THE ER&. v UliPUHLICAN WKEKLYNKWS- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, 1'APER-THK CENTRAL OHO AN AT TWO DOLLARS A-YEAK, IN OF THE PARTY. ADVANCE. I W. M. IIUOWN, Manager. ? 3r Job Work executed at) short no- (.ice and. in a style uasorpaasjod by auy similarcstablishment in tbeStAte. i - --rr:-:-rj . f"7--; RATES OF ADVERTISING : J i . Ono square, one time, - ' $ 1 00 Offick iii the old "Standard" Build- in one square South of the Court I'uhho, Fnyetteville Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: two times, j i . 1 50 2 00 One year, ... Six months, -Three months, - 2 00 - 1 00 - 50 it 44 three times, VOL. IV, RALEIGH, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1874. NO. 14, Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. , zr Invariably iv Advance. -S THE ERA. THE ERA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1874. Rhymes. ti re vaa a young woman named Hrevter, Who married an old Bantam Rootcr; When aked what induced hr To marry the Rooster, she sai.l that the option confused her. She sai 1 r.. -it- w.t a youn unman named Hnnah, - l,. I haved in a frivolous manner While hir Pa stood in prayer, Site put t:icks in hi rlmi r : di- li he Hat on, and t-us -bed his Han nah. Tln-re was a young womau in Natchez, Who swallowed a whole bunch of match ei ; When asked how they tasted, She said they arc wasted, 'I hit frugal young woman of Natchez. MISCHLLAMSOUS. Envy. Knvy is one of the most depica- hie of missions. There Is scarcely passions. a crime to which it will not load its victims. It was envy that robbed I h r NalMitu of his vineyard, and added murder t the theft. It was envy that lt-d the guilty Absalom to desire the throne of his father David. It destroys all that in best and noblest in character. So subtle is it in its workings that we learn ou the highest testimony that 4t envy Is nittrnness of the bnes;" it eats out all honor and manliness; it gives sleepier nights and restless days. Moreover, envy is utterly u-elt-s-s; it helps nobody, it effects no alteration, it wins no goal. As we read in Job, it slayeth the sill v one;" and all sensible jw?ople must feel that there is marvellous h Mines hi envy. liut if the indulgence of envy does us no gKxl, it is calculated to do other people much harm. Every pas ion tesids to inrarnatio:i in some wav. Evil emotion turns to action, ami becomes embodied in ignoble deeds! So deceitful is envy in its operation, and so successful in its harm, that the question is asked in Scripture, 44 Who can stand before envy?" It undermines the very ground you are standing ujon ; it breathes inuendoes against your character and reputation, which, llht as air to utter, are strong as iron and harp as steel to do you damage. Yes, envy will depreciate the character it cannot publicly de fame; it will explain virtues to be vices in disguise ; it will sneer with the lip and stab with the suggestion of an evil hint in your absence, whilst in your presence it will ad mire and applaud. That the envious pay the penalty in their own misery does not miti gate the wrong they do to others. It does help, indeed; to vindicate the ways of God to man, as it shows m the divine hand dispensing, even in this world, to each man according to his am ! liut the misery they feel does not atone for the misery they inflict. Envy is one of the barest of passions; it is the essence of devilUm. Hy it Satan lost his seat in heaven; and by it men and women have, through the long cen turies, sinned and suffered in end less ways. Quiver. The Value of Home. People should look with distrust on any movement that threatens the safety of home. There have been a great many wrongs done the familv of late in the name of progress. The fact that the old so cial land marks were threatened should be enough to stamp any such revolutionary proceeding with disfavor. The family is the oldest institution on record. Church and State take their forms of govern ment from its constitution. If the lies of home be imperilled all other organizations come at once into danger. Loose notions of marriage, loose ideas of parental authority, false theories of personal indepen dence, war against the family. Yet these are the themes upon which society has been lectured of late years with the puriose of proving that the laws laid down by our fath ers for the constitution and preser vation of the household have sur vived their usefulness and ought to be abolished. This mischievous idea has had its day, has borne its evil Iruit, and should be banished to the limbs of disastrous experi ments. The home is too valuable an