' :;- ,,-,.;-..-:-. ; ; ... : t, . . i V ,j ; . V . . ?Trm niJ&Tgj&t ,.--"-rM:" '; - , ; , , ; , RATES. OF ""ABVXR'TISIirG : " 't' y ftvt - " -1 ; -l ; RATES OF 8UBSCIUPTI01 T$nh-'CcuklitAdtanet. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW, AND FOREVER, ONE 'AND INSEPARABLKlSiJcl Weteter.' SA j Tear fS.00 S.00 TOO -Tor mirtrCUcutu itUrUi lrn&'uj,lipuUl. luzhcTlhu trial rtyrt.U tkurti . Mouth ce Months i Month, - N ,: rice A GENTS, THE 3 tf$SBSE$EftjGA'ra A' S. T1IE OMiY To i lay iaxes tndU l?rp vide .IbrthC ' Suppor t of the City Sec. 1. It i ordained by the Major and Conscil of tht city of Kew Bern. That for the fiscal year endin Jan 30th 1S58, tax of: one pr cent oponthw value alfof real estate within the limits of Ihe corporatiou, be and the aarae,is herebj laid to be collected aa U br law ptotI-ded. f&fwrtter ordaiMil Tb,atr from and1 after the lat L oagrjOf April; 1868 no persoiU firm or corporation shall prosecute or carry on either of the trades or occupations mentionrdta Section 6 of this ordinance, 'until' he or D they shall nave obtained n license thertfor in the man ner nereinaxtcr proviacd. , , SecA Jf if furtAerordained,That eTcry pereon or per sons desiring fo obtain a license shall: renter with the isiiy vierK nrst ; nit name, or tnelr name or style ; ' se cond, the trades or occupation for which a license is' aesirea ; intra, the place where such trade or occupa tion is to be carried on; fourth, if an inn-keeper, the f evrly rental of thejiousc and property to be occupied or said purjioee, and thereupon, upon payments to the life Insurance ! ' - s ; v: if1. ' ... . - " V .... i;, .(-- i , rJ ' OTIB HaAlTOBlL ' V"',' - ' '- 'J ' - Vj . . ' I . 1 f L;Tir'econgritulteihe couTitry on tb in sured f access of the rcconitniciion policy of CotigrcM, u CTinccd b. tbo adoption. In tbt maiprity of tbeJJUtcs lately in rebellion, of constitutions sccurinef eousJ ciril smdnollticil righti to all, and iHa theduty of the GoTcra- mew iu kujuun uiose insmuuoni ana io pre Tent the people of inch SLates from being re--adnsitted to a stati of anarchy. ' 'I IL - The guarantee by Congress of . eaual tuflrjge to all loyal men at the outh trasde manded by cYcry consideration of public safe ty, bf gratitude and of ju&tlre, and must be mawiUincd ; while the queslion of suffrage in all Uic loyal 8tates properly belongs to the peo- pjc.oi.mose mates. r -r .-w ! t- w. . i'-r'JV ' ZZT " laics. : JLne InSUraHCe - Conipaily, Wc denounce all forms of repudlatipn 7: as a; national crime; and the national honor ,4 le duMic an Eap er PVDIilSaED IIV wo fir f f i i . :, L-V- i V-T- I'. 5 EASTERN 0 R TH. C AROLINA. ISSUED FRO JLTL CRAVEN STREET, I E W BiE R N E , o ,f C v City Clert. or other person authorized to collect, th ' tax herein provided, shall .make out and deliTcr; 4 Ji- cease tor sactt trade or occupauon, wtuch license shall continue in force for one month, at the place or premis es described therein. ' ' ".- . 