacturers 6hall pay two dollars foe each li cense. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall .manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer 's.) Lawyers, Physicians," Dentists, Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license.- 1(14,) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for each license. ' i' :. ' (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five, cents for each license. : ; - . ' .-... (16.) Cart-bouses shall pay. two dollars for each li cense. - H ' - " t Sec," 1. And be it fyrlher ordained. That all Or dinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith, bet, and the same are hereby repealed. i , r t ,:f ;; 4 JOHN S. MANIX, City Cferk. Representatives elected by the people of the South, snd with co-operation of the President It will not be diffi cult TO COMPEL THE SENATE TO SUBMIT ONCE MORE TO THE obligations of the Constitution.' . It will not bo able to withstand the public judgement, if distinctly invoked and clearly expressed on this funda mental issue, and it is the sure way to avoid all f u tore strife to put the Issue plainly. the country. x repeal is the' kbal and ONm QUESTION .WHICH WE SHOULD ALLOW TO CON TKOLi US.- B nail . we submit to the .usurpations whic the Governni. nt has been oveithrownv or si we exert ourselves for Its f uU and compete rcstorationf it is idle to taut oi Donas. greeUDacks, gold, the public faith, and the public credit. What can a Democratic President do in regard to any of these, with a Congress in both branches controlled by the carpet-baggers and their allies ? He will bo powerless to stop the supplies by which idle negroes are organized Into political clubs by which an army ls maintained "to protect the vaga bonds in their outrage upon the ballot. These, and things like these; eat up the revenue and resources .of the Government and destroy its credit make the dif ference between gold and greenbacks. We must restore the Constitution before we can restore the finances. AND TO DOTHIS WE MUST HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO WILL EXECUTE THE WILL OP THE PEO PLE BY TK AMI-LIN U UNDER DUST THE U3UR- bmy and the corruptions which have been so -T 1 1 - . m . , , . sjiaiAuiunj nurseu ana iusiereu uy ah are w Johnson call loudly for radical reform.1 i : i VIII. We profoundly deplore the untime ly 'and tragic death of : Abraham Lincoln, and rckret the accession to the .Presidency of An drew. Johnson, who has acted treacherously to the people who cjectedhim and the cj&use he was oledrrcd to suDnort : who has ueurned high f legislative and judicial --functions; who. has refused .to execute the laws; who has used Lis high office to induce other officers a ignore and violatedhe laws; who hasenl-' 't i.- Secretary Immigrant Homestead AsaoeUtlom. ..' ! - f -!',,: - Host OfiJce Bex No. fci,'? ,."" San rranclaco, California, Auc. IS : i .wr.l j ; v -'j-:: 'if 'o punish nmurnr aiyd co- ERCIOW1N ELXCTIONS. ' 1 " .1 ... ; - vo the General AMcmlly cf North' Carolina Section il. :' .That tit rin rArnnirfl ployed his executive powers to render insecure r- ,,,. . r, " r i -i. . - ty tlie property, the peace; liberty And life; of " X C J vca J ?.hfi the citizen who .aV abnand tb rrrfin t the qualified voters of this State -with islature as unconstitutional ; "who has pcrsis-1 ion. ' . construction of tharatcs lately in rebellion; W P80" o attempt to infloence the who lias Derverted the Dublic rjatronairo Unto vote of any of the Qualified voter of thl an engiiTe of wholesale corruption : and who 1 State, in any clectibo,' by any threat to and misdemeanors, and proper! 