THE ERA. THE ERA. A RBPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS PAPER THE CENTRAL. ORGAN OF THE PARTY. W. M. BBOWX, Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TJVO DOLLARS A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Office in the old "Standard" Build ing, one square South of the Court iroase, Fayette ville Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, - - - f2 00 Sir months, - - - - 1 00 Three months, - - 60 IXVABIABLT IN ADVANCK. "$ -Am-" VOL. IV. 'hu: NO. 15. . i 3JpB Work executed at short no tice and Jn a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State. ... - RATES. OF ADVERTISING t Ono square, one Umei '- - t 100 " V two times, ; - 1 so " p three times, - - . 2 00 Contract advertisements '(aken at proportionately low rates. . i THE ERA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1874. You Know you Do. When some one's step comes up the walk. Your checks take on a rower hue. And though no other hears his knock,' You hear it well you know you do ! And though it may be very wrong, When pa is quite ignored for you, You sing for him your prettiest song. You cunning thing you know you do ! Ami when he talks of other girls, Of hateful Kate ami Jennio too, You tling at him your auburn curls, that made him so averse to ladies' You jealous thing you know you do ! society, and had occasioned no little I anxietv to old Pter. who had al- He blushes deep, and looks afraid ready begun to fear that John would To be thus left alone with you ; be a confirmed bachelor, hence his But your eyes tell there ne'er was maid desire to kindly assist John's matri- Iut could be wooed you know they moniai matters along. Jb or some moments after his fath er's exit, John sat profoundly think ing; he believed he did have an inexpressible sort of tenderness for the roundest daughter of Israel 'But which one shall I take, that it almost deprived him of artic- iauier." Uiation. , " Which one shall you take?" re- 44 O, is it you, John ?" said Lucy. 1 T" A T -nr.--..- . II li . t. . I II T t . . - . - r tnstieu x-eier jauscu , n, iuusi ins - j. ao Deneve tney're fooling us.7' .right man, surely, that cau not de- Shesuddenlv remnvwl th hand. cide at sight what woman to pick aire from her eves, and thA nAttmn. out of a dozen, and a singular youth ment John felt her deft little fingers m -i fkny --. --,.-----. I A. A .... . W you aru, nut. mvu jruur eyra uu untying ine Knot in the handker one already. However, make your chief that was bound about his head, own choice, and you'll be happier, j 44 Look a here, John," she said in live longer, mm prosper ueiier in your domestic affairs generally." With these concluding remarks, the fond father turned away, and John wasleft alone to his reflections. Now John Jansen was not a ver dant young man ; he had seen con siderablo of the world for a person of his age and circumstances, but he was very diffident and bashful. It was this quality of his disposition county was voted down by an im mense .majority (some 600 votes). Notwithstanding these repeated and emphatic expressions of the sover eign will, tha officers of the Chester and Lenoir Railroad seem de term in do! You poep at someone 'neath your curls, Until with love you burn him through, And make him hate all other girls In love for yon jou know you do ! Ami when his arm steals round your chair, You give a little scream or two, As if you didn't want it there, Hut oli, you do you know you do! You let him kiss your blushing cheeks 1 Somehow your lips meet his Hps too; You tempt him silly things to speak. You wicked flirt you know you do ! And when he timidly doth press His wish to a wife of you, With happy heart you answer yes, Yon darling girl you know you do f , MISCELLANEOUS. .John's Choice. Peter Jansen was a wealthy and eccentric New England farmer. The owner in fee simple of many broad and fertile acres of available land, and the proud parent of a very pro mising son, now near grown, who in his infancy had been designated bv the not altogether unheard of name of John. Now John Jansen had been brought up in a very careful and proper man ner, and it was therefore not to be wondered at that, as he grew more mature, he was regarded as a very exemplary young man by those who knew him intimately. lie was so ber and industrious in his habits, cultivated and refined in his tastes, with disposition to get along and iirotfIer in the world, as his father had done before him. But the time came when he was one and twenty. This is a remark able episode in the lives of most young men, wlfen, fully freed from parental restraint