i - . . . . . .... - i . : r!-MJU miJi ' -- .UmkJ j . ". i ! .- .-- - . z:jL . ..' . " , 1 1 .j ; . ' " ": 1 - :! ,'::rirjif,!vjiJ!SJL.- "r ' mm -' m . i.i , , - -g. , W" i j ft 4 .u w.ia i il l i I iA I .it 'pirtSiASUKD DAILY. ' L'V v if i.f m mil i i'-i I,-! ? 1 I" nil Tf ;?"5-:t SH BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : 1 Terms Cask in Advance. 5LXJS Month - : $8.00 aoo - 3.00 15 r 1 49ktlrrsab0Clb ad. Cra. r. a - . - 'amucjL;. Krw "WL - , A. .... ', c?! i ' rs r-i n r ""'..-. ; X3B a 1 ' 111 ,1 TO j oiiEVER, omm RiBEPAirmciMCTc'-'i i;M,fiSsar . . . ! . jT - w Mil w..- f . . r W rTIT ITU III T I lnWim . SATURDj Tim C"" i" 0- n Li ar oc t Life Insurance ? i; i i i .1' r - ...... ro- Jit L Wt AW!! ATT AW ! Life Insurance I Cmpiiny 4 j -.vi r-57 .,n?T!f;T I Ifff TTftrrrrrS ;?r 7. -c if' J a Asset, -i - r-ISl-v L CXXJ.CXW f "I . i. ijit-- ti '7?j' 1; t;: r,t I i ; f , ' . ' r.'.,.i.' CJoTernment -' -j Jt v. 4 1! To; lav ;Tait28; arid -ptatoiA h "enonghtoipihf.w tfV U' ts wJwlii - BlA?B befpre the people. PemomicVpaper hkri IOr tllC UppOrt Of the City; Income frishu-ned lU tol.Urtliipr.iSo iicol tains; and bepce thejr suppreM it. r They dare not kerp It before the ejea eren of their Irienda, an4 yet it ia the real baain of the Democratic Platform. Bcin? vrit. P1- I ordained by the Mayor aM Coancil of the I feJMed before the Conyenf ion .when it aaaenv secured Blalr'a nomination. the polla. . a- . TPianixoTOTi, Jonao.186&u : oay or April, 1868, no person, fiiroor eorooratlon shall I with mr frimA. fr'n.rt k-." r?"1"0". prosecuie or carry on eithefof th traA- n, nmt h nroVTTfrMlVV J mentioned tn Section 6 of thu Mtai: -MfTr if AVXr,r.""rrrl"Zon- UAUK HI UUUUU Wty jcierti first ;hia ri ZZl w""! A Ml Ior inanscaiyear ending Jane J biea, it, and nothing eUe, estate. within theUmitrof ThcM ;liea en act at uceiuesnau rejaster wltn tbe claded will hare been admitted t, cgna, lac ir&aea or oecnn&tlon fnr whirh 11; i. 1 w: J"" "r4""" "icir sra-i m 1 PH Slid thereupon, npon payment to the IhereforeTu thTliadlwl DlaVort j?! esd6scriled therein. Ifm Wi R2 SSflrSS2fSl-tdohl,4Bt' " hft Ui"ra n;;r.TTr7.li'f",?in oi.wmcn a If the Presfdent felected is in that behalf Irr the DcsnArra M reanired. be. sh th-. -Tr .i7" worco tnese recoatrnction acts, the every Bfich offetK;re8pectiyelT f orfeit ahtrn .T. Tf.M1 n ".,went' rPD"o benatora tax: nd. be It. further rwrtnlr. t. i I " """sou. . ( .! ' t . Baa tehuM ISAM ! v A .1 ; i . . . If ; j V t'j 'v.t fvv '-! Sr-, , important New Feature in . Diyi dnd arid Ittodcs of Insurance ! !. 9 . .: -' Ti.-' 'it,!' 'i.'lff--.'' 