THE ERA. THE E RA. K REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS PAPERTHE CENTRAL ORGAN OF THE PARTY. PUBLISHED EVEUYl THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLL AILS, A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE.' J. W. M. BKOWX, Manager. '"j3r Job Work exocntod at short no Office in the old "Stan-lard" Build ing, one square South of the Court tice and in a style unsurpassed by any si mllAT establishment Inj tire Stato. l'oae, Fayetteviile Street. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : one year, - - - 12 00 RATES OP ADVERTISING : One square, one time. 1 00 1 50 2 (X) ' two times, Six months, -Three months, - 1 00 50 ' three times! - VOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, AITGUST 27, 1874. NO. 10. Contract advertisements .taken At proportionately low ratfs. TO" Is VARIABLY IJC ADVANCE. t5- POETRY. Just as ofOhL M,au.uB viucis '"uK"is. I present, inciana win became a a nmat Vatnroi rnrinci - - v I vw aw avaij o A Un Jfl. may be a; prosperous and h.ppy irn,V n h IfTaur rhvs U Abouta hundred gentlemen as- """'. a, only sees her olosical freak. Ha is 34 vn nf I mw my love in dreams l ist night Put nr thm nlwnine moonlit lands. The love-beams in her dear eyes bright, gabled in New York, the Sun says, destiny In time, and girds up her A mNA-bud In her iwy nauu, And round me, aa I nearer stept, I felt her fond arms steal and fold. While close against my heart she crept, jusz as or oiu. The gray dawn broke, my lore was gone; The golden a ream was pant ana ueau ; I pot me to- me cnurcn-yaru lone, Wherein my love lay buried. I found a head-stone gray with years I bowed me to the moon-mist cold : I wept, and knew she saw uiy tears, Juntas of old. Hut ever while I live alone. This comfort comes and soothes my care We two may meet when all is done, F'ar off in heaven's flower-garden fair, And by the light above, beyond. Chastened each other's face behold, Stainless, more pure, but true and fond, Just as of old. MISCELLANEOUS. Massacre of Christians China, in Ttn thousand native christians slaughtered Bloody anenes and heroic suffering. The French periodical, Mission Catholiques, of the last of July, gives the first authentic and detail ed narrative of the recent massacre of Roman Catholic nativo converts in China. The account, as transla ted for the London Tablet, says : " The massacre broke out on the iith of February, when tho " liter ates," as the persecuting party is i-jilled. onened the campaign! by be- headim? two men in the service of Pere Doare and a Christian, whom they then threw into the river. The saino day they burned the three villages of Trun-Lam, Fic-Vinh, and Bau-Tach, and massacred the inhabitants that were In them. Those who succeeded in escaping to the woods were hunted down with hounds, , brought back, and killed on the following day. The river was covered with bodies float ing down it from the side of Lareg. At that time the murderers were massacre! ng the christians of the parish of Iiolven, and were burn ing their villages. Those who took refuge in the cliffs of the neighbor hood were hunted down and burn ed alive. The Grand Mandarin of Justice was at the market of Sa- Nam with 800 soldiers, but remain ed an inactive spectator of the mas sacre of the christians of Nam-Du-o ig, only a few of whom were able to escape. THE I.ITEltATES, who were the heads of the militia appointed to massacre the christians, say that the work of exte rmination carried out under the ryes of the mandarins was concerteul between the court and the literates, and was done in reprisal for recent events. The mandarins have just received orders from the court not to employ any other means save those of persua sion to stop the murderers in their career. One of the chiefs, who had just caused two christians to be murdered on the high road, went on the parade before the Governor of the Citadel, by whom he was dismissed with honor. On his re turn twenty women and children fell under the sword of this man and his followers. He had just come from offering sacrifice to the goddess of prostitution, to whom a famous temple that stands near the road is dedicated. MODE OF TORTURE AND DEATTT. "In several localities they take an entire family father, mother and children bind them together with bamboos, and then fling the bundle of living humanity into the waves. First, however, they take pains to cut off the man's head. The multitude of dead bodies thus fas tened together in groups of from right to ten block up the principal river, but to the surprise of every body does not send forth any bad smell. There