ItymMitttu, RATES OF ADVEIlf ISIKQ :- JO) 71; '-'-PUBLISHED DAILY, '-. 7-:. .j - i, .lt . .. BY GEO. .W. JJASON, :JR, xs. ar-v in asm ' ' i v 1 1 9k, Ten If nr or t Itxh of ttot evtJia a t:;tu " 0&qBartvoEe ti-tka . . LVh iubqctrt lr.Uet it Ubrral dudecl'rt mt iu larj tcnl.ra. fcpccialNotkra char! eetl. L'jU tlxs r dJ EAry a4 rrtt 1k tartu. For d vn-U l&t:n: lnrfvlr!j. u oxl. timber than ccaJ ru .U I cLsrxd. A2lctura ibcvU U ki i:tt --JUsTSiic aa " 2W RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Terms Cash in Advance. ( LIBERTY AND 'UNIONQW.AIyD FOREVER, ONE MP INSEPARABLE.? Daidd7' 3neYcar 3 x Months . Thrco Months )ne Month. ;f 3.00 300 , 75 .V0I,?IY N0.3i. EY .BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7,S PRICE 5 CENTS. me aa i ' "the ' . , : SEYf BEHNE REPUBLICAN, To lay .Taxes and Provide for the Support of the City ;Govermento'v THE ONLY IlepuMicaii Paper PUBLISHED liV Sec. 1. It is ordained by the Mayor and Council of th city of New Bern, That for the fiscal year endin June 30th 1SCS, a tax of one per cent upon the value alfof real estate within the limit of the corporation, he and the same is herebj laid to be collected as is by law- provi-r Itis further ordained. That from and 'after the 1st day of April, 1S6S, no person, firm or corporation shall prosecute or carry on eithei of the trades or occupations mention d in Section 6 of this T ordinance, until be or they shall have obtained a lievnse than, for in the man ner hereinafter provided. -- -1 - , ; t s j. , , Sec.3. It is further ordained. ThsX every person orper 60118 desiring to ootain a license shall register with the. City Clerk, first his name, or their name or tyle ; se cond, the trades or -occupation for which a license is desired ; third, the place where such trade or occcpa tivnis to be carried on; fourth, if an inn-keeper, the yeurly rental of the house and property to be occupied for said punKse. and thereupon, npon payment to the City Clerk, or other person' authorized to collect the tax, herein provided, shall make oat and, diiiver a li cense if or snch trade or occupation, which" license shall continue in force month, at the place or prcmis- J ; t . j At ... .-. es uuacnoeu luerciu. . . - ;. Sec 4, It i further ordained, That If any "person or persons shall exercise or. carry on any trade or business' hereinafter mentioned for the exercising? of whicn a is required, without taking out such s license as is it lhat behalf r.quired, be, she, or or they shall, for every such offence, respectively forfeit a penalty equal te three limes the amount of the sum of money impos ed for such license to the use of the city, i ' $ec.: S.. A?id be it, further ordained, That in every case where more than one of the pursuits. hereinafter described shall be carried on by theeame person - in the same place at the fame time, : except as therein men tioned, license must oe tancn out torcatn, according to south DISPEliSE iuc evermijr j-rcciioeu. : - t,4 j r ., - VjU V JiKil hiJNTS, alloy Sec. 6, And be it further oruained. That on and after GAN1ZE TI1EIR OW the first day of April, 18(;f or eaich license Granted i h. 1 ELECT SEN ATOT?s a EASTERN NORTH OA R0LINA. s, t A ISSUUD FROM ' 23 UXA YEN STREET, N E W BE R N E , N o C a .rjiHE REPUBLICAN is issued as an IniessMeiit ani Prosressiie Journal? which sli.tll reilcct the sentiments and opinions of th f uimistakeable loyat popujattun of. gaatem North Caro Una, by ax uncompromising opposition to the doctrince-j of Secession, and by a fearless advocacy of the eterpa v principles of sum herewith stated," shall be respectively and monthlv paid. Apy number of persons carrying on any buslni-ss romins: within the purview of this ordinance, in part nership may transact such business at such place, under such licens . and not otherwise. ; . ; - f (1.) Bankers shall pay tun dollars for each and every person shall be deemed a banker w.thin the mean ing of this Ordinance, who keeps a place of business where credits are cjpened in favor of anyl person or firm, by the deposit or collectien of money or currency, and the same, or any part,tbercof shall be paid out or remmitted upon the draft or check of such creditor, (2) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for license S, Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer? whose oc enpation it is to offer property for sale to toe highest bidder. , - i (3.) Retail Dealers in liquors, including all distilled or fermented liquors, and wines of every description, 6hall pay five dollars for sach; license. - Every persen who shall offer for sale such liquors in less : quantity than one gallon at one time, to the same ! purchaser, shall be regarded a retail dealer in liquors.. . (4.) Eetail Dealers shall pay one dollar for each license. Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries or any goods, wares or merchandise, or foreim or domestic productions, in less qnanti ties than a whole original piece or package, at one time to the same person rnot including wines, spirituous or malt liquors), shall be regarded as a - retail dealer:.1: f (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay four dollars for each license. Every person, whose-. occupation or business it is to sell groceries or any goods,- wares ; or .merchan dise, bv one or more original package or piece- at' one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and. liquors in. quantities or more than one gallon, shall, be deemed a wholesale dealer; . - . - t . , - (6.) Hotels, Inns and Taverns, shall pay five dollars -for each license. 1 Every place where food and lodging ar provided for and furnished to travelor or sojourn ers, in view of payment therefor, shall be regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. I - ' r - (7.) Brokers and "Commission Merchants shall pay four dollars for each licene. Any person j except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or hanker whose business it is to-purchase or sell stocks, money goods or merchandise, or seek orderstherefor. ini original or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage business matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors of freight, or whose business it is to purchaser rent or sell Frank P. Blair's War Policy. If la well enough to keep the war-like letter of FiuVk P. Bum before the people. Democratic pepers " have become frightened at the startling propositions It con tains; ana hence they suppress It. They dare not keep it before the eyes, even of their friends, and yet it is the real basis of the Democratic Platform, Being writ ten and placed before the Convention wo$n it uuq. bled, it, and nothing else, secured Blair'a nomination. Read, refiect, and then act at the polls. . " WasbIxotom, June 50. 1SCS. Dxak Colokei. in reply to your inquires I beg leave 8jy tnat 1 leave to yoa to determine, on consultation with my friends fronviitssoail. wfcttlurr my name ahAll be presented to the Democra-k C?ji:rtlU.-. an.,' to ui. tntt th following, as what I consider th rial aW oiilv tone n this contest: ' The reconstruction policy of the Radical will be com plete before the next election ; the States so Ion" ex. eluded will have been admitted; negro suffwe cs ab lished and the carpet-ba:gera installed in thiir sea'a in both branches of Congrea There is no possibility of changing the political character of the Senate, even if the Democrats should elect their President, and a ma jority of the popular branch of Congress. We cannot, therefore, undo the Radical plan of reconstruction by Congressional action r the Senate will continue a bar to itaj-epeaU Mcstwcrubmittolt?- Ilow can it bv over thrown ? It can only b overthrown by the authority of the Executive, who wyi fail to do his duty if ho allowi the Constitution to perish under a series of Oneres sional enactmentrwhich are in palpable violation of its fundamental principles. T If the President elected by the Democracy enforces or permits others to enforce hese reconstruction acts, the :fJ9DTtheacces-sirnof twenty spurious Senators and fifty Representatives will control both branchts of Congress, and his Administration will be as powetlesa as the present one of Mr. Johnson. V T5xr VZSVZ ,?