THE ERA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1874. LOCAL AXD STATE. For Sale or Rent. A hand some Rosewood Piano, of modern make. Apply at the Era office. Trinity Colleg e. We acknowl edge the receipt of an invitation .to the anniversary celebration of the Hesperian and Columbian Literary Societies of Trinity College, to take place on Friday, October 23d. The exercises will, no doubt, be of an interesting character. The Brooklyn Minstrels. This splendid Troupe will entertain the people at Metropolitan Hall during Fair week. From the repu tation that precedes them, our people may look out for fun. They are said to be the best company of the kind now before the public. Hakky Watkins CoMiJfa. The in imitable Harry Watkins ami his splendid Troupe, will occupy Tucker Hallduring Fair week. This announce ment will doubtless gladden the hearts of our lovers of amusement, whom llarry knows so well how to entertain. We speak for the Troupe a rousing reception. "The strength of the American Republic." says a writer. i4 is the universal desire to own a house." It is a moulding all the people into one heterogeneous mass. Theown- ership of a house is something of which neither the Irish peasant nor the German laborer has, in hU own country, any conception : but it is here the goal of his hopes and de sires. Fducation comes next; it is a something the need of which is not felt until adornments of home are thought of. This desire to own the roof under which one sleeps, la distinctively an American charac teristic, and seems by nature adapt ed to the growth which is raising us in importance in the scale of na tions. North Carolinian. There are many vacant building lots in Raleigh, the weeds now go ing to seed on which might, with Removal. Alfred Williams, Esq., bookseller, has removed to the store formerly occupied by II. T. Clawson, near the State National Bank. Depositors with the Frcedman's Savings and Trust Company are hereby notified that in compliance with the act of Congress, approved June 20th, 1874, to save all unneces sary expenses, the Branch office of said Companj at Raleigh, N. C, will be closed on and after the 31st ; they should, therefore, present their day night last. No Dass books to be examined by the been obtained. This agent of the Commissions at the Branch office before that date. Pass books not verified before the Branch office closes should be sent to the Commissioners of the Company at Washington, D. C, where they will be examined and returned at once. The Educator. We havo re ceived the first number of the Edu- profit to the landlords, give place to xi(or, published in Fayetteville, by comfortable homes for the hundreds C. D. Waddell, Esq.. a young color- of workiuermen in our midst. Let ed citizen of that place. It is to be the owners of these lands dispose of literally crowded before the lecture devoted to the task of endeavoring alternate lots at orices which the tegan, a"i many were compeneu Lillian J; Edgarton. Every body should go to Tucker Hall this evening and hear this celebrated lady orator. Crowds flock to hear her at every point at which she lectures. She is beautiful and fasci nating. Ip Baltimore the Hall was to elevate young men to a proper intellectual and moral condition in life. It is well printed, and we hope it will meet with much success. The liar-room Remedy for all ail ments in Rum Bitters, surcharged with Fusel Oil, a deadly element, rendered more active by the pungent astringents with which it i.s combined. If your htomach is weak and liver or bowels disordered, strengthen and regulate them with Vineoar Bitters, a purely vegetaMe alterative and aperient, free from alcohol and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted sys tem. 4w. laboring man could afford to pay, by having easy terms, and the number of those interested in the soil would have many accessions, the arrows of j the boy-god would fly thicker, and in these homes happy housewives would "ply their evening cares," and the community would have bond and security for the good be haviour of the husbands. to return to their homes. We clip the following from North ern exchanges : "Of the lecture itself it may be said that it was a production worthy of a right thinking woman, having at heart not only the interests of her sex, but of all mankind. Bos ton Traveller. One of the best platform teachers of a true womanhood. N. Y. Even ing Post." We