THE EBA. A REPUBLICAN WEEK LY NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PAPER TUE CENTRAL OUUAN OF THE PARTY. W. M. UUOWN, Mnnagcr. jfcijr- .Ton Work executed at short no tice and in a style unsurpassed bj any similar establishment in the State. RATES OP ADVERTISING : One square, one time, ,- - I lfV " " two times, " - - 1 So " " three Umes, - - Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Oi'KicE in tho old "Standard" Build ing, -one square South of the Court rouse, FayeUevill Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : nc year, -Six months, -Three months, - ?2 00 - 1 00 50 VOL. IV. RALEIGH, 1ST. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1874. NO. 11. .t-ir-Invariablt in Advance. THE EBA. POETRY. Things that Etc Misled. 'l.or Eve never knew what it was to lj a jfirl. To for patch ft Iear. work from her moth To null her winter's hair all nut of curl, r drop a bitter arbitrary treir. her dolt's icax note hud melted off. She iie-r h 1 ,,,:-v house or a ball, r tri-l h r mother with Uie"tchotjtinff r-,tJ what 'lwa to cry or seream at ( n r r, W hi!e or tender age, rijnbd "P njon her father's lap, :i.- nt-vi-r oretl by night over novel's j. life, ir v, r'a:nel in sleep, at hero's dire niis- llHp. never went at all to district school, i r ached with siiline on tho oaken I tench, r ev n tald Uhirxl for broken rules, t r tired of studying gram mar, drawing, French. p,Hr thing! She never rode out with a by, nrt'N.k a sleigh ride on a moonlight eve ir d.iiutM r .shouted in her gleeful joy, I ritil the morning told the time to leave. Mi never jilted many a silly -youth. Hi ".ye" or lata! "wo" the never said ; K'r she, at least if wages tell the truth, Was married just tut .noon tt.i she was made. All lit- se E e misled and many more thinirs too ; I ; .tli Valentine ami love song's written PV. K'r -ery liniment of this life she knew she must h.ivo Ix'eri of an uncertain a-e." m iscellaxeous. A Keniarkable Dream. An Jtl Story of a Disaster at Sea llctohl. Some of the residents of New York may yet in the city remember those days of private and public agony, in (Ktolnr, 1S."I, when the Collins' steamship was overdue, iind siipios . i to be lo.-t at sea. The oil ins' vessels were so regu lar that merchants timed the de livery of the mails almost to an hour; and when day after day sped by and n ither the vessel nor any tidings of her came to hand, the hImiii became deeper and deeier. Strange to relate, one of the most diiMimiitig was Mr. K. K. Collins, the manager of the line, and the l-rson after whom it was named. The crowds who tlocked to the office to .jtiestioii him, una wno naturally expected to set? him lull of hope, found him pale, dispirited, and often in tears. His wile and two children were on board ; but it was thought that his confidence in the staunchness of his vessels, and the amanship of those in charge 01 them, would make him treat the matter in a totally different spirit from what he did. Much .surprise was expressed ; but the actual rea son for his grtnt depression was at that time known only to a few of his relatives and most intimate friends, it arose, in truth, from a dream, which left an impression leyond his power to overcome, and which in. the end was verified in every p irf ieular. A number of the directors and various merchants were assembled in the private office of the company on a Monday afternoon. Tho ves sel was then sjme two days over due, having leen expected on the previous Saturday evening. At the time, Mr. Collins lived at a mag nificent residence in Westchester county, and had remained in town over Sunday, to receive his family 0:1 tho arrival of the steamer, lie -pent Saturday night at the house of his brother, and on Sunday morning came down to the break list table looking so haggard that it attracted attention. When spoken to about it, he frankly stated that he had passed a restless night, broken by a dream that the Arctic w;ls lost. The matter was laughed ;! by the brother ; but when Mon day morning came without tho vessel having been reported, Mr. Collins again spoke of his dream. 