. 1 t i i f7f- f )P - I 1 1 . J . . J i , It imliw::tv!a! ; pioN, i;ow and ro::nvE!!, o:u: a:;d i::::w!:a! t i u:. : Obi Yttf t.C3 tlx Months Thro MonOiS, Oa Month -rf'iiNEW; DERK::,.N.TG.,su:;nAY ::uii:;i:;g, :;..ve:: r 1 c : r mum . . t . t f e - It t:.r-f. Claib before tt tc; '.e. Dcrxocritle ftprrt ttrt Sift. r k. " ' T ' ' V " - - r . - - i li t t ct tt r aad hesce Uvej etrpriw U. : Ttrj.trt est ktrp M v. - k HEW i . rre thetTCs,fcatIUiclrfritwl.x54 jet It U 40 m 4 5 nif- . i - - - t - at - Hi! . "it D 1 1 - JkWV , j ; . v.V. 5 J - j. can JBap er vat si; MAiTKRK NORTH CABOIilNA. 121 immumd rnojtn VXATMlf MTMMMTi W U ERNE, N 1 of New mnW,Tluit for Qui tute wlthifttb nmititifWi tea and p!ced before the CosteaUo he It bled. It, and notbioc else, eecwed CUlre boataaUoa. rrt aror and Connrii of tfaa flcftTyear esdisz ipoatbe TalaeaUoi teal e eofDOt&Uaiirand1 m ame U bevebj laid to be coUefUJJt psw proTi- Dixb Coloxxl ;-In reply to jtaf laqalrealbex Ware -.' I ! i I U) Mr thit I Imt In ran in detamlBa. mcmuBltiUAi II u TurVier ordaituar That frara m wftwir t-1 wits m ui.MiM-t w Bm. .ti . ' Jri ' wrpurnuou taiu i uc presenea u toe Istiuocnui vouTCDUML aMl M no Kiuwc wmi im; bct p!sirMea or oecnpauont a muTN following a trUat l eovtloVr fA rtal vd UJ nf tereinaiter proTidod. . Bc3. f itfurtJurordaintSLrhii eVyoeiAi orwr- oaadef iring to obtain a license shall register with the City Clerk, fint ii itemi-or JLkr mme4t tyte'rtr eod)(the trfib,or tpatiaox Iwhich 'J deaixed third, ttie place where such trade or ' occtxpa- u-mn to oe carnea on yotmaJ uaMBeepferjm yearly rental of the house a troperrr fa be occopied foraidiariiOBe, andtheremponiDpon paymeBt totthtv . - - - . . - i n i - t f. v. i-v cut cieric. or otnet oursoo mwpnzeai a eoaeet tth tax herein nrorided. hall make ont and deliver a li- cense lor sncfctra.orecypaiVQn, waun.iicn4-na couf inae in iecee ior vac nwuui, Ki-uiepiaee-orpremw e acscriDea toe rein, j , i 8ec 4,- UfurthtrornJTlAt wi.pereon.or persons shall exercise orcarry ommy tradcor baliness hereinafter mentiomed for tbe exercUinz f wahich. a license is reoniraLyrUbOni t4l!K.oitt,!achl lljbbae. Ho is lb that Denau required ne'spe or .or toey shau.fpr twreiy forjeit a penaiirqual cverr such offenetTrcstct te three- times the amount Tof thfe snih ol monetifii ed for such Ucunaeo the Use of Ttiedfr; : t a 1 1 case wnere more tnan ooaoi iBaata nereiaai described shall m eaxued da hythft fttiiMt persdn .in tioned license must t taken out for taehtaon tne rates severally rrscnoea. i See. An4fcUfurtAt bra4lf, TJittdn laid after A J - M A !i . -f.k t L . . i . j iuv uroi bit ox wpni, icw, ior cacn license munra rne earn herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly pavij. An coming w nershi such nv number of ersoas irrti&6Amn?bttsUies ritnin the tmrview ol tnls ordinance, in tiart- (l.V Bankerhally.4ea djilarajfofiach liccstmd ljMOR ,-,TW'Teconstractknt)alcyWfhKadlcah ti plete before the next election : the States so. Ion ex eluded will have been admitted faetito eoILrac? estab lished and the earoet-ba? eers Installed In their seats in befhbchesonprjbartrH a pslhUtjh f atNjl the. ponuau aaricturof the SenaCc.' aved if the Democrats should elect their President, and a may "jorarti the popular branch of Congress.. V ecannot tnerecore, undo the itadical -plan of Teconaxrucuon tr OTSicf-Bionaj acuonevtbt eenatrwiu cqme a oar to uirown j it can only be overthrown py the, authority of inesxamtirev wnawUI fan to Ho his duty U ha allows tbe Constitution to perish hnder a aerie vef-Or ares-1 sional enactments which are In palpable violation of its fundamental principles. ;?riTi- t-' " jtn If the President elected by thf Democracy Wf brcea W pcnalta others to enforc-tiese seeonMructlon acts, the lUdacaby the acceaialDf twehtyiaporSoua Senators nd fiftr Representatives will control both hranchea of CjTijrt?s. and hiAiuiUiiitratloVFillpa aa pqwerlea as the present one of Mr. Johnson. ' Tatl8 WAT.TO RESTORE TUE GOV- EBM9ENT A KTJ THE C(J!t ST1TLTION ANDTI1AT 18 FORiTHE PPirKir'B-NT ni rmm.nnn.Aiie ?ACTS .KCLL AKD .VOUXVCOMPJCL.THlH AIUIXXU UNDO ITS USURPATIONS AT .T11K "fSTSv DISPERSIT THKi CABPJKTVBAp J STATE I wvjs.itwAijKTS, allow the white people TO KfcUK ! OAW1ZB THEIR .OWN: OOVKKR MEXTSI ' AND J ELECT SENATORS rtAND REPRESENTATIVES. 