' 1 - ' ? f j . j j . . . . , 1 1 1 "'" " " "' 1 t ' I C L i: Ci'T "V, z - r- IZ2 G? Tea Kjsz tit c-s U-i 1 1 c : M U :. -is t Ox s-n.e, ett UrJ:a .'' LTlcrxl drlirJrts r&is to U. UrtrCi. ST GEO. W. .HAfiON.r XL. :u3 r HATE3 07 BTj BSCEIPTIOl v h BERTYiAND UNION, NOW AND FOREYER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." lianie TYctster. 2niw CA -Advance. 1 rxTT li rt.tli rrf-U. V:tt tia wsaI nu w!3 bs drrl. jLl letters slsllU iLLnxtrl -mlzrvtuzAX." T.r9 8.00 . 8.00 -too 75 4 i-ii fer lohths ' i Months lorith VOL. IVrr-NO. 36. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNHiG, N0VEUBF.R' 10, I86S1 ! i PRICE 5 cms. ""r- : 1 V . . t . " ? ' I i I : ' - - I i I T - mm j ' -" I TTW T I THE ,W,BEttNE REPflBlICAN. r ". rif THE OITLY: D A'JX'-Y i j , ; I ), ! t AN ORDINANCE 2:o lay ' Taxes arid Provide Q far the dapport of toe City Ciovcrnmcnu i ir t i, .-1 Y r 7. ' - 'i. 4 IT ATI ON A' L ' t- Sc. 1. It it ordained by Che Mayor And CouncO of the city of Kew Bero That for the fUeal year ndise June SOth 18C8, a tax of one per cent upon the ralue all of real estate within the limits of the corporation, be and the m.ia herebj laid to be collected as is by law proYl- i liife, Instiranca ' I n Ann ATir An It U further ordained, Th&t from rr day of April, 18C8, no person, linn or corporation shall prosecute onr carry on eitheroi the trades orocennationa nenuown in oecuon o ox tiua ordinance, until he or PUDIilSIlEDHV J j 1 mn 1 ' v af ' eastern; ) BTH CABOLINAi ' .- r they .shall have obUlned a license tnertfor in the man- ( Sec.S. iVrW.Wainf,That erery person orper sons desirin' to obtain a license shall rejdster with the pty Clerk, first ; his name, or their name or stylei cond, the trades of occupation for which a license is desired ; third, the place where such trade t orf occupa- unuiB io oe carriea on ; luorth,4f an- Inn-keeper, the yearly rental of the house and property to be occupied for said purjiose, and thereupon, upon payment to the City Cleric or other nerson authorized to rnllert' tti tax herein provided, shall make out and deliver a-license for such trade or occupation, which license shall continue in force for one month, at theplace or premise es described therein. ' - . .i, , . Scc; A ILii further otainedhsXlt Iny person of persons snaii-exercise or-carry on any traae .or business hereinaftertnentioned f op the exerclsin? of whlr.n lieense is required, without taking out such license -as is in ;nat oenau required, ne, she, or or they shall, for every sucn onencc, respectively torteit a penaitv equal ie mree times tne amount oi ine sum ox money impos ed for such license to the use of the city. ; , - -Sec 5, And be it further ordained; That in every case where more than one of the pursuits, hereinafter described shall be carried en by the ame person in the same place at the rame timer except as therein men tioned, license must be taken out foreach, according to me rates severalty rescnoeo. Sec.) 6, And be it further ordained. That on and after the first day of April, 18C8. for each license granted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly paid.- Anv number of persons carrrlnfon any busings coming within the purview of this ordinance, in part nership may transact such business at such place, under such licens:. and not otherwise. - .