by the construc tion of the law, they think they know so much, and subsequently learn that they know so little. Now, possibly Peter, the pere, re garded, this event in his son's life with im great concern as did John, the junior, for certain it is, that shortly thereafter he summoned the young man into his presence for a little private conversation. "Well, John," he said, "how does it seem, to be one and twenty?" "Seem! why I can't see as it seems any different from any other nine Ives. If not strictly beautiful, she ing. a half orovoked sort of n. wv. 44 inst . . . r . w r see wnat a trick they've plaved upon us. I might have known what tney were up to. Nevermind, we'll have a real pleasant visit now." They sat down side by side on the nign-DacKea. sofaand .Lucy talked so pleasantly and encouragingly to John that he soon felt perfectly at nome. ie was almost astonished at his self-possession. The minutes lengthened into hours, and, well, ne never could fully explain how it was aiterwaras, out tne fact was that Lucy promised him that she would be Mrs. John Jansen when ever he was ready to claim her as his own, and John went home that night very proud and happy, and r a a on me ionowing morning ne in formed his astonished father that any time that farm wa3 ready he would be ready to go to housekeep- Longing for Affection. However old, humble, desolate. or afflicted we may be, so long as our nearts possess the teeniest spark or lire, they preserve also, shiv- pnnc noo r mar t 10 pmncp a starved, ghastlv longing for ap'pre- . to. persecute and annoy into sub- " - m , . I W 1 0 iam tKA r.rrh " I f T "V T rt 11 " 1 ciation ana affection, to this at- mo pwuic, w ij.n ..uoi tpnnatpd snwtor norhon nnimh sa ana arbitrary demands Dy not thrown once a year : but when .ut a rit f mandamus to compel nhiino-Piwi mH fhirr. to fam.'na tne tommissioners 01 uaiawen when all humanity has forgotten Su,nty subscribe sixty thousand tn fl VI nrr fpnont. nr a flPrav nw "wnaioui owta nuu jasuc nit house divine mercv remembers the to railroad company f bonds This mourner, and a shower of manna mandamus was argued and tried at falls for lips that earthly nutriment Chambers, before Judge Mitchell, 9 A. is to pass no more. jJiDiicai prom lses, heard first in health, but then unheeded, come whispering to the couch of sickness : it is said that a pitying God watches what all man kind have forsaketi ; the tender compassion of Jesus is felt and re lied on : and the fadincr eve. eraziner oeyond time, sees a home, a friend, a reruere in etermtv. wa3 at least a very sensible girl, and would make a practical nouseKeep er. John had but little sentiment in his composition ; his tastes were more matter of fact. The more John thought of matrimony, the more fixed became his determination of committing himself as soon as pas sible. A night or two subsequent to the: conversation with his father, it was noticed that he attired himself with unusual care before going out. as he insisted, to attend the " debating society." His father and mother re garded each other significantly, as if they well understood what was uppermost in John's mind, but they crave the vouner man no intimation Peter Jansen kept his word, and John was often subsequently heard to say that if it hadn't been for that friendly game of blind man's buff he would hardly have known how to have made a choice. The Danbury Ananias says: " The body of a well dressed man was found on the Harlem road. There was nothiner about his person to indicate who he was. except three brilliant diamond rings, which seemed to show that he was a faro dealer or a negro min strel." Sentiment Worship. ; In speaking of the lesson of the scandal, the New York Herald gives utterance to some wholesome truths. That great journal respects the ef forts which were made to suppress this scandal and prevent all the evil that has been done to Christianity, public morality, social order and Old Ben Wade's daughter, who is said to be one of the handsomest girls in the State of Ohio, is engag ed to be married to a journeyman carpenter, in Ashtabula. CORRESPON DENCE. It must not be understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance, its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. mat tneysuspicioneunis intentions, good iaitn oetween man ana man. 1 I M 1 1- il I iVIier a last lingering iuuk. u wu ThP TTprnhl ar "Can't, eh? O, well, you'll see quick enough, I guess. I suppose the next thing you'll bethinking of will be getting married." "O, 1 hadn't thought of such a thing yet in earnest." "Hadn't, eh? well, you'd better be