&AY TO RESTORE THE GOV- rT55CTLL AND VOID, COMPEL THE ARMYTO UNDO ITS USURPATION-AT Tiirc THE CARPET-BAO - STATE f the whito people TO RLOR N GOVERNMENTS, AND Nf PPPTJVSPTM'PATI'ITVV xuu uouse or eprescntav?s will contain a majority of Democrats from the North, and they will admit the Kepresentatives elected by thepeople of the South, and W1,th jco-operation of the 1 resident it will cot le difll- APEL TI1E SENATE TO SUBMIT ONCE ai.Vi owsratlons of the Constitution. It will not be able to withstand the public judgement, if distinctly Invoked and clearly expressed on this funda mental issue, and it is the sure way to avoid all fu turc strife to put the issue plainly to -the country. nJ&TU1 13 TnE RfcAL AND ONLY 8oEtTtN OTP" WE OVLJ) ALLOW TO CON A. C hsu Sha11 ve fiQbmit to the usurpations by whic the Governm nt has been ove: thrown, or shall Te-5Tift?urse,1,VCE,(or ! fu11 and complete restoration? It W idle to talk of bonds, greenbacks, gold, the public faith, and the public credit. What can a Democratic ii8ldv do ln reSard to any of these, with a Congress In both branches controlled by the carpet-baggers and their aUies? He will be powerless to stop the supplies by which idle negroes are organized into political clubs by which an army is maintained to protect the vajra bonds in their outrage upon the ballot. These, and things like these, eat up the revenue and resources of the Government and destroy its credit make .the dif ference between gold and greenbacks. .We must restore . .e.i;0J?8t,tntKn before we can reetore the finances AND TO DO THIS WE MUSTHAVE A PRFS1DFNT WHO WILL EXECUTE THE WILL OP THE PEC PLE BYTRAMPLINO UNDER DUST THE USUR PATION OP CONGRESS, KNOWN AS THE RE CONSTRUCTION ACTS I WISH T(f STAND Bl BUTxtT?0 uponTthis1?sue.5: BUT IT - IS ONE WHICH EMBRACFS -Wprv THING ELSE THAT IS OF VALUEIN ITS LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE RESULTS It Ti. the ONE THING THAT INCLUDES ALL THAT IS WORTH a contest, and without it there is nothing that give dignity: honor, or value to the struggle .Your friend. Coloxm. O. Beoadhzad. NATIONAL t X - '-A I 2 j FREEBMN'S savings VI Trust Company, 4 Oh&rtered by Act f CJodtcii. j.! , AI.ACT; . .: to PirxtsnnniBEnv and co- ERCIOX EV ELECTIONS. To i Central Asievd ly cf Xvrih Carviina .. da enact; - Section 1. Thai it ali.ll h i,nlif1 for! any erton to oflcr ctiy hribc to any of Uie qualified votera of ihit State with intent to in flue new hit vote iu any !ec tion. , - Sec 2. That it ah.nll !e miUwfol for any person to attempt to influence the vote or any of the Qualifiitl voter of tliia State, in any cU-ction, by any tlirt at to ittscharce auch voter from employment or to withdraw from him patronage, or to diwharixe from employment, 'or refuu patronage to anf membr of such voter's family. ' Sit..3. .That it BhaH U unlawful for any peron to uhe a .pecuniar v. or other coiiaidcrntion whatever, to- ativ ol Uie LM rapidlf e nclional faith will ncrtuiL qualitKMl votera of this State bccausVbf the: votewhich such 'voter -may cat or may have cast in any election. Sec 4. That it ahall he unlawful for any person to discharge from employ . L PW withdraw patronage from, or oUier f r-; wie injure, threaten, oppre5s or attempt r,r- Ut intimidate anyol the qualified voters tn8 State because of the vote aucb ; r voter may tist in any election. . i Sec, 5. That" anv lwrson violatlnr- , - Baaklag Hsxm, reaBtjUaaia lt.t Carairaf lttaftf. J Wasclagta D. C j any oi me pnvisions ot tins act ahall bo Guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be 3 liable to indictment for the sameand on otra PLAironiL I. We cjnraiu.aic Ihe txjuutrj a iLt t tuml &uccrisauf the rrcusitrtnioa ut Cunjrwj, aa eTicccd by tie adoption, lo lb majority of U;e tstatta lalcJy .in rtUllion, jI cociim;ioMjcctirirg eqcafcltil acd po-licai r.gLts lo ail, and it ia tbc ilmy or tLc Oorrrr- ment to luitaJa those IntliuUcnt atid lo pra- -Tent tLc people of iaU State froa Uirr rt' adralticd to s state tf axarcLy. ,11. Tbetarantca by Corrta of ecxial auirrugt to all loyal xum at the South was de luar.drd bv every con.idcration of public aafe- f CrntiluJc, aud-of jnaiife, uod emit b tuatutsJi-id ; while the quesiion of suUrte la all the loyal States properly Ulunrs to the peo ple of tbote States, . . III. 17c denounce aUl fortus vt rtpuulalioa as a o.itionaJ crime; bixJ tbe nation honor requires Ihe payment o I the public indebted -ncss In the uitcraiost pood faith to all eredl- tors al home and abroad, rct only ncrt.rdicr to the letter but the spirit of the laws ur.d-r which It was 4 - : ' IV. HUdueto the labor of lLe ration that UiaDon ihoulJ be tquallud and rtdeced . Campaign Great Republic. 