. -7 .,-,.-S.. bt oca. v. man, jn. Xcfi sebsoaeat tasaxtiMB - -aa." Ubwal eedaetJ. aape. WUfx ati. 1 !AT llxMontbv Three Months One Month NEW BEBWE REPUBLICAN. ? t ta f V TT-T F !" ;t IT f 1 -: " ....... . - . . r . J r- i, i , . I I ,j in t . . u. ' "" " "" " " ' 1 in v. 1 1 "h. - ' - 1 - - 1 1 . 1 - ii - . - . . , . I v v w .if 1 . mrj c!2AJ rat bM . .-.-T : i.inr.n ri a NuiMt-,iiuic'Niii4ii rLui;iriimn . im;-:Tntv.w,... - . - 1 - 'acs a aaiT ""Mi 1 m Kaaaajaaaasaaaaa 1 .! 'jt ' - .." ' 7? rrj vA.ixi.ji, JJ JlXJULIX. il. IQlit. YU Jllcrr.- timVl II !! jJi f'LTV rt 1 . . - - a - - - " . m wbf-v w w ar - ----- av jLm : a aa . m. aa j asa. av m : : j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ai a a 1 1 11 m-w m c -av. .aa a&T a w- "w -vsi abb - .a& - a aaw -.' 1 ...... . - r - , - . 1 - - iiiiin-.r-iii"i iii m . . - ir s TzxzJiZ w n 1 aTfU THE ONLY' G88 l)ns .aaTiaaaji'Tfiijt. Paper c rpiE REPUBLICAN uiMada aa 1miPiiWKMottiiria& l - .rt irRrj T-fr.f-f. i ww o; wwfj -xm r-w ii-Hv which shall refiecMhVentmntw w -. T - -p.tcwtmiiwaMfalWot liua. by .a ancompronii.iny oppo.Itlon to the doctrines of Section, and by . farfea. advocacy of, the eterna prindpics of- v " : - Union. . WlfertyilSiidOnality v 4? The RepuMeam will be dToted to the common Inler- tU of onrptople, with "malice toward none and charit tor all ? t wm plead f0Jp J- he edacattdn byWavti!afi2; ?. . Stf v -v.j.ue people; tne etaiajmea f Immigration and the development of oar agrical turaL mineral and commercial reaoorcea. M S.WWciim preeminently a Piw,the departmeniVJoi O COMMERCE QBICULTURE? A&F ' :..itvtu- . SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, win it Wmmarylpacel m reports on " matters of Local Interest will form prominent feature, and as there appears as vet no orhi. CONDITIONAL IINIOW PAPER oioxaiEasD buss BiiioiS Eastern; North Carolina, the adrantagea which the PWlcttJi will iimtMmiMi T f.-N in V-.v. ....... ...... - : Tanas cash ra aptakol ' Jtontha? tvif t.jfve-HK, rwhflHS . r ra.aav T'f epacAto constitute aaqaare. Eep nblican 1 . - r.ir.Tv . .r.r1" W t alaa all of real Eki tLuVt; i Tjcvlii 'ZXUntZnl'iiiltn -ii j , .t V- . . r3. w T1. ! -. - 4 Trrlr lolad fcrraT a v-e-v i V ' ' - ' aanae ia hereby laldh a Kl rr...L TV. . 't..... , "w'JnW 1 4;.,. .... . , TM!-'- I " " -wn.nnf.i I 11 r-. . . . - iprouieorcrrj on either 6f th tdesor oceaiiaW Sectioa But tS'ji . j -.a . A j ton fle-iriB? to ohtiin Ur-Z.