U rater D a-pr BT GBO. Tr. KAMK, J -111: 7 a i ' 8pdJ ?toCor cbfrtr S ff MftU UW am Year 8.00 Stx Month 4 00 On oau ' - . " ' . .; ' I - r - x ... - ,- - ..... . - mm """i aa ' -j,' mi be 1 ytmmmmm ' miin 'ggsrt 4 ' ' puDucna ... . . i T- T'rt T7 rr?- -T'r.M Ttn,.',-:.: sjwi vit) ft ; -rtT. y . -r- - r: rrz rrr r r : t-. : : : -. -'. I - - - i Hf.J 1 H" IB urn ...... 1 - " , r r . SET7BEKNE REPUBLICAN T 1 itlinMMiti.VMnianfJiV1.(MP.ra juu(4ibeB9K uj aapprtM W TUejre tail kcto -r- i . ' ' ' .... . ... . . . . . I ' w. ' dtr of New Beni,Ttt ioHhefi-rSfcDaii? Jane Jie4i THE OKLY d i8iH. a ux OTJWMimtMieuol km uewaL ccficcfJ sad t&a ad tt .taM nUlnzr.H n T-nvrt eUte within the Krai t of th eorporUcm,T)e and the riffl vRnUiT ylJ'm i ;G88I bns 888 day jot ApW.-lfS,,a Xfemnx, fltrai-of DTOKCUK OrOUTT OU CUD .Sec.8. 7tifirtordain.ThatTTTta6rtiet-nrPlte before eiectia: the Rtt tons dlriff to jobtain a Uccdm ehall r?iBUT withthe j eluded will haTi beetf admitted ; lietfro ab aty-Clerk,rtt hlaoatiMf, r thlrmorityle: W I Uahedand the cArpet-baslrfttalleil In cowl the traaea or occopauoq f or , wtuenr veepao ,.iffw oiyouKres.- i nert. U ao fere loch Trade 61 occcpa- J cnanpmg me pouucat coaraptcnoi ei ox utge traaca or ooeopaiioxtai yiwnwu wyuc xaeniuc uxcn ti an, aM to I'wit OTOiaanea, -DZKu se' am h ivcyt wiy,--tvrjrturrine rtcu and ant MvHihhd.Wutoiimi t:t;:j:I.fiMi cr r.ri v. n 7 .f.j. ta.offerttflt bribe to taV-r v 2'. 'f,'"- ') f notiln .tj H box or lorw'of tmn htm bwi fUrr" .lo'ihatdt for rflr lUpabHdaa orfti- IF: Tlffiy vDARRa .AKD WEI WILLu ad. delred V third, the jlaee whfere i tbe Ee mibh can er tlon is to be carried on : fourth, if an lxm-kecperj . . ... . - m- " J 1 .-4 iffld or Miid ponxACcl therepo&vpoii pojpeDtto-tho therefora. undo the Radical plan of rtrontructi!nr3 tax berela prorided, ehau xxiXts oiit,Mi6r(tleJtTcrcl Vnw'fhV anri triT oT OCCOD&tion.WMcB HCenSfT hdn t tBTOWn ? It Can OnlT DC.OT coDttnnte ia foreofoTOTeinonat tMptacfewpfeim if be, allow l aeecnDeo cnerein. . r . "-r;TTr7V"T s,enes:eXi it- a -niuiiu ciiat.LUiiruLB h uii ii htm i n ni nKU x .i I T " I v Kim LMulC w If 1 191 I riffl mTw m 9. bb oror therhall.fr J lUdJoals byrthe acccw VP of twentr .WnZ- J-I SSS5SHroSa TI, ,ciiSKTOB SW8f . , discharge from cja. i f n anrh Un-nu to the one of the citT. I aa the present one of Mr. Jnhnum . .JtK t T I : iSeeTftjWWtt tirfJWK-owlal?fnut to:oweryi!ThrU BUT ONE WAY -TO KETDltE T nF 6aV described haU becaancAoa mma mace at the rame ume . W - a tloned, license n t aaen oai ror-catn aeconuapio Jjjj -1 y v - V6URPATION AnKTHR .m.'uiir.qaaurxea YotcrT)f IW State mth " r-0) v,T.r.r o V-iri-A. ij "oL-fit.t1 uml5i,'air ama w4o,buum i. -i Tit .'.tlVM .AiJtaie. in nnv .Tk.UV I . t. t...r ..f J..f,i V kwhiiwb, ugiipwai a wwwousz , ffrae eiab-TPr 3W ,wjthUniwj from.hm wtrowcrtvcfr " V . 'r' I. " W JUr n rufufaa tU Denver U4 he Detnocrauahomaclt their Predpt.a.' ' . . . t i ZL Vkritm ktu ri rJUi aLa ; Lrw kL.Ai I .i.v. m. u-k j . . ,tt,' "i f' t tniMi i '-?'f i . j;i : if i in. s i:t ti i. ir.i'v.rrv i .