" asa Bgrj.. in.njj.nj ...I, i. '. -- - ' . . ' ' " " ' '' .- ri'l. ?tr::;!vif"iv "3 .7wfI ?l I! rt 'Vv 0 ' " - -' ' - ' '" ' . , PUBLISHED DAILY. i imiES OF "ADVEETISnrGT " A ! Tji Hn4 or on tah nt ... . r ,n, - - wsi sj fll VV Cch saUpMtt IamtU. . . . . oaa Ycr $6.00 iJeraj C&cOoaa U krre adrcrtlacrft. Sped XotSca riirj m . . . . fix Iloni-B-Tare Months - 8.UU TOO 75 THE :..T .P"ianXi P. Clair's War Poliev Scru.r r --t.m&a .rw w - - - ' ' ..MUiu- wu - mm; now -and forevrr vnTOrP,nT.v??77 . ' , . VOT TV m - - Trr g.-S?" .aoLiv;-f-.uaiiiel JYebstcr: ' : ' ' - ' " 1 lrrVWrrVrTrr-Tr-5 '- " - ' ' ' " " KKI,!K-S .CEOS, ,', & Wv i cci .: . - , . ... ,, . . I NEW BERNE REPUBLICAN, "' f 4 J ? i V a - I 1 : TIIE ONLY sl3 MM v. , ? 1 Republican Papfer "5 i. i. EASTERN -v- V w-y rnoiisa citAvxu STSBrf u W HER N E JUS REPUBLICAN !si.aedasa. MepenSeat and ProgrmiTe Jonrna MMMateabU hml oonni-H ... bl " BB"PI'lg opposition to the doctrines of 8ro. and y a feariesa adrocacy of the eteria principles of . I- : ' i ' Union, .liberty: and EqiiaUty before the law. The liepuWcan will be devoted to tb. common inlet. t. of curdle, withmalice toward noneandcharif t ' ' U "W VlCad f0r V aintenanc inviolate !l f: Nti0aal and It. erJ,, . .,.L v ... " w cuiiuuBB , f i: .. . MBothe PPle: the encouracemen ot immfin-ntlon ami j.. . : - I -"-"weiopement of our agricu mineral and commercial resources. " ' nnUethe" will be nL. the departments of i a neut COMMERCE, AOmcULTVJte, AST, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, ' '"Wl!! MP, will .r W " reprt'' otf m"ers of Local Interest will Prominent feature, and as there sonear. . ' jsuoma - t- tXCONDITlOWAl.TOlON PAPER 4 - i-iJ J- . K'Ura North Carolina, tht 4TBtas which tht twiiean will offer as an advertis ng medium are a lareap- Rates br Subscription TXRMS CASH IX AOTASCS. ... Months N Month 8.00 S.09 . "2.00 75 Hat e -PC Advertising. Bpacv io consututa a square. rn. . - -. . i 1 rr I LOO Eductions mads to lif vartisera. " "i ' i for the Support;oheCitV GflTPrnment ' " . " I f Sec 1. It it ordalAfA Yt fA"t.. .1 . : . J - Cltrtsf NnrRpm Tht i . .wiumuu! daVofXpririS&rno l r "f r" oi tne trades o tT A. fcr ""mesiiau register. with the ?lT-ICiItiU o ttoiwese and property to be oera iord pnrpo and thereupon, uLmvC . 4 fnrra-ri , - . v- w oecupiea to the ct the r"', i.vvuci jramiu wiuonzea to collect thi tax herein provided, shall make out and dtdive? ii cense for such tradrf iot sucri trade or occupation, which Wi, com in. m in f nr r i7 cens shall continue in force for one month, at tfeeplace or cs HPhiTiiMi rnriiTi - 1 pxemlsj r . &c; 4, ' iVrfW orrfaii: Wat.'l i- persons shall exercise or earrv A . U.Xri -i0?" or hereinafter mentioned fo ih'. V'; :" license is reonired. withnnt oV T "1" WUM:u liceis reqnired7without Un Is in that anm hrOTff 1, -t? ZurVJCT ;vw3 mwcea me r- i -n . ., i T? .X "ouars lor license. T,::iiX , ic ueemeu an auctioneer whose oc bifdS? -PWtj for sale to tbe highest " kV fcW "S"eBi (i) Retail Dealers or fermented Iiqnore 11 i whSte Hr"r "C."H- m qnantities than "'6-"" wi. piitKage, as