. - : i ii i ..aT . . I yy'Hk. ' II if . . . - I -.- v. - . ' RATES "OF- ADVEETISnrQf 15 BATT3 OF SUBSCSTPTZOM : OasiYear . ... : f ; - . . . . r. it Months t - .v 'three Month . Caure.oaaWtioa . ... . tlXa . Jv ta renUcra. ttd fil LLaaor lladrertiaeaecu. -or adrmiacsetita laacrtoj tmtukr! y. O per Mai S&03 -soo I0L; IVeNO. 19. NEW vBERKE, C,, TirURSDAY imiRNroTTim rUUUSllKU DAILY. I II tl 1 .'UW !. V- . I "TTr A"Yr7Sr-TCN il v II 11 .-ss ' I 1 -7.? . i i - s V- . . i ; B-i . " . il .J THE NEW BERNE BEPUBLICAN, toB ONLY ID A J t - t - " i " , ; .. ' j - ' " " Eepublican Paper 4 . piiDtisnEjb in IA8TSRN NORTH CAROLINA. ISaUXD fltOUn VJtXVJtJf STHMBT, NEW II R N K , N C a rPlIK REPUBLIC A tc ! j J uugu M B4 Inflejenflent and Frogressire JoDmaP whrch .Wl flect th. .entfm-nt. Md oplnim, of 'ropuMion of Extern North CW Una, hj an ucompromI.Ins opposition to tho doctrine. ofSeco.ndby. fearIeMTocafyofth0 iwlurlplca of - Union, Liberty and Equality before the law. The ilfpvbllean will h detoted to tho common Inter. U of ourptoyle, with " malice towaird none and chart W ,0'-;Mt will plead for the maintenance inriolate. oi th NaUon1 Government and IU credit ; the edacation 7 11 aralUble mean, of the people; theenconrasemen onmmfcratlon and the deTelopement of our rfculT turaU mineral d commercial rewurces. -While the Hnhn. M in M premfnentlj a jwjwr, the department of ' 1 " ' . - COMMERCE, A GRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, win Weive such attention k. t t tiewatnd Snmmarle aa pace will permit. Fnll report, on all matter, of Local Interest wfllform prominent featnre,and m there appekr. as yeinoothe, WCONDITIOWAI. TOIOW PAPER k Eastern North Carolina, th adTantacsa which th wW offer a. n adrmi.ini medlnan ap- Hates of Subscription TZXJtS CAJB rjl AATAXCa. Months $6.00 8.00 .3.00 . 75 Hates of Advertising. TalLota orona inch cpace to onetitutt a square. Ob, Liviittent tnsertloTir rf4 $too aeanctionsmada yttf. to larga .Tertiser. . AN ORDINANCE 1 r - r , , j ' ' To ay xaxe and ProH,i for the Support of the City Sec. 1. It U ordaiHvi hv ir. 1 "' city of Nw Bern TW fr, vT- J 1 nn' or tbe 50th 1 TtSiL0!" ?ndiD; June laSeI ded. . - "T w "wCC B8M 6t uw proTl- 't7 on elthwof trS5 mentlom d ta7'.?? w occnpaUons ther h hv "C.''"?t l oramance, -until he or nerXeietoafte; ,lceMC in the norner- with the tjle;;se- or occupa. Sr2'J52 for said nnrwu iiut thiMnJ. Tvru"55U IZ ' A? KrnKBC- 9X10 thereupon, upon payment to thri Mthoriliec?- iK w uiuiDun City Clerk, or other person authorized to coUec cense for snch trade or occupation, which license sbiir yiu'iuwi, euau nuiKe . out . ana dellTer H e described therein. . " "" wrprenua- ;8ec. 4, U further ordained. That if anV ivrami nersona Khali cri-rM , VA person or neretoafter iifiSte&ZS 5S? SSSS ererr neh affw aarWJlri iaut JOr, money lmpos- '. - , i - 1 " , - w me use oi me city. ,8ec5, Ind it further ordained, 1 case where mora than Ann tArrdThat ererr peo m: "cense shall register inac in every described shall be carried on v . . . , . viuvumi nn mnnrn I ff may iraneact sucn business at such nlace. undVr such license, and nfc nthra-,A - i" unaer i. . - . . - - viuwwice.' in nan - - "JL'Vr,"" iuuice,' in part- (1.) Bankers shall nay ten dnlbti i.it i everypereou shall be deemed a banker wnY"" ing ot tnis ordinance, who keeps a nlace of hn.i where Arm. th. H-i " ' , X perwn or