institution to be subjected tooth er experiments of the same nature. It is the cradle of the country's prosperity, the source and center of its liberties. If it were blotted out of existence the joys that were left to life would not be worth the least of the sorrows that must of neces sity be endured. The American Ieople can not too jealously guard against all assaults upon their homes and family ties. 4 Show me the mother of a land," said one of the sagesof Greece, 44 and I will tell of its present and prophesy its future." The homes that the mothers of the nation have for a century guarded from harm and taught the world to respect, are the corner of the repub lic's strength. Exchange. David Martin, the murderer of little Willie Carter, who escaped some time since, has been arrested and returned to the New Hanover county jail. He was captured on the plantation of a colored man caaied William Young, about six miles from Wilmington. Singular Occurrence, ( hie of the strangest stories of the day and the most novel phase of me grasshopiier question that has yet presented Itself, comes to us from Phillips county. About a year aro. ... . - a tain 1 1 if f rfuri I innpnia n r Jurinan " r L-uiiu near inu wrau-'ru nuu ui x 1111- lips county, ine oldest aaugnier, fed au.Ve,ht??; T f add?ted tnthoSniitnprn hahit if o av.Mhno w v. vU....b. nl ll a i r one usually oDtaineu me ciay irom uiu ruausiue, wueru u raemuieu me ciay in me ooutn, oi wnicn me na- a t at i Ait- uvea are ao ionu. xany mis sum- mer, the grasshoppers settled down in inai region, anu soon oegan ue- positing their eggs in the gardens, fields, and by the roadside. 'I he Boomershine girl went on with her clay-eating, as usual, with no un- usuai eneci, unui a snori urae ago, wnen sne oegan complaining 01 an uneasy feeling in her interior, and commenced gradually swelling, like porary success that may have at one with the dropsy. The symp- tended these organizations in the toms increased and a change began to take place in her appetite. She no longer had a taste for clay, but seemed to hanker after the blades of corn, leaves of trees, dog fennel, and I . . , i i ; .1 l o"i"r wmuj uuu sue sam ww i c- queuuy luii, as n ou wu.u wings anu uy away. ut. xjc iuc, ui I'hiiiinsDurg, was seni ior, wnosaiu that he had never before met with a case of the kind in his practice, or read of one in the books, lie de- cided that she must be laboring un-' dor some hallucination of the mind. Things went on thus until recently, when one day the grasshoppers commenced rising and taking their flight. The girl looked at them iorawnne, when, unable to restrain herself longer, she rushed out of the house, flapped her arms as if they were ed on it they are mistaken. If ex wings, rose about ten feet in the air perience teaches anything it is that 1 A. I 1V.I1 4,. K 4-tn1 A. .1 4.1 XI I 1 , anu men leu lj iuuuu, ucau. Dr. Le Due made a pout mortem ex- animation, which revealed the won- we the people," down to the pres derful fact that her insides were lit- J ent, the masses look with contempt erally swarming with full-grown i rni i,. u- erassnoppers. xne meury is, time she ate of the clay in which the in- sects had deposited their eggs ; they No party ever succeeded, no princi were hatched out inside of her; her pie was ever gained, no great good appetite partook of theirs ; and when the time came. for the grass- a . l! i .1 i 4 1 noppers 10 migrate, liisiiuct uireciv those inside of her to do the same, An immense concourse of people at- tended the girl's funeral. Dr. Le Due has preserved a jar of the grass- hoppers, which he intends deposit- Washington, and in various medical museums throughout the country. Kansas Chief. Appcarances Deceitful. Landlord and waiters, who form their estimate of men from looks and clothing, deserve to fall into blunders which mortify their self- conceit. A capital case or tnis Kind happened recently in Germany. A stranger who arrived at Ragatz to enjoy its healthful springs was heard at the depot to inquire for a vehicle to take him to some hotel, It was a gentleman advanced in age. plainly clad; in fact.his clothes discovered an unusual simplicity. On his arm he bore a traveling- frown, and his baggage was by no means very extensive. He had been referred to the Ragatz hotel, . i . i a. . i. a. r ,1 out. oeinjr somewiiat auaeut-uiniu- The porler scrutinized him close- ed, he mounted tho omnibus ot tne honest judgment of the people oi Spring hotel, at which place it left the country, who refuse to be gulled him. or decieved by such palpable frauds. ly, assigning him srooms on the third