hope to see Tucker Hall The Hidkory Fair has been inde finitely postponed on account of the circus. Gen. J. M. Leach is to deliver the annual address on the occasion of the Sampson County Fair. Wilmington was visited with a lurnuiw ram storm on uie zoin uu. Fences, and trees were levelled. Henry Gains, a colored man, who has4 lived for many years on Frede rick Shearin's Island, about five miles from this place in the Roa noke, was most brutally murdered by some unknown party or parties at his home on the Island on Sun- clue has yet old man was highly respected by everybody. It is supposed the murderer was after his money. He was knocked in the head with a club as he was going into his house. Roanoke News. The Durham Tobacco Plant is now rivalling Father Evans of the Milton Chronicle, on monstrosities, curiosities, big snakes and four-1 legged chickens. Here is the PlanCs latest : " We saw a man- in town a few days since who had twenty-six brothers, all by the same mother and father. The man was a man of truth and reliability and the above statement is without a doubt true. He was raised in Granville, which s lows the soil of that county is pro lific of other things than tobacco We commend to some of our friends in Durham a residence in that par ticular locality for a few years at least." Excursion. An excursion train croW(ied this (Thursday) evening. left this city on Thursday, the 1st inst., conveying His Excellency, Governor Brogden, several State of ficers and some citizens, on a trip to New-Berne and Morehead City. Everything passed off well until the train reached Stony Creek, about three miles east of Goldsboro, when a collision took place with a freight train bound west. We copy from the New-Berne Times the following extract : ( "The collision was of such force, however, as to demolish the cow catcher and carry away the smoke stack of the Chas. Fisher, injuring Page, J. C. Hunter, and M. C. Ut spared to make the occasion a grand materially the driving wheels, and jey Gmnt 'St thi freight' "and The following is the petit jury : throwing from the track and piling D. S. Fletcher, James Enniss, A. L. up seven cars of the freight train. Ferrell, Larkin Smith, S. H. Dunn, The collision was of great force, but J Litchford, W. G. Riddick and fortunately the engine Fisher was -r, , , m u Sninr slow-oilin1? UD-and the R.S.Tucker. Two of the petit ju- damasre was much less than it would rors were called and failed, but for - ..... . . had Dotn engines oeen Fa ik of the Carolinas. We acknowledge the receipt of an invi tation to attend the Fair of the Car olinas, which commences in Char lotte on Tuesday, November 3d, and continues five days. Ex-Governor Vance will deliver the annual address. Liberal premiums will be offered and no pains or expense has been Wake Superior Court. This tribunal commenced its fall session in this city on Monday, the 5th in stant, Judge Henry presiding. The following is the list of Grand Jurors drawn' and empanelled: Thomas D. Hogg, (foreman,) T. B. TownshiD. that a man was found Macon, W. E. Bagwell, Burgess dead in Second creek, near Thiatira Tne cir- Says the Statesville Landmark: ine tax pavers in wiiKes are troubled about their taxes. We understand that the tax collector's bond is worthless, and that the county commissioners knew it to be worthless when it was accepted by the Board. Also that the county commissioners are under the home stead, so that a suit against them would be of no avail. If it is true, as asserted, about the tax collector's bond, the people have a remedy through the grand jury. The com missioners are liable to indictment and removal. As our attention has been called to it, we will have more to say on the subject at another time. Salisbury Intelligencer: We learn from Maj. N. F. Hall, of Mt. Ulla Reid, Owen Bright, A. L. Davis, Hinton Caveley, B. W. Green, Reu ben Flemming, B. Y. Rogers, Wm. Passmore Nathan Adams, Wm. A vera, Harrison Broad well, W, N. success. Rkv. Thos. H. Pkitcjiakd. The many friends of this distinguished minister will I earn with regret that his eyesight has become impaired to such an extent as to render it necessary that he should consult some eminent oculist. For this purpose he will, we learn, soon vis it the North. The Baptist church has granted him an indefinite leave of absence, and it is the earnest hope of all our citizens that he may return fully restored. church, on. the 