1 "tiring Monday he related it to vera I others, and at tho hour of the assemblage in the private office it was told over again with an in junction of secresy, however, which prevented it from reaching the public. As one after another came into the office, they were painfully impressed with the gloom which 'as pictured in the face of Mr. Col lins. A line man, of erect stature, and marked dignity of manners, he did not look like a person who would give way to any useless fears on any occasion. But he was far more quiet than usual; he seemed to shrink. away from those in con versation, and his face was of a duth-like paleness. "What'M the matter with Col lins?" asked one aud another, in hispers. "JU'inember his wife and children are on board the Arctic," observed 'ine one, in reply. "Yes," responded another, "but ' re is no occasion for alarm. The "hip is ashiunch one, and within a f, w hours at mast will, I think, tuine gallantly to her wharf." "Never!" said a deep solemn voice. AH gave a slight start at tho tone and words, and turned in the direc ijoii from whence they proceeded. 1 speaker was Mr. Collins him- "I am satisfied, gentlemen," he "narked, in the same solemn ""inner, "that the !, the bottom " Arctic has gone "Impossible !" cried all. ...A1" TJjte astonished at that ye-mion," sam Mr. John Brown, a -duing director. 1 . lUer th in von r?r xr. n.m.. al i or coiMtructlon of the ships of Minp, and the qualifications of . -mi. iuuius, me. the chief officer and crew in charge of the Arctic" Vny vessel may be lost," said Mr. Collins: "and while I am sat- isfied that as directors and public servants we have done all that hu- man beings could do in such a mat- ter, still I believe the Arctic to be lost. May Heaven have protected those on board ! -n Krirl f" Here his voice failed him, and his eyes were suffused with tears. With his thoughts far out on the broad, dangerous ocean, he had seen the faces of his wife and children among those helpless ones, and for the mo ment he could say no more. The scene was affecting in the ex treme, and perhaps never had its equal in any counting room in the world. For some time there was an entire silence, and then Mr. Brown remarked, "Mr. Collins, you must have some reason for your opinion." "None in the world," returned Mr. Collin., "except a dream." "A dream !" repeated one and an other in astonishment. All sneered, and some almost laughed aloud. "Gentlemen," said Mr. Collins vf f h n rhmt v whirh wnn nPflllfarlv impressive in him-"gentlemen, you no doubt regard ard this as a great weakness. Perhaps it is. Dreams are generally looked upon as foolish things, but I have had one under such circumstances that it has be come to me a presentiment of evil to this ship, which no power on earth can remove." Every person there listened with his ears wide open, and looked full in the face of the usually strong minded man, who spoke these words so seriously and impressively. "Last Saturday night," continued Mr. Collins, "I dreamed of the Arctic. I saw her as perfectly be fore me as I ever saw her. It was hor graceful model, her spacious deck, and her noble officers and crew I saw all of this, and more. I saw a hole in her side; there was a panic on her decks; people were runnincr hither and thither, and crying to be saved; and, gentle- men, l saw down " mat uuuic amp "But all this was a dream," said Mr. Brown, after a moment. "I believe it a reality," replied Mr. Collins ; "and again I say may Heaven have protected those poor souls on board. However, I beg that neither ray dream nor convic tions may reach the public." Soon after the several merchants went their several ways. .Not one of them could shake off the impres sion made by what had occurred. Meanwhile, the newspapers en deavored to sustain public confi dence by all kinds of plausible sto ries. Three days later, the first of the survivors reached American shores with the harrowing tale of disaster by collision to tho Arctic, and of the loss of most of those on board. When all the facts became known, they wrere exact in every particular with Mr. Collins' dream, and it may be properly regarded as one of the most striking and re markable that ever occurred. ADVEXTUKES OF A HAG. A Pleasantly told story of tlio Manner in which paper is made. You've seen, no doubt, a misera able, wretched girl picking dirty rags out of the gutter, putting them into a horrid-looking bag she has, and carrying them off. Well, the history of one of those rags, its ad ventures and wonderful changes, is more marvelous than any fairy story. And the best of it is, every word is true. I think you'll agree that it is marvelous when I tell you that, nieo and neat and dainty as vou mav be. vou mav nut that hor- rhnleoat trpifts- ures. You don't believe it I Well, haven't I already told you lots of things you never heard of? And do you think I've told you all I know? Wait a bit and see. Let us follow the rag, going off on the back of the poor girl. Having filled her bag, she goes at once to an odd, dismal-looking shop, that you would not put your foot into, where a wretched-looking man buys old