7-) 8 PUBLISHED DAILY. BY G 0. VT. NASON, JIl. - Til r t3 CMai3 11B r s " - ' .4. i 4 i ; i i i : , . i . w . .'- One Year Six Month Three Months Oue Month RATES OF. SUBSCRIPTION Terms Cath in Advance. 6.0U 3.00 200 75 c: i t-y THE NEW BERNE REPUBLICAN, f -s J h THE ONLY i v if ¬ fy. V DAI LY 1 7,1 '.V. t - DUDll . . ... , ;- tf i- can Pap x er ; ( PUBLISHED IJV hi:"!! r ',1 ' s i . t --4 ;Y0L. iy;-H),, 35. EVjEg:DAY PKICE'3 CENTS::; '''pr!.; !oC luv4 t& ktpjar :; ''; - .. ,- -v- To" lay Taes' and Provide i tor tn uppoi:i oi xne tJity . .... ..-ki it i j a b nA 1 1 rm n rapr wuv ulvutiiVit the jrtac pr premis-1 the Cpnstltudotrto jHrih under if ierie of Onere - i 7": . . - auWi twwuvu Slk- Mm N OR TH CAROLINA. 'i.i - r, ( ISSUED FROM 22 VRAYEN Sx TREETf IV W BERNE , N o rjlllK , REPUBLICAN is. issued as. an InfeuM anl Progressive "Journal': whtch shall retlect the pentimcnts and opinions of th unmittaknattb! loyal populutipn of Eastern Ki ti Car. 7 , , , J JL.'l u linn, ly n nncomproinising opposition to the doctrines of Secessjoa, and by a' fearless advocacy of the cterna principles of . . , , - ( V " Sec. 1. It is CrUCitrteit by the Mayor ahdrotmtfi of iW city of New Bern, That for the fiscal tear ending Jnne 30th 18GS, a tax of one per cent upon the value all of real same is hereby laid to be collected as ia hr law nrnvi. It U further ordained.That from and after the 1st. day of April, lfcCS, n6 person, firm or corporation hall' prosecute or carry on; eithei of the trades or occupations mention dm Section U ot this ordinance, until he "or they shall have obtained a .license therefor lathe man i ner hereinafter provided. : vr .. , , i,; -j Sec.3. Itis further ordairutd.Tht every person or per sons desirin;; to us tain a-license shall r'ri.ter with the. City Clerk, first : his name, or their name nr strler se- roiid, the trades or ocenpatian -for 'which -W-licenseiiB aeeirea; tmra. the macewhere snch trader or. ocenna- ti?n is to be carried on : fouith." if an" inn-keeter. the' ye&rly rental of the house and property to bes occopied for said tmrtoe.- and tlierenDon." nton navment to the . i .. ... uiiy cu.-rK, or otne,r person antbonzea to collect toe, wxuviciu uiuviutii. vuan mase uui biiu linnet li cense tor such trade .continue in force for . Sec. 4. ItU further erdained, 'xn&tvt anTnersonor Eersons 6hall exercise or cany on any trade or -business oreinafter mentioned fori the exre.ieing of : whicn . a " license is required, without taking out fcuch lict nse as is ir. that behalf requited, he. Is tie, or or tfteyhall, tor every such offence, respectively forfeit a penalty eqnl te three times the amount of the suni of money impos ed for such license to thd ase ot thecity. - c a 4 Sec. 5, And be it further orduined. That in every, "case where more than pno of the putsuits, hereinaftet described shall lie-carried onty the bame person in the same place at the fame 4me, . except -as therein men tioned, license must be taken out for each, accordhigto the rates sevejtflly-wribed;. tUiffa-v. lavi j; i -. I Sec. 6, And be it further ordained. That on and after the first day of April: iS68.tfor'each license fcranted-"he sum herewith stated, shall Ihj respectively and monthly paid. Any number of persons carrvuii.' on any business -ominsc withiH the purview of this'orditlance., .in. part nership may transact such butdncss at such place, under such liceiw and iibt otTierwise." ,L" ( t.) Bankers shall iav teii dollars for each lict:i.tui end every persoh shall be deemed a banker w.thin the mean-i ins ot tula Ordinance,. who keeps a place of. business where credits are VipeHed in faVbr of any person or. firm, by the deposit or collection, of money or euirencv,' and the same, ror nuy p.rt thereof shall be -paid out or retnmuteu upon xne crait or enccx otntn creditor, ',' (2). Auctioneers, snail pay ten aollars lor, ilcense. Every personshall be deemed an auctioneer-whose , oc cupation it As to offer property tor sale to . tbe highest UlUUbl .-'----.:--.---..