story. Soon a vaiter knock- The Fall Trade Promise, ed and presented the hotel register. New York, says the Express, is in which the old gentleman signed beginning to be lively among the his name and returned him the merchants, and the influx of busi book. The waiter read the name, nes3 raen from the West and South when, eyeing the guest at first with is a g0(Xi augury for a tall trade surprise and then in doubt, he ran which is to begin early. The ther forthwith to the proprietor of the mometer which tells the tempera hotel. Having scarcely observed ture of traae the hotel, and the the name of his guest he ran up increase in the number of arrivals stairs, and, entering the room with which may be noted is fair evidence alow bow, stammered some kind that the buyers of goods are looking of an apology, saying that the sa- about for their purchases. The con loons of the entire first story were dition of the crops is bad in some at his disposal. districts but in the localities where 44I thank you, my friend," an- the drought or the insects have not swered the stranger; 44I find my- been largely felt the average crop self very comfortable here, indeed ; wiu be reached, while in the more and, besides, these rooms are cheap- fortunate places the yield promises or." to exceed that of previous years. Our host retreated, and the stran- Balancing these chances, then, the ger, who retained his rooms on the expressions of the 44 strangers who third story, was a person oi no ies consequence than Marshal Moltke. General Field- The Sentiment of Life. Life bears us on like the stream of a mighty river. Our boat glides down the narrow channel through the playful murmuring of the little brook, and the winding of its grassy borders. The trees shed their blos soms over our young heads, the flowers on the brink seem to offer themselves to our young hands ; we are happy in hope, and grasp eagerly at the beauties around us but the stream hurries on, and still our hands are empty. Our course in youth and manhood is alonga wilder flood, amid objects more striking and magnificent. We are animated at the moving pictures of enjoyment and industry passing us, we are ex cited at some short-lived disap pointment. The stream bears us on, and our joys and griefs are alike left behind us. We may be ship wrecked, we cannot be delayed ; whether rough or smooth, the river hastens to its home, till the roar of the ocean is in our ears and the toss ing of the waves is beneath our feet and the land lessens from our eyes, and the floods are lifted around us, and we take our leave of earth and Its inhabitants, until of our further voyage there is no witness, save the Infinite and Eternal. The People's Party. There never has been Invented by u51CilLCU anu uisappoinwu poiui- fraud honeat oters ftnd deceive tho public than the attempt to fasten their private schemes upon the I ATtlintrV US (ha !- "vr "kf nannla 1 uvtiuu v nu lultw ui. I I nam I a u narfaln iimnnnt trf A t r.n i i ioriorn enternnsG as The Peo- pie's" movement that renders it 8recially attractive to these anglers r.. ..k : x. t 1 c. ,m UUUilfUlUfC. II. IS UlWttVS MIC I . - ... . . to look with suspicion upon any movement mat has the arrogance and the assumption to announce it- I self as peculiarly entitled to the appellation of" The People's." The fact has been so often demonstrated in theDoIiticai history of the coun try that these abortions, that have no Darentaere. and who seek to ob- tain power by adopting their prin- ciples and platform to the prejudice 0f every one, are. sure to be visited with deserved disaster. Any tem- election of any particular man has Generally been a result secured on account of some local circumstances that would have been the same let the onnosition be called bv what- ever name it mignt. i xne American peopie are a maniy people, rney liKe independence; thev adore character, and thev res pect pluck; and no political organiza tion ever secured a vote or Obtained nrnaelvte bv avoiding a full. fair. distinct statement of principles and a cood. sanare ficrht under their own colors. If the Republican party in anv district are foolish enough to suppose that they can secure votes by abandoning their f name, their platform, and their princi Dies and running up a flag with 44 the People's party" inscrib- since me uay oi me uireu tuiiurs, who modestly headed their petition on the presumptive arrogance of I ... V i?.. .1 any orsranizaiion styiiiiK mem- selves peculiarly The People." to government ever secured by the temporary success of those men who ... . . . i! owe ieauy to no party organizauuu, and