- --v..--; " - : - . . -: : 1 : " Si 1 - -I ( I - - . ' Oa tqvtrc, eat bwcnioa - ' f 1XS Xacb nbtequ&at t&Mxtkni ..- - ', .';.--f Lnxrtl deisctlott mad to lux rcrtUcr. iMMXfatmxXmmmLlM. - For ft4rmirsesu tMru4 tetjxkrfj-, Kfumt, ' UfT.2.C ' - . PUBLISHED DAILY. 1 . BATZ3 OP. 8UCSC2XPTI0lt, Term Cot A to .dtfeante. nfYesr .. - . - f -...;. x Months . ' - ." ire Months - - isllonth " tt LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, OXE AND INSEPMABLE.'1Hlaniel TYeteter. T 8.CQ S.OQ VOL IV. NO. 38. NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER i 12, i868; ,PEICE5;CENTS. Hi THE EVMiEimd'HEPUDUCAH; THE ONLY D t Y Republican Paper PlrDLInED BA8TKB2C rOETH O AROLIN A. ISSUED MOM 22 CRA YEN STREET, 3W U E ft N E , N o Ca 3 REPUBLICAN it itamcd m an lenient asi Projressiye Journal !i tasJl reflect the etImenU nd opinion! of th i . .. ... . ' , . Utaktabh loyal population of Eastern North Caro hjaa nneomproraiainj opposition to th doctrines '.' '. V ' ' '.' ' , 1 . cession, and by a fearless advocacy of the rtema iples of til ion, Liberty and Equality before the Law. s Republican will be deroted to. the common inter A ear people, with " malice toward aoue and charit Jli" it will plead for the maintenance inriolate ol ; National OoTerameat ani Ita credit edncation all arailahle means of the people ; the encooragetaen immigration and,, the dereloperaent of our ajtricnl' ral, mineral and commercial reonrcea. While the Republican will be pre-eminently, a nc. ?fr, the departments ,of . ' v OMXERCE, SCIENCE AGRICULTURE," ART AND tlTERATURE, I receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Re- ws and Summaries as space will permit. "all reports on all matters of Local Interest will form romineat feature, and as there appears as yet no other UWCONDITIOW PAPER a Eastern North Carolina, the advantages which the lepubllcan will offer ta an advtrtiaing medium are ap parent - dates ot Ca&seriplloQ TamxseAsm xx aotascb. On Tear Six Months Three Months -4 One Month $5.00 S.U9 Z.00 75 Hates -gT: Advertising Tenjinet- or ae tfichi epaee? to constitute a square. On aquar ont Inrcrttttr- ' . - - - - . fLC3 isaca subsequent tcseruoa -Liberal dedactiesa tsso le torjo mtlfers. : A AN ORDINANCE TTo -lay STaxes nd T?rovidc ror the Support the City Sec 1. It It ordaliu& by the Kay or and Council of the city of New Bern, That for the fiscal year endins June 20th 1868, a tax of one per cent upon the ralne allof real estate'within the limits of the corporation, be and the same ia nereoy jaia to oe couectea as is by law proTi- It if further ordained. That from anil after the 1st day of April, 1868, no person, firm or corporation shall prosecute or carry on eitner or the trades or occupations mentioned in section 6 ox this ordinance, until he or they shall have obtained a license thertf or in the man ner hereinafter provided. - f ' v: - - Sec 3. It U further ordained tTiiXrixcrj person or per sons desiring to obtain a license shall register with the City Clerk, first ; hie name, or their name or style; se cond, the trades or occupation fur which a license ia desired, third, the place where sncb trade or occupa tion is to be carried on; fonrth, if an inn-keeper, the yexrly rftal of the house and property to be occupied for said par) ose, and thereupon, upon payment to the City Clerk,'-or other person authorized to collect the tax herein provided, shall make out and; deliver a. li cense for such trade or occupation whjch license shall continue in force-xor one month, at tne place or premis es described therein. - ' V Sec. 4, It U further ordained. That If any person or !rnons shall exercise or carry on any trade or business ereinafter mentioned for. the. exercising of which a license is required, without taking out such license as is in that behalf required, he, sher or or they fhall, for every such offence, respectively forfeit a penalty equal te three times the amount of the sum of money Impos ed for such license to the use of the city. Sec &, And belt further oraainea. That in every case where more than one of the pursuits, hereinafter described shall be carried on by the same person .in the same place at tne ramc time, except as therein men tioned, license must be taken out for each, according