1'VT SMALLEST RATIO OF MORTALITY EXPENSES LESS THAN AN Y CA$H LIBERAL $6D&$AQmtyE2& .r t ed for anch license to the nse of theeitr. V-V .rr exceP' inerem men- j THESE ACTR. NULL" 1 AND vmnj rn wppi t i out for each, according tq ARMY TO UNDO 1JH USUHPATIONft itthr Sec. , And to it further ordained,. Hut on 'and after te first day of AnriL 1868. for each iWrnu every person snaa Deaeemeaa Danker w tain the mean. 1 Viirp. to ttiw ZHtZXi T .;M " vi-yvii in2 tof tnis OrdinancerwM rlTV hnS fSVr ??f?tlon ? the Conatltuttonw It where credits are opened in farorof MiielS firm, by the denosit or colWiJon ofmnnpv " .in". epreeseo: on thlsftrnda. .n fh: 7TT. 7- ' "i"' uu itis ine sure. way to lvoldvi fn tn. the same, m any mmea ntxm r i9 AnMlAnmm Every person shall be deemed an antioneer who nil rnpAtion it is to.offer property for sale to tbe Tiighe8t hin thVvVrum nt b,Z, ,tS' iiorvtLw? aMiuri vujU i ;tt;Tt::.viKe7ierSn1i?itfe me, Wnypart thereof shall 6e paid out or strrto pntthei7sne-Dl npoTttheyraftorehect of enebwditor, r I repeatTHAT TIlIS IS RPATn!W;rr; toneers .shall pay ten dollar, for .license'. QUEZON IftCH uSm?f 'MSSJSJr TROL US. 'ShaU wa mIu LTTir".yCl a. j iv . . v iisutuaLiuiiJi irr or ebaU, . a ill -"-nll byfinull uniliTr NEW BiminBIlptmLICAK "1 4 (a4 I irv , . " ,f i'n'1 -f"'i; !'W,?r) i i tia::i person to ' tttopr 16 ini!acoc Hie 3 fJ . ' ' - v; t.. t , a v,-u moil jjrunCRY, A77D CO- fji.rnctorfiw ci-ncrrxons.1 f : ; Scctloa"i;r tltanbe iinUirfril "I"03 to oScr cny bribe to Cny of pm qtnllc4 rctcn of.tUs fitsta with "wnfriw imiaece .Xili roto in txr dco- T2jtfLm9 nrcia to fin tetx A 1 01 my or le q.Ccd rolcrmof thli t ; -u ,J :i '-! ,Ti ? : f- !v v-i y 01 ..otate.ia tnj dedica, "by tzy Uireal'to i'rriSr'" A""J r h U'1 .k r-il j- cr tritlidrsw frost' hlsi'trons'ev tr : : T) , i n -L'T . X , i55 , o difchirto frbn caplojmcat, or rftuo rlLa t l!nrlSJf.;liv. patroni-ts to ear tatobcrcf .racb YotcrV '1 I ! "i;-r.) f7ul,i f.fc,-.T...ni tM wy. person toiro a. peccnurx or olbcf 'U nl.irt t.i- ?. jm-j. l .cowi JcrjOlolt whatcVcr;' 19 any 'of '-the ;Eepul)lican;Patler; fi't Tj l-,fi 4.i fv.:,r l . my:iavociatlo aar election- ..., t..?.. ' .r..,! fuiif:-,! r..,, f..:;I.w AWUJ. Unafl,to($tbt rota such ' 1 TOtCr maV Cast in 1iy rlrvlmn ' - w - m -w -w aa ra a kf7,'. Aua any. ycTRon vioiauni? ; ' wyof;tliWovi8i6n;of tbis a'd ahaTIlS i,n i r -, i t , puiUy a inf8(Icmcnoor,f and balli b n:i A...Tr i . r . . , wuitywuu- OI-aVlDff , 10iaiCQ .LDO Drt 1 I . ! V. . a . TT Of bavlngr-riolated tlio?.pmiiUoaof atoJ ...... ... i-iiiii. iu ; Ttii-iii rm ti rvnri n rtm im h Hit i 6r fernWhaoraTanrwi ;? J.. : ,1 ?. V " ' " "lrn- aouars,: or,.impnsone4. ; not; ess, than iTZr ro r Ahi one gattoja. pnetime., tfjtbe .Mmrp.nlale?. KKwS ' ' tn. id f,j.i,yr having ryiplatod tbe" 'nroVwJOnS 'of ' Wllralo all Joyal rrfa4lb?botilh r f mfXS krKwhich idle neroe.rkSSed1n&0 - ft . . i, U.,K r,f!.trj7. tiotr