-7. -City Cleric liritr Jdi t,m ;wr.rrirlTk tmittobecrriedntfonrtujf an inn-keeoes. tb rewlytmuibf the hoiueand pp6 beipiS rorW porpose. sad tberenpoa. upon parment to the P tycj2k o" other pencm authorized to collect the uuciu-praTiHjo,.ou jtulkc oat and deliTer a li cense for b neb trade pjf occupation, which .license shall continue in fore for one montnTat the place or bremia- Sec-4. t irtfrtoff tThar"f f .aVaw JL Ecreona ehall ejerclotarryLpn ailr trade or basina ereinafter mentioned for Ue erci8inffTof trhich a ucecaeis required, without taklmf dnt mih ltrr. I la, that behalt rjpwd, he, ahe, or or they Ahall, for fTtty?5? offe resoectlTelT forfeit i penaltTeuall te three iUnea the amount of tfi aTHn-nr-mrwi. zV, - t - . vctcc w mo.BBcui me CUT,., case where more than oda Af f ho naMirffa . i.i J deacrfhrf ah.ll wTirri?TT!r.4 I cuue Person W IB J uuvw mcruiK unw, except as taereia-aMnr tioned, license mare te taken out to reach, according tne raes severally j rtcrbed. . Sect 6, And bt It f writer ordaltuut. Tht .f. ' " " TVlM ! 1 ..V- L w I .T-. T r ""-"J I "U,w.ucr-Wi p?raoaHTTinfiroa-ay baernHsa,) coming witnin the purview of thia ordinance. -,ttt rjart- i r-cK1' fV- 'iZaT:TTZu bmum ancn piace, under aacK Hcesta anTnt ptttetwiae; 4 f .1 (M Baert ehWI pay tendollara oV Jf? if JLe.Qi etery person abidt bedeemed -thaaket within themWiM wfrew credits are opened in iaror of anyperaon or . "I. the deposit or collection tot money or ctrrreiic4 remmjtfea ppon; t Ct) Anctionecrs, 2T Je i (8.) Retail Dealers lnliqnors,. including all distilled ' w UlUUUUlg Bll UlBllUGO ermented lianorv and wines-etf every 'description, 1 pay five dollar iTor each' license; " Erery persen -shall offer for aleaachmquora in less quantity ur xenaeniea u shall who shall offer for ale ueh mquora .nan ene gauon isvery person Whose occupation itts te sell or offer for? r6,uts,,,1,JgV5Hj w?ire octi3aeTctaQ(U8enor foreign Or rpmeatic prodnctiems. in k& nnf.kia than i Woleele dealers t-hajrPaj,lour dollars fr each J UT1U. Rvprv Ivnnn'irVns u..ittw ' 1 ;.Y. L -I packagd or, piece quantities of mote than ouo saVo, shaaThe tleemcd' a 'wholesale- dealer - Tniffi 4arlTHJJ .) ITotelsJ inns and TAVerts. hair ast1 TaAllr fot.each.jiceaaej -leTrjlwwjCcwcV.iahdjJto nreprovjdcd fox and furnished to travelers or soionra-i Hotel;lnnTTavenL't u' j'.fi iiij-ni JBrokerawid Commission .Mef chants -shall: nay I wTA.. .11. U a - iuut jMroir, eacp ncense-j Any person? except one, ""'"Mis nvvjBc-an w nuitreajc newer .or Danger wflose bnsjws'tt to tmrchase Ur ic stocks, moncv ' cdode nVMlAMlinilluA J.liuk . ' 1 1 J m anoroKen packages, or produce, or to manage business matjcrsi.for thppwnerafxf . vessels-or., consignors of haalwNW'lt is to purchase; rent vt sell i innrni l km ion n(TrniuirfF 'M . m r. . - t - ...... rJLI5f&S!2,filfi!. . lavtoowttneAllieaor Bmia Rrma.h.11 ttfl.t-l dcUrsfoMach license, jr s ' , orse. ueajers ana Uvery SUhle .kecDcrs shall I - 111 if Peddlers ihan p-ry fifty cents for fcaeh' li cense'. -t-Any persotn except persons peddling riewrpaprsv books or domcr tc prodqee as thdrj oyn producing, who sella -or oners to sen ai retail goods, wares or commodities. I trtreinngfrdrn place to vlaee Irf th strceU hal! deemed a peddler;?: vaniH.' Tjfld at