4 Sec 4 It it further ordained. That if any person or persons hatl exercise or carry on any traae or business hereinafter mentioned for the exercising of which a license la required, without taking out uch license 1 as Is it that behalf required, he, she or or theyhall, for every such offence, respectively forfeit a-penalty equal te three times the amount of the sum of lnonev imoos- I ed for such license to the use. of the: city. . . ! :-1 J , s Dec o, aw wi jvrutvr wuuiwu, iu in eTcrj ease where more than one of the pursuits, 'hereinafter lescnoea viuui w cameu uu uj iuc Hue person in ine same -place- at tne fame time, excfpvs. therein men tioned, license must toe taicen out for each, according to th-rates severally i rcscribed. Sec. 6, Aitf b it further ordained, Thatoni and after the first day of April. 1868, for each license granted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively vand knonthly, paia.r aut numocr oz persons carry in? on any Dusinss comin? within the purview of this ordinance, lniart nersnip may iransaci sucn Dunncss at sucn place, under bucu iicuusi'. 'aim not oiuvrwiH;. . .- (l. Bankers shall pay ten dollars for each licet sc, and every person snail Deaeemca a Danker w.thln the mean ing of this Ordinance,, who keeps a. place of business wnere credits are opened in favor of any person or firm, by the 'deposit or collection of money or carrencv. And. the same, or any part thereof shall be paid out or remmutea upon tne a rait or cnecic oi sucn creaitor. '(2); Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for licetoae. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc cupation It 19 to Otter property tor sale to tDe nignest biader. '. : , " " :- -v (3.) Retail dealers in liquors, including all. distilled or xermented nqnors, and wines of every description, shall oar five dollars for each license. Evert, oersen who snail offer for sale such liquors in less' quantity Jthan one gallon at one time, to the same purchaser, shall be regarded a retail dealer In liquors.- - (A.) Retail Dealers shall pay one dollar for each license. Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries, or any goods, wares or merchandise, or foreign or domestic production, in .less quantitiesthan a whole original piece or package, at one time to the same person (not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer.' ' ' : " (5,) Wholesale Dealers shaU pay four dollars for each license, Every person-whose -occupation or business -"l It is to. sell groceries or any goods; wates or merchant oise, dv one or more original pacaage or ' piece at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and. liquors . in HE REPUBLICAN Is issaed as an NEW tore:. V. r -: Ui.i requires the payment of the public indebtad- ness in ine uttermost good faith to all cretll- r -i f - . i swa vsv innuu aiiu nuiuuu. iiul uui w . suxim l inr to the icltebut ihe spirit qf the laws unilcT trnicn it was contracted. - , - i 1 -. Tt l rlllf!trt tliM Uhnr nf lliM nttlnn that taxation should be equalized and reduced as rapidly as thq national faith Kill permit.;: . V; The natioual debt, contracted as It has been for the preservation of the Union for all lime to come, should be extended over a fair period for redemption; and It is the duty of ixngress to reduce the rate ot Interest then or. whenever it can bo honcstlv done. !. VL- That the best policy to diminish our burden of debt !s to so improve our credit ibat ..-l - 211 1. . . , . r -' ' iAuuiuuts.niii i-rck'iu loan ai oigoey ai jgwer rates of interest. than we now pay, and must Continue to pay so lone as repudiation, inar tful or total, open or coTcrt, Is threatened or suspected.'