la sffT ImfdTiM vJWotS &e t. h-.7? rd r .r" -" ftS t-rif 0 fc lit."!! ff UStaeziLMTe, cue icaertiaa - - . --i$4jf Ech rWt KMftSo-a . . . w 5pvj; hxr-S jTi.t,!;!,. ruW Foe : Jvsrt' jnw? v-X..- k .- . - - & ' iw. Month tfyoottf iii baa hiiaoi & ,iiwa3YaiiTftVi ah ytmtic. i a! J n " :.'i-w I . - t . . . au i dujilli it. v;..-r iiiijH i 1 1 !ir." rii nihil it ixkk u i niinu- r'nT?Trro" i nSBSSSi " ni tiji a vi' in .... t28Dt SJi a aT " --ft I. .FirfSrf, . fT;' . f.'v . .rf : ....... ; V,; rW " ..-. Miva Mi.J Ci 4!,r .Sf i .Ya KOlT KUt2 JT 4SIOFS4Hi -?-nfir iff i .ijjfiff itoi 9otrfa ??sx .U , ,r:-iT ',.,-.-.,. : r if .tltUwell wlitokeialie xr:llke letter ofTsi mil trrict JyAit-olbliH W-m 3a bmlJii t o rii9iirttt(tir-;Jitil Silt tHiieU..i til Hi ''U il its li f t Lt011? PJt pyi the raluejtljo from nd i cftr ! tin.' . -lit II,; L-p'l r.Ifi Lnis oaiil oi.ic srfl f Jlivr I ,tf: ioV) itiT hst'j .vincw n;f..iici , , XiVdil .T il , .vl3f'MTo:i:if MMTItHH -fuh-uswiot -?v -sill talfc;;!'' of mJ p.fiiiiU . 0jr,or April, 16i qo person, firm or corporation h&ll proettiw ot cArry -bn elthei M tlw trades or occoottioM tbey tLlll hve obUiDed iTTcenBe tlTf or In the Wn aer hereinafter provldstoufji i jj j 1 T2i!Ji cisol f i furttur ordainsdThi V ererj person or per-onsdMiring-tot9tatolicens Kall VejeiEter wita the itCwrM firM WfJSime, or their name or style ; se wmmT the trades or occupation, fyr srhich.a license is desirtft) thurd, tfce-placfrtFbeH sub tadtreectpa t Ion is tQ be carried onvfqarth, U an hm-keeper, the jrekTly itntal of the Iiose and property to be occDDied for: said tmri'Pley4d theriwtfp9S)9yMntrtoxhe 1 C City Clerk, or othei. person, -atithorized to eoUec ttk 1 j I tax Qettf a sMdMk aliaU uki'-to'lBs'itHvii' 4 - 2i- cense xor sncn trade or eccvpatioB, irhiUMiceAse ahsdl continue in force for one month, at the place or premis es aescnuea inerein. erdse or carrr on anr hereinafter mentioned fat ,the-xercisiiSiC liceiiBe is required ,'wlthotit tattnetiut sncn license as is inhatAehahf nnred4ieWb.'7yr or theT shalL for jprery Bach.dffence. respectively forfeit a penalty eonal lUircc!nieithe affioan(&(X2icriiftv tX money Impost cxj.tvr qca 4iceiiBe.u uic 01 ne ajJiw , r , , , . ,t . a;hfretnora(;ifaDoneof(thcputs4itai hertfaaltii iiescnoea snau oe cameo on dv the same person in the sanity place at 'the txractiml, 'xfpr as berehi nen tionedJkcnjse mnst be taken out tof each- accordinc to the rates. seTeralty rcscrtbed.' " v - -tteOiG, o it) urthefi orrfai5f,TIiat On: kbd alter the first day of, Aprils 1868 for each ilocnse granted i he som herewith stated, shall be resnectiVelr 'and montl paid. Aty numhef pj persons carrrtDsrvsranyibuaiss cdming within the rr lew of this .ordinance, , in part; TlSH&lixQAK ilMtfedasan ' Bbais bef o ft ot3li'4eiiioAtIe tt'tie iaMi ptqpbsttionc It con- beoinrtgntcned taiaa, and hence thef idbD'tca- Ibi TheSUara not kern It before tUeyeeToffndaJknd yet It U the real basia of the DiiaocWOi: t WlXork. fielnxwrli Diea, it, and nothing else- sees red, XTfalt m wnmvn. Bead, reflect, and Ikexxect at r the polls. u - - ,00 