wrH, aQ.),Manufactnrer sbiUlpaj twooollars fercachll- cense. , Any person excrpt one boldint a license aa wholesale dealer tr banker of firm who shall mariof act are; by hand or maefciacrvi and uffer for sale any goods, wares r merchandise exccding annually the sun -of one thousand dollar ahali he AomwA ttS.T LaWTers. Phvslcianir.: Dentist: Phntfurrnnr and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each lieroseTT ' , H I iCinpaniea.ahaU pay.flTCvdi for each licenno. ?, ? ..t ? a -- - . 1 MlAJ AlJpub Ic dravs shall pay twenty-fiVe .'cents 7or.I eac&lieeiiscu - -: - ' " m v ,.i (18. 7art-honaea ihalV pay two donaw foieach Sec,- 7; Arid U-tt furlfor, ordained. Thai all br. oinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith; J be, and the same are hereby repealed; -; i.'.u i."U-4 New Berne, N. C, March S0th,.ia68, . i. M"jiJlt ' ANTEBw AGENTS -r to (200 per month, everywhere, male and femalev to introduce the GENUINE 'IMPROVED COMMON ' SENSE f FAMILY 8EWINQ: MACHINR. 1 This machine wUl stitch hem,. felL,-t nek, q nil t cord, bind,, braid and embroider in a most auperior manner.'. Price only $18, Ful- jy warrancea ior nve years, -we wiu- nav naLOOO for any machine that will sew a strongs , erv more .beautiful, or mora elastic seam than Every second stitch can be-cnt; and still the elotk caa not bar pulled apart -witbont bearing; itai We pay agents mission from which twice that amount can be made. Addiesa SECOMB aVCOw Pittsbub Pa or BOSTON, Mass CAUTION.'.-Do 6t be imposed upon by other par tie palming Off worthless i cast-iron machines; under the same name or otherwise -Onr is. the onry genuine and really practical cheap marine manufactured. . a n 94 1 coo im - 1 . . . " . .... . . . . . . ; .i I I U.i!ai:Ci7'n'j.; Kd0 ,0-j Ilabbs & Brother. -. ; Wholesale Dealers in Groceries and Pronsi&nk, ' Dry Goods, Wintt'uotitHgar &c' Middle Street. New-Betne, Nl C. " " .jK fiBOCEBIEa. Coff6..;.::rU V xb riy Lagnayrai,.. i...-.;..ui.'. '..?.. tt'r'tJ- MaracaiDo........ ..:4...... a o3 to aa 34 ;,. St. Domingo. . f , Java !1 3rrvs5 aji reaaj Young fiyaoa . .-; m . j.1. . ; .vi 1 1 ; ? S as , - ........... " SJ s . Hysonti..: ! Gunpowder and Imperial .,, . SQ,aS5.T t3oiong.v..i:..;:r,......:-...i'5i tx) 1 so TJncol Japan l oa&'VZin FKngllsh Breakfast ill. 1 25 25 , from... ........ .;.....:;. ,10 60 20.00 Gibbed Heiring, perb4x;:.U;.j...,ii5ai ll Ss lard.v.',i ..... 80 a 35 ,Sn2arjLTeUawa;U.'w.i..rf... jIJ O Msi j ,t vOSLee B..,..... ...,..... . 17 . ) Powdered -i;.'.d:Zil7X':HilS,:i - fc2 Qrjiahed,,,!. I! . aSLiir-:ivr?nna Bacoa&n;U:ilA.:..!uiiV?" JM Pork, per bbl.. .a.. SO 00 &St.eo-7 Beef, Corned..... ro ,- 4 siH 15 17 Batter Ar.;..?.v.; c co heUjjJ.x.J.:,aA...r 1 a Beawa.S..il Jaaa JStotie i. , . ,W ;l - -- v. I ' .5?ji Guano. Peravtxn; per ton-. ; .. .;. A .. -J.iaTOO mOO COT -C0 NATAL .8TJ389 ; ? .V m .0?;"'. N4fntT.li;. Jl.Val AiiUiJa!..h-it MrA 4 CO.i; Spirits TarpentIn4;inL.