1 Tbft.IIosce of Representativai wflloontaia ' majority iffiwnm irom ine iori. ana xney wiu sumi wio Representatives elected hv thinnl of the South, and 1th co-operation of the President it w ill not- bedlffl- emt to COM PKI THEoENATE TO SUBMIT OKCJ5 personhaHb.dcm(MLit5nker whin hetnkr: I this Oulhance, who keeps a'plae of buslfiesa every perso intr of this where credits are opened. Jtrrrjafany. pexson o? flrro, bv.the deposit or collection of money or currency. and the same, -or;Jny part thereof abajlnbe paid out -or remniitted UDOh the draft or cheek or inch creditor, f (3) Auctioneers, ha11 pay-ten dollarijfor"' lictfpse. ' Every oerson shall be deemed ananctioweef whoaa.- be- cu pat ion it ia tooger. pxoperty.tar aal. .loth ..htghf at. Diaaer. . if Retail Dealers In lidntfj Iptlndha jQldletlBed ahall pay five dollars for each license. Jfivery pcrsenr who shall offer formal aitch uquofs in-Jesaj quantity than one gallon at one time; to ther wme' purchaser. or fermented liquors, andwfuefMJ arvery description; tall offer formal soijh Hquora' in ue eallon at one time: to ther vai shall be regarded a retail dealer in liquors. tetau ucaiers snaupayoneooiuif it person w hose occupation it is to s sale eroceries or any eoods. wares or-.mcrcnandise, or foreign or domestic productions, in less, quantities than (4.) Retail Dealers shairpay dnedClIaf fof eachltcrl Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for rjilUi XITVIIUCAX laUsaad aa a Inlepenient aii: KojressiTt: ' ; ; ' . . : ' - ' . ?- !- which shall reflect the sentiments aud opinions of th j - , 1 - - .! .: : -; vtimittakMbU. lytl population of Eattern North Carn ! . ; r ' - ' V - T i v ? i .V - ;rT; Una, by aa nacoiapramisiuK np)Msition to the doctriues .of Mii. and by a ftarlesa adrovacy of the etema principle of ': a whole oricinal piece or package, ht one tfhie? to' the same person fnotincluding wines, spirituous or malt lia uors) . shall be regarded as a retail dealer. - - ' .' (5,). Wholesale Dealers shall pay-out dollars for each, license., js'ery person iwnose- occupation or Dusmeea it is to sell groceries or any goodi wares , or merchan dise, bv one or more orieinal package or piece at one time, to the same purchaser or wines and;:liquors n Quantities ot more man one gallon, snau De cecmca rnolesale dealer. ' .t rv.t ni ..":?- (6.) Hotels, Inns and Taverns. -shall pay five dollars wnoiesaie dealer, I ' r;s -i ..'! tji r for each license: ; Every "Place where food ,ad lodging are provided for and furnished to travelers or sojourn.- ers,' in -view of paynumt tjiL-rero, shall be regarded aa a Hotel, inn or Tavern., f ieaaof Tthe OanatituU4b lt Section . Thu it tb Ijs'crhtrrd ior but person to cLcr my UILa to rot Of Ihi GuaUtJ rotcti of VZj Strty n-ifr Jntiat 4(r2artiWtiTc;la tar Ca rrni pi Ltita cctr?, tr.J tLt lit; -V ressed on this f unda- wia Bjotbe ab disUnctly invaked and clearlv exnressed mental isstic, and it is the atrrWayrtarbkTairihtire strife to put tbe ine plainly to the country. liJ."JP2lTHATJ:ri; 18 rTITE REAL: AND ONLY SVH1 wutC WE 8HOULD ALUOW.TOCON oiuu we luomit ia ue niirDuioM d cnini' s WhlcVthe Govei IV I at has been' overthrown. - or' shall t &axriursies-fe4tfattand complete rettorathmt t i ioje ja uik 01 oonas. greenbacks, gold, .the public faith, and the public credit. J. What can ta Democratic President do in regard to any of these, with a Congress in both branches eontroHed by ;the ' carpet-baggers and tbciralBest He will be powerless to stop tbe supplies Tjy winch Idlanegroes; frfe organized into political clubs by which'an armv is maintAlnMl to nrat?t th f bonds In their outragejirijon the ballot.. These, and -I tmngs ukc xnese, eat up tbe revenue and resonrces of the Government and destroy Its. credit- make the dif ference between gold and greenbacks. We must restore VSJ?8tUuon before-we can rcstoreUbe finances. AND TO DO THIS WE MTTStitavp A prpsttiptct WrlP1JbJifiXBCUTE THE WILL OP THE PEO TLE BY THAMPI.lNfl TTKTT7 rrrT tup itiid LAH0.GiL,c5NGKES, KNOWN ' AS 'THE RE- ZXV. 7,tlX' Oir 1 s- 1 WISH TO 8TAKD BE S?,!"