- : .. - t - . i - m m - -" t uuiiMiirr.iLiiin wnnrnvar m.wm - r i .4 -v - - 1 " . . tho' vote hich Wch'' Voter may ca3 or : lh!a.ni-ji.tns!ii-nrjJ.;! rirch OAUttVlvhiEU. ;r ; , -v ' the rates aereratlr rtfcrihed ' See, -Ana tejUTurtAir ortuwteiij th first day of AprU.1868, for. paid; Any. number of persona ine win aam herewith Utd,hiai be feapettiTely AKD REPRESENTATIVES-: scarrriBjBon any tmstswM I rne liouse oi,itpreentaUve rtll contain aiorttV Amocrara irom me ortn. and the -will .itnlt K- xtea or thertvnia rtk. t .w J J Wrt.thwwratk.nof the r&fii&yvYZ?t c-co; mine wiinm ue porvutw w onuaaoc tu uhvt i nrhin tniv tranaact such bnsineaa at such place, under 1 anch licena'-imdrnx)f dtheniisel 1 5 frl EASTERN SO mfidUbanJ xasoi NO B?fitfll)C0Jm5aA firm, byhe depositor illection of nnyror and the Aaihev'Orefny part hereof ahAll- be pa remBxieu pva vw vri ""v '?.y'',4Ti i aludlbedeeittanracttcaieertrl. a aiau.rei.aomit to patwnjt if xopx,propc;wrci-44 Ms;f ffmm aw voeai ft aitype: enrrencT, dd oaVor a wilP not. ho able tb withstand the public TudnMit. Every peraou cu bi .v. t V ; "V w wu oil me nsarpatlons : hy fl mm m M m m . mr m m mm m wvrm w nn m-m m rm m n m mv mw mf ;w1v injure, threaten, oppw or filtx-mpL . i "' ' 1 71 ' ' ' - J .v :to Ihtiiiilaa-''nnVoV'tliouariBeVoeera1 1 ' 3 C' - i ' : ..."j-a in ir:.u.-jixf ared acccat of lUo recmttlrcctloo touct or voncrces, at rrincrxl dj loo adoption, la Uo majority of lb a ElxUi iaid la rebellion, of CftMU C oonaJltuuona afryrir cfTMU cjtU and poIlQCXrr oR.inay.miOIa!,r.loainn:-' rM V: i; K vn:.i, ..!.;,,; oj .-;r, 1 tent the people of ki Sutcsfroa bder rr i a ifa-x oi aniruif.. . Iroarautce1 by Cocrrea of cqoI f rT.Ulude7iDd of jutvilre, ttad ceil be ulaloed : bile the cccsilon of aeffraxe la . m ftfma . m . t . . nirt:,-1iv,'! ' .! ! v vaaiiDc K)joiAiirowij rlPllerco Slfer,S"S'i2SK'W. PwtW ,. ...j1iq:!, ..c v.: VI . in'x. "l liuLirss Liijiij.i-ii iinvn. .inn Aniwinviiittnn .Mu jf.r i.'vt' irA-iiii rite u 1 1 it i i .1 i a i .t t . . rorhaViniv vldlafet! the! urovisionaof juhv n' ''L rz r- TrmriEftalrtLf jiTc JticbnoT. . - J .. 1 . . - Ti.l, ... .. . ! J . ' " ' . . " . . I - - - - oTtothfow.iipr'shiAf ? . vtf unwi not less inan nityr " j" i' i T J lU ..' Mer,.rr: .-vwpv,i r-.-.i-f-- v. 4; i-lrK5KJW?w mpJote reatontioaf .dol ar5. or imorisnnrit.v ttnf IhnJ 0 4l;wH f .. - . t . lion w wnaiw owl boi -wij corctcr .a k n '-n.Lmu linn ma . iMMintfii v .nil ! t atT 1 1 iXmfi j il in in n fji i k it nnnna v a.. v. - r ? - r w w x.m ivi mU a i ii m a t a mt m m a - - . : . . . r r m w m -O iT Ooerntedlu IfKX.i . ftVi6 i.I ikhlcSi ill clrartk' .1 L i f thanonegaUonatonotlxnUo rth pwchaae f.' Hejbe powe f.u- m .1 . . . ru ..... I ' ' -'tha UalKti tbOUM be cqtUliittl a ad rt3ooc4 bbowda ' txrentv dollar., nnd -LrZ: ; ; m.h - r il unv.uJ.r t ,:1 Vu!i -r. ; . -m' rapidly. M lb nalSoaU fajtl, vWpenalL S25SXgffi And oa conviction U" VJOK. 4 0,7 orS J "fMft-r- TV" D . 