z jj ia WTOi w. ls. .CoLom. nirfpJtoTQTrnqJres Ibegleart to lay that I leare to ypa to determine. onconaakaUoa with my friends from. Clonri;frhethex my name shall be presented t4tbeJe&crk:ouTtfntlJu. artt totub mt thefoUawing, atk I&xtidfrlWttal mnd only a oe reconsQuction-poucy oxtne Kaaicus will be com-i piete Defore tne next auction:' the ttUies- so lone ex clnded will haTe beiiiadjnJtted ;JtatA. skffras esiab Hahed and the aupet-baggersbis tailed iq their seata in both branches of Coneresa.' Thera is oq posaibiUty of changing the political chaxictdr,of thefcoiate, even if the Democrats sboaid eleccthels Pttfsldcit. and a au. jomy ofthepotmlAribrtnioffpoc W cannot. 1 inerexore, nnao the KadiCAtmtenof rec0nttrtMtu.11 k 1 uonereasionai action : thrf wnM tnn N.titinn k itarep Mart we submit KrttT-Kow can itbeoTrw v ecne who will fail to do his duty if ha allows the Constitution to perhrtnmder a series of Crnre sional enactmenta which areJnpaJpabkTioUUoof lu iuuuameniajprmcipica. ' ; -Of h xi unified. voter t thii StiiiA:wiib inipni ihnn.w i.;. 1 1 1 lit! odw :p&i?A hcz 9vi?- lo t LtiiitJ t!j Jrt iiiicii. o!i vnia zi me xresioent elected by tb Democracy enforces or Emits others to enforce these reconstruction acta, the Ji?:K?Qe Wlcn jof tvesiy t spariooKaenaiora 5 ty EpresenutiTca wiU control Voth, branches of wuzFess. nonM Aditif Hitttriti wa . ucreuip-ivay irunc wucu oasiness at sncn piace-, under snch lfcens . and ot otherwise. -. h-ri- rn fl.) Bankers final! nav ten dollars' for each Heebie, and cTtrr pc-rscm shall beflxieilied albkeTwJthistUent'ekn. ing of this urdinance-, who keeps a place. -of hnsinesf where credits are opened in favor of any4rsonToJ nrnv njrt$e,oepot; ;orcoiieeuon pf rosey or-eprreacy and the s&ipe, or any pirt thereof shall e paid out or remmltted noon the draft or check bf such creditor! "1 (2) Auctioneers. snaiKpay -ten, dojlars for license.- Every person phall be' deemed an'auctioneer whose oc cupition ltUio.offerironerty for sale to tbe highest heWli Deafere'ii Kefuorsp incraditrad' cfist(Hed IS FOJR XHK JCLECTrTO J)Ei:LAKE A,X JI JTS ; UUHUATIQ AT Til H l9TS'ilfERsfe TnE CAItPET-BAQ, STATE -5?y.H?aE?JN'wV allow the whlt people Td IlLOIU UAJNfkluliJK OWN-GOVERNMENTS, i AQ ELECT SENATORS A JiD REPRESENTAT1TES.J- xne uonseol RepjrBfiBtatves will coniain m , jnajorilj of Demodratsirom the North- and they will admit' the Representatives elected y thopeople of the South, and ,.hJ?Jr?ilo!D 01 fho Resident it will not be dlffl ?JTO COMPEL THE SENATE TO SUBMIT ONCE &FPiVUBl biieationa'Of!th ConktOtttionl It fttifmni frv TnlTafthf!th I palrtatga-taauirinQTiber ofoci voter5 ms-i'ov! i-IL! i .x ltvrVl WUsliiwJ f Vpte8;r -ihis-tate btoWof 1 v.i''irl ibJ ol I t . rii: '! vti at.. jiT j":i.ri r 3r. I'xi m q-ri or fermented liquors ajidine of, ry .descrinUon, llar8 for eaen license. JiA very persen shall pay five do! wno sluui than one snau he ree&roca a rraiiaaaiev in uqt 1 4.1 Desleni hll uv nap. dollar tor each 15 "Cvery person Whose occupation I i to seil ot otter t or mercnanaisetor olterdr saw sacpi liqaorSiinT