to the rates severally i reecribed. , t , t . Sec. 6. And be it further ordained. That on and after the first day of April, 1868, for each license granted the sum herewith stated, shall be respectively and monthly paid. Any number of persons carryinjr on any business coming within the purview ot this, ordinance, in part nership may transact such business at such place, under sucn licenst. ana noi oinerwise. r ' (1.) Bankers shall pay ten dollars for each licei.se, and every person shall be deemed a banker w.thin the mean ing of this Ordinance, who keeps a place of business where credits are opened in iavor of any person or firm, by the deposit or collection of money-or currency. and the same, or any part thereof shall be paid out or remmltted upon the draft or check of such creditor, (S) Auctioneers, shall pay ten dollars for license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer whose oc cupation it is to offer property for sale to : tbe highest bidder. (3.) Retail Dealers in liquors, including all distilled or fermented liquors, and wines oi every description, hall pay five dollars lor each license. Every persen who snail offer for sale such liquors. in less quantity than one gallon at one time, to the same purchaser, shall be regarded a retail dealer in liquors. . (4) Retail Dealers shall pay one dollar for each license. Every person whose occupation it is to sell or offer for sale groceries or any goods, wares or merchandise, or foreign or domestic productions, in lessuantities than a whole original piece or package, at one time to the same person (not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors), shall be regarded as a retail dealer. (5,) Wholesale Dealers shall pay four dollars for each license, Every person, whose .occupation or business it is to sell groceries or any goods, wares or merchan dise, bv one or more original package or piece at one time, to the same purchaser, or wines and liquors in quantities of more than one gallon, shall be deemed a wholesale dealer. ' . -! r f&) Hotels. Inns and Taverns, shall pav five dollars for each license. Every place where food and" lodging are provided for and furnished to travelors or sojourn ers, in view ofpayment therefor, shall be regarded as a Hotel, Inn or Tavern. r (7.) Brokers and Commission Merchants ahall pay four dollars for each licence. Any person' except one holding a license as wholesale dealer, or .banker : whose business it is to purchase or sell stocks,' money. goods or merchandims, or seek orders therefor In original or unbroken packatres. or produce, or to manage business matters for the owners of vessels, or consignors of freleht. or whose business it is to purchase, rent or sell "real estate for others, vhall be regarded as a.. Banker or Commission Merchant. 1 1 -. , (8.) Theatres, Circuses and Jugglers shall pay a sum not to exceed two hundred dollars to be fixed by the City Council in each case. - . ; (9.) Bowling Allies tr Billiard Rooms shall pay four dollars for each license. (10.) Horse Dealers and Livery Stable keepers shall pay four dollars for each license. . : v (H ) feaaiers enau pay niiy ccms ior eacn license. Anv person, except persons peddling newspapers, books or domestic produce as their own producing, who sells or offers to sell at retail goods, wares or commodities. travelling from place to place In the streets shall e deemed a peddler. t tfV ' - f", ' - (10.) Manufacturers shall pay two nouars ior eacn li cense. Any person except one noiaing a license as wholesale dealer or banker or firm who shall manuxact urcby hand or machinery, and offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars shall be deemed a manufacturer- AS.) Lawvers. Physicians. Dentists, Photographers and Printers, shall pay one dollar for each license. (14,) JKxpresb companies snau pay nve aoiiars ior each license. . v. (15.) All public drays shall pay twenty-five cents for each license. " 4 - (16.) Cart-houses shall pay two dollars for each li cense. T" - - . fit T And be if. further ordained.' That au or dinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith, be, and the same are nereDy repeaiea. : . v- JOHN S. MANIX, City Cferk. New Berne, N. CM March 30th, 1868, ' ANTEDAGENTS- $75 to S200 per