1 1 ,-'-Tf ... XASTXlUf if I i f T r 188UZD TXOM n CXA YXX MTMMWT N E Y 'liX-ll ish N: 1. a guilty thereof by the votes itors. - ' " IXi The Doctrine of Great Britlan BONUS K VER GIVEN. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ON pn: t" r? ttt-tt -tt t t r o W European powers, that because a man wnnETTiic nnTavTTOTT'o tttTw VtiT TVfr . is once a subject be is always so. must be rc BUT IT IS ONE which embraces EVERT sisted . at every harard by the United titates. xriiixvt xtiAi iouf aliuc in iia lakue I as a renc or. leuoai umcs. rKi-auinonrcil ,inT, , ;t't tt Yr7; VJ n4UVi "e Jaws or nations, and at war with ou a contest, and without it there is nothin- tht mZZ. tional honor and Independence. Natura dignity, honor, or value to the straggle . ' Tour friend, " Frank P. Hum Coiioxxt. O. Broadusab. uik.u uiiuva nisi-niirrm ftllfn TfiTftP Ifnin .. mm .. y pronounced i- titL r 1,: .J. J ' of thirty-flYe Sen-1 7 rr " """"r" " V4f r:44.1? Vr ; : to discharge from employment! or refuse aud 7 J-1 patronffe to any rnember of such Yotcr'a family. - v",x -i :.;;.': Scc.' That it shall-bcr unlawful for! - i Campaign Great Republic. citizens arc entitled to protection In all their, rights of citizenship, as though they were native-born; and no citizen of the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable t.by W Pf r?a to give a pecuniary; or other ijt .i rna-- oonsidcratvcm whatever, to any of the I ti lized nualific voters of this State because of - 5 M tho vote whieit such " voter mav'eai or may haye cast in any election;''- f ?j I 2ec. 4. rIliat it shall be unlawful foe S copies to one address...... 80 copies to one address ' BO copies to one address... . 100 copies to one address . ...S 1 10 is ..... so . J T ? i A vu nrrei uuu imprisonoiciu uy any lorcign any person to diRchartn) lrora croDum 1 -power for acts done or words spoken InHhls Uu, :.ti r :V.V country; and if so arrested and imprisoned, X:. : VI ' r - - ' ' ' . ? ' it is the duty of the Government to interfere 'njnre, threaten, oppress or attempt gt-twma4Vy which shall scfiect UarTf!tftrrts ad rrlriiiMi of th " ; i . .. . . i 'To each club of fifty a large imperial photograph of Gen. U. S. Grant will be sent free of postage. To each club of 100 a like photograph of U. S Grant and Schuy ler Colfax Each paper a compu te document. NO CLAIMS UNPAID, ALL KINDS OF NONFORFEIT NO LIFE AND ENDOWMENT r POLICIES ISSUED, lew Berne, N. C, March 80th,' 1868, POLICIES INCONTESTIBLE, T ANTED AGENTS - $75 to $200 per month. everywhere, male and female, to introduce the GENUINE -IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. LOANS MADE ON POLICIES, , . i ' , ; - . .-.. fc. : . . .... . 1 TTTT liii most si I II Mr II II $1,00Q 11 1 1 er, more 1 U ours. It Cnmpaigii Documents. Grant axd Colfax Sketches of their liveb and services. 8 pages S6 Der thousand. .Hon. Wh D. Kelley "The New South." 20 pages $15 per thousand. Record No. 3 and Republic ak Economy, paying oft the Democrat ic WEBT, urea tteaucuon or lixpenses, in preparation ouu oiuut icouji iui tuts prcpg. Hon, Geo. W. Julian "Our Land Policy. 16 pages $12 per. thousand, . Bon. Messrs. Stewart, Morton, and Nte- MPeacc or War." Debate in the United States Senate on the Electoral College Bill. 8 pages $5 per thousand. 1 TT I - T " til n . . " tunu ui hue uutuu Acjiuuucan lone tee. Address lion. u. l. Tuuock, l ne documents nave been prepared from authentic sources, unaer me direction of tne i the committee, Hon. T. L. v Tullock. and will h Vnr. warded to individuals. State, district, county, or town- gressionai Commit- sympathy with- all oppressed peoples suug-r-V0- glinSfor their rights. - 7 red from authentic I . P. the able secretary of I -'n motion oi vun ouurz, tue ionowiDg pian&s crc uuucu ujr a uuauiuiuus vuvo;?