one time tnttio same person (not inclndiug wines, spirituous or mlt (5,) Wholesale- Dealers ha pay f onr doUars for each mJV Ever'Pe."o whose occupation o"bwints it 13 to Sell "TOCPfifiH nr n, r.a V. 0 'wtvivUiVI OUU 1U1UIHIIHII m IPflVu AM A . (J;Boke8 aEd Commission Merchants shall pay fonr dollars fnr oiT FaJ "vvuc. njij person except one holding a license as wholesale dcalef or banker wh""c - j-uu,, u, ecU siock.!?, money croods or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in onMnal or maSo matters for the owners n voconi. ... , v. v. n.uisf aim oiippiers snail nav a snm not to exceed two HimW ,iii, b v i Bl!m S Thootruu r'-....,.. .1 T . ... City Council in each caee. i ujr rnc f 1 1 IViU'ltnn' 1 lli'u. ... usu;j L . . .. J . v. ' ' " i"-tu.zicocis snail oav fonr dollars for each license. i y J , (10.) Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keeocrs shall pay four dollars for cftchHcen weepers shall Al? J'eddlers 6la1 P T fiy cents for each license Any person, except persons peddling ceM spnprs, books or domestic produce as their own prod udn-7 whoklla rrAvrfiKJ? 8e" a? retail or commodiUes! d3Daifet0 plaj;ia the streets shall be (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for each li cense. Any person except one holding a license as ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods. one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- Ja VJZyeTV Phy8iclanp, Dentists, Photographers anPxnSter8' 8b2.n Pay one dollar for each license, i each liceS! 0mp?nie8 SbaU pay flve do,lar!, or cachiicelni?.bIiCdraT88balIpay twente cents ffor J&J.- Cart-houses all pay two dollars for each li- 7 And ie M further ordained. That all bri Sin !ifnd P18 OrdiMnces conflicting herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. . : "p" V ofcN S. MANIX, City Cferi. New Berne, N. C March 0th, 1868, l -y. y ANTED- AGENTS -75 to $200 per month, everywhere male and female, to introduce I the GENUINE I31PROVRn"mS S.? YAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Aula aiacnine win -stitch, hem, felL tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only $18. Ful ly warranted for five years. We will pay $1,000 for any machine that will sew a strong er, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than m m vunj. maaes me "juastic iocK Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can- Tint Ha ITkTllla Hnn. . . i. n A. .. I 1 a. T -v"- -hmww "iai i. nnuuui icanug it. . we pay agents from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, or acorn mispion frajn which twice that amount can be made. Addi ess bECOMB & CO Pittsbckg, Pa., or BOSTON, CAUTION.Do not be imposed upon by other par ties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. Am? 22. lSfifi. 2m t - ' T .-,(--' ' PRICE S I C U R R E N T. I t BIPORTSD BT ' viHnhhs 4r.'1!MtliaW v tlr7feaZ Dealers in QrocerU and Provisions. TV.. TT" . T- i. "'i1 www, AyoT-, vigors, &e.t Middle Street, Neyo-Berne iVl CI GROCERIES. . .j 23 23 26 87J Laguayra.... . jMaracaibo.... - l v SU Domingo.. v. Java.......... Teas, Young Hyson . . 