THE ERlA.' KHri'ULICAN WEEKLY XEWS ' rAl'KH THE CENTRAL ORGAN OF THE PARTY. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOILAIW A -YEAR, IN ADVANCE. W. 31. RKOWX, Manager. jjS?- Job Work executed at short no. tice and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in tho State. L-vL-.- RATES OE ADVERTISING : Ono square, one time. - - $10) Ok kite in the old " Standard " liuild imr. one square South of the Court House, Kayettevllle Street. RATES OF SURSCRIPTION: it " two times, -44 three times, - 1 .V) 2 00 One year, -Six months, - - -Three months. - $2 00 - 1 00 50 VOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1874. NO. 13. Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. rtT-IXVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. tJ-J THE ERA. THE ERA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1874. Thine Own. The following beautiful aud touching verse are by a New Orleans lady, writ ten as a farewell to her husband, dur ing her illnos and in prospect of an earlv departure to the better land. Call in no more thine own tho sum mer hours, S Imv.-J ly ie, shall never come atin ; I s.-an-e -hall look upon tho Spring's j.ak' Ilowers, And in this lite of weariness and pain, Shall be no more thine own. Tii- prini; shall wake fresh verdure in tlx vale ; -'rl from tfray Winter blue shall i;liw the sky, I ; n t en- the sweet-breathed violets grow pale, I iii- fading form low in the dust shall lie. And Ikj no moro thine own. Tii.- !i:1.jw of tho parting hour is nigh It taIN, dear one, ujhjh my heart and thine ; Ala ! t leave th1 when life's morning hour Is L'ol.It-netl o'er by love almost di- in 'Jo be no more thine own. I n.h.ii bhall leave thee! thou, beloved, wilt b-el A Ifxniiy shadow o'er thy pathway thrown ; And all too soon the truth will o'er thee steal That in this dreary world thou art alone, And I no more thine own. No more thine own ! To wake for thee, at ev, The chords of muKic swetstost to thine ear ; To love tins) still aliko through joy or grief. To Lh thy truest friend, of all most dear, Httt not on earth tJiino own. no those near hills, whose beauty never fade-;. My lingering feet shall rest. Oh, do not weep ! Thou too shalt dwell where sorrow ne'er invades With Him who giveth his beloved sleep And 1 shall be thino own. 31 1 SCI : bbA EOUS. ;ernor Caldwell's Address of Welcome to the State Educa tional Association, July 8tli, 1874. Mr. Prvskknt and Gentlemen : To me has been assigned the phasmt task of welcoming you to this convention. In doing so, I as ure you that it gives me great sat isfaction to see and know, that the jwoplo of North Carolina are wak ing up to, and feel the great import ance of making an effort to secure tho blessings of education to the rising generation throughout the State. "As ignorance is an element of weakness, so knowledge is an ele ment of great strength. Ignorance is a blight and a curse to any peo ple. It fetters the mind, dwarfs tho intellect, and debases the physi cal man. It perverts his moral ideas, weakens his faith in all that U ennobling and good, and reduces him who was made in the image of (Jod to a level with the brute. Education on the other hand, takes hold of youth with a friendly and an affectionate grasp; leads liim gently through the green pas tures and along the delightful paths of knowledge; points out to him the road to usefulness; raises him as with a powerful lever to the pin nacle of greatness and goodness: tits him for all the duties of this life, and furnishes the means to pre pare for a full fruition of the life which is to come. Our own beloved North Carolina stands sadly in need of good schools and educated men and women. She never can rise to the position she ought to occupy among her sister states until iter people are furnish--d with facilities for acquiring an education. They must be trained for the conflict of mind with mind, their intellectual strength must be developed by proper culture they must be made to feel a confidence in their mental powers and a pride in the gifts of learning before they an, with any rational hope of suc cess, enter the arena of life, where heroic deeds are done. As well might you expect the suckling l abe to contend with the giant, as that the ignorant and unlearned could cope with tho learned and cultivated in any of the avocations of life. Knowledge is power and must triumph in the end over ig norance. 