1st inst. cu instances are as follows : Mr. Hall says that Mr. . Munroe Barrier came to his house this mor ning and told him that some negro children had informed him that they found a dead man in the creek. Mr. B. said he went to the creek and there found the man floating on the water, with a rope around his body. Mr. B. thinks he is a white man, but as he must have been in the water for nine or ten days he is The Attorney General has issued the following circular to U. S. Mar shals in the South in whose districts violence has occurred : DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WAsnrxGTox, D. C, October 2, 1874. Sir: I would suggest that at those points where U. S. troops are or may be stationed in your district some prudent and fearless person in whose judgment you have confi dence and whom the people respect, may be appointed as Denutv Mar shal to act at once in the arrest of parties committing outrages in the vicinity, that it may not be neces sary in such cases to send to you before the troops can be used for the purpose of arresting those who are guilty of violating the laws of the United States. This of course will not be necessary where you are eas ily accessible, but where the troops are placed at remote points, before the necessary communication as to he crimes committed can be made he offenders, as a general rule, have time to escape. You will give the Deputies the necessary instruction as to procuring warrants, and I need not repeat that it is important that you should delegate this power to none but careful and responsible persons. Very respectfully, George H. Williams, Attorney General. PATKNT MEDICINES. 1 "' MISCE paper Market Summary. In New York on the Gth inst., cotton was quiet at 151 to lo. No change in rosin and turpentine. Money easy at2a3. Sterling 4S7. In Southern cities of the United States cotton was dull at from 13 to 14. COMMERCIAL REPORT. X ew Goods. We call attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Rosen baum A Bro., in this issue. These have been iroiner at full speed. Conductor Rogerson of the freight train was standing on the platform of his coach when the acci dent occurred, and . was thrown against the side of the car and had his shoulder dislocated. When the engirea collided Engineer Hanks, of the freight train, jumped irom nis engine, the Grant, and sustained a fracture of the jawbone. The track was torn up for a considerable dis tance, rendering the road, perhaps, fo so Dedays impassable for through trains. After the collision wo learn that gentlemen have on hand a most comnlete stock of drv eroods. boots. Governor Brogden, who, fortunate shoes, carpets and everything per- M. 1 !?i?.f.ft5J?y52 unable to say whether he is white or black. Mai. Hall laid the facts before fVirnnpr "KYaIav. whn Ipfr, at. nncfi to i iu: 1,1,1 I - , guou reasuus meir immca wue ueiu investigate the matter. ovf . . , ' A Bold Proceeding. Last eve ine cnarge oi ins nonor, juage ning about 9 o'clock, as officers Mc- Henry, meets the approbation oi Alhster. Stephens and Biackweiaer all good citizens, particularly that of the police force, were walking rfirm f if. ali.,rlino fr rmitfcns. ""r Deal on vxmege Bl-reei, liiey 1 " , " observed a light in the grocery of C. uuce m umw. Frazier. As this is rather unu On Tuesday the 6th inst., a meet- sual for that house at such an hour, Int? of the bar was called and reso- they proceeded to make an examin lutions in respect to the memory of tion f h.estre: ,aSk,S.eJf! .. . . ,r J went to the back door and was re- tne late non. oion n. iwgers were turning to the street when a man passed. Judge Fowle delivered an was observed to jump from a back nnnmnriflb address on the life and windo .v. and speed away. Chase tainiug to a first class dry goods store. We have no hesitation in re commending them to our many friends, who may visit the city. The reputation enjoyed by this house should entitle them to a lib eral share of patronage. ed injury, congratulated the engin eers upon their coolness ana cour age, and evidenced other indications of thankfulness for a fortunate es cape." The party returned to Raleigh on Saturday evening, the 3d inst., in good health and spirits. services of the deceased. The court holds daily between the hours of 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. STATE. A meeting of State Executive held in this city, the Republican Committee was on Tuesday, the