month, evervwhere. male and female, to In trod ace th OKNTT1NE - lMPKOVEl SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, tack, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most snperior manner. ..Price only SIS. Ful lv 'warranted for five vcars. We will pay $1,000 for any machine that.will sew a strong- er, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than nnn 1 1 makes the 'Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be polled apart without tearing It. We pay agenta from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, or. a com mission from which twice that amonnt can be made. Addiees SECOMB & CO., Pittsbcbg, Pa,, or BOSTON, Mass. CAUTION. Do not be Imposed upon by other par ties Dalmimr off worthless cast-iron machines, 'under the same name or otherwise. : Oars is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. PRICES CURRE NT. Hnbbs & Brother, VHwlttale Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods,, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &e., Middle Street, New-Berne, N, C. . , , J GROCERIES. Coffee, Rio 25 S2 S3 24 45 2 2S LAgnayra.. : Maracaibo . . . . . . .. St. Domingo ., S3 . . 20 , 1 60 Java. feas, Young Hyson Hyson..... Gunpowder and Imperial, Oolong............ TJncol Japan....... English Breakfast .... ... . 90 90 ' I 00 1 00 1 1 25 20 850 10 30 60 & 1 70 2 25 & 1 90 & 1 75 & 25 (118 00 ....I :s our, from ... j .. Family.;........ O18 00 Gibbed Herring, per box Lard ; i S3 30 75 50 10 13 ss 100 60 15 .15 -18 Molasses, New Orleans. ......; Cuba.. Rtee.. v..:: Sugars, Yellows.. uonee a. Coffee B..., Granulated. 16 & 16 16X fiO & -10 & 18 19 .19 3 00 . Powdered..... Crnshed....... Salt Apples, Dried ......... It uacon ............... 1X& 23 Pork, per bbl.,; so oo ; 15 si so jseet, uorned . iiuiicr... ........................... Cheea 7.. r. . . . r. MI8CELLAITEOTja. 85 O is O a v- Beeswax....: ....... , as ii 15 1 90 Bi-Carb. Soda... Bine Stone. . . . ... ... . . . ..... cs oo oioo f 0 00 CJ.00 00 Ci 1 50 Corn by quantitv. .. . ... ... , . . . Flaxseed, per bushel.... .... Gnano, Peruvian, per vm.... 4. ...... Hay ....I 1SOO0 t as 100 UaU ......... V. BTAVAJL STORES. New Din t a so CV4 00 & a Co e4oo Old Dip.. . . . . .,4.... nn a ea . 1 60. 40 SCO t 0Q S 00 Bcrao..... Spirits Turpentine,.... Gife Insiiraiice 1 Life Jnsnrancc Company, NEW YORK. Lswts - - - - $4,000,000 Important New Feature in Dlri- dends and Sickles of Insnranee ! ! SMALLEST RATIO OF MORTALITY EXPENSES LE88 THAN ANY CASH COMPANY, LIBERAL MODES OF PAYMENT 'OF PREMIUMS, INSURERS RECEIVE THE LARGEST BONUS EVER GIVEN. DIVIDENDS MADE' ANNUALLY ON ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES, NO CLAIMS UNPAID, ALL , KINDS v OF NONFORFEIT NG LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES ISSUED, POLICIES INC0NTE8TIBLE, LOANS MADE ON POLICIES, REGULAR LIFE POLICIES' AFTER THREE YEARS NONFORFEITABLE. Endowment and ten Annual payment Policies. Non forfeitable after the payment of the first Premium. The followin are ezamnlM of th onarationa of ast Dividend w V . . , rouexxs xascso a ISO. osav vocrn tbm ago. AOB AT AKT ,, ' rHSB'D. 410,000. 8,000. " 700. 7,000. DDXD' TO roucT. 1871. .-1318.' . aTos. 1305., . TOTAL AMTrOU I1837S. la&ts. 10,308. . 305. IS8X. 4a - 83. 30. S5. TAVD. 180. 1,032. . 70S. 571. This is an entirelv New Plan: rivins Insnrers the lareest retnm ever mad by anv Company in th same Persons holding Policies that lapsed daring the war. will be renewed (if In good bealxiu and placd npon a basis that will carry toe axnaeaoa tne cam aa If no apse had occorrea. ... ,n E. F. GIALLT700B, ll . -. . . ; ' ... - .Hcdical Esaaiaer: l . ' ' , . " .