- . t (3.) Retail Dealers in liquors,, including, all distijled or fermented liquors, and wines of every "description shall pay five dollars for each license;- ' Every--' persen who shall offer for sale suchliquors .infless. quantity than one gallon at one time, to- the same purchaser. shall he regarded a retail dealer in liquors. - id "Retail nulrrKhfilliiavoBe dollar for each license, Every person whose occupation ft is io self or offer for salfe erroceries or any eoods, wares 0. merchandise;: or foreism or domestic prodnctions-'in less qnantitiestban- a wholfl oriennal Diece or rjackasre. an .one lime to' the same person (npt incjudingf Wines. 'Spirituous - or mail lionorsV, shall he regarded as a retail dealer.', v J (5,)-Wholesale Dealers 1-hftll-payiou.r dollars foreach license, 'i Every nerson whose occupation ;or business it f s, to sell grocer ies" pr any jeoods, wares , 6r mercian-; dise, bv one.f inore original package br ' piecei at- 6ne time, to the same purchaser, or wines and : liquors in . quantities of Jnore than one gallon,; shall .be deemed, a . (6.) .Ifotels,' Inns and Taverns.' shall ij five doHar" for each' license. lEvetv place where food.' 'aad ; lodgingr arVproiiled for aBd:fniieheQ tp;trayelots-or sojourn ers, in. view of payment therefor, shall he regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. ' - ' l U- J 7.1 Brokers and Commission : Merchants shall , pay four dollars f ot each liceiie.; : Any person except ope holding a licensees wholesale dealer or banker", whose business it to purchase or sell Stocks, money - "goods' or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage; business niaf.rerR tor tne owners oi-.resscis, or. consignor ol Frank P. U lair's War PolicyJ - M zu. is well enough, to )tcep the wa-like letttrVfTiuirr P. BLAlbofe the people. Demb'ratic')p'ipcr Have become f rightened at the BtartlincpTepositions it-coiv tain, ana. hence they Buppresa it They. Care notkeep tt before the eyes, even of their friends, and1 yet It U "the real basis of the Democratic Platform. Deihj writ ten ancl PlaictdSefftro'th'er (Conventioii Wlifn'n '.. , i - - - .Hvur Jl bled, it, and nothing elser secared BIaira nomlnatloa. I TJffld Tflt anil ,V.n' v.nTIa S .7 '-T ;. f yVASHiKoxoN, June CO, isea. , - T . us. Ait vowjxex, in repiy to your inquires IJbe"leave to say that I leave to yoh to determine, on CoMufution with my f lieuds from iUeVoni i. whether my name shall be preserted to the Deiuocra i v ("viivecti.p ar.s to tub' tnii th following, as tc hat J consider tlunal Usui v' tM ooT,ut: ,7 ..-,,- Tl, . , The reconetruction policy of the itadfcals w 111 be com- inci ouuro iue cert piecuon me staled -so Iuue eluded will have been admitted ; pcirro suffra-ii m .h. ashed and the carpet-ba;;gr insulledln their ica'a In both branches of OuKsress. There-Is no posdbility of changing the polities! character of the Senate, even If the Democrats sferokl eleet their President, and a ma jority of the popular branch olCongrwss.. Ve cannot thererore. Tindo the Radical plan of itcontrnction bT Congressional action : the Senate will continue a bar to its repeal. Must we submit to it?., Ilow can llbeover thrown ? It can only he-ftverthrowtrh th tnthnHi.n ,1.. ,v. r-. j, - - . w NATIONAL 1 4 . :j : t".V f.- A) Jul- t 4 't t., I.. it Mi ! or:;: I it ------ - TO riTMSII nRIEERV AXO CO ERCION 17i ELECTIONS. To l$ Central Autvxlly ef Xerth. -AZ'Ji.' '" ' : .... ;;..i? k Stolon l.s! Th U: U urilawful for 'any - teron to offer stir, bribe to anr TTiY5TTTiif a rmrN 1 uiiucu voter 01. Uill Siai Wlu FREEDIIAITS SAVJNGSJ intent W.bflncDce hii rouia anr !tc 1 - - i t lion... . Sec. 2. Tliat it -liall be utl.iirfu! for j j any1 pcriori to attempt "to influt-nce tbc It votu of any of the qua!iGtl voters of tint !" State, "in - any. elcctipn by arry .threat to aiscnartre euch voter Iron, employment 1 -r . wioaraw irom mm patronage, or ; 1 P clischarpe from crnijloymeht, or refotV u-..ni : ir - , , , , . A patronage, toujr mexaUtr oI aucoAOter t ; 1 , " jji V j 1 v Sec, 3.- TiKr-it ahall be unlawful for: jujjr j;truu.iu pive m pecuniary or ointr . 1 - AND J OUH FLATTCH!!.