THE ERA. THE ERA. REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS PAPER THE CENTRAL ORGAN OF THE PARTY. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLLAIW A-YEAR, IN W. 31. I5KOWX, Manager. pa- Job VoRK executed at abort no tice and in a style unsurpassed! Office in the old "Standard" Ruild intr, one square South of the Court ITonse, Fayetteville Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, - - - - $2 00 Six months, - - - - 1 00 Three months, - - - 50 pir Invariably in Advance. tt by any similar establishment iu tbeStato. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Ono square, one time, - - $ 1 00 . " two times, - i 1 60 " three times, - - 2 00 Contract advertisements taken at VOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1874. NO. 17. proportionately low rates. V 5 THE ERA. THURSDAY, OCTOIIEK 15, IfcTl. t,,.,, m son's Sonir of St. Agnes. Drop on the convent r-of the snows Are sparkling to the moon ; M v breath to heaven in vapor goes : Mav niy soul follow soon ! The shadows of the convent towers Slant down the snowy sward, Still creeping with the creeping hours That lead me to my Lord : Make thou my spirit pure and clear An are the frosty skies. Or this first snow-drop of the year That in my bosom lies. A these white rces are soiled and dark, To yonder shining ground ; A this pale taper's earthly spark, To yonder argent round ; So i-how.s my soul before the Lamb, My spirit before thee; So in mine earthly house I am, To that I hope to be. Ilreak up the heavens", OLord ! and far, " Thro' all yon starlight keen, Ir.iv me, thy bride, a glittering star, In raiment white and clean. He iif: mo to tho golden doors ; The i!ashes come and go ; Ail heaven bursts her starry floors, And strews her lights below, And deepens on and up ! the gates Fall back, and far within Forme tho Heavenly Bridegroom waits, To make me pure of sin. The Subbaths of Eternity, One Sabbath deep and wide A liiht ufon the shining sea The nr'.degroom with his bride ! M I SC 12 1. 1, AN KO US. The Degradation of Women. The ph rase at the head of this ar ticle was suggested by reading John Stuart Mill's "Subjection Of WO- nun. it must oe conceoea mat . . nmny i)i .ui. .uiu smiiuiuua hiuca- c t Mini. - : n : n n irvuie ailll UllieiWUie e. (J.. Uiai there has never been a lorm of serv itude so deeply rooted and so abject ft-; tnat oi women to men, as it is at present legalized by the marriage contract. He says: 44 If ever any system of privilege and enforced subjection had its yoke tightly riv eted on the necks of those who are kept down by it, this has." Hut it is equally certain that there U a modicum of truth in what he rtys against the prevalent pernicious custom of educating women solely with a view to marriage. This, it st ins to me, is the real cause of the political and social degradation of women ; and here is the point at is sue between Mr. Mill and that able find accomplished critic and review er. Mr. W. It. Greg. The latter, in his book entitled 4 Literary and Social Judgments," has an essay on 44 Why are Women Redundant?" in which he says: "Celibacy, when it transcends the limits which Nature has prescribed, and becomes anything but excep tional, i one of the surest and most menacing symptoms of something gravely and" radically wrong. There fore it is that all those efforts on which a chivalricor compassionate tenevolence is now so intent to ren der single life as easy, as attractive, and as lucrative to women, as un happily other influences to which we have alluded have already made it to men, are efforts in a wrong di rection ; spontaneous and natural, no doubt, to the tender heart of hu manity, which seeks first to relieve suffering and only at a later date logins to think of curing disorder, hut not to be smiled upon nor aided by wise prescribers for the maladies of states To en deavor to make women independent of men; to multiply and facilitate their employments ; to enable them to earn a separate and ample sub sistence by competing with the hard ier sex in those careers and occupa tions hitherto set apart for that sex alone; to induct them generally into avocations not only as interesting and beneficent and therefore as ap propriate, but specially and defin itely as lucrative ; to surround sin gle life for them with so smooth an entrance and such a pleasant, orna mented, comfortable path that mar riage shall almost come to be re garded not as their most honorable function and especial calling, but merely one of many ways open to thm, competing on equal terms with other ways for their cold and phi!:sophic choice: this would ap pear to be the aim of many female reformers, and