are then five parish es, containing 10,000 Christains, which have to be blotted out of the mission, namely: Iang-Thank, Huyen, Nam-Duon, Hoy-Yen, and Doreg Taank. Many of the victims died in the midst of flames. A village of more than four hundred Christians was attacked by the literates.and soon be came a prey to the flames. Among these 400 Christians were 120, more or less, who succeeded in saving themselves by taking refuge in a large village near by. The remain der, about 300, were nearly all mas sacred. Two small villages of Chris tiansituated two hours' walk from the place at which I then was, were hemmed in by the pagans. The mayor visited each house, number ed the Christians, and forbade them under threat of most severe punishment, to go out of doors. A few of the Christian women at tempted to go to market to keep themselves from starving. They never returned. Some pa gan women who went with them say that the Christian women were captured and beheaded. Two men from one of the same villages haz arded a flight during the night. They passed the great river by swimming, and came to me to tell the misfortunes. 4 Alas,' writes Archbishop Gauth ier, from whose letter tnis informa tion is chiefly derived, I could do nothing but weep for them, being unable to do anything to succor them! Two or three days aft er .Tardf.J iearned that all the men in the village had had their heads cut off, but the women and children were spared. And, as their houses were intermingled with those of the pagans it was forbidden to burn them down." to see the extraordinary perform ance of Mr. J. R. Brown, a young gentleman who-professes to read thoughts in tne mind of any person in his presence. Mr. Brown is about twenty-seven : years of age, very thin, and nervous The first test of his powers was made by a gentle man hiding a pencil outside the room. Mr. Brown put one nana upon the forehead of the gentleman. and holding his arm with the other went with hardly any delay to the place where the pencil was conceal ed. The pencil was then hidden under a gentleman's coat collar, and discovered in a similar manner. In this experiment the person who concealed the pencil allowed his train of thoughts to be for a mo ment broken, and the interval was marked by the young performer stepping rapidly toward the other end of the room, and, as the ideas of the man whose mind he was reading were once more brought under control, he as rapidly retraced his steps, and drew the pencil from under the collar. Another gentleman was then re quested to think of some person in the room, but walking rapidly around for some minutes Mr.Brown declared his inability to find the person thought of, and asked where he was. The gentleman then ex plained that his friend was in Cali fornia. The writer, who was a doubter, was asked to think of some person in the room. He selected Mr. Lewis Leland, the proprietor of the hotel. Mr. Brown laid his hand upon the reporter's forehead and walked quickly up the room. Before Mr. Leland he paused, and at that mo ment the reporter allowed his mind to wander to another person. In stantly Mr. Brown stepped toward the person last thought of, and then as the reporter once more concen trated his thoughts upon Mr. Le land, he wheeled, retraced his steps, loins to should. - meet it as a great nation vontemporary lievuxc. A City that Grew Fast and Died Quickly. A correspondent of a Boston pa per says: "It is not only Individ- age, thick set, of medium height, of lair intelligence, and was born in Manchester, England. He gains a livelihood by exhibiting himself to physicians. His abdomen is nat urally full, but at will, without the use of his hands, he gives it a wave like motion, and it gradually sinks in as if being wound up, until it ap parently rests close against the backbone, and he presents the ap- uals who have suddenly increased in prosperity and as' suddenly gone pearance of a man with no abdo- down into nothingness: there are cities of which the same can be said. Such a one is Pithole City, Pa. Within one month from the completion of the first house this city had a telegraph office and a ho tel costing the owners $80,000. In one month there was a daily paper established, and in the next a thea tre ; m another month, another theatre, and then an academy of music. In six months there were seventy-four hotels and boarding houses ; in the seventh month, the city had reached Its highest pros penty. It then had about 15,000 inhabitants, elaborate water works, a city hall, and an expensive city government. Then occurred the completion of labor saving enter prise, the