44 Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing, with which we fly to heaven." Then, gentlemen, you have a laudable and a noble work to per form, and your presence here to day gives promise that you have a will to jerform it. Whenever men undertakea thing with a determina tion to do t7, they seldom fail ; ob stacles, which appear insurmounta ble may rise up and make a faint heart sick with despair, the horizon may be obscured with overhanging gloom, the mental vision may for a while appear to be eclipsed, and oven the stoutest nerves may mo mentarily tremble and grow weak, nd all be filled with doubt and un certainty, but eventually the in 'louutaUe will of the brave and he roic, will overcome these obstacles and surmounting them all, march proudly onward and upward to a grand final success. J on,.then. mv countrymen, and acmphsh the work you have un b J. kneourage others to vnnr i T th?,lr armor anl come to ur holp. Cry out with a loud voice against ignorance, error and vice: proclaim lustily for educa- tion, truth and virtue, and carry on your crusade until every city and town, every vmage ana naraiet. and every hill and valley in North Carolina Hhall rejoice and be glad because of the establishment of school houses and churches, where the children of the white and col ored in their own separate build- lous may nave opponuniuea to nave opportunities cultivate their minds, and to wor- .uin 4t, riA o ship the ever-living God according to the dictates of their own con sciences with none 44 to molest or make them afraid." When you shall have accomplish cu inu greac ami glorious worK, i j i ZZL Jl,??S auuuuaunj uuiiioiu u oaiioi. mo satisfy most inordinate ambition. Your have " redeemed, regenerated and disenthralled." When your work is done and you can doff the habili ments of this warfare and with approving consciences sit under your own vines and fig trees, the blessings of a grateful people will be upon your heads for a work so inauspiciously begun, so zealously ?TtitlCLrt? "aPPilyandsuc tebciuiiy iiuisiieu. Again, gentlemen, I welcome you to this convention, and bid you God speed in your labor of love for tho rising generation. Hon. W. II. ISattlc's Itesponse to Gov. Caldwell's Address of Welcome at the State Educa tional Association. Your Excellency: It flndnVns our hearts to receive so cordial a welcome from the Chief Magistrate of our State. We are engaged as you say in a great cause, and it is a cheeringsign of the times to find that it meets with due appreciation. Education is certainly the mostinterestingand important subject which can engage the attention of a christian and civ ilized people. The process of culti vating, developing, and training the various physical, intellectual, moral, and assthetical faculties of our race, has found, as might be ex pected, a prominent place in the meditations and activities of every age. .L-ven oeiore tne inspired pen- man w ruie inu iiismiy ui mo ungm i of our race, it had occupied the minds of the ancient Egyptians, for we are informed that Moses was lrn l-nful In nil thn I.Mrlnm nf thf I Egyptians." The name and fame of Socrates as a teacher of youth have been known and acknowledged in all succeeding ages. The schools of instruction form a prominent part of the history of every civilized age and nation. The subiect of education thus fore- most in the minds of men through an pasi iime comes uuwu iu us ui .11 A A J X I me nreseiiL ireiieruiiuii wimuuu any i loss of interest or diminution of value. It is forever new; it can never die. Generation succeeds gen- eration, and the accumulated know- leuge oi one age oecomes ine inner- itance of the next; but in each suc cessive generation we begin our education where our ancestors a thousand years ajro began theirs. We go through the same or a simi- lar course of studies to prepare to enter upon business of life. Al- though this course of studies may be varied somewhat, and be suscep- tible of change and development, yet each in his turn has to exclaim : All irroof men UUa mP Once learned to read their A B C." Each succeeding generation mav have and should have advantages unknown to that which went before it. As ncwr inventions and appli- ances are consianuy maae 10 assist in carrying on the great operations of agriculture, commerce, and man- A A 1 it ufactures, so new methods may be devised to assist in the great work of instruction. One, and perhaps the main purpose, of our association is to assist in devising facilities for this work. The people of this State have not been altogether indifferent to the subiect of education. In the section of the - . . ... was ordained schools shall be established by the Legislature for the convenient in- struction