?0011'"" UPON THIS LSSUE. 'DIVITvlS ONE; WHICH EMBRACES KVRnv . mini a.i.or. k u.it ir vr VALUE1N ITS I -A IIOT!" AND COM PItEH EN SI VE BESVLTa .It TlVtbaVON P THING TIIA-f INCUlnw4;r r VrtVm Vo f,H?AS:S r1".. 'fiaw"no,ri "ncre Is nothing that gives ! d??nityb-ofani .ortaTbO'fo We sf ruggl, U v ! ! 1 j ' -" ? l our friend. (7.) Brokers and Commiseioaifdrcliants shall, pat i. fonr dollars for each uccne. - Anv ncrson excent one 1 . . ' . . a. -- a 1 . tocks. mouey. goods. ojc merchnridlMvor fceek orders' therefor' fn original or Bnoibntln. ' ITtr-A v-r T v. BXlIS Coi.OKa7.O hi, r . A, bcsIi the csIstsrLSDa Lla nurcu tzZtsct 19 t-X laja V m i i.a b , C-r- a.ei ttir .uj I f 1: t t ' 'H - I. a ttcrrir trrrildTi tri r.sLti taaU,trJ Ilia lhet!!r cf tltCcrTcra- r"ste tr CocrrcxJ cl arl -i asru eta ax it ITzia ar&s t w as ssv V W SI at SB B a "" t vicvuuu. ut nnv mrrsi ia i uiacnarge ucn vour Xrora craplormcnt w w L.w'iivia k:ioa ijiui mrii ur v-'i n hj i w k 1 rK v. a - - a , 1 pairongo to nnT racrabct ofiuc TrDUrvi On hii banner U &icrSd tboxa bcuiU. t Jucf Vb 8 v v wwu. a nav iirQaii 00 unlaw I ul lor 1 tall ona of hii cbaatrnnea' sro 'railvlr f fciuoruu cncn ( ana iLt national booor nr;rH.T)rvticiVViX)ecnn rt.JnV V V -Jn I?: iJlrtqutrcf LUepajramtoI tb.pcbSe Udtbtad. wuNucrauoo wMiever, 10 any ox thtn ThU mult in thee SUtes ccurci ua uauneu voters ot.brautf?brBfa.oI the victory in KoTcaber; it: utj ftre3ocly y wiriwuwi. 1 . itir - ormoTifmTJt-" ar UKiTen ir -Ui ny : perron ' f row rnpjoj. I tfiipirited find, .deprcwdr 1 One palUnt . . 7 .""pt.V. t. anu.uoivca caartrv aionc v?0. JRtnq iioq wiBcvtniu re, .tnrenten; oppf cs:0haUri rood failh to all crrdl- ton at Lome aud atooad,-at only aocorcUsf; w lac inter, vui i&i ipmt or . loe ixtct cucer wbicli It wax contracied. 41. n II est 10 Lba lalior cr tie xiatloB that uxation ahould be eqcalited aocj redoctd aa rapiarr a me bauonaj faUn will pemiL ' . ' llifi nalloaal !eiht mntnrfwfat It Imi imt'IiarVe alonrV tlf3;, whole 'lino I been tor tbe nrfcrratlon of the Union forall : T ,W to TT Pf--T1 I . . - . ... - " " . to,mtimidato aroL.tho qualified rrn javiM duijoti j Qr njiayAciili ixi iOiy Lcawse Of. the rote lucb i tort wfll be oeacc. InrtTali(L(aitIcftLQ en vhtrr ns - t . . . T . I . f . J - . f . . " '. Mjrol the pmisiont of thi. net 'AM l ,aro indu.try u"ftwid "1 to toStatUtaS v".w wy wj ivwswik, awi.n-finvirfiflie r-Tteev - --e'v vwt-or.toaai. owrnor cortrt. is camorn w-rrinirrgW fWafMn fanMtTrixcfei th VlSlOnn OT KArtinn nrMTir411tI f a . rar-a. i fia; . . ..-.,,. w.. wrw-vuaM-wr uiibtr uut i nnnannn (i i inn pim nin'Di- in UuralrneU or nmi r i. . . -j i iTii rr- rf-. . .. ... 'm em - iuo vjwvcrumcni ox iae UcLied MLaie it?" minr jx i i , i . . . ... - . . ixb.n?wtr;.4n,Pr nflT. IPR Thfln ton .a 'a A n.l vn. . 1 r i. J-e 1 1 1 1 . n - . T of having: violated the ' Dro visions 'ohiec-T 1 Viiirs, n fl proroubdJr drnktre the- catima. ly.and tragic death, of AbraLaa LIocolo, and tton two, shall be'fincd not lesslHatrnTty ! w...air, ui iiupt iiuu- less 'A tnan twenty days. And on conviction of havihs: violated the, provisions ofvFa tun three', ahall be fined not 1cji than twenty doHars. aridIsb lru'nHaoncd not less than ten- days; And on conviction of having violated ;sectiou four, shall be fined .no.t lesa than fifty dollars, andalao imprisonetl not' less than twenty days. Sec. - 6. That every, magistrate or peace 'officer of this State, or of muni cipal corporations in the State, who ahall know of jhisown knowledge, or. to whom infomation sliall in anv wav come, that any I person has violated any of the pro ivWn? f ' tiBact shan1 immediately; arrem; or uy warrantcaufte toDe arreiOea sucn -r pemon. no by thirty thousaodmajority ; j r Impress,4ipon tBe ppte.thf ! ntcesijt rctt the acceatloa to tba llderTcy oi In- ot registering vvneir names as 'voter, r urew jonaaon.