Ca pture of W. H. H. Houston. We gave to our readers some month or two ago the full particu- Greensboro has whistling matches. Partridges are plentiful in the Greensboro section. Work has begun upon the Spar tanburg and Asheville Railroad. A bald eagle is frequently seen around Salisbury. Five prisoners escaped from New was griven, out ne wouna arouna among houses and through the dif ferent alleys and escaped, it was found that the man had broken off one of the shutters to the window, through which he afterwards es caped, and thus effected his entrance to the store. The arrival oi the ponce was timely. The would-be thief not only got nothing, but in his haste left his shoes behind him. The allair was a verv bold one. considering the earlv hour and the number of per sons Dassinsr to and fro along the street. Observer. 6th inst., for the purpose of appoint- lars of extensive forgeries perpetra- Berne jail on Monday, 28th ult. ing delegates to the Chattanooga Convention. We learn that dele gates were appointed, but from some cause the Secretary of the Commit tee has not.up to this time,( Wednes day, the 7th inst.,) seen proper to furnish the Era with the list. We presume the Committee had a Secretary. Hymeneal. UAUGIITREY HINKS. Married, at St. John's Protestant Episcopal liiurch, Kittrells, N. C, on Wednesday, October 7, 1874, at 10:30 A. M., by Rev. M. M. Marshall, "V. L. Dauoiitrey, Esq., of SulTolk, Va., and Beatrice Joskpuine, second daughter of Dr. Thomas C. llines, of the former place. The bride has many friends in Raleigh, who wish her unalloyed happiuess and fain would have thrown tiny slippers after her, as she started for her new home. Many years of connubial felicity to this cotiide! " Thou his till death ho dear to thee, And blest will be his life: His truest friend I'll ever be, Iteeause thou art hLs wife." Marriage. JohnC. Blake.Ksq., Assistant Cashier of the Raleigh National Bank, of this city, was united in marriage yesterday morn ing, the 7th inst., to Miss Clara Kramer, daughter of the late Na than Kramer, and step-daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Henry Mahler, Esq. We learn thatUhe marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Rich, of the Episco pal church. We heartily congratu late our young friend "Johnny Blake," and if he continues to hold the same place in ,the affections of his fellow-citizens, which his con duct, both as a social gentleman and man of business, has gained for him in the past, the bride will have good reason to congratulate herself oajier Jesser-half. So may it be. ted by W. II. II. Houston upon some of the banks of Mecklenburg and several citizens of Charlotte. Houston made his escape, after de tection, and took refuge in Canada. We are pleased to learn that he has been captured and, at last ac counts, was on his return to Char lotte. The following particulars of his arrest are taken from the Observer of the 3d inst.: "A 'letter written by Houston shortly after his arrival in Canada, was receivea in mis city, .rus JLatest News. Rice birds are plentiful around Wilmington. The Tremaine Brothers will visit the State during the winter. E. B. Page, postmaster at Kins ton, has resigned. An enterprising Boston man con templates establishing a spoke, han dle and shingle factory near Goldsboro. Jos. Glenn, one of the proprietors of the Cincinnati Gazette, is dead. General Sherman's baggage was packed on the 3d inst., preparatory to removal to St. Louis. The following is the New York bank statement on the 3d instant: Loans increase one and three-quarter millions ; specie decrease half Charles F. Cloud, who published furon' fr ;n; . ,Wnita in. - i tiii va iam m. a . a v a m- vu w a newspaper at iiainax, jn. j., in JXtS 1840 is still alive in Baltimore. is 75 years of age. Rev. W. A. Cunningim, a very whereaboutshavingbecomeknown, highly esteemed and aged minister, the First National and the Mer chants and Farmers' National banks of this city, began to take steps for his capture, and to this end, Col. Thos. H. Brem, President of the latter, telegraphed to the head of a leading house in Philadelphia to employ a detective to watch him. In two hours after the telegram was received in Philadelphia, a New York detective was on Hous ton's track. In thirty hours after three-quarter million. Booth's Theatre, New York, will be sold under mortgage on Novem ber 5th. The mortgage amounts to three