who represent no definite and settled principle in politics or go v- eminent. These organizations are generally managed by the disappointed aspi- who have no ends to gain except the defeat of men whom they sup- pose have failed to appreciate their A 1 I 1 1 . - . worm, urainaniy unscrupulous, gamblers in politics, they seek only the defeat of their opponents, witn out any reference to the means used, or the results of success. It is always safer and better for a par- ty to make a bold, vigorous fight on a platform of honor and character, and suffer defeat, than to abandon their organization, and join with a mongrel crew in a scramble for the defeat of some particular candidate, which, if secured, must of necessity be a barren victory. Independent candidates" and 44 People's Jfarty" are the mere ruse of theworst class nf diftannointed politicians, who have been reiected by their own parties. That they are generally and promptly rebuked at the polls . -. . . . . a i i ,1 i creaitaDie to me eoou sense uuu Washington Chronicle. traffic in our midst " is .encourag- ingly pleasant. They have confi dence in the fall trade elsewhere, and are preparing for the movement of capital consequent upon crop sales, and are shopping around with more diligence than usual. There is a close-buying tendency this year, which shows caution in their invest ments, and has a tendency to keep standard goods to a uniform price ; and the system of time purchases is taken advantage of by many of the heaviest buyers in claiming the privilege of short paper transactions. The commission houses dependent upon the Eastern mills are making heavy sales, and the demands of the manufacturers for their advances show that their contracts for raw material are very heavy. But one step is necessary to secure a fair trade, and that step should be taken by the manufacturers and merchants themselves the regulation of prices so that a fair profit .may be made, and the shortening of credits as the basis of quick sales and quick settle ments may render the general trade more healthy, and can scarcely be a detriment to the buyer, when the advantage in reduction of price is a fair compensation, for the early pay-, ment. r The prisoners confined in Halifax; jail attempted to escape on the night of the 13tn inst., but were discover ed in timoand their plans frustrated. Sumac Sumac is largely used in tanning the nner kinds of leather ; especial ly in the manufacture of the hard grain morocco and similar goods. It is also emyloyed as the base of many colors in calico and delaine priuting. Probably the consump tion of this article throughout the country, for all purposes, aggre gates more than 20,000 tons, of which about two-thirds are import ed from Sicily, not because just as good sumac cannot be had in this country, but because, until a few years ago, our people did not know its value, or in what way to prepare it for market. The sumac of Vir ginla, Maryland and Tennessee in particular is said to be the best in the world, and even its worst vari eties have been pronounced by experts to be better than any im ported from Sicily. Almost every farmer has a clump of these bushes. They are called by some 44 shoemake," by others 44 red shoemake." Probably many farmers may have tried tokdl them by cutting them down. If they have, they know how difficult a task it is. It grows like asparagus, all the better for being cut ; and when once started upon a lot and cut close once a year, it is as easy to cut as fodder. The only trouble is in curing it properly. This must be done with all the care that is given to tobacco or hops. Exposure, after cutting, to a heavy dew injures it, and a rain storm detracts materially irom its value. It is cut when in full leaf : and when properly dried is ground, leaves and sticks together. An acre in full bearing will pro duce not less than three tons ; and when fit for market is worth from eighty to one hundred dollars per ton. The 44 manufacturers," as the curers are called, pay about one cent per pound for it in a green state. A sumac mill costs about $3,000. The Commissioner of Agriculture gave an outline of a mill in his re port for lby. if thirty farmers would unite in an effort to establish a mill, each planting out a few acres, says the Ohio Farmer, we have no doubt that the enterprise would prove far more remunerative than either corn or wheat, and oe the means of inaugurating a new enterprise in their State. There is no danger of an overstock. The demand is daily increasing, for hemlock is growing scarce, and every day new tanneries and dye- houses are