- nKnnK IT A .71 1 L. I aK,WlU MALHinil.. I .VI J.. 'm -t - , ". " 1 jtiin.i. v. i This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, Si pricia wansportauon, at 8pirit of magnanimity and forbearance with quUt, cord, bind, Jraid; and embroider: in a j Every locality should be promptly sunnlled. All th which men who have served In the rebellion in his behalf. ; : ' f to intimidate any or the qualified voters X. Of all who were faithful in the trials of qf this Stato because-of. the TOtc such Mutual ui'iiui man iiio uiaic euiuivio mjju i i ? r . rr-i, . - t seamen who endured the hardships of cam- 1 bef 5' lliati . J.T0? VoIatf; paign ana cruise, and imperilled their lives in any oi inn provisions 01 inis act snail be the service of the country ; the bounties and guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be pensions provided by the laws for these brave p,alle to indictment for tho samel and on ucicmicis ui iuc naiuui arc uungaiions never i ' ,.: ,r T i ji i.i. ' r j. tohAfrirtrnttPn. h wi, rtwc n,T rtna nf conviction of having violated the pro- the . gallant dead are the wards of the people visions of section one, shall be fined not a sacred legacy, bequeathed to the nation's less than twenty dollars, or imprisoned protecting care. ( l riot less than ten days. And on conviction XI. Foreign immigration, which in, the lr nr.n :T,wi . . past has added so much to the wealth, dYvel- f having violated: tlie provisions ot soo- opment, and resources and increase of power tion two, shall be fined not lees than fifty to. this Republic, the asylum of the oppressed dollars, ' or imprisoned not less than of all nations, should be fostered and encour- twenty days. And on conviction of ftirpfi hv a lilrl anrl inat nnlirv ! v' - "-j . . i navinr? vininrrri in a rimminn of. suw Xll. This, convention declares itseit m i . J7 , ,,: Jt ; ; . : uuu vii i cv, suaii oo nnou not, jera man twentv dollars, and also imprisoned not less than ten . dsyg. And on conviction of having violated section four, shall be fined not less than fiftv dollars, and also , ( a (nrttM frtaciplea c4 awvvracyolu ouraa 1 ) Union. liberty and1 Ility liefbro tho Linv. ' .. t 4. -'..' , T, Tba rrfmtJtemm will be drroUd U the ctmaua Isais u of ourpwpie, wlta "mllct tmrt soMUitiirSt .'". . for aH It wta jilead for the m'rf rtnw taviokteVf the JCiUonal Gortrnaat a4 lit erwHl ; Ue dscUo try aa avsHaUs tacans of Lb ptotU : il , !'t 4. ULAR , LIFE POLICIES AFTER iperior manner. Price only $18, Ful- warranted for five years. I We will pay I for any machine that will sew a strong-; Deautixui, or more clastic seam tnan makes the -."Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still -the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing iu we pay agents from s 5 to S200 per montn ana .expenses, or - a com mission from whicn twice 'mat amount can oe maae. Addiess SECOMB &COM Prrxsatraa, Pa,1, or BOSTON, Mass. ' : '. - . CAUTION, Do not fife imposed upon by other par ties palming off worthless. cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the .only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. issues of the campaign are fully and ably discussed in I but who now.franklyjand honestly CO-Oper- uicivmuvuiucuw, uiuBTBBiimDaniOT laoor and ex- I r.t ,-; V. ,,a in rcctnrinir trio rrnrf nf tlin pnim. OIV vv a ft a 9 aa vv m m w awwv. try and reconstructing the Southern Btate governmets upon the basis of Impartial Jui- r . 