--Jul.T( 40 a JK " BUM LHUU uui or aztintt w check -of ic creditor, O shall pa ten dollars forltceasewH err person shall be deemed an lDrtlnnwr rtu& k man one gauon at; one time,. te , the r aajner imrchaaeR t shall be regarded a retail dealerfri liqaora?, I J 4.Retall Dealers shall payonedofiarfor chlicnsc-1 a whole orlglnarplece of package: at 'one timeto 'jthe: sams'pwrsonaot foeindirig' winesH) pidtnaa drmalt Iwitors)! ehaH he renrde1 ai.t-.ftHMta-' i. ,t . i U i to sell groceries'br at goodsr wares or I merchanJ dlrfoubT ono nrjnora ortginal packagdor piece i at ohe 4 'i 1 1 1 VI II UUU.,.,tVi..tt'kl. .......... ..... V J M Mclaaseft,:Kew 0rleana.,i. B I 00 . tr . VyUDS ................. . .OU.Ca WJ rT to tar that I Un tn wr tA Atmi rzr iCT9 wjth ay friend, from lii.secrt, whiter fcyiLr fgowlnaSa, at I contain tUnallldSjs reuMPcrtaB0Kl ejeci jority of the tmrmlar hranel therefore, undo the Radical rtkuof' ZzI?. I rfllc. Hot Hby tUd eionai enacrmenu which f in vii:"T:rA.v, fY-1 iTiuwaijieataJftrlncIpiea.'; "ilv F I l ixtne Prertdent elected b tnyTWi.--i - - LiadiealaWthe acc-l Z'rtlon tb and fifty RepresentatircawA rTCt!!?0" JTHESE ,ACT8 ;NmZ. ANT. frV? ''J!? f 0 UBLKi'ATinVS IT Tut Tc-r-r, . Jk.T"f.?f:i " ELECTSJATni?a. i n ?TEi AND fThe ndase-of SuG- pi ioeraufromth nav rvuiiM representatives elected bv the tttfVt-ZZlYt ' -,.-. w waaa bum TLiaawvr aaraia ansnit a jm- wata co-oncration of th.; itw;..?. ;r 'i,".Tri:i.i 0 . -""rr- w calt TO THP vvv V' ' VTAV. 1 iSK SJEJiK? .GIStinCtlV. InvobMl mnA l i - r " j-vicuicMfc, ii . uaMsiiu a. Mt' im nni 1 bii a A Vaettifiaalrirta PtheWpVt. iJLf5i J MISJ8 Tm.pvH ;Yrn n, i Hira, ana the public credlti','U'nrrI P"0?0 ference betweengQM JTl Ml HIHTM. . ... 1 ' . , -me constitution hfWro 'L ,o' . 7-wr" WHO WILL EXECTTTR THV V lLnLnT MiTlfl XT T5 s J A lllf. I AI If. BCT.iTris tone whicn rWISK "sr" IAND COMPREHEN61 .a. contest, a6d Wf tbonf dignity, hriMrJorvalM to 'ZZ.Z V'11-" CoOXIX O. BRO A DU CAJ9 ' ' ' f I BtlVMnat.. . -W . . . . . . . J. 1 '" ' -'a J i T! I - )'l.-itt. :n-...iMi: o copies to one addn- -.. o5hpi tir w-aSd-.-i v.-v.-- v . v-J2 . ... OTTOJ4U. bfantand hayt- V71 ..'T'ry vry. f vvm,ieie Goccaitit service AJt tokt Hotc Wm J), KnmTho ti. , ' ' T -fW pei tlibnaanci54 .AewjSoth :0pags Bacoab No Xi.iTwT-1 o--d ) a n - V , . 5S!J?:fi:??f " n ' ' ' ' ' icDmTGreTt and about read opf.aVn Jf iri'T inu . - f Pges-$12 per thousand rteHassas' PmrATrf' WaW-J ''.wLV : i; or War.'? , Debate ImMSJJ19 Ffft,i-TTrn 5tvailtea:isenattfon th-t' Thn.TfrTt?.! . enVr hlrT-? PWR? Uuchmenta can W nro Thenia1 aowcxa.,niuderthe,direcUo-i7thVab the committee,1' Hon!: T.O? Tallock tSS filr?t warded to WiUrJdaaiaVMtimct: tnS 'L' the prices '- Every loeaHtvahnnr tedom " ttMIU Will k. Jl V-i T araount of labor and ex-' sionai .tteconstrnctionr . Tables of KWti , S'!T 2c? VaStffi HivaiMv T rfv . T. ' ' and Union Congressional ciiriniittew ..A.