3 corfM real eFtate for others, shall be regarded as a Bankeror j 20 copies to one address jq - i-traliaiii Lincoln's Giftj conviction of having violated the pro- iioiik oi Feciion ono, aliali be tinea not less than twenty dollars, or imprisonetl on TO. THE OolorodPeoplbJ Hia BignatTiw to tht Bill ona of the Lut! Acts Union, Liberty and Eqnality before the Law. nt.fnxfieeg two rrannrea awmir.. Citv Council in each case. . ! 1 - (.) Bowling Allies or Billiard Rooms shall pay four dollars for each license. j : i " . (10.) Hore Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for each licens. : ! Vl - (11 ) Peddlers shall p.iy fifty cents for eachliceTtse. Any person, except persons peCdmigncwspaprB, uu" or domestic produce as their own producing, a r"B or offers to sell at retail poods, wares or commodities, travelling from place to place in the streets shall "e deeraedJi peddler. , - ' ? , J. ' v (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for each li cense. Any person except one holding; a -license, as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods wares or merchandise exceeding annually: the gam of chnil v dtenied a mauufacturer- (13.) Lawyers. Physiciaps, Dentists, Photographers and Printer's, shall pay one dollar for eachj license. ' (14.) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for each license. ; 1 ; i ' ' ' ' (15 ) All public drays shall pay twenty-ive cents for each license, imperial pfcotoriar-h of ro eaclTcluh oTTarvi Gen. U. S Grant will be sent free of postage. To ach club of 100 a like photograph of U. S Giant and Schuy ler Co fax. . Each paper a complete document. . - "cf Ms Lift. IS Campaign Documents. Gruct avd Couaz Sketches of their lives and services. 8 pares f-R per thousand. Hon. Wm D, Kellkt "The JJew South." 20 paces 815 per thousand. " Record No. 3 and ; t PKPUBLICAJf lUOXOMT, FAT INS OTT THE DKXOCRAT- ic Debt, Great Reduction of Expenses, iu preparation ana aooui reaay tor tne press. Hon, Gra W. Julian "Our, Land Tolicy." 16 pages $12 per thousand. ' Don. Messrs Stewart, Morton, and Ntx- "Peace or War." Debate in the United States Senate on the Electoral College Bill. . 3 pages 6 per thousand. , dgn Documents can be nro cured of the Union Republican C ongiesslonal Com ml t- not less than ten days. And on convict! ui ijaiiu vioiaieu mo provi.sioiiM Oi KCC tion two, shall be fined notlcsa than fiftv dollar?,' or irapnsoncl not Icm 'than twenty days. And on conviction; of having violated the provisions of see- lion mree, ahall bo lined not lew than twenty dollara, and also impriHonct not lef s than , ten days. And on conviction of having violated, section four, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, and also Imprisoned not less I: tian twenty day t. .-L Sec, 0. That ' every rnaislrate or peace : officer of this Sute, or of mnnt cipM corporationa in the State, who ahall anow oi nia own Knowledge, or to whom infomation ahall in any way come, that any person has violated any of lho pro visions, of this act, shall .immediately, arrest, or. by warrant can to be arretted aach person so oflendiucr. and noon j auflicient. evidence,: shall cause-him to enter, into a bond and sufficient security iu the sum of not less than two hundred i .u - J1 Court of the been committed, then and tneic u omi n to j the law, and in the meantime to keep the peace, and in default of 'giving such V.