25 j82 S3 124 i 45 1 WJ . 90 ta 2 25V Gunpowder and Imperial .V.V Oolong............ .... . ., UncolJapan........ " English Breakfast ...."" " Eggs......;.......... Flour, from -' .ramily......."V..; "" : Gibbed Herring, per box. . Lard. ........v. ..... "" Molasses, New Orleans". "' Cuba Rice......... Sugars, Yellows .... .;.-- : " " t. Coffee A...... Coffee B.... "" GAnulated......;. .' "" ' Powdered . " Salt -'-'-- 1 70X 90 7l 9 9S I I 00 I 90 .. 1 00 O I 75 .. 1-25 a 25 - 20t & J 25 .. 13 00 18 00 60 65 - , .'20. j 25 . -- ;, ioo ' .. " 50 60. ..10 I 15 j 15 fcm ; 19 ,17 I W J17K 19 - - f4173i n,19 .. l?Ch ! 19 Apples, Dried X ." '. 1 Bacon ...... . Pork per bbl ..". 2 60 i:X00' .10 12 16 i 20 3Q 00 51 50 15 17 ' T50 Beef, Corned...... Butter... rhoMA " " iieese , . . . , ........... Blue Stone .... . LV. . Cornby quantity. . ... . ..." t .2S ;s 15'-CX 8S 14 j 00 t 88 r; 00 1 . tti ; Jm -A V yy. PV. .... . j "uauu, A-oruvian, p?r ton.. ....120 00 , CiOO 00 OaU..:..; TOT X 10 NAVAI.. STORES. "''"1 Old Dip.............. .... 2 80-' I oo Scrape. .. .;.... ....... - 9 6tt -d'S 80 Snirita TomenHM - ii i , w .tc p 1 3 00 At 00 Tar, aa to sUa ...... .. a uu a as ritco....-'-. i .. . . 2 B0 CT fi 1 mm mm fffe M ti. . 7- pus proposition it con- H before the eyes, even of their friends, and Jer It U tm.o.i . . . - "u iDffWiit- i , -r-.w,Hv,,MU when I ... " -f toe pom. eluded will hav hn V,iu, J antes so Ion ex. canet-bairrM jontr ottlie txr,ulr hVjtw .VHmo a ma-' therefore, undo the KadicM x nF-JIli Vl cannot, Ctongreolonal artinn f. LJnin!oB : br i. ue oenate will cnnrln - v : thCT" h"B,IW( snomit toit? How Mn k.T " thrown ? It can onlr h vtv," ' c11 " be otct- ;r-T"ettoit? uownT;'0 i vvuwm, nuo winiai ia ja li.'i . ? vi the KxecntlTe, who wlhfilTto ki,nef nlnoriJf the ConstitaUonto H9tin to perish ier S" H h ?'u"ai enactmenu which are In t.iT,.k,' -IT.r . "K innnanjentaJ principles. ; m - - 'T:' "iuon of Its xrestdent e et UANIZE THEIR r V.7:"J''P' V ItEOff- i wir n iv iami sr ua a Lit nnnrn msi wmc tne uorernm.nt has Wn v urPn"OLs by lerence Dc.tween gold andwl. ,7,"Ke'?ne Arn rr""' "u,"ue8?0J" credl AND TO DO Tll wnrrsmv? the flnancwi.- WHO WILL EXECUTE TI1P St AIRE8IDET PLP1TIV Tn lTr ..AfiE WILL .OP TTIR Pm. PATION OP NGRES9 KNnwv THE USUR CX5NSTRUCTI W a ct! ' iScHi8 THE RE FORE THE TONviSSnJJSH TO STAND BE- I a . --'vaUJLfriJ Al.l. 'I'll IT TP ; ' uuu wunout-it there i dignity, honor, or value tl ?JL2SP . uur inend. Colonel O. Broadhiad. . pbaxk P. ' - Cailinaill ir "'pain rcat Republic ' 0 copies to-one dd"w8 CO copies to one address" 100 copies to one address r.-.f-l ... 10 ... 16 ... 30 T iiib r C. 100 a like photor h if . 0i" To ecl Cumpaiffii Bocunicuts. GrtAXT avd Colfax Sketches HovT ww -rr..wnd. - --vo. u -$15 per thousand L 106 South.