v,w,,-o o wireucu id nvnr at vli' "vJ"""" wuwuua oi money or cti rrpnrr and the same, or any part thereof shall ilLSS remmitteu upon the draft or check of such credit- ) Auctioneer Rha11n, I,r""i"","wr E7J? lV deemed auctioneer whowoZ AHn.tt a aw a? . - - v -w 1L IH US SlTIf'1 TtniytAVTV fAM al. A. a.t . bidder. . - -si. (3.) Ketail Dealers In Honor. fnrlnMnf n ji.tn. nliquors, includinir all MatlM ! fnMnA 4 It 1 . - U1CIIUCU Born. ItirlwnAi r V" shall pay five dollars . w. aT ucBu i iiLiiiTi. for each, license. Every dersen leaneb Hnnnr. in iu. -.'..ni Retail Dealers -hall nnvon.fiV " - A ' i.. EVervnerson whose onnn iT":,""- saleCToceriesoranvsorwa; "JZZEZ'iZ ?l juuciwc prouncnons. in less quantities than a whole original piece or package, at one time to the fSI8Kn,,51tlncln wineg' spirituous or malt liquors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer 1 i . (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay four dollars for each license. Every person whose occupation or business it is to seU groceries or any goods, wares or merchan dise, bv one or more original packa; or piece at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and Honors in wlesai0ile?.re 0nepUon. a i (6.) Hotels, Inns and Taverns shall pay Ave dollars for each license. Every place where food and lodjdne are provided for and furnished to travelors or sojourn ers, in view ofpaymcnt therefor, shall be regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. B,?okeI8 and Commission Merchants shall pay four dollars for each license. Anyrperson except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker whose .business it Is to purchase or sejl stocks, money roods or merchandise, or seek brderAhereforfn orfrfnal or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage Business matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors of freight, or whose business it Is to purchase, rent or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded as a Banker ! or Commission Merchant. - j (S.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the City Council in each case. ? i (9.) Bowling Allies or Billiard Rcoms shall pay four dollars for each license. s i (10.) Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for each license. s (11 ) Peddlers shall pay fifty cents for each license! Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, books or domestic produce as their own producing,' who st41s or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities, travelling from place to place in the streets shall e deemed a peddler. j (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for each li cense. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- : QLawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. r (14,) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for each license. . (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents for each license. . .. , (16.) Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each li eense. ; Sec, 7. af be it further ordained. That all Or dinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. r JOHN S. MANIX, City Cferki A ew Berne, N, C March 80th, 18C8, r J 1 . 1 . v.vumnure, Ul T ANTED AGENTS - $75 to $200 per month, citij micic, uiHie ana lemaie. to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON -SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will stitch, hem, fclL tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider In a most superior manner. Price only $18. Ful ly warranted for five years.