- 1. I If the President elected iv th' wVninrt 4Trfrfaa rv permits others to enforce these reconstruction acta, the Radicals by the accession f twenty .purious Senators umi uiijr iw-presemaiivcs win control both branches of Congress, and hi? Administration will be as powcilesa as the present one of Mr." Johnson. mere is BUT ONE WAY TO RESTORE TUB GOV TOSI AND TJIE CON STITLTiON AN LV T1IAT ",rn jui, riti:jJL)..T JiLECT TO DLCLAltK THS?JCT?i ?ULL' AND- VOID, COMi'fcL TU AliMY TO UNDO ITS USURPATION AT TllK SOUTH, ' 'DISPERSE TUB i CARPLT-BAO 8TAT1C 99yENMENTs' -allow the white ppl TO RLOICt GANlZEjrHEIR' OWN GO VElWil EN TS, AN D ELECT SENATORS AND REPRESLNTAT1VLS . The House 4if Representatives will contain a majority of Democrats from the North, and they will admit the Representatives elected by the people of the South; and with co-operation of the 1 reside r.t it will, not he difll cult TO COMPKL THE SENATE TO SUBMIT ONCE MWif TO, THE oblizatlons of the Constitution. It will not be able to withstand the onhlic nidiremeEt. if distinctly invoked and clearly expressed on ih:a funda mental issue, and it is the sure way to avoid all f u tare sinio 10 puiTLe issue piainlv to the country l v I tepAt TUATTIIISlS:Tni?REALAD ONLY QUESTION WHICH WE IloCM .ALLOW TO CON TROL US. Shall-we submit to the' usurpntioiia by whic the Governm nt has b;en -ovvtUrown; or. shall we exert ourselves forltstfuil and complete reittorationT It is idle to talk of bonds, greenbacks, go d, the public faith; and the public creditr,Vhat..can a Democratic President do in resrarrt to tnr nf th with pAmmu in both branches controlled by' the caiptt-bgstr and their allies? He, wilt be powerless to stop the supplies by whtch idle negroes are organized Into political elobs by which in army is maintained to protect the yirta- loiics in tneir outrage noon the ballot. Thi.. nrt thinirslikel.ese.j!4txip lhetevetiiaBfl fepptcea of the Government and destroy its credit make the dif ference between gold and greenbacks. We must restore the Constitution before w-e can resrrfre the fininrrt P AND-TO DO THIS WK MUSTIIAVE A PRES1DKNT I; WHO WILL EXECUTE THE WILL OP THE PLO- rvta if rlSAJlr'L,IlSU UNDER DUST THE UbUR fATlUNjOF CONGRESS KNOWN AS THE RE CONSTRUCTION .ACTS I WISH TO STAND BE FORE THE CONVENTION. UPON .TniS, I SUE. BUT IT- IS ONE WHICH EMBliAniS KVKJIV THING ELSE THAT. IS OFrVAU.rE.lN-ITS !LAROE ANDCOMPREIIENSIVE.RESULTS. It is the ONE THING THAT INCLUDES ALL THAT IS WORTH a congest, Afcd without It there is nothing that gives Mijunj . uuuui, vr vmue 10 ipo rirnggie I. ' ' ": i-MJi:- i-V Youn friend.' 0 , CotosnJ O: Bm&nziD. " :'" T-; ;-: - 1 - o 1 ': '. ! JLlTl st Company Tlnion, Liberty and Equality ;T.v v before the Law.' The Republican will be devoted to the common inter ects of ourptople, with " malice toward noue and cbarit 1 . - . ...... for all;" It win plead for the maintenance inviolate ol the National Government and its credit : the education by all available means of the people : the encouragemen of immigration, and the deTelopement of our agricul tural, mineral and commercial resources. While the Republican will be pre-eminently a ncict jMper,the departments of v COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, A$T SCIENCE, A ND LIT ERA TURE will receive such' attention -by Reports, Essays, Re- ! ' . - ....... . - i.'. Campaign , Great Republic. freight, or whose business it is to purchase, rent or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded as a Banker or Commission ilerehant. ' - - : .-. t. -tra,.)-jht-otiii'.t?wTi d Jug'trhit'B ku ,ay a snm nt"t to" exceed twolmudred doiurs to be fixea by tin C.itv Conncil in aeh case. - '- ' i sO.) Bowling Allies or Billiard Rooms shall pay four. dollars for each license. , : ' n ; ? ... -w (1 0.) Horpe Dealers and Li very Sta'ole keepers k snail pay tour-ciouais ior eacn licence. m 1 f earners snail t v nnv cema lor raru inKrv. Act person, except persons peddling newppaprs, hooks r . 1 ,1 t ...V. rt ....11a' or aomesuc prouuee as ineir own prouueiug, wmr orua or offers to sell at retail goods, w ares or commodities, 1 ravelling irom place to place m me streeia buuii dfprHt fl n neddler. . - ... . . f 1 (10.) Wanutacturers snail pay two oouars ror cacu li cense. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares br merchandise exceeding annually , the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- . (13.) Lswyers.. Physicians, Dentists, Photographers and Printers, 6h all pay one dollar for each license. . - (14.) Express Companies shall; pay, five . dollars for each license. . ' .. - . . .. .'