less quantity ealloii at one time, to the same purchaser. tied a retail diales In liquors. saieerocenca or ax0PAi ffawiiO! foreign- Itwhole r 'omestic productions, in Jess quantities than 0rtnatpic6rftickae,'t ojie timeto th same person (Hot including wines, spirituoivs "Or; raafct liquors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer. : - (5.) WholesalcJealera shall parriovr dollars for each license. Every person "wh'dse occupation or business it in'to Bftlliprncerias at htt mods, wares "or mcrehan. dise. bv one or more original naeU&se or piece at one timei'td the same purchaser, trr-wines-and liquor's tn quant4tie of more than- pue alloBt. shall :b deemed,- wholesaleTdftaler " . - - - . lUm Hotiil8.'Inn8 and TaverroiJ shall iav Ve' Uar joreacn license- jsvery place where xOdd, ana loaging " areDrbvided fo and furnished toravelorr'br sbjourn- I pf infw o paymeutjhereSoEtvaH be regarded a t Hotel. Inn or Tavern ' 3rokeriad'ComInl8!ion Merchants shall pay tour louars for .eac& license; ( Any. person, except .on h'olilinsr"dTieense-a8 wlioleeale dealer ' or wuiker whose '.business ifeiato?porchase or. selL" stocks, monevl t-odi ! .or merchant! iie. or seeK orders therefor in onsnnal or unoroKen pacKages, ocproauceyor tomanat; nusiness: w4vcH sb receci tb sepllnienta ttfid &)nionofSi freisrliCor whbsc'bnsint-ss it is topurchaae, rmt tr. sell w v. w a. m. , wftiei(ti for other?, hall be n;?,rded aia Banker regarded or ?Jm ''7r WJthftand th pabjie jndsement i diatlhctly. invoked and clearly expressed oathis fundi; ncBuu iuwe ana icis trir-aiir. ftrV tfce!,MpUfnlyto tbseosjitrt;! 1 .w- L2.F?ri "abmlt'tthe tf80rpatip-.sTlf wnieths Govern rt!it hnB K.n wnvrn. Cn-Ict,n t. i pt Jt wiTe-! lor lis rniiafid complete restoration! fith .i?Jf KVbondi "backa, 0ldV the pnblls C iPoC 'rediT. r What, can a DemocraUc rresiaentoo in regard to any of these, with attrtjRress in both branch es control wl th nmHUu.rmm m-nA tk.i.aUIni . 111 l -v- --t I "OS'"" Kr"Ti;i"ri'1 ?e Powertesa to top the supplies by which Idle negroes are organized Into political, dubs --by which an armylr maintained toSr&tect the Vag'a; oouur-n ineir'outrai-'e hm tK Kaihtt- ThM1 things Jike these, ettt gn the ravenna and resohreeaM-nf the Government and destroy its credit make ttm: dif, ferencebetween oold a n4 greenbacks. We must restore i0tvtl21n before-we can restore the finances. TP?JiIIS WR MUOTnAVB A PRK81DENT OJlYUXECXJTE THE WILL .OP. THE PEO rX-JS lit rHAMPLINO tlNTUCK -nTTftT.THK JTSIIK. WAS THE RE r-rtrxxviN-yr-VTJNUKESS, KNOV CONSTRUCTION ACwftu FORF Tr T A 1M TV' it THING" ELStiTIIAT IS OF ALK IN ITS KGE VJUXNO Til AT. INCLUDES ; A r . r. tii kt i. . uiximi aconteiUfnd without it4here,4s Nothing that rircs ITKaD.' - ill T) ' "-'1 Ti? nsJ'4.:."w , V W . . v. . . . ; w : .t . . rl -, - - OUR TLLnxmr- y 11 1 - ,mmi '.'""'Mitt UiM I Uougrta, u ejitvotU iLe vdvptkin la tbc rxjircrua UiMfMbVbtllrA, of CQntl jtpVkn.tcctcjqpaici rii ansl feliUcU fiShltlQ XUif t. Ahewtfa- BUiOl tgurtaip thoa-- btlhtuitfaa-ia-j ,m pr Tcfit tbrpcpe or'brJhSUlfcs frvia Ulcg i. Admktod lo a airdf tirchiilKUt,' ' taffMe to aJl lojsl cmd at tb'ocgaV&jif m.idea bjr eTcry cpnaldertiroriof pubUctafe iy.f yiailik3e.nacJtittlrkxj enrit U manrrnlngd ; wUHo tLe rtie&iloft of Vuffnreia a 1 1 1 1 aa tBl 4? s a . . a m. fvj otr ipcri icJOfif L3 1 be pcs pie or those Sutcs. ' - IH Wr rtmiinnrr ill fnrri,fV,V, VYi, r.ifrrhat jt shall U unlawful for any prsori 4o.'uisc1iariro Troth !MtMnbTo tyJUHdi neacn cas&j - .... ;. . , , ; ' (9.) Bowlin? 