iron, rags, Domes, ana lniact, near- ly every thing other people throw I away. He weighs the rags, looks machine: only a row of pens fed them over, counts out her pay (gen- by an ink-trough. The fifth girl erally a few pennies,) and she takes looks at each sheet, and puts them her bag and goes out. Here we into piles, perfect and imperfect, must bid her good-by, for from this The sixth girl folds them. It's fun moment the rag goes up in life, nv enough to see her snatch up six while she, poor child, will pick rags to-morrow, and perhaps all her life and there'll be very little going up for her. When the dealer has enough rags he puts them up in a bale, and sends them off to a paper mill. )h, yesl-you knew paper was made of rags, didn't you? Well, the first thing that happens to them in that big noisy place is to be taken out of the bale, pulled over by a lot of girls, and assorted. Silk rags go to one corner, bits of woolen, to another, white cotton to a third, and colored cotton to a fourth. To follow the rag we saw taken from the gutter, we should have to go to the colored cotton corner. From the sortinsr-room our dirty rag will be carried, with lotsol oth- a A I A. Ait . ma ers, mj uio cumng-room. xnis is a terrible place, where unfortunate girls sit at a sort of bench, on which are fixed sharp knives. The girls cut the rags into shreds, splitting open hems, and taking off buttons. This, as you can guess, is fearfully dirty, work. The . room is full of f oust, ana tne girls look like quite respectable dirt-heaps themselves. As soon as the rag. is shredded it goes through a trap-door in the floor, and falls into a big tub. There! Aren't you glad it has come to a washing-place ? It fairly makes one feel dusty to think about handling such things. In that tub, with Dlentv of lime-water, it boils half a dav. and I'm sure it needs it. Lime-water, perhaps you know, takes not only the dirt, but every bit of color out of things. You eirla who have made " skeleton i n i 1 1 l . ii ICUVrS KI1UW Ull HUUUl 11. From this very thorough bath the ratr eoes. white and clean, into the cutting-machine. This wouldn't be a very nice place to fall into and it's right on a level with the floor too. It is a large round vat, with sharp knives revolving all the time. They cut the rags into threads, while clear water runs over them all the time for five or six hours. Don't think it's clean enough yet. After all this cutting and rinsing the water is drawn off, some chemical stuff put in, and left for two hours. Then the water is turned on, and the knives begin again, and cut and grind for five or six hours more. Of course by this time, after all these knives and chemicals and washings, there's not a rag and hardly a thread left. It is a mass of pulp, looking more like ready for a wonderful change. milk than anything else. JNow it's It ja far more wonderful than any fairy story to see this pulp go in at one end of a machine, and sheets of paper come out at the other. Let me tell you how it goes : The ma cnine is all open, and you can see the whole operation. The pulp goes from a box through a fine sieve to catch any remaining threads and falls on a belt or wire gauze, which is. all the time moving on. Of course it spreads out as thin as it can, and the water begins to drop through the gauze as it moves on. But there's loo much water with the pulp, and to draw it out suddenly they have a curious arrangement'. The water and pulp move on very comfortably together till they come to a certain box they must go over. The moment they reach that mysterious box every drop of wntPr too tan f n 1x7 vr ond disappears in the box, leaving the rnlr noarlv rlrtr nnii InnLrincr wrv much like paper. You wont be surprised at the funny behavior of the water when 1 tell you that a steam pump is all the time pump ing the air out of tho box, aud the water is sucked in to fill the vac num. ltight here is put in the wa ter-mark. If you don't know whdt that is hold a aheet of paper up to the litrht. You'll probably see straight or zigzag lines alt over it, or the name of some man or paper mill. That is the water-mark, and it is made on the paper by a roller on which the pattern Is cut. Now the pulp, having become paper, runs off the gauze belt on to one of felt, which takes it between a pair of heavv rollers. The rollers soueeze it so dry that it don't need carrvinsr any more, and it goes on alone between six or eight big roll ers, which are hot, and which makes it smooth and almost per fectly dry. As it comes out from the last roller it runs against sharp knives which. are set there, and is snlit