of youth, with such sala- nes to the masters, paid Dy the pub- lir ns mnv- pnah a rnpm tn insrrnor. I at low prices ; and all useful learn- ing shall be duly encouraged and promoted in one or more universi- ties." This noble ordinance was adopted while we were poor and weak and sparsely scattered over a wide extent of territory and just at the beginning of the war for our national existence with the most powerful nation on the globe. Our State University and the system of common schools which were estab lished prior to the late war showed how well and how faithfully the Legislature carried out this sacred injunction. The constitution adopted in 1S63 is no less emphatic in its declara- tions in favor of education. The first section of Art. IX requires that, 44 religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." And the whole Article as changed by the amendment recently adopted.makes ample provision for the instruction of the youth of the State in all use- ful learning: bv the establishment of irtxj puunu sciiuois uuu uuivcraiky. C V, 1 r lT 1 1 TT: :a I In the constitution of 176 and that which was established nearly a hundred years afterwards, common schools and the University were in- njimfktj nrwi t n r mpmnrv fit vn ir i i ...i l h . t - mm m ld3wlbe enshrined with- uS? n i" "Baiure cannot by other people. The "City" has its good deeds win oe enshrined witn- rightfully disobey, that tuition in own police and its own trovem m the hearts of a people whom you tho Tlni'liv K ' k mnf1o fpno " AlVRS constitution oi li o it established by private enterprise, have seen represent m?.i a scnooi or we separably connected. The trainers system of educatian as the only pro of each had no expectation that one tection to society and the only means could prosper without the other, or of abolishing crimes and penalties." that one was less necessary than the other. No preference is expressed for one over the other. And set I am sorry to learn that there is throughout the State a Dreiudice against the University even in the minds of those who profess to be ad- vocate3 of the public school system. It is objected to the University. that it is an aristocratic institution. intended for the rich only, while the ,w,P narliir , fWkm rdvantaSaT ThhobESon how 113 advantages, lnis objection, now- ever gruuuuieasa, uugni. to ue an swered. The sixth section of the ninth Article of the Constitution of 18G8 prescribes " That the General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of the University, as far as P""" tonded to the youth w tne state iree or expense for tn- ition." Here ... .. x positive anu mus ine poorest ooy in tne lana may come to the College Halls and get instruction without money and without price, Besides this, a grant 01 lanuscnp was maae Dy uongress in xoo tu tjucu ouiiu oi ine union I t 00 1 !..- i P XI T T ' for the purpose of establishing there in at least one College where the 1 i; i i i ,1 ii eluding otheVsciemific'and"cTieal studies, and including militarv tac- itruuiug ooject snail oe, wnnoui ex- studies, and including military tac- tis, to teach such branches of learn ing as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions oiiiie.'- xne lanciscnp intenaea ior JNortn Carolina wasac- uupuu uv mo vtjiierai Assemuiy in I860, and was afterwards transferred 1 A I f 1 1 A 1 1 to the Trustees of the University to be by them used and disposed of accoruing 10 ine provisions oi ine congressional gram, xne univer- sity as now constituted is intended mainly for the poor for the indus trial class that great widespread class, whose sons are to do the labor and develop the wealth of future North Carolina. The rich can send their sons abroad to the University of Virginia, to Yale or Harvard ; but to tho industrial classes, the loss of the University would be irrepar- aoie. Having thus vindicated the Uni- vereitv from the charere brought against it by the thoughtless, 1 trust n win ue perm i Lieu iiereaiier 10 oc- cupv its proper place at the head of the educational institutions of the state, and that it and our free pub- lincnhnnlo will Kaannolltraiinnnrfit by all classes of our fellow-citizens, From this time forth let us all unite in a common vigorous and deter- mined effort to devise the be3t means for educating the vounsr of all classes of the people whether rich or poor, male or female, white or colored. We are all citizens of a common countrv. and all are eaual- . . . . . . 