T""5" V ' . .. V - paaaaMpaMMLMBMBMMwMiMMaaaBBB ; -r ; f -, f . .'.-! l'. !?r4? J'"" .".- .... .... , i , ...--. ' - - : . I 1' V 1 I . . t ." t -. t e . . j -, . . . t w - - -. w bbbbbbbbbbb - - - - z -- r . . - i- t m . r: v x &. t - !. t - t t " r " r y . . w w RATES :"0F, MYERTISroar-- TaUMoroMtKto(pmcwUtiA nVK ' 21Ch IbbMM&l lAMTtUt M I BT GEO. w. KABOIt, .-. , -:'-i-.i-.:5i.iri U "' : 1 V. ".--.Ct: , -.07 PUBLISHER, DAILY. GEO. leYcar. . x Month ' xrce Months l Month BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION J6.00 it 3.00 : . . 2 oo THE W BERNE REPUBLICAN 11 1 I .... . ' LIBERTY AND JJNIOJfNO AND" FOUEVER, ONE :AltD INSEPARABLE."Daiiiel Webster. - NEW iBEIffi;N::C :MDAY; MORNING; yEMBlillG,; )M:L PRICE 5 GENTS. SpcUl ?fotloM cLwxrd i yr ouU lUr tla For ftdTtttlarrnccU Urud lnTjrtlil, M. klicW tbn rtt via U JAN ORDINANCE sv ana JroTiae for the Support of the City Government. i i ' Se(i f. t erdaitiedjij theMtyor and Coanc'U of the citr of Jfcw "Bern. Tht fJr the-fiaeal tm sjrn 30th 1S6S, a tax of one per cent upon the Y&lae all of real estate within the limits 01 tee corporation,! be and the same is herebj laid to be collected as is by law provi ded. ; ' It ts further ordained. That from and after the 1st day of April, 1868,-no person", firm or corporation shall prosecute or carry on cither of the-tradea or ocennations mentioned in hectlon e 01 this ordinance, until he or they shall have obtained a license therefor in the man ner uereintuber proviueu. fSec.3- Ilisfurturordamed,Th&i every person oroer eine desiring obtain a license shall register with" the CJity Clerk, firstJUiis name,'or thefr iiaine r style ; e rjond, the trades or occupation f or: which At. licenser la desired ; third, the place where such trade'or' occupi tionis to be. carried on ; fourth, if an inn-keeper, the je&rly rental ofthe house and property to be. occupied for said parioe and thereupon, upon payment to the City Clerk, Or other person authorized td eollect the tax herein Drovided. shall make out and deliver a li cense for such trade or occupation, which license shall jcontinne in force for ono. month, at the place or premis es described therein. -i "- - ' ; I Sec 4, It is further ordaintd. That if anyersonor iperKohs shall exerciee or carry on any trade or business j hereinafter mentioned for the exercising1 of whicn a license is required, without taking out such license as is is. that behalf required, he, she, or or they shall, for every such offence, respectively forfeit a penalty equal te three times the amount of the sum of money impos ed for such- license tothe use ot the flty. ?v ?. Utift j Itni h it iWj t-r nrilninnJil Tfiftfc-lli Trr case where more thanone of thepursufrei hereinafter described shall be carried on by the same person in the same place at the fame time, except as therein men tioned, license must be taken out torcach according to the rates severalty ; roscribed. . . j , . Sftf . fi. .AndUit furtlur oraained,That on and after the first day of April, 1868. for each license granted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly paid. J Any number of persons carrying oq any business coming within the purview of this ordinance, in part nership may transact such business at such place, under such licens . and not otherwise. i (1.), Bankers shall pav ten dollars for caeU.liccr.sc. arid every personhall bedeemed a banker vr.thin the mean ing of this Ordinance who keeps: lilac , of ' business, whert credits are opened in favor of any person or flrm.lv the denosit or collection ofmonw or currency. and the same, or any part thereof shall be paid out or remmitted upon the draft or check of sufch creditor, (2) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc- r . ... . rr 1 x c 1 IL. V 5 V. nof cupation 11 is 10 oner properijr lor uic iu ""sucm bidder. ' j ,....., (3.) Retail Dealers in liquors, including an aisuiiea or fermented liquors, and wines of every description, shall pav five dollars lor eacn license.