into loner ribbons just wide enouph for the kind of paper it is to be. Now comes another bath. Not to clean it. for it is white as snow, but to make it stiff and glossy. The bath is of gelatine. The paper rib bons run through the box of gela tine, and between rollers, lo dry them. On coming out they are chopped off into sheets by a knife, and hun&r on a frame to dry. Here they rest for some days, and it's the first rest since the rag came out of the gutter and started on its travels. After this the new sheets fro into a Dress for a few hours. Some kinds of common paper stop here, but the nie note-naner vou are so fond of has another journey before it, through the hands of a string of girls. The first eiri feeds the sheets of paper to a string of rollers, which makes them beautifully smooth and shining. The second girl piles them up and hands them to the KtrH o-iH whnnnts thom thmiiah fS ; r- "TO" a cutting-macnine, wnicn maKes them perfectly regular in size. The fourth girl puts them through the rulinsr-machine. That is a droll sheets, double them over with one hand, and press them down witn a block in the other. She never makes a mistake in the number, and. workinsr so fast, she almost looks like a machine. The seventh girl takes one of these packages of six sheets, puts it under a snapping little hammer that runs Dy steam, and in an instant it is ornamented with the little oval or square mark you see on commercial note-paper. are not stamped here, for every one prefers his own Initial or monogram, and that is done to order at a stationer's. The eighth girl puts the packages into reams and half reams, and seals them up. Now did you ever near in any fairy story of a transformation more ... J A. t wonderful than from a disgusting dirty rag to a dainty sheet of note paper? And if that sheet of paper contains a letter from your dear est frieud," wouldnU you put it amorur vour treasures? But I want to tell vou another thing. Do you know what droll things were used to write on'beforo paper-mills were invented, or cotton rags thought of? '.The first writing was on flat stones, the words cut in; I don't think many letters were writ ten in those days. After that the skins of animals were used dress ed and prepared, of course. But that grew inconvenient in time, and then leaves were used, j You think that is funny, perhaps ; but some people use leaves to this day. The Chinese do, and the Hindoos use dried leaves, like our palm-leaf fans, with the letters 1 pricked in. But the first thing mads to write on was papyrus. Papyrus is a water plant, and was prepared for use by soaking the stem until it would un roll in layers. These thin layers be ing dried, were pasted over each other, and the whole smoothed with polishing stone. That made a verv good paper for the first attempt, and gave us a name for our elegant "super-super," " cream-laid," etc., which fills our desks, and which some of us (not you or 1) waste dreadfully. The Fall Bonnets. One of the most distinguished bonnets is of steel blue velvet trim med with loops and torsade of light er bluer The crown is covered with black- net, dotted with blue steel spangles. The brim flares upward all around, is faced with the darkest e3?lalnst iV1! Ye ?J JV" 1iJT I-i-itY- " V the bonnet is a pink f ose cluster. A second of deepest sea blue velvet and gros grain has a soft cap crown of velvet, with a high rolled coronet of eros crrain : below the coronet is a roll of velvet tied behind in a tiny bow without ends. A spray of blue steel leaves in lront is the only or nament in this compact and tasteful bonnet. An olive brown bonnet of the darkest shade of velvet has around the crown a scarf of wide ribbon that is salmon-colored satin on one side and olive gros grain on the other; this laps behind, and has short square ends raveled as fringe. A wreath of tinted geranium leaves is in front, two long nodding cock's plumes on tho left, and a cluster of pink and scarlet roses behind. The prettiest bonnet is of chestnut brown velvet, with brown satin crown, and velvet brim turned straight up in front.; Three pink and yellow roses are directly in front, with some upturned sprays of white velvet forget-me-nots. Still above this are pink and white heron feathers, while behind is a long looped bow of velvet and satin. youthful-looking by a scarf of wide A black velvet bonnet is made double-faced ribbon ponceau satin on one side and black gros grain on the other being tied around the crown ; a red and black bird, with head down and spread wings, is on the soft pleats of the crown in front. Another black velvet has pink and