itlric, abal! ''4oef'not'ltfli iaaadc4 by wrj fOMldcratloaof tubixt; liqnoriibjreg. .'H o.O ci Kqi-sW-tK J lined not Tesa tban fifty abnaAhdaU 5 "L We deaoanoe all foratjDf trpUUoi us,) mojesaie p iV M W-'ITiK lfciIWE i,'.:-rfrj w :-i imprisoned nof 7csi in:tu-oitnx-. a ?Uol ctiiac aa4 tkt ,aticV tuaer itSlFJTi'P PLB Br TRAMPLlKo UNDER DnftTf it so vu jBtsu tfruuerieB ur but tooqb. watam nr mprpn ati'- i p i rrrmi ,vi S T - ----- . . . . .... , Ina rccb U Pfcsalrxala, tbe ether trrotd some-time slacd la "hich T Tu ilr. BcTmoar not to crjarcc' ccrUin: beerf declared au3 cad toM by. tb Bo- . tjoaaccd as a rrrolalioakt. A revolatloQa 7t 1st, .7di.ly.y7Twtir;r-V? jPrh'Jaxt to not tnotck iu' vnoorv-' ' ras rcox rxroscxxo Tnru." m i m ' XTLTBsas 8. Gaurr barrd hla brcit La rS. U beUcta. UontSo Bcytiour epeaed bit bemxt iq rcocx.crtcrt., ivt crrtrrct pernor frra-r UTitB ooat taccessrtl JLUOia of tie day tUa Daxkocratfc campaign p'.dcre of -Ser-raoural lloia. It rroenU Horatio- in the acHi pkaalnattltudc, aad will be saUcribcd to ace and fed IbU'GcorHi will for Grant alV-r aILne.win.jcttTfrDaforty to Cfty tbaaand.aai -roUajL-TUi laUdii '.In. aa OTtrwhelrnln colored -vole, torelner with tbt rrit dally dUUytd bj, Cms LrrUlatcre, w?1-?!byork'?P for-Cie QrorrtJ,, , .1 " . -' aa a a f " ' t - "'I . 0TTK PLATTOSlt a t , u u e nrjatlaie tbe country on the tr " axd tuccctj of Jbertconttrocilpn policy cf CoajTrcavaa etixkxd by-U-adoption, la Cms" -maorityof tbeBlatct lately la rtbcllioa, of conaUutkmt ateofng eqtafdrn and peUealt w lihu to all, and It It tbe daty of tbe GoTcr nicoi to nrttaw taoae IncUtaUont and to pro-. .'tin' fh'-:-. .J.K.vr.-n-ifliTt jj-iij j,Hi'! rr.ffiL :if 'jtf-itf .rTflillUlHUM i-'n, - 111-hiiM.twnijaJi- r -.- e ormore oricinai Dactaft cr - tuca . at. onc.i mMSTTTirar.TkT . r.o .T,v.. i' dlaeby one or mbre original package or .nme, to ine nnantities iwnoiesaie dealer. . ' r TIITNfJ 1 for each license. Every place where food and lodjrine J THING " jjiuTi-ucvi iui ut ,vruwuQu,R,tniveuQr6j or Hujoarp-: 1 ;a contes ers, in vjew ofjiaymenttherefor. shall be regarded as a 1 dimitr Hotel, Innp-lTaYerb. m hHtAr,ihlU:s: ? -r Al . via.j uroKers ana uommisslon Merchants shall tmiv I four dollarB for; ach lio)e.' - Any person except one uuiuwj; a iiceuee as wuoieeaie aeaier or osnser wnose bnstneeeit 14 to purchase of sell stocks, money, poods or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original or nnbrofeen packages, of praduce, or to manage business matters-forf the owners of vessels, or consignors of f rtrlprta t,-or-wb6srftnsinras t is Wpnrchase, rent or scil real estAte; for others, shall be regarded as a Banker or uonimissionMercnani.1" -' a. .-r n .- : i . ..t i . T . . . . l r s"i,.,f3 jTTi: r;wii peacomocrol- tbia fitatc.