- 20 pages Record No. S-and Vt' and about ready foAhi01 ' Plr.iIon Hos, Geo. W. Jnuv- . . .. pages-$l2pcrthoufand7 -na roUcy- 1C .wi;Mr5, lMobtox. ins,.. Electoral i&nJ on the The fonnwi. n Z' mousand. cured Of the ViiloVRm19 Pro tee. --Addms io T t3? Commit The documents lavenUD1reCr3a5hInon. D. C. sources, tinder the dlrectfoPofP?il7m authentic the committee, Hob T 1 Ti!w ab,t cretarjrof warded rQ individual V H&e &l h Z ?iU 1x5 ehip committees, tree of chtre'8 the prices named. arge tor transportation, at IssscamgneTO the these documentsTP-;talin in pense will be ssvWtJattf 1 of J00' and ex neighborhood : ' 7 fcttei;ing "em freely la every ConbanTfuH nJV ro 18fiS sional ItecnstrnctSS ? TabJ of miSf "d onre8 ture, ApproPrUtionsDTebteL.on?' Published under ahoritvoH to ont. fj Union CongS5onVJcin&W tavo. Price $20 per hundred. W pae8' - "SmocSy8a?d lSS? Shzxck- Bepresenufives. '2 Jae&j of RiK It. thousand. " uora .8 paifes $6 per II on. John D. Baldwin 44TTn m . iv , man Races." ; 4 pagesSper thoS,Sd?IghtS na Hon. J. G. Blaine "Republican Economr v T.m ocratic Extravagance" VpSr TbVusa?r J or Hon. Glenni W. ScHowxLi-Pnrpoes of the Republican Party." 8 pages-$e per tSuSandL Gxn. W. II. Wadsworth, of Kent nek v "RennhU. canism theTest of Loyal." SpagesS pthoi Gnr. C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota Early Steos in Reconstruction." 8 pages $6 per thousand: Natoxautt vs. Sxctionalism." Address to Southern Laboring Men- 8 pages $6 per thousand. Th Record No. 1. The . Republican Party vs. False Democracy." 8 pages $6 per thousand. ' "Thx Dtjtt of thi Colorxd Votxb." A Dialogue. 4 paa-e $3per thousand. " "Homes fob thk IIostei-kss." The Republican Homestead System Explained, 8 pages $6 per thou sand. "Elxsant Extracts FroxRxbzi. Wbttibs," No. 1. 4 pages $6 per thousand. 'Treasonable Designs of tk Denocbact," from their own Record. 8 pages $6 per thousand. -""mocratic Falsehoods Exposed.? Letters of Hk. David A. Wells, Special Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue : Gen, O. O. Howard, etc on tho Govern ment Expenditures, Reduction of Taxation, etc 4 pages $3 per thousand.- . .. Containing speeches of leading public men, with other- useful documents. A four page sheet $20 per thonsand. . '? .r , - Til rVtmmt&A t .1 iv. I . - uoto 1U UITUUBUUU Ul iUUVWUlg documents in German : 9cumenis m tierman : Speeches of Senators O. P. Vouton.Ktb and Stew- - . A m m abt ; Representatives Thaddecs Stxphens. Bout- I f'r1" "- ana uenerai wokna. xiSchxncb. J. G. Blaxne, and General John A, AW the letter of Special Commissioner D. A.Wexib na uen. u. v. uowakd jcxpenxutures and Taxation tbAiiuu ui a i-uuiui'an rAKTi, wiia auKu' itM letters of aeerotanee. th notmwhrv1 pi.h. LATVOB3 OF THE KEPTBLIOAN FABTT. With Candl- noVd. " "r4 PS?-' per inousana.. :. ;. . ; . The ptbuc debt a Lixxocbatic Lxoact. 8 pages $6 pei thousand. 1 ' ; ' Addbxs of thx Pbintkbs G bant and ColtaxCltjb, with the Republican Platform. .4 pages $4 per thou sand. - ' v ' r. ,;::,: - , i" 7r"..-,-t , : r Cawaiun Smrr of tkb Nrw You DrxoxjuT. a leading German Republican paper, speciAlly lor politi cal use, and ..,.' . 