1 t- 1 Ttl. s i i i. labor and ri-. pense will be saved by scattering them freely in every in .jrnnf i ..WTn. . . . . . . Aug 22, 1868,2m THREE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE - lit: (TV: RMdowment and tea Annual payment Policies. Non torftluhlt after the payment of the first Premium. tt i PRIC1S $ C IT R RENT. : BEFORTED ST --..4 ' , ! Hubbs & Brpthc 41 WholesdU Dealer in Groceries ar Iovuions, Dry Goods,i Wines, IAqugrs, Cigars, &?., Middle Street, New-Berne. N, C, .rVLt2!!ow!n2 axamplea of the operations of the an Dividend " m - . 1 roucna ustrxB raSCS, oklt four txars aoo. . -at... Aji'Tt i-..t-naau t lHsa'D. rim. 110,000.' , $1,330. S,000.: 1,002. , 7oa- 1 ; 70s. 7,000. - 571. tt. ft. ADDED -t, TO FOLICT, $S.57J. 248. 2,708. 205. TOT Alt AM'TFOL. $1872. ! 10,848. ;10,208. -, 9,505. t i This is an entirely - New Plan,, firing Insurers the plo .ret".rn rer made by , sjit Company in the same Hi 14. 2S??i.0Ucie,lVt tlie war, W.U tv'ffd (If i good hcaltal and placed upon a vfr.111 carry the dividends the ume aSif no -"viuuiea,: ? ! GROCERIES. Coffee,, Riq , LAguayra:.-,. ........ .v.., Maracaibo.... ... St. Domingo..... Teas, Young Hyson....: liyson Gunpowder and Imperial Oolong.....-.:!.... ........J Uncol J apan . . . u English Breakfast Eggs v v... .... . . . Flour, from....... ......,.s.... it Family ........; Gibbed Herring, per box ..;.......... . Lard ...V ........... Molasses, New Orleans. . i ; ;. . ....... Cuba. Rice............ Sugars, Yellows .... ;. , ; uonee a........ ........ . Coffee B. ........... Granulated.....,. - Powdered Crushed.. Salt......... Apples, Dried. ....... .... uacon ........... U . Pork, per bbl . . . ... ..... w . . . . . eei, tjorned.....;, .......... Cheese . . . . . . .". . . . . . 28 26 SO S73s; ,25 32 32 24 45 50 90 90 1 00 1 00 1 25 20 10 50 13 00 50 20 " 75 a 50 10 4 13 & 2 25 1 70 2 25 (ft 1 90 & 1 75 & 2 25 &: 25 ; 20 00 . 18 00 1 65 , 25 ; -1 00 - 60 a" is r McPhebsok's Hakivbook of Politics for 1868 Containing full Record of Presidential and Congres sional Reconstruction, Tables of Election, Expendi ture, Appropriations, Debt, Registration, Taxation, Cavfaisx Life of Gen. Grant the Conqueror of the Rebellion - "We have whipped them once, and I thlnkwe can whip them again." Grant to Belmont. Published under authority of the Republican National ana union vongressionai committees. 200 nat Uvo. Price $20 per hnndred. Hon. Messrs. Boutwell. 8tetens. awt ftminr. "Aiemocracy ana ih policy." lie bate in the Uouse Representatives. S pages S6 ner thonsanrf Hon. C. H. Van Wtck "American Citizenship. Its Rights Abroad Its Duties at Home. 8 page $6 per thousand. . - s, " . , , i IIoNxIohn u. ualdwin "Human Klfhta and 11a man Races." 4 pages 3 per thousand. - Hon. J. G. Blaine "Republican Economy vs. Dem ocratic Extravagance. 4 pages $3 per thousand. Sfeech of- Hoar. Glenni W. Schofield "Purposes of the Republican Party," . 8 pages $6 per thousand. Gen. W. H. Wadswobth, of Kentucky "Republi canism the Test of Loyalty." 8 pages $6 per thou sand.' ' v-.--- - Gen. C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota "Early Steps in Reconstruction.' 8 pages $6 per thousand. i j nationality vs. DEcriunALisar.- Aoaress io Southern Laboring Men- 8 pages $6 per thousand, i The Record No. 1. "The Republican Party vs, False Democracy." 8 pages $6 per thousand, i 'The Dtjtt of the Colored Voter.' A Dialogue. 'd naoroa ftStner thousand. ' ' ' r r" - r - fHojfES for the HoKELESs." -The Republican Homestead System Explained, 8 pages $6 per thou and. " '. ' "Elegant Extracts From Rebel Writers," No. 1. 