of one man of real pre-eminence "Mr. Mill doubtless 44 wise and far-sighted in most questions, but here strangely and intrinsic-ally at fault. Few more radical or more fatal errors, we are satisfied, philanthropy has ever made, though her course every where lies marked and strewn with wrecks and failures, and astounding theories and incredible assump tions." Stripped of unnecessary verbiage and reduced to a logical form of statement, the position of Mr. Greg precisely this: 44 It is necessary hp society that women should marry. They will not do so unless they are compelled. Therefore, it is neces sary that they should be compelled." The method of compulsion proposed ! to so hedge up their way to hon orable and lucrative employments J to render it impossible for them to earn a separate and ample sub sistence," and to make 44 single life ior th "Jr them" tr nnnr.mrnrtaKIa flint mty shall be forced to marry in or obtain their support. Now in the name of common decency and nonor we protest against this as the ETascst degradation, as well as the grossest injustice to women. If it be true, as Mr. Mill says, that the majority of men hold this theory. then it is not surprising that he should pronounce the condition of women a one of "deeply rooted and abject servitude." But for our part we know of no man of average intelligence and re finement, whatever might be his general opinion, who would be wil ling to stanu oy it wnen tnus re duced to its logical result. In other words, the better class of men are in this respect as also in many others, better than their creeds. This Mr. Mill concedes, and therefore all the more deplores what he conceives to be the fact, that they tolerate laws and customs which give to base and ignorant men entire domination over their wives, and enable them to effectually hedge up the way of single women to an honorable life, by closing against them all avenues to independent self-support. And what could have a more de grading effect upon the character of a young woman tnan tne conviction that her only path to respectability or subsistence is marriage: that she is born not to any independent dig- nity and usefulness in life, but only to complete or embellish the exist ence of some as yet unknown man? And when we consider what a lot tery marriage is, how uncertain that it will be happv, and how many contingencies and conditions are in the way of such a consummation, it is surely apparent that nothing can be more naralvzimr and debasing to the nobler energies and instincts of womanhood, than tnat she should be limited to this one exceedingly precarious chance for happiness and usefulness. Let it be granted that Mr. Greg's fundamental position that in the Divine economy the highest 44 vo cation and function7' ol women is marriage, and that Nature indicates that with rare exceptions, each wo man should be happily wedded with one uiam certainly "tnat were a consummation devout! v to be wish- vl it rlnn nnt follow that it .auv .v vwv.., " - - - -- f, ho nttainpd bv ndnntinsr toward -..... y t- women any SUCh method Ot prO- eorintinn am mmnn U nn !N in nrn poses. To our mind the best possi jg way to realize his project for pairing the human family, is to place both sexes on a precisely equal footing, to make the woman as in dependent of the man as the man is independent oi tho woman, ana leave both equally free to refuse or to choose marriage. Other People's Grindstones. When the armies of the North and South were lying in winter quarters once, a soldier started out for the purpose of grinding his axe. The camp being wholly without the luxury of a grindstone, the soldier set out on a search among the neigh boring farms. After an absence of several hours he returned with his axe as dull as ever. 44 What's the mate, 44 couldn't you find anybody ,r o rir,ictr,0 Oh vpq thev were all willing u " Kt somehow each one of them wanted to lmwi m nmphor!v p1p irrind- stone, and I couldn't find anvbodv willing to lend his own." Now we suppose that nearly ev erybody indulges on occasions, in the sort of liberality which was pre valent in the neighborhoad of that camp. We are all of us willing enough to lend somebody's else grindstone. It costs nothing what ever to gratify our generous instincts by imagining the munificence with which we should bestow alms, or the liberality with which we should conduct business, if wo had Mr. X's money. Of a similar sort is a good deal of our moralizing upon other people's lives, and a good deal of our plan ning for our own conduct in the fu ture. And we suspect that senti ment of this inexpensive kind gov erns many of our harsher judgments of our