black ribbon, with dangling oats of jet all around the crown. A mouse-colored velvet has a crown of pearl gray gros grain ; the brim-is pointed high in iront, and supports a wreath of shaded scarlet geraniums. A scoop bonnet of myr tle green velvet has the crown form ed of the green satin side of a double-faced scarf ribbon A second of green velvet has the; brim covered with leaves that are beaded with green ; wnite neron's piume ana three large full rose-buds, scarlet, pink and salmon, are the trim mings. Hand Shaking. How did the people get into the habit of shaking hands? The an- svver is not iar to seek, in eany and barbarous times, when every savage was his own lawgiver, sol dier, and policeman, and had to watch over his own safety in default of all other protection, two friends and acquaintances, or two strangers and acquaintances when they chanced to meet offered each to the other the right hand the hand alike of offence and defence the hand that wields the sword and dagger, the club, the tomahawk, or other weapons of war. Each did this to show that the hand was empty, and that neither war nor treachery was intended. A. man cannot well stab another while he is in the act of shaking hands with unless he is a double-dyed tr-oit traitor and villain, and strives to aim a cowardly blow with the left while giving the right hand and pretending to be on good terms with his victim. The custom of hand shaking pre vails more or less among all civil ized nations, and is the tacit avow al of friendship and fgood will just as a kiss is of a warmer passion. .La dies, as every one ,-must nave re marked, seldom or never shake hands with the cordiality of gentle men, unless it be With each other. The reason is obvious : it is for them to receive homage l-not to give id They cannot be expected to show to persons of the other sex a warmth of greeting which might be misin terpreted, unless sucn persons are closely related to them by family or affection : in which case hand shaking is not needed, and the lips do more agreeable duty. Simplicity in Language. Do not part with i your common sense when you write. You need not make an idiot of yourself because you have a pen In your hand. Be simple, be honest, be unaffected in speaking and writing., iever use a long word when a short one will do. Call 1 things by their right names; never smother your thoughts with a cloud of phrases; let a spade be a spade, not a well known long instrument, of manual industry ; let home be home, not; a residence ; a place, not a locality. Write much as you would speaks speak as much as you think. With your inferiors, A 9 A I speak no coarser man usual ; witn your superiors, no finer. Be what vou snv, and what you are. Novels. A writer in Temple Bar says: "There are as many novels pub lished as there are suns in the course of the twelve month, and something to spare. Gentlemen read them, and gentlemen's gentlemen read them. My lady peruses them, and my lady's maid devours them. They rule the court, the camp, the grove. Itoyalty intrigues to get a novelist to dine at his table. They fill the club library; and the hall-porter and the small-buttons in the lavato ry while away the time between handing our letters or emptying ba sins, in turning over the bewitching pages oi a novel. ISovels divide with the newspaper and the rapidly passing lanuscape tne discomforts of a railway carriage; they mitigate me norrors oi a long sea passage ; they swarm in the barracks and in the boudoir alike. Dramatists steal their plots; young ladies imitate their conversations ; young gentle men parody their heroes; states men read them ; nay, statesmen write them, aud our "Prime Minis ter is a fashionable novelist. We are indebted to them in no small degree for our ill-cooked dinners, for our imperfectly-dusted grates, ior ine noDie discontent ot our 'maids' and the elegant indolence of their 'mistresses.' They come out in bits, in parts, in chapters, in serials, in one volume, two vol umes, inree volumes, xnev are thrown at our heads, they are stum blmg-blocks at our feet ; we fall over them, we quarrel over them, we weep over mem. j.ney are law, I mi 1 cnurcn ana pnysic to us ; ior ao mey noipreacn sermonsf anticipate causes ceieores, ana ooiigingiy snow us now u poison our enemies wun- out ueing luuuuou , at leat ior a very ion uiue : xney are me pa- rentsof lichborne trials, and warm the age oosoms oi solemn uniei Justices into They are the growing panegyrics soul and support of many a magazine ; they even sus tain the existence of those interest ing publications, illustrated papers, and they are the