4 paces $6 per thousand. - - n - ' : 1 RE ASON ABLB AIESIOKS or Til u Bm-t s, i w their own Record. 8 pages $6 per thousand. " SEHOODS- JbXFOSED. Lteiiers ox imprisoned not less than twenty days. ; I of tfaadgraticB mad tu dcvtioa-iit u j &ec e. , mat every r.roaistrato .or De&CQ ofStrer of this Stnfiv nr nf mnnl- cipal coVnorations in the State: who shall -WEl bt imatatJ a "u"v . z r i ii - , . . - - - . . . ioA and Konai itiiriiio are received back into Know oi ms own KUOWieacrc. or w nom :nnwnra the communion of the j loyal people; and we lnfomation .shall in any - way come, thit favor the removal ot Uie disoua incations ana any , j vi0latcd an0f . tbe pn restrictions Imposed upon tne late rebels In - ; ! nt ... , . tho same measure as. their spirit of loyalty visions of this act, shaU. immediately will direct, and as may.be conslstent.with; the arrest, or by warrant cause to bo arrested aafetv of the loval Deoole. . snch Derfon' ) ' 'olR?nflinf. arid nnnn "WeSJUtnW0,ffiSrflI? evidence, shall cansc' him to cinles laid down In the immortal Declaration I - . .:... i j7 ? rr . . of onndependenc as the true foundation; of fP1 ,ul a bond and s ofBcient security democratic government ;. and we hail, with I m me-pum ot not, less man iwo nnnoroa gladness' every effort toward making these I dollars, for his appearance . before- the principles a .living reality on every men ot ncxt term of the Superior Court of the County in which the offence may have VlAAM AAMtMi4JI I it JkM AmmJI A ' .1 axrkiU . . COMMERCE, AQIUCULTURE; ART. SCIENCE, Aim. LITERATURE. American soil. Important to Magistrates, Clerks, I been committed,' then and there to answer - Shcrim and Others. . tb the law, and in the meantimo to keen f i tne oence. ana in deianit of mvinrr nrh . , j - - ry' ' m"t3 " wt3 reedvo' vacfc atUxtUra. try views sad SoBxmartes a rre vQ perm!. Fal! report era a3 EaatUra eC Local IxUrmA wZ2 1 ftatsro, sad as thrrt STosn at yvt X he lundenigned have la press, ,and will soon issue, UOnd and sufficfent security, such person UTCCO?IDITXOrTAr.imiO PAlEU a complete ana inn --.. '-. , . . k , - ,. Analysis Of lhc Laws, f . J? oflendinff, shall be oommitUd to prison under the Code ot CI vil Procedure, aa passed by the until he shall have complied with the . f' ' "if i ' . - : ..17., 17 -17K-17X "17X& 3 60 & 10 16X 15 j 19; 17X 19 . 19 ! ! 19 3 00 20 J mm j 80 00 1& :8U : I irec 31 B01 & 17 60; 22 J ! ' , "MISCELLANEOUS.1 Beeswax . r"'Jr--'-..i.... .28 . S8 - Bi-Carb. Soda... ........ 11 14 s Blue Stones-.. .;;.,..i...i.v4. .15 3C- 00 1 Corn-My quanUty . . . . ... . . . : ; . . f' v 1 35 " 150 f Flaxseed; per bushd....i.t .v.;.;'i;t l 90 -Ca O OO; Guano, Peruvian,, per toa. .120 00 OQ 00 i aykv.vi.,;;,.i'.-.-..-..uii.."iv.' li 60- l W Oats vii,.. ....:.. 1 00, 1.10 NAVAL .STORES. v I tit: til NewDip.V...;.. uiauip....... Spirits Kosin .Tar. LPitch.... ne..;.;..w. u-.-.w. ..; 1.. aw rfuTurpentf ne t paid by, purcb, r 45 till T 9. .'" aatdize,::.i.::-.J. 00- o nn CD. t ft t C t r ma. -l Tww $9 50 . 2 80 2 50 4 00 a 3 ooi & a so , 50 4 00 , . a ; & 2 &o "TlmnrpiTif! VAT-aXHOOTMU Hov. David A. Wells, 8peclal Commissioner ox in wr nal Revenue: Gen, O. O- Howard, etc., on the Govern ment Expenditures, Keductlon ox Jaxauon, eve res $3 per thousand. . v ' -Containing speeches of leading public men, with out er useful documents. A lour page sneev-raju per The Committee have in preparation the following documents in German : . . ;' Speeches of Senators O. P. MOKTON.liTE ana otew art ; Representatives Thadtjexts Stefheks, Boct wzll, 8cBENcxv J G. Blaote, and General John A, I Also the letter of Special Commissioner D. A. Wells and Gen. U. o. uoward xpenaitures ana x axauon Each 8 pages $6 per thousand. '-::! Platform of thb Pettjblioaw Pabtt, wlthcandl flt' lfttters of acceDtance. the Copperhead Platform, Frank P. Blair's revolutionary letter, &c . S pages $5 per thousand. The Public Debt a Dejcocratic Leoact. 