- We will pay $1,000 for any machine that will sew a strong er, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch" bvery second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, or a com mission from which twice that amount can- be made. Addiess SECOMB & CO., Pittsbubg, Pa,, or BOSTON, Mass. i t CAUTION. Do not be imposed upon by other par ties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. - i Aug22, 1868,2m PRICES CURRENT. . Habbs Brother, Wholesale Dealer in Groceries and Protition, Dry Goods, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &e. Middle Street, New-Berne, 2T. C. GROCERIES. Coffee,' Rio... .7 .... .......... 23i Laguayra . 28 & Maracaibo 26 St. Domingo......."...... 20 C& 25 . S3 S3 24 45 Java 7i Teas, Young Hyson . . . 50 & 25 Hyson. ........ ' Gunpowder and Imperial . . . . 90 90 1 00 1 00 1 25 20 10 50 15 00 1 TO & 2 25 1 90 1 75 2 25 25 20 00. &1S 00 uoiong.. uncoi Japan.. English Breakfast .... . Eggs . c. ....... . . . .'. Flour, from.,,..;.,.,.,.... . a ifamiiy;;....r, Gibbed Herring, per box. v 50 C5 . 20 25 , 75 00 : 50 ' & A 60 f 10 s ii-U.il IS." 15; 1?X . . 17 17 17; 19 17"il9,i IT 19 2 60 4 $00 10 12 16 20 iaru..4.v...... ... .. Molasses, New Orleans. Cuba...: Rica i . . .-; -. ........ . . Sugars, Yellow......... ....... Coffee A Coffee B.... - Granulated... ...v ... s .Powdered.... Crushed Salt........ ............ Apple., Dried..;. Bacon .......... Pork, per bbl . . ........ . Beef , Corned ....... i 80 00 31 60 15 17 80 '50 ' cutter Cheese.......... 16 22 . 1 C . '.. MISCELLANEOUS. Bccbi ax, . , ii. . .. : .. ......1.. Bicarb, Soda.......... JI...V., Blue Stone.,.. ......... ..... Com br quantity, r.v : . Flaxtteea, per bnsnel.....v c..v ...... '. 2$ J 88 11 , 14 15 00 85 i 00 1 90! OHO 120 00'0Q00 Gnanq, Peruvian, per ton, Hay...... 16C 1.75 1 00 1 10 Oats . NAVAL BTOBEaV New Dipl...... . .......... 8 501 4 00 uiaiip i 2 SO . & 03 Scrape,....; . ............. . Spin t&Turpentine, .'. . , . . Rosin Tar, as to size............. ....... 50 80 :-4a::--45i 2 00 4 00, 2 00 2 25 2 00 2 50 men. ......... ...... i j 1 NTANDTBWf??Tr? THE GOV fe''Peon In the IS FOR TDK PRv5tITUTION' ANDTHVr same place at the-fammier...v'T""MW i'V" PKESinKKT Vr r:" TTTT I r i-i I - - j - i - : - i . ; , It la well nnnnt. v ... herom.M. . ' . ... w P"!" tarts -... uviuin uie nooDie. iwruimtu talna. mi - .. ' con- l DeXore tKe eren. nennf thM- w the renl K..u '"" jet It Is tenand placed before the Conrentlon.. when Belnjrwrit- the ' - . & "vu.cu'cttir-, nomln.ti leare to you to deti.rmir':" ocgieare "in my friends f rom MIemrt. whptC, il001 n UaOon to the WmoSffS"1; e shall Mf vaf aarf pnr , w recQaisiracUOD poll nuaea win liehed and i both branches ehangingthe poUticafcSracSl- fio PibUlt j of !rPem"hoSdel i iannnftruiu..u.ii . vuucul inn thTJ 7'v1 ,rncn of Congress v " rTT" SS22S Pi ofn.no its repeat Must we nauoTtl?to?toft thrown? .It can only be orerthr kTv0811 "be oyer the BtlTe. who wUlfln tutlto RyylJ lw allows sional enactments which are ia nIlMhl t?.i , Crn fundamentalprlnclDlen. ""IPWTlolatlonof Its principl fdent ek SS democracy enforce. radicals by th mm "construction acta. th. radicals by the accession f Mn cts. the ana nity Kepresentatives will confriUU.29 nators Consress. and ht. a "i!l1,I.:ontro1 both branches of Congress, aid hi. Tdminllv' ,t as the nresent Branches of as nowcrlesM There is BDTONVw'iTS AND THAT AT THE GOVERNMENTS, aJJowth. P 0 STATE GANIZE THEIR oN onl?l?TO IOR ELECT SENATORS0 Yn GEKNgENTS, AND vi wnm cmT v uuiniiniiKNTa xn I "aoTCOiiteDreBenH..