- x-very pcrecu who shall offer for- sale such liquors in less quantity than one eallon at one time, to tne same purcuaser, THE ONLY A I L Y ORepublican Paper Frank IpBlair's" War: Pollen N AT 10 N A L PlBLlSllliD 13V EASTERN' JORTH C AROLINA. It is well enough to keep the war-Ilk; letter of Fbavx I. Blaib before the people. Democratic papers hart become, frightened atthe startling propositions U con tains," and hence Jth$jres It. They-dare not "kery it before the eyes,eTen of thaAririwids, ar.d yei it Is the real basis of the -Democratic Platform. Being writ ten and placed before the Convention when it assem bled, it, and nothing elee, secured Blair's nomination. T. F M lh" iFREEDMAirS SAVINGS Deab CoLosEi. ; In, reply to your inquires I beleavt to say that I leave to you to determine, an cousultatloa with rat friends from illtkonti. whether w name shall be presented to the DeiuoMticrCuventl'-iL.'aid to tub', mil tht, following, at iiat J comHdtt thtreai and onty. ittue inihit contest The reconstruction policy of the Radical will "be com plete before the next election ; the States so long ex eluded will have been admitted; negro suffrage cvlab lished and the carpet-baggers installed in their sears in both branches of Congress. . Tbcre.ls no possibility of changing the poUtitalcharactcr of the Senate, ven If tne Democrats should elect their .President, and JLXD IssVED from n ujia yen street i K W II E It JV E , N o C a ,11IB REPUBLICAN is issued as an t K nftonta n rtn?l dpnlftT in lidUOrBi . (4.) Retail Dealers shall pay One dollar for each license, j .Every person wnose occupuuu , sale groceries or any gooub, wmc i. ui6.uau.0v, . foreign or domestic productions, in less quantities tnan i riipo or tiar.kafre. at on time to the same person (not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors), shall be regarded as r. retail dealer, v. , (cO Wholesale Dealers shall pay four dollars for each license, Every person whose occupation Or business it is to sell groceries or any goods, ware? or merchan dise, br one or more original package or i piece at one time, tothe same purchaser, or wines ana liquors in. quantities of more than one gallon, snau De aeemeu a wholesale dealer. . . " : - j "'""" (6.) Hotels, Inns- and Taverns., shall pay five dollars for ach license. Everv place where food and lodging arc provided for and furnished to travelers or sojourn ers, in view of payment therefor, shall bp regarded as a Hotel, inn or Tavern Meuentot ani ProsressiTe Jonraal a jority of the'popular branch of Confess. AVe cannot, therefore, hndo the Radical plan of reconstruction by Congressional actionY3he SenatCwiH continue a bar to its repeal. Must we submit to It T How can not over- ', thrown f It can only be overthrown by the authority of 1 me .ecuuverwuo wiuiauto uo nisauiyu ne allows the Constitution to perish hnder a series' of 0nrres sional emctments which arc in palpable violation oi iu fundamental principles. - - If the President elected by the Democracy enforces or permits others to enforce these reconstruction acts, the Radicals by the accession of twenty spurious Senators and fifty Representatives will control both branchss of Congress, and his Administration will be as powerless as the present one of Mr. Johnson. V rThere is BUT ONEWAY TO RESTORE THE GOV- ERA 31 ENT A JD THE CON ST1TUTION AND THAT is FOrfr K f rR ES I DEN T ELECT TO DECLARE THESE ACTS NULL AND VOID. COMPEL THE ARMY ?TO UNDO ITS CSURPATfONS-AT THE SOUTHDISPERSE THE CARPET-BAG STATE GOVERNMENTS, allow the white people TO REOR GANIZE THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS, AND ELECT SENATORS. AND REPRESENTATIVES i The House of Representatives will contain a majority of DemocratajErom the North., and they will admit the Representative elected, by the ptjople of the Southland with co-operation of the President it will not be diffi cult TO COMPEL THE SENATE TO SUBMIT ONCE MORE TO THE obligations of the Constitution; " It will not be able to withstaud the public judgement; il distinctly" Invoked and clearly expressed on this funda mental issue, and it is the sure way to avoid all fu ture stme to put tne i.