11 1 l iy mteresiea in promoung ine Desi pnnn ni an. atiis can oe uudh uiiiv Dy educating all, so that all the fac- ulties conferred upon each one by his Creator mav be brousrht out and developed to their fullest extent, to this end let scnooi-house3 oi tne most imnroved kind he built uo all over the land, let them be provided with everything that is necessary for the comfort and convenience of ax . i fii i a i i? 1 ine cniiaren : let mem do BUDDiieu with the best books, and above all let provision be made for instruct- ing and training teachers, who shall be charged with the important work 0f developing: the minds and char- acters of our children. And I would flflfL lfit OUT UniVerSltV be aain eS- tablished upon the best and most suitable basis, and let the agncui- tural and mechanical Colleges be established so as to carry out the de- sterns of uongress in making the ao- A. aC 1 1 2 A ,1 I nauon oi lanuscnp. auu, us yuui Excellency well says, let our colored population be educated equally with me wnne race, out iu sepuiute schools and colleges. I have reserved to the last to say that any plan of education will be im complete which does not embrace the fairer and better part of our race. T he eaucation of our eriris. at least in the higher branches of learn- mav well ask ourselves n mis shall continue. Woman has been risinsr in social scale for many gen- erations. To attain her true position she must be educated. Society will n nvor hovn atfamosl ita hiorhtvat. nnn most perfect state until she is su preme in her sphere as man is in his. Happily for mankind these spheres are not antagonistic, but susceptible of the utmost harmony. Education will have done its perfect work when all the manly virtues and all the feminine erraces shall flourish together. Tho Washington Chronicle in an article on crime and punishment, says: The day is not far distant when the gallows will become as obsolete as imprisonment for debt ; when the present system of collecting debts by process of law, levies, and executions will be totally abolished; that credit, if given at all, will be given on honor, and if honor is dis- honored that will cancel the debt. The people will discover ere long that "the world is governed too much:" that red tape ceremony. and humbuggery have too long do- mineered over practical and pro- cressive enterprise and common " t- i a; L. 111 1 I sense, r UDllC seniiiueut win auupi. the maxim that "an ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of cure," and will labor more diligently to establish a universal and thorough TV . . J . .-v w, meui,, xneresi, o uie meuopuus 4ist inc. has hitherto been left to schools duke : all . - - Property in London. The Vast Possessions of the Nobility in the Metropolis. lhe "City" of London is a mere n'3fSlSf if ht? mv wilderness of houses, says Mark Twain like the central square of a chessboard ; and, as the hordes that inhabit it daily dwell miles away on the outskirts, it has a ridicu f i" : V- 7 i V ",7 1UUS y pof1i.;1?.n "Vk compared to what It has in the day time 800,000 in the day and 50,000 at night. Anybody, a mechanic, or any body else, who rents or owns a house, has a vote that is to say, a mar ih rates, or taxes for here which gives a there is no' la'w ..i ;,iio.. u Aia. I IWUiWO 1112 Ullf ilKb ui uo - f i i r 1 furnished i3 composed of a great hive of once separate villages, which still retain their own names as Charing. Hol- horn. pro. hut. thfv m wplrfpd together into a comnaefc mass of I . c .1 houses now, and no stranger can tell when he passes out of one of these towns and into another. strictTy eniail, and"t be t I iona fori f rnm tho f-i m ! 1 r Tho Tho estates of the nobility are alienated from the family. The town property which these great landlords own is leased for long terms from half a century up to ninety-nine years ; in Scotland nine hundred and ninety-nine years. I was visiting a house in the West Lnd, the quarter where dwelling house property is the most valua hie. Mv host said ho hnncrht the I . " . lease of the house he was living in ro three-storv brick, with basement twentwearsaor). fnrseven thousand five hundred dollars, when it had forty-one and a quarter years to run. livery year he has to pay one hundred and fifty dollars ground rent. But in these days property has so greatly advanced in value all over London, and especially at the West End, that if this lease were for sale now it would require something like a fortune to buy it, and the around rent would be placed at one thousand dollars a year, instead of the one hundred and riftv dollars the present owner will go on paying for the next twenty years. The property oeiongs to tne jjuko oi .oeuiuiu, uuu vvneii uc iciicuw ujiuu what that property will have soared to. ten or fifteen years from now, and still paying him only the trifle I rif nno hiinrlroH a nrl fi f tT flnllflia a year, he probably wants to go and dig up his late ancestor and shake him. This house is one of seventy-five iust like it that surround a beautiful square containing two or three acres ot ground ornamental grounus, larere old trees, broad, clean-shaven errass-plots. kept scrupulously swept I f A 11 1 . 