1 ' mTk. r hn IlAArfmA .. J . " L. " -vmijo va .1 f hOfllirY l Alnf aI r.T.t4 ' . ........... -.-I . ' - .. a . . I .... nmA.sn a ffAinMfi nrminrricinB. xxtl ipki nninuunuiui l a.v v uaucu a. ojhi umLmT it a i-arfft m..iAA.- f iwa iifii iiill w luiaLni nil i 11 in itTi at tm 1 i v-va i . -t. .t - t '.t .-j i " i r .? i -! a m mM ir immm - m. a . im ? ..TK xl y vvlrrinal ntaW AF TiAaT ACTA. ;is7!iIHI;iH'l m 'III rjlllfi REPUBLICAN la iasaed a b aahi person (not inclndins wines., epiritao liquors) shall be regarded ,a .a retail dealer. AND TO DO THIS WE T-.io niior. n.v fnnrlnllAr for each 1 WHO WILL EXItTlTit it n'foeaor anVooods.: ware, or merchan-.l PATlON: OF CORORE89.: dise. bv one orWre original package or piece .1 .one "KrwV4Sm time, to the iwmwwJw.t'' " TtnT it Va UJT" Mejendeat and j ProkTcsaTe JonrnaP wpoiesaie.qeaieri ; . j v-I -wr muDDnmiui w Tl...l 1.. Tv.mi ; ana 1 1 iut nra qoi an l nAaicr7 f oltoSaB and lodging THING THAT INCLUDLL er8ln Tiew of Jmytaent therefor, hall be regarded a a. dignity nonor, or -aloe to the rrngjrle Uotel, Inn or,Tavern. f U ' " l ' r .:: ',i V.I r.XowrM CI.J Brokers ana commisaion jacrcnams buu paj i four dollars for each licence. Any person except one- Couyfx. Qi BnoAPtnciD, hokling a license as wholesale aeaier or DaKen-wiTOBv . business it is to purchase or sc-11 stocks, moaeiv good CntTITnnifrn or aeek orders tnereioT. in .'onpnni or j , "7u j T A Acaa In the citertooat pood faith to all cmll nothlnj that . IO friend; one 'in nny way conic.' that . , v,.nl of a .shall. ,im-eiliately i Kvfein nnblrtfHi:np nPodnCt Of tO mACaSe DBS I lie 8 uuvivnvw "ap " a - t . matters for the wnera of Teasela:or eonaipiors of cpo, i rM-oc Vv Vv. : i ! '.I ... r BARK P. Blaib ""' V1 u;a'ia"lcauwiOUe(irrCSlCU J . .. r . t,;; i . . u. . . ,!!'' .'. j .. , - I giicli iiprRftii an,;' n(rj,n..i . J.r ... 'I t v.eiTi?j?JM nECETvn TUB LARGEST Great ,i?eirfiitm' 8uffic,c.uV r . . rcat republic. enU.r into Vbondlaml .ufficicrit Parity , . . uv ivcm ii mi 1 . iivo niirHircfi i- ? . . . 1 3 copies 'to ona W ' ' ' 1 . f HI UlC SUIll rjf not less llian ttrn ii.itlrxw wblch htH reflect thu nenttmrrtit- ad'iilon loi-Mra Irjl4jia. or '"V " 1 . Coutes to one fWnW '":-v ( ,r Tk: - v -...Tn.i ..V, - irr V!.iit.ii:rii.Sii' !!lWteroroww..n.i ir - c ur, gp cople to one addre-V' ;. T!' 'IL" ."1, lc ore ntakMtoi Monrt iw copie. to one add.::. ITmlVm jo ' I nexi . iemi i ot the npenpr Court of ' 'V1 ' " j Uotto exceed .twhMalidita.U;!;; TaeacnrJnbof flftya larpc lmperiafpbotoai.,if f 3Unty m wlcll 'tllV'ttfretlCO inay'haV Una. hrm nncumnromUin ixinositMntai the doctrine i rit. OnmirU n Mrh mm. ... . . 