- at of fmuni - - - a a. t r ill i i r" i - . t DIVIDEND AfADEANNTrALLYON 'ALtf PARTICIPATING POLICIES, . - - - ;'tasltfi. - f, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, ML KINDS WkoN 'J' LtFE Atf&.'ENtib WMENT POLICIES ISSUED, . .VJ I V ? IT V ' -tt (S.KTheatres, Circuses and Jnjnrlers shall nav a snm noitd exceed two htindred dollars to- be- fixed by the City Con ndl in each case. - . , ! $.y Bowling Allies of Billiard Rr.onis shall pay - four dollars for each license. - . . , ; flO.) Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay f oor pilars for ench license, S r ? r f o i ( Til) Peddlers shall pay fifty cents 'forieacn'Ticense'. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, Iko5s Or'aontestic prodnce as their own nrodncincr. who sells of offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities, I serviebs. travelling irom pmce ca piaceiia tna streets shall !e deemed a peddler. - - j 10.) Mannfactnrcrs shall pay two dollars for eachli cenet. Any person -except' onebolding, a, license, a wholesale dealer or banker or rm who shftll mahnf- nreby hand or machinery, and pffer formate any goods, and abont . wares.or merchandise ex.eedins annnallv the sunTof 1 "J? rcadyfor the pre;. . ..: ,: u; one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer y .l4J ,44f. r..i 10 , ,ir ii,.-. f jpijwi corporations in toe owtc, whoebcll VALUE IN 1TfT.ATtci& ' U:U iit ail pv :c f -rf ?.-t .,;!, . , .bin nf hie rw- lrt.An.1AM. -a- -J ampaigrn Grestt. Republic, -t? ,jin r,ur;i .,:(,.r..it nmu,, i.t f;t !R,c.Vi9(vWence,,it J,:;: iiw.s ' j.r. , vi7L,. !"-! '' n i " u enter into abond and ufficicntiuV?fv ... APpica ltd one addrew;.'.;ji-. , i 'f .whicb than reiectih. aentiWBVa"a.ll,l, f fWrtATArkJ v -JJ - V,!Uyn .so copies to one address.. , 'j ia ' -u' '"T" T.refr f,- In. 11,0 ?m of nbt IcBs tbarr't buadrcd ioo SiSto adfe-r-:"r:'v--: " : ;'!rtiiittti dollars, vfor hisrappeiwnoo before be rTochclnVof fifiy A5p0f llnaityMUfsin 7 PtOrOUniofQ. Ses'XGntIll betfr .--Tji M-n,i:i I. ri: lT, TtfZ cf2?ft. Cpoaty.-.m bich..the.,ofTence, axayfbave oW.bra ,Wcx..t.ueVteW, committed, th and ttb aaawer -,-J lf r.,:u --r , .,; . ;, principles of -..ii i.. I .l f " 7. " wiv. luiwiumo to Keen I 'v.. Campaiffii.4iocuiMeiii8. ' .! . ' "?rJj:Ln;o -,;iwuu-n u ,:-,t..it -r.:-J I l.nfe. p' and in default of fjttlnWsaeh 8 paeus$G nr thoand. 1, : i i . I SO Ollcndinir all all 1 rr.mm ttiJ v r.?.An a , 1 1 . . . T . . f a. A. aT I W" v a. till I al U KL1 lTJ III I M II n preparation T J; 1 ni di 7J teat In the cilennott rood faith to all crrJU rorsaiaome ana a&roaL not. -ontr . artsordln r to the letter but ibtplrlt of tbe lawa, under 'which It wur ateaciixi" . IV.. It U Cub to- the Uborbf 1 thr calk UuXtaltKm,aloaJd.UaIrdrtl4Kxl as rapidly aa the nation aj falib will prnstv V.. TJietnaadebtpcirvUcudts li Tas been for tbe prcacrratloa br.'to tJaloa for all time to tumc. rbecld be ei icndrxl o w a -fair pcrkdfuraneemption;:aad It la lb daij ul Gonpress to reduce the rate of internal ibere or wbenercr It cwo bonctUn dana' . 