thinking ; getting married is about as im jortant a thing as'll ever happen to you." 44 Yes, I suppose so." 41 Suppose so? suppose so? you'll know so, by and by. Well, John; you're old enough to begin to think seriously about tin's matter. I ain't going to have you running around unsettled and unsteady in your hab its and character. Now, the quicker you pick you out a wife and settle dowu, the better. Mind you, my boy, this wasting three or four of the best years of your life in sowing your wild oats, is a very foolish principle for young men to adhere to. ow, I don't propose to have you do anything of the kind, and if jou avoid it you won't have a har vest of briars and thistles to gather in auerwards. Now, just as soon as you will pick you out a good, prudent, and industrious little wife, I've a good farm to give you, and enough to set you up in reasonable style, you understand ?" 44 Yes, sir." m liut not an acre nor a penny of mine snau you possess until you have complied with my wishes." 44 But, father" " I mean what I say, exactly, and no more; make this matter your first business, and when you have reformed your part of the contract, will attend to mine." " But this is rather sudden." lhat makes no difference: if you are not satisfied with my terms, the world is wide enough for both of us, vou are bigenoughand bright enough to earn your own living ; if you can do bet ter by yourself than b yoa, why, start right oui m the world, for you are of age. i nave stated my terms, and I do not propose to alter them." ?1 w,ho shaU 1 marry ?" tpr ilT T,Israel Ives' Ave daugh STJ1? certain yoa can have Jn vlck of the Jt. They've on wK we l brught up, and'any io In hen? 13 eood enough for you, rort favorably, the farm is yours." lookiner-irlass. John started forth into the darkness, taking the short est road possible to the residence of Israel Ives. He soon came to the place he in- tended visiting. A bright light gleamed out through the front win dows, with welcoming beams, and he fancied he could seesmiling faces there, yet his heart thumped so very singularly under his shining satin vest, that it was several minutes be fore he could make up his mind to knock at the door : he walked up "The scandal remains, although j the "Trial by Newspaper" ends. We enter upon the uncertain chances of a trial by jury. What the result of that trial may be, or whether there will be a trial, which many doubt, it would be vain to speculate. But certain moral issues have been settled and upon these we can dwell now. There is an end of what may be called the Religion of Gush. For many years Plymouth church, un der the ministrations of a clergyman The Mandamus Case in the Chester and Ieuoir Narrow Gauge Railroad, Tried before Judge Anderson Mitch ell, at Chambers, in Slatesville, Au- tizan and personal grounds and in favor of the interest of omce-hoi ders, in so far as the tenure of office who granted the prayer of the pe titioners, and a writ issued against the Commissioners of " Caldwell county, commanding them to sub scribe six hundred shares of stock to the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad. From this decision and order the Commissioners for the people appeal to the Supreme Court. Mr. Editor, I repeat, the issues involved in this case are of the high est importance to the people of North Carolina. I will not believe that the Judiciary of the old North State intend or will by their decis ion on the constitutional power of taxation, foster the power of cor porations, speculators and ring masters to involve the unsuspect ing people in debt and financial trouble further than absolute neces sity and plighted faith require, neither of which is the case in this issue. The venerable age and high char acter of Judge Mitchell for candor and integrity, the writer cheerfully concedes, but it is quite evident to the Judge's friends that he has out lived the vigor of intellect, judg ment and memory which the ardu ous and responsible position he oc cupies demands. It has often been charged by many of the leading presses of the State, that a majority of the Judges in North Carolina, especially of those who are supposed to entertain dif ferent political and financial views from these journalists, that they construe constitutional law on par- gust 21stt 1874. To the Editor of the Era: lieiieving the issues involved in the above ease are of the highest is concerned, lour corresponaenc entertains no such uncharitable opinions or our Judiciary; on tne i ,i . k oau ui iiiw-iuyarauie ciuuueiiue, nas ueeu n"u ZZSfZZZ worshin6inr sentiment rather than "Ie 