1 Gen. U. 8. fJrniil uf 11 h pouiOCTdpu w 1 . . .. . . i - -;-r a mw i j -v- w - . " " . k . ' . i. i " run a.iicu bji iu kiji sraa ' i i a i wiimi f vim m it i ' a . i . m ' . i ; jrt i-Bowttn2 Allies or Billiard Kooms shair pay iour cluh oi 100 a 1 ke J11m Wiiuh UMni i.Lrf .' .!.; .1 I i . . a of SeceH'ion, and by a fearless advocacy of the cterna prindplua of --- -- j , " . . Union, r C1 3 ty before the Law. ler Co fax e he e iLiU'L kinwr (. i.ninr..tk A., v.. . - 1 lO IllB 1;1C. mill in thii ni.uii.t iaI4'I n the Deace. and in ilofnnlt nf .,, DIVIDENDS MADtS AltaUUM s ' turner. i iiii auiiiuii'HL Kirimi v uii.ri rvnrortn i ' ' . It. t ? i Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers hall pay four dollars for each license. or domes tiic produceHs their own producing, who aeU "IT CoLyAX-Sketches of their-live, and SO oflendlllg, Hhall bo committed tO Orison or offeretO ell at retail- jrooas, .wares or W: . nht J.A trinll lih t.V .1 i. aBM.tr "i no new oontn. ' 20nt.l " . vjmiimiv nil uio 7 txiiod'Tur rodrmntjon : a6d" ft la the cotr of Coogrea to Toducer ike rv of btopat itjcrt- ' oc w ttrrcrcr It cxn be tcracvlJ y AotilL ' Vlr Thirl 2e beat policy kr, dhtjnha ccr " burden of ttebt la to ao tnrprore ocremllt tint " capitaluu Tail ao6k to Kma ui raonry ar lover ruleaol rntwrn ititi trc noir par, ajna xsuit contlnoe to rni ao, )one aa rctiUaiioii, pax- UsJ ci toLiJ;6ra or eoTerL U'Uirttcaed cr Vlt Tbet3oTrtrBSie3tof ibcXpitoi gi tiff aLould bedTZ.!nUlm4Khlhealriciet omy aod Uxs corrcpikma which hate bres ao a n . 1 1 . a - . a a ' a a 8imciajiTarwrrvcu wa xoiicxca uj inurr;w - VllL4 n profoutidJy deplore lb ofiUtae- ly and tra Sp era lb of -A-brihast-Looln, ajiJ regtUlto ac.mkKPUilti3uyf drew Joboaott, w jpn. vaicd. urxclirrvu-Jy to the people wHd tciei' Llia And the ccae be was pledged o aoptort; wbo bxa utcrpfd blabricrUlalite: 'Bd' -jadldAl ftrbctkma; wbo baa rcfuaod to elecui tbelawa; wbo i baa oaed kls hlzh oQce to lodttc olber cScxra ; to" t roo re arid vblale tbe a.wa: wbo ha ployed hi eicctiUTcpowen to rtcdrr Inioarrr travelling from phice to pUce to the streets shall be 1 "KK-2: deemed apeddler. , ? ,. . ; ' '-'4 - H ri-- (. . t(10.) vfltanojacturers sna pay iwo ovum iur intu u- hecobd xmo. 3 and irUM. Anv ncrson 'except: one' holdin? a license aa" 1 i Bepcblicak Econo af ' v a, m . ! dealer or hanker or arm wna anau 30 r r f'i aforesaid provisions.''' ipHed' ALL PARTICIPSTING FOLIClKsM j'JS&l .:.!' ( .! . I ;..t? -!lpowcr; wbobMdcta3undtbeKfta2alLe-t .... I . a w.... rr - a . . v . r a . Beitblican Ecokomt; tkfnca orr m WrU'aV: 4 Anat!..anr, JllstlCC Ot the 2t0 CLAIMS UNPAr&S TaD t ii . . ' - . ' . I " .f Lki. . . w . . w - . v . . ap . . - . m- - I ..a.. 1 . . 1 - a m.v . . . . . f mm i i I . f ' -..a. mrmmmmm wm mmm. mm KDUJ.tUU Wil-WUJ Wttrvta In bla power, ctery proper atlesnnt u tbe rt-" TOoilrucUort of tbe BUtca body ta rebellion; wbo baa pcrrcrtcd ibo public -pa.troaare lclo an ctigineof .wholesale corruption t and .wo baabcm jnjUy Itapcacbed for bifcb crtmea. and mladcmeonora. and properly ' prorvotaocca -A 'Tr The 7?puWlcan will be devoted to the common lnt er sts ot our ptoyle, with " malice toward none and charit for all it will plead for the maintenance inviolate ol the National Government and Its credit : the education onmmigrtinoTrana