.. T- -. ; if ,-.); VII. The Government of the United States Should be administered with the strictest earn omy and the corruptions which hare been so suameTuuv Trurscu- anu losicreu oy Andrew riijiij:-:-. " y.i ;j :i i wounson can louuiv ior ruaicai rcioim. v, ei . ! Yrlll: "VVe profoundly deplore the , untime- . ; , ly anu irogic aeaiu oi .uranam L,incom, ana regret tne accession to tuc tresiacncy of An-drcA-Johnson, -who has acted trcachcrouslr important New Peatur. ii Divi- L3EKJ c.'. dends and Modes of Insurance ! :? i : 1 !' : - - . . 54,000,000 NATIONAL .'..-1- i . r t TO PIIMbzinrilDEUY A.LCO ERCIOX ITS ELECTIONS. I To- thi 'Grnttl Autmllf ef JCorA CrUU FEEEDIIAN-S SAVINGS . - Ttnst' Cpiapany, ObLrtered by ixt tf Ocacrt. ' do enaetr Stction 1. i rssllav llnw, rrmsijhssla 1tm CermarsX lttkfU, VaiklsfUa, ft. C( j -. ti i. . j i i . i. i . , 4 i uc was uicuncu iu euuuua: ;uu uasusuricU i hichv.JegislatlTC and judicial functions; who lias refused to execute 'the laws;: who has used lis high office to Induce other officers to ignore and rlolato the laws;-who lias, em ployed his executive powers to render insecure the property,.the peace, liberty and .life, 'of lli a rt i7m 1io iKtiet t Tt a - A?s-k f .V I kUV yiiifcvu w aw a- UUUOVU ItJV LSU UUUlii JC Ul . i . ., I wAMtfMMkJ wsf ka n-m il.K XT. ? . . 1 T" wtrnniTfttun r nnn mrr . . m . . . I . ' . . . I . - - ALx-yoxbX7 jiioo a uash ln r VAssll tentiy ana corrupuyresisiea, oy every means ' J i " U II ; i . ; . J J in his pqwer, every proper attempt at the re- Abraham Lincoln's Gift 7 ktj" .Ci COMPANY, Construction of "the States lately in rebeliioi?; yrho has -perverted the publie ' patronage Unto . i. ffr TOTUE i-. ;Vi 'Uepenient ;aki .PropessifeJoiriial' .' ' - '- j :- i ' .... ! ' - .. . . tch shall reflect the sentiments and opinions of ih mistakeabU loyal population of Eastern North Caro a, hy aa nncompromisijig opposition to the doctrines Secession, and by a f earless'advocacy 'of the Sterna nciples of , riion, Libertyj and Equality before tlk law. At Republican will be devoted to the common iklcr quantities of more than one gallon, shall' be deemed a wnoiesaie dealer.- ; 6.) 'Hotels. Inns and Taverns, shall oav five - dollars for each license. Every place where food anil lodging are provided for and furnished tQ travelorf or sojtrarn era, In view of payment therefor, shall bregarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. , i , . , , (7.) Brokers and -Commission- Merchants' -snail pay four dollars for each license. Any person except one holding a license as wholesale dealer or banket .whose business it is to nurchase or sell stocks, money, -roods or merchandise, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages or produce,: or to manage - baldness matters for the owners of vessels; or consignor of freiffht, or wtacrae business It Is xo purchase, rent or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded as a - Banker or Commission Merchant. 8. Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the City Council in each case. . - ,u ? ' (9.) Bowling Allies or Billiard Rooms shall pay four dollars for each license. "' f' - (10.) Horse Dealers and Livery, Stable , keepers shall pay four dollars for eachlicenae; J - f ' ' (11 ) Peddlers shaU pay fifty cents! for each license. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, books or domestic produce as their own producing, who sells or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities, travelling from place to place in the streets shall.be deemed a peddler. , Uiv . . ;; , j..1 . ni -ti.i- w.V: r.c ' (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two dollars forach li cense.'. Any person' except one-holding a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manufact ure by hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise exceeding annually; the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- . (13.) Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists,' Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license - (14,) Exprest Companies shall pay five dollars for each license. ' ' ; - :--'-.- -. - --';Tv .,-it (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five, cents, for Catch license. - ' - :i 4 ' - (18.) Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each. 11 eense. " ' - : - " Sec! T. And be it further ordaintd. That all-Or- di nances and nails of Ordinances conflicting . herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. ' - v -: JOHN S, MAN1X, City Cf crk. , New Berne, N, C March Soth, 18G8, , . .- i. i. 1 has !bcen justly impeached for high crimes' ana misaemeanqrs, ana properly pronouncea guilty thereof by the votes of thirty-five Beu 2.' ' f ,r .. hi tors i i ' 5r ,i;t. . LIBERAL, MODES OF PAYMENT OJf h IX. The Doctrine of iGreat BriUaa and otucr. .European powers, mat because a man is once a subject he is always so, must be re sisted at' evenHnazard br the United Htates: as a relic of feudal times, not authorized by Colored DP oopl o; ,' .; .; r.--.ia., ' PREMIUMS, , .1 f: . ot our people, witk'f malice toward noue and charit t all ;" it will plead for the maintenance inviolate ol t National Government and its credit ; the education ' all available means of the people : the ehcouragemcn - 'ii'i'i'i "y"4 4 rJTt&'T a - f;i"l r-j " Immigration and the dsTelopement ' of our agricnl- t . - -' rt :; I " C ivi t'L'tf . i - r i ral, mineral and commercial resources. - ANTED AGENTS 85 to .200 net month. everywhere, male and female., to introduce the GENUINE iaHTttyVED COMMON SENSE VAMILY (SEWIK MACHINE, This Machine will feUchh hem. fell, tuck. quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superiej ly warran ai.OOOforanv er, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than onrs. Itmakeir the; "Klastie Lock Stitch.'i f'tlf-T;5 f. II Every second stitch "can be cut; and istill theclotncan U-u t manner . iTicc, oniy jjip r u- ted lor nre years. 1 we win pay machine that will sew a Btroiur- fThllt the Republican will be pre-eminently a nw- per thevdepartments of ,L-v not be pulled apart without tearln We pay agents COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE; ART, receive suck, attention by Beports, )ssay. Re- iri:-"-"-:--' .-ia-s ?.. ;u2-vl? t. nu summaries as space will permit. ; ; ; j J r? " H matteri of Local Interest wlQlf orm omlnentfeaure, and aa there appears as yet no other from S75 to $200 per month and expenses, .or a com mission from which twice that amount can be made. Addiess SECOMB CO., Pittsbubg, Pa,, or BOSTON, Mass. .