hundred thousand dollars. The friends of Booth are endeavor- Rev. Mr. Hufham. of Raleigh, in? to arrancre the matter, that he has been called to the Baptist may retain the management of the church at Durham, in place of Rev. property. died in Greene county since. a short time F. M. Jordan, resigned. The " Baker st ille Independent" is the name of a new paper started in Bakersville, Mitchell county, the first of this month. The object of the Independent is the promotion he started, the detective telegraph- of useful knowledge, good-will and ed that he had come up with Hous ton at Montreal, and asked for in structions. He was instructed to stay and watch his man until pa pers for his formal arrest should be received. When it was known with certain ty where Houston was, Col. H. C. Jones, of this city, was employed to take charge of the case and effect his arrest. This gentleman drew up papers and proceeded to have them certified to according to law ; from Raleigh he went to Washings ton City,where papers for Houston's arrest were duly taken out under the Extradition Treaty; and hav ing procured a requisition from the. United States Government upon the Canadian Government, Col. Jones went to Montreal, and without dif ficulty succeeded in finding Hous ton. Officers took him under Im mediate arrest, and a .telegram was received here yesterday, announc ing that the captors will arrive in Charlotte this morning on the G:30 train oa the .North? Carolina -Railroad, with the captured. ' T What the result will be to Hous ton we cannot foretell, but will see in the future," charity among the people, vv . C. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor. Greensboro Patriot of Wednesday. 30th ult. : We regret to learn that 111113 1UU1 tlll UIU VlltlU Ul AJ. Jm Phillips was badly burned yester day. It seems in the absence of its mother, who was visiting a sick neighbor, the little one found its way into the kitchen, where there were shavings which Ignited from fire in the stove and set fire to its dress. A young girl In the house discovered the child in flames and tore the dress off, but not before the upper portion of the body was dreadfully burned. ; . ' 1 David Kellum, a gay youth in the virfnltv of Greensboro, concluded to play a joke on some ladies returning jpurvte, colored, one of the commis- from church at night, by getting io a fence corner and frightening them as they passed. ' He succeeded so well that yoqng Frank Whitingtont one of the supposed frightened par ty, got a shot gaq and fired, upon the bobger." The shot were, how ever recovered by Dr.;B. A. Cheek, who took from the leg of ICellum all except three, which were said to be too deep in the flesh for probing. Miss Maria Ewing Sherman, daughter of Gen. V. T. Sherman, was married in Washington City,on the 1st inst., to Mr. Thos. W. Fitch, of the Engineer Corjw of the U. S. Navy. The ceremony was celebra ted according to the rites of the Cath olic church, by Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati. Henry Clews & Co., of New York, ave decided in fairness to their "customers to susoend for a day or two the receiving of deposits, and have transferred the remit tances received during the past few days to the custody of the Continental Bank and to the credit of those who remitted them. The firm do this as a prudential matter, though a much larger loan than the one hundred thousand pounds al ready negotiated for in London is expected in a few days. At a meeting of the Depositors of theFreodman's Bank held in Wash ington, on the 29th ult.. Robert WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Era Office, Oct. 7, 1874. REMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Meats and Sugars are very lirm and on the advance. Other quotations un changed. COTTON. Transactions in the staple yesterday were very light. The market closed at 13 for low middling. General Market. BAGGING, Domestic 21 ft yd. ISUylG COTTON TIES, 99ic FLOUR, North Carolina $7.2ofty$7.C0. CORN, 1.20. CORN MEAL, 1.20. BACON, N. C. hog round, 15. " " hams 18. BULK C. R. sides, 1515L shoulders, 103. LARD, North Carolina, none. " Western tierces, lti. kegs, 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 2 . Fa'r " 21. SYRUP, comaion, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT, $2.50. CHEESE, Cream, 17. " Factory, 1617. " Dairy, none. NAILS, on'basis for lOd, $4.75. SUGAR, A, 12. Extra C, lli115. " Yellow, 10i10J. LEATHER, "Sole 27 HIDES, green, 78. 