fellow-men. When Byron flung mud at his fellows who ac cepted pay for their literary work, his bank account was in a satisfac tory condition, and when it ceased to be so, he was ready enough in his turn to exchange his rhymes for guineas. And even now, in this practical, money-getting age, there is unquestionably a prevalent idea that for author or artist to pay ordi nary attention to the productiveness of his work, is unworthy. The merchant or other business man who admits the smallest parti cle of sentiment into the conduct of his business loses caste at once, as a visionary and impractical man, to give credit to whom is dangerous. But the author and the artist are held to a strict account for every lapse from the plane of high senti mentality, on which for some in scrutable reason the world has chos en to place their work. Now the fact is, that with a rare exception here and there, the workers with pen and pencil are poor, and they work as the merchant and the me chanic do, for daily bread. They must do the work for which there is a demand, or they must suffer want inevitably. But the world in sists that they shall be 44 loyal to their high ideals," and il they fail in this, it condemns them utterly. Nobody ever thinks of sayingtothe carpenter, 44 You ought not to work upon stables or cow houses. Your genius is for lofty spires, and you should be true to your genius, and not prostitute it to the mere making of money." We do not condemn the merchant because he sells cali coes when silks and laces are not wanted. But we do deal on pre cisely that principle with writers i and artists. And writers and art ists are wont to accept the absurd ; treatment as just. If they find them selves forced to do a bit of market able, commonplace work now and then, in order that they may get the bread for their children which the pursuit of high ideals will not bring, they hide the fact away as they would hide a crime, lest they be called 44 mercenary," and so be forever disgraced in the eyes of a money-getting world, which holds them bound to starve on high prin ciples of self-abnegation, while it rolls on in luxury and comfort which the author or the artist may not dare to seek. Not long ago one of our great dailies in an editorial article bitterly bewailed the fate of some artist who finding that his pursuit of high ideals was starving his children, wrote his own obitu ary, and proceeded thenceforth to paint the commonplace pictures which the world wants, and so pur chased comfort for himself and his family, as the newspaper seemed to think, at a lamentably high cost. Now to our thought that artist was simply sensioie. ino worK fr0m which he turned nobody would buv. That which he did afterwards people wanted and were willing to pay lor. ivs it was nonest worK, why in the name of all that is sen sihle should he not do it? Neither writer nor artist has a richt to do bad work, dishonest work, immoral work, however profitable its doing mav be, iust as the merchant who sells flour has no right to sell adul terated flour : but it does not follow that the writer or the artist may not do work of a less artistically ex ceiient kind tnan he might, any more than that the merchant may not sell the coarser and cheaper grades of flour when there is a de mand for the poorer ana none lor the higher product. It is the right and the duty of every man to make a living for himself and his family, and all honest endeavor to that end is eminently honorable and praise worthy. To set up for one class of workers a rule to which we do not subject others, is simply to be very generous indeed in the lending of other people's grindstones. Hearth and Home. 44 Glad Twice.' We have no great faith in adages. Proverbs have an unfortunate habit of being false, for one thing, and even when they are not altogether . A A A 1 so, they are apt to teacn omy one side of a truth, which is nearly ana sometimes auite as bad as teaching a falsehood outright. Their pithi ness, too, and their extreme con venience maKe tnem aangerous in the hands of vague thinkers, who, finding it difficult to systematize their own thought, adopt instead the formulated idea of somebody else, and accept its terseness as proof of its truth. And vet now ana tnen one runs across a.nroverD wmcn is a uit oi 1 1 l t S crystallized wisdom, perfect in sub stance as well as in shape. Uf this sort is the seldom-heeded recipe for hospitality 44 Welcome the coming, SDeed the parting guest." The half of hospitality lies in the speeding of parting guests. Lavish welcomes are easily enough bestowed, but the hospitable thought must De very genuine, indeed, which dares to leave the guest as