- wto haa acted treacneracilr ho eJecied Lla and the cauaa to support; wbo hxscarped ra and ' iodldal (andkmir refuted to tx rente the lavs Lai utrdXU Llrh oflco to Indnr oihrr nflrm to Ignore and VlolaXo the laWt: who" ha.a rn. pujea Ail ex tenure power to render inaeenre iLe pro pert yrthe peace,', liberty and life, of Iheclttren; wUo liaa ajsod te rjardontar pawcr who Las denounccdtLe National Leg. . Let It be . Inown, al&o that .therA is P PPj bht one. dlr .for volinff. iTtcVm Iten.J ?. W UDiicau resolve tnai. ne aevoiotui rho La his spare time Jo tit wu ( tfe$e,v- ninr of tlie election. And m the day of .tfte elettronetrfQT)rincpr it tle polls tany n-ue morning, wttn ma vote readyftocAU-tnd lifter cists' it let mm wort wi in ouierran oay ior ine I nium as uoooniuinuonajt wno iiaj persia. cauae. U Lrt i as ! sently and corruptly, reHatei, by every means re. rtbcLHon S CQpJes ta one addrfss.,'.; 1 ' 10 SU: l;;nion, Liberty and Equality before the Law. Tbt iraicn wilt be. devoted to the common inter. - etits of our people, with malice toward none and charlt fefrall;" it will plead for tha malateaanc inviolate of thi !f atfoaal Oa vera meat and its credit : tha education 7 all a? ailabla msaas of the paopls : tha ancouragemen f inmlgratloa and the dsveUpament of our agricul raral, mlaeral and commercial remrareea. Vhils the Rtpvblican will be pre-eminently a ntr tPr the departments of ; - . rr A OniC VL TV RE, ART SCIENCE AND LITERATURE, ralTs saeh attention by 'Jtf porta. Essays, Re; yiwaaad 8nmmaries aa apace will permit. jiu't. 1 fall reports, on. all matters of Local Interest will form a bromlaeat featara, and as thwa appears aa yet no other tucoNDrnowALUwion paper onhroken packages, or produce, or to manage business m&ttcrs for theowneriof-e'"H!!'-:'r cfisfgnorS 'of frfii'ht. or whost busim-ss it is to tnVchaeI rent or seU. trA Mta"firn1htrs: shall lit rcsrsirded as at Bimkef o4l- Xirn, to one add rem Commission Merchant, ' . jl ..-.S-fW0? DBfi ldres;..-;;; (8.) Theatres, CrcuwfCatiT.Tugglt-rs tihail py snni copies ro on address noiTrt!ecei tvo nmuiri.nl doii,ira to r jxi.pspd oy tneri,, rri.,v vi. f, -M rr",' ' , . . ' ' ' Cltv.CounciHn ehcaV.- ' ' A ' ' ' i' ''l .V'ffi r'SlSiS " larfe imperial phptoapti.of f' HovUnf AllA-s or Billiard Rooms sliall nav four LJ'." Vl,n.ut -mHfrc oi portaged To each dollars for frarh Hcerisol' ' '1 4T r'11 rS2?.?";i ii?51J.0r?f'hJ'' u- s. Grant and Schny. . in lTrs.-.n.-il.rs nrft T.lvorv St.th1. VerTMtrs shall 1 ' v r-' fsrr. compicje oocumcni. (11.) .Peddlers shaU pay fifty, cents for e.icb.,licePiv-r. An.V person, except persons peddling tWHpapers','book' or floineftic prouuee as ineirowo prwincmgi jwiw win or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities. trayclling fron placpf to placc in; the vttet shall. W. deemed a peddler. GO- cense. wholesale. ;nre bv band or machinery'. 'and offer tor sale any goodsL wares.opmcraianauei!Xccains anoanj;jne.um.i one thousand dollars shall be-dcemeora manutacturcr- t I rtl.Tt Lawyers. PhysicianR, Dcatlats; jPhotographera and Printers, shall nay One dollar for each license. . ! ' '(14.r Ezpresi Companie4 hall! pay. fixe dollars, fort each license. r - , , US!) All public drays shall pay twenty-flve -eehtaifot each license, i , - i , I Y16.) Cart-honses shall pay two dollars for'cach li cense . ! .- . ' . . - . ' i Km .7 ; Antt h it firrlhtr nrrtaint.d.' "That . all Or dinances and parts ?f Ordinance? Iron flicting herewith, be. and the same are hei cby repwtled; ' ,ir : i . JOHN S. XANIX, City pfcrk. -New Berne, XC, March COth 1808; --" . ) 3lantifactrjrera snau pay .two sonars torcacuur . i.rAny person except one noiamg a license aa dealer or banker or firm wlioahall : msnafact. l 13 a a a a ATED AGENTS - S75 to S300 per month. everywhre.i male female, t to introddce th OKNITITCK IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.1 This Machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck. nnilt. cord. bind, braid and1 trowoldet'..in a- mwt snuerior manner. ? Price only $18. Ful- Iv warranted t for five ; years. -Ve wfll pay : ai.OOtl for anv. machine that will sew strong- . - . . . . - . , - .... . . - cr, more oeaumni, or moreTeiasucseam cnan. i ours. It makes the . itElastic .Locje. Stitch J" Campaign Doiiirciit. T. .xxn CoLr ax Sketches "of tS"elr( i.v; services. 