messengers who carry good words into many a home Their name is legion : and so are their functions. They tell us both of the lunatic and the lover, and they illumine with a lurid light the negative atmosphere of blue-books. They make the industrious idle and the idle industrious. They abolish thought, and even compete with slumber. They are the manna of the latter half of the nineteenth cen tury, the spontaneously-sent food of a literary desert." Tricks of Gamblers. Recently according to the San Francisco Bulletin, the Mead House in that city was torn down. It was a ceieoratea sporting piace. un knocking away a wTall, concealed wires were discovered. An inves tigation of the walls of the whole house was now commenced, and the revelations were, indeed, of the most startling character. In one of the rooms of the upper floor was an ar rangement which enabled a player to know exactly what his opponent hPld. Direetlv over the table, in Directly over the table, in the centre of the room, was a small ho ft in the ceilinc through which the confederate watched the game. r3 - - Wires ran along the ceiling to the floor, and terminated in levers be neath the carpet, upon which the cheating gambler placed his foot ; as the wires pulled, the number of tap3 telegraphed the course of action to pursue. The faro room was the most ingeniously contrived thing in the house. In the first place, wrires ran from the door so that a signal was given when it opened, and in an instant everything was in readi ness for the drop. This was accom plished by two levers and a space let into the floor. In a second the gamblers withdrew from the table, each man of course grabbing his checks and money, and by a motion of the levers the yawning floor opened, and down went the whole "lay out." The carpet was then drawn over the spot, and when the officers hove in sight there was nothing in the shape of gamblers' iraDlements to be seen. In the house there were taken out no less than one hundred and fifty wires, and several contrivances for sud denly hiding implements. Old Time Punishments. In Germany a dame who let her tongue wag too freely about her neighbors, used to be compelled to stand upon a block in the market- place, with a heavy stone dangling from her neck, shaped either like a bottle, a loaf, an oval dish, or rep- resenting a woman putting out her tongue, unless she happened to be ricii euuuK" iu uuy itvi ujiasiuu iu exchange the hateful stone for a bag f of hops, tied round with red rib-1 bon. In lua7, a woman of Sandwich, m l Kent, venturing to take liberties with the good name of "Mrs. May- oress," had to walk through the streets of the town, preceded by a man tinkling a small bell, bearing 1 an oia oroom upon her snouiaers, from the end of which dangled a wooden mortar. Staffordshire scolds did not get off so easily. They had to follow the bell man until they showed unmistakable signs of re repentance, debarred from giving any one a bit of their mind by the f requisition and the monster,, trans branks, or scolds' bridle, an ingen-1 ferred to a large batteau.and finally lous arrangement of metal hoops f contrived to clasp the head and the neck firmly, while the padlock be- hind remained locked, while a spi- ked plate, pressed upon the tongue, sons who expressedJthe greatest sur so as effectually to preclude its own- prise at! seeing what may truly be er making any useof it. Thebranks, termed a wonder, and which will no however, was not peculiar to StaP doubt engage the attention of zo fordshire ; it was in use in Seotla(pl ologistsand showmen .-Ph iladtlph ia centuries ago. How they Kill Cattle in Texas. The ordinary plan of drawing the steer down to the blosk and striking him on the head with an axe is too slow for the wholesale butchery car ried on here. About one dozen head are driven into a pen, just sufficient ly large to hold that many closely packed, and a gate forced to behind them. The pen has an open slat platform across the top of it upon which two men are stationed with poles and; sharp-pointed knives fix ed on the end of them. With a rapidity acquired by long practice they plunge their spears into the necks of the affrighted and strug gling animals, cutting the jugular vein, and each successively falls as if struck with an axe. The blood spurts out in streams as if from a dozen fountains, and in less than a minute the whole penful are down, quivering in the throes of death and covered with blood. The door of the pen leading into the rendering room is then thrown open, and the animals drawn out successively, and a knife rapidly slits open the skin around the neck