'Allies r Billferd -Robins h4ll pay four : ibw 160 a,' tiktvphotb&r achof n. of ceasw.n, and by a ftarless advocacy. of the ten- Volialeacti-licitfS4 Jif :n . , 4 't'Osf ex. .Eaclr paper v Minbk-te cActnueat. 1 "i" , . (If) Pedd1ers.shaUfift$oentsvfor.eachUceitse.-V j -f--tft:i;.ai1ipaiTn merit; "MthriU-mtroriaOTfrbtn. br othpi iQi miijpfilAtef.any ithtf qualified; vwiern o&.tbl. Saso of. tbp vpto snp -V HPJ V! Ill I1Y VIUClMMIs t "Sec: r5I HTTiaV4,anV ' lioraoii ' vloldii ,ViV ahjr of-lfm" $ rovisiorrs of this act'sliairbc' Unilty of n inislemennorA'atni Jaballilbc nauie to inuictnieni lor tno saoje, ou i"M.W(IW.9g PTwt1 the pro visions of jsctjonrpio, gqaJJ Jbe fined npt less than VivcntyiasiiOimprincxI noi 'ess Lnnitep; iam ot qp conviction of having olaltjr l)c ;prpTions oi sec tion two, stynil jtp ;fiped iiot;v:sa than nlty dollars, or jrcisop j iroj less ; thaii twenty 'da'ysi n.opj-oqnviction of uavm vioiajctv ,ine ,nroYtions oi( sec tion three(faj!f) nDeiqot less than twenty fiqliAfaAlidlfjsQ lntnrisoned not less than trri daj y iVpfl pti conviction of having yitteptifn'fpur. shall bp fined nqt(lcirtan;.fifty poliars, and also imprisoned jO?n twenty days. Sc 6. liiat ,eiry magistrate or peace officerCthis State,-pr of muni cipal corporqtiprw jn.thQte, who shall know of.pjq;upw4gcsor to whoiii infomation sbajljB nyAy come, that any personpia violated anyi of the pro visions of ; t)iiv act,. shalL immediately arrest, or by .wrirrpntsausiq'tQ be arrested such jK'rspn IWMoffrnrtil&i and hipoo sufficient cviifjotw haiAjause him to enter into.'-a lionfLandlsriiricient soctiritv in the sjpi rifynptileiho two hundred the been cnndtheni.pii'tlif rc to answer "in1 DlvU dends and diodes of Insnrti tied ! 'l y).!r.Jffi:L":r o-..U i- i.r;;i jurzrr1 ov'sronrALtTT or 7?T; T.f .1 ;t'I.sf C v'-,l . .;iV, 4t KJC'PEkBE8 LESS TIT A X L Jf F M Si7 T i yjfel .In: !! .ru, - Tl ilR fur ui rurrrT .'.J 1 1 i. -s. line LIBERA L 'MODES OF $A TMEST OP. 1:1.1 i . 1 aj a national crime ?& Jc aiiwl booor requtreatiw rJwtrtpnir4-pottirtt:dctlcxl. ntU UIV uiVLrciof rood rH!rtomlj rU totbelrtterlmttbefpirit vt the laws tjt.dcr woicxi 11 wt contractriL thatUiatkiaahou: ! be trxY.; J jLTKmicccd aa rapid! r ftlih willprraajL v. iiiC nanooai Cell, tr.tractlt if baa been forlbe procrratkjn ct i Ckn fwrall 'lf p oxnevibjnM WtxVWCcrSi fair Confrrrss lo rVrJsca tbrmtebf Inim-t ihrrr or. wbeneTtr It can be boni!r donr. v i. TLatibtlidjapcIlcy acj'dimloUb our burden of dcU It to yiniproTeocrcmJ4hTi continue to pa y ao lucj ,a rrpudUiion. rr UJ or total, opca or cotert, is threatened or " ,0?Pftedf ya 1 ' a i -:r :i 7 r i . VI.1; V0Wmt