- The national debt, contracted ilk it Laa been for the prcserTation of Ihe Union for all , time to come, should be extended ottr a fair" Prod for redemption ; end Itis Ibe duty of Congress to reduce the rate of i unrest thera t or. whenever it can be honenlr done. VL That ihe bvst b'.icy to ditnhmh our burden of deb: is to so Improve car credit thai . : capitalista will seek to loan us money at lower rates of Interest than we now par, and acsl continue to pay so lor.g as repudiation, par- tUl or total, open or coTert. is threatened or suspected. VII. The Government of tLe United Statea ; should be administered with ihe strictest econ omy and the corruptions which hare been so shamefully nursed and fostered ty Andrew Johnson rail loudly for radical reform. VIII. We profoundly deplore the untime ly and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret Ihc acecsIon lo ibe rreildcney of An drew Johnson, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and ihe rtm he was pledged to support: who Laa tisomed iGJCjar functions: 4 high who lesisUflrc has refused and ju( 10 execute the taut ha f has used Lis hlpU cOce lo Induce other cCcrra ; to Ignore and Tiohlc the laws; who has cm- pioyra uis ex ecu urepowrrs to render Insecure he property, ihe peace, liberty and life, f -theciltrcn; who has abused ihe-pantonine " power; who has denounced ihc Xadonal Leg islaiureaswnconstltuUona'i'wbo has pertU.' tently and corrunlly reiUted, by t cry tneana In his power, crcry proper attempt at the re construction of the biaica lately In rebellion: who has perverted the public palror.arre irlo an engine of wholesale corruption; and wbo has been justly Impeached lor Lb crimes and mladrmeanora. and pre per) r pronounced guilty thereof by the rouaof iLiriy-flreSea. IX. The Doctrine of "Gmt'RrliUn. other European powers. Ihst bccaUwe a tzaa V is once a subject be Is always tanst be re sisted at evrry hazard by the United States, as a relic of feudal timet, cot authorlred by : the lawa of nation, and at Var with our ra tional honor and Independence. Katcxalired , citlrena are entitled to pr. tectJon In all their rights of ciUtenshlp, as tbourh they vera native-born; and no tititcn if .Uv-"'-." States, nauw rrI-M'tkrn la tbla nc Gave Emancipation, and then and sufficient urit"cjM;" AJ,U w i ; i .1 so offending, shall be committed to prison until 'ho Khali linrn 'eomtdifHl With the ! 1 -r :.i t.r - See. 7. That any Justice of the H J?cace or other officer charged with the ...... . ".' ; i . ti .. execution oi inia act, w no snau re i use this Savings Bank. (1H.) Cart-houses shalVpay two dollars for cacti n- tge Audrce8 llon T u Tullock. Washington, D. C. jense. ;-: : -' :. ; "v if' 4'h':'r-"' "i" -:jMrv-":'-ii ci The documents have been prepared 'from 'authentic A na be u juriner cruamru. The Republican will be deyoted to the common In I cr csts ot our ptuple, with malice toward noue and charit for all;" it will plead for the maintenance inyiolate ol the National Government and Its credit : the education by all arallable means ot the people : the encouragemen - i i . " - of Immigration : and the de relopement of our agricul i ' . - . . : . .. .- ' - . v. -. . ' tural. mineral and commercial resources. ' ; While the Republican will be pre-eminently, a netcs t ltiper, the departments of ' . -;- - ' - v -: - - s' ' '' v . ': . . ' ': COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ' ART . 1 ' SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, o ,ir srt h if ftit-ihrr crflained. I That all Or- dinanccs and parts of Oidmancef conflicting hcrewitn, oe. ana me same nic ucjcj tiivv. ... . .. : ' 4 ; JOHN S. MAN IX, ( City Cfera; New Berne, N. C,March SOthlSCS j: iTRn XGT.'NTS- S75 to $300 per month. i.v.TTuh(rp. male ana femaie.i lo miroouce tl, ' OTcNUINR IMPROVED COMMON ii'P'Vw wavh.Y-! SEWING MACHINE. tj,5 "Mnchinft will 'stitch:' hem. fell, "tuck. ouilt. cord, bind, braid nnd cirabioid:r 4na most superior manner; Price only l8. ,lTul v ivarmntsd for fiye years: I We will pay Sl.OOO for any machine that iH sew a strong er, more beautiful. r more elastic seam than :ItmaRe8ine "jiiasuu wwh ohm-"- W is souices, unner the. flircctlon ot tne ame secretary ol the committee, Hon. T. L.