so-called Miller Farm men, and then in the same manner he rolls it out to its original form. He then drops from his ribs a du plicate set of ribs, with a breast bone.when the original ribs and the duplicates can be distinctly felt and counted, and the whole front of his body is, as it were, Iron-clad. Or, at will, he apparently drops his heart from its natural position 12 inches, puts it back and sends it to the rirht side of his body opposite its natural position, puts it back and sends it to the lower part of the body on the right side, thus putting it in four different positions. Du ring these changes the two sounds of the heart can be distinctly heard in these new positions, and not where they usually are heard. It seems to oe necessary, however, that after each change it should go Klpe hnby whicrthe petroleum back where it belongs before being -w a - . . - iwf-iTirraauv M-M v I I I I m r I m-a m wm m-m iwfli I v w v m rimiij nil iiiiiriiriHiruii in liim im i . and put his hand on Mr. Leland's shoulder. Four gentlemen, among whom was Mr. Wells, of Fowler & Wells, phrenologists, were selected while Mr. Brown was out of the room. They passed an article from one to another, the last of the party hiding it. Mr.Brown then put his hand "ri Jli lilC 1U1C1IUU4 Ul tllU ,VsUAWUlU who had in the first instance given the article to Mr. Wells. After a Printing short search the performer stopped boring population. At once 4,000 persons were thrown out of employ ment, while 2,000 houses became useless. This was the death blow to Pithole. At once the hotels, the theatres, and the telegraph office were closed, and the daily paper gave up the ghost, whilst almost every one packed his trunk and moved out. Only nine families re main out of a population of 15,000 souls, while tho railroad from Pithole and Oleopolis runs only one train a day, consisting of a locomo tive and single car, which usually is empty; but the company are obliged to keep running otherwise the character of the road would bo lost. They still hope against hope for better times forjnat unfortunate city, which, in only seven months, was born, full grown, got sick and died. Undoubtedly this is a case unparalleled in history, modern or ancient. Neither Egypt nor Greece can give example of such rapid the power to stop the beating of his heart at will from five to ten sec onds at a time. He seems also to have considerable strength, easily bending by a blow on the arm a heavy iron cane which he carries. Several of our prominent physicians have examined him, from one of whom we have obtained these facts, and pronounce him to be the great est curiosity in physiology they have ever seen or heard of. Provi dence Ii. I.) Journal. Kidnapping in England. A correspondent sends the Boston Journal the following account of a kidnapping case in England nearly forty years ago, which in some of its aspects resembles very much the case of the Ross child in Philadel phia. A similar explanation of the Ross case has been hinted at in some of the newspapers, but the suspi cions seem to be satisfactorily ex plained away. " About thirty-eight years ago a similar case to that of the Ross boy's kidnapping at Philadelphia occur red in England. A beautiful child was stolen, and the robbers notified the father that his child could be ransomed for the sum of five thou sand pounds. The father replied through the directed channel that he was a poor man, and could not raise the five thousand pounds. the busy hum of her manufactories will be heard in every valley, and the vast wealth buried m the bow els of her mountains be brought lortn to enrich her citizens and add to the nation's wealth and commer cial importance.-. C. Gazette. Sumac. Sumac is largely used in tanning the liner kinds of leather : especially i u the mannracture of the hard grain morocco and similar goods. It is also employed as the base of many colors in calico and delaine printing. Probably the consumption of this article throughout the country, for all purposes, aggregates more than 20,000 tons, of which about two thirds are imported from Sicily, not because just as good sumac cannot be grown in this country, but be- until a few rtOTiack until n fktir tAo io ann amw Thereupon the robbers replied that peo fe did not kn(nits valne, or in t n nr Irnaiir rta nraa a rwvri man hut I - A . - . - 1 IV. J i . rr ?if u , f what way to prepare it for the mar they also knew that he had rich re- kfil. Th fiumflof Virginia. Mrv- latives and friends from whom he could borrow the amount, and if he did not send it by a certain day the land, and Tennessee in particular