-Ttf?-,:? , CAUTION. Do not be imposed upon by other par ties Dalminir off u worthless 1 cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise.' Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manuiactured. Aug , 1S6, xm ; ! -i PRICES CURRENT, i ; llubbs ,'s Brother, ;. Wholetale Dealer Groceries and Pro?irion Middle Street Jfete-JUrne,, jy, C'. - GBOCERIES. oirlaena are entitled to prrtectlon'In all their fights of citizenship, as though they were INSURERS RJSnsrvm TTfip r i rj i.c native-uom ;; ana no citizen of the United uxoujuufii, RECEIVE THE LARGEST States,-' native Jr naturalized, must be liable to arrest , ana Imprisonment by any foreign power for ofcts done or words spoken in hls country; and if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the Government to interfere in liis behalf.. X. Of all who were faithful in the trials of the )aws of nations, and at war with our na Hi Signator to thfi BUI ert ef tlis last Acts lionai uonur anu inuepcnucncc. naiurnuzea of Hs Lifs, BONUS EVER GIVEN. i. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALL Y Oft PS11 ant cruise,vaud imperilled their lives in ine service pi uie country; ine Bounties ana the late warj there were none entitled to wore .lift HJlVft KmnilMllftf Mil. nnil tllPTl especial honor! than the brave soldiers and seamen " wbo endured- the hardships of cam- I a f fit m. 9 ALL PARTICIPA TING POLICIES, this 'Sayings i Bank. NO CLAIMS UNPAID, pensions provided by the laws forthese brave defenders ot tuc nation are obligations never to be forgotten ;' the widows and orphans of the! gallant dead arc the wards of the people a sacred legacy, bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. i - ' , YT u.17Anli,n ImmlffMtiM . .Ktl. . 41.. past has added feo much to the .wealth, devel-. Xcnx f10111 PitJ',wxre m til vuivuv- v w m vvw imvi vaow vjk s-n vi to this Republio, the asylum "bf the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encour ALL KINDS ' OF NONFORFEIT NG itf nteral and just policy, t - . 4 T...... . .. I J-JL' This convention , declares itself'. In XPST AND END 6 WMENT heart TmitedV POLICIES 'ISSUED; V-., ' . POLICIES INCONTESTIBLE, X0liV MADE ON POLICIES, I sympathy with, all .oppressed peoples .strug On motion of 'Carl Sburz, the following two olanks were added by a unanimous vote: y Resolved, that we highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forbearance with which men who have served in the rebellion --but who now frankly and honestly co-operate with us in restoring the peace.of the coun try and reconstructing the, Southern .State i -. r- ECONOMY THE R0JLIXTO WEALTH. J That it sJiillWurllawf-l for any Jxrson to ofTr aatljnbeto's-jy of th qutliGed voters of this Stats Vila intent tu IcHntcca bit volt in any a! ac tion. . - -;..ift : - - Sec. That it shall bt unlawful for -' any rH-rson'to attempt to inf nroce the vote of any of the qualified rotefs of this State, in any election, br any threat to . discharge such voter from eraployrut-ht - '? or to tvithdriw from- him p-troMror to'discharlrora era rormest, or refRa prtrorni to taf merraher'cf such rotarVi . family. ; . , . . , . Sea 3. Tliat it shall be unlawful for any person to civc t pecuniary or oUicr consideration-- vhaterer, to' any of'tln qualified voters. of this irtate becaus pf . :- the rote which luch voter rnay erst vr Vf may have cast in any election. . , . : pec. 4. iTiat it slioll bo tmJawrui fpr any person, to dlscliarpo from' employ- rncnt, wiindrtw patronage from, or other- - wise injure, uireulcn, oppress or at tern pt :. i: to.intiroidato anvot tha qualified voters-. of this Sute because of tie vote tuch . voter may cast in any election. . ' . Sec.' 5.