-sue plainly to tbe country. I repeat THAT THIS IS THE REAL AND ONLY QUESTION WHICH WE SHOULD ALLOW TO CON 1ROL US. Shall we submit to the usurpations by whicMhe Governm nt has been ovcj thrown, or shall we exert ourselves for its f tiU Cndcomplete restoration; It is idle to talk of bond greenbacks, gold, the -public faith, and the pnblic credit: What can a Democratic President do In regard to any of these, with a Congress in both branches controlled by tbe carpet-baggers and their allies? He will be powerless to stop the supplies by which idle negroes are organized into political clubs by which an army is maintained to protect the vaga bonds in their outrage upon the ballot.. These, .and thinjrs like Jthcse. eat np the revenue and resources of the Government and destroy its credit make the dif ference between gold and greenbacks. We must restore the Constitution before we can restore the finances. AND TO DO THIS WE MUST HAVE A PRESIDENT WIIO WILL EXECUTE THE WILL OF THE PEO PLE BY TRAMPLING UJiDER DUST THE USUR PATION QVt CONGRESS,: KNOWN AS- THE RE CONSTRUCTION A0TS5 I WISH TO STAND BE FORE THE CONVENTION UPON THIS ISSUE. BUT IT IS ONE WHICH EMBRACES EVERY THING ELSE THAT IS OF VALUE IN ITS LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE RESULTS. It is the ONE THING THAT INCLUDES ALL THAT IS WORTH a contests, and without it there is nothing that gifts dignity .IionoT, ortvalue to-tto struggle, j r . u ' t " - Fuxxk P. BtAtic Colonel 0. Bkoauuead. Jrust Company, Chartered by Act of Oonpeu. Banklsf Itsats, PeaasjlTsaU At., Crar X Itth SLf - TTaxklaftei, D. C, ACT : ' to' Piixisir BRiiiEnv ad co ercion EY ELECTIONS, To t$ 'Gaitrnl AtifnHy pf Xcrth Crl da inmtt! . " Section 1. That it .shall bm tmlarrful for aoy person to ofler any bribe to nv of the qualified voters of. tin State wild intent to inuuenco his rule in snj t lec tion. Sec 2. That it shall I aulawfulfnr any person to attempt to influence the vote of any of the qualified voters of this $tate, in any election, by any threat to atscuarge sucn voier irom crnpioymcnt or to withdraw from htm patronage, or to discharge from employment, or re f urn patromg to any xnerabtr of tuch voter' family. . Sec 3.' That it shall be unlawful for' any person to give a' pecuniar) or other consideration whatever, to any of the aualified voters of this State because of ao vote 'which such votr may cat or may nave cast in any election. Sec. 4. That it thall be unlawful for any person to discharge trom employ men V withdraw patronage from, or other wise injurcfthrealcn, oppress or attempt to intimidate anyot the qualified voters of tliis folate because of the vote such voter may cast in any election. Sec 5. That any in.Ts.on violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to indictment for the &nuic, and on conviction ot havint? vioiaieil tne pro- OUE PLATTOEH; . z Abraham IAncoln's Gift TO'TIIE O olo rod Po Campaign Great Kepublic. ' hmlttakraUU loyal population of Eastern .North Cairo - " ' ' 1 ina, Vj au uncTromising opposition to th doctrines 1 I af SeceHsi'). a4 by a fearless advocacy of the eteraa I -..: .: i principles of r?fi Brokers and Commission Merchants , shall pay four1 dollars for each licence. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or;banker whose business it is to purchase or sell stocks, money, poods f.p TiiM-ohnndUf. or seek orders'therefor !in original or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage ousincss matters, for the owners ot vessels, or; consignors of Commission Merchant. ; (8.) Theatres, Circnses and Jugplcrs shall p a sum notitoexcewltw.oliunaieaaouar8 to --j . To each dub of Cftv a larre Imperlsl ph.torT.nph of Citi Council in each case. ; j c,, ' "eii. I". S Giant will be n-i.t fire of itostnire. Tocach (fe) Bowlin? Allies or Kimaru w.m anui. y-j u. ( dub ff m a j,;k(, vnctui:rf.,,i, of v s" Grat &ud ScnUT. dollars for each licence. ; , , . a, ,n ; lcr Co fax. l ach paper a complete documci t. (10) Horse Dealers and Livery Stablel keepers shall 1 nn v; tour nonaib iwi ftuiuiu;! I His Signature to tht Bill tat of ths Last Acts S copies to one .'itldrr ri) Copt ft -Wfe iWldtVirS ,.,!;;;;... 