- Tullock. and will be for warded o individuals. State, district, county, or town- j ship committees, tree of charge for transportation, at the prices named ' ' " ..: . Every locality should be promptly supplied. - All the issues of the campaign are fully and ably discussed in these documents. nd a vast amount of labor and ex pense will be saved : by scattering ueni freely in every neignoornooa : . . McPhkbson's Hand-book or Politic vob ISfiS Containing-full Itecoid of Presidential and Congres sional Reconstruction, Tables of Election, Expendi ture, Appropriations, Debt, Registration, Taxation, &C . ... .... -.- . ..... Campaign Lire or Gex. Grakt the Conqneror of the Rebellion "We have whipped them once, and I again." urant to lieimant. Your Preedom and Prosperity wera heart united. or neglect to carrv out the; provisions of said net. shall be cuiltr of a mtsde- mcanurin office. ISee. 8. This act shall be in from and after its ratificationi Hatified 24th' day of Angust, 18C8. . J t : - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OrricE Sechetap.t of State, laarry, anA i lCTlrt sied and imprisoned. It Is the duty of the Governtoefct lo intcrfcra. In his behalL . . . ..... 1 X. Of all who were faithful in the trials of Mtt - At - . t . tne iau; war, sucre were none enuuea to mora especial honor than the brave soldiers end seamen- who endured the Larcsatps of cam paign and cruise, and ImperiUed IhcJr lives ia . the service of the country; the Txiun ties ana pensions provided by the lawa for these brave defenders of the nation are obirations never lobe forgotten; the widow and orphsns of the gallant dead are the wards of the prrple. a sacred legacy, brqecathed to the cailoo'a. protecting care, XL Foreign Imndrratlfm; wbieh ln the force I Pt has fdded s much la the wealth, devel-. opment. and resources and ot power to this Republic, the asylum of th oppressed of all. nation a. shntld be foitercd and -enc-ovr.- 1 aetd br a liberal and lust policy. XIL'Thls'corrvcnUon declares : itself 1a sympathy with all oppressed peoples strug gling tor their nchis. On motion oi can buurz the following two : ECONOMY THE ROAD TO WEALTIL ' TLaloirrK" Atrnnit 31at IPCS. T , T Vt " V ; ' rl planks were added by a unanimocs vote: . . LdlEXRT.J. MkknINGEE, Secretary of I v lltstAted. that we hieblv eommend lha iUite, nercny certtiy inai mo lorrgoing spirit of magnanimity and f oroearance t wiia of the original act on file T will 'receive such attention - by Reports, Essays, Re I views and Summaries as space will permit.-'' i ' ''". - f,- '-:' Full reportf on all matters of Local Interest will form a prominent feature, and as tVereappeara as yet no other Evey second itftch can be cut,' and still the cloth can the Rebellion -We haye 'fJ ecVrv! k , Wa nsvuwnt L think we can whin them . -. . . . m . a a. . Awviiii o mo . i i w r ii mi mini iiiiiti aui iiki ili ua. luc ailuuuiiuiu Akxwuna ironi 5.4a io 5"' ,"-"r""V:Jr v-.l 1 I7.tnn ConffTfiMsioTial Committeea.. 200 mj. oc tavo. Price 20 per hundred. Hon. Messrs. Boutwell, Stetexs, axd Shesck Democracy and Its policy." Debate in the Hons. of Representatives, fc pages J6 per thousand. , Hon. C. H. Van Wtck "American Citizenship. Its Rights Abroad Its Duties at Home." 8 pages per thousand. ; ' Hon. John D. Balpwix "numan Rights and TJa man Races." 4 pages 3 per thousand. Save Tour Money 1 is a true copy in this office IIENUY J.-IENNINGER, . .Seeretar' of State. i :..'X 4 ?tt: UNCONDITIONAI UNION PAPjEB T - in Eastern JortV Carolina, the' advantages which the Republican will oflFer as an dvertisingmedinra are ap parent . mission from which twice that amonnti can m mwe. Addl ess SECOMB& CO., Pittsbtjbg, r a., orcyo x un, AC a c a ' 1 - CAUTION,- -Do not be imposed upon by other par-i ties palming off worthless cast-iron macuuies. uuu the ame name or. otherwise. Onrs is the only genuine ana rcany prucucai ju.wy iuuv. . .Aug 22, 1868. 2nx - rt-': " 7 'PRICES ;;eyRKiN'T;:; '" r. .KErORTEDT J . ' ' ISulbs & Brotlier, ;.f WJiolesale Dealers in GrQCfiriesand Protitooru, : Dru Goods, Wines. Liquor Cigars, &e.t ; ' iv: 'tiiddle StreeC New-BemeS Nl V. ; ; i- ' v.: ';';. '.- .' " GROCERIES. G6lEee Rio ....... - -...!--. - - - - Laguayra. ..--..'.... V. 1,'tu Maracaibo i . . . v-i i - St. Domingo. V r - Java.... .I..-'-. Teas, Tonng Hyson.... '-llVSOTli.'. i . i. ... J J . . , s 1 - - - j Uunpowaer ana lmpenai........ .'Oolong.'... ' TJncol Japan ... . . . . ? Knglish Breakfast i uv FJour, from .' j . ....