- That any ersou violating any of tbo provisions of this act shall bo -puilty of a-misilcmcanor, and -shall: b liable to indictment for the aanic,racd oa conviction of having .violated . the pro . vitiops of section one, shall Ik Gntxl not less than' twenty dollars; orf imprisoned , 1 hot leM than ten days. And on conviction of having violated tho . protiskms ot sec-, ; tioa two, shall be Uncd not less than fifty., dollars,, or Imprisoned not less' titan . iVrcnly. days;'' Add on cbnVlctfon of 7 haying 'violated the pTOvisidns of' sc-fif- """ I tioD . three, shall bo tSned- hot Irartliah : tweiity-dollars,': and also imprisoned cot ; less than-, ten da va, And on conviction of having violated VecUon four, sVall b . . , .imprisoned riot' less thaatttrjrrtydayiV4 ' r,'Sea That cverv ''imLuUtrate'-'or peace officer of this Stateor of- routi ri i ..... cipai corporauons in ue.&Laie, who shall know of his own knowledrei or te-Avbom infomation haTI inanyt way corae.'tlist "J ;l wu . a tuuaica any oi uie pro-tf , . ti-iona,, of-, "this jjict, .shall iramcUiatclr -, Jtrmt; or by' warrant caos to be orrCTtcd ; 'rocJij-'pctidnwohVna : muffiaent4: VfyldetccrVahall. cause "!nv.t$ . ' I anU-rjintO it bond and ufiiciont security ia tlie ium;of not lew than tw hundred dollar . for his' appearance before the'' next fUrta of ahe bapcHor Court ot County, in which the oflence may have' been committed, then and there to answer to the law, and in the meantime to Veep - tho peace, and In default of givih iracn bond and tuficient ieenritr. such rjcfBcn- ;- so bfrendingr shall c committed to prison until , he .fball have cornplied with the aforesaid provisions; : - Sec, 7; 7That! 'imjr Justice" vt -thV Pcac or. other -oSoer caared wiUl tho- -execuUon of this-.-act, who: shall rtfusa ; or neglect : to : carry oct. Lhe rrrDTlrfrr ) of Mid act, .'thaH be guilty of .a misdc- . xncahor Irt otEceJ ' ' " - ; Sec 8.'- 'This" act' shall be In force ' from.aTT-after tu:rauficdtkm.' :!..: .; IiaUficd C4th day otJingn5t;.lBZ rXtEfif yomii cai toLiKA, , . . lUldchi An-xst- 31st, 186. . Ji I Icier .&sx;rxxasjt; Secretary -of Sute,. hereby certify that ..the foregoing is a true copy" of the original "act oa fiio -in thisofficc ' - v 5- - . - HKNKV J. 3IENNIKGEH. ' 1 ranfSSife SaTi'; diit-!MmeY;! Foat -at -last ji Iheicommnnionof thelovol people; and w f,, . , ; .7,? ,' WTtTtTTTrff TIHBTjfTT UTTlTrnrr . T REGULAR LIFE POLICIES AFTEti THREE TEARS NONFORFEITABLE i: Ll r t 2 Eastrn North Carolina, the advantages vfalch the piM(ci ,wCt offer a-f aft adrertliln. meriii ax ap- rent . ' ::: ,J.--i,? :' KA- Coffee, Rio I A. .-wl:- v.'.i.ii.V..- Laj-uayra.... Haraealbo , St. Domingo.'... ... iitl. Hi: Java.. ...... .... . feas, Young Hyson.... . V..J.' liyson..... -j. Gunpowder and Imperial..., Oolong. .... . ....... :X uncol japan. .-. . . s. . . t. . . . Knglleh Breakfast:.