going into operation. Scientific American. Newspaper Advertising. Whoever would be heard in a crowd pleading his own cause, about his own business and in his own in terest, as against all competition, must thrust and push and squeeze and crowd until he has secured a position wherein he is a little taller and more conspicuous than his fel lows. The newspaper advertiser occupies a similar situation. He knows that competition among business men has everywhere shown the necessity of keeping his name and occupation before the public if he would secure the largest success. It is acknowl edged, even by those who profess not to advertise, members of the learned professions who protest against the system as being some-. thing unworthy of theircauing, out they too advertise in some way; they publish a book, and advertise that, write letters to the newspapers about the coming comet, or deliver lectures, or do anything in fact to keep their names before the public in a manner that seems to them to be at once dignified and effective. But nowhere has the value of this accessory to a successful business Am 3 il. been more miiy recognizeu man iu this country. The active determin ation with which men engage in all kinds of commercial occupations has forced them to see that publicity is essential to success. It is this habit of the great mass of the public to rush into print that has made room for the business of advertising agents, securing to the advertiser the benefit of advice and skill in a branch of business frequently in volving large outlay, and requiring great experience, discrimination, and natural and acquired skill. Flics in the Sick Room. Dr. Howson says in the Medical Times the following: As to protect ing and ridding ourselves of these pests, there are various expedients to be resorted to under the different circumstances. You may drive them out with a brush, but unless something is done to render the place uninviting to them, they will return immediately. There are many weeds or plants emitting an emprumatic odor, which answers well for the purpose. Of such to be found about the country in this neighborhood, I know of none more effectual than the wild camomile, a species oi anthemis, known also as cotula, or Mayweed. The odor of this plant is not at all disagreeable, and the branches of t he weed, when flowered, or some of the dried flow ers, scattered about the room, will very soon rid it of all the flies. And another means, which is quite as efficient and certainly more easily resorted to, is to throw some pow dered pepper on a hot shovel and arrsit-about the . room. , JThe gen eration of empyrheumatlc vapors in the same way from . other .spices :wUMdso it is said, ans wer the same purpose. A few drops of carbolic acid or creosote, or a clothhungiup in t a t room . or used in dressings, would probably be effectual but the odor, is not , so acceptable to: one's olfactories. New Lines of Steamships. We learn that President Hum phrey of the Atlantic & N. C Rail road, in connection with his other efforts to make our road one of im portance, has entered into an ar rangement with a New York firm that will result in tho running of a new line of steamships from that city to Morehead City and New Berne. From what we can learn two fine vessels of more than ordinary capac ity will be placed on the line at Morehead City one vessel leaving the latter place on the same day that one does from New York, thus ensuring a regular weekly line, with & view more particularly to carrying the naval stores and cotton received from the N. C. Road as well as our own. For the present, but one steamer will be placed upon the line to New Berne, in view of the competition at present existing, but should the necessities or require ments of our people need it, as many vessels as may be needed will be placed upon the line. We learn also that as an inducement for the plac ing of this new line, Col. Humnhrey has agreed to connect only with their steamships, and all other lines will be forced to go upon their mer its. The justice and propriety of this measure will be viewed accord ing to each individual's peculiar notions or knowledge of the circum stances, but we feel assured that the arrangement is entered into only with a view to advancing the inter ests of the road and this section of the State. We cordially wish the new enterprise every success. New Heme Times. Tho Wilmincrton Star says: A indv who keens a boarding house north of the W. & W. Railroad made a most sinerurar purchase on Saturday eveninsr last, the only ex cuse for which is the iacc sne was not aware at