-i. . lui.ilii.r .i i.'iit kt. y How. Ion D. BAU)wrx-"nnman Rights and .Ha manRacee." "A pages S pet tboasnnd. : 0 ,HJ? 3iIn,RTniblican EcoBonry rsJDem octrt JRW;! Y4 PScrr per thousand., Sfxzch' of IIoN. GLnnn W. ScHoriXLD " Purpose of the Republicaa Party." 8 pagesfs per thousand. .Gaw. W.' IL' Wadswobtsl, of : Kenticky--4Bepabn-canism the Test of Loyalty." , 8 pages 1 perthon. sand, ,- ,,cr ; . . . , , Gnr. C. C Airbatwa, of iflnncsoU "Early Steps in Reconstruction." a pages f 6-per Uoosand.' " - J Natbohautt - vs. ' SacTiOKAUsif." Address : to Southern Laboring Men- 8 pages $G per thousand, . ! -TwBaooiwNo. 1 The Repubilcaa--Party ts. False Democracy .V . 8 pages f 8 per lhnf "rt, , T . , ; 'T'hs, Dtjtt ot nra Colobxd Vorxa." A DIalocae. 4 pages-f 3 per thousand.' ' ' ' ' ' rUoJfts -JToa . thk . lIoxaxE8a.7 The Repobllca Homestead System Explained, 8 pages 6 per thoo' aandj-':.' fi a :' ; -i: .".EiaAXT ExTaACTs Faoa. Rxaxx, Warrxaa," No. L 4 pages $ per thousand. - -.Tnaasoa aaia Dasicxaor Tna DxaocaAcr Jrpm, their own Record. 8 pages j6 per thousand. lMDxaecKATic 'FAxaaaoone Expos tu." Letters) t of Hou. David Ai Wells, Special Commlssionerof Inter nal Revenue : Gen, O. O. Howard, etc.. bn the Govern ment . Expend it ares;' j Sedaction; of Taxation, te . 4 pages 3 per thousand- ' - Containing speeches of leading palxHe man,rwith otb exj Ufa ; aocumeata. ( jy lour, page aneet aau: per, thou sand. , The Conrrnltteerhara In preparalioirths' following dooxmenU la German ,L . " Speeches of Senators O. Pi MoTrroTr'. NYx and Sttb jjrcriBepreaentatT iTaU9iairs 8TarHXir Boctv wxxi ScHXca, J. O. BAcra, and .General Joaa A. A1sa, the letter of Special CommisaitnerD.AWxtxs and Gen. p. O. Howard Erpenditares and Taxation and Gen. p. o. uoward Expendltares and Taxation Kacn BtMJses SantttiMMaaad. ; -'t,:. r PlATfoaJi cor TW FartTaucAX Patt, with candi dates'' letters of acceptance,' the Copperhead Platform, ' Frana. r, JMaar a ia vototioaary leper, c-, -panawas per thousand. - , . . . Th Pratw Dxai.'a Dzjrocmjffic LxoAcr-il-parea: 'itDwessrr'pMaT ijistTovAxCLTra, vrith the BepabU can. Platform. 4 pasta U pexthotv and.. Cavfaic 8a-rrv or thb Nxw Yomx DxaosraAT.' a leading German Republican paper, specially tor politi cal use, and. .MV .r-vi.I vr.in n: . NuzQerouf speechea and.doctnnentj,not induced la the f oregaing. will bar published.' Persona willing-1 treat the discretion ef the Committflp. can reaait ecdera with the tnoney. have them, filled with the utmost nrombtrtude. and with the-beet 1adgmeat-a to price and adjiptatioa to ths tleeaHtTwlierf th. rpeeeha; ar- 1 ''betlifal fas any pjrwfi a-pehiaryiorfethcf the VOtf uhiVv r""T7" .P.Y.'