-7rnrV Tl..ir - JL OATKICN KNT 1 miirra I of Hemorrat. 1 nr ikmnm.t. 4JJ cujauun mai4. SW77T "u ,l ine Worth, and thev will Yimfi C Kepresentatlves elected h rrr.eT. T1" omit the ii.ucoHperation of the PrcafifpntTt Ztn lB-i cult TO COMPEL The s vv 11 not be diffl. MORE TO TOB 8TOMITOKCK will not bcable tow fhsS?LteKConI8tltnt,on- " distinctly invoked Md cie eTniadment- " menUl issue, and it I thf nL prc8on thisfunda strife to pntIh?l".nVSi avoid all fu tare I repeat TIlATTllisPw W5 econntry. v QUESTION WHICH WE snSniW. AND ONLY TtepL US. Shall we 55?,? VfALLO WTO CON- m ilvjij i j. m n at - I : UUau WR ItlKiMU A wuiciweuovernm nthasWn "P8"001 I tTiI?J'" W OOndfl. rmanK..i "wi.iiuur I r air n ai at, ;pvvuiovaa. fou-i vh .vii. Pr""YA"e,PnD"c "edit. : What caV TtU" 5 I r-r reiram ro n f n .T. "7. wmcn ioie neirroea are nrniiLTi J."" PP"es i are omani.wi t!r r.T... applies r-y which an army i m PP11 clubs ialnt PP In tteir outW nT ttR""1 W I UUDVI Ilea lluMii things like then-..i..rT" V1 uoi. These, and the Government snd 'ZZl iourcesof ierence Detween gold and irruu nKe tno dlf the ConstitntlnnS L"lSreenback- We must restore ANDTODO vVTyiirAqre the finance.-- WHO WILL KXECUTE Tint wirV5 PRESIDENT LEBYTRAMPtSk?t1 THE PEO. PATION OP KNftwv i J i USUIl- CONSTRUCTION ACTS T wtcWS TIII BE FORE THE TOmNW'oiST?TAIiD BE BUT IT is ONE wTn uLT5Ls issue.- TUINO ELSE THAT Ijios" V at ttw EVERY ANDCOMPREIIIfvR Ainwti THAT INCT.rna r w.?-. "e ONE a.contest, and without Tt th A"T IS. WORTH honor, or value to tSr.," Tout fi lend- that gives Ccxoxel O. Bboaditead. .Fbk P. Blaib, 8 copies to one address.... 80 copies to one address,.". 50 copies to one address... 100 copies to one address 9 i , 10 . 16 30 -ciudo, HX)aIikfit,hr.-"C:WTv:.'"''",K,, ioeach ler Co fax. ix. J: ach pa per a mm ni. s pspera complacdocumeiit: J Campaign Docamcnfs. GUANT AXD Colfax Sketches of their services. 8 pnges so ner thnmumi and Hon. Wat Recobd No. 8 and and about ready ; S "2c ?rc?s Ex preration orHSetSe "Peace Electoral College mnlHSSSSS sources, under thii JI " PSr nthentic the ahln sw-o warded to iudividnals stV siv5V na W1" befor shlo Z ffi1 wanty, or town- r-ii i- . the prices named. -.. ..r lOT PortaUon. at Every localitT ulinnM k . 4 .. . . these documents, and a raat monnt nf 7i.k!? ln pense will be saved by scattering thmf iDd ex neighborhood : . . nDf Vem 'feelj in every sional Reconstruction. Tabl o? iliilt on8Te- the Rebellion ZZl-i,""'Yr. UBA5T the Cnnnn. we nave whlpncd them , l?1?.Twe.can.wWP them jruuiiBuea unaer and Union Congression.T Commlt.A"0"1 tavo. Price $20 per hundred. 200 pages, oc- "DemocradiS 8J: Shekcx IlepresSSlves. 6 pX of HON. JOHX D. BALDWIN "nnm.T, T??V. man Races." 4 pa-es-3 nr r""""1" " "tf S5rBfpub,Ica11 Economy v.. 1W ocratlc Extravagance." 4 pages $3 per thonsandT -8.rK1E ',noiT-Glexxi W. ScHoniLD "Purposes of the RepnbUcan Party." 8page-$6 per thousand! G,EX- W. IT. Wajmwobth, of Kentucky "Repnbli canUm the Test of Loyalty." 8pagea-$5 perthou- Gix. C. C. AxDBXwa, of Minnesota "Early Stena ln Reconstruction." 