the developement of our aericnl- ill tnral, mineral and commercial resources. While the Republican will be nnscmlnentlv a nnr: jxir, the departments bfT " J" " I not he puiiea wholesale dealer or hanker or firm wnaanaumannxac icdebt. Great ReducUonof xmhM i lVac or .either nffi I -.i. ore by band or machiiieryand offer forsale any goods:! and about ready for the press? - r-- ,;r-iw vuaigwjwiui.me ware or merchandise $xdinR. annually, the ;sun of: ? HoN G w Jr.v .J.. T.. " execution Of this act, who aliall refuse - -' 'ononiadollsrs shaDbe aeemed'4ininnfact-teitV Da?eari " nd PolIcy" 16 or nPfrTtW 'V t" "mLSem.iPhy6lciansi Dentists, Plibtographer- Pe-J12pcrqosatd,: , or mfCCC tO carry OUt.tllO pfOSlona ... snd Printers, aball pay we dollar for ach license; ti l I Mxssna. Stswart. Morton, rADNTS-:"Peiie Ot - 8aid net! f .hid!- rw- rWiHf. A'f: V fJ. i c(W.Expr(Coichatt pay; .five ;doHar for or war xrmte ,w the; United SUtes Senate on the mi,arin. jMnfli 7: , t ; I !.V7.:T 1 ' i -4 anli license..... . . , . -r- "r3."ySF. o paes 3D per tnouaand. I ' a..-vww. - . .. . . J .:! ... I , (iSKAiipubidrays.hanpa The following .mpaign1i)uvCMSiie:: , $eo8. tTis. .act I Bhalb.boiin , force' ALL KtlfDS ' Or NONfpItFEIT.G FJ thereof by ibe rolol Udrty.flebaw each license' ' tJl s-. ' ,jy St eared pf-theUmon'Repiiblfcan Congressional Commit-' fA'm ol' r, . : ' .-is wj.m .y.w ..if -' i 1 I'Jf. :(! .:.:'; . 'tOTaVr. , , -- ! .. aKConaesh paywpto fipm. and after itSjraMficaHon,- j ' 4l ' ....., DoHrioe ef Great BritUa d mm iB&M& ni i:;;-';::,; New Bern. KC.MArch,Wh,18C8, . tne paces named. t ut-.w " flitt. Ri7i;a cJl.- :. . i .. . t -rw tu. ..t,.itt, AnfM. TTTT7ANTED--AGETNTS- $75 to 1200 per month, I isse(I the campaign are fully and ably discussed In 1 I....T K . taleigl?fAuffU8t 3lBt, .1868 ij" , '. ' ..I, itrw ?ii 1 iii'i - t 1 III ...-I.,... .n.1 rMmnV to tntrodnee I these dOCUmentSJhSnd arVt Mnnnnt nf I.Km. 1 ' r, . . i . - ' H a V I the i OENUINBf ! IMRUOVEDi JOMMON pehserill bsaved by scattering them freeJy la erexyj .1, IiKNlfY Ja'MEyjCINOXft; Be4.tta.V0f I '' 1S l l-SENSE KAMlLhr 8EWIlT5llArHINE. neighborhood: . d Q0! w:r.,.t,. . r t L I . I I This Machine .will f titch,, henv , feiu . tuck, .McPwcBoN:a HakJvbpok.o-.sPouttcs to ,UM,v,r',,JClv '''7'..'' ' u,ctu,"c 1 , I II ttHf.eor4.bihdiibrd'andbro t pll Hecoid df PresldenUalaod ConK trile 0pV " 6f ' the.'OTIfnnal ' act OH file ll.nioatperiormn, ExpenST-i in tin, omoiT ,! , .:, ..r .Tt .ur,., L i . it varranira riir i u l c coib " mrp Annmnnflnnna iLnhf i'AiaiMi . -- " " .... .-.,-. - - a r 1 I 1 1 il.OOOforTOytnacbiaeftwBrast :nnr-r--rr .mw .uou, JIENUY JMENNINGFR iitltrii ca be enuand'uutaecipur. :rrv"--,'' p - - " '.ft "-,100 i ; ..... . -., i ; : . tWVarin It. 'We Tiav averts I t!'"1. rD.u". &un.-frani to titlmont. I ; JIi. . 'I. ' ' 1 ! 1 ,i c s:-rj . ";. r r ::" !' 1 XHUUllKU HUUCT BuXnoniV Ox til' KntnM nn N.llnn.l 44 l.'V'l' 1 1 1 llll'IHII1 II ill1 I'll J 4! LA31 1! illlL lll&OlxillUr TiJl 1 ....... .!..'