-1. Jl iii p. (1.) Bankers shall pay ten dollars for each Hcer.se. and every person shall be deemed a banker w.thln the mean ing ox this ordinance, who keeps a place -of business where credits are opened in favor of . any person or firm, by the deposit or collection of money or currency, and the same, or any part thereof shall: be paid out or remmitted upon the draft or check of such creditor, . . (2) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc cupation it is to oner property xor sale to toe mgneai Life Insurance Company, FEBEDIIAirO OAVHTGO it. 5 . NEW YORK. . Isxto - - - - Ci.00Q.b0O i , .. ... J - - s : , I t . ... - X. T7 ccsmtnli'.t Its couclrr ca Ibt tt tured aucctra of the reconatnicilon policy of Co&gmt eTisced bj Ihe adoption, la iht taaorityof IbefcSutei UUl In rtUliion, of constitutions secsrin eqnsXdTil &n3 poIlUcsJ rifcu to til, and it la the duty of the Govern ment to sustain those Institutions &nd to prt ?ent the people of such Bute from bein$ r. svdmlttedlo asUteof ansxehy. IL Tbegnaranteo by Congress of, equal ura?e to all loyal men at the Boulh was de "fcwwded by erery consideration of public safe. 'T w crauiuae, ana ox justire, ana must te caintaTned : while the Question of suHrsre La all the loyal States properly belongs to the po- voU of xay of tbt quxilCrd Totcra of this vvvxi. .:.' Sute, In any election, by any thrtU to hi nstinnai rHm. thm t!4.i Knrnr I ucharre such To let frra employment requires the payment ot the public Indebted- pr to withdraw from hira pxtrcnjtv or, cess in tne uttermost gooa laltn to all credi tors at borne and abroad, not only accordlnr to the letter but the spirit of the laws under WHICH it was contracted. IV. Ttldoato 'tho labor of the nation ; AT AC? i nncio.T m nizenens. 1 Section 1. " Thai it shall bt cnlavful for any person to cCcr any bribt to any of th qualified Tcten cf ttU SUU wlti intent to icflutsca bit roU in any elec tion. Sec, . That it shall U ttalawfclfor any person to attempt to iruenca tho to discharge from employment, rrfanj patrontgt to any member of inch voter' lamily. Sec 3, That it shall be unlawful for nri i " dTi " that taxation should be equalized and reduced any person to gire a' pecanlary or other f . f r. . ,l j f th Tftf-hih th mfi wir Mtt tr i i J ! 1 GbLrtered by Act tf Oosgrtu. i i Itaportixnt Jtmxw FcsUnr in Diri- bidder or fermented liquors, am (Z.) Retail Dealers in liquors, including all distilled who shall offer for sale such liquors in less quantity id wines of every description- shall pay five dollars, for each license- . every person dendfknd Itlodes of Inannxnccl I SUED FROM S3 CRAVEN STREET, VY- Ii :& It N E , N o C REPUBLICAN is issuedas an sndeiit . and ProjressiTe Jomiial' :'- ! .- : - - - hall reflect the sentiments and opinions of th ikeable loyal pOnlatin of Eastern North Caro an uhcomproinUin opioition to the doctrines salon, and by a fearless advocacy of the eterus les of X)rrr- Liberty and Equality - ' - - ' -' - - : - - i v y. '.. before the law, r'T'T Republican will be devoted to the common inter I our people, with " malice toward none and cbarir J It will plead for the maintenance inviolate of National Government and its credit: the education U available means of the people : the encouragemen umlrration and the developement of our . ajrricul- i, mineral and commercial resources. 'hile the Republican will be pre-eminently d neict- tr the departments of V - :' ' ; . OMMERCE. AGRICULTURE. ART. SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, " 4 receive such attention by Reports, 'Essays, Re sand Summaries as space will permit. all reports on all matters tf Local Interest will form romment feature, and as there appears as yet no other IN CONDITION AIj UNION PAPER i Eastern North Carolina, the advantages which the Republican will offer as an advertising medlom are ap arent " . , than one gallon at one time,1, to - the same -purchaser, snail be regarded a retail dealer in liquors. (4.) Retail Dealers shall nav one dollar for each license.' Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries or any goods, wares or merchandise, or foreign or 'omestie productions, in less quantities than a whole original piece or package, at : one time to the same person (not Including wines, spirituous or malt liqnors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer,: - : ; .:: : (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay four dollars for each licen se, - Every person whose ' occupation ' or business it is to sell groceries or any goods,: wares or merchan dise, bv one or more original package or 'piece at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines ana ' liquors in quantities of more than one gallon, shall be deemed , a wholesale dealer. -. : . . . (6.) Hotels, Inni and Taverns, shall pSy five dollars for each license. Every, place where food- and lodging are provided for and furnished to travelors or sojourn ers, in view of payment therefor,' shall be regarded aa a Hotel. Inn or Tavern. . . . ' ." (7.) Brokers and Commission Merchants shall pay, four dollars for each licene.r Any person except one hnltlin? a license as wholesale dealer or banker whose business it is to purchase or sell stocks; money, goods or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages, or produce, or to manage business matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors of freight, or whose business it is to purchase, rent or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded as a Banker or Commission Merchant. .. - ' 3 . ., !(8.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to , be fixed by, the City Council in each case. , (ft.) Bowling Allle or Billiard Rooms shall pay four dollars for each license. " t - ; - , 1 : ' (10.) llorse Dealers and Uvery Stable keepers shall nav four dollars for each license. :. (11 ) Peddlers shall p:y fit ty cents for each license. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers books or domestic produce as their own producing, who sells or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities. travelling from place to place in the streets shall be deemed a nedriler. (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars for each li cense. Anv nerson exeunt one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise exeeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- (13.) Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. . . (14,) Express Companies shall pay five dollars for (15 ) All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents f 6r : v Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each li cense. . ' '"' Sec 7. And be it further .ordained, That all Or dinances and parts of Ordinance conflicting nerewun, be, and the same are hereby repealed. ' JOHN 8J MANIX,City Cferk. ! New Berne, N. p.t March qoth, 186S, - ... . 1 1 ! Abraham1 Lincoln's Gift SMALLEST RATIO OF UORTAJ.ITT EXPENSES LESS THAN ANT- CASH. . r TO THE LIBERAL COUPANT 'MODES 'OF PA TMENT OF PREMIUMS. INSURERS RECEIVE THE LARGEST SONUS EVER GIVEN. VI.- DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ON ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, 1. beeafcr the prc$errat!on of the Union for all AT J:1? c t tune io come, soouid be eztended otct a lair w;rxwjiit.i iuwt oit csuor period for redemption ; and Ills the duty of mar have cast in any election. Congress to reduce the rate of. Interett there- Sec 4. That it shall bt unlawful for on wbenererltcan behonestlf done. - Tw. v ;.t... rMm .