the time what she was nnrchasins'. It appears that in rid- fner rmst a certain shoo on the line of -"o r. , i it. the street railway sne requesceu me . . . i j i proprietor to pick ner ouc a goou eahhflP'fi. He did so. took the article into the car and deposited it by her . .1 A. 1 side, received his pay ana retireu. The cabbage, a good solid one to all nnnearances. was taken home and placed on a table, where it remained until some time tne next morning, whpn the ladv started to prepare it for cooking. It was then she made a startling discovery nothing more nor less than a snake's head peering out from behind one of the loose leaves. Assistance to solve the mys tery of this strange affair was sum moned and an investigation com menced, when a larcre snake was found snugly ensconsed in the head of the cabbage, which was perfectly hollow. Of course it is not pre sumed that the snake ate his way into the eabbaere. the only plausible that he made his nest in it before it had matured and that the leaves gradually grew and closed over the orifice, with the exception of the slight opening preserved in one side oy tne snaKe s occasional rress and ingress to and from his singular abiding place. The cab bage was grown in one of the gar dens near this city and there is no telliner how many hands it had pass ed through before the singular dis covery was made. Let us Help One Another. This Ht.t.le sentence should be written on every heart and stamped on every memory. It should be tne golden rule practiced not only in every household, but throughout the world. Bv heloiue: one another we not only remove thorns from the pathway, and anxiety irom me mind, but we feel a sense of pleasure in our own hearts, knowiner we are doing a duty to a fellow creature. A helping hand or an encouraging word, is no loss to you, yet it is a benefit to others. Who has not PPtfleri1 the aid of a kind friend : How soothiner. when perplexed with some task that is mysterious and hnrrhensome. to feel a erentle hand on her shoulder and to hear a kind voipp. whisnerinsr: 44 Do not feel dis couraged ; I see your trouble, let me lelp me." What strengm is m nirpnV what hone created, what sweet gratitude is felt, and the great difficulty is dissolved as dew be- neath the sunshine, let, let us heln one another bv endeavoring to strengthen and encourage the weak and lifting the burden or care irom the weary and oppressed, that life may glide smoothly on and the fount of bitterness yield sweet wa ters ; and he, whose willing hand is ever ready to aid us, will reward our humble endeavors, and every good deed will be as 4 bread cast upon the waters to return after many days,' if not to us, those we love. Eggs for Burns. The white of an egg has proved of late the most efficacious remedy for burns. Seven or eight applications of this sub stance soothe the pain and effectual ly exclude the burn from the air. This simple remedy seems prefera ble to collodion or even cotton. Ex traordinary stories are told of the healing properties of a new oil which is easily made from the yolks of hens eggs. The eggs are first boiled hard, the yolks are then re moved, crushed and placed over a fire, where they are carefully stirred until the whole substance is just on the point of catching fire, when the oil separates and may be poured off. It is in general useanfbngthe colonists of Southern Russia as a means of curing cuts, bruises and scratches. Boston Journal of Chem istry. The grasshopper plague has con siderably abated in Lenoir county. CORRESPONDENCE. It must not be understood that The Era endorses the sontlnieuU of Its correspond ents in every Innuture. Its columns are open to the! friends of the party, and their communications will be elven to the public as containing the views and seutliuenU of the writers. Republican State Convention in South Carolina. To the Editor of the Era: We arrived in Columbia, Friday, the 11th inst., after a very tedious travel of near 21 hours. Of course we have as yet had but little time to look over the city, and can therefore afford only impressions of 44 what seems to be." Though this be our first visit to this place, we read ily recognize, as will every person coming here, many very evident marks of its former distinction and glory. We think it beautifully de signed and naturally attractive. The burnt district is rapidly rebuild ing and the business, though dull at fresent,rapidly improving, from all could see and learn. Columbia is yet destined to recover its lost beau ty and grandeur, in which event it must become one of the prettiest places in the South. So mote