. 1 i r ... 1 1 . " - in f .trrrTw.r.nf w.m.ri: an unen vonsxesBton tiuroV Price Per handed Itcpublican National CohimltWts. x SOO. pmgbs, ocj a COMMERCE. AGRICULTURE, ART, eftJ I'-w i'? h..:u.f irrl ';.-.'i;f TAUT SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, will receive such attention by Reports, EssaysRe vlewrxa4 Summaries asBScewlil ncrmit. f I f Fall reports on all matters of Local Interest will form I ' . - - . - - 4 . 4. Ma.SSvi.it -? Mii. )H fit h-1t?tlyt ITT rf I I ..J? jJOTTTwEtt, "STICTXSs, lHp ShI5C1L I . mnti im . Tmn' v;r n.l ! f CATJTIOKDopotJbelmpospon - r M(K l AhJ llo .lYAI.. . . I at timiiiw hff whle:cast-icaa I . -.lu,ur ; '.4," f tKA:r.mhrw1se " , ' . i . . .. gtlSPfr, MZl no .a.-.jtint:-.I thousand.-; ' f . , ."fTT.;, ' ? !" ' - 1 ' f.' t- .. .mmik:mVmuJ .-.?: .Hok. J. G. Buukx "Republican Eobamv TV. I ' ' . .- ' .ii-.. ., ..... i.. t. ,1 it ii. r . . . ,;! a prominent feature, and as there appears as yet no other - 'a rif CONDITIONAL UIVION PAPER JK-..'.ls'..' aoiexniaejBO fiiB aiidoID , in Eastern North Carolina the advantage which the Republican will offer as an advertising medium are ap- GBOCKUlEa. r . ; . Coffee, Rio... ...i "fg Maracaibo M & : . wa.w j . - - m. .a . a. j.i-fiMiv..piif.lVi!vyv . .hi 83 ii ocraUe Extravagance." 4 paires 13 ncr tbonaand. : 8rexcH op Hok. Giirnn W. ScMetxvi-PnrDo. TM4 -W rtnT.Tn?.TM. RfT. A TT? f ,t ofthe;blicanParty.T:8pagea--t per thousand. TT.l, .Z7. t7.ir . "f f - . I a. 1 ' an . f . i ' '' ' m a' t'.'i. f M ; m. mum mmmi hmmi . - Gra..WmH..WjuswoBTH. of Kentuckv "Repabli caniem' the Testi:of Loyalty." 8 pages ft per thou sand. t . , -' r -. n o V c? ;Y " orx. o. v. AKPxxwv, 01 Jminnesots "Early step 1q Recoostruction.", S pages 8 per thaaaaad. ' , t 1 1.'- ' ticnial booor avtSd lodepcodebCd. lalurallred cJUoe rntilkrto prcLrtk)B la ail ' tbdr . 1.1 ir -if, r t ,i -st nr. 1 txaUreboro: uJ; ao citlxra , of ibe Lnlird u.UO K)f f.U .Uir..l. Blal.naiiTe.orattinaiaxd. ncitUablo AY'i' 1. I irjY jTiTAV' to axmt and'lxaprUonnutby any fcrt!rtv . nower Ior'Bcta done or wordaipobea la tLla LOAMS tJIADE OXQUCJZS. couhlry; aad it. so trrested lad IxsprUoocd, ; U-thJL Jif.l 3 tit iVi-i vLuI 1 it i.ibe dt.tr of tbe GoTernxseat to l&lerlere. in.v.t.fi - . . . 1 1 - r- hi .nvlA f.dlf.t 1. il. j.t. r tbe late wai, there were txoe entlUed to our t.t V . 1. . . I. . i' - J nrrtntAn r r,llpn'fryrV: eaweiv-"who wdarc d ibebardtbJpaof caa .SfTfif f .1? T5 Ar,TKR pal 5a and cruise, and ic perilled ihdr lirca la tbe amice or me country; ixe ocmsue sua penslooa prorlded by lb e laws for these brare defendera of the nation are obliratkma CTcr to be foxottro 1 tbe widow, asd orphazxf of the falUnt drsdaj the ward of the people -1 fjkcrcd Ir ffacy, beqaealbed to tbe ratico'a protecilnjceara. - - - ... . - t zJLLl Torrlra tmrnlgraUop. wbltb la the paut baf.adod Mlaocb t the weal lb. dtTtJ- .? - ? i .11 THREE 1 TEAM NONFORFEITABLE- - .!; i i . . . . .! .: ,-. -M' Natwhaijtt - vs... SxcnoaAwssu' -Address to Southern' Laboring Men- 8 pagesy-6 per thonaand. Thx Rxcoap No. 1. The Republican' Party 'r. lse-Dernocrtcy,7,; ftpagesoper UKwanna. j.t i s TiDtrrT.orTHxCot,OBxnroTsv;.A XMaJogoe., ' . I... 5 '.; ' nE;rAr icnnmt ii aa. vfa ajaa. vaaii aa ,1, .lii-ji-.'il't , ''i:l ;:r:i:Tar li.r. 5- 1; vy lMiowmst and u Anasat paywat rTVH-. Won 1 oomeal. and iraoisrcra and Iccrraso ox power fsrtsttAhU aftxr Us pajMbt ths rrt Prvmlam. I tn ib It Republic, the ajylcia of the oppretaed I t.-.!i .:'; . r i ' vT. - .: .f. U. I of all xxa-Uont, auotua nc xoaierca aaa cocotr- . - . ; 1.1 .. v ii j. i . ; i ' I ?xii , TChla- "CoateaMoa, declaiti lUelf la The fanowiaj ara; exanH sf the opsTsliona ef iba rjlDpalbj with all Cp;rctcd rxfT-ct llrc. rmuLTonnz Jlxsoa...!.. .. ;.;-. , IS?. 1 i-rpcj- aSper thousand. 1.-' Ht1bOT.:V-'- Republican 1,. ...:k-, , . -.1 .L -f.orBfipovMer'and Imperialw..v':a')-Wd3i.M g Sytem Explained,. pages 5 per thou- 1 ' ' IlHVrpprated Utidcr the Z&vC Ojtht asiJ..V.i f -flaad. -" ! ' ' - ArAt.A. AA lO. fta. a. iS atM;ci ,iaxoA7rExTacT9FaoxRxsxi.WarrxBs,VNo.l. I , -.-w.. lyri'fy :;- en i fc'TO ut) sat Dividend - a -lit'tl I .Tti"- J : Uinxii ivaun , ..... . -l ... I -I -Jit t ' 1 OatDOlkmof C-rfgbtiri;ibfoIlowlc jtwo plants were added try a craxiraou rater t a a . t . 1 t.ll- a I I aa V a ir''J ' w lot 5r ? s iaTi 4 pasts$6 per thousand. V . -'.. 4t w.rrrrm ' . . - ....... - " .i-iiuwiaaal UMiuavi . 1 - T I Floar.from. S. - if-fra K tbrfr own Recprd. pages- ? thouMnd,- , , irnnioa .fntv-lf a TToiTlVinTPfl'i -Famw.w-t-y'-i'' rx 1 'Dstocbatic FAXsanoops exwsxp. -i-ecTB ci 1 ' .w vaaa-w Hirriust. pernor. l no. David, A-jioeciswmm"omeT5,,,4r- I "i r n-e i ; i"o f v, jqn o:.iJiJ:-'4 LV.V.V.Vv?7.v;.-.;-... " . I nal Revenue :Hien;u:u. uowsTa.eic.. on oB wtnr .Anahcrehy icaoee immigration. i :..,., . i New Orleans. I m.ntk TCTOnditaiM. JteducUon oi isxauon, eve i iuii o.C'i "'i'- y,r r wviWyiM ur arm nai i issTxa xa xaex oklt A?akTlx"ir. o imx. niaa, raw. t .. .. i'. I 1 .tr r vrTr?rHitv mrwi fftrlaran mri tH miaa wt a. j mw. . . . "... - . . . . a . ... ..... .a T. ! V4 f 1 1 L al UU wv aj .a. m --v 'I .TWI XX. J eioa but who -now f racily sad boocallr co-operv ale wlib tit la nUcuicr the pcxoa ox the coca- Gibbed Lam: Molasses, V a.030. iua. . ud. iosn. I roreromefa upon the baaia of 1 apart lal Jua ;aa.f.I z i&Omil to ; : XToau.l tv.ja.xoa.;l ,Jce and Eocxl RirbU. are reed red back Icto m mm in m mj-m m .jrK i WM ., . a..a. . . . mm - mm. ...... .....-. ... :l'jt :.i..t nagca r?rtajnMrsaaf4f-- -a 1 Riee........;.Viv.UM,.a..n...U.' T:aDawta Cubs.,.. SosaxsYellows:.. ur. ... i A i rcvv v-A I W ' j Grans TXXKS CASH Df APVAXCX. - r 17k avn. a a m JL ? 'VVluI I .a.yn.'ll'Ol! lated . i rr. -.'