C t f oiMj r:.vJL I -' 1 f ..-,..., PT.Yr s ' j RAT23 Off l S INSCRIPTION i ? 'tY,n.ii i Ubcrmj of sdlcfta m to Ut aiverterfc. OM? .u!-n') t-i'.r '.fit r;:? --"t t. - "tun ica ui M clxrr4. mcrtloullU ddrrW Sr1Jcx,.-.r THE (nil ,!n.,,,,,.,,,,,WtRi4ro;nMioNrK : yBi--XM). .. :: : .sew Btia'K. x. c. fhhv mo, SS tiff ij ls?t tarter ii : r.' 7 ' ' ' 5f ' iW BERNE REPUBLICAN." ... i.. Vi fr . Ji: r-A 1. 1 . . ,-... i . . X : ..I ' is ' f "'iUr-r..uu;r.i. ' ir ' - Ufi.ff X;VlMMiESlul0' IW5 ' ' 5i t rtr -m -mc ...... . ,1 h IT I , r r L(Iirt ! ' I i Vlv I . f ' . - - i I -...- .i - . 1 .. i!? .wi.v.n i I iiniittfii n;i uUhO CAT? fl T. TKr A i w v A NOR issue? from vi Craven sTskzT, .11' It? B E II N E , tUB REPUBUCA1 YaiMuedMak' Mepenient . and ProgressiTe JoiiniaPr whfea Jiall reflect the iu-ntfmenta and opfniona of vwUMUtoyaj tioyri oi Eastern North Caro H..a. by an uucompromi-ing opposition to the doctrines of becession, and by a fearic.. advocacy of the eterW principle of , k - If: and Equality the law ; The Rwhltcan will be devoted to the common Inter, wtt of our ptople, with "malice toward one ind cnarit tor all;" it will plead forthe maintenance inviolate ol tbeNaUonal Government and its credit; the education by alUvailable mean, of the ppleTtheieS Of Immlfratlnn mnA k2 j t '' . ' '' ,m uoeiopement of our agrlcul rT mIocraluld commercial reaourcea. . , WhUe the Republican will be preeminently a newt- paprr, the departments of COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE. ART SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, f will recciye such attention by Reports, Essays, Be riewa and Summaries as space will permU. I'; Full reports on all matters of Local Intereat will form prominent feature, and a. there appear. yet no other vnconditionatoion paper la Eastern North Carolina, tho advanttge. which the XwUlean will offer aa an 'advertising medinm I- areap- J. s .! j. , tr-.. 1 i.J Rates of Subscription -.' ; Mi.- 11". -t '."I 4y--- Txaxa -cjura nr astavcx. , OneTtat Month. " Month . r ''nlin i wow Inch.' Wea to tspnf t,Ute a square. VHta.. k ' - ' n neat iSeVSSn f - ' ' VJ i - L00 dadaeUoBa made to large Teeuaera I ; I, il 1 f -i:r.-yj ailay - , - . - w A VA v 4? ?Cbi the apport orthV r-it v GdTerdrnertt.' thej luJl have obtalnidi iSmttTTS .5?' " SniCS;lSh or atjlev e- dirTMiirrr?-W www a ucense Js tiirtoWcarriedn;n7tf T1, P tt houae and iSroperty 1o be HSStSK "jrsaia pur)ose,-and thereupon,' upon tax herein provided, shall make ant nnH i.i;r i. - cense for such trade ox occupations tvhicb' license shall wuMuw m iun;e iw uuu uioain, ai ine place or nremla. es described therein. ,--3 " JTT license is required, without tstimr rmt ,r, " in that benalf Squired, be sh? bor thevh - -j.., BUC ui jr tuey 8naii. lor everTSOchioffence,xe8pectiJy forfeit a penalty equal te three limes the amount p( the sum of money impos-' caaeijberemoreiboiie - of.the ueetiueu snau oe carnea On Hy thftunut nannn w Pl? the fame time, execptas t&reinmen. nonea, ncense must be taken out foreachlaccordiWt tueTatesaeteralry i rMcribed.t -4 . ; ' ... .- .r oec 6. And be it further orttfilnjut TTio X '.a.LL me nrsv oay oz April, lOM, 1 or each Hcebse pranted the uiu uerewiiu siaiea. snail ne numMtirw paid. An number of persons carryimr'on anybueina comins'withiiithe irarview.ofthi-irin.1ww IZr erfnjP may transact such business at such place, under such Iieensf and not? otherarl.? -. '--.!.; ,. v n . . . . . .... 