.V" .f r nvise injury treatrAr, or attempt to Jnb-rnidiio'.nV!nt tf.VAnai1.fl.il wiVJ l:xr o... , " f OCf, 5, .liiat AllV wrcrVi v.m! 1 '--xViinfircinicrrt-Icr Xfid tamAJ Anil, rvv Potion of IrnxiBg, ylflUM p. ,17 IDI " W V M - v Bl . man iCTiruaviL 7vnd rrt-ri twpntv Hnvo A n .. .T V'.. uuw icss ui an twt?nty dollars. and :hth 'ranht iU lewn.ap tpn dayfL .And i contiction A -7 ' ,,an weniy, aai'A. 6ci , Thaterery- ' WUtratc tr :,K,i,fWl"Vw.a westate, ho, nhd t ' 1 , f , Hr,lVjany 01 Ul prp- ? C tlfTToT. ijii . umuuicu aollars, for Ins ntTcnmiVt.w.rrt,t':fi,rt next term of the Snnorior Cn'MuZ . t I vnw MM...' .1 . . v nj.ij-nnTB i:"1" WW 1. tO ftbf.u'iif ' n untiU.ia sliali haiU ,.,mZ -iv l ""V'f ad- porDphecl - With the aQrWjahI Provisions.;., , : . ! i v tjUi -s 'V t!',,tVL ') V1: " Nam t ' ; . ' . the; Pco or other officer rfiargeU witK thi? i ...coi, jo-vcarry. ont ' thd f roVfsiorm of ,paid(act, ; shall . be guilty of r d toisde- Sec 8 .This act ghali be in force irom anu arwr llH'ratifjcation. V 'ItrtSHed 24ih ffay dl'Atigtast, 18C8. STATE OF-NORTH CAlCOLINA III OFFICE SRETABT.OF StATK, wiieign, Ai!$ust1,3l8t,.;lp68., ?CTtUry of foregQiqg. art on iRL m this office. ,, , ... , . , Pi PIRE'fTA-KES'ITS WAY -u:- SJSCITHE A JI02TK An. . i . THE GOLDEN. STATE ! ! ;;Tiie M ; . ' . t ts pJl .: rui: ft i.-.i -n ;: jt;i ;;;;,;.pFcAaiTpriKaA'j ' ' Incorporated under ' tfieZaies 'of tfu pose of vrobidlnn " Homes ff or its Membersi And thereby Lndne tnmlgraXksa. t !.!- ir.w'K A Cepitai 8tedr-i .?.i.- - . A mm C.. iunVnc?. 41 t , XVrUficatee-ox fitock'iatved d abacribera taiedi atejy upon receiptor the aaoaey.: " i(- ., : No.raaoa'xvwao xe wj maa ituji ft'eauaxa. a:uii..I-., .ri r-..2 ;'t"TTi I ! i;V ? -AlS?? Walalnf a full deecrfpiloiW the property, to be dlstribeted amoeg the Saaiaaofatcra aria Srue! sooTrec2pt of.fcr Inf onnatloo aa to prfce oif land ra any portion of t1e SUteoraeaaay.ethareaMectof taterestxo partUe proposing to Imixrate; wmhecheerfajly faraahean. I i'eturyXaial4raaiDa 1 yjl. vl.'f;.( c : .nrt:-rwiOOeaBo KoLasV.;' -ut i:ftj if"; -Trt "J iif.i'Jt i. , st iJiAf- i,.i n la jljl: jljaj jlu l."" irii4.f) i(.i . v . ,t,i.... j Ji'tZl i 1 i . e ... 4 -.-; , 5 T.mI ,wuli JH,..n.:n llsv 1 r 1. a w - - a i r i a r fljyjl '.i- .-iirT'M !u nvi ;;,! f, i) l-f.-Hi- 1 , .-... - r denda dSIOilnoricsiirxtnce It f fMALLEST RATIO OF JrO&TlUTX rtmivtntu t ifoa ! , AIDEJUL MODES Cr. PAYMENT OP v.tr. ). l ' It.! " .'nn,- I .f ."tt, tj.l ,i I 'i r r. ! ir - rr INSURERS RECEIVE J7IE; LARGEST Vf'i. v ll i nJ.Mi. i i ;tv! yfi 1 .-; . : rfiWajfJafwr...,; ,; . 1 !! 17 T , ri jpjt.j ,,,,f , . , ; ;ii: Li7ZBXP MADE JLNNUALLT ,0-Y, ..M,,,l,v...-r;1eja:aik lrtid ctyat vlLL PARTICIPA TTKfi TnT-Tniro . ? I f! WW9Vb pa. inJ.LrcacUn jir ? iii . a J NQ CZAIMSuUFrAID, t -4r ! KINDS OiPi NONPORFEIT NO A Vn . Jarn nnntm . i ."!- .4 sT . 