8 pages $6 per thousand. sfJw V,- Sectioxausic" Address to Southern Laboring Men- 8 pages 3 8 per thousand. The Recobd No. 1. "The Republican Party vs, False Democracy." 8 pages 16 per thousand. Th Dctt of the Colobxd YoTER." A Dialogue. 4 pares $3 per thousand. ''Hoxia roa the HoariXEsa." The Republican Homestead System Explained, 8 pages $6 per thou' sand. 'Eleoakt Extracts Fbox Rxbxx. WarrEas," No. L 4 pages $6 per thousand. ... .. .-"Tmasonablb Desiqiis or the Dexocbact," from their own Record. 8 pages $6 per thousand. - 'Dehocbatic Falsehoods Exposed." Letters "of Hoi.. David A. Wells, Special Commissioner of Inter-, nal Revenue : Gen, O. O. Howard, etc. on the Govern ment Expenditures, Reduction of Taxation, etc 4 pages $3 per thousand. Containing speeches of leading public men, with oth er useful documents. A four page sheet $20 . per thousand. : The Committee have in preparation the following documents in German : Speeches of Senators O. P. Voktos.Nte and Stew abt; Representatives Thaddets Stethxxs, Bour wxxl, Schzsck, J. Q. Blahte, and General Johs A. Loo an. ' . - - - - --- - Also, the lctterof Special Commissioner D. A. WelLs and Gen. O. O. IIowakd Expenditures and Taxation Each 8 pages $8 per thousand. - Plattokx or the Rxtublicak Pabtt. with candi dates letters of acceptance, the Copperhead Platform; i rrank r. xwair s revoiuuonary letter, c 5 pages $6 per thousand. V - The-. Public Debt a Dxmochatic Lxoact. 8 page $6 pet thousand.' Address or the Pbiktkrs Gbaxt axd Colt axClcb, with the Republican Platform. 4 pagea-r $8. per thou sand. - r , Cahpaigh 89XEr or tub New Yobx Dxbtokjut, a leading German Republican paper, . specially tor politi cal use, and . ,r ,---r ' - r Numerous speeches and documents nor included tn theforegaing, win be published. Persona willing ta trust the discretion of the Committee can remit orders with the money, have them filled with' the utmost promptitude; -and . with- the best Judgment 'as to price and adaptation to the locality where the speeches are to be sent. ... Sept 15 tf nave been admitted- 'u on5 ex- -i.-o6"erB installs! in .ft' T to PURisri BniDEnr and coi , .uciorr IN ELECTIONS. General Assembly cf North Carolina for anv 031 il Bimi 1)0 WMirfal Z22L W rf mtcnt to ,nflncnco hi9 votc Jn Mj, ' ?,at 5t BMI e nnlawU for voL nf VD . tempt . to inflnctico the o e of any of the qnalified votpr.' Jrf t.I,:. mc, in any elccUon, by any tlireat to duwhargo ,nch voter fZ, to dischnrfre from nmiLt ?7 Mtmn jtj: "v,urul vr rps family. TT ,ueraocr : such Voters ca 3. Tliat it shall be nnULi any person to irive n run Jx.'- r i " wnaiever, to any of : the qnahhecl voters of this State kcansc of the vote which such voter may cast or - w m aay eieciiOD. - t bee 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person- to discharge from employ, ment, withdraw patronage from, or other wise injure, threaten, oppress or attempt to intimidate any ot tho 9aalified of this State because of the votd such Sec.' 5. That any person violaUng any of the provisions of this act shall bS giiilty of a-misdemeanor, and-shall be liable to indictment for the same, and on conviction of having vielated tho pro visions of section one, shall bo findd not less than twenty dollars, or imprisoned not less tliari ten days. And on conviction of .Laving violated the provisions of ice tion two, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not less jthan i.wciuy. unys. And having violated the on conviction of rjrorfInn if t : . i ... i -i '.v muii u.ree snau oe fined not lesithan twenty dollars, and also imprisonea not less than ten-days. And on conviction of having violated section four, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, and also imprisoned not less than twenty days, brc 6 That every magistrate or peace officer of this State, or of muni cipal corporations in the State, who hall know of his own knowledge, or to whom infomauon .shall in any way comcj that any person has violated any of the? pro visions of this act, shall immediately arre st, or by warrant cause to bo arrested such crson so offending, and Iipon sufflclent evidence, hliall cause him to enter into a bond and sufficient security in the sum of pot less than two hnndred dollar, for his appearance beforol the next term of the Superior Court of the County in which the offence may have been committed, then and there to answer io uie law, and in the ineantimo to kec the peace, and in default of giving kuc ouuiiriviii, secuniy,sucli jerson so offending, shall be Ofiinmitted to prison until he shall have complied with the aforesaid provisions. j See, 7. That any Justice of the Peace or other officer charged with the execution of this act, who shall refuse or neglect to carry out tho provisions of said act, shall be guilty of a misde meanor in office. ) ; Sec. 8.L This act shall bo in force from and after its ratification. ? Ratified 24th day of August, 186. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office Secrktaky of State, j Raleigh, August 31st, 1868. I, Henry J. Iennixger, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. HENRY J. MENNINGER, ' Secretary of State. WESTWARD THE STAHOFEJI- PIRE TAKES ITS WAY. I -:o:- sec una a iioiiE m THE GOLDEN STATE! 1 Tie Imigrant HomKteai Association OP CALIFORNIA, Incorporated under thcZav:$ of,tht State, November 30fi, 1857,ar thepwr? pose of providing ' Homes for its Members. And thereby induce Immlsration. " .j capital stock ....i.........:............i.ooae(a Dirlded into 200.000 shares, at 85 each, payable ia TJ. 8.' currency. Oertificates of Stock Issued to subscribers immedi ately npon receipt of the money. j No RUOI AJXOWXD TO BOLD XOKX TBAX 5 SKAXX. if CIKCULAR containing a full descrlpiioii of the property to be di stributed among the bbareholdera wUl he sent to any add re upon receipt of stamp for n turn postage. ... , . ' . .. Inlormaiion as to price of land In any portion of tha State, -or apod any other subject of interest to jwrtle proposing to imigrate. win be cheerfoDy famUbed p on recUpt cf stamps for postage. AH letters should be addresaed - Secretary Immigrant Homestead Assodatlon,1 ' - t: ... Jot Office Box No, 86. , 8an Frandaco, California. ' An. 19 Smj ' ' - - . .;..!. a BLANK MANIFESTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. .1 life liisuTaiice ! V NEW YORK. 1,000,000 Important Itmxv Feat arc ln Diri- ........ M . -. dendsandiricHXeiiorintarance!: . SMALLEST RATIO OF MORTALITY EXPENSES LESS THAN ANT CASK COMPANY, LIBERAL MODES OF PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, INSURERS RECEIVE Ttta xA BONUS EVER GIVEN. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ON ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, ALL KINDS OF JTONFORFEIT NO ; ... . .