4 7 iTL ThiilhtUtt poller to1 daal&Ua 'orr burden of debt Is to KfTrAfrote our credit that capltalUu fc!kOo3oiA taaoncyt lower rate of ratrrrtt tbta we now jayf and n;vtt conUnne to aj to kr tj.'rcpciiallon; t.iT tt4 or total, opea of corerl, U iLrctlcnod cr . ' yiL .Tbf:GorrrDnent of ; tlif Uritrd Ktatct. abonld beadcalnlatercd with tbtatrictrateooo ;Kby acMtbc 'corrapUorii which4 hvc1rra poz abAsretaflr trcraed-and foiteritd by Acdrew JohnaobtaJlloUdlf tbr'radleal reforr3 1 I.-.- V ' .YXIL: -.vVe "profoundly deplore tho calfsj-; K-f .j ,1ft YlS-l LawversIf Physicians. Dentists. Phatotminhora I pages 812 per thonsanxLt and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. ' Hon. Msssna. Stjswakt Mov'tow .wrr.v ijaJS-1 asalU Wtw dollah,; for or WDetaS i-tim; ABpubHc o.jBhaQ pay - tweaVtVeHieiito 'tor , The' following rf lav nnrtJhrttiB. e.n 'n. tWMnTi. J JLLw W' 1 carea or tho Umon eenee..i-..' ! ion -. a 1m 0; rff,.:; . t .H ' Address Hon, k- before tlio Lar,rJi J j Pe.0rTother!'tofBctcai 'w!tblhoT F rrgm .the acqrjloa to the rrtxidtzcy t;f An : drew Johnson: who baa acted trtLrrri!J. . -T ffft Y fJP niM7 tSVV "7 tntkW . eM-l. V a.. . . S - as w W'flto pai 'Sec, ,7. iwf 6 ,fWA orrfainad. That all Or-J .li"Ji"w"n'!? finances and parts of Ordto am we. amnv.ani .nereoy rpcaiwrwoa j frrA -i -ffdl watdrf ti &'icz ;i 'to r fJ :PHN8. MANHC.Caty.Cferk.,- J ship committees iiew ierne, v marcn 3uxn, i08; J the prices named. t ' V0LIQE8 INCONTESTABLE; . ,l J;fs' J?'- 'wJrU -i-fU,, -jvi-'7(,-)fj - 0 .....r . . ;; .J -r tt. I i 1 .. WUlf - 2 ' 7 7.-' A ) JJ&&,PQUciE&AttM vf .7icry jtt-i: ttutkm I5??B YEARS NONFORFEITABLE i i. " ; ! : 1 f'f..;'i 'iu'iNii Preminnii 1 Hi t;i J 1,... r. J A r- f"Vf rtx'.iou., rOUH TXAIW A004 j I . rim ;aif A I 1 " 1 lUka . ra. 1 W ""T- , rvw. JO. 6. T.. l ! ' retwn6!117 .Wwritlng, Insurers the Period. n eTer mde tT 1 any Company in the same t , 1 ? - 1 V - 1-j7.'j!I 117 i j; . : t hi Mil -. UU11 1 1 VlfT lA lo1a aVL a. 1 - ' ' ."ui h ..-r. y nuii iapsea annnsr tn war. no .A'tf, 7 wd crnr r uueuoaiie same aa 13 n-J v . iijcriit nt-jitr.ii!ijiiji iV7H7,i iu 7f;;;;,il:i:.ioi , , 'V, '-llfiQicalrExaniiaeraM . lj7-': '-'-i.'i.-- Vi'i J,: tlii? i ! Ul i d! . ... . . . I . . I 1 nm mi ANTED-r AGENTS every wherermale- and thai GENUINE IMPROVED w vwsaav aw.' La a i a Lia ajl2.m an r: rrr i Ayf:9ujW PrOTiSlonslhlrb .lerlalllra and InrtlH.V .Vr.t nate'dnTh: . " ' " ' . - "l M Ot said Set. aball. h rmHtv - 5. T iw, v.."r ," -IZT.rT; ,r rj" H Bngficx-oi -';'."