1 1 . l rsaninpra ni i nav kti HoM. v.it , t--.t r . - T- -w---.wv wcu ii-uac. ana r,vv.rv'.cu" ou-u wuwiueu a uaui.er w.min rne mcan- where credits are opened in favor ot any person or firm, oy the deposit or collection ofmAm rir,wJ nuvc wcuhb arc uwueu in iav andjhegameor any part thereof aball bS paid out 4r reS??lttS&npon te draft or check of such creditor; ' Auctioneers, shall pay. tea dollars for licensed ,,ci j pu punji uts ueemeu an auctioneer whose oc apation it is to offer property for sale to toe highest idder. - ; : : -v,,' v , , . ...-;- , eaiers in liquors, lnclnding ignore, and wines of every oflars for. each license. . . E or fermented liquors, and wines of everri descrrDtibn. .lii i j ii - . uve uousrs ior eacn license. . , ifivery , persen wno snail otter for saicsuchVliauors in igsr nrmntitv than one gallon at one time, -to the , same rnrri shall be regarded a retail dealer in liquors. 7 r- (4.) Retail Dealers shall rav one dellai' for nn.. Evry person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale trroceries or anv troods. wares or tafrrhitnAf-A ' foreign ordomestic productions, in less quantities than a w miie urj"iuai piece or Dacsase. at one time to the pame person fnot including wines, 1 spirituous ot nialt liquors), ahall be regarded as a retail dealer. ; - ,i . . y uoieeaie xeaiers Bnau pay tour dollars lor each license, Every person whoee occupation or business it is to tell groceries or any goods, wares or merchan- uise, dv one or more original package Or piece at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and, Hquors tin quautiLis ui more iuau uii gallon, saaii oe oeemcdi (6.) Hotels, Inus and Taverns, shall nav five dollam for each license. Every place where food and lodging mo lro.'eu ior aua xumisnea to traveiore or sojourn-, ers, in view ofpayment therefor, shall be regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. - " , tf (7.) Brokers and Commission Merchants shall pay four dollars for each licence. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker -whose business it is to purchase or sell stocks, money, goods or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original 1 or unoroKen packages, or produce, or to manasre bneinesa matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors 'of frefght. or whose business it Is to purchase, rent or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded as a Banker ior v-ommiwiion mercnant. ! ! (8.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the City Council in each case. . ' -.. (J.) Bowling Allies or Billiard Itcoms shall pay four dollars for each license. ! (10.) Howe Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for each licence. , i til ) Peddlers shall p iy fifty cents "for each license. Any person, except persons peddling nvwspapors, books or domestic produce as their own producing, who sells or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities, .travelling from place to place in the streets shall (be deenied a peddler. ; ' - ( (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for each li cense, .Any person except one holding a license las wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall' manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise ex eediug annually the sunl'of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- (13.) Lawyers, Physicians,, Dentists, Photographers" and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. (14,) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for each