is said to be the best in the world, and even its worst varieties have been chUdwould .be killed for self-pro- pr0nounced by experts to be better icv-uuii. j.u. ujc mcauuujo mo v nuic thn omr imrwirrorl from Miiltr affair had got into the papers, and all England was aroused at the au dacity of the scoundrels. Large rewards were offered; ministers preached from the pulpits about it. Great sympathy was felt for the pa rents, the money was raised, the child was recovered, but all his beautiful curls had been cut close off. The police and detectives were totally unable to make any discov eries as to who were the criminals. Many arrests were made, but with no result. " It is a well known fact that the Almost every farmer has a clump of these bushes. They are called by some " shoemake," by others, u red shoemake." Probably many farm ers may have tried to kill them by cutting them down. If they have, they know; how difficult a task it is. It grows like asparagus, all the bet ter for being cut; and when once started upon a lot and cut close once a year, it is as easy to cut as fodder. The only trouble is in curing it properly. This must be done with all the care that is given to tobacco or hops. Exposure, after cutting, Bank of England never reissues any to a heavy dew injures it, and a rain of its notes, if they have only been out even a few minutes. One of the gentlemen who contributed to the fund for the ransom of the child, knowing the above fact, went to the storm detracts materially from its value. It is cut when in full leaf ; and when properly dried is ground, leaves and sticks, together. An acre in full bearing- will pro- shall have about eighty-eight thou sand pounds of tobacco out of the, growing crop, instead of two hun red and sixty-four thousand pounds. This product lacks about 33$ per cent, of tho quantity of to bacco consumed last year, according to tho Internal Revenue Bureau,by domestic manufacturers. If the unsettled condition of the market should not check consumption, therefore, home manufactures in the next eighteen months will not only require the whole American crop now growing,! but also the greater part of the old stocks. leav ing comparatively nothing for ex port. After allowing for tho effect of high prices upon I consumption, the necessarily low j stocks of tho next two years would seem to guar antee that tobacco" is a good thing to hold. At the same time it be gins to be doubted Whether thcro is any proht in purcnases lor an cany turn in the market, ! The tame condition of the market has not resulted In any quotable de cline during the week, though com mon and medium lugs and tear aro twenty-flvo and fifty vents lower than tho highest mnge of tho season. Bank of England and got its officers duce not less thaq three tons ; and to mark and register the bills he when fit for market it is worth from was going to give the father to ob- eighty to one hundred dollars per lain tne release or me cmio, ana re- ton. The manufacturers,'7 as the quested the bank officers to notify cjrers are called, pay about one cent him when the. bills should be re- a pound for it in a green state, turned to the bank. He did this, A sumac mill costs about $3,000. in the hope of getting some trace of The Commissioner of Agriculture Kroke the Devil. mend it to those who are devising in some measure resembled those of the phrenologist, and it was ex plained that the person through whose hands the pencil had first gone had never seen ' Mr. Wells be fore.and had momentarily mistaken the man pointed out by Sir. Brown for him. This announcement, ap parently proof conclusive of the speaker's powers, was received with applause. Jur. wens stepped ior ways and means to circumvent and outwit the notable gentleman whose name is mentioned at the head of this article : A young man who ardently de sired wealth was visited by his Sa tanic majesty, who tempted him to promise his soul for eternity if he could be supplied on this earth with all the money he could use. The ward, and through him Mr. Brown yQXS&ia wag concluded, the devil traced tne arucie 10 uwrauuiu was to supply the money, and was whom it had been next given, and, afc lagt t haye the sou, unlesg the finally, to its place of concealment. man could spend more mon- The next experiment was that of J thn the devjuw fUrnUh. EiDge?in?awlS5LSX Years rolled away; the man mar holding the hand of another person riG. extravagant in his living The National Issue. The Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard. in speaking of the late elections in the South, and the probable action nf tho Dpmonraov