-.;- - Family,.... ,...., Gibhed Herring per box. ... . .'. ., 1 1 Save the Pennies, and the Dollars will take, care ... ... of themselves. 1 23 I 26 .& 37Ja '25 82;; . 82 . 24 ' 45 1 V50 .9a r - r- Kates of Subscription tERXa CASH IS ADVASCB. tn Tear Six Months Three Months One Month - r-v' -, . . ... .1 .... .... .. ...i 1 s O OC M' 6.00 3.00 3.00 75 i. Rates of Advertising. T.rd Molasses. New Orleans Cuba . .,i . . . Rice . . -'- Sugars,' Yellows 1 . . - in - Coffee A .2 , ' - V J Coffee B. ...... ....... " , ,(- Granulated,...,... , .... runUClCUr ;ft Crushed Salt . ' .'. .vf Apples, Dried. . i - . ,-!,,,,..,,.. Pork, per bbl. ;i .... . . ..... .'. ......... Beef, Corned '.. .I.1.. ... Batter tTllaCCSC : .MISCELLANEOUS. Beeswax. . .'. . . Bi-CarbSoda Blue Stone......;.:. Corn-y qnantityv., Flaxseerl.-per bushel v a Ten lines or one Inch space to constitute a square. -Ii .$1.00 ertisers. Guano, Peruvian, per ton..,. . ,:,12p 00 W.0( TTa- : 1 50 9 ll4,J oV.7.7 00 1 it " - NAVAL "STORES.' I ' a 2 25 90 Ci 2 23 , I 00 & 1 90 . 1 00 75 !L 1 25 . 2 25 -I 20 '25-J to so - a20 00 . 15 00 - , 18 00 ; 1 n . ck '. . 25. 75',a too V50 60 Ji!10 13 ft 9. fin (a 3 00 110 '(ft" 12 i 16X J 201 SO 00 31 00 j 15 ,,17 -j.sof';:60 16 f 22 i 1 it ; t.o-? l 11 141 I5:;i'00r 85 f 1 00; 1 90 0 00 00 00" 75 10 TTov. J.-.G. Blaike -Eepublicn Economy vs. Dem ocratic Extravagance 4 pagcs-43 per thousand. Speech or Hox: Glexni W. ScnoriEtJ 4Purpo' of the Republican Party." . 8 pages S6 per thousand. Gejt. W. n. Wat)SWobth,' of Kentucky Republl ntni the Test of Loyalty." ! 8 pages S6 per thou sand i ' - ' ." I--:.. " ' :f Gi. C C. AXDREWS, 01 aiinnesoia -r.riy awpi in Reconstruction." 8 pages S 6 per thousand. Natioxaijtt vs. Section Ausx. Address to Southern laboring Men- . 8 pages 6 per thousand. Thb RecobvNo. 1. "The Republican Tartj ts, Democracy ;? S pages 6 per tnousano. ; . -Doty or THE COLORED OTIB, . A UlUOgUe. 4 page-S3per thousand. .'.m,,.. . - 'HOMES' FOB THIS xivj . Homestead System Explained, 8 pageae per thoo sand. . . tt-... w v. .Ex,ioajt Exthacts insoaiB w.. 4pA?es $6 per thousand. ,.' , Treasonable Designs or the Democbact, . from their own Record. 8 pages $6 ,per thousand. - "Democratic Falseuoods Exposed. Lxyn ox Ho. i David A: Wrells, 8pecial Commissioner of laUr- nal Revenue: Gen, O. u. uowaxu. mcnt Expenditures, Reduction 01 iBxauw, pages S3 per . thou tana. Ml I r it, "I eoaslder tha Treedmaa'a Savings and Trnst Company lo b greatly seeded by tha' Colorad Peopla, and have welcomtd as aa a axillary to which men wtm hare serred in Ihe rebellion, but who now frankly and honestly co-operate !ih csln restorlnpiberKwceotibecoan try and reconstructing the Sou:brrn Btsta, eivcmraets oon ihe basis of Imparl ialJcs Jce and Coual Rlgtits, are rccdYed back Into mportant lou31oglstrntcs Clerks, I the communion of the loral pcrr-le ; and wa sucnus anu umcrs " - 1 laror tue reninraj 01 ue ciKjuanEcauori ana roirictJons Imposed cpm tue laie rtbrls la -ihe aarne measure aa ihclr spirit of loyalty will dirrct. and as n:ayT consistent wiih-tb't safety of ih loyal people. ReAted. Thai we rrcpnlr the ctcjU prin ciples laid down In the Immonsl Irrisratlan" lh- Vvnrc. Msrriis.citfksof Cort. fcd rther cv.ajy 1 of IndcpcTidcr.c as the iroe focndaiioa ef drnocratlc pi vcm t ;-a.rul w e hall with (Udnrs evrrT-eCTwit luvptA malinc iLria principles a tiring rra?hy cn errry inch cf American aolh iL IIE ooderylcr-ed Lara ia press, asd will aoeaUas acompW-te ard itiU . , , AnnlyttiR of the Lairs, tnder the Code ot Cln Procdorr, as pad bjtta cticTl Asmt U, rrlitir jf lo the tfstieJ Jatlcra tf ' 1 man's Bursas," L. the TmS- Vai. Oca O. O. HOWARD. "... ' irr 1 - 1 -11 'A N. :C, 'fctnphofi at ;New; Berne, useful documents.' A four page aheet520 . per I , i' . . . v.; . - -r . . At CL A. Kelson & 0o,'i lmutTirs Store, t:fl vta. tortttcr with t C crr.tctin vt l! Sttta. liHof ihiiCounWsssUJdt Jt-to Jtdklst D'.Kx.tif. the time of holding CoutU In the erral CoctJr,tlt names of the Jodrr and Voilcltft ef rsrb Clirvlt. it names of Ibe Ckrks cf the Superior Court, l'rrlt Vt cf Dectla. t-bcriff. County