. (15 All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents for each license. . . . jiv.i; (lfi.) jCait-houses shall pay: two dollars for each li eense;" . : i !, ;.- , Sec, 1 7. And b it further, ordained. That all Or dinances and parts of Oi diusmccs coisflicting herewith, kbe, and the same are heieby repealed. . ' ; ' ' ?J 4 - ; JOHNS. MA NIX, CityCferk' New Berne; N. C, March C6th, q8CS.; :. 1 ANTED AGENTS-; to A200 per month, evcrvwhere. male and female, to introduce the " GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING. MACHINE. This Machine will stitulu hem. fell, tuck, onilt. cord' -hind, braid niKl vnbioid r in a most superior manner "'Price only $18C-Ful- ly warranted tor n vo vears. r vv e win pay $1,000 forany machine that will sew a strong er, more beautiful, or more elastic scam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch Everv uecond stitch -can be cut. iad still the cloth can not be pnllerpart without tearing it; .;We; pay agents from $75 io $20 per month, and expenses, or acorn mission from which twice that amount, can' be made. Addi ess SECOME& CO., Pittsbubg,'Pa or BOSTON, f!AnTTOT..-Do not he imDOsed upon by other par tita nlmim off worthless cast-iron machinesunder the same hanie or otherwise. Onjcs is-theonly genuine iind really practical cheap machine- manntactuied.. ; (I Aug 22, lS(iS,2m . , . ' '; r 1 - i 'r-.' . Chartered by ilct ofConjreti. J ' ; Ill- mi 1 t T r 1 Caaklar Uokef Pbij1tsiU It., Caraar af lttk HU, i ' Trxhhitio, Vi C r 1 , coVeii to ona. address... ,.,.,,$ 1 -8ft copies to oe6 address;:'....'. '....11.. Ht H)-coineB to; one address...'.......:; . . jJKW copies to , one addn sw SO . 1 To each club of 'fifty a' large imeriai photograph of C.fcn. U. H Giant will be hentXree of postage. 'To each club of 100 a like photo-jrai h of U. S Giant and Scaur- 1.1 . I. . - t . t-uiraiucraiion wiviierer. vo any pi the Sualified voters of . this St ate beca us v oj le'-vote wliiehfituch ' voter may'cait or may have cast in any election.- i Sco. 4. Tliati" it shall be unlawful for anJT ; person to,. li5chariro , from . cinploy. t cient, withdraw patronage from, or other " 'wihe injure, threaten, nppreM or attempt w muiniuaio my 01 tnv gu.nliuei volen of thia State lccame '4 or the tote .such voter. may can in any election. ; . Sec,. 5..,. That any . pernon : violatinsr anj of thp proivUions of thia act aliall be jrnllty of a' inis!etnmnorv nn4 ahall be lialile to tndirtnieiit'for the saiuc, ami 00 conviction of having violated the pri visions pf fection imc, ahall bu Cnwl not IcFrtr than twenty, "dollars, or impritoueil notleVa than ten day. Anil on ctinvictioii of having violated the pWiriidona o! tiec- tion twb,!ahnll Ik? Citeil not leM than" fifty, dollar, or imprisoned uot; K-m tluu twenty days. And - on " conviction of having violated' the p"roviion of cc tion three, Rhall be fined not lem than twenty dollar,1 and 'alKrt.imjimbned not less than ten dayV' And'oo', conviction of hnvinc violaul Mxtion Xdur. hall Je ! (-1 fined j not lew than, fifty dojlari and alio ' LimpHsbned not lew . hao twenty daya. oec, 0. viliat -eA-ery .-njaiatrate., or peace 9cer of .tbia tate, or of j juuni cipal corioration"in the State, who ha!l know of, Ji.U ,o wn. Jc 110 wjetlpv or U) wjiom iiifoiiiatjon. .phill.. in Tany waj' eoinej that anyperion ' has"vioYaie(l any of " the. pro visioni ;of ..'thW act, .ah.I, immediately arrest 6rfby 'rrant cnuae o Jbi: arreileoj PUcll VDersoii no oflrridiij. 'arid "ul'n His Eigature to tha .Bill cue of the JjMjX Acts I sufHcient evidence, rhall ' catife' him to 1-iii.ci iiivu a uuuu anu pumcieni securuy iii the aum of not lesa than two hundred . .1 11 "Afeaham'LiDcoln's Giftf! f. 1 H i'- Si n ;.t .1 7 1, II. O olore'd'P 1 1 -.1 m : j eople: Hi.' !:- 1 ;: f. - - i- cf Ida Life. ' 1 Campaign Docuiiicuts. 1 V He Gave Emancipation, ahd t lidtt 3fril&!Sf pe"on id r; . J:., t, 1 so oflendinjr, phall be committed to prison dollar?, , for' his appearance iefof'e' the next kterm jpjthe bupenor Court ot the County in which the, offence riiay have been committel, then and there to ana wer to the lawyand in-the meantime to keep the peace, and in default of gtvihsuch I Gbant services. avd Colfax Sketches of 8 paces 16 cer thousand.' IhCfc : r . , and 20 pages I Yrmr Vrpprlnm 1 anrt Prflnwntv t"T in hi I rr, ... ... , . ; - uiupaipn locumenw can DO pro : I . . : ,7 " " ' ,7, .1 .TT I OCC'O.'