in th npxt na tional campaign, very pertinently the scoundrels who had frightened gave an outline of a mill in his re remarks: the whole community. Several port for 18G9. If thirty farmers But the perfect annihilation of montns eiapseu, wnen one aay ne the working population of the was nounea tnat tne duis nau Deen South, in all those branches of in- returned to the bank. Upon inquiry dustry controlled and managed by he found that they had come from whitp mon wnnlii hp rhA wnrsr. fAft- uaun. m uie Thereupon he bUlV VA. VUiU AlVJillV 7LJA HW v. wvs ' J " two races, and the disastrous effects found that the bills had been depos- the means of inaugurating anew en of such a condition of affairs cannot ited by a person who opened an ac- terprise in their State. There is no be too much deorecated. Undoubt- count wun tnem. xne genueman danger of an overstock. The de . ... I II 1 i . 1 A I , . 1 I 1.1 . . . . auu uuuk. uiern. reiuruoi wijuuuuu, manu is uauy increasing, ior nem- wnen, upon arrival at his nouse, a detective was sent for. and at the same time the father of the stolen would unite in an effort to establish a sumac mill, each planting out a few acres, says the Ohio Farmer, we have no .doubt that the enterprise north of England, would prove far more remunerative posted north and than either corn or wheat, and be Woman's wit and courage were at the bottom of Marshal Bazaino's escape from his island prison. It washiswifo who arranged all tho Elans, procured ; the, steamer, and ad it ready to take up the refugee, and overcame his objections to sac rificing his dignity for tho sako of reedom. Probably I the old Mar shal felt that he cut an unheroic and unsoldierly figure dodging past sen tinels, slipping over the clift by the aid of a rope, and scurrying off to wnere a inenaiy crew waited on tne shore to convey him to safety under mo nag vi u ioreign j nation, uui his scruples were pvercomo when it became apparent! that tho (Jov ernment meant to hold him to his 20 years of imprisonment, and the scheme was so well! arranged that he was far away before his flight was discovered, and the direction he has taken is still unknown. Wherever he is, ho is safo fcr the present. As only a political offen der, it is not likely that any other Government would (refuse him asy lum on its soil or return him to France. Madam Iazaino is very wealthy, and the two can doubtless live comfortably enough until some new revolution j in France permits the Marshal to cross the French frontier without tho danger of the prison hanging over his head. edly the Democratic party would be wining to use a war oi races to again obtain control of the government in those States, but we doubt if that locK is growing scarce, day new tanneries and party at the North, with its heavy child was requested to meet them in financial interests involved, would order to inform him of their discov ery. Immediately upon his coming into the room the bank clerk said: Why, this is the gentleman who deposited the bills with us.7 And so it proved. In order to raise mo- are going into operation. Scientific American. The London Hoy. and every I never get tired of studying the dye-houses London boy," writes tho Danbury who. while touching the gentleman experimented upon, allowed his own mind to remain as nearly as possible Impassive. JUT. wens examineu tne periorm- head and found nothing un ite said his mental exertions er's built palaces, speculated and lost and gave away fortunes, and yet his coffers were always full. He turned politician, and bribed his way to power and fame without reducing his pile of gold. He be- came a in n ouster, and nttea out usual. seemed very wearing, and that he 8hi and armies but his banker was not likely to hve ten years Ion- Vedal his drafts. He went ger. lie aooeo inai uie perioruianw to London, to live and paid the usu The Doom of England. Now, let us face boldly and state in the plainest language what the industrial decadence of our country, whether it come sooner or later, the soul, and mocked win mean wnen it uegins. loians- of the despairing man. tics are unnecessary iiere ; mey cannot be precise, and might give rise to useless controversy on de tails.) It will mean that we shall lose one foreign market after an other ; that we shall gradually cease broke," at the end of the year to manufacture for other manufac turing countries; then that those countries, after supplying them selves, will meet us and beat us in neutral markets; finally, that we shall be reduced to the supply of our own demand possibly to se cure that market by recurrence to a protectionist