1 iree irom iwigs, laneu leaves, mm an uuier eve-surra, ma tiax mo Duke owns all those seventy-five houses, and he owns the ornamental square in the middle also. To each house he leaves a key that will open any oi ine numerous gates (there is an iron railing all around) to the square, and nobody can get in these out tne occupants oi me seventy-five houses and such per- 11 a 4- s-v FT K rw sons as mey cuuuse i-u iiivitc. xucy do a deal of croquet. The seventy- five pay a small sum yearly to Keep the square in repair, It was a pleasant day, and we wnik-Pd alnn down the street. Every time we crossed a new street mir hcf coirl "This property belongs to the Duke of Bedford also all these statelv blocks of buildinsrs both aides of the street." Bv-and-bv we came to another 1 A 1 . a. 1 ornamental square liKe me omer, and surrounded by large dwellings, 44 Who owns this square and these houses?" "The Duke of Bedford." We turned and walked about half a mile in another direction. Still the same. All the way it was, "This all belongs to the Duke of Bedford ; this ornamental square is his; this is the statue of the late the smoKy statues we dukes of the line oi iormer ereneraiious. e are nr. nrettv well tired out by this time. else we might go on till we could show you the great Covent Garden Market one of the sights oi ion rlnn "Who owns it!" "The Duke of Bedford." "I suspected as much. Does he own the property around?" "He does." Does he own any in tho coun- try?" 44Whole counties." I took a cab and drove about sev enteen mixes, or such a matter, 10 my hotel. No candles in my room no water no towels. I said to the landlord, "I have a very serious uuuuu ja my laming ivs ine xsua.g of Bedford about the way you keep this hotel." He said, "What has he got to do with it?" I said, 4He probably has a good deal to do with it ; I suppose he owns it?" "Weil, he don't do anything of the kind; I own it myself." The item was worth something, any way, and so I entered it in my diary: "London is owned by the Duke of Bedford and a one-horse hotel keeper." But I found afterward that the Xkn1nnrl Vs irnwinia nf iuo ui .eiuumuu, uio niaiuis wt Westminster, ana other nooiemen, own as largely here as Bedford does. Indeed, Westminster is much the richest peer in England perhaps the richest man in the world. His income is some twenty thousand dollars, a day, counting Sundays. But what it will be next year or the year after, baffles arithmetic, for the old cheap leases and ground rents are constantly running out, and the property being let at more than quadruple prices. The Duke of Portland ownsthe huge piece of ground on which the British Mu seum stands. It is no hardship here to own real estate, for the taxes on it are trifling, as they are also on foreign wines and luxuries which only the well-to-do indulge in. The revenues come from the manifold things which Tom, Dick and Harry of the great middle and working classes have got to have and cannot do without. A Mathematical Marvel. An Untamed Missouri Boy as a Ready Reckoner. A correspondent of the St. Louis Republicans written from Tabo, Mo., says : We have quite a marvel of a man in our community, a natural math ematician. His name is Reuben Fields. Having heard of him fre quently through farmers and others, who got him to do their figuring, I determined a short time ago to pay him a visit, and to ascertain for myself if the stories told of him were true. I am free to confess that at first I was fully as incredulous as many readers of this paragraph will be ; in fact, would not have believed statements made concerning him had not the authority been indis putably good. Proceeding to Fay etteville, the small village in which he lives, I inquired for 44Reub," and was told-that he was in town, and was shown his residence, to ward which I made my way. When nearly there I met a young man apparently about twenty-five years of acre, walking a little lame who seemed to be leisurely and va- cantly gazing about, and accosted him with : "Does Reuben Fields live in that house yonder ?" 