8 pages (r per thousand. I x DKaiXKiThc KewSouth.v 2flrfe. ?15 per thonsand.- -''- , -Kkcoup No. $T-'aud ! ,-: : . , ' ? ' !;; - . liEPUBLKiAN Kt'OXOSIT. riTIKO OF TH Tlrvnr.iT. ic Drat, Great Kedjrctlon of Expenses, fn preparation ana Dou( ready for the press. . . ' Uox, OBow'-'lvv"Jiraiixar'land Policy." 16 PSfr4.12 per , thousand, t .. ;: .: .. uvn. mxs ii PTtwiBT, .moktox, axdKtk- "Peace or War"- Dcbat in the Vnited States Senate on the Electoral College Bill. 8 pages $6 per thousand. 'The' following Campflfira Documems ' can' i. ' nri cured of the Union Republican Congressional Commit tee." Address Hon. T.,L. 'Tollocki-AVashlnirton. D: C. ft Thq documents have becy prepared from - authentic sources, under tbemrcction of the able secretary of iBw ctjnmmiee. ixvn aoifocic, jana wiu be for warded to individuals. State, dietrier. rnnntr nrtnmi. shipicommittecs, fret af charge for transportation, at me prices namea. .t, ! Evry locality should'be proWptly'supplied. All the issues of .the campaign are fully and ably discussed in these documents, and a vast amount Of labor and ex pense will be saved by scattering, then freely, in eyery c. r -Pounca ro lSfie i!it.t aasUro North Oarellna, Ua ad vtiUgrs which the Mtco wlJ ofTar. as ab aATarUalag medium art ap pareat' .'. , .,. J Hatco pf: Gqcription 'r?cM?! waaaajcsi,. 2 Taar six Kautha Three M oaths One Month s:oo S.00 TaUawvorana laA ipauemax JMBweeMiwtttteii' A " ? ai fTi Tosequviteaertion x ' . , , . T Ubfcal dedaiaaade-t lart-vrlew:ii 1.00 1 ri.rr BAonna-ittitrh ran be cut' and still the clothcaa not be pulled apart without tearing It." We' pay agents from $T5 to $200 per month And; expenses, r a cpra intEtn frnm which twice that 'amount can le made. Add! ess SECOMB & CO., PtTTiBWaa, Pai, orqSTON, MASS. - I- . I , If i ."f j -4 CAUTION. Do not be Imposed upon oy otner par ties palming off worthcaac4sMrpai machines, ander tbe same name or oincrwisc, om is.wc wuy f"1" and really practical cheap macnine' mamnaciuyea Aug22,,lS68,2m ,f JiQ jhT PRICES qtrniiE N-t: UT r BISrORTEP T; 1KMa2 Dealer xu Qtocent andjhapiiufn, of tho Kepoblican Party';- s pagesss per tl i-Drv Good, Wiring lMtwjigarwllzG. Oex. -w:it;-WAJ8fo-'of'KentncaY: All SI Middle Street Nexe-BerneJt. C Coffee, Bio... -taguayra .. -: Maracaibo '. St. Domingo... :vlJava... reaa. Young Uyson Hyson. GBOCEBIE3 Y;ym'S ' f i ' I f . . . . . .--. . ... dnnoAwiir mil Imherial.: .V: 90- (S T 15 ; ; Oololng.... J .At.Y.X. K9) &n W Enirlish Breakfast L . . . i. . -i . ' 1 -te-1. 15 1 Emrs J i'. w O r ,w f FEravfrwn..... ...-. -VJM ff W vGibbed nerring, per boxi Lard. . Molasses, New Orleans r-vf fiw w if 65 to McPasHsoH-s Uaktbook ConU'ning: full Record of Presidential and Congres sional 'Recont traction Tahjcs of Election, -Expendl ture, Appropriations, Debt, Registration, Taxation, &c":. u- 11; ii'.iWl.! ty :..;. I-. ,. -: Cavpaiox Lirx or GaX-GnAST the Conaneror of -Va . til iV.. . vne Jteoeiuon -"wemrve wnippca mem- once, and I think we can whip them asaln." Grant to Belmont Published under authority of the Republican National and Union Congressional Committee. 300 pages, oc tavo. Prirfe SSOnor hniidrod . .. w ' TT WW W ... . . A . . . ' Hos. MzssiW. BomrwEtx. Stivxxs. akd Sirrwrx -oemocracy ancita ipUcy,v. Debate In the House of representatives. pages 86 per thousands HOS. JL VAS WtCK "AmpriMn Citlzonln . Tra Rights Abroifn Its Unties at Home." 8 pages ft per thousand. :? , ;r, 'c- ir..':- ' .-.'- . . nox.JoHN D. Baxdwix VHuroan Rights and Ha man Races." ' 4 phgea- per thousands , TTmr. J. O..HLAi!Tz-"ReTnblIcan Economv v. Dem ocratic Extrataanctf." 4 pages f S per. thousand. Spxech or "Holt, olexxt w. SCHonirxD "rnrpoes ' tnousana. RepublU canism tho Test of Loyalty. a pageari per tbou- sano. :i,s,:J; ' ; ..' :!?.? Gex. C. C. ASbaaws, of Mtonesota-i-rErly. Steps In Reconstruction"- S pagea Sj6 per thousands VinftviuTT vs. SrcnosAiisji."- Address to Southern Laboring Men-: 8 pages- per thoasand. ' Tn Rcrsan No. 1. The - Republican Party, vs. False Democracy 8 pages per thousand.: "Thx DtJTt orTHaCblibaxn YoiraJ? 1 A Dialogue. 4 pages S3 per thonsand; ,-. .