it be. POLITICS. From the intense interest mani fested on all sides by all parties and colors, it is apparent that strenuous exertions are to be put forth in the campaign just fairly opening. We find, in contact with the people, that a deep-seated conviction rests in the minds of a large number of both parties and colors that the State in the past has been subjected to a system of plunder and corrup tion by those who have had official reins, which has been the means of her present humiliated condition, and if persisted in, future destruc tion. We say this opinion seems to be concurred in by large numbers, not only of the Democrats, not only of Republicans, but of colored vo ters. While we regret exceedingly its necessity, we nevertheless feel proud that the colored raen of South Carolina, many of them, have taken such a noble stand against what they call and openly denounce as corrupt, oppressive and outra geous in the conduct of their offi cers and leaders. It stands greatly to their credit as it does to the credit of their race that they possess and cherish a devotion to principle far in excess of and more commenda ble than a blind, heedless devotion to nartv discipline to 'whatever ex tent it may be controlled by dishon est men and motives, vv e under stand that a movement is progress ing, headed by Hon. It. B. Elliott, havinsrfor its object the purification of the Republican party in the State. He is said to be a man of extraordinary exertion, of great nhilities and much influence. If the necessity for reform be as great as the demand, it will be a most happy and expectant day for the good old " JL'aimettostate, mac me success of hi3 undertaking is assured. STATE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. We arrived just in time to witness the most important of the proceed ings of the State Republican Con vention. It convened Tuesday, the 8th inst., and up to the time of my arrival, and even to the present, has not as much as effected a permanent organization. The entire business of its sessions has been confined to the settlement of contests among the delegations from several coun ties, prominent and the most inter esting among which is the delega tion from Charleston. It appears that Charleston i3 to South Carolina Conventions what New Hanover is to North Carolina Conventions all trouble. But happily emerging from these troubles and complica tions we tnav reasonably expect something substantial and business like to-day. Saturday, Sept. 12. MORNING SESSION. We arrived at thecapitol at 12 m., iust as the Convention was about proceeding to tne nomination oi candidates for the various State offi ces. Through the courtesy of lion. R. B. Elliott, and after passing tnronp'n the hands of a number of Sergeants-at-Arms, Doorkeepers, Pages, &c, &c., &c., assigned to a very convenient seat on the floor of the House. Hon. F. L. Cardozo was now ud making an able address touching affairs in theState, during which he said that the itepuoncan party in South Carolina was suffer ing from a poisonous disease that disease was corruption ; spoke of the necessity and demands of the people for reform and reform lead ers, spoke in positive terms against Moses, the present Executive, leav ing very unmistakable evidences of his belief that he was not a compe tent, honest and faithful officer. He concluded his remarks by nomina ting for Governor Hon. Daniel H. Chamberlain said that his knowl edgeof the administration at Wash ington gave him the advantage of assuring the Convention that the party in the State would not be sustained by it unless different men were placed in charge of affairs. He knew that the nomination ho had made would meet with the entire ap probation of the National Admin istration. A delegate from Sumter county arose and opposed the nomination of Mr. Chamberlain. He said that he had pledged himself in & con ventionheld by the Republican young men of South Carolina not to support any man for Governor that nad in any way been connected with the two past administrations of the State government. That Mr. Chamberlain had been a party to some of the " most out rageous! frauds ever perpetrated upon the people of South Carolina. He would support neither Cham' berlain nor Moses. During tho remarks of tho delegate from Sumter, quite a ripple of dissatis faction arose, in which many hard things were said and a storm threat ened. Tho excitement was rising, when Congressman Elliott arose to quell the disturbance by a point of order, that the gentleman from Sumter was entitled to tho floor (which had been taken from him by a half dozen