44 dry, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. Irish, $1.00(a, 1.25. OATS, shelled, 75. 14 sheaf, $1.25. FODDER, old, 82,00. 4 new, 1.25. HAY", N. C. baled, good, 1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS, 20. BUTTER, country, 40. FISH, Mullets, 7.00. 44 Cut Herrings, none. 44 Mackerel, new family, 12.00. BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, on foot, 5G. 44 dressed prime, 56. JDr. J. Walker's California Yin. egAr R i tters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mado chiefly from the na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of thej Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia! the medicinal properties of which are; extracted therefrom without tho uso of iAlcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, What is the cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit tens?'' Our answer is, that they remove thecause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They aro tho preat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of jho system. Never before in tho history of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vixkgar Bitters in healing the sickf of every disease Iran is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the j Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases The properties of Dr.. Walker's YrxEGAR Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive; aud Anti-Bilious. K. II. MeDO.VALD & CO., Drnppists and Gen. Aprts., San Francisco, California, ant cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta. X Y gold by all DruggLiU and Dealers.' RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR . after rea !ing this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIX. RADJVAV'S READY RELIEF 13 X CURB FOB EVERY PAIN. It was the first and la Tho Only Fain Tfcoxnotl.v that instantly stops the most exemciatinfr pains, allavt Inflammations, and cured Congestions, whether of the Litnis. Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. ' IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RMEI'MATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF i WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. i CONGESTION OF THE LUNG 3. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHINO. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP, DIPTHERIA. CATARKH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM COLD CniLLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Itellerto the part or parts win-re the pain or dillkulty exists will afford eoso ami ComuirL Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will In a few rv -nivnls cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH. in. : I ItV, SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHOEA! DVsfcNTKRY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELs! Jim', all INTERNAL PAINS. iiMveiers should ulwuva carry a bottle of Itnd ut' Ready RelleT with them. A few drops in r will prevent sickness r pains from change of .v . -K It is hotter than French Brandy or Bitters as a -'ii ijlant. rzVER AND AGUE. ..U AM) AGUE Ctired for fiftv iunta Thorn . i.;rniedlal aprnt In thU world that will euro Fever ,r--,lc;, Va a!1 otner Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, . i ufiiu, i rimw, anu oiner revers (aided dv BAD. x v ruii so quick hs KADWAY'S READY RE- . . r ii i y cents per oottle. .. ASEMI-MOSTIILY tlra nMi 4its ' " FOB ONE DOLLAR. Read the Splendid Faujily Paper TIIE WOUIAITS itlOHTr A sixteen oolnmn paper jderoted 40 v. . Theram 11 r circle. STSubscrlbo for It t You will Ket pur five ; beautiful premiums. Kejui their description below. Itejineinlier you cangettive engravings that retails for iu ine art stores, and ami-inouthly paper forone year, giving valuable ii iigious etches, temperance stories, re ceipts, wit, humor, AL AJLt. roil OXE DOLLAIl ! Ifyouare not satined with tho E U,reS r6tUrn thm H we will r- try gives such premiums; W pawr has so valuable reading matter 1 jC42r-Genera Lying In State!