of jbe UtiJtfrl ritra tboiiVliftrmrftJvibi rr f itr:a orMAiBWrjptiorh 4 rnti UtVbcVn ao hatnefully nuraruaodftHltmJ br Andrew Johnson call loudly fur radical rtform. viii. vcpnfo4iu!i4rpi(rotiir entire- ij ana imric acam 6r Abraham IJrcoin tt UrU IckIsUUtb apd .iadiclal .JuncUom: wuo uas nai -!y exf-ctrn ibTawt; wba baJ pnl a. bteb-nriufjnplifc trvtt- toeri iowcr;- bo lima dtnoanrrd ibJK!MilVi f - uuiom m -noor44iunr)il t 1 ha 1 ,pnX tcixily U VwrtuniJjr m1 frdrbyltrrry -nirtf. In Lis power. rvtry vA irtttaniif atf or domertic proluce as thtlrxiivn producing, or offers totell At retail, nutds.'ates or cai iravi'iiin" irnm mam ih nran id. im urepu. jolxii ueemwaucuuirr. ... . . ... 1 fg'Hm'r? ViVl K 1 - ' - --. - , i m Mall -sin SSI si I - . ? . A - A ' xuw jianuiaviurr5..T9naix J iwugnaioiur cava p i i JUnjURv.LCHO. 2U .siy V irocunients.1 , Vho sells JT 4 tYtFAX-?ketcbes iuf t5eir Jives d romoditics, icc-j-S p?ps--C per thousand. - 1 -tsihalj -be ' Wfc D. Kellet The New South.". 90 pares -.0)1 The 77yH&(rj e f 2x13 tho 'l000 ,Ht cr ssts of our people with 'malice toward noneandcharit XJLtl tm.VUM ':iWi for all;" it Win plead for the maintenance Inviolate ol Cjthe NatldhaKtfovernmeut audita credit: the education brail available meins" Ofthe peOpT. the etfeoufagemen of Immigration and the developement btkir" agricnl tural. mineral ailitiercUair WkiU thsmoaft wibjeTemlij !,Ue departments COMMERVErBwMfUR, WiRT SCIENCE, AND Lhrti&Wlik -; will rsceivkaucVaxteinoi Re- to 4.he lau;nnd'jnt!ifcuirtimc to keei tlie. petdjii vlefaulfi. giving sutli bond and sutytxtrtftCMritVstich peior so oflendinihrcy to prison until he stall i,fctqcg$$htf with the aforesaidproViioi;; -yj.Jj i Sec. 7. iJ?lmtJtnyiT tltiMicc of the Peace ofv qtr)cr,oilicer;;cUart:el with thi execution of this nctv whp, shal rcfus cense. Any person exbmt. one holdina a. license as mEPUBLiciji Ecoyowr. rATtxr. i-Wi tiX.'- rdfeakhrfikftrd? firm Who shrftt "nuuinfacU i w Ami. T?ini. k. f wholesale .-rl'rt 'i f: t . i.-'j :u: J "lufi! !o j-"v.. -i.if .". . vi : 4::tiT . IXSUtfERq REVIVE. THE LARGEST, ' j i.i 1,4 ti t" - - ! -jilof v'ir J .t .Ti re.. j :. ui lu f.;ir. Irti -u: itir. it.t-t-h. l . vit'u ;ft ?;'. 4 . DIVIDEIDS mYADE mXNUALDY ON t.. ' . 4 i !.!': It- i' ic u 'i'U con i true Wn of thoKiatrftrt-rv-rri i--tr;h.' H lo iuj pcrxj ricd Uo. ihn paflbntpfi If basbrtn iuth- Jmitlied for -1 irli-H and tnisawtanors. sad mJixrlv profxienrrrd t. iBi lAllitiill. lka tra. tlifil 4 Jr . A-.V. s a - w ssi sasi ssi IS Once A Wtr-- rr M aV-atr jk -m t- usted at ettry LaianHij the Uniird rjiatrs. as a rcHctpt feudalticae! op;at4Tfcnr!ml br tbclawio calioria.anatWar w htuvrs,. . ciliz-CDi ore cnUlU-d i. tW.r in all thrir lnalivc-loni; and .?9."'rv of ibr Uniitd auici, oaiivr rhnvrrirrr. tnett IlsLia to nrreat and itnprin:B,cji br at.j fmrin Ifrwar .fa u Ifc -tioriA ur wiU aikrn Ja Uia countryd Jf im nrrttrd, Jt J JnpriRod, It i (aclul of the Giirrtiitntrnt'lo' iicrftrt r?X Of all wbtf wrre fniAhf ul irrilir tHalrbf P r,; i if vcrr IdUf txinuuio janT iff. nl DTM m 4 ilTTl.n . l I I tiu'ij i I.t.. t !