1 Numerous speeches and documents cot fncluledtn the foregoing, will be published. Persons willing U trust the discretion of the Committee Can remit orders with .the money, have them filled with tbe utmost - ' promptitude, and' with the best judgment aa topri and adaptation to the locality where th rpeccftc, a art fleptll 1 . -f r- to?Athat I leifeWou to d7i ibSi;ihl5S Co"r of think w r.nr, Ilv!6 ?hi.PP them once, audi i.i..;il ili 8Iian bc u'nlaWful "nteat qt! iSS T0,el?.of : Stale wilt ,F 2-J ri?W-e.S nflaet.co the . -.v , u 0 Quaiihed voters of thi. a. . v ". " .altj mreai to fnmilv " Mt"f.7 .UA uca yoien Sec .'3ir..Siat"it ar,nlV LviLi-i.! j y person to mf r - - . - consjratjon whatever, I6:any6fe quahfecV voters of thU StaU bVcause of tho vote which such voter may cast or i v1' u any eiecuori. 1 . 'Sec, 4. That it. a!,l! 1 ri J r. . . "1 ""wim 1 or v fu vo. aiscnargo Irom employ- , i'-""seironiorotacr. to intimidate invM .,.i:c. 1 1 ') r l:-c 7 a Muanueu ,Yoier of : this State . because o? the vote socfc any of the provisions of this act shall be pn'lty of a . misdemeanor,-and shall be liable to .indictment. for the sarnc, and 00 conviction of having violated the pro visions of section one, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars, or imprisoned not less than tnn dnva A A of havin- violated the. provisions of sed tion ttVO. sh'lll hn flnI I . Zr dollars, or imprisoned not Ui hi twenty days. And on conviction of rJ013. .0 Prions of sec wenty dollars, and ess than ten dav aa S . ... , r . ... wu wuviciion of liavinir violate! r t . j , . "vwnwij iuur. Buau Del . "vv ;toa "ia" nuy dollars, and also J imnnsonpfl nnt .1 o " 3 ,"ail twctydays. Sec 6. That v peace officer of tMa Sf. A ' . cipal corporations in the State, whd shall? -..w v. U1J, Kuowieuge, or to whom' infomation shall in any way come, that any person has violated any of the pro visions of this n,. ! . : , ."".ui nnrucuiaiciy arrest, or bv warrant 1 i miH person ro offi.-nrlii,?, and inpon mhcunt cvi,Iencc shall Xe. him to enter into a l.Tlirl nn.l r.,n:: . . .. . ....... oumwtui Becuriiv in ineum of nnt ti t dollars, for ,8 appearance beforo tlm ncx 1 term v of the Superior Court of the County , which the offence may have been committed then and there to answer to the law, and .n the meantime to keen tr.e Deacp. and in f..i r . ! 1 lond a.id snfil.J; ;" . "Ssucn fTHndlnc cl. i 1 1 V In . .,r.,fc fi:curuy,tucii iverson until he nha II hvn fn,.,i:n.i . , - wiuiiiun Will aforesaid provisions. 1 thi V,at Jstice of the Pe'C Or Other officer charced with tho execution nf ft.;.. ...t. fc . V.'""0 See. 7. Tliat. mt t. execution or thi .t ,t. , or nedect to carry out the provisions of said act, shall be guilty of a misd" mcanor in office. " Sec. 8 Tliis act shall be in force from and after iu ratiGcation. Ratified 24th day of August, 1808. . STATE OF NORTH' V Al COLINA, Office Secretary of State Raleigh, August 31st, 1868. T, HsKnr J. Mkvnikgkr, Secretary of btate, hereby certify that tho foregoinc is a true copy of the original act oh file in this office. ' HENRY J. MENNINGERJ Secretary of State. "WESTWARD THE STAR0FE3J PIRE TAKES ITS WAY. -:o:- SECURE A HOME IK I3p2 GOLDEN STATE ! ! . ' . ' i fie Imigrant Homestead Associatioii OF CAMFOKIVIA, j J&ZaU? undcr' thcZau, of the otate, November anA irkt rrl pose of providing ,J f Homes for its Members A9a& . X Ana inert oy induce Immigration. ' Divideo Into TOOO sharea! TT Q , s-mn 11 nrv mr at $4 each, payable in V W VU14VUV n WfBAv ... . ' I ..w avM IBAg , iqaih. I a - - . . " i u-M.u TO HOLD BOB THAN 5 SHANX 01 property to be distributed amonVtiia ShAVS: twJt7nncA ot ,U2nP for- . I o.Tl V,TT,VlX" w 01 ana in any portion of the I State, or bdoo m n k.