.' 1 1118; OCV ! WKUI U6 ia'-lOrCO liepubhcan onpiefSivml Commit- ... ..- . ' . . V i'! f ... r. ... 1 nn t. l Tn iniv wii!iifr.in Tt n f ' ' 1 " ; r1' -4! ;.. . uuiii aim uucr iu raimcauon.'ui. . . i. s have-beeii nrcDaied from authentic 1 t"v-' : , : : nWJt IIDlietU. ., i , ..t,l I r. llntifHxl 01K-li Vf A ,iJnt ier.a ' the direction or the able aecretarv of ' ; v. ..: . .'., . i v - , .'Hon. T.'L. TuUoclC and will he for. . . i M I " .?.:.y.i-.i : u 111 (4 Ui CURKE N views and i Summaries as space will permit. : . uu f.cPor" a11 matPrf r Local Interest will form ; a Vromlnent feature, and aslhere appears aaje no otlwr ; r. t: - UNOimTIONALtJl6l PAPER :- ' i . . In Eastern North Carolina, .the ; advantages which the Republican wlllotrer asau 'adyertiRingmedium aroap. jparent - ' ; t . ' Slates of Subscription .Traa-cAsa m adtakos. One Tear : Six Month. Three Months One Month ' 46.00 -,.3.00 ' a.oo 15 - i i r ' i ; ' nates or Adrcrtising Ten line, or one Inch: J One, sou&re an in..t ' v "bsequent Insertion ' f' '' " ' iLtMtaliAMUeUottt Sa? to lar M-ayttL 'ii, f .- space to constitute a.equare. -.- --iii.oo vertlr; PllICES ' x; ' ' '' IlErORTEI BT ' illubbs &JBrothcr, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries and Provisions Dry Goods "Middle GROCERIES. their Hon. Wm J). Kellev "ThdSew South." -15 per thousand. Record No. 3 and ' , f . Pepuelican Ki okomt. mixo orr tni Devotrax. XcDebt, Great Kedu'ction of Expinies. lu DreDaratfon andaboiit leady for the press-. .;. , , Ho,, Geo. W.. Jcijan "Our. Land Poliev." 16 pages 12 per thousand, - ' K Hon: Messrs Mew art. Mohtos.' anuNtk- "Pmc or War.V Del ate in thp United States Senate on the xiaecioiai v ojuge uui. .opajrts st per tuousaud. cured of the Union tee. Address The document sources, under the committee warded o individuaJs,' State, district, county, ortovni ship committees, tree-of charge for transportation, at Every locality should be nromntly. sunalied. . i All the issues of the campaign are fully and ably discussed in mese uocumeuis. nna a vasi amouni or laoor ana ex pense will be saved by scattering tLem freely da every ' McPhebsoS's Hand book ot rotinca -OB:ISf58 Cocta'uin lull Record of Presidential and Congres sional Reconstruction, Tables of Election, Expendi ture; Appropriations,' Delt, -Registration,'. Taxation, Campaign Lin of Gen. Grant the Conane'ror of tht Rebellion "We have whipped them once,' and I fink we can whip them again.?' Grant to Jieltnont. Published nnder authority of the Republican National and Union Conereef louat Committees.. 1 200 paes, oc tavo. Price &20 per hundred. Hon. 'Messrs. Hoctwelu,' Stevens, and Shenck "Democracy and its policy Debate in the House of Representatives., : b paes-;-$6 per thousand. , Hon. C. H. Van WrcK:Ameri'cah Citizenship. lis "Riphts Abroad Its Duties at Home." 8 page 5 per thousand. . Hon. John D. Baldwin "Human Rights and Hu man-Races."i-4 pages a per thousnnd. l . .; J Hon. J. G. Blaine "Republican Economy vs. Dem ocratic Extravagance 4 pages $3 per tbousaud. SPEEcn or Hon. GlenxtW. ScnoniLi-'Pnrposes of the RepnbKcan Party.". 8 pagosr-Stt per thouf and. J i .this. Savings Bank. I until he ihall have complied with the aforesaid provisions. 1 Sec 7. - That any 'Justice" .of the Peace or other officer chargedwith the execution' of thi act,--who shall 'refuac or neglect' to carry1 out this i prbviaion of wid act'- hall be guilty of a miadc- mcanorin omcc - ::..:..; . i .-.! ; I fir i I - t ! . J i ECONOMY THE ROAD TO WALTII. Save Your TSt ! 1 .' money ; a STATE OF NORTH CAUOLINA, : Office Secretary of.Statb " ' "Kaleigh;;AiJ5Ut 31st,; 16C3. I, IIenbt, J, JIenningeb, Secretary of State,' hereby certify that the foregoing la a true copy of the original in this office. ' "'' " " '' ' " ; HENUY J. MENNINGER. Secretary of State. ' f - -A.I.X act on Die ii . . Bave thoPeimiea, and the Dollars will take care i t i i ) Important to Magisir rate Clerks, sucnui uuu viucm. X HE ander1rid aavt la pre, and win toon Irvo. acomplrteatfall . . . of themseives. i: si CoffecrBIbTTTrrrr . :.,'?' Laguayra;.i ' Maracaiho. . F'i -r. ?iSt.;Domin?