policy. This will be a terrible reverse a momentous, traveling in and, it may be, a miserable change, shrewd old It must Involve a vast and grave metamorphosis ; it may, but it need not, involve ruin. The extent and depth of suffering we shall have to i ii i undergo during me ami progress al rates of interest for all the mon ey he could borrow, but though the devil made wry faces when he came to pay the billet they were all paid. One expedient after another failed; the devil counted the time, only two years that he must wait for at tne enorts One more trial was resolved upon: the man started a newspaper ! The devil growled at the end of the first quar ter, was savage in six months, mel ancholy in nine, and broke, "dead So be anxious to shoulder the respon sibility. If that party wishes to go into the next national campaign on a platform of white man's rights and inflated currency, we could hardly pick out one more to our ad vantage and less likely to win under any possible circumstances. If the Northern and Southern wings of thf TWmnnrfltir Tin rtv nrn tn unite on such a basis as that, then we have friends supplied the means. nnlv to stand firm as in previous " He was arrested for conspiracy TQota nri oiitTr hom fAhanthpm. to defraud, tried, convicted and sen Selves with their own rooe. It is tenced to penal servitude. So ended not settled, however, that they can the great child kidnapping case, and unite either on the financial prob- people who lama -vt tna riov nr nn inR nniner --. AAAJ JA, V.Aty J V. W AT r Rushing Crops to Market. man. "lie is always on tne street, and always in the way. I never saw such a boy in any other city. He is not quarrelsome, not saucy. not addicted to smoking, and I There are certain perishable pro- never heard one of them swear, even ducts that must find immediate market or there is loss to the pro ney he had abducted his own child, ducer ; hue the great .staple crop It was noticed that he had lived bet- may safely be held when there is ter Rinee the restoration ol the child, eood reason for holdiner and no but nothing was thought of that, as a i it a. i.t:s it was supposea mat syiupauuzmg pressiner reason lor selling, it is suggested, we notice, that half of the early crops of grain say win ter wheat be stored. The wisdom under the most favorable circum stances. To tell tho truth, I never heard them say much of anything. He is a helpless youth, addicted to store windows, i rubbing against buildings, and i toppling over ob structions. He has a dreadful ten dency to bo always backing up. against something, and al waysmiss- of this advice, of course, depends inir it. to the detriment of hi bones. upon prospective demand upon only they do not fall with sufficient adjustment of the rights of all citi zens. At the North that party is pledged to equal rights, and cannot afford to go back on the record, for its local success would be ruined thereby. We leave them to adjust their difficulties without our aid, tne oio siock on nana at nome ana force to break a bone. 1 have seen had little ones slept abroad, when the new crop goes on one of them slide from the side of a the market and upon the amount (amp-post, turn a part summersault, of the new crop as compared with recover himself, nit up against the that ol previous years. The means post again, sup off the curb, and for determining the policy to be gradually get down on his back in pursued are more complete than the gutter taking in all some doz- time attracting ever Deiore. rne crop reports to en seconds to do it, while an Atner attention, not only the Department oi Agriculture, by lean boy would go downiind stave Northern States, commercial reports to ine papers, a hole in the back of nis head, and Mineral Resources of the South. The mineral lands of the South are at the present time attracting the newspaper went down, but the soul was saved. A Ten Thousand Uollar Ciirl. On a certain day, on a Pennsyl vania railroad, a belle of a thriving Pennsylvania town, the daughter of a wealthy lumber merchant, was the same car with a citizen of her native town and an agreeable young gen tleman from the West who tells the story. The latter had been talking to the belle: but as night drew on and the and the weary struggle will depend young lady grew drowsy, he gave on how soon and how distinctly we up his seat to her and placed hlm recognize the coming revolution, self beside the somewhat cynical and how wisely and courageously pcnnsylvanian. The latter began we meet it. The great, ultimate, conversation by pointing to a high naked fact we have to look at is mountain past which they