! .";'" "Hi5Seoii:fi Tb?a at Mv-JTI ATt'iriJ '1 to!riorean,WU!elbeUwi: who iri.e.I been orepared from, aothentla f tf-" rr . r .t ... .1 f vf ivvr. ' ?uW'ni lrtlJn' h6 TitrTJlh&nu illm-riw mA.tit. .free f ehananr.t-nrw.t. 1 .!' ' R ,n.i.:i., m ,i ! CTATP ATVAtV-rri iirtv.'.' '-'I Itlitnmt rrMrtf I rr.f . k ... . , . T . , v.Z:TrTT .Pf onrrMjrttaMmal-towa ! HflYrf, ft lW.4a . i VJZZi ZX.TZtll T i,crM-t 8ENSE FAMILY- SEWING MACHINE Thl Machine .Will ' -S75 to S200 ner monthl 'uSlPJSSSSfSi hPLP1 , AU'the for it will nteUf- talaaVJ I'.T. ..i-CT" SECHBTAItT OF-StATt' . . In bra W. mrf TtxmtrLrA lT. female.' to rntrodnce thedm; . ..77 7. ' : I T?T-,. A 1. 'a''Ii-VllL''!ri rsrmatrnttloii of tKa HitM 1t.l-i-. "T -a..-.-r A I " -- w . imju o lock oLUDnni or in rani at rvr i viar-.aaa.-e .?..- . ' " r awuaij ' ii. . r iiiniiL r aa-irw -' v v i m i i i r Ljriiiun w fiAJMMUN ' TMBftA Wl I hA aeA.W. .44 i 77 "" T UM 1 V .aUOHll UOTMllaQimi AIWI lis lMrlTft a aJIM--alla-i 1 i .tli T .IX I mm.m w -w W t I. H L V ' " J.. ... r' : netebbodT'T;.". ? f rearria ery . . ;:1 .,;.r, i " Tr v " ; XTfw,r Xf';c ' P " PQ.c Proaajre. Into feff.-'tncW -- ' yujT 7ti i:, Dy aiiatanable meanaof thebeoolei theencfloM . ,"1V" 'vwrj M an wnneoi w nrieaaie COfromkra and 'wW ins- -cCtSn wfi i' otii'-n7mi?rf m .,7r. aTn. Wto, bcrcny certify. that tb'o f0r?6 h' bai beea Jtuttly tooesctusdnibr -lirh- y 818, rur- ZCnVilzlZnZrX developeinent of oor acricnJ. i: Sti' A-7rCL ii 7. .1. 1 arid mlfir-LAftr. -r-Zirr We wilt navi .Ivuri t: - '"V'?U1CB VI "wtionv'TKxpehdlk ."'-"'' i- .. Hip., . ,u vi vi jl: iuai' zurfc Oil liiei 7.. v, . .T - . w nviv j viivccw wastroW.M.' '"""ods ... . . j J intrii rfT,r, . vr- m ti-.f? -. . H "J tnercoi try Ine TOtCS of tMrtT-flTe fv-n. seWmthalP Ju.m.i,;: 7' . ' '. - 7" " " UJ . . 7T7-V-'V ' VT.'l ton. .r.,,, " ... ,. thiflkwe can whip them an.V Ordn 'foBeimimt I IiTt the uepdrtmehta of ' '; V-" ' n.i r f-7 Ta ,)-iysSry oi oaic,:f vux &ttvpcaj. xa7wcrava:ticfiaasea Xaaa nWicxoNatlobal- .8ih.i nil IjTrci-n. ar.oiitisn-.il fJ: tf-pt ... , , r- " YKP asaiwaya tnu b? re- tz i-pL,,. XAjffltnfi,KrFEjp Safe ivs. 8hiww -froktfERCAfiyrnm . ' , ' -t:j tbeUwaof rulJora, andat war with obt iS rican citizenship Its SCIENCE I AXD LITERATURE '"Ln liiaro lOL. SSViJ.V11'' rrrttlon ui all their wEcononiy,vf.De, Tiaammarietia, nam wttUetMti ri it ? uV.MOMEMTj il power for acts "C . cr, wordi tpotea la IkU -sapcrhouaand,,,, l.;7Tl- C. iTT r, T ' " fT-.f) oiix: r-oi ,r D-il eooatrj; aad If t r-rmted aaoprLmedL oiu-VPurpoea 1 ' reports, all matter of IcarfitWnfom ;.m tli nnT rWaiwi.'J It U the dnlr of t' - G QTLrnraSt to InlS? Kenlncky-ft'RepjMl- .,.7i. ,fr?:"7 !t.ao.5B v... 4 v . . . . T Of T1 r.f.tfl,fni t. iv. ..y. . stitch. 