2iu? .."i1" special legislation, several uuira, ". " revelation; " nerositv in nlace of "V"H . cou" 01 at the bar, and the w to inniK overine worus x.e prupou kHdn in the nlace of faith. ""PTO ana ine .aec,?n, ereor? position and power saying wnen in uie urcaeuro vijtxiss 1 r oy nia xionor, juuge luucnen, anu 1 r w iirri .wi i wi I t . r & a. w. Ives. the eloquence of one man, rather fVton tl-iQ fni rli ! n era rf iYia Aractof At last he turned in at the gate, TTpnrv Ward TWohPr in thP nlnop nf and walking boldly up to the front Jesus Christ. Relitrion has not been door, he made his presence suddenly, importance to the people of North contrary he believes them as a whole vaiunua, aim toueumuv iu 1110 icg- nnra. nnr chtanf ah p.anfl that thev isiativeand local rights of county wili not hv their decision in the government, I propose, in this ar- 0se Qf the Chester and Lenoir Rail- ticle to give a brief outline of the rftf,d no-Qinsf. thA r.PnnlA nf rldwe.Il pircumstances under which this suit C0Unty, or any similar case, aid sharp practice ell known dis- of corporations hr trjplr nnrl tfiphniral nlpadin"S to such other reflections as the subject .Torrida th snirit. if not tho letter known to the Ives family, by means of the friendly assistance of the heavy brass knocker. Israel Ives came to the door, with a flaring candle in his hand ; he gave a sudden little start of surprise upon recognizing his visitor. " Why, John !" he said, " is this you ?" "Is Miss Ives at home?" said John, nervously, forgetting in his sudden embarrassment to designate the particular Miss Ives he wished to see. Jesus Christ. Religion has not been a matter of discipline or duty, with rewards and punishments only a day's picnic in the woods. No matter What deviation from the codes that, written; on the tables of stone at Sinai, have been the granite foundations of every Christian Church, no matter how far we might stray from these unalterable laws, all was -bright on Sunday morning, all our sins were forgotten in the eloauence" of Henry Ward Beecher. There was no punish ment, no discipline ! Life had no necessary duties. Sin as we might, there was always a welcome and a the altar of Plymouth may suggest to tne mind of your correspondent. The Convention that enacted the Constitution of 1868 very wisely declares that " no county or other corporation shall make or create any debt for any purpose of building of the constitution, intended for the protection of the masses of the peo i ). Die. who are not laminar wiin tne ever changing laws of late years. The writer of this article for him self and the entire people who have railroads, without first submitting opposed and still oppose the county " Certainly, certainly," replied Is rael, smiling mischievously ; "walk blessing at ncrht into tne parlor ana sit aown, church. and she will come in presently." The fruit of this religion is now Leaving, his hat upon the rack in seen. Mr. Moulton has informed the hall, John did as he was bid ; he us that he is a heathen, and we may sat down upon the outer edge of the except him from any ecclesiastical chair and awaited the young lady's responsibilities. But what a strange coming. He heard several sup- phenomenon is this 44 Christian pressed giggles in tne aajoming chanty " of Plymouth cnurcn ! room, and a subdued suggestion What tides of hatred, slander, de- upon the part of Israel that they famation, have been ever sweeping had best not to act silly and foolish, under the placid surface pf Brooklyn Then the door opened, and in sailed Christianity! Miss Sophrony Ives, followed by When Carlyle comes to the close Patience, Priscilla, Malvina and of his French Revolution he makes Lucy Ives, each simultaneously a errotesaue apostrophe to the de- smiling and trying to look as sweet stroying angels who brought that and pretty as possible. They ad- terrible catastrophe : " Imposture is vanced one by one and gave John a greeting, after which they arranged themselves in a graceful group about him ; then began the liveliest conversation John had ever listened to. He began to grow uneasy and to lose his self-possession. This was rather more Miss Ives than he had anticipated meeting. At last a sudden idea occurred to him. 44 Girls," he said, " do any of you play blind i7ian's bujj'f" The young ladies all suddenly giggled. in flames. Imposture is burnt up." " Higher, higher yet flames the fire sea : crackling with new dislocated timber: hissing with leather and prunella. me metal images are molten, the marble; images become mortar-lime: the stone mountains sulkily explode." " The images all