-. . . . .T . . . 2 Cfttj 5t , , 20 24 1 60 - S 23 90 SO 2 25- U ;too a i 903 1 25 2 25V at Blow, from...,. ..I........ ..... .U 8 50 18 0 h FamnyaV;i&-:v .f;Ut 1050 ftt Hates olTfTtiT'jstWpticra nHur--caarj avraves, Gibbed Herring, per box uaiu....... ..... Ifolassea, New Orleans. Ui. . v.. Cuba ..... . . .... i. .... . Mce..;...;......:.........: Sugars, YellowB ......, 4 1 . ; VJUCtJ A. ... ... ...... Coffee B . . . v A. U ' uranoiaiea . . v. . .... .v . . Powdered. . . . . .;t : r.. a i i Cnmbed . . . . . .t-i . . . .". i.:. Daii. ovum, iricu.... .... 75. . ..X W . 60" a . 60. v : 10 w IS 15 . lax is sco a 00 a 10 a-11 iwTear ' .1 Ix Months -. J . . . urcc jaonias na Month '-- tJ. A fW. -D.I. - 1.1.1 - - . - r T , ; vf m., to uui ....... CO) rned.... ...i.rui'.i.l Butter... ....... 1 i. Cheesa..... ...l.-iswa IB - ca, 00 favOr the removal of the disqualifications and restrictions Imposed, upon tne late rebels In the same measure as their spirit of loyalty will direct, and as may be consistent with the aa&tr of the hival neoole. ; ' : t '! Resoleed, That we recognize the great prin ciples, laid down in the immortal JLPeclaraUon of IndeDendenc ns the true foundation ol democratic xroverriment; and' we' hail with hrladness every effort 'toward rnaklnc these I '-it - 1 ii 1:... M. 'm Amjbncan soil' . - , .' ... $ AVESTAYAIIDTHE STAROFFJI- ,1 .y t Save the Pennies, and the Dollars wffl tale ears cf themselres. . , Endowment and tea Annnal payment Polidea. Koo- forfeitable after tha payment of the first Prrmlnm. s ;1'JR. TAKES rfS.AY." . ' -.- ... ; ttf .Jr f. -tv l . I caatlder the rreedmaa'a Eariacs' and Tratt Company to be greatly needed by ihe Colored people. .-4.... 1 ILe t'onowing are examples of the operations of the at TWidend ,;. - .' -w ljv.-;j.i-. j .:-! 1 . -:o:- snquitE. A ' JIOtiE .lK I and hare . welcomed man's Boreaa ? aaaa maxilla ry, to. the Freed Ma. Ga. O. O. nOWiSD. THE GOLDEN STATE!' I ' f i-oucras tsatrto ixlS3, oslt roca -raaaa aov : t.- ass it a-ar . nn. udzs - to-Tjli. issx. , ncsn'D. ram. . to tolict. ' ax'Troip, 40.' - io,ooo. i t aisa t3,6ro-1 r is,W2 IIK MOST rrnrrrT vmtrTxr rrrp mv. x iui or iyiarrutrsj ii sAa. - ft creates no feret In the most violent casual ltprcdocesaaKhy acUoaof IbeLlrer. bto&aca tad 't liowels. thrrtby rtaeTle; mary coaplalata arlttrg frost DlarrtMra, tl Is a sam rnrtrfrWirrtafa KitJu. . 7 - , It Is a sere cure for tTtarrbca la Ctl'lrra. It is a sorti care tr PUrrbca gn ttmm Coil. . r It Is a eare car Ime rbroalc rHanbea. r '' ll Is a ttrn cars for CbcWra Marines. . It Is a sere ear for Cholera ltUsiLmsa. . ' It Is awrerara (or.Consanpticm oi the iWweia. . -. It's ht crery TraTcT.rr iboikl b tepUr4 with. - ' It U what erery IlasUtiefi shot Id be ser-Ti'Vrd wllk,' , It Is wbst errry UouboUt sboald be v;i!lrd with. ItacUUlUarharmwIih CblkLrra tret Use- - . ' It Is what Chiidrra like t It U perl ectly bamleae, " 1 1 sbos Wl xj krpi la rrry arerr. ; . . ItUSHe, fvareand It. . ' " ' , It wtU-Mtcyoa Bblr. IottTi bRLi. ; M':;t( H U t XWm loo wrtt (or tMlk. ' It Ubcret .roa4 aflaMM Ton4 atlastttt. ItlsosrdatytocirccUtaltt-, , .. Prira. W ossU pr UUls. Tee ni by WOim Ce, ; : JL . Pr1arse A Co- sad IL IWrry. Coactry (tresra . 4 brJob-a Ilrl Ur. Zo4 51 Krw IWrae. ! . .1. T;. aa - - : ioo. : ;2ovUt.