1 hem,'; I qttiltvcofd bind, 'braid and embroider most superior manner, .trice oni tiy:4wirrmted - torinve yearaj . r is lk 000 far anv machine, that wil "erf more beantifnL'or more elastic i ouTSi ; It'maktea the 1'EIastic Lock. Every second stitch can be cntl and still "the c not be pnHed spart withtont Uarihr it.) We par aeenta: irora y d (O f zuo perinionw mission from which twice1' t1 Add ess SECX)MB AjCO., Pji OAlfTiODonWbeW ties palming -off r worthless the same name or otherwise, and veal ly- practical cheap rou ..Aug 22, 1868, m, h,..: -. r- : ' - i 7 -' 1 - ' ,, ?-lfi;"!l-Mtibbs;&r" iVkoie8dt5Dia)Ler fn -Or . jutuiwe a tree, jm cw-JBcm e jx.' vv: " v I sand.'1' '''" 'thi .;.:!; liiH.'it ,t?n i-io-a-' J4-UiU,." ''i'-11-' 1 J'JK o:flN..J..ejlAKimawstPf Minnesota Early. Steps GROCERIES. - ; 1 In TtMVtSBtenoHnn ft niirpju.tfi rwr thnnunH Coffee, Rio,,.,.,. . -25 i ?1 NATipwaliTTf.. -a., BCTfOXAUsat.1?-- Address l-''' TjuWiavra' .7 J ts Mracbp 1 , Thje Record Ko. u iromingo , & , mj False Democracy ' 8 pages per thonsand. " T . V I "I'lTT ITTfTA i-lb'v il;!w I-Vnr.lisb 7 -iln If .. i - - - - - - .i i ti i ill , t ; r j,k I .rr" " -... . . I '.ji..j i.'Jiill (13 7 i(a.T)J , . -r. ,JU . I .- . - . 'i.- .' IS ' m . v M av IV ..,' I . J. t r.x I afaH . aT AW WBATIWT A I r.rffmR tT f t l?a a a f LM t T- ft ... - -Vsrt;o I to be forgotten ; tbo widows:.a4 irphaaa ef the late war, there were one entitled to r&ore eapedal honor than the brare aoldieraand searr Wtq retidurrdythe bartUhJra ofcar paJpi tfed taxtae; aad tepcrUkd thxir lircs la toe .aerrice ot the country; the bote ilea and pentloni irrofWed by tbe laws fortbesa braTe Gunpowder 'ataXvS ISf 'iS'i U? BMrftraa, 4b, tan rih.iml 1 . the ftdear the ward, cfl peopli ( 7 OoloT... Rtpvbllca wOl nTer ai aa adrertiaing todiara sf- x Jncptporatei t tmoV the Laxej 6f OCt r lWr;botttctbcd to tbt lilki hPtfv,rhrrli gfigvgi 4pae8tperthon8and. t.v2 Tjv:i i 'i-' ; r- , . . i - rr rWti ':? ' i iZ' ivTi . XI. IVf lnm!rjatloa,.wbIch lathe SllrVfr;; .ainMCselw L Tf?fTr -1 4 ba. added saaSlo & derSS fk?i.;Tr - VDSSrHFife ' Uj7? atnfr, V .1 r,j fiom l!6r its ITfiTOtifirfl1 t, aad ra aad liKrtasecf 'Tower ifib itrcH , Hid.cattalt :f?t ,: fj bSd f f- 5Si.v::.::::::il:; ifiv&wi no-b a ca r :.Fti...- l.-v. pr... oppm topics smrr. M i no rxaaox vx to aou iiaaa Tmva a fiaiaxa. i i a vk. 4 A l I UUfJUtUCU LB IU 1TC1UULU Z V- " " I i : y I fj kv - . .If 7 IT V n-mv-rrill-vv: iiiJKS iiSJ "SDeecbeaof Senators Oi MnioHlNandSrVwJr- -,"r """'l1'1 ' CViJFeAtt I.i 17 Granulated .i W i'iV!iv'U.: i ' 1TX. JM . Tn.w ,. . 1 1UC(?k. 1ft i oalt;..,.;vkl.iiiiV..ui...,iii;1,a ) j Tl AfpiCS, vuvu. ,...