license. - . . . . (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents for each license. . . (16.) Cart-bouses shall pay two dollars for each' li cense. ' : ' : . . ( . Sec, 1. And be it further ordained That all Or-, dinances and parts of Ordinance? conflicting therewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed, i r iPHNS. MANTX, City Cferk, r New Berne, X C March SOth, 1868, 7 ANTED AGENTS t $75 to $200 per monith. cerjrwiwre. umie; ana iemaie. to Introduce me UiuiJNK 1AIFKOVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWINQ MAmiNB Machine will stitch. hm f..n L' quilt, cord, bind,r braid and embroider 4n a sc superior manner, v Price only $18. Ful warranted for five years. We will nav for any machine that will sew strong- beantifnl, or more elastic seam than makes the r'Etastici I .nob- Stitch " Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can ' uoi oe puiiea apart witnout tearing It. We pay agents from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, or a com mission from which twice that amount can be made. Addiess SECOMB & CO., Pittsburg, Pa., or BOSTON. 31 A 88. ' " .. , CAUTION, Do not be Imposed upon by other par ties palming off worthless , cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. - Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. ' Aug 22, 1868, 2m ; , . -: . . j . ; PRICES CURRENT. , ; ; a BKPOBTD BT : - . Hulbs & Brotlicr, . WiotesaU Dealer g in Grocerie and Provision, Dry Goods, Wines,' Liquor, Cigar, & 'JrMiddU Sireeti New-Berne, fc c. ' - V ' " ' : " ' - ' - ' ' t OIlOCEltlES. :. ; Coffee Ko . . . .J ;i I 23V 25V 5fSJ-- :V--.. V. '28 K S2 MMacaiboil.... .......... 26 sjSS l Domingo-..,.,. 4,, 5 l 20 24 .- 'i-f-'JaTait ...... r:,.. .......... , . 373i(3l l 45 reaa, xoung uyson.: : l 50- 2 25 mwjnj WJ I 70X Oolong.. ; r i no ch l go ;,UncolJapa;v;..i...:;.,... i oo i 75 'English Breakfast.;..:.-...: 1 ri9!i: Eggaiiy.ii'.T.t.ii.il... 7,.. go , ( 25 Flotir,fromj.,.....i.,.i, ;.? 30 60 .20 00 rT,vviily-f-"v-v 15 w; 18 00' Glbbed Herring; per box: . . : : ; r. . " v 60 ) 65 '' liWi...i.U..i.U;;U;.'..i;. 20 25 t Aioiasses, xnew uneans. ..r.... ; .55 1 00 " llni m I'm V Atm. - ; OU W B3ce.... 10 Sugars, Yellow. .v. ......... 13 : , ; Coffee A,,.. -v.. 17X 60 15 19 - i ioifee-JI...-.t ,.. ' .17; ,17V , v.ranuiatea , 19 . . "Powdered.......... lTva'lQ - Crushed.....:.. I. . 17.t 1 aui.m..i, ,,.-.,.7: 2 fiO- ft J00 Apples, Dried......... ,-...,. (i ,10 f 12V xacon ...... ...... 16X79' 20 Pork,jperbbl....V... SO 00 21 60' BeetCornedw...... ,15 f,17; Butter.. . '... , .....w..T.i..;. ; SO 60 s CJieese.,,. ...i.. ....... r... ....... 16 'ft ,22 xsoeswax. . . . .jsvtisij.v. ... . Bi-Carb. SodA..-..,..,!.,,. .,1 ,28 ,&r .38. 11 ft. 14' Blue Stone::..;:.;...v.v.;.....l. i 15 ft 11 00 Corn--b7y quantity;. .y;i.r;4..;... -.:85 1 00 JTaxseeper bushel. ,...,. t 90 "fe 0 00 Goanov Peruvian, per ton.., -... . . .V. .120 00 , ftOQ 00 Hay,. .j f.mmt. ...-.-,..".V ...., 7 1 6C ftil 75 NAVAL STORES, New Dip..;. .:, Old Dip,.i'.V... 1 -i . $ 3 50 ft 4 00 v ' 2 50 ft 2 80 t Splrita Tjirpentine,. , . 9 Rb&in Tar; aa to size . . . . : . . -. Pitch.. 40. ft-,45 2 00 ft 4 00 hi t t f AAA Jk f cfr-D,m,0tI-pp' JeoanfriRbtfned t.th9 sUrtllns prCpoIUon. Ucoft- ; uina, ana henco ther aDDresi it. Th : it beforetheVy eren of their friend.,' and ret itU the realbnai&of the Democratic Platform: Defnzwrit. ten and placed before the Convention t . It, arid nothing elws, secured BUit'a nominaUon.' icuws ana inen a at the poll. ; : j " : .. - r.A,N,?OK; Jane 30, leffll - W ex2 - aSa'i; Then b bo poMiwiur -it eluded WtlthaVH Wn irfmitf J "nea ana tne carpet-bair?ers in m.