-,.J VL That the best policy to diminish. our Tf.0. t0 dlcIlrK rorn ap!uy. t burden of debt Is io so ImproTe our credit that n:cnt, withdraw patrons -e from, or olhcr- r capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower wise injure, threaten, opprrra or attempt rates of Interest than we now pay. and mutt to intimidate anrol tbt qualified Totem suspectei fx -. voter may cast in any election. VIL The GoTernment of the United Btates " Sea 5. That siny person violating should be sdminiitered with the strictest econ- any of thn prut IiIon of this act shall be lrZVr' H?r A -.. "-a b. : ltta MA Johnson call loudly for radical reform- ; llXDl lo maicttnmt xor the tame, and ca , I YIIL We profoundly deplore the untlme- conviction of bavins , violsted the pro- ly and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and vuioci of aection one, shall be ced cot - retbe accession to the rtesldency of An- nt than twenty dollar, or Imprisoned drew Johnson, who has acted treacherocaly ,t,.w It to the people who elecied him and the causi tha!? AnJ ?a 0 he was pledged to support; who has usurped haInf; violated the provisions of aeo- bJh legisUtiTe and Judicial functions; tion two, shall be Cncd not leas than fifty who has refused to execute the laws: who dollar ' r ' Imnn , baa usei .!s high oflcs to Induce other cCcers irrtltT Aar An t,:l.;rtn , r to ignore and TlolMe the Uws; who has em- ;wcPv CT- on connctjon cr ploved his eiecuUTe powers to render Insecure nav violated the proruions of aeo- , he property, the peace, liberty and life, of tion-three, shall b fined not lca than the dtiien ; who haa . abused the pardoning twenty dollar, 'and tlto imprisoned cot power; who haa denounced Ihehatkmal Leg- ,t4ri inri Jl -..t- - IsUturcasonconsUiutlonal: who has persf;. t . ? ,oa tcnUyand corruplIy resUted, by eTcry means ot having viola lod section four, shall be In his power. eTery pnrner mttempt at the rt- fined not Icaa than fiftr dollars, and also . , construction of the tjiatea lately In itbellion; Hmprtaoncd not lets thtn twenty dava, r7 Lr; ' Bee, 6. That every maittrxu or an engine ot WDolcsale corruption; and who . ... -.. . r . has been justly impeached for high crimes officcr 5 "lia fctale, or of mnni- and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced tnpal corporations in the Sute, who shall guilty thereof by the votes of ihirty-flTe Sen know of hia own knowU-dpr, or to whom I Tbe Doctrin; of "t3reat Bridsn and r other European powera, that because a man f? . l.WiUrd any of :the pro- . isonceaanb)ect be Isalwsrsso, tnun Uro visions of this act, ahral immediately J . I tilted at every hazard by the United States, arrest, or by warrant cause to be arrested " aa a relic of feudal times, not authorited by ,ocb perton ao oCTmdit.-, and upon the laws of nations, and at war with nor na- ...irsJL. . -v.n v.:-. tlonal honor and Independence, s Naturallred evidence, - shall cauw him to dUtens are en U tied to pr." tec tion in all their t1llrr nto bond and auCacnl tecunty , riirhts of dilzenshlp, as though they were In the iutn of not lc?s than two hand red naU re-bo rri; and no dtlten of the United dollara, . for his appearance before- the ' States, natire or nnturaliaed. must be liable " f -i,., izi r t : to arrest and Imprisonment by any foreign ?,cxl tr5a-0 .c fcnpJor Coarl of tht power for acts