100 copies to one addreen ;. S 1 J . it of his Lifo. I. We coDratoktelhe ccuclry co its a, tared success of ibe rtctmntruciion poller of I CoDreit, ss etinceil by Ibe adoption, in fit , jxnajariiycf Ibe Sutcs Ulelv in rt-belllon, it rlht to sll.a&d it Is the duty of the Govern -7 meot to sustain thoe tcsUiations u.prs.. . vent the people of sudi SUtct frcn WU re sJtnltleU to a state of anarchy. " . ' II. .The guarantee .Vy.Ct)ijn-s rccu iuLTruge to all loyal m a ml the Soulh Ti Je tasndcU by erery oonsUicrailou of paliic wit ty, uf rstUude. and of joUif ef n.od nscst hm tnuut&incd ; rbllc the iucikro of taJTrtc In all tbe loyal Stairs proper ly bcktr lo tbe i-eu- t plof tUOi4S SUtCK III. vc denounce sui lormi of rtpuJiAnon -as a optional crime; sod the nsilonU honor requires tbe payment ot the poblic indtbted-. nets In tbe uitermoit good faith to all cirCi- . tors at home sxd abroad, cot only acvcrditx to ibe letter but tbe spirit of tbe laws v&der wbicb it was contracted. . IV. It I Jut to tbe labor of the tialUa that taxation should be equalized and reduced . as rapldlr as tbe national faith will penait. . . V. Toe rational ueM; contracted m. it lita been for tbe prcscrraUon of tbe Union fcr all time to come, should be exueuca over a lair period for redemption; and it I ibe duty of Congress to reduce tbe rate oi inicmi tucrs- . oo heneter It can le honestly dorr. VL That tbe best policy to dirr.ir.KTt oar burden of debt is to sn improve our credit that -captlalitti trill seek to loan Us mcucy at lover rales of interx-st than vrc now pay, and tnuit continue to pay so long at repudiaTton. 1 tial or total, open or covert, it threatened cr tut pectcd. VIL The Government of the United Slates tboold be ndmlnistricd with the Hrktctt econ omy and tbe corruptions which have been so sluunefully nursed and fotercd by Andrew " Johnson call loudly for radical reform. . VIII. We profoundly lcpkre tbe untime- 1 ly and tragic death of Ahraluxa Liucoln, and . lo thin twptitv dollnrn or' imnri toned srecinoa w mc rrwHicncj oi less tnan tnenty uouars, or tmpnsonea dfcw jolmfoIJ( w)w ,,,, mcltnl treacbcrouilT not less than ten days. And on conviction to the people who elected hini and the cause of having violated the provisions ot sec- be xvas plcdsed to upiK)rt; "who bat uiurpcd tioa two, shall be fined not less than fiftv bigh leRiaUtirc and judicial functions; rviiAM ..m t,n "who has refused lo execute tbclatts; who1 dollars, or imprisoned not Iws than hM 0$cd u LI;;llomw. ,0 induce other cheers twenty days. And on conviction oi to ignore and violate the laws; who lias eta- havtnp violated the provisions of sec- ployed his eacculirc powers to render inFccurr tion three, shall be fined not lew than tho property, the rcacc, liberty and life, of : te.tr dollar, and. also .topmoorf not Vi?SilSJ. : less than ten days. And on conviction Ulsturc as uncocsUtutional: who Las pcrsis-. of having violated section four, shall bo ttntly and corrupUy re&Uted, by erery taeacs fined not lew than fiftv dollars, and also in his power, eTcry proper attempt at tl re-. irnprinednot less ,hau twenty days. I juonoi g: bx 6. Tliat every . raaRistrater or in CI)ffine of wholesale ccrrontion: and wbo7 peace officer of this State, or of muni- has been justly impeached lor'Llfb crimes cipal corporations in the Statej who shall and misdemeanors. nd properly rowniDted know of bis own knoWledge, or to whom BgJjT e votes of iLlrty-fite Sea. infomation shall in any ay