- . .....vu tvnAI. . . JK. -- ' "W"'"' ' refore, undo the Badlcl ...r J?""1- the Execntive. the Constitution trt rwrl ""o,ni8dutyif be aiiow I TS5S3&3fff B.vum eoacimenis-which i . -V --r-' iunoamentaj principles.- iSjmmiTiSZ Tnellouse of RepresentativeV willcTntain a ofmocrat. fonvtbe North, and tteyfim BpresenUUves elected by the oeonle Th. i . rr.;.t 1 Jr SJftliSS IriVrHi constitution, it ithstanUthfrtoahiioiB4iWm.t V ehiiiIk ana ineubii Mii . .tl.. ' vuuuc . 1.1 . . .1 k. ecu iincjR- im ii l. n vi? ..ucui, uu iu regarq to any of thpue .n I tiu;ir.iiE.! He".mKu,'" toAiMeMmim'yM2& erore? dH?" ference between iroMVr ""1 . dlf- feew nConstituti andto no thI." WHotLEicuVicVHVW PaIiWSn BUT IT IT IS np ..nrtfrTV ls loaUE. THING M-M $G that iNCLtinlfaTV JK? i?ONK- AND TniNCJ a contof. ond ii-hv,,.., . .v7" t noRTJ atj.-fiy that give. ' - - - I - J Yo7gr1end, ColoxhiO. BnoAnn,.. fp. Blaib .Vwnt.. -it v . ""i'"8 reai Kepiiblic: 3 copies to one address... copies to one address.. Ol) CODiotl to on u.U.. 5 1 , 10 . in . 100 copies to one address.!!! Campaign Documents. -$15 per thousand." , r.";" T' VY il II. KBIVT -TKTk- t- . . .. 20 pages kecobd Ko. S and 1? E PUBLIC A K UrnvnUT and about ready for 7in pntioii ne documents have been nrfn f" . ".Vl .V" .v i. 1. J UlJOr t. WlHh llnt... T , sources, under the direction" TbVabto1seSS5!! f the committee. Hon T r Tnii,!Ti7 j re:ai7 of Everv localitr sWonM k .-v ... ncne will i w a a I!. . V 7 . ? or labor and McpHiW,TiWBi)OK or'vn-.ilJ: S W; rupriaiions, Uebt, Registration, fTxYtion, Caxtaisk Lire n rirv o . the RebeUion. -We hav 'wh inned ;hnqarorJ?f think we can whip them aga Kc, ?i1S'7andJ Published under authority? IE;. t to X'tmont. and Union CniSJf S.NiS Noal tavo. Price $20 per hundred. Pa. oc- Representatives. Hok. C H. Vaw Wrcic--" i.j JT7, . . Srircff or Hon. Gleswi W. ScHoiraxn "Purposes of the RepuMican Party." 8 pages-$6 per thouKSd! Gen. W. II. Wadswobth, of Kentucky "RenubU canism the Test of Loyalty." 8pages-$6 peShou- Gen. C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota "Early Steps in Reconstruction. 8 pages $8 per thousand. r National vs. Sectionausx." Address to Southern Laboring Men- 8 pages $6 per thousand. Thb Record No. 1. "The Republican Party ts. False Democracy.1' 8 pages $6 per thousand. " m"." vper uiousand. ."Thk Dxjtt or the Colored Yotxb." A Dialogue. 4 pages? $3 per thousand. "Homes fob the Hoveisss." The Republican Homestead System Explained, 8 pages $6 per thour "Elegant Extracts Fbox Rebel Writers," No. 1. 4 P2es $ per thousand. ." i KA807IABL Designs or th Dehocbact," from their own Record. 8 pages $6 per thousand. L)EPCRTIC Falsehoods Exposed." Letter of Hoi..- David A. Wells, Special Commissioner of Inter- nDe: J,?en - - Howard, etc. on the Govern Expenditures, Reduction of Taxation, etc. 4 .T.per thousand, t. , , . "Peechea of leading public men, with otb- So?sandl docuxncnt- A page sheet $20 per deG Preparation th 'nowinS JPfwiS!' SfIto - P- Wokton'.Ntb and Stet. ""J , lADDEUS oTETBTEKS, . liOUT- Logan 1 - ' mJkXSX nd General John A, .nHn1 SPdal Commissioner D. A. Wellb l;.2L.V?OWA1--Expenditurea and Taxation Platfobjc or the Rittt t i.v .jt. o hcw 90 per tnousand. dates letters of acceptance, the Copperhead Trform. Frank P. Blair'a reToluUonary lette?Tte:s mISs nfthru.u J itr, czc b page $6 The Ptbuc Dpr i Xewockatic Leo act.: 8 pare' $6 pet thousand. , t ., i. Address of the Printers' Gbant and CtoLTAxCLr-R." with the Republican Platform.. 