-A uue wigniviiig or, beautiful lauy aecoraung tho casket warrior. i Death of General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackso.i I This is one of most touching engravings ever olTered to the public. jrirTwo Good Little Sisters ! Thcv iuiii9it;rjiiK w "w Br,e or meir un happy brother, who, while running in the woods barefoot, has got a thorn in his foot and a mote in one rjf his v. . -nf'ook at Papa ! A young mother is holding up a photograph of her hus band for their babv eTrl.trLn ! hmk inL at it with enthusiastic delight; .CiJ-Mothers Jov ! Plain oval nt ft 11 rn of a pretty young mother with her baby boy in her arms. Head this all attain and tl ion until! si to JOHN T. PATRICK 4-tf VadnsIom v f , young' of the old CAROLINA SPUING 11 Kl. Patented January Otli, 1 874. The underfciirned tho offers to the public arolina Spring Bed Bottom, which for Cheapness, Durability and Coinlort, ho challenges the world. This bed is composed of the npiral spring, made of the best tempered steel. is simple in structure, and is perfectly noiseless, being an improvement ujkju all other similar patents. I will sell County or State Rights at low ligures. Parties wishing to nego tiate should communicate with me at once. 1 Any ono with a little energy, can make money with this patent. For particulars, address D. W. WIIITAKKK, jan. 28-tf Raieigh, N. C. Clerk and Collector's Office, Raleigh, July 17, 1674. OTIt'K TO TAX PAYUItS. I will bo in my offlco dally for tin next thirty days between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., and 3 and 0 p. 111., for the collection of the taxes of the City of Raleigh for tho year 1874. Tax must be paid within this time or they will be collected according to law. FRANCIS M. SORRKLL, 52 12t Collector. Clerk and Collector's Office, July Gth, 174. J- O T I C i:. Acting under an ordinanco passtHl by the Board of Commissioners, June-H, 1874, 1 hereby notify all persons who failed to list their taxablcs to come foi -ward and list tho same within tho next ten days, under penalty of tho law.; FRANCIS M. SORRKLL, 47 4t. Clerk and Collector. pun L I S II E Ii S ERA Wm BEAUTY!! N o j:. TK(f.s. Asn pruE luorT blood ixoreasB 't vhK AND WEIGHT CLEAR 8KIN AND i.f-c 1 1 .- l u i;o M SECURED TO ALL. fiioners anoointea to wiua up lis affairs, said he would, at an ad journed meeting, make a statement of its affairs, wnich would probably not le as favorable as that hereto fore published, nor would it be so bad as -those who, in connection with it, had taken advantage of the fears and necessities of the deposit ors who have sold the face 01 their deposits at a heavy discount. PRACTICAL Book and Job Printers, Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH. 1ST. C. Are now prepared to execute every description of JPlain and Fancy BOOK L JOB PRINTING from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, on as reasonable terms as the same work can bo done at any estao- ishment in the State. Wewill keep constantly on hand, oj print to order. Solicitor, Superior Court Clerks1, Sheriffs1 and Magistrates1 Jltcnls of the latest improved fwrm.on irmsi rea sonable terms. COMPETE IN PIllCE AND F.XK T Tli .N with the and rheapfvi !nib ic the State. Special attontion pai l to school catalo;i;ks, CiiULLAUS AND BR()N,i . TOBACCO LAKKLS. Milers b3 mail promptly ;itteiiJtul t , and work shipped by Mail r Kxpn. to any portion of the State. Orders solicited. ' W. M. BROWN, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. AD WAY'S Sarsaprillian Resolvest VH-a BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS VAOH THE MOST ASTONLSniNO CURES: RO Qlifli fiO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THK noa uNDEn;oKS, under the influence 1 if THld VUULV WONDERFUL MEDICINE. TIUT y Da? an Increase in Flesn Wsipt Xi Seen ani ML lUili Hvorv dr.n . ' t.a RAItSAPARILLIAN' RESOL VKn"!: n- ;iV through the Blood, Sweat, Urine. .!!: ci.u juices of tho system the Yifcor or .. .1. u,i , ' i uriiln wAsrea of the body with new and -5 i.u-.i iUI. Sorotula, Srphilia, Consumption. .ianJu:ur tl !-... L'lfiurs in the throat. Month. Ta ".r.s. .Ko.liu iIk Olniidsand other part of the system, Eyts. .Sf ruiurou discharges from the Ears, and in- worut forms xif skin diseases. Eraptlona, Fever .. .r,.Si s-b1.I Hoad, Rhiir Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, wne. Ulack Hi t W orms in the Flesh. Tumors, Can ' -s in the Vt,.