8 pages $ pel thousand. . j - . 1 - - i Address of the Printers Grant and ColfaxCltjb, with the Republican Platform. 4 pages $3 per thou- fumerous speechea and documents not induiedln the f oregeing, wiU be published, fcrsons wimn to trust the alscreiion ox inc wnuminw u""cu" with the money, have them filled with the utmost promptitude, and with the oesi luogmeni as to pnee and adaptation to the locality where the-pccchcs are f. Sept 12 tf lv. 1 the Peace. Sheriffs. Clerks of Court, and other County Officers, together with the Confutation of the State, a list of the Countiet aa divided Into Judicial Districts, the time of holding Courts In the several Counties, the names of the Judges snd Solicitors of each Circuit, the names of tbe Clerks of the Superior Court, Regiatrt of Deeds, Sheriff; County Commissioners, Treasurer and Coroner for each County. This pamphlet will also contain the Fees allowed by the new law to the ocveral officers, with some of the most necessary . . $ 'Ifoinji of ''(Evil- and "Oriaiiial Process, j The work win contain about 150 pages, ad wm be a most valnahle hook of reference for County Officers, f Sent by mail to any poet office in the Bute, postage paid, for $1 per copy. Address. ' NICHOLS A GORMAN, : : Book and Job Printers. I . . Ralewh, N.C. . . - ... - . ' ! X33T THE undersigned are also preparing, under the direction of a member of the Raleigh bar, a Picest of 1LL TTT1 I. AW oaKTlMIIO CotTXTT OTTICEBS, WITH A Cowfletb Set of Forks, adapted to the new order of aforesaid provisions. f See 7. That any . Justice , of . the l?eaco or other officer chimed with the execution of this act, who shall refuse . . ... . m or neciect to carry out me provisions of said act, shall be fniHty of a misde- rocanor in oince. . . . . , ! Sec 8. This act shall be in force from and after Its ratification. Itatified 24th day of Angmt, 1668. , STATE OF NORTH CAUOUNA, OmcE Secbxtart of Statx, . , Kaleinh. Aniruat aigt mq' . c r a w la Saatcra North OsroIaa,XLo ' ryuUicmm tt offer ae mm aivartlahtf Hates or Hut rip lie n TMAVt I, Henry J. Mecninczs- Secretary of things. This book, of some 4uo pages, P- State, hereby certify that the -foregoing ed as soon as the final report of the CommlMlonera 1 ., J r .f . . . m appointed to revise the Code has been adopted by the 1 IS 3 true COpy 01 the Original ' act On Lie OmTht ' - TLm HorthS -Oaa lioalh General AmMmhlr. The clan and scope of the proposed book will be further laid before the public at an. early NICHOLS UOKXAK, j-unuancrs. ? da Oct 8 lm roWTV lITTTIT!.. rVTT TVT - TUT.': A iTT.'T?. W $ 1 VJT KJ J.1 ; - XIX XJk JLt REPAIRS GUNS and alters them to percussion fn thahMtmunet. lie also repairs Plitois, Marl Hers and Surveyors' Compasses and Spirit Level. . SJ saxes openea ana repaixvo. ; il IlaHennfc llsnwell's ' IlECluiie St:?i Craven St., between Follok Boutn-rronv ta ! : New Berne, N? C. 4 . ' in this office. . - r ' : , I HENHY J. MENNINGER, '.' SecreUry of SuteJ BLANK TTATTEFE ST3J 5 . JLTB art 'i ts Hates cf ; AtlTcrtis is f I 1 : . mr - I FOB SALE AT THIS OFFICE. .. TcntLnea or One square nt f ascrtiaa xaca SBbeeervcst - Uberal cdactioaa loeZk rpaca to txasatltaU a Saatr. . - tttt VLmjlklm t r m

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