- v -' .. ; ..u ojtas roa Tna U6aatxa.V-Tbo Republican Homestead System Explained, 8 pagea-atj pcr iaou sand. ! '::;: zr.tj' . IriLl: aVl '." "Elxoaxt Extbacts Fbok Atxnzuu w wtw . .i 4 pagea $6 per thousand. - - U '-wii. xAoxai-a Dasioss or th Dmocact. from thi.lr own Ttw-ordr-8 napes S per wouhwu 'DnocaaTic FAiaxuo0 Exrpa day in the5tates mentioned, and we can who has per cried tbejrLUc patroaare into do itbercW.inu1arTe&M j f Ad engine of wLJeaale corruption; asd wbo IFenowitiKnalthcf election Isnear at Wbecrf JaitJy ImreatAed for bh, crimrt i i j : - v . r . . ii.w .ii t. isim.utK.uiiuvi.aQu urDDcriv nranbaarwi nana liCi'jn'uanrt-Tt'ura .tunn. jjcfci --14-- . .t r :r . r-rw "- ofTwidilif?. and,, unona .rwman'd bWilntwVaxiuf after ilU d. J :.c ,nyTefcn. sufficient evidence,, idiall, cause him to! of November tho ipnbUcan of KoriKL, JXTbo .I)oclrfae of Great Brillan asd ytiir. iihu n oona ann sumcicnt security) uarolma will swell me eiiorfis wittf mtlf va iwwcn, imi uecacaea rnaa otLif HuroDean ... . .. aiiy'T-r t . il in uiivaum ot not loss than two hundred H &n of otliera fcrr! GRANT and- COM l! uw.ue l.wJ 9i rt- dollars., for ' his. annearrmo.. Wfnrv ih-! VA Y' T.TIUmTV L ITNtOfU J 5 I J.T2?fSt BUed titatrv a ar v"v-m,aa sk-va. aas a sa aT- a- f--'- - m w w -am. w- ur m i l iia i i i rrvaw-a a a .x ak - - ii w m a aavaa aaa a wa v a av w aaaaaaakai aaa aavaa. iu a. an rir v van vntar CI. irAKulS. I the laws pf ;natlona. and at war with our ca. (VuiliRebiStatje Ei. Comi V Dor Jadcpeodencc. Katurallxed It:dfir!, OcLJ4 .1B68. ' ' cjuwni a enunea w prr.ietjon la ail tUlr. - J. i-a.auwf " nsnn.px aiizenALip, aa though they wera Teular.ItepubHcan tfeket - voiet again GRANT andXXLFAXt 4 tiext term of the Slinvrinr f?onrt of-the 9ou,,.t in winch the offence, , may liavc! von committetT, then and there to answer to the law, and in the tiVeantimc to keep! tlie peace.'a'nd urdefnult of mvTn-nrli' bond and srifficicnt security uch person!- SO Oncndlllff. Hlmll ho rj.rnmitt.wl In nrltAn until he-Khdll have tomnlifsl with thr afpresnid jrvinions. - ! feec. 7. rhat anv' Justice of the' Peace or 'other offictr eharrved Wiih th execution of thi act, who, ahall refuse Or.nejrlect to carrv Otlt.tiin nroviainna of said act. shall be iruiltv of a mirlrl meanor in office. " ' ; ' 1 '" ; bee. 8. This act shall bo in force from and afterits. ratificition. Ratified 2413 of August,,1868. UEG18TEU! UXGISTEaif You Ossnot Tots Withorat Etiilerhg! The fact of your baiag riditmd at tha but lcUoa. win do no rood st thfccocalag alectloaV . ' : .. BEAR THIS IN MIND. No peraoa caa vote oa tba 3d of November ealess ba b rirAtterad axajjbetwera tha ISth of October and election day. Tbe Ward sad County Com rait tees sboakt sea to It, that every qualla- d.vpter aaaius namereriMeTsa on me voung uu Rerablican Speakers shoald calltha atUaUoa of their baa era ta the Imoortanea of Tbe sabicf. UrUtrauoa booas arc to be opraad la cna prectnets of all the counties on laeiMacsjotoctoMC. and eon- STATE OF NORTH CJAUOLINA, Office Secretary of State, ' ' ' Raleigh, "August 31st, 1 808. V 1 Henry J.kMenxin(YeiL' Secfctanj oil State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act On file in this office, .r , , . . , - ' ' HENR: J. MENNINGER, ; ' Secretary of State, The Rational , Intelligencer" U4ae open until the dsyof PresidecusJ electlott on tbe M sr of November. A protnp ana i&oropra rexnttnuon rill creatly facilitate the business of votlac: aad aria Tnaaa xJToaa acrojia DATron Vortaa J tacaaay prtcincta the poua wiu be crowded : tbe swearing cl to iris on election day win aooiar roue tnat xaaay electarawUl aotbaabla to reach tha boxes. . Br Atx vxavxa &.ar tb RaotsraATtox as coa- rtfra PBEVIOUS TO ELCTI0N DAY. . . . . . UEGISTKATIO. lavlo? been, appointed to"Itf?iUter. the Voters" In tbe lit. Registration -Dlatrict, 'tm- bradne tbe lit and 3d Wards in tbta city. I hereby aire nonce to all Interested. tLal I will attend at my atort on 2tlddle aire, near tbe aa' . . a .a af . a - - a juarKer, irom me ldin insL, until tne Gar or - 1 at..' . At at 1 r - .'-oi aa rition ior toe pumpu oii CinnxiWi aiL fXhi' t!iA TWrata TTtTmfta.oT, tia Dtunomerrl .Voters an opportunity to Register.