-T,ooa-- ;:T&:' vi ;:.f',.;i-. 1,092., r 7UB. 2. 2,708. '2,505.: 7'A . ..... ..... ,... . - y . j -jk. SS els - CS . . 115 W CI 'I-'if lit A? I - - r ttscaLij!axixx:siI IUmwu.....'..'..'. .J.Lr.Ii.iL- Bi-Carb. Soda Bine Stone. ....iit.r..'.s. Corn anantity. .. Flaxjeed. per bnsnel. . . . . . . . .V " 190' if" 0 W Guano, Pernriaa, par ion.v........'..'.uo 00 : eqo xn Har..... .- 1 2S- j3J. E0 Oats.,.. .'v-."tfv.,--i"M; 00 & 1 10 New Dip... -U-,..M4;4 aat4aatlnsqUqttyW;- . V', i 00 Old Dip........... ,.. vKi Ltberil dcductloni made td lirge fertlaerB ' SplrftffTarpene,v.'.;-w......--...;t I S:S .10,848.. 10,208.' TniPla an' enll&T; New' Plan.1 eWns'lnanrera the largest fetura erer made by any Company ia tha same laMeXU' Jr- 1, . j fr . 1 ..J ' 't ;, -.-. ',-,,r .. . ',,r ;.. l a t. LiXiisliiiiiraitHoiiiesleai Association V ..'J.-.-fJJr . IJAJumK MJLaiw Jim i ; TT n T T n TO 0LEET3 .'OB BUPEEI02, 03 HUTS AM) ; : . "EBQI31TE3 OF DEEDS. ...v:!: 1 .t - i b .XZ Persons holdins Polidea that laraed darins the war. will be renewed (If in good health) and placed npon a' basis that wlU' carry the diTidcadf the.aame aatfso apee had. occorroa. -- - , - - n r .- ;: .-. -v v . I 'll) !r:n -ti'i.r-:." ; i " - i sIneinj)oidyunder..-the.XaKS oft the State, NovtvbxtZOtrttfor,tUpur-. vote of vrocidina . .1 - ,' Homes for. its llembers, ; And thereby Indoce immigration. ; rnUl otMb 11.000.000 f DjTidec into 200.000 shares, t S each, payable n U. bu carrency. .i i-Tf .-: 1. . . ; v. Oacatca of Stock if toed to subscribers bBzaecl atetf apott receipt of the money. i SQ riaoOjT AIXOWsP Tv sow v w T C are bow -orroared to f BraUM tb fe3nrfeV Branch: ' at New. Berne, ' K :t C;t tH.tX botst4 - M At 0. A. fleisca & Uas ruruitura ttare,. . ' r , OraTca Etreet, , ; .. ' . " . . .... r . Opes rrsry day, Ssndajs and SottT caorxtrd, 1 frexa i0 A. M. to IP. K, and froaa 1 to 4 P.'X. 1 1 ;t '-:RBlIAHiWnVlLI).f (l,o :r Jri CIRCTJLAK containias a f afl depvl t tie United BUtca. pre-peny. w oe cistncaiea aHiK - he cnt to. anT tAdits won receipt of stamp for tnrri postage..-.(. ; 1 t ' '.'-'.f.J.' Itformatioa aa to price of voa in aay jmiwu fz ile. or otxjb hit other subject of iBtrest to rrcca fTT" Dcpoalu can alwsye be drawn wttotrt uotkr, t'-rrm an the rafita bclocr to the drDoaitora. inTsX2ns.u are ecxy -pasa.u anum - v . J . a-4 .-, T 1st at nr nma m h iDBItf pTopoeiES to lmlffrate.- wfll be cbecrfaSj f onilahed to nnreaJntaf tTryrwfi eoaUire. ' ' '.' All kstanahoclibe aidreaacd j,, ! -i.? : ? ' . .... TTtnciao. Canferaii.v AlldepotUswa U pall trtereaU Cae wt reqolred.TT f U ..-i! --..if J i r Ictcrwf payaUe ia "Marcs. J&Jy. Cd yrrsahTt ta eahjeax. . .u ! : ., , ! If ETOf TTS asad to-.oa an or before the llth day Orrttlcate of apotxtawat aa K aglatrata, with Oath ofOfica. Ucrs ot! AZadxiatraUoe. -1 "Uttcn TfvtataerUry. ncrtracUA." ; " . Tcad UlcalXrposaa. . , ' . ; ' tewi, with Cotke of C5-xlilxt Pried. . , tc-a inrai wjtin' Co-&UJtt rCod. 5aprirr Cctrt Tfrlu.' -alth r-r-l: ' ' - Jarct TJckata sad tritscaj Tidteta- .Sx5cas U Jcrtr. Ipprtctlce 1 bct;-o-aaa. ' ? ' Cc-stUV.-at-rr!. Ax4rwyejlcr'r:ndcf rruJ aexa Allrcu r yxw tray a ixrei ; r Lt ' ' ' ' . - Taw "tartr, y. e rri ttr rrut r 1 .1 1 . Tar ss to size. Mtyttf. Pitch..... 2 00 O'JW Cet. s w-t - wn, c. " ' 1