and down tho stomach. A rope is attached to the upper part of the hide by a clamp, to the other end of which is a mule which leisurely walks off down the yard carrying the skin of the ani mal with him, and leaving the car cass still quivering with animal life A tackle hoists the body to a level with on of the immense caldrons, and in less time than we have taken to describe the process it is in the I WW f W W M. - - seethingi and boiling mass. There are four jor five of these caldrons, each large enough to hold a dozen beeves, and they are kept constant ly goingf during the killing season. Tne tallpw is drawn off into large hogsheads and the remains of these Uropt sonn-kettles arp ferried nnr. consisting of bones, horns and the V TTUMVt; VUltVU 111 JliiOll Lllv animal matter from which the fatty substance has been extracted. Bal timore American, Cause of Sleeplessness. Dr. Duckworth, in the British Medical Journal , calls attention to some causes of insomnia which he thinks are hardly sufficiently recog nized or adequately met by the re sources of practical medicine. lie cent researches have clearly shown that thei brain is comparatively an aemic during sleep, and that the blood thus removed from the head is more freely supplied to the viscera and integuments. The most con stant cause and certainly the most frequent; accompaniment of sleep lessness is an ODoosite condition, or one of active and increased cerebral ' . - . . circulation. A species of nocturnal dyspepsia, mild in its character and producing no actual sufiering, may sometimes give rise to persistent in somnia.i There may be no symp toms beyond dryness of the mouth, burning of the sole3 of the feet, and heat and throbbing in the head, and these are probably due to a too acid condition of the contents of the stomach; and upper part of the II 1 At 1 ,11.- 1 smau iiiiesunes.causeugeiierttuy uy excess in fatty and highly-seasoned ,uuu 1U "Uit nuu :"' vanvua wiuua. Sleenlessness mav be due to bodilv and mental over-exhaustion, which results in an increased flow of blood to the brain, consequent upon vaso motor paralysis. Again, it may be the result of a mere habit, as in those cases where there has been a long course of broken rest ; it may be caused by persistent odors, Dy certain effluvia, by the absence of moisture in the air of a sleeping apartment, or by an improper ele vation or depression or tne neaa. The treatment in most of these cases should of course be directed to the removal of the cause, but, when it is found necessary to give drugs, bromide of potassium and chloral hydrate are prabably the best, both having: been shown to diminish the amount of blood circulating through the brain. Capture of A Sea Monster NEAR ATLANTIC UITY. 4Ulie an excitement was produced at Atlan tic City, N. J., last Saturday, by the arrival at the landing in the Inlet, of a fishing sloop, having on board a veritable sea monster, which the oldest fishermen and watermen are at a loss to define. It is of the tur tle species, with a head similar to a cow, witn wnite spots on ine top. The bodv is black in color, and from the tip of the tail six feet long. It has four flukes or flippers, and is five feet seven inches in breadth. The diameter of the body is two feet and a halt It is estimated that its weight is about seven hundred pounds. The monster had been seen m inc. nciKiluoriiuou iui ui three weeks past and numerous fish- ermen had at different times pur- tsued it with darts and spears, en- deavorihir to capture it,uOa Jbri- day, about half-past five o'clock, Captain Dan Champion and crew cast a large seme off Bngantine Shoals, about five, miles, out at sea, and were successful in getting the animal entwined in the meshes of thenetJ A rope and tackle were slipped tinder, its , body, and it was raised into the sloop and deposited tn -fHa irdara t f. a.'da Irnnf tintil Saturday afternoon when the rope and tackle were again called into placed in a tub. which had to' be built for the purpose, near the New Inlet House. There it i was visited during the day by hundreds of per- Tress. A New Eldorado. Glowing reports of the mineral wealth of the Black Hill country, now being explored by Gen. Cas tar's expedition, are sent eastward by a correspondent accompanying the party. Ilewrites that indica tions of gold were discovered about a week ago, and within two daya its presence in sufficient quantities abundantly to repay working has been established beyond a doubt. He says he has in his possession for ty or fiftv small particles of pure gold, in size about that of a small pin-head. Most of it was obtained from