were this: The home demand for our iron, cotton, woolen goods, dc, may be about one-third of the whole; we manufacture mainly for foreign consumption. About one- whirlincr. and said: "You see that mountain ? Six or eight years ago it was covered with as fine a forest as ever grew, and worth $10,000 and upward. Now, third of our productive industry Is without a tree, covered with stumps, all that we can hope ultimately to the land is scarcely worth a conti- keep going. Two-thirds of our ar- nental. The net produce of that tlsan population, therefore, must mountain lies over there in that cease to be or to remain. That seat," and he pointed to the recum- vast proportion ofour imports which bent belle; "that is my calculation. U now paid for by our millions of It has just absorbed all of that lum- ex ports will have to be foregone, or ber, which her father owned, to Eurchased by otner iunds. To speaK raise and educate tne gin, pay ior roadly, the population of these her clothes and jewelry, bnng her islands, which is now maintained by agriculture, commerce and man ufactures, will have to be main-' tained by agriculture and commerce out in society ana maintain ner there. Some of you young men, if you weregiven your choice between the mountain yonder as it now almost alone. We shall, therefore, stands and the net produce on that only be able to support 20,000,000 seat, would take the net produce; people, instead of 30,000,000 as at but as for me, give me the stumps." considerable throughout the however, feeling assured that they but in Europe,, where the high price and the facilities afforded by a more ( I n A. m -vk Arm aT mr - aT - W aT V " r WV Y I ftVII VI 1 M-M I M-M M I Wt VM I I I ' tl I All IM ffW nar nnt. nnrtn flnv nf the CTeat re- wu giving uui ui buuio ut .&...v.v,i lilt; principal lumca iioa icu ine iiuti masters of Great Britain to look to this country for a place to invest their surplus funds ; and since it has been demonstrated bevond doubt that iron can be manufactur- the wheat grower to borrow the ed in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia money required for Immediate use and Virginia at a cost not to ex- and warehouse as much as possible raed S15 oer ton. thev are naturally oi nis crop." xnis is inaKing ine this are the words " Renublwa de seekiner those fields for investment, producer a speculator on his own rhnmhiaJ1 In the centre is a fte- anri a. cn-eat number have alreadv products with a vengeance. Of urn nf a soldier or of some emblem- nnrohased lare-e tracts and are Dre- course it might happen that the atic person, with the left hand rest- paring to go to work upon them, farmer who did this would make insr on an anchor mat stands up- while many more nave purchased money netting uu me prw uia forms of the past ten years." The StatesvUle American says: Fot nl.a short time ago, about six mile N. E. of Statesville, a brass button about three-fourths of an inch in diameter: that had been heavily eilded on the face. Around m - of farmers than has been before known in this country, facilitate the obtaining of this information. But the most vicious suggestion we have seen is that lt might be a good plan for make a doctor's bill of eighteen dol lars in less than a second." Whcio it all conies From A writer on "hair" says: Though the day for the best bargains has gone, it is stin not uncommon to obtain a magnificent chevellure from the Breton peasant for a gaudy cot ton handkerchief or a twenty sous pair of ear-rings. Tying his horse to a spreading tree, the hair mon- crer, armed wun a jormiuaoio pair of scissors, soon attracts a crowd of lDg OU an auuuui dwuo ujr- wniie many uiure nave puiwinocu "'"'"-J r ilio(o malrlena nhn nftnr a. littln right. The right hand holds a long and are holding, either to speculate grain two-to six months hence, and sparthatstans near that side with or for future development, and it is paying 10 to 20 per cent, fpr money i1"? dSSmuJlS a.L f T!i nn hn nnr,f i 4.: j Kr,r nrit.. Kut q rra i n ha mirrht so many MHH-'v. xviujt uexterousiy in' iue normake Sd! toi the m3 -ffi "S.W.? the cap of Liberty on the top of it. There is a cap on the man's head, and above it apparently a mitre and a loose garment hanging from the left shoulder. Underneath is only a question of time erreater portion of the iron world's trade will be manuiactured south of the Ohio river. The South is able to-day to ship the word Marina, the Spanish word her metal from the place of its man- for Marine, a sea soldier. " On the 17th of Dec., 719, a union was form ed between Venezuela and New Grenada, and the two States