4 page $3 per tn0n! aand. Caxtaign Sheet ot the New York Dkxoxbat a leading German Republican paper,, specially tor politi cal use, and , . Numerous speeches and documents cot indaied In the foregoing, will be published. Person willing t trust the discretion of the Committee can remit orders with the money, have them - filled with the ntmoct - x wi retmeni elected by the Dpmn.... . ouw , uicr may casl Or ; !' j :;. , li? taarvc can in any election.' . t " , - , ' ' '. &SpffiFXlSt ,: &0- ' H shallito unlawful for . j . - 1 ' ' :" r' ' 2?SBift5giiS!S W Pertpn to.dUchargo from employ. - l-'-" " ' ' " imfe'i5VT,5JiEWA''TOBKSTonETiiEonv .m?Dt w,tndrawpatronaffofro"m.orother- .1; . ' .1 ... SorfSSSefi&i5i5rl because b? tbe'voto eucI. ' . . . . , fiUiLTJIiMATORS meniTsndiM .... SJLVuV& less than Uventv dollars, orimprisoned ; " v' r ' : : : quStw ntjess than ten days.. And on con viciion sxULiEhATlit OV onTAriTY fed7 .f haV,ng ioled-the provisions ot sdo f1- .-f0.11 w? tion tw0shal.!K.fincUleMU,art6fty V,,; , .V- ItisidletotidkoftJr,U!lc?mPlewtoTa (to nrs. or mnr trtn.u1..nnf i... i . " i club of l()Oalike ,Thotoo,JCl if s1 IV h lor Co.fax. SSZtl promptitude, and with tb beat judgment aa to price and adaptation to the locality where the speech c are to be sent. '.:. v- - . - Sept 12 tf t Al liiiLLrlD TIP- . 1 ; I . . . -, r . , general AucmUv f Kor&rJiL . a frS 9" "H1-U '.shall be' inlaw a of. the al fied Totem of &U StatiwUh . ntent tu inflnence hf. vote ih anr lion i , . i . - oec. 2. .Tluit it hnU u i-ir-i w- .... . ma .a a A t mm . bi . a a m- h?rSe uh voter from eraployment -Hvw.thdraw; from I,im patrolor f 4i-harire from rlnL. i r?VSe:,roempIovrocnt, or refuse ttr?U y 'member oriibvoUx'. .' I . aniarV' WUNUcwon .whatever, to anv votersof thu'sutei ot. the because of mo vote whi f . .perron iobtlnS w . . anv m inn nrnviamna . t t 1 . i i'..ioiuu3,ui mis act. snail do P'1' ot V'iriisdemeanor; and "dull bo for thc same Z conicuon or -naving violated the 'Dro ' ,:0; ... I conviction . of . . v.,. wvu iwtiL -m. uic provwiona of sect " lnTe?' nMi 1,0 nnc1 not Jew than rC"! doI,ars';an(1 " imprisoned nbt Ai7- '' corivTction humiiit VlOiaiCU Section fonr. ft in 1 1w having violated section tW T" fined, not less than fiftv Ariu!"Tl.Z- "ol ess inan dolIarsJnnd nU lhan twnt.v:ry, t ' - tho' voti ...iy . 1 ;. 1 1.' i'"viiv.. iiuk 'iriui ..u an 1 . - That , every . niMIJBEiUL MODES OF PfiJMENT OF M'" vwi uuraiinns in U1P &tati. whA of hi, oivn knowledge, orio whdm uifoniation shall, in anv war mmo tW .. . . i . , . . -.'. hf ' J" vioiatea any of the pro. -V,s,n? of ' tbi& act, ..shall immediately 'est, or by .warrant cause to bo niToj;td -I!ffii:.PtrROn. ;-ffjrand : npbn w ,ue,,TO w,a anse him tolr cinri ju. .t iona ana suthcient security in the sum of not less than two hnmfrpd uuiiam, ior. ins . appearance before ithe next term of the Superior Court of the County in which the offence may have been committed, then and there to answer to the law, and in the meantime to keen the peace, and in default of giving such " omuimcui, pvcuntj, pucii person so offendinr, shall be committed to nrinn until he shall have complied with! the aforesaid provisions. oec. inat anv k- mm mi Justico of! ti e 1 1'caco or other officer chared with the execution of this act, who shall refuse or noclect to carry out the provisions of said act, shall be guilty ot a misde meanor in office. f bee. 8. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. ? Ratified 24th day of August, 1868. 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,' Office Secretary of State,; Raleish. Auirust 31sL lfiflaJ State, hereby ccrtifv that the forWoin ! a. W of the original Jet on file 111 1,1,8 oinc- . - " Secretary of State, "WESTWARD THE STAROFEM- . ? - PIItE TAKES ITS WAY;f :o SECURE A HOME IK . THE GOLDEN STATE ! ! 1 Tbe Imigrant Hoiesleai Association 1 OF CAIilFORIVIA, Incorporated vnder the Ixncs of the State, November ZOth, 1 85 9for tit pvtr pose of providing ? ' ' . Homes for its Members. And thereby indoce immigration. , '.,' Capital Stock ......i,rjba'oob W video into 200,000 shares, at $3 each, payable la TJ. 8. currency. ... t Certificate of Stock Issued to subscribers Immedi ately upon receipt of the money. - ! j no rXBBOS ALLOWED TO BOLD StOXZ THAJI S I CIRCULAR eontainlfiz a full descriDilmi or t- property to os oisiriDuieo among the Baareoouers aria aons-th4 sent to any adarcaa upon receipt of stamp forre- n postage. , . . . i Information as to price of land in any portion of the I SUte, or apon any other subject of Interest to nartlM Pr0PO8l1n llrate, will be cheerfully f araiaSed bp .TP1 f tor Portage. j . f I All letter shonlib aZfX) j . . s , n reouptf stamp for portage. All letter should be addressed Secretary Immigrant Homestead Association. rot OOceBox HtK sa, : j . ' - Sa Francisco, California Aug.lJ 2m . : , ,i 7 ; BLANK ILTNIEESTS r i" V- ii i i f Life; ;IitiSTiraiico ! i 'i Life Insurance Company, , '!.. v i NEW YORK. m - .....- . I . . m. m b.;.H.lFattl. niu r - -- W dendf and ITIodes of Insurance X t EXPENSES LESS THAXJLNY CASH i COMPANY,. cl 1.: f t - i i . " PREMIUMS, INSURERS RECEIVE .THE LARGEST t! BONUS EVER GIVEN. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ON ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, f NO CLAIMS UNPAID, ALL KINDS OF N0NF0RFEIT NO LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES ISSUED, POLICIES INCONTESTIDLE, LOANS MADE ON POLICIES, REQULAIt LIFB POLICIES JLTTBIl THREE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE Endowment and U AbuiI yaymat Poll dec. Xoa forfsluble after the peymest of the tnt TtenlsM. The foOowias are mxtmtAm of tW Mmiinu ... TVJJ ' rouctxa taaru ta 1K2, olt rocs T AOXAT.f A3tT ins. dui'd. 4Q.: . . $10,000. sx , a, ooo. XX. r 7J00. 23.'. 7,000. ASDED TO roLJCTs 2,708. . 9 Ml TOT At. 7AIB. $10. vaa. 70S.. STL, a"t rou I1SJ5TX, . 1CU4S. 1 X0L2OV Thla la aaeatlrery Hew PJaa," firlnV Iaero'th larMt return ever made by aar Compaay ia Um I Deriod. Persons holding PoIkU that lrpssi darlar the war. wiU bo renewed (if la rood beaJthl mod Tlm mrum ; basis that will carry the dividend the a inn as U a apse asa ocenrrea.- -- 1 1 . - - : Zl 11' P. nrALLTOm, ILJP ,! ; ; - V j". " ' y .1 irtli 'Tiiw- : j- . 1 rr.Vr1:1; V- J IiocA:L: others for GRANT and COL-i-:... . it.j j! FAX. LIBERTT. and UNION. -'.! -' -:.'.-! V'C, L. IIARELS,; - 1 V , Mjr Rote, tQ red tsd roonJ, . . . ISy pais j, UrKn o( ht rsntaer weaibtr, Toa must r dcrn txrtf, And keep Lotue la- retner. .Low onderjroand! Ofittleillrcrline - :' . 