-o. Teas, Young Hvson... . 5 -j Gunpowder and,lmperial . . Ooions. ,...;......'. . . V. Uncol Japan. . . ........... ! j,. 1 r - . . . .,". ... English Breakfast . E!??5 4. K .V: Flour, from . . Family. Gibbed Herring, per box Iard i.i v. '. i Molasses, New Orleans, .... ... i t j - Cuba .. . f ? Rice ........ ..... ........... Sugars, Yellows-i . . t . . w . , -'-'? Coffee A.l " Coffee B. ii Granulated.....', ' Powdered......; "- 'Crushed Sait.:...:i. Apples, Dried . Bacon'.... Pork, per bbl.. Beef. Corned. :. Butter... ..... Cheese. ..-.. 1 j- - 90 J; 1 00 .vl.OOr . i 1 25 r 20 ; 8 60 .10 -0 v'.'-UO' 20 75 ;v,. 60 "I Old Dip,";-- Scrane:.1:.: , 'Spirits Ttupeatijie. i.osm.,..,. Wines JLiouor if Cigars, &C., Gen- W. II. Wabsworth, of Kentucky -Rcpnbli- V !ie'r 2 i'i Lii ; canism the Test of , Loyalty." 8 pages-C1 per thou- , GEN. C C. ANDREWS, OT. winnwow "mmj owpi in liecoustruction." 8 pags-G per thousand. - N Atio-vAtiTT )sJ SECTIsaLl95., rAddresr. . to Southeru, Laboring Men-, 8 pages $6 per thonsjind. The Record Ko.l.-"ine nepuDiican. j any t. False Democracy." 8 pages 6 per thousand, - i -ThW DctV ur the Colored VoTia. A Dialogue. 4 paee3 per thousand. . , . 'IloxEs roB the 'UoMELtss:" The Republican Homestead; System Explained, 8 pages a per thoa sand. ''. . "Elegant Extracts rnoa iiia.! aiTtw, o. a. 4 paires $6 pel thousand. . - Treasonable Designs or tnt DEXocract," from their own Record. 8 pages $ft per thousand. Democratic Falsehoods exposed. ixners oi Ho. . David A. Wells. Special Oommif aionnr or inn r nal Revenue : Gen, O. O. ; Howard, etc. on f he .Govern ment Expenditures, Reduction tof Taxation, etc 4 Daees S3 Der thousand.--.: t. .".I? v. .'.' ConUininz speeches of leading publiemen. with oth' er useiur thousand The Committee documents art ; Representatives Thaddecb 8TErHENS. Botrr wxx. Schsnck, J. G. Blaine, and General . Johs A, r Aico? the tetter of Special ConnriiseiOTier P. A. "Wrxxa sod Gen. 0 O. Howard Expenditures and Taxauou Each Hpajres-R per thousand. - ' ' '"iL ' . " Ptaf roMi or the . Betulm?ah Pabtt with candi dates' lettets of acceptance, the Copperhea- Platform, Frank P. Blair's revolutionary letter, &cj: 8 pages $6 per thousand, .r. - - ir... (. . "v. t ; Tct Ptrui.in TiT A DEXOCRAfld LZOACT. 8 TaC$ j Adiresof the Pbtntehs' Grant. and ColtaxClub, with the Republican PUiform. 4 pages 83 per thon- sandj'''.' -! t-?-j J.r - ; . i- Caaig3 Shee of THENEWYoaii Dewdhat. a Reading Germaa Repablican paper,: epecia.'ly Xor .politi cal use, and e......:l - Numerous speeohea and documents not 'induled la the foregoing,- will-bef piiblUhetL.1 Persona willinsr t ttnt fbe discretion of the Committee can remit orders x,K h-'mftnev. hvethem filled with the utmost in' T;1 consider the Freed rasa's ' Savlnga. an4 Trust - - " : -t MISCELltANEOUS. .Beeswax Bi-Carb. Soda;.;. . Blue Stone fVT-n hv nnnntitv - rr i -. Flaxseed. per Dusnei . .... . 28 a 28 ;- S2 .20 T , 24 50 a 2 254 a 2 25 I1W 1 75 2 25 18 00 .25 1 00 io: et ' 15 i;13 15 "iRka - is vie.a. .i6x 16 ,1 . 10 G 12,Y . 39.00 t31 60 .'i, !'15l 7 . 35 . . 65 Company fo be greatly seeded byth Colored People. - - - -. t ... . 4 ....t:-. i . and' hava wefcotnad ' aa aa auxiliary to the" Freed - ITaj. Csa. O. O. EOWASD. man a Baraaa,"' ' ' I ' - . , "T I'-lr . V . ,-., ' - : : .:, :.. Jt " . .;vJ..-.'-' -f . ,t-V. 1. j; ; - . . . .... i documents, a lour ,uw'- KTOHPn- fl.T. : NPW tiHTTiH ;. lv. li.. have la preparatioatna iouowxng i - . - ,m- . iVSo r. voKTONxiVnd stew. L. t 0 A. :.5elton ' & Oo.'. Pornitere Btota, Analysis oTtlic Larrs, under the Code of Clril rrocdorr. aapard r-ytta Greet a! AfinM.T, fatlcg to lbellc f Jottors cf tb Pvare. M.ciilit. 