-.. - : IT. It. "tHOJIPCOK,- AccsU OUB PLATTOSH 1 ; I. Wc congratulate the country on tut as sured success of tbe reconstruction policy of Congress, as evinced by tbe adoption, In tbt majority of tbe fautes lately In rebellion, of COnstitutl6ns secnrirjceonaf civil and nolitlcal rights. to all, and it Is the duty of the Govern- ineni to sustain inose Institutions and to pro ent the people of such 8Utes from being rrs admitted to state of anarchy. , - j l it, fc The guarantee by Congress of (eaual Suffrage to alt loyal men at the Bouth was de manded by every consideration of public safe ty, of gratitude, and of justice, and must ba maintained ; while the question of suffrage In all the loyal States properly belongs to the peo ple of those 8tates. . : . i IIL We denounce all forms of repudiation as a national crime ; and tbe national .honor requires the payment ol the public Indebted ness In the uttermost cood faith to all credi tors at home and abroad, not only according to tbe letter but the spirit of the laws tinder which it wss contracted. -IV: 11 U due to the labor of the nation Uiat taxation ahould be equalized and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit. V. The national debt, contracted as It has Decn for tne prcserration of the Union for all time to come, should bo extended over a fair period for redemption ; and it is the duty of Congress to reduce the rate of Interest; there on whenever It can bo honestly done. ! v i l nai me oest Doner lo dim nub our burden of debt la to so Improre our credit thst capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay, and must continue to pay so long as repudiation, par tial or total, open orcoYcrt, Is threatened or. bus pec ted. VII. Tbe Government of the United States should be administered with tbe strictest econ omy and the corruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew: Johnson call loudly for radical reform. VII L' We profoundly deplore the untime ly and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, a nd regret the accession to the Presidency of An drew Johnson, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to support; who? has usurped high legislative and:, judicial' functions; who has refused to execute tbe laws: who nas usea nis nign omce to inauce ot&er omcers to ignore and violate the laws; who has em ployed his executive powers to render insecurt the property, the peace, liberty and life, of the citizen ; who has abused the pardoning power; who has denounced tbe National Leg. islature as unconstitutional: who has persis tently and corruptly resisted, by every means In his power, every proper attempt at tbe re construction of the States lately in rebellion; who has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption : and who has been justly impeached for hi eh crimes and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the votes of thirty-five Sen; tors. , - ! , . f i IX. The" Doctrine pf Great Britlan and other European powers, that because a man is once a subject he Is always so, must be re slsted at every hazard by the United States, as a relic of feudal times, not authorized bv the laws of nations, rfnd at war with our na- j uouai nonor unu inuepenuence. naturauzea citizens are entitled to protection In all their right s. of citizenship, as.. thoughthey were native-bom; and no citizen of. the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable to arrest and Imprisonment by any foreign power tor acts done or words spoken In this country; and If so arrested ana Imprisoned, ills the duty of the Government to interfere in his behalf, . " r ' X. Of all who were faithful In the trials of ft?? tb-c n Terful entiUct 10 mor; seamen who endured the hardships of cam paign and cruise, and imperilled their lives In tbe service of the country; the bounties and pensions provided by the laws for these brave defenders of the nation are obligations never to be forgotten r the widows and orphans Of the gallant dead are the wards of tbe people a sacred legacy, bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. , , , . f past has added so much to the wealth, deveb opmcnt. and resources ana lncreasc.ox power to this Republic, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encoux; acrea ov a aocrai ana just tjoiict. XlL This ".convention declares itself Jn sympathy with all oppressed peoples strn. gling for their rights.; ' ; . f On motion 01 uri onurz, tne xouowing two planks were added by a unanimous vote: . Resolved, that we highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forbearance with, which men who have served In the rebellion but who now frankly and honestlv co-operate with us in restoring the peace of tbe conn try and reconstructing the Southern State governmets upon the basis of Impartial Jus tice and Equal Rights, are received back into the communion