(..,..., ,iu w rora-. Beef, The Committee have in preparation the V following- tid ,8jrmfl oenments m erman :. . . . ,ii"M.;u ii 309 XRT BPT?ntatiyes TH-JnixrH STxrarsB, ; Boer-; h 7jl .f.Jini.irjg o:. ill U I A'. T I V av - - w . . 4 V U f WU r at.2 r I J r IAM ! I I 1 l'II" Ti-.! I nif I. . JrkrMt- a Bhk a7 f t,il art a,HMBfe.a S?TO.i'i.feiii; ,3.,t,.. OneTear . . " . - itfti JIXC:. . X-tB" wMch men who bare aerrrd In Vh .. t i.' ' v un taouon or un b-cn, taa roiiowit -tyro plants were added by a trcanlmoc. vole : ' ' PW? .cpnUfasafaaearTfpamirf UeKfIritof mananlm!fr and fori- Uari WiH I .vfAV . a M Sa 1 .-.- - -i. aw aA V I AINL LI1B IcLLeT UI OIMMTlSt XimTTll HJUnTWW 11. 1 W TT.TJI 1 . X-'-"?Ul& i UndGe OJ O. IlowjEdttiireaTa blxMontha . . rco.xw I lorn noatare. t ZT. i " . ui I;?;.. .il d rorernrnf ii.yjpon tte; Uaiof IrapartlaJ Jct- m ( l per Cheese................... 1 'WllVt llu Beeswax..... ............. ......... S3 rV BlnP StonelL' I.i . .i vV-. . -f;t-i. t .. . . 15 aT oo d r.f tuan xpeei:t!'nS 4wttbtlie ttepydicaatforiia. n&ta sF" . r r -' , -j teaieeejaixr'i win in 10 vui-ii r.m: oil n .Y7itvttj(I fibut who tvw fraallr and hosciUr eootver- " a peeox tzaroua- no, Peruyian, per tqn. wf.v 420. 00v op 0Q ;V y M.jV-VT." Vl v'' '''ir'fDT'y.'la ttJlllQ- i rieadlng German Republican paper. Specially toppolibt U ir.V ,t!1,r.;.KAVAI.: STORKS; . V,"ir -Jlitl . :t 1 miiiMhiMi'Ut Hmmntmm. fnH.AMttJL NeWDip.i:v..'....',.t...::t:.1..ui$ 80: ,4.00 -j Old Dip, S 80 8 W Scrape;-: I i. i7. 1 . ; i i; 7i. . -iV.'.C .0. . i : J i c 60 B0 -tff Jfl v JJ-.t.' I ajlIJwj a-aWafc.ay "Numerous speeches and doenmenta not ndadedln InrnTritllnee oroneinch ftjacatoeoaaawteaarfttara. h!rr.ffMi . ",' y .. ,f . ...I .Nf, .IT l pruers I una square Spbits I Tar, tnttdiscie I -iul-ti Jf-iio, nr a;! ; ;t. ;,iViI T7if -m .) vl I withhe moneys have them filled 'with the ntmost FEseh snbseooent Inacrtida - r.7n,.i I i I ,U;tjf ..i Mj . I 1 niil.f'.-T I 7orDea$ne,tax laby.piirchx JJ w ! I prompmnde,aiid.;witnwe-pesa 'i . ' - ; I 2 wi.5 w i iuKituapuiiipBia,iK! raciuiy wucreuf nwnjiy up:, iv. yo 0j,(;fa tUW rjiiA'Z UKl X b-i h "'"' ' a-itts i w, tbe comaunlo of tbe lovaj peorde i and i wo faror-tli fefrrid of t!; d rvjr all ration and reUrieUona icpoacd upoti tie'bus rebel, la the same rneatare is thebt rp!rft ofloralty wQl direct, and aa may be eorttlslent wUh the aaiety of tbe loyal pbop!a,' 4iZaied;Tbat we rux4rn! tts ejeal riln dnjes laid down in the. Irrimorta lXc!2r&2lctt of Indepeodend as' tbs Ube foundation of drtaocraUe corertimect; and we ball with gbiic-a- cirry. .rTtati toward tal?l-ihese pttadea a brief; reality. ca trtry ricch cf :r7i C New Berne, NvC. Pitch . . - - . I '. - - .'-". - ' - - . ... , . I. -

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