free and as wel- ... ur li come to go as to come, we an suffer now and then from undue urging to stay when we prefer to go. ana nean v every one oi us is himself a sinner in this regard too. No sooner does the guest intimate a wish to terminate his visit than we fly in the face of his desire, and urge him to stay longer. We some times do this, too (do we not?), as a mere matter of duty, when in our hearts we care very little whether the guest goes or stays. We feel ourselves bound to show our appre ciation of our friend's visit by ask ing that he prolong it. Now, true hospitality ought to learn its lesson better than this. Our effort should be, from first to last, to make our friend's visit thoroughly pleasant and agreeable to him. We strive for this result in welcoming him. It is the desire to do this which prompts us to offer him the most comfortable chair and to set out our best viands, if he break bread with us. It is that he may enjoy his stay that we take pains to talk only upon agreeable topics. In short, from the time he crosses our thresh old until he rises to leave, we courteously endeavor to make the moments slip by as pleasantly as possible. But the moment he asks for his hat our courtesy fails us. Hitherto we have studied to antici pate and gratify his every wish. Now that he wishes to go, however, we endeavor to thwart hi3 pleasure. We selfishly try to turn him from his purpose to ours. We wish him to stay,j while he wishes to go. Courtesy would prompt us to give his wish precedence to our own, but, as a rule, we ask him to sacrifice his own to our pleasure. Probably very few of us are ever conscious of being discourteous in this matter. On the contrary, in the very act of being inhospitable, we think we attest our hospitality. 44 Pray do not feel the least un easiness about coming or not com ing to us," writes a model woman in a letter now before us, in reply to a friend's partial acceptance of her invitation. 44 The best hospi tality leaves its guest free to follow his own way, I think. You shall come if you like, stay as long as you will, and go when you prefer ; and whatever you do, we shall be lieve to be best. If only you have a pleasant visit, all will be well." Reading that, we sat down to preach a little sermon on it, but the text so completely covers the ground that there remains next to nothing to be said about it. The old Vir- ginians, of all people the most truly given to hospitality, have a rule of life which they pithily put in this wise: " When we go visiting, we must not make the host glad twice, glad when we come and glad when we go." An equally good rule would be to take care that we do make our guests glad twice when they are welcomed, and when the truly hospitable host forbears to op press' them with invitations to stay longer than is agreeable to them. Ibid. A Humbug" Exposed. Materialized Spirits that could not come when called Katie in Boy's Clothing A Medium in Trouble. About 7 o'clock the party of twenty who had been selected as the ones to attend Mr. and Mrs. Holmes seance in this place met, as agreed upon, at the house of Mr. Lyon, where the mediums are stopping, and after some time being spent in getting the preliminaries arranged, and each one being seated under the personal direction of Mrs. Holmes, one ot the party, Mr. 1. S. Knight, requested the privilege of selecting some one of the party to occupy the bedroom adjoining the cabinet. Mr. Holmes objected to this plan very decidedly, but Mrs. Holmes, who, by the way, is much the cooler of the two, consented to the arrange ment, and Mr. H. Cooper was called upon to select the party, which he did, and his selection was Mr. Ly man Goodrich, one of our responsi ble men here. As usual the friends of the medi ums were so seated as to be in the front circle, with one exception, this being the nephew of Mrs. Holmes, oue Gilbert, who took his seat at the side of the door leading from the room into the dining room adjoining. Everything being finally arranged, it was decided by the me diums to first hold a dark seance, as it seems they always do when some one is in the bed room. The lights were accordingly blown out, and Mrs. Holmes went into what she calls a trance, and took the part of Rosa, an Indian girl, and then com menced the slinging of banjo rings and bells promiscuously about the room. We wish to slate at this point thatourfriend Peter Miller was seat ed at one side of the door, near the said Gilbert, and gettingrather tired he leaned up against the door, and about this time Rosa called forsome one to hold the medium's hands, and the choice fell on our tired friend Miller, who was holding the