- ...j LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ! POLICIES ISSUED, POLICIES INCONTESTIBLE, j LOANS MADE ON POLICIES, REGULAR LIFE POLICIES AFTEh THREE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE i radeymeul and tin Annual tMyaaraf Foild. Koa " in payscas IM Brat rreml . J; AfJiAZZr MaP tha oparaUotki of tU sm a fM m roucm taatrxo tx 1SCX ovlt aeaaT tun. 40. aa ATT mi's. flQ.000. S.009. 700. 1,000. Aroro To roue Xt X70S. TOT AX rAXA. . tuna 70S. 671. AsrMrrou xsrs, j. 1CUQB. This is as entirely Xaw Plaau Y4riw' f tartest return arer saada by asy Compuy U lb Parsoi . ..... ... . . ' . m rsona holdlnr PoUdes tkal lapsed d trier Uwe iw be raawtd(lf la cod bItio s&d piaccd rpoa a win basis that win carry apse had ooctutg4L w winchi us) aaaacaa u no :r. E. r.r?JATT,00D,ZX.rJlf, ITrficnl Tinnier.' n. TliO'IPCOTf a Azznu 4rw tn, 'Z.c. axxAX.- So ranch totlo, toliui dotA! . f la tl.eepless eyes I taw the szn lilt bem3ei Ciik la darkness lay, Thedrcadfalgboitof YitxjliutI - So Utile dooe, to 'ninth to do t i " '" Tbo taoTnlns; thoceon Lattcci tear In eagtr light I vrrocgbt cry wiy. ' . And f dt the tplrit of To-dat ! So nidi ta o-mos d2aeLrl Thoogb Ctu8 qo gjjd ianch to do To-atcxtitow maVcs the world caew I . ;: 0IIB HJLTF0E21 L We conrratnlali ihr sored iucces of lie reconilruciion policy of 1 n Ti n . - m . . . . " . cTiDcca or too aaopiion. la the taajaruyof the HtatM latn? in V-k.'t- raniUlulioni aecurlog equal d Til and TxjliiicU -&u w aoit ana u ts the duty cf the OoTero meni to tax lain thoa ! nttitni" T116.01 och BUiea from being rt Mmltted to a ttaU of anarchy JCf? ilJ men at the Sooth iraa dcr . Zr . ? uuu.n."u joiuce, ana tntuL be 1 - T 1 T at a Catkmal erlmw.,a tv,. requirca the payment ot the pnblic indebted. -ww luiuo uvicrmost gooa lalth to all credJ- urt at borne and abroad, cot onlr acoordlnr to the letter bnl tha .rJrft r .v. .which It wai contracted. IV. : It is doe to the labor of the ratioa f that taxation tboold be ronali .t "Plr at the national faith will peralL V. The national deM fnntN.. i. been tot the pnsacrraUon of the Union for all time to come. ahonM rw mnAA - . . ..n.yuvAI uiw av iaLr period XorrednnpUon; and It U the dotr of Conrcst to reduce the rate of Interest there- - on whencrcr h can.be honcaUy doao.' Yf... That the beat policy to . dicalaUh our burden Of debt il tO MO lmirnr('nnrJii v.i capltalltu will acta; to loan ca money at lower Maw. luktimiuiawiDOir PX. and szxt ' continue to pay ao long aa rrpodlaUon, par. tial or total, open or corert, It tlrtateccjpt .VIL The Gorernmefltf rfii4 ij.lL-. r tboold be adminittered with the ttrictrtt eooD- omx nainecornxptiont which hare been to tbamcfully narted and-fottered by Andrew -Johnaon call loudly for radical rrfm. - - - VII L .We profoundly drplore the . cnilaf ly and tragic dcalh of Abraham IJnooln, and regret the accestkm to the Preside? jl to the peorne who ejected him and the cxzms be wm pledged to tapport; who hattuarpe4 blgh legUUUre and, Judicial fenctioxf who hat refitted to execute tbelawt; who hat uaod ti high once to Indcce other oSccri to Ignore .and rioUle the iawt; who hat eta plojcd lt execntire powert to render Insecure the property, the peace, liberty and li. of tbecittrcn; who hat abuted the ardorlag ' power; who hat denounced the National Lei? . lalaturcat unoonttituUonal; who hat pertS tently and