- ,J .auUIuj tiuiitri"' ttlo;43durrd thtr liart!i!ts if tin ,. ,4 .i .., r t . , l"rui4aodlbrii:uibjrlifaln '".! Jit) .4 : TV.?, i"' i ? rrflm Roridrd by ibe lava foriLrt taa I . & nvif j .TL-11 a ' I c wi .j v .'.Kjaw AipnBucujrjsftuaitpj iweaij iwaaiiur ne ionowiBg Uinjpaien Document a canoe bro -" ...v. f. 888w&wmw$ i58to. ri.5.j:!i;..!?;. mmwaeni nave ncen pifpryi frnpl snthtnttc aiki i w-iatiuuivivii. jj ranS&on? n,KaU6;?4th''d ea:flndWdaaTi Htate. dlstHcfirir..OTttmii: .."V'-. '-.j " . 'J' - J' i '.H cense; !M5T'Uilf ft K: furlhatrtiAXfrd. Thalt all Or- dinances and part s .of Qrdinance conflicting herewith, oe; ana tne same are ncrcny rcpeaieq. .. X0OEAtSmtfXFAny V tODcTorjrollen; tbc .wldoVa!alT! 1.. O! c: fr: lof.:r; j I lC lCH4ni Ocaa Oft tbc trsfds fif Ibr Tgary, crqircaitica to tiif na!i6u' 3107 x;: 1 1 nrtMccuncr care. : r .i 1. n.nri TTTrn: Tn rrrnv - vt -v t.-!.- . .. .. . rfw ----' ' 1 , : - .fcij . A VW I Ik II lUlElirilllGCf. 1 Wfllf i.Mf x a 1 . . ix.. w oprnen!:andrtWOutraariJiBTTrof rw NANix, uityctcra: Bpinmm8vrTEtf oistnaige Tor transportation,' at lii'QTATlo I E?' VfiT?TTI t AYfflT TT V tU .New.Benwrcah-i itH -1 . P Reprices namely j TTj; j,,, '.ihi-?! P11155 Oirai.CiAUOLIKAp -TTTtrrhTTTt . . . OKFICECRETAhTOP STATi:, ' 'Vi trtTTtANTJ?IK-AqKKTSrJ Sto faottper meti fthe.cjnipsign frsfallx and ably discussed.-ia V! ' i-I: .i r-'i.l x'i-l 1 ! til I T every where. male andJmwleto:inr4w3uice vlui T amount of labor and ex- , l,talelgh. AtlgUSt 31 st, 1 StiS. 11 ihhtENTJWK IMPROVECMMON peswiU be Saved by scatterlagr tteaifreely in every ' i'r 1 4 ;V ' ' : :T.r IT 1 I 1 fENSn?FAMILyu.EWIN6f MACniNB. fieifchborhOdd J U . , .,tl ; 1 . ,it.. v-..; t u- V I, IlENU,V Jv.lKNaiJfUEIU SecrCtary.of iMl- llf-'Th M. MltoFiuataoifa fUa2rnkaooxir;CiM4Tic aui8 State.' herebu certify that the "fohwoimf i 1 VuUcorSv 'Wtf'lPf pnU'nIpg.(fnllRecoid ot Presidential 'and C6itZ 7' A WAJfWi A".SiiPrAWm 1 (I r-woMuTiciterman eioivu.iiecoMc.k) TAbles of BecuonKipcndT J a trac copy pi the original -act Oil file :EvSlectc IteS'iSHS W-aSS : Sccfetiry. of .Stilted 1! smmmm mmmi f . e , . if eSk -t m - m s at xa a i j & - 4 a aw smcva arrktBm a tt m u - - - 1 . . x I AL! 1 JU.X,- -XIO not oe lmposea upua- ojijovuer par- 1 ' vvf.j uiib jjvjaqj.,. Aepstq xm uie X10U9Q OX I ties calming pfE, worthiest jjcasWron.machinea. ander 1 Keptesenwuvea. b paesO per thousand. ;.. Uf I; i .theniiamefbtaeiw Il4 ana rcaiiy pracucai cucmu mavumc wbiuibuuim, ' a I RlrhUr ADroaa Its ouaea at Home." 8 bairn 4 ner I PIRE! TAKES ITS ' W AY. tS,'I868,tm U: - v, V iW n-M-: .i. i thousand-' P RI CES CURRE iKT. ,u snaaBce.V4pesj)erthonsand. :.. rnrr ivrr.i': ndtetkaik 'ir t frr T" - -noK: JO. puailncBepublicaii Economy vs. Dear- iTi-ftlr! ,tf. tTTT 1 77 T: v' . i I i iTH i s . I ocratie KxtraTacance. 4 oaeeawsa Der thoosaod.' ( J SKOlBlE'A ' HOME" lM ' 'i-; i . .j. - , Full reporu ou 11 mattcri of logllntore.tJll form -mbtiKiteh&fi inMtnSatPfititam, ottltej.ubltaI,rtf.",8p- per thouaaft. JHB QOIiDxHT STATU 1 1 .p,.(.ndr,!l?,.ui, ,,61,,.,;. s:;V..V.;.t. ..'