door. But, of course, Mrs. Holmes did not notice this little fact. He very quietly asked a party by his side to take his place and also be tired, and lean against the door. Mr. Miller was pronounced by the little lnjun to be a healing medium, and advis ed him to give up his deputy sher iffs office and hang out his shingle, but Pete said he would think of it a while first. He then took his old positiomand soon after there was a slight rustling heard in the dining room (the door being slightly ajar,) and someone gently pushed at the door, but find ing some one against it they made no further attempt tor several moments, when it was attempted affain- ... At this time the light was turnea ft 1 X4 up, ana anersoraeoi me most -nar- monious" singing, tne meaium called on 4lKatie King" to show herself to the audience, but 44Katie" came not. Then we naa some more of that 44heavenly" music, and every eve was on the cabinet, and again 44Katie" was asked to appear, but still no 44Katie" came. It was again made dark, and we had some more of the guitar slinging by 44Dick, the Sailor," and some other dark workers, and again the light was turned up, and "Katie" was called again; but it wa3 no go. Mrs. Holmes almost begged her to come, as she said she would rather she would come this evening than al most any other time ; but all the persuasions could not get 44 Katie" to give up her roost in the wood shed, where, in despair of getting by Miller's guard on the aoor, she had taken refuge. But she became fnghtenea about this time, and she made a break from the wood shed across the ad joining lot. She did not have the angelic look about her that she dis plays at her exit from the cabinet, but was attired in boys clothes. Her exit from this woodshed at tracted the attention of one of the outside patrol, and she was ordered to stop by a party who was resting behind the fence, but she took "leg bail " and the party after her. She was caught and found to be attired in boy's clothing and sporting a gutta-percha cane, resembling very much tho one usually carried by Mr. Holmes. The cane was broken in the scuffle, and she begged and pleaded to be released, saying she would not be detected for the world, that her father was rich and respect able, etc. By some means she suc ceeded in getting away from her captor, but left the broken end of the cane with him. She was after ward seen in company with the man Gilbert, and again entered in the house of the Holmes'. When the young man told the story it seemed hard of belief, and the party went to the place where it was stated the scuffle took place, and dis tinct impressions of the feet of the parties were discovered. Another proof was given thi3 morning, when a search near the place of the struggle was rewarded by finding another piece of the broken cane. Then cetrain parties called on Mr. Holmes, requesting him to produce the gutta-percha cane he was id the habit of carrying, but he flatly refused to do so. The excitement in liussneid is verv ereat. and DUblic opinion is that the mediums are the most com plete and most dangerous humbugs that have ever been in tne country. There is no question of one thing, and that is. if they allow some one in the bedroom adjoining their cab met, and those in the audience are sharp, they will have no Miss Katie King, alias Mrs. Eliza White, of Philadelphia. Adrian Times. A Lost Race. A correspondent whose state ment has since been verified writ ing from one of the mining settle ments on the shores of Lake Su perior, says that the remains of a considerable number of ancient copper mines have lately been dis covered on Isle Royale, Thunder Bav. on the northern border of the lake, which exhibit undoubted evi dence of having been worked Dy a race of men long since extinct, and of whom we possess no knowledge save that left behind by such traces as are now being brought to view. Shafts of considerable depth, filled and choked with the accumulated debris of ages, have been opened, and in nenetrating to a depth of sixty feet, tools of wonderful work manship have been discovered, to gether with charcoal remains, which mark the point where skilled artisans formed, from copper, tools whose temper and durability would astonish the ingenious makers of the present day. Hammers and chisels seemed to have been the principal implements for working the mine, which, together with the fire, reduced the ore to a condition which rendered its removal in de tail easily accomplished. Finely tempered knife blades have been picked out of the pit, and granite hammers of such a size as to require the strength of no ordinary man to wield successfully. These discoveries