oorae, that , The Doctrine oT Great Briiian asd any person has violated any of the pro- other European powers; ibsv because a &aa visions of this act, ' shall Immediately Is once a subject be is always so, must be r arrest, or by warrant cause to be arretted tUted at eTery hazard by the Uuiud bUstes ...t, 1 L fr,v,..Z as a relic of feudal Umes, not authorired tr . r"-'"w" , 7. ' i . I tbe Laws of nation, ana At war with ocr na- sufncient evidence, shall cause him to I tional honor acd Independence. Naiuralired . enter into a bond and sufficient security I ciurena are enUtled toprctecuon In all their a t 1 visions oi section one. suail ic nneti not in dollars, for lie Gave Emancipation, aiid then Union, Liberty ; aiid Equality - before the Law. 4 The Icepublican will be devoted to the common inter tets of our people, with " raaliee toward noue and charit' for all it will plead for the maintenance inviolate ol the National Ooterume'ntind Its credit: the education by all available means of the people : the encourascmen of Immigration and the developeraent of our aricul tarat, wtiJieral and commercial resources.'; While the Republican, ' will be pre-eminentTy a neics paper the departments of - SCIENCE, AGtiWVLTUJiE, MIT, AND LITERATURE, (11 ) Peddlers shall n-iy fitty c-nrs ior eacn tieci.tc Ant person, except pcrpont peddlmsr newpaprs, ihjoks or d.MiieFtic produce as their own producing, who pulls A or otters to sell at retail roods, wares or commodities. travelling from place to place in tne sirceis ,uau dcciwtl a peddler. , L . ' i (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for escb li cense. Anv person except one holdiac: a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and oner lorsaieauj w, wares or merchandise exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a inanufacturer- (13.) Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists,; Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. (14.) Express Compnnies shall pay five dollars lor each licvnse. . f . . (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents for each license. , ., , , (1G.) Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each ll- "scc, 7. And I if fvrlhtr ordalntJf. Th.it all Or dinances and parts of Ordinance conflicting herewith, b", and the fame arc ncieoy repeineu. , ) JOHN S. MAN IX, City Cferk. New Brnv;, N, C, March 0th,.18C8j 7 ANTED AGENTS- S'o to 21)0 per month. rveTT where, male nml lemai- io "'tV5f the GENUINK UsrKQVF. COMMON Sknse family sewing machine. This Machine will stitch, liem. leu. iuck, : quilt, cord. bind, braid and i-mbroldw in a most superior manner Price, only $18. ul lv warranted for five ycais. e will pay nnn Fm,, that will sew a strong- er, more beautiful, or more clastic scani than .,.o Tt the. "Elastic Lock Stitch. Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be ottlled apart without tearicg tJ, o pay agents from Si5 to 200 per month and expenses, or a c that Amount can ne mi Addicss SECOMB & CO., Pxttsbviw, Pa., or BO&TON, C UTTON.- -Do not be i mposed updn by other par tics palming oif worthless cat4ron tnachipes, under Wme name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine maaiutactiirca. Aug 2S, 1908, 2m Csiitiptiiu Documents. ; their lives aud 20 pages will receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Ee tUws and Summaries as space will permit.' ' -. " r"ull reports on all matters of Local Interest wiH,form a prominent feature, and a'there appears as yet no othct -' ..." . j' ',.