41 Yes, sir." "Well, I've heard that Ileub was a great calculator, and I must go and see him," ana started lorward, when he stopped me with : "I'm him. 44 Well. Reub," said I, "I have a few questions I would like to have you answer, and will make it worth your while to do so." Gazing around, he answered : "That's all right," and remarked that he could "count" anything he could understand. T may here remark, that he can not read or write a letter or figure ; he said if he could he would lose his gift. He cannot explain any- thing, but says he has a numeration table away on "beyond the books." He remarked "You commence at the bottom and work up I commence at the top and work down; it is easier falling out of a tree than climbing on.' He frequently observes "If I could read and write I shouldn't know any more than you do." It is said he never makes mis takes. In all the questions I gave him he made but one, and he cor rected that on recounting. The following are some of the Questions asked him: If, to the time past noon, there be added its 1-2, 1-8, and 2-5, the sum will be equal to 1-6 of the time to midnight, what is the hourr Divide $11.50 between two per sons, so that one shall have 7octs. more than the other. A tree 13G feet long, fell and was broken into two pieces, two-thirds of the lonerer piece equals three quarters of the length of the shorter; wnai is me leugui oi tatun pievo i What is the interest of one cent for one day at six per cent, per an- num ? What is the exact length of one side of a square acre ? These questions were all correctly answered, his answer to the last be- ing, 4It can't be told." I then said : , "Reub, I hear that you can tell what day or the weeK any given date was or will be is that so?" Yes sir " "What was July 1, 18GS?" 44 Wednesday." "Correct." "What was the 22d of January, 1848?" "Sunday.?' 44 What day will the Fourth of July come on this year 4 'Saturday." "New Year's?" "Friday." 4 All right. I have also heard, Reub, that you can tell the hour at any time of day or night, is that so?" "Yes, sir." 44 What time is it now?" "It is seventeen minutes past two o'clock, railway time sun time is thirteen minutes slower." We walked around town, and he . A I on both clear and cloudy days, and also on dark nights, and he always gave the correct time. Reuben asked the gentleman we were talk- ing with to write down a column of figures, which he did. They were then read to him thirteen num- bers; two figures in each number and he at once gave their sum, and could repeat the numbers in the oraer in wmcn uiey were wriiien, either forward or backward. The tax collector got Reuben to look over his work last Fall, and Reuben said that he could remem- ber the numbers in the columns and gave me tne hour several times, al duties at the cafes to the satisrac correctly each time, within two or tion of the public. Suddenly, how three minutes. Several times he ever, he was seized with nervous called on citizens of the place to symptoms lasting from 24 to 48 attest the truth of his statements, hours, and of such an extraordinary which they did. One of the leading nature that it was considered safe to citizens of the place told me he had take him to the hospital. His malady tried "Reub" on the time question is easier to illustrate bv examples the sum yet. County clerks have sent from Kansas for him to help straighten their books. A whole sale hrm in Kansas City heard of him and sent for him to do some invoicing. He told them he could do the work of ten men in making computations. They told him if he could he should have the pay often men. He mounted a nigh stool with! the clerks around him, and kept i them giving the number of articles, price of each, and taking down his answers. They gave him $45 far his day's work. A firm in Fayejlteviile selling out took an in voice of their goods. Iteub was sick at the time, but they found him out and sent for him ; lie lcund a mistake for $300. Sitting up with Her. She was expecting him Sunday night; the parlor curtains were down ; the old folks notified that it was healthy to go to bed at eight o'clock, and Johnny bribed with a cent to permit himself to be tucked away at sundown. He sneaked up the path, one eye on the dog and the other watching for the 44 old man,!' who didn't like him any too well, gave a faint knock at the door, and it was opened, and he was es corted to the parlor. Ho said he couldn't stay but a minute, though he didn't mean to go home for hours. She wanted to know how his moth er was ; if his father had returned