wonderful as they are do not stand alone, nor do they present any new facts in rela tion to the people who formerly inhabited this continent. They simply go to strengthen the evi dence that, centuries before the written history of America, power ful and civilized communities occu pied every portion of its domain, who disappearing, left behind them proofs of their progress in the arts and sciences, and their indubitable skill in architecture. For three thousand miles along the valleys of our great western rivers traces of towns and cities occur at intervals, together with the remains of large fortified encampments, which show, from their position and arrange ment, that their builders were no mean adepts in the art of warfare. Vast tumuli, with the dead buried in a sitting posture, and at their feet shells unknown (?) to this con tinent, exist by the hundreds in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. In the dense Yucatan forests there are ruins of tempies and palaces, re sembling in solidity of construction, massiveness of materials, general design and execution, the ancient remains of the old Egyptian dy nasties. Yet neither in Western America nor in Yucatan exists the faintest tradition as to that mysteri ous race which has left behind it the imperishable record of its genius and civilization. Wecan do nothing but conjecture. Pursue our investi gations as we may, we are still led back to the starting point, with no more definite knowledge than we set out with. The thread is lost nevermore to be recovered. It is a singular fact that, thus far, there has never been discovered any of the ruins, or in connection with the tools and war implements men tioned, any mark, letter or trace whereon any clue, either to the origin, customs, or language of this mysterious race, might be caught or gathered up. In Europe thegradual process of development from a half savage to the high culture jof the present day, may be traced stage by stage, and every distinct era marked by a definite date. But here the links that bound one generation to another have been abruptly severed, and the mound builders of the Ohio, the architects of the Copan and Palenque, and the copper workers on the shores of Lake Su perior alike lie beyond the reach of the historian and speculations of the archaeologist. The relics they have left behind them only serve to excite the conjectures of the scien tific. Possibly, in some yet undis covered ruin or tomb, the key may be found to the problem which now puzzles the world ; but then it is only a possibility. There is little doubt that the mystery will remain until the great day when the sea gives up its dead and the past be stretched before us like a scroll. A Smart Tradesman Non- Plusses the Post-Office De partment. For over a year past complaints have frequently been made by a leading colored trades man in our town that his foreign creditors did not receive the amounts of small post-office orders he purchased at the office here. The books of our postmaster have been frequently examined and found al ways to tally with his advices to the various pay offices, when lo ! and behold, it has just transpired that the aforesaid tradesman al ways filed away his money orders as receipts, and wrote his creditors that he had forwarded the amount due by P. O. O. The tradesman has got more ready money to-day than he knows what to do with, and says his mistake has been as good an in vestment as owning bank or insur ance stock. Farm., Va., Mercury. The Brighton Aquarium. One of the largest and most suc cessful aquaria is that at Brighton, England. It is a private enterprise' and of very recent origin. It was originated by Mr. Edward Birch, an English engineer of note, who organized a stock company with a capital of $4oo,000. The work of construction was begun in 18ii, and the building was formally thrown open to the public in August, 1S72. The building stands upon the sea beach, in front of the Marine Pa rade, its roof being a little below the level of that promenade. It has a total length of 715 feet, with a width of 100 feet. The interior is divided into two corridors, on either side of which stand the tanks con taining the fish. The dominant style of architecture is the Italian, and highly ornate. The roof of the corridors is arched and groined, 44 constructed of variegated bricks, and supported on columns of Bath stone, polished, serpentine marble, and Aberdeen granite. The capital of each column is elaborately carved in some appropriate marine device, while the floor, in correspondence, is laid out in acrostic tiles." The tanks number forty-one. Their fronts are made of plate-glass, one