- - 1 '. UWCONDITIONAIi UNION PAPER ' ' I ; .7- Ty?:'; .Vt :' ' in Eastern North Carolina, the advantages which the , Republican will olfer as an adTertising medium are ap- parent PRICES C U RRE iN 1. Wholesale Dealers in Groceries and Precisions, Dry Goods, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c, Middle Street, ' Neic-Iicrne, .N . C. . Slates of Subscription GROCERIES. Coffee, Rio ' l: -Laguayra.i.;. Maracaibo J St. Domingo fj&Vit reas, Young Hyson . . J . - Hyson V- Gunpowder and Imperial. Oolong.... ii...... - Uncol Japan.. English Breakfast . : Eggs..v-..... - - Flour, f rom . . - - family...... v-v- Gibbed Herring, per box.. Lard. . .... . - - Molasses, New Orleans. . Cuba . . . . . IUce: r. 2(i 20 bo .a S3X 32, f Sugars, Yellows-. . -XBXS CAS XX AXyTAVCX. Ons Year Six Months -Three Months One Mnth ; r. 6.00 3.00 a.oo is Rater of Advertising. Ten lines ot Ona squa j&acnauDi one inch space tb constitute a square. f 1.W Coffee A I Coffee B..T - Granulated Powdered . Crushed Salt.... Apples, Dried....;...; ... Bacon Pork, per bbl Beef, Corned...-.-.. - Butter... Cheese . -rrt JIIB0.AiAAIifcW ; , ..... . v -- ..-'. - Corn or quanair . Flaxseed, per bushel. Guano, Hay Oats 24? 45 2 (7tv 1 70M ".! 90 & 2 25 1 00 l w 1 00 & 1 75 1 25 2 25 20 & . S5 10 50 20 00 .J13 00 18 ,: 50 ' .-10.. 15 13 r 5 17. lJ 2 60 & 8 00 10 ' ?9 30 00 81 ou OiiANT.Ai.-D Colfax Sketches of services. 8 pages f6 per tbonennd. Hon. Wm D, Kei.lx '-The New South." $15 per thousand. Rfxord No. C and Pepcbmcak KroNoaiT, fatixo ott tm Democrat ic Debt, Great deduction of Expenses, lu pre -paratlbii and about ready for the press. Hox, Geo. W. Jcliax "Our Land Policy." 16 pagc6 512 per thousand. Hon. Messrs Stewart, Morton, akdNte-"Peace or War." Debate in the United States Senate on the Electoral College -Bill. 8 pages $G per thousand. The following Campaign Documents cau be pro cured of the Union Republican Congressional Commit tee. Address lion. T. L. Tullock, Washington, D. C. The documents have been prepared from authentic sources, under tne direction of tne able secretary of the committee, Hon. T. L Tullock, and-will be for warded to individuals. State, district, county, ortown ship committees, free of charge for transportation, at tue prices uamea Every locality shonldT be promptly 6uppHed. All the ssues of the campaign are fully and ably discussed in these documents, nd a vast amount of labor and ex pense will be saved by scattering them freely in every ueignoornooa : McPherson's nAi-BooK or Politics tor ISfiS Containing full Recoid of Presidential and Congres sional Reconstruction, Tables of Election, Expendi ture, Appropriations, Debt, Registration, Taxation, &c. Campaign Life of Gen. Grant the Conqueror of the Rebellion 'We have whipped them once, and I tninkwe can whip them again.'.'f-Cranf to JielmonL Published under authority of the Republican National and Union Congressional Committees. f S00 pacs, oc- 1 taTO. Price 20 per hundred. ' - Hon. Messrs. BouTwr.1.1,'. Stevens, and Siienck "Democracy and its policy." Debate in the Uouss of Representatives, b pages f 6 per thousand. Hon. C. H. Van WrcK "American Citizenship. Its Rights Abroad Its Duties at Home." b pages 56 per thousand. Hon. Joun D. Baldwin "numan Rights and Hu man Races." 4 pages 3per thousand. -Tirtx- .T G. Blaine "ReDublican Economy vs. Dem ocratic Extravagance " 4 pages 53 per thousand. . Speech of Uon. Glenni W. Schofield "Purposes of the Republican Party." 8 phge4 per thousand. Gen. W. H. Wadsworth, of Kentucky "Republi canism the Test of Loyalty." 8 pages $6 per thou- ES. j. K,. Andrews, ot Minnesota "Early Step in Reconstruction." 8 pages $6 per thousand. Nationality vs. ' Sectionalism." Address to' Southcru laboring Men- 8 pages $6 per thousand. Thb Record No. 1. "The Republican Party . ts. False Democracy." S pages $6 per thousand. "The Dctt of the Colored Voter." A Dislogne. 4?l tTbHE9ailoMEL,s1,"-The .Republican Homestead Syktem Explained, 8 pages- pertnou next Urrn VOUII this Savings Bank. hi appearance before the nf the Superior Court uf Uie ounty in which the oflVnce my hare been committed, iixen and there to answer to the law, and iii the meantime to Veep the peace, and in default of tnvincj iucn bond and sufficient security, such person r m offending, shall be committed to prison I especial raiiTC-torn ; a.nd jdo cilbea of HeCnlled. Sta.tcs, call ro or uaturalired. taust Ik liaU " to arrwit acd IciprisocBJtotlrr any fcre!ra power for acts done or words spokes fa tils country; svxxl if to arrested aud trupriaootd. J ; It Is tbe duty of the GoTer&xaest to iclcrf crt InhlsbctaJL ,. . X. Of all who were faSihfcl In tbetria!ls cf tbe late war, lb ere were rone entitled to oora Tour Ireedom and Prosperity heart united.' iu honor than the brave soldiers acd St. ft a M , until he fhal have comn ed w th the oc "., w?' - r ., . . 