done or words siotcn in tUs voatity;in which the ofTcnce may bare country; and If so arrested and foprisoned; been committM, tBen end there m answer 1 Wr r1 1110 uorernment to interfere to the law, and in the meantime to keep tu uis wiuui, X. Of all who were faithful In tha trials of the late war, there were none entitled to mar ' especial - honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of cam paign and ctuIm. and Imperilled their lire In tbe service of the country: the bounties and tvntinna nmvldMi tiv lb law nrihotii Kirar defenders of tbe nation are obligations never I Peace or other oHIcer charged with th to be forgotten; the widows and crphans of I execution of this act, who ahsll rtfets e .as a a a & a S me gajuniGeaaareinewarasox ine penpic 0r neglect to carry out the nrovitiona asacreo legacy, oequcainea io tne nauon a 'A - . , XUmm . . 1 protecting care. . v, . ,uw, wku7wi I XI- Vonvn- Immioratlrm 'isrilrri In tb fncanor in office. Tour Freedom and .Prosperity were 'in Hi past lias added so much to the wealth. deveU bee. 8. This act ahall be In force t i O o lbrt o c5C DP o p -Pm i 1 ! . . if Hia Signaturt to the Bill out of the last "Acts 1 t cf hit Life. He Gay Emancipation, and then this Savings Bank. the jeacc, and in default of giving snca bond and sudcimt ecurityisuch person . so ofiVndinir, shall be committed to prison until "ho titH bare complied with tht aforesaid proyisiona. ! bec 7. That any Justice .of the T ANTED--AOENTS - $ to $200 per month. everywhere, male; and female, to introduce th OKXTT1NK 'IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY 8EWINQ MACHINE. Thla Machine will stitch, hem. fell. tuck. quilt, cord, hind, braid and embroider in a - mmt imnerior manner Price only $18. Ful ly warranted for five years. We will pay fiinnn for an v machine that will sew a strong er, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than nnr. tt mulces the Elastic Lock Stitch." Tvrv Acnnd utitch can be cut. and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, or a cop mission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMBA CO., Pittsbubo, Pa., or BOSTON, r ATrWoW-lilVo not be ioiDOsed nnon by other par- tics palming ofiE worthless ast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise.- Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. t Aug 22, lS68,2m .! , i J, TT Tl tin ALL. KINDS OF NONFORFEIT NG LIFET AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES ISSUED, j heart united. opment. and iwurces and Increase of- power from and after ita ratification. to this nepublic the asylum of .the oppressed or all nations, snouia dc xosiered and encoux aged by a liberal and Just pnllcy. . 11. This convenbon declaret Itself In sympathy with all oppreased peoples Strug gllng for their rlrhta, 4 On motion or Uaribhurx, the following two planks were added by a unanimous vote: ICetoited. mat we ltatUIcd 24th day of August, 1 PC 8. f lECOJiOlTx THE ROAD TO WEALTH. . POLICIES IN CONTEST IDLE, Save our Hlon LOANS MADE ON POLICIES. t Hates of Subscription CURRENT. r . - - REGULAR LIFE POLICIES AFTE. PRICES REPORTED BT Ilubbs & Brother, ; - v WliolesaU Dealers in Groceries and Provisions Dry Goods. . Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Middle Street . New-Berne, N. C - v . . . . . . GROCERIES. - c -, ' THREE TEARS NONFORFEITABLE, spirit of magnanimity and forbearance with which men who hare served In the rtbellioa but who now frankly and honestly coo per nio with cs In restoring the pence of the coun try and reconstructing the Southern Stale cov emmets upon the basis of Impartial Jus Jce and Equal IUebta, are recti ved bock Into tbe communion of tbe loyal people: and wt favor tbe removal of the disqualifications and restrictions Imposed upon tne late rebels In the same measure aa their snlrit of Inraltv will fW( an1 A maw h iMnil.t..! rfV. f V DAiouioxcmnea, aou ubiawus wuiuuucw i taiety or the loyal people. ' iUoited. That we rrcognlre tbe rreat prin ciples laid down In trie Immortal Lrr la ration of Indcpcndcnc as the true foundation of dnnocratic cpremment : and we hail with eladnets every effurt toward maklne: these principles a living reality on every Inch of American soil. STATE OF XOimi CAROLINA, ' Omcx Sxxsxtast or Btatt, - lUlcirb, August 31st, UCS. . L Hcf et J. Mcxvtvcrs. Secretarr of LJVU 1UIC, . I f ... . . highly commend the nercoy cerutr mat ua iorrom- k a & . . A r , m AW a is a true copy ot tne original act on tie in this otuoe. HENRY J. HEXXIXGER, Secretary of State. of themselves. : .1 u. Coffee, Rio........-- ....... iaguayra.... , Maracaibo .-. . . 8t..Domingo.... Teas, Young Hyson....:...... , Hyson .V. . rinnnnwder and Imnerial.... .;. 1 .. .............' w 23XCJ, 28 26 20 S7 25 82 -24 45 T Kndowment and ten Annual payment Policies, Non forfeitable after the payment of tne am rremium. . - 1 i rn . , ' : ' ...... . j I consider the Ireedmaa's . Savins and Treat 60 SO SO Oolong....... Egg. JSIO k . t , . . txxxs casx ix anv aires. neYear ix Months rhree Months ' ne Month 18.00 3.00 2.00 IS Uncol japan...:........... English Breakfast . . .. ".. Flour, from.... ........ . Family.. GIbbed Herring, per box. . Lard;.'...;...... Molasses. New Orleans. . Cuba. ..;...:.. Rlce.r... ...... :. Sugars, Yellows........ ... Coffee A...,.,..;.. conee d... . . Granulated : Powdered. " Crushed....1.... Salt..... Apples, Dried.. Bacon Pork, per bbl Beef, Corned....... Butter... Cheese....".:..... 1 00 125 . 20 850 10 50 .60 ! 20 75 50 10 IS Hates of AdVertising. Ten lines or one Inch spacs to eoastttnts a sqnare.- .. vertisers. i One square on insertion . 1-ach subsequent insertion Ubcral deductions made to lane 16. 16 16X 3 no 10 & 25 225 & 1 80 & I 75. 2 25 & 1800 1800 . .-65 25 vi 00 60 WESTWARD THE STAR OF EM- Company to be greatly needed by ft. Color People. VlUK TAKES ITS WAY. 1 - .'-'V. it.'- and have welcomed as an auxiliary to Hhe Freed. The f ellowinr sre examples of the operations ef that I man's Bursaa . i - - - )f sj. Gea. O. O. BOW AXD. SECURE A HOME A rouexzs tsrrxn nr 1822, om rorm rasas aao. i i , .15 15 18 U8 19 19 8 00 MX ca AT ISSS. SO. 23. ' AJTT : nsa'D. vficooo. ( 8,000. ' T.500. T.000. TAtD. 180. .1,002. 7C8. S71. Asnsn TOFOUCT. $3,673, S,8S. . 2,708. 105. TOT Alt A3lTrCI. 91872. 1036. "10203. 8,505. 16V 22 80 00 81 50 15 17 85 65 16 22 This is an entirely 2ew Plan, flvlng Insurers the largest retnrn ever made by any Company In the same w ( i , ... . , . . - Branch 'at Hqvt Berne, 51. C.f j ; At aX'Hdscn & Oa'i rnmitiire Btore, . . . - Qrmi Street, - 1 - ' i : " Ml8CEIIJLKEOTJW Beeswax . . . . ,V. Bi-Carb Soda. ..-..:. Blue Stone;:.. ......... ..... Corn--by quantity v.. . t . Flaxseea, per bnshel. ....... Guano, Peruvian, per ton.. nay Data. ' ' JTAYAXt STORES.-1- New dip .t Old Dip...... ........ ... ....... 8crape-. ........... ....f ...-.. Spirits Turpentine, .... . 28 : 11 . 15 85 1 SO, 120 00 1 25 1 00 88 14 , 00 1 00 0 00 00 00 1 50 1 10 : - Persons holding Policies that lapsed during the war, 4ii t rnwnd (If in eood health) and placed upon a basis that will carry the dividends the same as if no 1 1 m ii .11 in.i (':.! .