speakers). Tho Sumter delegate yielded to another dele gate, who spoke some bitter things against Treasurer Cardozo. This brought the redoubtablo Treasurer, to his feet, who repelled in language not to be misconstrued the Imputa tion sought to be cast upon his of ficial character. Each speaker was applauded most vehemently by their respective adherents. After much confusion tho delegate from Sumter resumed tho floor and said that the time had come when ne groes should wake up (applause) ; that Chamberlain was tho represen tative of the fraudulent bondholders of South Carolina ; that his support ers were such as wished him as an instrument to cover theft own dis honest dealings and rascalities. At 12:20 our dinner hour sum mons us and wo leave in! the midst of a discussion as to thq merit, of the candidate put forth for nomina tion, thinking we can be able to re turn ero the delegate n6w on the floor has closed his remarks in op position. EVENING SESSION. o'clock and proceeded to discuss tho merit of the gentleman. nut forth for tho nomination for jGovernor. After much wrangling and confu sion the debate ceased and tho Con vention went into a ballot, which resulted in favor of Chamberlain for Governor, and tho present in cumbent, R. H. Gleanes, colored, for Lieutenant-Governor, by a de cided majority. The result was an nounced amidst the wildest applause from the friends of these gentlemen , and the Convention adjourned until Monday morning. j More anon. 0. N. H. Monday, Sept. 1 1. MORNING SESSION The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, President in the chair. Roll called, quorum present Prayer by Rev. Mr. Walker. Reading of journal of previous session was, on .motion, dispensed with, antl REPORTS from COMMITTEES announced in order. Tho Commit tee on Resolutions and Platform then came forward and reported through their Chairman, Hon. F. L. Cardozo. Tho resolutions reaffirm ed the principles of 'tho National Republican party as enunciated in the platform adopted! at the Nation al Convention at Philadelphia in 1872 ; deprecated tho outrages that have been committed inj several of the Southern States as being detri mental to the interest of the South ern people and destructive of public peace and private happiness ; en dorsed the Civil Rights bill, and pledged the party in tho State to carry out the financial reforms which have, been commenced and to inaug urate such others as mayj bedoemod necessary to put the iState in a healthy and prosperous! condition, &c., &c, Ac. j Resolution was offered thanking the President of tho United States for his action in sending troops to the scenes of recent armed hostili ties in the State by citizbns of Geor gia. A substitute was offered by a delegate, deprecating all disorders in the State and thanking Scnalor Patterson and Judge T.j J. Mackey for their vigilance In ferreting out and bringing the guilty parties to justice. Both were referred to Com mittee on Itesoiutions. Resolution was read and referred,, pledging the support of tho Repul -lican party in South Carolina to President Grant for a third term. At this juncture an adjournment or recess of ono hour was taken, to allow county delegations an oppor tunity of getting together for the purpose of agreeing upon such ier- sons as they wished to recommend for chairmen of their rcsiective counties. '" The main business of the Con vention is evidently over, and wo shall now cease our reports of it ex cept to give such impressions as it may have afforded, of the true con dition of theState. In this regard you shall hear of us again soon. C. N. II. The Charlotte Observer says: Mrs. Mary Farrow, a resident of this place, sustained an accident in Prov idence Township Monday morning, which was very serious if not dan gerous. She was riding along the road in a buggy with her daugliter-in-law and two children when the mule which was hitched to the buggy took fright and ran off. All the occupants of the buggy were thrown out and Mrs. Farrow had ono of her thighs broken by tho ac cident. None of tho others were hurt to any extent. Tho Tarboro Enquirer -Southerner says: Mr. W.J. Staton is responsi ble for the following. A few days ago while removing some planks ho found a snake of the water moccasin species and in striking it cut an aperture in its side from which were forced out thirty-three young ones averaging nine inches in length. Mr. S. sai's it is the habit of.this snake when it is alarmed to make a peculiar noise to warn its young which immediately tako refuge in Its mouth. f ' "' v

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