1 ! ' ..T--- .... . . I P0LICES ISSUED.. r , i POLICIES , ZNCONTESTIDLE, t.,u 1 1 1 iti-; j 'LOANS MADE ON. 7T0LICIE3,. , k - 1 , 1 !. f.ii j ' li." i t i r 1 REGULAR XIPB v POLICIES AFTER i4 i THREE Y&ARS NONFORFEITABLE '1 'I . eadeesstAt aadtaa Aaaeal parawt Fellrisa. Xea ferfaiUMeafttttM patMt ef tlSfim 1 . , . , .. , .1. The feOewiaxara aatDivldead 1 i fit I pWa the eeraiSoae of the .. ; I .21 1 . ! r 1 1 L T 'I I 1 .i..:. -i,: roucras tascxo ra 10. enr rott Taxaa aea. it. I Aeaar a- ' rm" " iibWn 4' tota 5 , use. rasa's. ranr to roi-r . - j so. iJboa. Tvr j y 7x lojsm. xaa. ??. fol r. .! ;i;lr :-i: If .rr Mf,n ,i YiTi. j v.vW ffp;f rri 1 Thle la am catiMl yrws-i. fiu - - - 1- i period. 1 j j J vm. .. ;. .;. ,. , ,2rl.. . . -1 . IMK-.I. J J 14 II Psrsecs holding Poikiea thai htr4 basis that-wlH eaxry the aUvtdeade the WTaa Ifao aiiUeeeaxTed. . i.V7,?.?f f? v 7i jfif grj r"w .r.-i 1 .-. L't j i-i.vtl lii ,r4ii -ijj fcT r-v I I a Ppc I drrr It away, la ey pHfvx r -, ;i a.w say uii iron i ir-r-. -t-t - - - Xre your heart f Ol mway frtxa taiaa i Crica oct for fh Wwl aid reaXlaiar t ibvf-!?a T f a ptae ! for I li?Ia lUB VTtbootr a, OUR falTTfiTTf , L .Wexj(Qlatcth'e ririh'tW J , ota ra javcij in FtlicUion, of coMiItutioni aecuriog frcaldtU and poUUcal o sui.na it it the. doty of tberOTcro f ttffrAre to aJI loyal men at Lbe Hnrrtb mandrd by cw,demkfcf,pHie aafe- reqairta tliCDajmcnt ol iLe puLITc'InUcd." peaa tailoTiiUrrtacmirorl fo iji hiitl tort alXomc hod aXrcwot cniy"axcbrd!cff " 16 the Mtrr-tmL'tbipfTtrcf ba T Uw ttdcx rS wbicblrtrtitcntrturw:!: ; lV.rtHetiiio thufsSnrlof'tUe tkUoa t that UratiCTi be tallied liA rtiJact ' 4 U rtpldlyf ttiltiVUoextftlJ lU tiTttH.; r ? -tV. TbbriiUfeaJ'dcbtVCx.afa'rtrtf aa !t-taJil or. vrbenertrU cao Mrbrntl5i6otcr-' ttrden , of ticbr it lajp ctr Credit tba; r tea of InUrrat than we now pa, avod &cat continue to pay so loDae-TrtrodlaUoa, par tUtUtW'j; cn-rx: csrtitj Uf ibcHteaol cxT opectM. 1 LV ZtefbrpSitAlBiWit Vailed ui Abould be admlDUicml-wirh the strictest eccn Dmj 4 icd the corm jjlioa wbklt Ua born ao baeyyiraou and ifoaltred by Andrew i V0,11"? ,QlKlT3f ivT rm(1Jr1 "torn. f , ; II L "! c prtjfciuhdly tfcpkre tbe cuUee- ! ij ana iraric vicaib tV Abrahao Unoula, aad - timchroaaZj Sih.taa jrfaaiJdTto xettite tbelavtf li fL once Uiadoce oCbey icttav a IgDore and Tiolale thciawi; wq 4a . 1 M,MUTeif"rdrrnecufr vne propeny, tne peace liberty' htd life, of IbeciUB; -who baa abced tbe pardoalnr Cyyreri W bo. baa drooiioced ibaKaikixod Lrr Utare m uflcoaaJtaUonal: -aJLo-Lxa per- Inla pdwef, every proper attempt ar tbe re co&ttrnctioa of tbo 8Ulea latte In m, . 