from York State; if his brother Bill's rheumatism was any better; and he went over and sat down on the sofa so as not to strain his voice. Then, conversation flagged and ho played with his hat, and she nibbled on the sofa tidy. He finally said it was a beautiful evening, and she replied that her father had predicted a snow storm. He said he guessed it wouldn't snow, as the moon was not crooked enough to hang a pow- der horn on the end, and she said she didn't believe it would either. This mutual understanding seemed to give them both courage, and then he wanted to know if she had seen Bill Jones lately. She hadn't, she said, and she didn't want to. Then they went on talking about the do- nation visit which was to be given before long to Elder Berry, and he carelesslv dropped his right hand on hers4-his right hand, while his left arm sneaked along the sofa and got behind her shoulders. She pretend ed not to notice it, and he looked down at his boots, and wanted to know if she thought mutton tallow rotted out boots faster than lard and lampblack. She couldn't say, but she had an idea that it did. He had just commenced to hook fingers with her, when she discovered that something ailed the lamp ; she rose up and turned the light down a half inch, making the room look dim. It took him five minutes to get hold of her fingers again, and she pre tended to want to draw her hand away all the time. After a long pause he lowered his voice to a .whisper, and said he didn't see what made ioiKs love eacn oiner. one uiu her handkerchief and admitted her ignorance. He said he could name a dozen young men who were going to get married right away, and his left arm fell down and gave her a hug. Then ho went over and look ed out of the window, to make sure that it was or was not going to snow, and. coming back, he turned the light down a little more, and then sat down and wanted to know if she didn't want to rest herself by lean ing her head on his shoulder. Ah, me ! We have all been there, and who of us cared a cent when the old clock struck twelve, and we five miles from home? The old man was fast asleep, the watch-dog gone avisiung, auu me iiauusoinesi in the country didn't see why we need be in a hurry. Perhaps I shouldn't have written of this, but as I was going by Saun- ders' the other day, thinking of the night I heard him whisper in her ear at spelling school, that he'd love her shadow as long as he lived, he raised the window and called to her, as she was piaking up chips in the road : 44 Sue Saunders, come in here and find the b'ar's grease for my sore heel, or I'll break every bone in your body." A Living Automaton. A curious patient is now an in mate of Dr. Mesnet's ward at the Hospital St. Antoine. His profes sion was that of a singer at the Cafes Chantants. During therwar of 1870- 71 he was hit over the left ear by a musket-bullet, which carried off about 2i inches of the parietal bone, and left bare the brain on the left side. This led to a temporary par alysis of the members on the oppo site side, as is always the case; but he was eventually cured of this, while the tremendous wound on the skull began to heal, so that after a time he could resume his profession .a A, . m -Am .a . m a than to define. When he is in his fit he has no sensitiveness of his own, and will bear physical pain without being aware of it ; but his will may be influenced by contact with exterior objects. Set him on his feet. and. as soon as they touch the erround. they awaken in him the desire of walking; he then marches straight on, quite steadily. with nxed eyes, without saying a word, or knowinsr what is eroinff on about him. If he meets with an ob- stacle on his way, he will touch it, and try to make out by feeling what it is, and then attempt to get out of its way. If several persons join hands and form a ring around him, he will try to find an opening by repeatedly crossing over from one side to the other, and this without betraying the slightest consciousness or impatience. X'ut a pen into his hand; this will instantly awaken in him a desire of writing; ho will fumble about for ink and pappr, and, if these be placed before him, he will write a very sensible busi ness letter; but, when the fit Is over, he will recollect nothing at all about it. Give him some cigarette-paper, and he will instantly take out his tobacco-bag, roll a cigarette very cleverly, and light it with a match from his own box. Put them ou ono after another; ho will try from first to last to get a light, and puV up, in the end, with his ill-success. But