inch thick, divided into sheets three feet wide and six feet high, support ed by upright iron mullions. At the eastern end of the west or main corridor is a fernery, with rock- work and cascade. Many of the tanks are also supplied with orna mental rock-work. For the accom modation of visitors there are a res taurant, dining-hall, and reading room, in the building. The small est tank measures 11 feet long by 10 broad, and contains about 4,000 gal lons of water, while tho largest measures 130 feet long, 30 broad, and holds 110,000 gallons. The latter is large enough to accommodate a small whale. At present, however, it contains only a purpoise, a few dog-fish, a ray, and several turtle. Six tanks are devoted to fresh-water animals, the rest to marine. The water of the latter is pumped up from the sea by steam when needed. but is never changed in any of the tanks except when required by tur bidity, or any accident, such as the cracking of a front. To secure abun dant aeration each tank is supplied i . i i -i i t witn several vulcanite tuoes, enter ing at the top and descending to the bottom. An air-pump, situated at one end of the building, arid worked by steam, forces a stream of air into the tank through each tube. The result is, a constant bubbling up of the water. From Popular Science Monthly for October. Post up Your Wives. Iveep them posted, duly, prompt- y, cneeriuiiy. impart to them all he lisrht you can. Do you, hus- ands, post them up on subjects of mportance; interests and reform and religion ; collect facts, passing events, things interesting, profit able, edifying; things moral, intel lectual and political ? Sensible, in telligent, virtuous wives highly ap preciate this, especially those press ed with domestic cares and duties, who have very little time for ex tended reading and investigations. Some husbands are very remiss in this oenevoience : others, we arc- pleased to say, are happily commu nicative, take special pains and de lierht in posting their wives and children, in imparting life and in formation. At the table, during meal times and on every suitable occasion, they open their minds freely, cheerfully, give a condensed, succinct, bird's eye view of all their book and paper readings and all the interesting and important facts, gathered, variously, daily, weekly, monthly. Thus wives and all present are cheered, gratified, benefitted, en abled also to impart the information to others; this generous impartation of things profitable, interesting and edifying, produces a salutary effect on the minds and hearts of the hus band, deepening and riveting vir tuous principles and important facts. "He that watereth shall be watered also himself." Husbands, do you think of this? Will you think of it? This method also produces so ciability and companionship be tween husbands and wivesandmost pleasantly,hopefully and profitably, which would otherwise be lost. Golden Hide. ; General Sherman recently wrote the following letter to the agent of a firm who had applied to him for the contract to place lightning rods upon the fine mansion which, it was rumored, he intended to build upon Orange Mountain, New Jersey : 44If you find the house I am erecting on Orange Mountain, please put any quantity of lightning rods, to attract the lightning of heaven to demolish it. 1 don't care whether the rods be round, square, or twisted. Any thing to stop this nonsense. Archi tects, landscape gardeners, builders, etc., keep writing to me about this house, when, in fact, it is as much as I can do to make ends meet here and finally I expect to con tent myself with a log home on the prairies of Kansas or Nebraska, when Congress turns me out to grass. Tell Mr. Lyon, 4 who served under me three years,' that his ex- Eerience as a soldier should convince im that Uncle Sam is not so gen erous to old soldiers as to enable them to have fancy houses on Orange Mountain or elsewhere. I have a house here, but the city taxes pie for it about as much as Uncle Sam allows me for rent. How the Story got circulated that I was go ing to build on Orange Mountain passes my understanding, and if you can stop it I will regard it as a feat better than protecting me against lightning." A Valuable Itecipe, The Journal of Chemistry publish es a recipe for the destruction, of in sects, which, if it be ono half as effi cacious as it is ciaimexl to be. will prove invaluable: i Hot alum water is a recent sug gestion as an insecticide. It will destroy red and black ants, cock roaches, spiders, chinch bugs, and all the crawling pests which infest our houses. Take two pounds of alum and dissolve It in three or four quarts of boiling water ; let it then siand on the fire till the alum dis appears ; then apply it with a brush, while nearly boiling hot, to every joint and crevice in your closets, bedsteads, pantry-shelves and tho like. Brush the crevices in the floor of the skirting, or mon-boards, if you suspect that they harbor ver min. If, in whitewashing ceiling, plenty of alum is added to ho lime, it will also serve to keep injects at a distance. Cockroaches will flee tho paint which has been washed in cool alum water. Sugar barrels and boxes can bo freed from an U by drawing a chalk mark just around the edge of the top of them. Tho mark must be unbroken, or they will creep over it; but a continuous chalk mark half an inch Jin width will set t heir depredations ai naught. Powderetl alum or borax will keep the chinch bugs at a respecjtable dis tance, and travelers should always carry a package in their hand bags, to scatter over and under their pil lows in places where they havo rea son to suspect the presencio of such bedfellows. j A Fish Story. A Florida correspondent, in tho course of an interesting communi cation regarding Florida fisheries, says : ' 44 The best fishermen in Florida are the pelicans and ospreys. A pelican consumes about a peck of lish a day. They flock about tho inlets and straits by thousands. Supposing there are li.000,000 peli cans in Florida there aro certainly more than that they would eat f)00,000 bushels of lish each day, or 182,500,000 bushels per year, i Tho millionl upon millions offwhlteand blue cra'nes, herons, curlews, gulls, fish hawks, kingfishers, and other water-fowl, devour thousands of bushels of fish every twenty-four hours. 44 An experienced Cracker esti mates that 800,000 bushels of fish a day are required to feed the birds of Florida, alone. This would make 2i),500,(MjO bushels each year. Add to this the billions of fish swallowed by sharks, bass; and others, and the sum total will reach nearly 2,000, 000,000 bushels destroyed by feath ered and finny fishermen on tho. peninsula in twelve months. At first sight these figures appear enor mous ; but let any man make his own estimate, and carefully figure it up, and he will find them under instead of over." Didn't Like It. A stranger, about as broad through the shoulders as a table, says the Detroit Free Jress, was eating a free lunch in a Itandolph street saloon yesterday, when three roughs came in. They weemed to take an antipathy to the stranger at first sight, and it wasn't long before one of them said he could lick any man that wore red hair. . The stranger glanced over that way, but said nothing. 44 And I can-whin any man with a wart on his nose," said the second. The stranger chewed away at his crackers as if ho didn't hear, and the third man said : 44 I'm just aching to knock the head off of some country, galoot." Even that didn't move the stranger, and finally one of the trio walked over to his table, looked at him in contempt, and deliberately spit on the stranger's boot. He waited to drink the last of his beer, and then got up, gave himself a shake, and; he knocked the roughs down ono after the other, striking with both fists and striking blows. Ho waited for them to get up, and as they dropped into chairj to analyze their feelings he quietly remarked : 'How do you like it as far as you've nit nn 1 1 i gone ."' i ney nature a worn to say, and he walked out. If God could manage his waysac )rding to our prescriptions, what satisfaction would God have? or what satisfaction would tho world have? He might be unjust to him self and unjust to others. Your own complaints would not be stilled when you should feel the smart of your own counsels ; yet if they were, what satisfaction could there bo to the complaints of others, whoso in terests, and, therefore judgment and desires, lie cross to yours? Murmur not, therefore whatsoever is dono in the world is thq work of a , wise agent, who acts for the perfection of the whole universe; and why should I murmur at that which promotes the common happiness and perfec tionthat being better and more desirable than the perfection of any one particular person? Must a lutist break all his strings because one is out of tune? Charnock. Washington Echo : Wo aro re liably informed that in the office of Mr. J. Gray Blount, in this town, in 1830, there was the skin of a rat tlesnake, killed in Hyde county, on the North Lake, 23 feet long, and as large as the body of a man, on which there were seventy-five rat tles. Also, that one was killed in Martin county, in 1871, near War ing, with G3 rattles I There are thirty cotton mills In the State. X i

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