run. into amorphous (jonntnian brass," "for it is the end of the do minion of Imposture." Something like this we have seen in Brooklyn. The fire has been intense, and from it have come nauseating, odors; vileness and sin have covered the " Sometimes," said Miss Sophro- land ; sorrows, misery, distress nave i .. i n ny, with a sly glance at her sisters, come upon tnousanas wno win no 44 Suppose we haveagame, then," longer navo mat connuiug irust in said John, earnestly. Several handkerchiefs were simul taneously produced.and before John was aware, he was in midnight darkness. " But you must be blinded too, Lucy," said Miss Malvina ; " it al ways makes it livelier to have two, you know." relierion and professions of faith But better the fire. Many, many years will pass before we shall cease to see the black ashes that are strewn oyer Plymouth church, the crumbling ruins and the ghastly crumbling walls. This is the sorrow of the Brooklyn scandal. The value of it is the burning up of a m. i t i : Mi Tnv sio-ht wis temno-1 the imposture which has long reign r I j . i i i.t- i un ..ll.. eu mere, aim wxnui naa utrii imscj) called religion and reform.' " rarily obscured in the same manner that John's had been. Then the word " ready" was giv en, and without a word of warning Sophrony, Patience, Priscilla and Malvina noiselessly glided from the room. Sincerity; ; Give U3 sincere friends," or none. This hollow glitter of smiles and word3 compliments that mean For a while John and Lucy groped nothing protestations of affection innocently about them, each failing to find the objects they sought ; at last John spoke: 41 1 say, where are you all ?" he said, helplessly. No answer came to his question from those he was seeking. "John," said Lucy, "I believe they're all hiding." Just at that moment the two ap proached each other with their hands as solid as the froth from champagne invitations that are but pretty sentences, uttered because such things are customary are all worthless. There is no need of them. It is proper to bejcivil and courteous to the most indifferent stranger;-but why assume friend ship's outward show when no iai ity underlies it ? When bne feels friendship, the object of 4hat senti- extended, and they were each sad- ment cannot suffer, and aeave our denly clasped in each other's arms, hearts untroubled. cannot be sian This was a sensation so new to John dered, leaving us unharmed. the same to a vote of the people.and no such debt or appropriation shall be valid unless ratified by a majori ty of the qualified voters thereon," (I quote from memory.) That is the reasonable common sense mean ing of this clause of our organic law ? Does it mean that if there are 1583 registered and qualified voters in Caldwell in October, 1873, and a proposition is submitted by the County Commissioners to the people of the county to subscribe sixty thousand dollars to a railroad com pany and on the day of election twenty -one men appear at the polls register and vote therein, eleven of whom vote for subscription and ten vote against subscription the sub scription of sixty thousand dollars is claimed as legal and binding as against the county and the Com missioners are asked to make the subscription, which they refuse to do, the railroad brings suit by man damus, and according to the ruling of Judge Mitchell, the subscription was legally made? When the Commissioners of Cald well county consented to submit the proposition to a vote upon it a year ago, they were of one mind that be fore they could be required to make any subscription whatever, a clear majority of all the qualified voters in the countv must assent thereto by a direct vote in favor of subscrip tion. The election was held and a meagre vote polled, (less than half of the registered voters in the coun tv votinsr) but of the votes cast a small majority was in favor of sub scription this result was owing to the belief of the people who were opposed to subscription, that to re main at home on the day of election was virtually casting, their vote against subscription, and this opin ion the friends of subscription en couraged in the minds of those who were known to be opposed to the county's subscribing stock to the railroad. Immediately after the vote was taken those who were in favor of subscription claimed the vote was legal and the county committed to the tax through and by some special act of the Legislature. This claim wasdenied and vehemently resisted by the Commissioners and a large majority of the people, and to-day a large majority of the citizens de nounce that election as a surprise and fraud upon the county. The people being so much opposed to in volving the county in debt and dis satisfied with the railroad company appealed, by petition to the Legis lature for redress, which accordingly authorized -the. Commissioners to re-submit .the question of county subscription to the people, and the Sheriff . jvas ordered , , W hold the election in May last, which he ac cordingly did, when the proposi tion to subscribe sixty thousand dollars in bonds on the part of the subscription, disavows any hostility to the building ot said road ; they m s 1 are in iavor oi rauroaus, wnerever or bv whomsoever built, provided it is done in a proper manner. They ... 