1 wbo baa pen erted tbe pabiic paixoaaga Icto n an engine of wboleaab baa been juilly irapcached Jot bb crinie. ' u. luiaunocBjjora. ana prcpeny IrotouDCed truTJty thereof by tbe totci of tllny.fiTe Bca. tore. 1 : . ' . t ; j ,-. Jbe .poor! no of Great Criiiaa and " ptbrr Eurppeaxi. powtra, tbat becacaea cua iW U Alwaya o, tauat bere-; UUd 7rry batard ty iba UrJuxl rjtatea, aaartiic of feudal tiiaca, nor aathr?rtrxd by the lawa of ciliona, a4 atar, yrMl ctrrha-, tjopaj bonot andjlndepeadeace.: Natoralixed SiLf f?11"1? prrteetion in xU tbeir' rijrbU M'cUIretrabip.M tbocrb tbrr rere : naiirebara ; afid ;no tltfren -of : tba Cahtd Stair,: paUre or natcntltxed, tami be HaUa . 10 -JTtt ana. irapriaoMaeot byacy foreira power for act done or wonU ipoaco ia tblt f cooriiry; and If to arretted 'aod lopriaoced. U la tbe dnly of tbe GorercxDeat to in lerf ere I la LU behalf. . - .'.h-- : : t : -i . P who were fhJihfol la tbe trials of f the late war, tbtre were pods entitled to jaora 1 etpecial, honor than tbe brate aolditnacd Kmca -wbo endarrd rbeardbfpi of cam- : ptlgv and ctuIm, and Loperilled-ibeirbTrt ta tbe aerrlce of tbe connirr; tbe boaniiee and ptnJODt proTldrd by the law fortherc braye ' defendrra of tbetiaiion are obHraibna aercr to be forgot lea; tbe wldcrwt and orthaca of' tb rJlant dead are the WTLrda of tbe' people facrtd, lecy, btqoeatbed Id tbt nailoa'a . protectlni; care, , , . . - XL'Fordgii laaxnTrratJon, wllcb In tb paJtba added aotnncb to Ibe wnJih, drrel- opmrnt. and reaooroee and Increase of 1 power to ba Jtepabllc, tbf aavJura of tbe cpprtaed 1 of all naiioaa ahJnld be fmtertd and racocr-, ared by a liberal and Jnit poller. , AIL Thla 1 otmtTntKm deciarea'-IUtlf la' iytapalby lih ail oppreaaedTKScplc atrae- t. tllvg for tbdr rlrbt. , f t On moikm of Carl bbnrx, tbe folkraricr two planks were added by a cnanlootia TOJe , 1 Resclttd that we : bTrby coanend' the apiritof marnaclrnlty and forbearane witn wsJca oea. w bo bare acrred la tba rebcITioa btjt wbo now frankly and bones Uy rooper t ale with pa la reatoriDt; tbe peace of tbe coun try ' and ; rrctrrritrcctinr iba 8uibcrn 8 txta ' fjoteraBocta open tbe. baaia of I a partial Joa-' ice . and EqvsJ liJrbU, are rrcrired back into) tbf tanoDlqa of tbo. loyal People ; and wet favor tbe removal of. the ciaqoalIcaUna aaj rratrictlona jrnpoicd; cpun toe late rtbeli In tbe aa tneaa&re a tbeir rpfrlt of k rally will direetand aa may bo contftlext wiih tba aafety of tbe loyal people, r . , Resetted, Tbat wecoonlra tba rreal prlo oplc laid down, la the IcmjortallSeclaratkm of. Independenc.a tbe tme foendatkm of dxxcrxlc. OTcnnnent- and we ball with tadneaa tTcryeirort toward ciallar tbeaar princlpJca a Utin rrty ca crery iocb ot wacneaa aoti :v? .? ,.. Ji " UTU Unie is fro or War,1" aid a4 m Utrd lo. a ttaU 0 anaxclj y III MAnKk .ir w toe peopjerT hp elcxicd btej axd Lb cacao f be was plcdprd to iojiport ; Lo bJ uacrpfil . r "i t -.1 :; 1 .!' :! .t B cUZjy AT 7MIS OFFICE. - Sept 1 tf f i Orri4e Few 'y. C. ' rT7; HOK. N"aI. BOTDIJf.

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