- , ' I t" 111 ' UA f ..' -.1 Tl .The following is from the lending-article In f all able-bodied male citizens Urine In said lit natlvf-born: and bo cltltcn Slatea, naUre or natvrl.!1tnuu be liatla a a aA 7 4 . . hi ,atrri anu lapnwDOfoi uy any Torcirn powii for attrf done or. words spoken Ja tkU country; anfl.it aoarmVed and InmriBoneoV Itlstbedatyof tLe Gorernxnent to Interfere in bU bcliall. s. i . . . ; X. Of all who were faithful In ibe trfala of , the late war, lb ere were none entitled to more CTpccfal 'hoDdc than tLr.brarc toldlcnand seamen who endured the hardablna of cm.. paJn and crulae, and imperilled tbdr lltes f a tbe aerric aif the eonntnr: the boon tiead penaiont provided by tLe lawa foytbeaa brave aeienucra oi xne cation areob: rat ona nvfr to be forgotten I'lbe wldowiUnd omLaaa ot la . a . iae rautn ueaa are too wards, of the nconle a sacred legacy, bequeathed to the nation's protecting carri v A 1. . 21 Forden tamlr7alion,.wbIraIn iKa pail has, added ao much to the wealth devel opment. andJTurccASDd IncrcakTf .po-wer . Aura iirjmwHV) soaaajiarn oi trve orTraacd ' of all nations, should he f ottered and encour aged by'a liberal and jui t policy. jail, . inis contention declares Itself fcj sympathy with 'aU cpprcabcd Tronic atrcr. gling for their rights. . On motion of Can bLarr. tLe loHowlnrlwo planks were added by a unanimous rote : Ilctclzrd. that we bifhlr cDinrara'itiM spiritof magnanimity and forbearance with 'men men won Lit aerrcd in the rrbrllkm but who now frankly and boocatly co-operate with us 1U restoring; the peace or the coun try ana recorritxucunr tne . Bovtbern 6ute the Rational IntelUgeneer of friday. ; . I anoTSd Wards; who are liable to ttnitiaduty. fZJnffli. Since the result of the Octpber elections wa ascertained we hare been overwhelmed GEO.C RIXTORD. See General Orders. No. 1. frprrrCoIonel Com mandinff Craven countr, dated -7th October, wiili interrogatoriea by our fiietids in almost Ji,11'- licna2l T6?. t.x7?J?SJ5: cverv nart of the coantry. askinir us:' - What ?nl IfL liJ shall We do be saved?- . - ; llJrV We : deemed,, ir our duty to respond xrank 1 tVW.&WJJ?m h nerfnter MteyUtcr.1 ivA'tlirMtn wlm'WIc mnfiripntlv tn n tar I JiSI the truth, and by 1 ft.- . m, 'iAuirlim. ' r,Matvna I UiUL nw .w.mw' mw- m mm im (MM wit. a 1 i 1 . mr . . a. . .. UHUI - vll w o -wui.. w t ..t . rt I . J .L...tLm CHUDCH CTCIT. CiiOn IVWUU Clilinr IhMJ . r . . . I 1 lll.lnTiM 1 an1 a-fn. Trta aama Man fill I . ice and Eoual Rlrhti; are reed red back Inta tbe communlOo of. tbe loyal peonle ; and - w xavor tbe removal ox ue UltoaallScatioBf and . fTstrlctlons impoaed trpon tbe lata rebels In the .aarna measure as. tbdr spirit of loyally- will direct, ana as may be continent wilh tha safety of the loyal people. - Ilcolted, That-we Xtoorjilre lb rrravt prfn dnlea laid down la the immortal Ieckrtl?t """"V-. - tr..!. a,rv-ilrir1 T? . antra iua oown ui ioc icuzwrui l(tltriUOa a checrlees and disastrous f111 VI?. 4l2 .clr..,: rUdneaa ererr effort toVard m.VlnJ.vl Ho.. Darid A. Wlla,"Spedal . Commissioner of Inter r-; Cuba ...vr,.i fr"Yf T Ji Bice . . .. .f . . ; t.-Z Uy ,JVSt ?- Sugars, TeUowa .. ...V. f i..; .;J. tiaH Coffee A ,M . t v-t- ' f 1 V Coffee B.....w.fJ.J.v.rCi .M -t ." Crushed ...Vrilt-uA JtX-tsj 'i? -s.u - . fin a s ! T. ' - . Aaales. Dried L ....... i. . . J s ' -IV C - Bacon ;v, ............. 4 .. . ;-i .'.. iL I AWQjLzSi bbl.... ...... .J - UU, (71A1.SKJ Porir.perbbl.... ....... J..... P, JW w, Beef Corned. . ...i.."..;X-. ?- JJi Dnttcr...4 'fti -I1! B .S faieesa.V,,... U. t W -Cl-i M f f!1CT.T. A Vr.OTTf - r?n rat .-ia m-varDDvua..... ttlmntmnr. . . SSaerbafe'I GnappfcPernYian, per ton i. 120XOll00j00 oats.,, ......w.,...h--rtr.tl'5fiK ' nayai JTqBs. itiAairi ora Dip..-:::::;:."... ...i. vjrit s4 S Rosin..... 