.c;.;,; r;! .. Mi4Uetr&tiXewBemeNC. i sand.--'1-1-3 . - ; f ; .. .ii.JOL-j vi QBOCERIE8. -.. ,r in Reconstruction.". , 8 pages-S per thousand. . ., ; . h,.!i-,.. r :r. i JT: 'TTWsAivritrrvfaisr a v tfWihittb i nvD I Coffee. JUo.! t w & bvhau a a i , ; Lasnavrs, x .-li) "Maracaibb a 25U -i'VNAttoxiUTTTs. SacriosUUiif." Address to -":; . ?a , Soath.lAboringiCenvSpagea-lttrjerlhouaand. n.i..fv...... tt 9a Mnrr thnnuM. 96 ' & S TIib Iiiiiijaiit ' Honesteal Association ; JsXXE AND ESDQ ?MBXT U (byHPrnibncilbrayiurh of lbf rr'nrtM-a of all nitkina.HliooMtie fotrr A tyL ir-i nt .v;Jrrt vt-V a . r-r :'. gfd byraiiWral ad juatpolicr. io ;.,:.-:fri f &9CXpv&UElf . ... ' AIL Tbit conrrblKin dcrlarct- itit'.f iv... .s.if ... Mri.M .Ttnpatbr wltb all opprwted iwwrlca.atiiS Jr I) i-.:, . 'Ai ...,J lw I V? ? r3"1! J,b .t bctraiice Ipi tKf :;.' -i !l ."--. "i; J butvbo now frank 1 rd bortrtily'ro-nprr'- UUM.JtADB,. POUCH:,, AS. i! r arriJ Iii)!? i 'r iv; t. r. .j i s. i ovtmnjef t upon ,lho ba4 of Icipanlai Jca it i , , r rtf : . bi j , jct 'ajtd LVjcal IUrhU, are rt-cviTl Tck Inio Dt,nrtl a , , i , rcftrctlont.hopoMd upun.iuq .le rtbrbi Is REGULAR' LIFE1 ' POLldlES1 AFTEl ibe.Mrae.rawurc m Jbtjr tpirii of JraJ:r tv ' . -i f-.;r. 'i : -.'rJi will direct. ard a iuay he conrlncpt wliL lie j. .,. -, . , ... , , te.frtjof Ibi Ir.ya1 pcvyplcv ' '' ' J T...U r....:, i J 1 irf. Thit ve rtWoln tuVtWrnrl -f V . i ! I - I J .f. if . . ti: fi rivers it r. .,r.ji i tMrurm urn oofn a iu imcnorvai xrmaraiicm 'ti't 'f: 1 .iT, (TDTRE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE n ' Indcpcndtnc as the Jrue, j foundaHon ot " " 4 ' ' " s drrriocrailc jjorcmmcnl; and vie bail .with sw. -a'. : ' j ! I . vLut 'ladneta 'intrf effort -nvrhftl triaiilcr ibc ! '! r; i. ::i : v 1 ?s?P "Vn5 rcaxjij cxt crery men ot j -r- - -Ti"' Ji- ln Eastern North Carolina, the Advantages Aajfjll offerUn-'TeiJ6Ifi ;. , . 'raid tcoD'.va 22' . -1 v I rM. - Vaiiiw Htmi" ' t-i.i 1 60 ma S 253 1 Y U' .v... - ' " - i ' 1 . r. . ... f- J "T' ' I'T" OniS& i --i-ti.-s. f .1 00 4a-4:W-H'aw ' ' - - i ''xrKTOTTwrutea u utter vie juazo -vr me , !Knffli8h BreaKXast . J aa, j j rwr thousand: -" r ! ' ' ' I r . t ... - m . .m . -zn. i , - - . m nmw . j. w mtwm i thmc . J j i u A I m i . .... ... . . . . .. jrionaotni.i.i.... t.-r.-....k JK 1 their own Record. apaeesSpertnsand. A-r. 1 ; f - . ' viooeu.mswu46t'cl w.' .- w i ijcx'. xiavxa A. w eiis, opeciaj vwuiu"" X i . j ... t Molassea. forfrj tnTTT. ?o The rtCPIit ch-lt6rU have' advanr . . . . , uic, price ia iuiM-u i;iaic txnas ana 'i;' V. . t..! i. . iJ'.o.:t aentofd' downj" Is- ariy; furUicr : W ' m.- -nj i . . I ' . : . . .r...v, w w a av a vuu w a nr arc aiimn ssi sv ina r a si f ' . i a i a' . i w aatoiTtdead r,7 TT.ri i- W (luce r aklVcd order or . thing, Coanctal :.l ,i i 4 -.r ! orI rr liji) I b KoW ' Sjl ttVltVatai ' T"he Vf trit of -:' ifft b.j-Pi J. Wilkes Booth ntiU thank God! as . Ne-wTOrleans. :.?5: r-1 SU-Seda ,Taatioa.:et4 Ml ?unmiu J. Cuha.... , . :&o . .J" I naces-ad Toex thousand. , - A- 1. vcapitai stocav...ia..:...,..;tfi.yi.DOj r.r-.:.w..,.......i..... r lO-,, IS kf i4dliTrabMc otb- mvldec Into JOCOOOaharea. at t5 each, payahla la Taaxs--AkH niaja1 VAVCXi Ricft. vonee a rl r , l thousands i. J "! ut'. '.'