merg ed into the Republic of Colombia." " This union existed only ten years, and was never cordial ; in Nov., 18- ufacture to Cincinnati or Pittsburgh and compete with the iron masters of Ohio and Pennsylvania upon their own ground and at the very doors of their furnaces; and if the tariff was repealed, as soon as the facilities to meet the increased de- 29, Venezuela seceded from it, and mand could be provided she would in Mav. 1830. Ecuador also with drew." How, then, did thia but ton that belonged to this defunct Republic get lost here in Western North Carolina? furnish all the iron used in the Uni ted States, for the reason that iron is not, nor can be made, either in Ohio or Pennsylvania, for less than $24 per ton, while as it has been shown, iron can be made South for what the masters have been paying for ores in the North, in the next Poor Woman. The Salem (Va.) TfsnUffr in sneaklnc? nf the recent lur urcB 1U ",c AU Jiegister, in speaking oi . the recent . tft t- . . commitment to me county iau oi . - . n a TTnnVrwnnrl l.inatio mines, and have neither royalty a rm a m. says she was once in me otaunton asylum, having lost her mind du ring the war under the most dis tressing circumstances. Her former husband was sentenced to death for desertion, and she went to Rich mond to procure a pardon from President Davis, but too late ; for just as she entered the camp with nor freight to pay, as in most loca tions in the South the iron, coal, limestone and sandstone lie so near each other that a tram road, two miles in length, will deliver them at the mouth of the furnace, and the only drawback the Southern producer has to contend with is the high rates of ineght they are oblig the pardon she met the firing squad to Wi through the short-sight- returnlng from her husband's exe- "V - 5 . .... rklasick thaip rtrrwIiK nnm rha mar. ff I U1V VlUUttb MVU fe.ftVs UAUi ui I r ration. She is thirtv-nve vears age and the mother of five children. The Czar of Russia has consented to recognize the Spanish Republic. ket. Furnaces are springing up all over the South, and almost every week we hear of some party who has gone there, and at no distant day he had put up. We regard all ad- P08! nily ,!n. (Knf J'.,,, n nna n baskets, and Jennie is liberated, to VllW bi lit v cuwuiacra cut uuo nj amis i . : . . , . . in debt, especially whe there is no Srecied with shouts and laughter . r . . mi frnm her rrnmnanions. for so well aDSOiuie neea oi it, vicious, xnis advice when given to farmers for speculative purposes, involving as a basis of action a thorough knowl edge of commercial wants and values, is doubly bad. If a farmer is able to hold his grain for better prices without running in debt, it is a different matter ; even then he must take a risk: but he does not from her companions, for so well has the work been done that her head has the appearance of being shaved. No where but in Brittany will the girls submit to this whole sale cropping, insisting upon pre serving a few thin locks at least of nature's fairest gifts. In that pro vince, however, where the custom is for women to wear mucous, go in debt to take it, and that is the close-fitting caps, hair ' which would. 0A,,nrnnino. be the glory of American ladies is ww si v m . . v v k aa a . j a mm m. m a a am r in debt. Rural New Yorker. useless, and it is there that tho hair The Tobacco The late estimates Crop. of the trade with regard to the probabilities of the growing crop in the west have A foreign vessel drawing fourteen feet eight Inches of water passed over the Capo Fear River Bar on the 20th Inst. This shows the greatest been well verified by late reports, depth of water that has .existed At the dose of the nlantintr season, there for manv vears and is consid- it mav be considered a settled fact ered the complete success of ! tho W ..a a 1 . . a . that the acreage under.tonacco cm- work now being prosecuted by the tivation in Kentucky. Tennessee, uovernment. and Southern Indiana is not equal snnri is rbuorhlv estimated at two- A little son of James Manning, of thirds, and late Virginia reports put Charlotte, was severely hurt on the acreage In that State at one-half Monday evening, the 17th Inst, by an average. me explosion ui aiuu& w-iwuci, According to present information if wmiM he a liberal estimate tn mimt on one-third of an averacre An Indiana woman, ' eighty-six ornn in the United States, and ae- vears old. diedfln twenty minutes cepting the last i census year as an after being stung by a honey boo average year ior production, we me omcr uy.

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