of tbe loval people ; and we favor the removal of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon tne late rebel in the same measure as their spirit of loyalty rjHir'fV,riin COnsIstent ilb Ilesoitea, Tnat we recognize ine great pun- cinles laid down in the immortal Declaration of .Indencndenc as tbe true foundation oi democratic government; and we bail with glndneps every effort toward making these principles a living, reality on every inch of American soil. . i , t . InipOrtantto Magistrates, CI er Us. SUcrilTi and Others j ; - JL BE nnderslpned kaT In press, and vrtll soon Uro a complete and nil ; j Analysis of the Lairs, nndef the Code of Civil Procedure. as passed fer th General Afsetnblv, relating to the duties of Jastlce oi the Peace. 8herlffs, Clerks of Court, and otheT Count j Officers, together with tbe Constitution Of tne state, a list of the Connties as divided Into Jadkial District s, the time of holding Courts la tbe several Coantlea, th names of th Judres and Solicitors of each Circuit, th name of the Clerks of the Snperior Co art, Besister of Deeda. Sheriff. Coontv Commissioners, -iTeaaartTaaa Coroner for each Coantv. This pamphlet will also contain the Fees allowed or th new law to th eTeral fleers, with some of th most necessary , 4. - roxma cf , CRril and Ortxamal Prxicej, Th work win contain abont 150 pare. ad wTfl b a most valnabla booh of reference for County O&cers. 8entby mail to any post ofAca in th State, postage . . , V - , Book sad Job PrtBtera; r7- TTir niMlmlfned ar also nreTwring. vnderth direction of a member of th Raleigh liar, a Dwrn or au. m Laws coKCxxxxxa CotnrrT Omcm, tm a Cohxxtv 8rr or ronxs. adapted to the new order of things. This book, of some 00 pare, will be poblUk ed as soon aa th final report of the CoaaalMkmers appointed to rev is tbe Cod has been adopted by the General Assembly. The plan and acop t u proposea book will be fartW Uld before the pUIc at aa arrt day. - KICIIOLS. OOKMAI. mwisber. Oct 8 Ira ' ' ' - ' i f. Gnino OR BALIS, a large lot of PEHXTVUK GVkXO sx vrrr cheap ior co- rptj. v , , . . - . r s.t.j(uus iv. Corner Klddh tt-! foutb rreet Sti Jl NATIONAL I TTT'nTVr T A TTta O AtTTfTno IV a: iw.t un i i 44 iJx v jum uu ! 1 Trust Company. CbLrtcrtd by Act cf Ocagrt 31 fcsallag Be, rraairraala Cerarr tt Ittk U., 'Abraham Iincoln's Gift TO THE Oolorod People. Hit Eirnaturt to tha BOl cat of tha list Acts cf Hi Iifa. Ho Gave Emancipations and then this Savings Bank. onr ireeooa ana iTWpcnty wtrt ta tii heart txsited. ECOKOUY THE ROAD TO WEALTH, Save Your HIOIIOV Bate thePei&i, tnd tht Dollars wllltiiscar cf thcaselres. X consider th rrredmaa' EsvtnrS a&4 Tnut mm, - 1 w m Company to b treatly needed by th Colored People. and have welcomed man Boreas, aa aa aaxIUarr to tht Prred- Ui. Gta. O. O. TJOWASD. Branch at NoI7 BCTEO, N. C. At 0. A. Kelson s 0aft Fcndtsa Etere, Xhavta EtreeV Opcm Try day. Band! sad Holidays excepted. ' " - ' . ' ' , from 10 X. K. to 1 r. iU sod from t to 4 P. Jl. r?7" Deposit eem always W draw withost aotScs, tMAU the pro! is beloeg to th drposilces. Uvestaenu ar only saao m swevrra m. u raited Bates. ' AndepoetUwta b paid with tsterwrte Xuteresi peyahU ia JLtrck. JaJy. tad ahr. ech year. -.",?, , , SJ EPOSTTS mad now. o on ot before th ICth dty oTftovewber, will drsw Utcrest from Jioves-iwr U ' C A; NEL60. Calmer. .Aid -ACT ' - : to ruisii nnrncn aitd co- Tn tht Grvrrl AvmUg mf AVrfJL Carton Section 1. Tlial It shall be unlawful M . . JMJP f 1 . . r -i.r. - -.t wcuaiiuru mcnoi una WlWl intent to Uifineccc hta vott ia anr lto . 1 Sccr C That it shall be unlawful for any person to axictnpt to icf oeoce tht rote of any of the qualified Totcrs of this Mate, to any election, by any threat lo . discharpe uch rotet from era ploy mcnt w juurw irom mm pairoajtjjet or - -to discharp? from crnplorrocnor rcf a pHromzw to any member of such voterV family. - . , ."Se. That It shall be unlawful for nj person to g?rp a ; rxcunilry or ciher ' cons idcriUon whit teTcrj to any of ib Sualifie! toteri of this State becausa of e vote which such voter mar cist or mar have cat in any elt-cli on. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person to discharge from etnplor- roent, withdraw patronage from, orother wise injure, thn-aten, oppress or attempt to.inUtnhlatc uny ot the Qualified voters of this State because of the t ote acrli 1 rotcr my east ia any tlcctioa. occ 3. lliat any person violaun? any of the provisions of this act shall bo piilty of a misdemeanor, and ahall bo liable to indictment for the tame nl rtr conviction of having violated the pro vitiotii of scclioa one, ahall be fined not lets thaa twenty dollars, or imprisoned not let than tea day a. And on conviction of hiving violated tho provisions of sec tion two, shall be fined Dot less than fifty dollar, or imprisoned not less thin twenty day. And on conviction of bavin violated . the provisions of aec Uon three, ahall be Lncd cot Icm than -twentv dollars, and also tmprisooed Dot lci than tea days, And on conviction of having violated section four, shall bo fined not lcaa thaa fifty dollars and aUo Imprisoned not leas than twenty daya. Sea C That every magtttrate or peace officer of this State, or of muni- cipal corporaUODi ia the State, who shall koow 01 nu own Knowledge, or to whom infomaUoa shall in any way come, that . any person baa violated any of the pro visions of this .act, shall immediately arrest, or by warrant cause to be arretted such person o ofTeodm' and cpoa aufSdcnt evidence, ahall cause him to enter into a bond and tuffideot security la the sum of not leaa thaa two hnndred dollars, for his sppe&rance before the next term of the Superior Court of the County in which the offence may bare been committed, then and there to answer to; the law, and in tbe meantime to keep the peace, and ta default of giving sack bond and sufficient securitv.sneh rron so offending, shall be committed to prison ontil he shall have complied with the aforesaid provisions. doc 7. That anr Justice of th Peace or other, officer charged with the execution of this act. who shall rr..u or neglect to carry out the provkiona of said act, ahall be guilty of a mlsde- raeanor in oiaoc , . , Sec 8. This . act shall be In fnrr from and after iu ratification. ItaUfied 24th day of August, I 68. STATE OF KOimi CAROLINA, OrncK Secretakt or Stxtx, Ilaleiffh, August 31st, 1668. I, Hkxbt J. ii txxiNGra. Secretarr of State, hereby certify that the forrroioff it a true copy of the original act on fila in uiiaonoev IIEKUY J. J1EKKINGEU, becretaryjof State. ! Folmd at Found atLaatU T. HK MOBT PEKriY?TVirTiTrTrT Vr rn rmr BUC ED for Diarrbwal lm. WHY 1 It creairt ao fevrr is the mott violeet cae. ititroccer a braatay actloa of Che Ur. r-Lor&orh sd ivowru irrei?y rcneTtng tnasy com4aiBt arlattr from Diarrhora. f t Is a scr care f of DiarrWa I Adclta. It U a ear car for DUnbea ia Chlldreau It l a sore rare tor DlrrWe rasaed from Colda. U I a r car for Chronic Dlanhca. ItlsasarrcareforCboWTS hton. it tt a sere ear for Cholera lnfuutam. It Is a Mw rmrt tor Cooft&inpUua of th IWwvla. It i wbat every Trinket Um04 he eerlrd with. It la what every PUeuttoa shoe Id be trp:vd wiih. It Is fct every lioaMhotd should be etkd with. It acts like a ehsrm with Chlidrm torthisc Itlswbst CMUrraUke! U U f"rtctiy harmlea. It shoald be kept in every Kartrry. His Safe, vre aod pry. ii wiu Tt toi t wr Doari io. It te a htwmnc kmc vosrtt tor tetik It Is here! Poa4attaM!l Pomnd at laat ! 1 1 It Is oar Autj to dasalete tt I Price. SO emu pt boCUe. Tor ! by WatilM A Co. JL &. Prtairo M Co, sxd 1C Brrrr. Oautrv order 14 broha L. Deri tag. Bread M JCrw tkTtw. eptlt NOTICE, T0CLTHXB OF EUITEIQE O0HET3 1SD mtk'i l'.''-gt OF PIXD3. so prrparcd to faraJAh lh toZemltr BLA2TC forma, at short ootks, and a ehetrp a thy can be printed at CAldgk, or etarehere, for c A a. Ckrti&cat of Arpolataer4 as Kagiatnta, with Orlh of OScc , ' Letters of Admiaistratioa. Lrrur TetaoElry. PVrt Pada. Teodttleai Cxpona. Santmooa, with SotSc of Coavalzt PXW4. EamsMCia wilhoct Complaint Piled. (apefe Comit Write. wiUi Bood. " J aror Tickets and WltneaJ Ticket, Bemmoo'sto Jarora. ArrretUe Indettarea. . S'StOCOSSBsU ' Karrttge Llcezssee. - ' '""":. CczntaUcs Ecnis, - ta AtVt Poodi. . ' ' a d every other klod of priaileg doao oi.csrsAT4 and with nccr aroa. aWs4 ta yo order. , , '.''" Vw Jieria, jr. c ?tv2V im-t - r--'1., ' ; ifcosta.... ........ Tar. astosise... Pitch..... ct 17 Jm.

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