-iib. and all weakening and painful dis ' iiarcoR, Kiifht Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of Hie lite principle, aro within the curative range of this Tv.,mier cf .Mode rn Chemistry, and a few days' use will to any person using it for either of theae forms of .ti t-H- its potf ut power to cere them. Ii the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes i 1 .!:. -MRo-iriun thnt is continually progressing, sac rtim crri-siwr tlieo wastes, amf repairs the same ;!: j'Mv TjuiicriHl inaile fn.'in healthy blood and thi t .v ! AP.a "ILL I A N will and does secure cure i rt 1 ;; tnr wltt-n t.nre thU remedy commences ita ,rk tif . i.riiirn.i..ti. r.nd succeeds in diminishing the , s of t jir'-. t'-i rot'tir will be rapid, and every day I tlie'.f "i.'l led hiinsfcl.' tf rowing better andstronger. I t.. i .lics'ing .better, ajipctite improving, and usa I 1 . !'!!'. iiicrcaiii. .t-1 (m;!v (Joea the fiARSAPiniLLIAW Rksolvtht exccll n r iiu-dijil brents in thecure of Chronic, Serf The undersitrned. antxinted by tho Board of Commissioners of tho City of Raleigh to superintend the J.HSiie of Bonds for City tScrip, will be present in the Treasurer's Oflice on Saturday, th 12th instant, for that purpose. . , A. WILMAMS, JKKF.FJSIIKK, JNO. - NICHOLS. Sept. 81 h, 1S71--U. NOKFIEKT IUNSTOX, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, CORNER OF Cabarrus and McDowell Streets, RALEIGH, N. C. IS NOW PREPARED TO DO A LI. kinds of work in his line with neat ness and dispatch. " Kaleigu, Sept. I8U1, i7S. 1 A n! W K I) ;H t oiistitutioiia!, aud ... fOkiiivv cure fur ;kiu UUeases; but it U the i if ucy t0 Bladder Complaints, n; v ..Ti.l Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. , u-:- i Vmer. Ijicoiitineiiceof Urine, Bright'sDu- a ii iimni ri:t. an i in an cases where there are or th wr.ttr U thick, cloudy, mixed .!, v. iii.i.of an egg, or threads like r.K.rbid. dark, bilious appear r 1 ."i itposiu, and when there ia - when passing water, and . .iuclt iuid along the Loins. An occupation as teacher, bearing at least a sotond grade certilicate. If in formation be required addreM Wilnon O. Lamb, John 6. Watts, D. W. Barley and John Watts (whites) residing ut Williamston. where I have been lalr- ing as teacher for the last 15 months. . J. II. hkuustkiw, (coioretij , feb 3-tf Williamston, N. (i. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That I have been appointed Assignco of toe estate and ellects of Charles Un man, of Raleigh. Wake county, N. C, who was adjudged a bankrupt by tho District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. " "v '. J. n. FLEMING, Assignee. Raleigh, Sept. 8, 1874. ; . ; 12-:u iii-. ' : hJ ; i Years9 Growth Jl:i,.ivay9s Resolvent mum ms& mm m m&mi "i!iRp''(D!wiii 11 wiiii 1 mm i feb!6-w2m. A SECOND HAND ITIASUN AND I1AIHL.IN Organ, doable bank of keys, in perfect order, very low, at NAT. L. BROWN'S. FIDDLE, BANJO, GUITAR AND DUKtCIIVIEK Strings, Fiddle Bows, Bridges, Pegs, Rosin, Aprons, Ac, at NAT, h. BROWN'S, RADWAY'S ! ?oi?iirpiveMeplauii , '.-. !, !'y culled with sweet rnm. ! .t.e. j urifv. cieii:f and strengthen. Kad- th.; cure of f.M dimirdersof the Stomach. -.-.-.. Ktiim-ys, Kindder, Nervous Diseasea, j t:o?:.--tiprtti-h. Ct:vtieis, Indigestion, Dys- ; 4 U-.ioas.)-i.s Biiioiis Tever. Inflammation of the ! u. fiivn, and all Ueriiu'';int-nw of the Iateraal 1 Warranted toe fleet a positive core. Purely 1 .n Me. containing no mercury, minerals or deieterv- a ilw dwe of RADWAY'S PTLLS will free the ys : :i '.Una all the above named disorders. Price, cenu ; - w SOLD BY DKUOOISTS. hi ... : " kalse AND TRUE" Rend one letter ki..v KADWAY A CO.. No. S3 Warren St, Mew ... i-.-rmuikiu worth thousands will be sent yoa. VI 11 INGTOK JOTJKNAL., f (WEEKLY Tlie Largest i Best and Cheapest Paper Published in North ; Carolina. As aF irst-Claas News and Literary ! Journal, it is Unexcelled. One copy, for one year, $2 00 ' Onp copy, for six months, .100 Th-ee copies, for one year, 5 00 Fopir copies, for one year, 7 90 ' Five copies, for one year, 8 50 Teh copies, for One year, $15 00 Twentv copies-, for one year, 25 00 jfiy-To every getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for one year. Address - 1 JOTJRNATv j Wilmington, N, C, General Agent for tho Celebralod Estey Cottage Organs. Payments easy. Prices low. ' Send for Illustrated Catalogue. - j Also dealer In. aii kinds of . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Fancy Goods, Toys Baskets, Children's Carriages, Cigars, Pipe and Tobacco.' Don't forget to call at Noj 10 Fayette ville street, Raleigh, N. C. . ANEW WIIKEEn'ic 1TII.SON Sewing Machine, Sllter Plated, for sale cheap, at " " '4JJ . NAT. . Jj. ' BROWN'S. LAROE VAniETT Goods, i Toys, dko.f- at A Raleigh, April 7, 1871. OF FANCY BROWN'S,