1 1 pairn auacrmae, ana iu3pen;;ea latiT urt b , aloreiiaid provisions. I ibe acrrlc of the umrr; tbe bouctlcs acd ' See. 7. Tliat any Justice of the I pensions. proTlded by tbe laws for ibete brats ' eaecj execution of this act, 1 reed who shall refuse to be f orgotten ; tbe widowa and orphans of or m-glect to-rtrry out the provision j ecic- beoaeatLcd to the caUoVa of Mid act, hall be cuuty of a miwe I nrotecilnc care. ' 4 " '" w meanor in oflice. Sec 8. This act shall bo in force froth' and -after iu ratificiUon, " - . . Hatified 24th day of August, 1868.. ECONOMY TUE ROAD TO WEALTH. 1 Save Tour Moiiey STATE OF NORTH CAKOLINA, Opfic Secretary of- Statk, : . ; ' : : Raleigb, August -Slat,-1868.-2 . I, Hexrt J. Menninokb, Secretary ox XL Forelrn Iramfrration. whh- In. tfct past bar. added so much to tbe wealth, derei opmcnt. and reaources asd incrrao of .power to ibis Kepublic, tleajlura of the oppressed of all nations, should te fostered asd escotrv a?ed by sv liberal awl )ot policy j i a? c': 2 " 'XIL This convention declares Itself la sympathy with all oppreraed peoples strc gling for their rhthta.- i , Ontnqtionof Carl Shurx, the fpllpwinxtw planka were added by a unanLmous otc: .r jusoitea. tnat we mctur comssena om State, hereby certify that the foregoing spirit of magnanimity and rbcaraoce with of the original act on hie j w Eire the Pennies, and the Dollars will take care of themselves. bich men who haT aerred In tb4 rebellion . but who bow frankly and honestly co-oper ate with us In restoring tbe peace of the coun try and recunstruciInK the Southern' Buis goternncts upon the basis of Impartial Je-? Mce and Equal JUehta. are recciTed back Lsto Tnnrin A ninpiurnffL t;irrBL i me communion oi tue. lovai pco&ic : wu w AUBfws..u 1 " I - ' i ' -.i:.t is a true copy in thu office. IIENUY J.-MENXIXGER Secretary of State. SberltTs and Otbenu I coastder ths Tretdman's SsTtar and Tntst Company to be rreatly nsd by the Colors People. ad bars welcome aaxiliary U th rreed--li-. Mai. Ctm O. 0. BOWAD? ' MElegakt BxTBlciaJnox Eebei. WErrWNc, 1. per thousand. , . "-fBKASONABLE DESIGS9 OF THE DeMOCMACT, tTOm their own Record. 8 pagcs-$6rthonsand "Democbatic Falsehoods EirosED, Uers or t, ..,! Tv.n. HnoHtl Commissioner of Intfr- 111). - VllllUil. M 1, j . V C Branch at New Berae, N. C, O. Howaru. etc., on in wtb- Bedncuoa ot i uiuob, tc . i I ...i 15 "80 17 -50 22 Beeswax..-.. Bi-Carb. Soda. Blue Stone. 33 14 00 HCvea'l'DO 28 11 45 t oo e o oo seeouperpusnei,... M oo 00 i io.PeraTian.peT ton.. Wjg.rg 1,75 r.;?fr-V"' " """ 1 00 f & 1 10 nal Revenue : Gen, O. tnont Sxnenditures. paaonulnS er useful documents. A four pag sheet-S) per 'rbemmlttee hare In preparation the foflowiag docum.ents in German : itrw. Sneches of Senators O. P. Voktox.Nt and STrw. abt : Representatives THADDErs.STHPBias, v. well. ScnrscK, J. O. Blaixe, and -General Johxa, the letter of Special I Commi-sloner D-A-rtw and Seni O. D.' How abdt Expenditores and Taxation Eachbpajres atoperinouMUJu. ... ndi. dates' letter of acoepUnoo, the fPPTJ"! Frank P. Blair's revolutionary letter, Ac o e PblS: Deet i Deocbatw Leg act. 8 paxes At ..1 - withtheRepubttcan Platform. 