- ir . . . . inrnnntiiAii . . . . t . . . . I ttrnBMln Lk iriXZt.-Z r, i . w . All kttrre should be addreiSd - iuubiq D0 aod rested - Secretarr Immigrant Homestead AModatlon. tct OSce Box No. M, A tair' ' '' &aa rrandaco, California. 1 - n v.: rBLAlp: MANIFESTS 1 . 1 x TO! jUE AT. TJZTS OFJTJGE. - .. ' ; l&iSTirance ! Lift Life. Iiirace Company, NEW YORK. JLxnti - - - - - Ci000,000 Important ftw Fcxuar la Dlrl- . . dends and Itlodes of Insurance ! I SMALLEST JiATJO OF MORTALITY . ' . . EXPENSES LESS TITAN ANT CASH i COMPANY, LIBERAL MODES OP PAYMENT. OF PREMIUMS, 1 INSURERS RECEIVE THE LAROES7 t-t B0NUS EVER GIVEN. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ON ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, V t ALL KINDS OF N0NF0RFEIT NO LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES ISSUED, POLICIES LNCONTESTIBLE, LOANS MADE ON POLICIES REGULAR LIFE POLICIES AFTER THREE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE , .T?ntlt AbbbsJ ptynmst PoHdea. 5o f rfaUaUe after the paymant of tbe ftrst malan. aWrlXS' M naaplm Wlow of Ue rouexxa mrxo a ISO, obxt fotb tbabs abo. abb at- .'XSSB. -i 40. I ! AB5T APDE Toroucr. $U71. ' tMa. . . 1.708. IBSB'Bw $10,000. 8.000. 1JXXX. 7,000. TOTAL . abt rou $iUTt. 10UMS. oaB. ram. $1.X l.oux. 708. 87L t - wmmwx sww rkmM, riTVBT iaBrnith period. - " 77 . .? - Persona holdlag PoacUe that lapsed darlar the war. win bw reswwed (if la rood baUVj aad t&d mtxmm VaaU that will carry the dividends tha aaaeaa tfo apse had oowred. . ..'' $ $ . . " inv, f. x OF THE E0LDJX2 rVf Ae A$i?n7iy 4Sca.w ' "Coarxdc known In mxrehes cxnr , CotardeslxtiDd by raeaorlca caoj- . crseref letcibel " Wounds or sickocu nuy dlridi ta rvchlof; ordcrt may dlrld na, t Bat whaterer fate bcUdo ca, Urotbcrs of the heart tro Brt Tried wbta dcalb ru kuai unJ txeorest JBocrad we are by tics tbe dctreu BrolLera crcr more to b: - And If tp&ted, and rowbj older, SbouWer iUU la line wltb aboalder, Aad with hearta 00 tbrill tbe colder, BrolLen ercr wj ilxll be. By comrnnplon of tbe banner, fcalUo-acarred, bat victor banner. By tbe bapUara of tbe banner, : - Broibcn of one ebcreb are wt I Creed dot faction can ditJie ct, Bace oor lanjtue can ditlde ca, Etlll, whatever fate betide ua, Children of tbe Flag are e irrora tbt'AtUnUc ifootblj for Not caber. 