. . , ? , L gesS pei' thousands '.km Nab I DlvWctt Intq XCaeOO shires, atf&ecnv pmymhts-XW er nseisi aoenmenu. a iour b,-:-, rr- . CertillcStes of Btock lained to sabacrihert tmm3-' thousand. . . I stelv upon . isoeipt of--ths moneys ,.:c4v:i 't: .1 h .7tol ; 'tl -iiih h One Year fttx Month ' ,BbTesMoalaa OnsMonth 'S?8?? ... v.t--1. thu following atelyppon . nceipt of-U moneys ri-i-t - tT 1 i The Committee aVe. la brcpsxatlon the fouowin. i rK&aoi. m TO bold xoaa tha ft aauBasj mHVSSai t .WTw.nd8Tww. K'" .nci:fo; .U 0 ,u',if I -rVl Crwhed)...v. .wtmi '!P!L, i?' I axt IBrestari ves ,,THAiDXJ?a Stxthsk.- BaWT- I y 'rnrfCTTLArt rOTtalnhiir's full deWrflUoof tt 1 8alC. T.. i. 5 r,ir,T, I WXIX.8CHXXCX. J. G. Buna, sna Vnexai .on v, i nroMrtT tA be distributed amon tbe blureooUara U : I Applet Xrie4:....t;;..;f. I Uam. ;7?t, o.v..i-i: ;!it V .' w - I1 sent to any address apoa reosipt of-stamps for rs I I TUs U aa sftllrmly New ' , .,7 -.. V ririax lswarerstha litnai wra tttriwu Bv ans Caoaaai lav lm as I 1. t a T . . J.fI. .- . ,1 1 T . , T 't ' rm.asv.a .. .r t t I'.' Hates . Tta Uats or vne sonars n tnrtfoA r UberaTvdwd8c.UTade W MairfiloIIoI OJI : I .! . 5iftV : I YA tCS. revolutionarv letter,-Ac 8 pages-f Tam iT-T! tT .r? Irii?) 1 basis that will carry th dlvVU-ds tha saassi w Beeswax......... ..-. -L WO' ' w Vthx Ptlic Dxst A PxmocsulTic Lxoact.' . A pages jr. t.j f V t OOcs Eos NxML I - SSSoda 11 dftSusAnd?--- -tTX '" ' J trsSWoSxa -'iO HI ITT. tU'l .V.Vl A V. VC r BlaaoVCTA...s. gTrfJ ; tXnaxssorTHalBrjrOTVaJWA cituwa J-drw i.ff '.-TZni ,V ' t . .r Miri-.'i i -i .it fa, . CkcnmBaWtltTJ..UXU Bepublic Ptatfqrm,4 pages- 5 Pejttos- ."'YTr' r ..: A.t: t - ? i. ...m.. . Jr IJ.OJ 5' f j!U JK1 I I rliA FlaxsW.bsbel l M e o COm EnS. i)-TTriiTj fei -u...m ..'-r'1" r ' ; ' , ' ,. r V (T r a T T.TT lYlTi. If. T) GulPrftT4an,4Tton.,r Vpaicci 8hxtc ot ma Nxw To Dmoxjlat, a -ncf'Jmmmim;L,i WTrrf-U A- 1 gaytr. leaGSnpulp.per;pe .3IaAll3C 5lJLTirEST3 1 .!. HlflU. M .iin 8thf iV-:tl AYAJ.I. mUBaV-.-ln'.r . v Numeron speeches and dement, aot JneltfJedla ? -f ' r - It v -5V-V V.UiV !r--. . -:V:"i r..'i aaquare. ..1 funr iao-t rt4?, the fOTegTng,rm be published. Peraona .wiUinff t ' ,V V, - 4- -..-V -. ,.. . a rr." OVvr-Bvi g lfgtf . tteoneyV ba-a tbem. filled with the atmost trt--. M-i'HA V" " -; r v 3-1 Scrape...... ..-r,V'r r.li 'ir,?iU rz. T7.TT . 4aw t -fndraient as tonrict . . .. . I . . , - ' ISITT TZ-- m a a tbe comnjunkra of tbe loyaJ people; and we faror tbe remorai ox tbe cisuaiiscauaaa Ana resiricikmB lrcpoad epon Lae lax rebel la the r roeaxare -aa Ubeir rplrit of loyalty wiQ direct, and as may be conxlatcat with the ufety of tbtloyaJ people-; V . 4 -i J2oUs6 Tbax we rcoogrxlxe tbe preal prto dpkr'Uld dowa! la the la&orul Iechuatioa otfndepeadeue aa tbe true fotcdaiica of mrtr'nlle roTtrnDfEti aod we ball with " rlsdnesa eyrrr- rZorl toward ,xzxxirr lbeaa thertfort I tUX'iIJL:GrtrrU 'a T.r .atoslre. ........... .. V? to be sent. ' , . . ill O t -vj - r- : F0RiALUTZJn5OFFICZ:i I: Ith;,: :r: v -' it vi'O '.;'? ft NYilictlBootb till KJV. fkmir. i7f. . (Km revival cf if rwf ctrtuj Um-lA auLv rMTr 7-rr .Ty.-i vi.tA r?H'Tf9r a,; -uevlct.o : . t . . . : . .. Pitch ... . : ::r.rr. v 1 r r - !-..