3TO0. a oo iro. ixxters. oz nal ReTenuo :" Gen, Q. o; Howard, eteon the wexi ment Expendftarea, Jbsdaetloa of ITaxation, 'etc.; 4 pagea S3 pea taOBsand; v ;.; r ' -'''. ConUinlng speeches of leading pabllc men, with olr er useful doenments. . . a . rour --v"" r". thousand. ; ' '- r : ' r' r. w.. The Commltteaiaaa'tii Lpwparatioatho followiax docomenta In German : ' - f :. : Speeehea ot senators v. v Mowroa . AaTRcpresentati res Thapdits STxrarss, Do-jt- Also, the letter of Special Commlsaionex D. A. Wxxia and Gen. O. OS noTrAap-ExpendUarea and Taxttloa aa .kAaa.M "' ' ' .... D..m.m BxptraLicA PAaTT. wltn cancl- M.n A arnitAncav the CotnxThead Platform, Frank P. BUir'a wToluUOnary letter, Ae. , 6 PfCer$ ?,ll!aitofipiS page. -IsTe, thoua 1ZX J . - ..m RnTTt or thi Naw Yoaac -DiaoaaA-r. a leading German lubcM i.w .1 tim ttim filled with trie ntmoat rmodr ' with thVWrt traprtca and .captation tHl'9" We,' too, shall light on to the end agalm the excesses of tbe ltaoica party anu in be half of the ConservatiTe massea of our coon trvmert: but when solemnly , appealed to by them lo know what shall we do to be saved? We cannot, dare not,' will not delibcrtatdy lla to : them: and UU them Uiat : all u wen. leAen tee are eontinced Viat aU UtUd' teeU. ' IFV can not promise iUv a v tictery where Ufereu 15th. (October,) and keep. . the am. open UU gtTin voters an opportunity to UfclbTEIt. ; l wUJ. at the aame ume and place, enroll ail able bodied male ritltens liring in said Sd and 4th Tbej pretent poallioa of the Deraocratic parly it rery cracbakla lo that of tba two sh!pwrvked sailors, who. flodinr thai their Wards, who are liable to. Jlilitla duly. I frail rait, was rapidly goicjf to pecea,' aald . one iu loe oiocr; -. .. . .. - HoraUo. Fiaak, can you pray f- . FrarjkL. Xo; can yrm r Horatio. " No-'btit acaetbicr trnxt hm doin; d quick,'- . . , , ; . t i What Tins Auttjor 8ats. Ilcra is Qeneral Hamntons own construction of the mearlnp of this resolutiob, dellrered at a'maaa-meetlnf of;the COTperbead and ,rebiAeuMcnay.p lore ne iei & ea aora: Bee General Orders, Ko. 1. from Colonel com mandlng Craves 1 county, dated 7th Ocxober, 18C8: also. General Orders 2k C. from Aid hi - tapt, GeneraTs oflcela Raldrh. dated iNswBcrne,K.OMOct9,l8Ca. . Oct.ll tf .1 l-i. i. United States bonds hive gone up in Xondon: in sympathr with their risebere. i nis anows jg . wppsj igreta. crtxiijora j I RE6ISTEUI REGISTER ! ! IfW neelect to RpxiAterytyu cannot VoU willing to place faith.. - i Mv&VatUMriiV S-:W. i,for-ibt.t-exl - The tttxu u Ptaca or War., and . mw a - - - . jm . at ai Sk & B.mBB B-I B a aa B - - vartv SeiU com oxi cnd. pledge useifUat IA I iU'a. tc. " " . - ;!tVTrbre j- trul'-rurport 'Grant and aa " .. a a. tr a v nn t- nmTinr' iinm a r-T ittri rai mmLA Tntni. wr i i i M . a aM. 5?S TTrx rv.yr: .yfyp'; rVIW aft, 77 A -MiiflfMr 'ANIl IK ,. w I w. ... ait wim I i r . .. ' " w , r I .j i T t-Tcfr-r J.v J.l I r-t ... i .- i wrwpju anu iuaooia.u hiuiuihuw irjc rcccni occucxia nxre aarxnerd '-litrving Deezriippointea to iteuter. me vt lers la tbe4th iteiistration Dial rid. embrac ing' the Gib and 7tfi Wardtin this dtr; I here by give nouca t&af Ilwui open tne books for Rcttration, on the 15Ui.inttant, at my 09ca on vjueen itrett,.rortheperpofeet,ri THERE IS A MAJORITY OP WHITE VOTES. THAT YOlT WILL TLACE 'SET- rTtTl ivn. TV a TT . VXT TtJTP TTtll'l' If HOTJ8E IN SPITE OP AlL TnE BAY ONETS'TnAT SHALL BFT BROUGHT -AGAIN ST TIIEM.? i ..V. nvi i". U tho 'pneo -ot iL cited. Sutca borula and. sent .goll -tiow-zvr Is i any .farther com tnent needed as to which rxI icy .will pro ry OSca j dticc a Kitlrdorriet oLxiiingSf f ntndti ai well .ts bolilicaL lm.u n i .1 - l i ipojeonuwier jjorrcat. itiiav: ociio.iytcrj crvox iovi!cex a . I r. -j v U:..'.- ' '- 'a. 'if .A4ii1i-ir t T-m .t tk. t;m. a v,--rt an V;iV--r- Ttni 1 atfTl thtmkr- Goal . r : . . . .. . . 1 .v. ..i t4ni.L.i!.t - -.. . . -! , nra-ml tho irn.idential eI:tCn at Siir II , --.""".r-."- 'r1 4 umriCJX 4 la& courtrye orynw, " - - -C - fa, av 1 fa aaJ a aaa A ITaVIa la 111 T Taa afail-a a " . aa -t - twrcouldrhava had. ffir . way., there J -S? V7T.rAe . i revival cj XA iTr cwi .Lr! ru'TTnTiwT Kf a'tini arvl ik FrWi- I ' vlr r i- ey ... !' U tfu motto ef even try e man. A Tar. as to size. tins...: S4WV1" t0 603' S-f IS VA.14V aa-aa-a -a ' - ' ! l" " ... . . v i '. ---- f ' ; : -. - ' LJ ; ....

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