1 THE HAEYE3TE2. My harrcatttrewrsiLeBibJleaea aan,l. TLe ttorra-irlnd It tny Bcytbe and Call; Though eklea be dark, and wild tbe itrand, ily LarraU nerer falL I roam at Urge In greener CtlJt, are tnw V. ! And learn my bitter fruluge ylddi a giory aii mown. I need not pray fair wind and tbowera, .Uor lone for while or nnmV Mw. Tbe temprU brings me varied fiowrra! . rrl m ... . a orn irom vne Gerp aca a wombv Dark la tbdr bue to otbeta eye. And shattered la tbdr plumy bead ; I ony know for life they die, ' ; . And lire for o lb era. dead. To the Republicans or:Vorllr .Carolina, JtUOitixntVr bring yoa -Ud-' firt joj-" TIe gt eit State-i of P111 innsylvania, IndUiu and Xcbnts. kA have jut Toted ior mnuhens of Crml gress and btate officer, and the Retui. hcans, after a mom animated euLteit have aeluevexl a gloriou. victory. ' Wo have carrietl Indiana bv trm thouxand, Pcnnsylrania by fiWti tliou nnd,Ohio by twenty thousand and Ne brak by two thousand. m Grant heain the culnnin, aud laa march is onward to victory as jn timen twit when he coiioucred for tho uatiori at bhiloh, Viclabutj; and Apjomaltox. On hu banner ia inscribed tbu. U-atiU-ful words, Lci us ha to peat!" atd millions of hts coantrmcn are rallvin" around it, This result in these StaU-s fW2rra ua the victory in November, if ire arc only true to onnH'hvs. Our bpponc-au are Ixiten at the iSorth, and here in the South tliey are dispirited and drprocd. One gaJIant and united charge along the whole lino on Uic 2d day of next month, and the day will be ours. The fruits of thie vic tory will be peace, liberty and ju.Uoe to alla cessation of bitter party strife a settled condition of affairs whlcli will in sure industry in reward, and lead to genrral prosperity and bappinoas amoo the whole people. Bear in mind, fellow-ciUzens, the im portanco of the election of Uie third of next month.- We must cirry this Stato for Grant and Colfax, and elect all our members of Congrwa, We can do this by thirty thousand majority Impress upon the people the necessity of registering their names as voters. Ltit be known also that there is bnt one day or voting. Let every Rep ublican rvftotve that he will devote all his spare time to this work up v the ev mng -of the election. And on ih0 day of the election, let every Republican l at the polls early in the morning, with .his vote ready to cast, ud after he cis U it let him work with others all day for the ' cause. . , This is the way our friends won the day in the States mentioned, and we can do it here by similar efforts. - . Fellowciuzcns,the election is near at hand. "Ut us improve tho time. Let every man do his duty; and after the Sd. of "November the Jiepublicana of North Carolina will swell the c!orus with mil il.ntJ Ulcrs for GRANT aod COL FAX, LIBERTY, and UNION. C. L. IIARHIS, Ch'mtu Beji. State Ex. Com. Raleigh, Oct. 14, 16C8. A crust void rcUL staadios: In frost of the Planltrs lioaae, 6t. LoaU, tbe otber debt r )V bo arelbratr lie rrfJifd : -lU-iicJ ras cali'one jod coapaaT would whip Iba whole lot p The siraarcr calmly a rwrrtd: You are m.iuke.x These bays bare been: wita bbertaaa. I know tb tup. I am a atraccer bera, and I don't kow tbe tarn, bet ITe seca that swlzx UtoriJ"--&idUri m m vjp, K maU LU cu ndilion efth sxor4 irMertclU thaA it wxttfortU in habiiaKU ofSodsmcruI Gomorrah?. YZ. R.Vijrc, at tbe- I'Iirtr Dcc:c5ritf3 CcrrbsticiQ. u

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