tcmmlirrr. Trrsrcrtr rra Coroccr for each Comet v. Tbla. rn-tblt U1 al rontain the Fees aUowrd Vy tha tcw law to the acvarsJ tuOccra. with some of It most eerMry " ,roms cf (Eril and Or nkal Process, Tha work win contain stoat lia rsrr. mfU h a oit valeabU took of rrlrtxrcw for Cocbit OCctta. i sntby mail toay pot cScalatha Stale, pcUt paid, for 1 par eery. Addrr. - ; . Dooa a&d Job meter. . , ; 2Utxiaa X C tlf TnE cadenrtxaed ara alo rvTrlac.tdr 1L I dlrvctloa of a member of the P.aklrh liar, a Det cr iu.m Lawa cocrajrt3r Cctmrr Orricraa. wrr a Qtvrtrrt PET or KoaM. spl4 to Lt orw rtrr cf things. Ttts roa. ot ws uj pr r rtL- e4 oo aatha tnal rrport f tha CcaaalMiecan nrv!ctrl to rviM lb C-d L tCTTJ adopted rT b Grorral Asmbly. Ttm r4aa sod cop oi the prop hook will b lortWr U14 brftna tb p-'-i at aa arr dty. . MCUOLM A C0iUJA PaUUfcers. JJotTT- 1 v 1 One square'ono insertion ". " .." Each subsequent Insertion r ; . Liberal deductions made' to large New Dip Old Dip.. ......:, Dcraue .'...'.. Spirits Turpentine, . . , . Rosin........ .. Tar, as to size ... ...... ritch. ;,;... . . . , , 1 : , v kMM . . ....... 3 B0 4 00 2 80 S 03 3 50 2 SO 40 .a 45 n 00 Am 3 00 2 25 3 00 50 er - The Committee nave in prcprw . documeuta in German . - . -'! . Speeches of Senators O. P. w oktot - " well. Scuejtck. J. G. Blaike, and General Johji A, LOOAU. ' . .". TT-w. n i AIM. tha letter of Special commissioner v. and Gen. O. Q. Howard Expenditures ana laxawuu Esch 8 pa-es-46 per thousand.. - - rJt. j PLATTOBJtOr THE.HXPUJH.1CAH ,73 dates' letters of acceptance, the Copperhead rTattorm, Frank P. Blair a revolutionary leuer, etc ; o y- per thousand.- . , ' S 6 pet thousand. - ' . - '. . Address or the ukaai wwmvi with the Republican Platform. . 4 pages-S3 perthou- "caWp aigx Shee or the Kew Tort Dehobat. a leading German Repabllcan paper, specially torpoliU- r nge. and -. - . ! Numerous speeches and documents not InclnJedln the foregoing be paWi," LTffSJS trust the oiscretion 01 me vuiin.OT ,". "1 I wUh the money, have them filled with, the utmost rtt,m,!fi rtd with the best ludgmcnt as to price and adaptation to the locality where the speeches ara to be sent.-: ii -wit " i. ', Septl2-tf ,-. . ,r . : , , 1 I i "WESTWARD THE STAItOF KM- PIRE TAKES ITS .WAY. ; . secure'XTiomk JX TKE GOLDEN STATE ! !.: ' Tts inlirast H?nsltrJ iE::iitn : OF CALIFOHIA, ' Incorporated undrr the Jsir$ cf iht J UST rtcefved fofWy hKCULATXO UBraTTT. I fOVr ZOtJl M7ty rfepixrv NEW BOOKS, 7 , .Orara-Street,. Opea 1 Tery . dy,. Sandays and HolUlaya eawptad. from 10 A. If. to 1 P. ItVaad from 2 to 4 r. X. trr Deposits can always be drawn wlthoat nonce. , J3TAU the proflU bdenc Jo ;U 'Aeposltora. invest menu ara oniy " . United States. -7-' ! All deposits win ba paid wtta Intereata daa whea '".' -. .- . , . required. . . . .. Interest payable U March. Jaly, and OTtraber, In eaehycar; r.t "' ;.:7 ." - .r-i: 1' D EPOS ITS made nOw.on en or loI5ili?if"7 of Norataber, will drS" interest as from 9v ember I. r 'C -A KEsVaU -oaausor.j. tet-tf . ' t i Itlarlon Harlatid .Worlif , 1 oTflnrisInr the forewirr Booka. li.r mAVt,. TLc .,'1 Uidden Path.- -Moa fc!d.M. -h'rcr:. -MlrUta,-V Haiks." -HntSandt and Uotre. -nri)T4Lk." Horned for its Herat) era; Andlhcrthy Ititrt Irss'rrat'.cn. f . . . . ... ..w. ... v ...i . . a oct n vvrrrr. tOTonok fit. Ca r4ul Stock, ....... .M. Divide lata tw.OOO shayy. TJ. fc. rerrrtKT.' OrUtcJtca of Mk lrrrd to tctbrr tsmtl. airly apo rttaJft tf tte eiocry. No rasaoa axxowxo to kou cxe niv I eaAaxa. at t r5u, trU ia Purifie3 the Blood. : twrS f" v 1; - v " Fr Eavle Vy Drngzltm Crery aa there. ... . - : Jaly iac-ty. A." CTtCTLAlt retlAltx'rff a fa!l Irwcf t 4 Ua pro pert? to tw dlrtrihatrd amorr lb Hlat toldrra w!3 acat try fcd.'rr vra rcorift rl tarja for ro tsrapvctirc .- . - Itlo'tnit i-a r rtr ji W rf l-rd fa try pcrtUa csf iVa State, f r vpvn j uirtwHirt It u-rt i rrtv jT0poJT2 itsicTf u. mtu rcsemti:y rcrti.a. rp eartjptf tu-tT- lr tMr. , j . .1 . All lcttrb'rltf be .'Tr4 -' Socruary X&jiT&t Ilmt'4 A tie. rct Oica 2cx JCa. hL, - tssa Iranriaco, CaII.'otuU. Aac-lS Jt4 . Hay 2 W, I - 1

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