.- ... - 2, ut. . T w -w-i.w r4r.v 17 0k. ITJs I 15r.. V-M.-i- .riMi tlia lollmrlsf t nmi mMlTtlof tha sans. t U Grannlated,;vVv t.W : 1 SoeSeff Oennaa : V :j ' Lor Towdrd?.. . 17Xfa 19 1 r t vUro:N and Snrw-1 I f i j i Ai i it lift il' -15 'xn-rjRcTjresentatives Taxnnrca STArtAja,- Borrr- a ( f . , ' . L- 8att .......trr..!:.:-...3 a OO g3Scir. O. Jaxkb, andiOneraJ Jon? A, A" OBCTXAltntatalnrafnir.d a 1 Tvi ' -- tk grK tt I -H t. -T . - . I n! s'UMtM.vajlnmtffawftlv.VAMsVftW A DDlcB. MYm a . W JT ,oa .&o oor . ---f-a::::yfc! Virnn . is ca .i.r. 80 -60 Tabo7t ParrnlicAX PxarT, with eandi- Btat. or upon any other aaect of ........i.,... IS :. jAMPL 2i th Cowrhaa TUttorm, tooalntotaiixtatfc winbVch - i 1 1 .1 an irft.i m.M a i. if mmi .i. i , ... I . . i - Sacrtury immigrant ttomssTesii Asaoaanoa. f - San FraixAaccvCalUorTiis. yi a. .'a1 OhVeai " ontn .An 531T HOTTOO 000,2 '; L l? Trrr? -nrr fsin n . Cheese. in tercet, to partis chaetXalrj Canlahad p One jottnlliiserttol wneral 4educUow madt tOjlttft ;vtrtbanfe ;v " vILrrui.-; vie ! i fv v . . .! .. ." . tt! TT. t?:t ic! ? ii Ttaaro. ooaa;......... ...-....;... - :iftt thousand. ' 1 Corn bv onantity fU S5 100 I LJtZZCTTiZM m Fiaxfona-r 4 pneta-sa pat ttosr 1 1. Ahx. la P1aiseed.pcrbnaliel.... ......... :1M to 000. - , . .c , . ..... U sv.!..-....,.,.- j i Stttt BLMTO llANIFESTS uia xno 2 5x r with tharaoner. have them filled with its vtmosx .! otv f.s. t .j !;l a fJi.tiiWA i . - Cn f 4 Co 1 SSd Sdaptanos va se jnrrjw-. i w- z. ;i . : ASS AT Ulair: end thi revital 'ot iKA 'tan's, iirafsv? ' 'to wuct'. a- t u . - r- . " - h j m tm w 1 aAx m m m m w wn y a aw btw btb a-' - m tm . l ;$io,ooa. . . 1147a. , ixiiiT A ' ' tar .;'"ittn. -" ! ' y s r.,- T - ' ... - , , . . . . w m WW . n;.i!.r: ij.- i.-i ' A -r : :::WWt npt bare iVatli Uinptoo. ;t. .1 i. L.t: poltron JJulciCr Futrrtt, Pi rat o tnunc tt iciomnt ctmit't to cyinrxr.thrmli i-n i5S iLSJl r-lf,?.0110001 thePrrtidentiaJ tlectionaiaJlf If urrest rUra rrer mads by anv Compaay ia th aams ta 1. i.i".t-r. . Uiwj i fcvuiu . usio juui ityicxr ,wiTf' tr.CTw sToold be rui.UiiiLcdSutci,-and oo Prrii- -1 j t;; r! .1 -.. i wn1f.i tvArL tVa lir1 4 . . 1 will ba rsnanred if U coed aeaitaj spiscad apaa s bial. That wis carry tha dlridoaa tta aaaa as Li no A- J;1w.:;il i-U J :i l!lr fl .U h . - . . Gem toetect.: ; -.! 'J -i js ' ' i.i j - v ! WHAT TW A-cnrpn 8AT.f-HtTf ajrraj flam wou't own conairurlion of tbe trnuiej; of tbUjVfo'.filMa. tlclirerrd at a tna.tnfrtinc of ib Ctarrbrad and rebel Drtrkorrarr be fore be left New York: 1 1 Jv I -'A I IT caa kan a Tfliif iXs Democratic cXiU ' ptepU cf 1X4 . Botiik a-'. Jz tc I vaJ cZ Xa' frfUUr trim Ikry'U 9. fJUCr eM aioS'Mr tmlL AXT); If THERE 'IS A ITAJOniTY P WIHTE VOTITj, XIIAX YOtr Win, T-ACK set. JlNO' BLAIR1 IN THK IVillTE IT" U mTT BPlTX ! OP : ULIf. THE BAT- HxrU.fBTrHEM.-' 1 I!- i I

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