1 - Of njedciw wiUr, ere iLe dVad rUa daA'ttr " ' ! t 1 t r. "r-yr- , t . . Lea tc of lb rmrdea bower. Tbe frost la corning tojocr. prhat U : -over;,, - j Bo gtntif fall." od raale aoft, vara corrr i o Xiocae dt liotrcn. . LI Hit billow, too, forero .. The crown itat cxikes joa qucea ef wocxl- UtKl (meet, . ' j t'-.:'-- or leave the wlndt to Vbcar tl Ud Lrm es ' roa jour drooped brow. : i Oak, held br ttrecrth anart From til the treea, Hop row roar stesss froa Aad. Klithi ap, wbila; jet WtArVr Cowing, - Back, to jour bean. : . . v ?: ' PrecxalnloWorilhtoUiieitti- Make cotapact with rour xm tar ovt.. . nr AUCE CAST. - ''itikrin .v,r.:ic Bball be unlocked bj Xlaj with raloj klaaei. Tbcj Vo the tweet renewal of old bliaica - iULrCaLed tnaj riae.' .4 tv Lord, la thai crlldar : IVheo tnjr Own wicked thocghU 'IIU tLIrTta Of wheo pricked cocBdcooe tUet cp to alaj j .1 . KbJeld me, I praj. : '.-"!...; I C , A Aji frben lha ilora tbail dHre Spread thj two bleated bandi like learea M above bV " ' Andftb; thr 'reat lore; tboci Voce clai tiroQjJloTeme, 5; ; r C f i 8ave me aiirt t , v r- , " Heal with thy pcaoi bj airifa j' ' i AndaalUpoewIihUipoWwvian ;, LIghU lib low hooae, gire tae thy podae" r " bears! oct To ibt'byW u - f i ' . 5 I J I Shed i down tby grace In ahowcri, , . . And J ome foots of cood, at tby ippearlnr, De found la me, trantplaat tbcxa for the' I ..- rearing v Of bearenlf Cowers. To Che Republicans oflVorta Carolina. , IcUoto-Citizen: We briDcr voa utid. mgs of great joy.' The gitat Slates of ' Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana od Nebras- Va have just voted for memben of Con- ? rrcss and Stale officers, and the HcpuW i 1 1 cans, , after, a roost animated contest,'; have achieved a glorious victory. : t t 777? . t J. ' -: uc, uaio camea inai&na ur feven thousand. Pcnniylvania br Hhtn than. 1 sand, Ohio, by twenty thousand and Ne brask by two thousand. . . "Grant beads the column, and his march is onward to Yictory as in times paat. when ho conquered for tho nation at ' Shiloh, ' tlsborg and Appomattox On his barrocr is inscribed those beaati ful words; -"Lai us hart peace P and millions bf his countrymen arc rallying around if. ff..o ' rc ams man in tnese sutet secures us the victory in November, if we are only true to ourselvea, Oar opponents are beaten at ih North, and here in the South they are dispirited and deprcwd. One rallxnt ana unitca ensrge aJong the whole Hoe on the 3d day of next month, and the day will bo ours. The fruits of this vie-" tory will bo 'peace, liberty and jaatioc to all a cessation of bitter party strife a settled condition of a flairs which will in sure, indnLryF its reward, . and lead . to genera! 'prosperity and hap'piness'among the whole people. .Bear iu niipd, fellowKatiicnj, the im portancc of the election of the third of next month. We must carry this State for Grant and Colfax, and elect all our members of Congress. We can do this by. thirty thousand, majority Impress upon the people the necessity of regiiterin their names as voters. " tet it be known also that there it bnt one day for voting. Let every Kcp--ublican resolve that ht will devote all his spare time in this work np to the cv-; ning of the election. And on the day of ; the election, let every Republican be at the polls early in. the morning, with his vote ready to canty and after he casts it let bim work with others all day for tho cause. ... '. . ':-:" - ; -ilTiis Is the way our friends .won tho day in the States immtioned, and we can do St here by similar effort, Fellow-ciuzerts, the election is near at. hand. Let os tmproro the tine Let every man do his dui v : and alter the 3d. ; j of j November tho .Republicans of North 1 Carolina wiU a well the clioras with rail. I yttf. t. 2 00 Jft 2 25- 3 00 ft 2 50 FOn SALE AT THIS OFFICE: v )