4pagea-aa perthou- d- T;2 oLl- 1- -Krw VAltV ' TTnOKBAT. a cat use, ana At 0. A. Kelson & 0o.'i iWtnre Store, Or&Tea Btreet, I IDE nndervlrned have In press, and win soon Ina complete and fall Analysis or the Lairs v under the Code of Civil Procedure, upwMd by the General AM-mblv. relating to the duties of Jorticce of tbe Peace, fberids. aerks pf Court, and other Coonty Ofaccrm. together with the Co4rtitotlon of tbe cute, a lUt of the Counties ss divided Into JudlcUJ A7Utneta, tho time of hoJdluff Courts In the acveral counties, me names of the Jadrea and oltdtors Of each Circuit, the name of the Clerks of the Superior Court. KeUUt cf Deeds. Sheriff. County Com miss loner. Treasurer s4 Pammt for eath Countv.- TBls paiapoiet wru so couuln the Fees allowed by the new law to the several officers, with some of tbe nost necessary Terms of' Cml and. Ur.raiiial rrocess. Th work win contain about ISO pare; ad win b a most valuable book of rrf error for. Corel t Oflcerm. Sent by mail to any post . 60os La tbe Bute, posUft nald. for II pet copy. Address, " paw, wr p jilCTJOLS GOTLif JL2T, ; Book ana 00 mntars. , m-; RilTiasT, 2f. CL wriT mArwirA ut dM vrrMitse. VBdcrtk direction of a member of the Ealtltb fear, a Piaxrr cr AtX TBS LlVI OOBCBBVIBO UTFn urritw. mm wm- fin n vwtn. mdaoted to lb nw order of thlnta. Thlsbook of some J.Jl ed Vs ooa-aa th tnal report of Lb CotnnuoikTS rpo4BU4torvUa lb Code baa bees adojcedbyUe GWral Amrmblj. Tbe plan and scope of the propowrf book win be farther laid bor ta pBaici s T OctS 1S9 ' UeV every day. Sanjs and noUdays taespUd, ttm 10 JL X. to i P. and from U Platfonn, pages $S iff" DeporiU can arways,oa drawn without notice ; AD the proflU belon tothe drpoeltora. oary made U aeearWea at the NEW BOOKS, tJ U8T reertved'fDr or CIECUIATTJCO LTBSM-KT. complete set of ... . 1 'vii - : ;. Marlon Hatlaiid's Wo rU, .Iwr the followtef t. 1 It S I Investment are YnitedSUtea. aa wkca ornori Ukides uwniix ooixu-rs ujt "-- n it An iepoeluwtn be paid with taumte required. ' -. ' j . -T WeherVto Interest payable in T . favor tbe removal of the dieQuahficalioce aid reatrictlons Imooftcd'uixm toe Jale rebels la tbe same meat a re as their-spirit x)f loyally will direct, and as may be coaaislcnt with the lafety of tbe loyal people. Resetted, That we reconlre tbejcrexl prla-I doles laid down Jin tbe immortal Icclaralioa of Indepecdenc.ai tbe true foundation "cf f. democratic gorernment; and' we hail with gladnewi erery effort toward maalcr these principles a Uring reality oa erery Ipch .of; American son...-., .! a . ? TJDOL P H 0 ; , W OJj , 23 Bearer flrrcct, 2f Yvl rtr - ' - f " - t --' A I H35 abcribers bri leave te taf ona the dtlteosof . Horth Carolina that IWr have lrw afpolsud areata for CDOLP1IO WOLFE, ct Xt ya, tor the saie a his otAebrated 80HEIDlH7AEIlHmCiEeEHAfP2,vT And bottled Wlsaciltand Liquors, Mr. W s naita n a nouaeaoia woru ib evciT ae aotrUMra atatea. ; . Vi , Ut Found at Last I ;Foxuid at Last 1 1 A BOUTHEHH DIAEEE(LaHII3ICIHI1 f . - liiamfprDtarriUiseaa -r ,jj - , WHY! ; . It cre&te na few !a the taost rioWtt ce. U prodaoe. a h-aiUry actV of Ue tivl4 Bowels, tbervby rtllcrtxc aay oooplaista art!; "riwaDUrrkota. - ' f t Is a aura care f or marrow ib . . t 1. & .,m bm (of it Ctusrra. art er Cor PtarrboM ra8d from Coica. - rtn cmr tor CLrcmAc rnrrla- - It ts a aare ere ior rrzrV .V . w ltlsSBrrmrforOocBJBptioBcl ttecowa. l 'S tbAWvy Traviker ahoBid bs W7 itiawttertry PUatetlow abosW be ssnJedwtLk. It U w bit erery Uoc bo should be at rpliedwtia, Jt acts Uk a chana wtt ClirrB SrrtUt. . i r itUon KhanbseqaeaAinseYUoB . W - - J Scrape..-..-- Liberal deductions atad -to liree vertlsers. ( Sphnta Tnrpentine,.r - t' , r;i ; i Rosin... ..v.------ 1" New Dip Old PIP- 3 50 S 80 5 63 40 300 3 00 JflO S 80 1 a 43 ' 400 SO with the money, havs t hem Wled -witht 1 . L . - rfcnVJ taalllfjr. , nromnUtuoe, ana wiwui.uc.. i ;- i .i . 1J. VS.. J-r - ind adsptatioD to the locanty wner ... urmBWe tn be aent. ; r e4llBt' .1 ttuwhatCtUdnaiUkel IHa prtactly .itahcdhekrpttarrery TjBry.-r ' :i ItwClasvetoa a VX.DoctcrstCl.. It ts tare t . roana ar iM iz ?rr xxi. pur 5517 V- TT.V. Cm .-.j:.rr.: - t Tar, as to size , . . Pitch.,

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