1 ! would be pleased, indeeci, n tne vu laaes of Chester and Lenoir can suc ceed in their enterprise: we have no prejudice against them individ ually or collectively, but we insist that the principle of taxing thepeo- nle indiscriminately without their - consent for the benefit of local and individual interest mainly, is en tirely wrong, and eminently unjust to whole communities. There may have been a time in the history of i i ? our country, when sucn a poncy could be tolerated ; if such ever was the case, it is not so at the present time. I do not believe this little road from Chester, S. C, to Lenoir, N. C, if built can possibly realize the expectations of its friends but they say it will certainly be built without county subscription then why persist in trying to force the Commissioners of Caldwell to sub scribe against the will of their people ? The road is not built nor will it be completed in many years, if ever, if the county is held liable for the sixty thousand dollars sub scription. Why do I say so? be cause three counties in North Caro lina (Gaston, Lincoln and Catawba) either of them possessing more wealth and population than Cald well, lie between Chester and Le noir, and each of these large and wealthy counties has , utterly re fused to be taxed to aid in building this road passing through their en tire borders while it only pene trates a few miles into the borders of Caldwell, parallel with and a few miles from the Western North Car olina railroad; then I ask, who is to build this road though Gaston, Lin coln and Catawba ? The amount Caldwell county bonds would bring in market would scarcely build the bridges over the streams of water between Hickory and Lenoir, as in all probability the greater portion will be required to pay the salary of President Devega, and his corps of engineers and assis tants, with a large slice to, pay the corporation lawyers for legal ser vice. Of course some body or "ring" in the back ground away out of sight and hearing gobble up the bonds at nominal figures, lay them away in their safe to receive annu ally seven or ; eight per cen t inter est on par funds from the tax pay ers of Caldwell county : therefore I am forced to regard the whole thing as visionary,-injurious to the peace and permanent prosperity of the people, dangerous and demoral izing in the present financial and political condition of the country. Caldwell county, by a series of special taxation, has just emerged from heavy indebtedness and her scrip for the first time in many years is of value to her citi zens and gives us some relaxation from j high taxes when "presto " up springs a sixty thousand dollar debt (in addition to the accumulating obligations on the part of the State debt and our charitable institutions) to annoy and distress the people for a generation or two ; and this debt, if sustained by the Supreme Court, (having already been recognized by Judge Mitchell,) is against the will of a large majority of the tax pay ers and people of Caldwell county, thrice declared at the ballot box for it was the only issue made in our xVugust election. Politics was scarcely named or thought of by candidates or electors in the county elections. Must the people of Cald well be dragooned and whipped into this subscription, into this onerous debt in a time of financial distress when the whole country appears to be struggling to throw off the oppres sive debt and burthens imposed by railroad rings and bond gamblers, and for what purpose ? It is said to build a cart way to the village of Chester, down in the State of South Carolina, which so many of North Carolina's sons are wont to pro nounce the "Beotia" of America, ruled by negroes and thieves, bank rupts in honor as well as in money. I wish it distinctly understood that your correspondent has a. high er regard for South Carolina that such writers as I have quoted, but I recognize the claims of North Car olina as