oorruDtly ret Uted, by ererr nxeacj in hit power, ercry pmpcr attempt at the re conitructionof theriLaieabLtelrln r.t. . . who hat pcrrerted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption; and who bat been i JutUy ; impeached for high Crimea and misdemeanora. and nmnrri, ,. guilty thereof by the totet cf thlrry fiTe Bea ! IX. The Doctrine of nttu. ..i'l other European power, that because a maw' U once a eubject be it always ao, tautt be re- titled at eTcry harard by the United rJialea,' w cuuaj una, not authcruM . by Ihsi la faus-s w ! A .aA r v . . MWUQ. na at war wnn our ca- tlonal honor and independence NatnrtUxrd ' dutcnt art "entitled to prelection In all ihelr; ui V4nrnmip, m uough they wer1 natlTavborn: and so dtlaen of the Cnltr'! maiet, naure or ctturaJlxcd, mml be liable to arrctt and ImprUonmect by any forefrn power -for acta done or words spoken ln thit country; and If toarreated and Icpritoned. It U the doty of the Oorernraeut to iaterf ai - tn oia ociuul. X. Of all who were faltkfal In the trialt of the late ; war, there were none entitled to mere earKcUl honor than the VriTe aoVdiera and teamen, who endured th e Nardil! ptcf palgn and cmlae, and lapexiDol ihcirljyca ta the terrice of IH country; the bountlet and petxtlont proTided by the lawt fortheat bra re defender of the nation are obllrationt Brrer lobe forgotlea; the wldowt and orphant of the gallant dead are the wards of the people a tacred legacy, Wqoeathed Io the naOoali -protecting care. XL Foreign Immigration, which In the past bat added to much to tVe wealth, dertl. oproent. and reaonrce ami Increaaa el power to this Republic, the asylum of the oppressed of all nation, thould be f ottered and eacoux aged by a liberal and Joat poUry. XIL This conTenUon declares Itself ta tympathy with all oppretacd peoples tlrcg. gllog forihdrrirhta. - . -i OnmoUoaof Cari rtri, the foBowlcgtwo" ' pbvnas were added by a unanimous Tote: IUsolted, that we blrhl ccnusesd tho spirit of magnanimity and frbcartsce with " which men who bTe serred in the rtbtlUoa but who now frankly and boncrJy eo-cper- ate with us In rwtxrring tLa rcf tteeccn'; try" and reoorutrucUng ibe Souibcm etaia goTcrnmett upon the bails of Impartial Jca- . yce and Equal Rlrhtt, are recti tc1 back into ' the communion of the loral people; and wa . faror the remoral of the disqcsJi2caiions arl 4 restriction imposed cpoa toe lata rebels ia; the same measure as their spirit cf lorahy . will direct, and as may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people. IUsolted, That we ircognlre the great prin-'r dplet laid down in the immortal leclaratica' i of Indepeadenc at the true foundation cf- detnocrailc go rem men I ; and we hall with gUdnes eTcnr effort toward maklcg tbesa prindplc a lltrlng reality ca cm; (ach cf Amencaa so!L. , .' ' " ' yRAUX fT.ATR BTICIB TO HQ TEXT.-- lira srcccU In Pcnsjlrairia, the 'otter day, bee-iid: . e.Rt4iea!i.' uso'a letter wbiei I wToto iomo tirno EiDccj io wbich, I 4 rifed 3Ir. Scymoar oot to enforco ccrtala act of the Ramp Congress-wbicb hsro been dedired' Tiall Dd Told'by 'the " prerrro Cpart.- For which I hire beeojde nounccd is revolutionist. A rcrolutior ist, itkiccdl'ny J vovld not o:J?.km the JVrJt ideM f 'l enf orce thub K ttacarU siitutlmattneaiits. "bct rcrrnicT OTn- ttz thou wxe& tutvlT .1 1

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