-.. apse uau wun - . ; - ? ? 8 50 C 4 00 a 80 cv a oa 1 60 ; J 80 " 40 45 SCO ( 3.4 00 aW 2 25 9 00 W Open every day, Sandays sad HoHdajs excepted, from 10 A.' If. to 1 P. la and front 2 1 4 F. Jt - - .i - 1 j' - it : . f3T".ItpolU can always be drawn without notice, fT"AU the profits belong to tbe dpo! wr, ! . ! in aeckritles of the United State. . . .-: .. . ! AHdepolUwiIl be paid with tnterssta, doe when ieqaired. -'.-. !t'.. " Interest, payable in SLsrch. July, and Ifortabr, U each year. " ' ; ; S )ePOMTS mads now. on oner hfor tkelidsy Hovmber, will draw IcUrsst as from Jl ovembcr I. C. Ai "KBTJBON. Cisbier. THE GOLDEN STATE 1 1 . . . . , f Tte Inizrat Hmoteii op cAMFonnnA, Incorporated under the Zavt of iht State, November ZOtA. 185 7, for the pur vote of providing Home3 for it3 Uembers, And thereby lncxe lmmlgratloa. . Capital Stock ...$1,000,000 Divide Into 200,000 shares, at S each, peyaUe la TJ. 8. earrmey. Certiacate oi atoca ivsaea to emDecnners ircmccj- atrtv span receipt of tne Found at Last! Found at Last!! . a MUTHiELir numiaiA unmnsz. TnK koT rmrucT ic edicixx rrot cok. WHVt . It CTMtrs no fevrr la tkt tnost vioVtt cms. Uprodsoes a farsIUy action cf Uvrr. frlosaaea aa4 lwwt4 Uwrrby rulirvlrx mxj eowr44.u artaltsg frominarrWa. It Is a snre nn 1 or Wsrrte la AitTts. It ts a sere cere tor Ivtirrtoe t carrrm. It Is s sure csrs (or Itrrfco"s cacad frota Colda. It Is a ears crrfor Crotlc IKanVsrsu It Is a arr cr f oc CboWrs Morou. It Is a ssre care ror Cboirrs Infjj-tsm. It Is a srt rare (or Const bbU on c-f tXe rovs. It's wtist every Travrlkt WaVd hs stn with. It Is vna l every rianuilcn sbocd be t;iri4 wtih. Ill Kt rrrrj IIoScV1 sbMldbe nU-d vtia. ItactstlkeacWm riia lUdrra trrlU. It is wfcst CfcUdrm live I II U irrtct: V-TV-cm. 1 1 b ry la rrrrj & srsery. Itls fsfe, 6are ax4 Vpnry. It wm save yoa Wg Doctor's fcd. It Is a IX wfrins kmc socrtt for roslh. Itisbcrel Pound st last 1 1 Pound at last !! t It Is or Aaty te dmUu It t Price. 10 cents prr bottie. For sale fry WstlJti A C. IL 8. Prtasrose Co-, stfl IL T-rrrj. Cox -try orders led bv John L. HeriUfS. firoed fu Xrw hrrnm. arptis ITO"T IO ET jo rxasov xxxowxs to ou atosa txax asxxnxa. iL r-TTr-f-T t .t.f r. m f-r1 fHf. F rV property to b dl rtrlbsted amov ti R lrlioiir win 1 he smt to- any addreee npon receipt cf etst-pe for rw j tvrn poat-ce. lnfornutkia as to price cf lsxd Is scy pmtloa cf Us , Stats, or npon any elbcr snbjtct cf lttTet to partlM propostcx to tmlcr-t- W.a be cbeerfuIJy furcisbed rp ) oa r?upt t x surrre tor posts a-rcea an -tt-r aHouldba Sccrstarr xmcxirraat uaaemxema siooro. rest Once Box Jfo, IS, Ass. 1 2a' T0CU2EB OP EUnHIOE 03Ui:T3 iHD I2ZHSTIIE3 Or KZDX Wr are sw ytpa.ed to farxish IW fcCeving XLLA2-X forma, at short Bot-ce, and m c4p as tWy can be pritted at ILilrixh, or lrbrs, for ess ax. CcrUSeale of AppoUtnMsTae KacisCrsta, wita Oath cf OSes, -Liters U At -ataliArsXlon. Letters Testamentary, rierf Fadaa. Venditioni Exponas Semzaons, with 2CoUce of Coseplaixt fTW. f-casmoxiS without Coc?piini TZmi. Scprrior Otrt TTrtta. witb Bend. Jcror Tichrts ar d TTltSMSj Ti-Xrta. Escasca's to Jcrcra. Arrrrrtirs Indent crsa. Sebpoccaa. ' Jfjiniacs Licensee. -. CcrsUUce UcsZa. A rI Bonds. Ax4 every otter H4 ef prlrrtrr dsme set. mtr, and wiii xzxfarca. ftad fa ywer vrlm. Aiirws: Jfr trxn -Irrrxijcjr a! t. taea4f r i:osin Tar, ss to sise.. '"- ' srtvrt fit fW- a I fayf. ott.--a-t Pltcn....... i 4 . '1 I f

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