higher, and her market towns as superior to those of the former State. At no distant day we will he in connection with Char lotte and Wilmington. These cities are reaching out their arms towards the valley of the ladkin and Up per Catawba, and if our friends in Lenoir will possess their souls in peace a little longer, help will come to them, and by the assistance of these great interests they may get a road and connection with points of much greater importance to the country than that of Chester. Mr. Editor, I really do not intend anything I have written as in dis paragement to the Chester and Le noir llailroad, or those who are urg ing the scheme, but I feel bound to speajc the truth as 1 understand the issue. I do not mean any thing but my individual opinion, when I express the belief that if that road was in running order to-day I doubt if there would be one through pas senger daily on the line ; it is the wrong direction for passengers and freight, at least such freight as this county requires. In conclusion allow me to repeat, those who are opposed to the county subscription to the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge llailroad are so opposed from principle first and interest last. We hope it may be built, if private means will ac complish the object. Build the road, gentlemen, and if you offer the peo ple any sufficient inducements they will be sure to patronize you in trade, which should be your suffi cient reward. CALDWELL. Sept. 1G, 1874. T Letter from South Carolina. they have fallen in the opinion 'and eyes of the entire nation and world. GENERAL R. Hi. ELLIOTT. i The above named gentleman, who has for the last two terms represent ed this district In Congress, has re signed or will soon resign his scat in the halls of the nation for tho purpose of aiding"' In the efforts to Flace the State in a better condition, n fact, he is recognized as the leader of the reform movement and as pos sessed of the qualifications 'requisito for the accomplishment of theworfc he has undertaken. That he has or will resign his seat in the National Congress, where he is acquiring such a solid influence and extenslvo rep utation, with a salary of-$5,000 per annum, to come to his Own Stato and people for the purpose of labor injg among them at a salary of not more than $C00, bespeaks for him and his race a nobleness and patri otism as yet unseen In any of tho public men of our day and time. Would to God we" had many such open-hearted and sincere- men among our public servants I Gen eral Elliott is a man of medium sifco, firmly, though not thickly 9et, with an intelligent countenance. Ho is evidently a man of Intellect and power, and is destined to a place in the front ranks of the public men of our time. During AN INTERVIEW with him to-day, the following dia logue was had eliciting such infor mation and views as may therein be contained : Correspondent I determined, Gen eral, on coming to your State, and should I proceed further South, to make as full and complete an obser vation of tho condition of affairs : the feeling between the races ; anil the real status of the colored people, as the advantage of contact with those prominent in public life might afford. For this purpose, sir, I have desired an audience with you and would feel honored In , obtaining your opinion and views affecting these subiects, especially so far as your State is concerned, as much has been said about it; probably more than of any other State. Gen. E.I am sorry to say, sir, that there still exist much bitterness and hostility to tho colored people and the Republican party among a largo number of tne whites tho Democrats. The Southern whites are still deperate and, in my opin ion, have never accepted the situ ation, I have just received a tele gram'from New Orleans announcing great disturbances and excitement. Have sent for the particular?. Correspondent. This feeling, cul minating as it has in such lawless proceedings and violent outrages upon colored and white Republicans in many sections of tho South, is greatly agitating the official circles at Washington : are you apprehen sive of any troubles of the kind in your own State ? Gen. E.Ycs, sir. Correspondent. From a revival of theKuKlux? Gen. E.No ; I don't think they will revive tho Ku Klux, but will resort to ope violence. Corr. You think, then, that the South is to give the Nation mom To the Editor of the Era : Many times during the session of trouble and anxiety? thft Shitn Rpnubliran Convention, it Gen. E. Yes, sir. appeared to one not exactly accus- Corr. In Such an event what do tomed to South