0 rka of CourU atd vllct l 4cUj Officer. tofetLer with tt OofcttJutloB cf tl Mlf. a Hit of the Counties a CI vided itta JndirUl Dltricf. the time of toWlrc Cvoits In the scvrrsJ Coutttlr,tr uimcs of the Jo dr asd tolicitt.r of rarb Ciimlt. it natrx-a of tbe CkAa of tb nptor Coojt, lit-&lrr ot Deeds, bbrrlll. County Oonnilotcrl.Tfeatrtr nc Coroner for each County... This pajnt.Lkt will Uo contain the Fera allow dy tt tcw Ur to Lht acvctal oQcera, with soma of the bum t MceaacTy i, Poms cf Civil , and. 6r"zs!nal Proccta.' Tba work will cottrin abotst 130 parts. a4 wHl b a mt valeaU book of rrlrretafor Coaty OSUtis- MsiDymiu toanypot oxccta u.a fcUte, j-iu paid, for 1 per eery. Addw, . . '. ' McuoLa a fJonyir. . . . BookaLA JtbPTtntr.' - THE CDdrr1rn! aic alo rrn aricr. rt-srrtit direction of a metnbvr of th UW;h rar,' a putr or alu rax Laws co? cecxtno ioott Omcrta, wira a Coxtlztb hrr or KuBxa. adapted to the rew otdrr of things. This hock, of tcme 400 pf wil le rcU!h ed-si soon a Cb final Trpoft cf tbe CcnamiMloria ppoVatcd to rerlx iha Code ba bm adopted by ta Geoural Atsemhly. The ftUnaod scope of the prcpoKr book will be foitVcT Uid bef ore tbe ptH'.r at an aarif day. NICHOLS A GORMIN. PoUi.htra. Octa Ira t f .x anrti aucccu vl the ttcvmucuti rxA y cf CoLjrrtu, at eviccxU by tbe adoption, la tit mairity-ff tLe btaua 2ulr !n.rtlJJlE.atxj' " coDAiiruiIuna aecaHrerjcaftH tr-Wrtieil' rM;bt toaB.-rad hla theluy f 4ln,iwu- tuent fo acitaJn thai e ItuUtuUcsaaud o r vtcitbetrcfuc'vSutritrcaUicr rr 12 mi tied to a alait of ax.ajclij. JI. TLe fiarantce by Cotgrrta cf eQuai sutfre to all loyal cat ti at tba Soaih' ra!f ;t fuanUctl by erery coriidcraUyn cf public aa!e- )' .f 5litodc aiidw Jcitice. avrd ncit U ! u:ati:Uircd ; wLi'.e the cccailoa of izZngt la all the loyal States prvperly bclccp To ttt jeo- III. iTo Oerwunce all funs cf rrpudlauVa aaa r.al:onal ciirae; axd ILa.rilcr.al fcv&cr. fHll Ijrarct ot the putl.'c Iniclnrd- uek In ihe utlerniokrTTa'Ri-TO-in-rrri tcra a! borne and abrusd, tot ,1y crirdirf to ibe Idler but tbcjpiriVf:t5iy Itfra ucdtr which it wat ccnLmcUiJL IV, Ttiidueto iba.uCorcf xttlca that uxatiuo iLouldbc equalized and rrdsced as rapidlr as the national faith rt1I perxLiL ' V;. Tbestlonal dibt4 contracted tj irfca .-t been for the prctertaiioo cf tbe CnJon fcrall t)tne to coDie, abould be cxicr'dtxS'o.tr fair eriod for mlrmptiont xcd It is tbe dciy cf Congreas to reduce the r!e of Jnttnat tLcrav or. wLcncTcr it can be boncaUr done. VL Tbat ibe tet policy to dluiiaiili cur lanJcn of debt Is to w iu?;rove ocrcrc4it tbat capiulina will aec to luan us oocty al lower rate of Inttrcal thin wc now "jy. ai. cuit ' cnmiuuc to pay to iur as rtpU'iitUon, riar tlal or total, wpen or toert, U Uircvitned or sapted. . v.. VII. Tbe GoTcrntucnt of ibe United b'lalea should be adminUtrml with iLe utkUil eooa omy and the corruptions hich hat e Uen to shamefully nurseit and f on end 17 Atdrew Johntxin call loudly for radical relWxa. : VIIL We prntoacdly dt-plore tb cntitae ly and tragic death tif Abraham Lltx,R. and rrgrct the aeceaaion lo tLe Pii-aldercir of An drew JntiDhOO.'wbo baa acted tix-irt'berouily' ' to the people abo elected Lhu atid the cacaa b wa plrIifrd 10 support ; 'lio:Li irped bUU lt-AUltUro atid Judicial .iuotliors: who baa refuted 'to eztvulc iLe lav a : n bo baa uaed LU bleb eCcc to Induce cibr efcetja'" to inrr and violate the laws; brr has en ployed bis ex ecu tire lowers lo render ineccrr tbe prtperty,.Uja v Jlbrrty ad lifer of, Ibeciutcn; who Las abused tlt3 itardorln power ; who bas.denouccrd I br Rational Leg islature as ur;coniituikisa1 w'bo astertrs gently and corruptly rrrtrted, by crery tnracs in bis po we reel cry r'jx-r'mtfTLjNj.TtTbe r conitruction of the biate lately in' rebellion; who lias crreriel ibe pohlic icOior.ac IrJO an etiKlae of wlifilfaale ccfrrtrpUoa acd wbo t hai lren ianli" Impeached' lor bxb - crimes and tnUdemcanorsvaad piep-rty pronouceed. t pithy tbcrtof by tbe Tote of tblny tlTeSes : lora. - .'.--j."-' j .',: i IXi Tler,lXctriBe of Great liriilin- and other European poner. that, becux a'tnaa ,ts ono a anbject be fs alwara o. tatt lt r- . sitlpd at tery loxard by the United tjtates, . aa a relic of feudal limes, pot. aulboriul by lhf Uws of nstknir. and at'war witt cvr Va r Uonal bounr and Independence. , JJaluralired? i dtitens areTntitled to pr. tection In all' Ibtlr nbti "of;ciUxeniblp, as tboCfb they: wcra natiro-porn; and to dtiicn of the Cniled r States, native or.naturulited, tauU be ball io I arrest ! and :Imt.rUnnrai hi nj power t for acta done or words spoken in ibis country; and If ut arretted and Imprisoned, it 4s tM duty of tbe UoTerot&cct to Inter! era labtsbebalf. : . . . , . .. . X: Of