ignite a match yourself, and give it him ; he will not use it, and lets it burn between his fingers. Fill his tobacco-bag with anything, no matter what, shavings, cotton, lint, hay, etc. ; he will roll his cigarette just the same, light and smoko it, without perceiving tho hoax. Rut better still ; put a pair of gloves into his hand, and he will put them on at once ; this, reminding him of hi profession, will make him look for his music. A roll of paper Is then given to him, upon which ho as sumes the attitude of a singer before the public, and warbles somo pieco of his repertory. I f you place your self before him, he will feel about on your person, and, meeting with your watch, he will .transfer it from your pocket to his own ; but on the other hand, he will allow yon, with out any resistance or impatience whatever, to take it back' again. Journal of Chemistry, Mohammed and his Habits. An English author, with the sin gular name of Smith, hasjust pub lished an elaborate work on Mo hammed and tho religion which iie originated. From it we extract the following: Up to the age of forty there is no thing to show that any serious scru ple had occurred tohim individually as to tho worship of idols, and iu particular of tho Black Stono of which his family were the, heredita ry guardians. Tho sacred month of Ramadham, like other religious Arabs, he observed with punctilious devotion ; and he would often retire to the caverns of Mount I lira for purposes of solitude, meditation, and prayer. He was melancholic in temperament, to begin with: he was also subject to epileptic fits, upon which Sprenger has laid great' stress, and described most minutely, and which, whether under the name of tho 44 sacred disease." jamong the Greeks, or 4 'possession by tho dev il " among the Jews, have in most ages and countries been Ijoked tioti as something specially jmysterious or supernatural. J Mohammed was" ot middle height, and of a strbngly-built frame; his head was large, and across his ample forehead, and above finely-arched eyebrows.ran a strongly-marked vein, which, when he was angry, would turn black and throb visibly. His eyes were coal black and piercing in their bright ness; his hair curled slightly; and a long beard, which, like- other Ori entals, he would stroke when in , deep thought, added to the Impress iveness of his appearance!. His step was quick and firm, like that of one descending a hill. Between his shoulders was tho famous! mark, the size of a pigeon's egg, which his dis ciples persisted in beliejving to bp the sign of his prophetic office'; while the light which kindled in his eye, like that which ilaihed from the precious stones iu tio breast plate of the High Priest, they called the light of prophecy. Tho most noteworthy of hisi external characteristics was a sweet gravity and a quiet dignity which drew in voluntary respect, and which was the best and often tho orly protec tion he enioyed from insult. His ordinary dress was plain even to coarseness yet he was faitidious in arranging it to the best advantage. He was fond of ablution, and fonder still of perfumes, and he prided him self on the neatness of his hair and the pearly whiteness of, his teeth. His life was simple in all jits details. He lived with his wives in a row of humble cottages, separated from one another by palm branches,,co- mented together with mud. lie would kindle the fire, sweep i the floor, and milk the goats himself. Ayesha tells us that for iftonths to gether he did not get aj s8UflIcIent meal. The little rood mat ne had was always shared with those who drooped in to partake of it. Indeed, outside the prophet's house was a bench or galley on which were al ways to bo found a number ol the m m A - . poor who lived entirely ; on i the prophet's generosity, and Avcrc Ks-rw.-i -wtlTw! " fllf rf) the people oi I In bench." A woman has no more bewitch ing grace than a sWeet laugh.! It leaps from her heart In a clear. sparkling rill ; , and the heart that hears it feels as if bathed in exhila rating spring. Have yoti ever pur sued an unseen - futrltive through treesrled on by her fairy Jaugh now here, now lost, now found? we have. And we are pursuing that wandering voice to-day. Sometimes it comes to us in the midst of care or irksome business i and then wo turn away and listen; and hearit ringing through tho room lio a silver bell, with power fc scare awaystho ill spirits of the mind. How much wo owe that sweet laugh I it turns the prose of life to poetry, and flings showers of sunshine over, Its dark somo hours. Kzchange, IN