Carolina politics, you think will bq tho policy of the that a serious disruption was immi- Government in the premises? nent. Hard things were said against Gen. E.Aa to the particular pol each other by contending factions or icy of the Government, of course I elements, and bitter, unrelenting positions of antagonism assumed. At one time your correspondent ap prehended a general breakup and row : at least a withdrawal of a large number of delegates to nominate a " bolters' ticket." But this was hap- pilv averted, and the Convention a am not able to speaK. liut snouid the circumstances again warrant tho extension of its arm of protection over the Southern States, its policy will be much more severe than before. ; Cbrr. You think, then, that tho Government has been too lenient proceeded in its usual way of busi- and forgiving in dealing with those ness. iseyonci an quesuon xnere was wi:iy iu iuucihuhjwhu a strong opposition feeling among many of the delegates to the nomi nees of the Convention, wnicn man ifested itself greatly to the discour agement of the more enthusiastic and less sanguine of the friends of Mr. Chamberlain. But as the Con ventibn neared its termination and the smoke of the conflict began to Gen. E.Too lenient entirely, in my judrment. Corr. Do you know of ai rages having been committc South Carolina since tho opci of the Ku Klux? Gen. E. None that I kj An armed party of about thl dred ueorgians entered oui indicating a peaceful and quiet m i 1 Jl Quiescence in tne judgment oi tne -X - r - - , V. . party: as expressed uy tne jarge ma ioritv of the Convention. Thenom - . . m ... 1 inees will receive tne uniteci vote oi the nartv in the State and will be elected by a large majority. There are sucn, However, wno sun oppose Charriberlam and will do all in their nower to create a division : but as jr i ' all the leaders of the party concur in the opinion that the nominations were the strongest that could have been put forth, the influence of the opposition will not go far to accom plish any desired result. It is prob able that all will fall in ranks ere election day arrives. We believe the Republicans are, manvNmost of them earnest in their endeavors to bring about the reforms which the State so greatly needs.; The candidates are said to be men of undoubted ability, integ rity and firm intention of carrying out thbse reforms already contem plated! and inaugurating such others as may be deemed necessary, Ve were truly glad to see this, for God knows that poor old South Carolina has been subiected to a degree of fraud. ! nlnnder and corruption un known in the history of civilized government. She indeed needs re forms and great reforms in order, to save her from speedy and utter, bankruptcy.; We believe that the Republicans . of the State are fully equal to the emergency and will ef fect the result so greatly needed. They have ihaijy good and able men among them men who can and will rescue the party and State from the unenviable position into which tyifeut- 3d )in VMS 36A OI. u2-Ktin. !$ataio clear away," we could recognize very not long since, lhey grerrllled distinctly a succeeding calm, clearly the people, but dldnofSirQlt any ac- actual depredations. 'rKldent aMIba. fhetco- a4tcast, ujjle ; xilca. W nxstay, i y . . akkn jt , iy hi a reso io Oon- I it rant. to re- referred in hango tho has ordered troops to th which will no doubt insure pie from further tro while they are there Corr. I see. Gen en lution was Introdu vention yesterday! e for a third term. r I d sec what became o ferred to a commit Gen. E. It was on order to somewhat phraseology. It; was reported hack and adopted unanimously. . Corr. Do you think the presi dent's claims will be urged: for a third term ; and if so, do you think he will be able to consolidate tho strength of his party? -' ' Uen. hj. i aon't reuiy Know; but I am sure he will et the full vote of the Republicans, of South Carolina. V , . . . . . Cbrr. I perceive, General, that you have a great deal of business to attend to, and as I may seo -w . . . ur again, l will not ion the i turn vnn In nor or V I rfy .&v.. .'.. v.;. v. Gen. E.I will be happy to seo you any time. X am generally hero (the Republican lieadqaartersj ? " not, you will find mef at my law office, just above, , i - Cbrr. ThanK you, sir. .1 iasant afternoon. , ,, j I Gen. 7.-Good day, sir. ' " Wa arrived nfc thot Republican Heaflauarters Justaa4fis6tito Ex ecutive Committee hadS adjourned We learned that General .Elliott was re-elected Chairman "'ana ' plana adopted for a vigorous canvass. -v More anon. . U. i, X you present, do- v