all-wbo Vrere Tailbful in tbe lriais cf tbe lato war, there -were none entliled to ocra : especial honor than the , brave soldiers and seamen' who endured the LartUhlps of cau-' pal go and cruise, aad InjpcrlllM thdr liTcs io : the serTlce of the country; the bounties and pensions provided by tbe laws forlbete brate defenders of I bo cation ere cbllratioss never : to boiorcottro; tbe widows, and otphans of. Ibe palbint dead arc the ward of tie people A -sacred legacy be-qccalLcd to Ibe cation's ' protecilnR care. . . XI. . Foreign Jnunlrratlon. wbbb !ntbe' partitas added so much to the wtalib. develf opment, and resources and incrritc cf, .power In ibis RcpubriC the hitlum'cf tbe cpprciscd of all nations, sliould-b: fostrrcd and-ercacr;' azed by 11 liberal and jurt plicT. ,. . IL Tbis'coiiieulion declares lUclf la sTTupathy witb all opprrxsed peoples airs gllng for their rfrhta. - ... On motion of Carl Shurr, th following tw planks were added by a c rani cocs vote: Rfote3L ibat we. bichly -cocinirod tba, spirit of tnarnanlmlty and forbcaracte with which men wbn bave-errcd in the rcbelliow ml who now franklr and horotlv r-o -crxr. ate villi us In mtorfnfir the tx-ace cf the coun try ana; ircoc struct 1 njr, the &fa;lierti bisto Cfivcrnxnets.cpon lha bafcis of JxapartlalJus ice and Eqoal Kizhts, arc reced ed "back IcUi tbe communion of the loyal pwr,e: ax.d w favor the removal of the ditouallrations and restrictions lnpt-d cpm lue late' rtbrU Jn the Rama meaurt as . their spirit of ktvaHy will dirret. and aa cjiy le roniislcct W illi tbt tafcty of fbf Iij ol pexp!e. ' " Rortced. Tbat we rrorr.lra ibe creal pria clnles laid down in the immortal Irciaraton of lndipcndrnc r.r the tree foundation of dnnocrailc. rtivernment: and we bail with pladncM every tfTutt toward, mablrr ibra piindp'.es a living reality c a every leeb of Atnencan soil ' . ! .OraTca Btrteti" ;88;',as; ll' fi n T4 1. 00 fi5VI:00 90 60 0 00 Gnano, Peruvian, per ton,.,...v. . M. .120" 00. C00 00 nay.,,..,....v,. ............ .-.. ?5 ' r;i 00 ;Ca.l;l0. WAVAL STOKBa. - a so ft8,oa. ao -.280 ? 45 3 DO ? 3 25 '2 00 4 00 ( promptitude, and with tba best judgment aa Wprica andadapUtionto.the locality where the epeeehea ara Open every day, Sofidsys and Ilolidaya axecptad, from 10 A. 31. to 1 P. M., and from 3 ta 4 P. X. ! . i I (W Depoeiu can always be drawn withoet notice, 0T" All the proflU belong to tbe depositors,; 1 Investmenta ara - only made la . aecurttlaa ef tba United States. - ' ' .5 j . ' All deposits wil ba paid.wUtt in Uresis due when reqolreo. " ! ' j " Interest payable ln'"lfarca, July, asd Jfovetaber, la each year-'i , , mJ EPOSITS msde now. on on of November, will draw late reft as fr i STOVES! STOVES! "WESTWARD THE STAROFESI '. PIRE" TAKES ITS WAT."' ' . - - ' I ,' SEC VRE A HOME IX . m .THE GOLDEN STATE ! ! , .. . . . .......... . : Tie'lnlrEt Hcnostei Austin OF CAIiIl?ORIVIAt " 5 Tneorjyorated ' under (he Xnzt cf the State, Kot ember SOrA, 1857,?r tAe yar xntof providing - : v; Homes for its.Hembers .cd thcriby ltd see Ig-.rr.'.gtt'Jca. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KKSP7XTTCLLT annoance to his friends and tba pablie-rmerslly tbat be has recti red a Urge and. wt-aeloctcd uclt of r.,0ic4t Parlor, Dining Ilaavx. end CpoHnffi . 1 (, States, frt awl vrvGdd,:-, . :.' i)t which I aiprrpaied to eS eVakmaiiadrtacr v& auaufactorera prices csh. 7AH of tsy itotta f can coitdeaUy recomtnecd to the raf Old hfovca-I'cpalrcn ...Si.Coao at each, pataUa ta Capital 5toc ...1 in rid c- lttx SUXODO stares, 17. &. cmrmrT. : C1Lsatia cf f tock !( to tLbwoibcra ixxzardi at"l c;m ttoriptcf thancry. -o rxsos Attowts to svu xort tsav S ratax. A' ""'''' -. I . - CirXULAH eettaitlrg a fttl crrr1rir a f tb Cipcrtr to CWtt'.bnudaavc i.p the tw-ii3ers wia aT!t to sry aArtr rrxa i x-J;4 cf ttxa y lor ra turn pot'r. ' - ' - 1 . 1 ' ' - lzlor&V3 tot.re ef l :r ry pen-f to be 'sent oTmotr. Tniionwiuwiij" nwuiwnui i. - n.ii t vrn t c a. NKf-SOX, Cn sliier. , . ... . . , ji . , nrin ilndf c uw. 1 t t w 7 llica. ou ftx.v f uh.r for roor- Leaders rnt ep jrI J.f A3 kturf tt rM to-i'4 . .1' . a New niT. ?c. C Ar. l-Tsa vrp rt7wJ. Ca!JorKa- Tar, as to size. Pitch. 2 00: &2;M Sept 12t. ... . .......-. et tl-M r 1 Nov 2 a j