a single pan of earth. Until fur ther investigation is had regarding the richness of the deposits of gold, no opinion should be formed. Veins of what the geologists call "bearing quartz"crop out on almost every hillside. Aside from the indications of mineral wealth abounding,' the correspondent states that the coun try possesses remarkable natural beauties. " Grass, water, and tim ber of several varieties are found in abundance, and all of excellent quality ; small fruits abound ; game is plentiful. The valleys are well adapted for cattle raising or agricul tural purposes, while the scenery is lovely beyond description. The flora is the most varied and exuber ant of any section this side of Cali fornia. In this respect it is a new Florida ; it may prove to be a new Eldorado." These reports, if con firmed, will probably lead to tho early settlement of that region by tho whites, and the dispossession of the Indians. Washington Star. A Itcniarkablo lrcaiu. A circumstance of mast remark able character has como to our knowledge. We will tell the plain facts in the matter, and let who will do the explaining. In yesterday's issue of the Commercial wo gave the particulars of an accident on tho Grand Trunk Railway at Fort Erio on Wednesday afternoon, by which an employee named Jacob Stark last his life. A sister of Stark, named Lena, has been for some time cm ployed as a servant in the family of Mr. Joseph Mischka, No. 4H5 Eli cott street. On Wednesday evening Lena, while conversing with a fe male friend in the yard, said : " I had a very bad dream last nigt, 1 dreamed that my brother Jacob was killed on the railroad." Scarcely were the words uttered when a Wo man called to her from a neighbor ing house, saying, "Lena, your brother is killed on the railroad !" The effect upon tho poor girl was crushing. She uttered a piercing shriek, and then moaned pfteously, seeming almost heart-broken. The above facts were furnished by! an old employee in this office, who heard and saw what wo have de tailed. Buffalo Commcrvud. , i ' i ! The Impossible Woman. Ideal wives, according to an Irish writer, are of low stature and ex tremely fair. They are soft iind gentle in manner and slow of mo tion. They have blue eyes, golden hair, rich mezzo-soprano voices, and wear moderate dress improves. Their hair and its color arq their own ; and they fear strong men, but like to look at them from win dows, balconies, carriages, and other places of security. They are a triilo happy, and have not been married -to their first love. They cannot sew over well, but they have a positively maddening way of leaning over tho backs of chairs while they are ask ing their husbands if they hhall wear blue or pink ribbons. They have no mother living. They care little for going Into society. They never desire to obtain tho good wishes of other men, save when their husband's interest Is to that effect. They are not painfully clover musicians, but they know somo sweet, simple airs, and sing those at evening by the open window. -They are .be defrauded by the servants, and are Imposed upon ' by trades-people. They regard their husbands as supreme arbiters in all matters. They would stay as tfiey are or fly to iNew zeaianu wmi him, as he desired. " , A Poor Musician. Chicago has a beggar woman, Who is fast becomin&ra ocal favorite, and talnments are of whose musical a no mean orders She Is described as being a swarthy looking creature. with hair as black as night, nowing down below her hips, and wears great golden band3 in her ears, fcho carries an organ; -which seems t bo more musical than, hand organs generally are, and as she plays jsho sings airs from popular operas In a manner which "speedily gather in terested crowds around her ; her t .. ' voice,: a mezzosoprano, gives evi dence of early cultivation. . Occa sionally, when she sees about her some rew laaies, sne bursts ionn into quite a thrilling love song. Her open air concert concluded, he reaps a rich harvest of nickels ; . then, covering ner instrument wmi a green baize ciotn, sne seaw her self on the curbstone, buries iner face in her hands, and for several minutes is immovable. . No 'one knows who she is, where she came from, or where she goes. Vitli nightfall she j disappears, ho one knows where. ; w A fire broke out on the morning of tho 28th ult., in the rosin ware houses and wharves in the Southern portion of Wilmington, N. C, ! de stroying about eight thousand bar rels of rosin and about two thousand barrels of spirits turpentine. Loss about $120,000; mostly covered by insurance.

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