THE EBA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1S74. LOCAL, ANI STATIC For Sale or Rent. A hand some Rosewood Piano, of modern make. Apply at the AWi office. We hud the pleasure of seeing in the city on Wednesday, the 1 1th int.f John Nortleet, Esq., of Kdg"e- ittmbc. Mr. Xortleet is look in niarkably well. re- Mr. Henry Martin Fearing, of Elizabeth City, and Miss Sue W. Fetter, daughter of Prof. M. Fetter, late of the University of North Car olina, w.Te married on the 7th inst. A Contest. Wo notice that a spirited contest is going on as to who shall be the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society. We know nothing of the internal ar rangements of the Society and " therefore are at a loss to account for the desire on the part of so many good and true men to serve. Judging from Mie present prices of meal, Hour, &c, we think the voung men could better aid the country by tilling its soil, than by running around trying to get shade places. The Society needs only one Secretary, but the State needs many more plow holders. North Carolina Railroad. This great artery of the railroad system of North Carolina has for the past few days, and will continue during the remainder of the week, to be crowded with trains bearing nr.nWprwrrpt to learn that xj it. - Tiih Kintr. Esq., late Republican candidate for the House of Repre- passengers and produce of all kinds ..Motiiw from Wake county, died w ana irom me jrair. wuen we I 'w ' on the heart. 7th inst., of dropsy of the take into consideration the length of the road from Ooldsboro to Char lotte, and the further fact that the transportation is superintended in chief by only one officer, it would proceedings of the Grand Lodge. We are indebted to Sam uel J. Fall, Esq., Grand Worthy appear to be no ordinary undertak- Secretary, for a copy of the pro- ing to have everything moving in cceJings of the Grand Lodge of the perfecf accord. We have no hosita Independent Order of uood lem- tion in saying that no road in the plars lately held at New-Berne. country is more ably managed than Distinguished Visitor. Jas. II. Tyler, Esq., of Southampton county, Virginia, a grandson of the has, late Ex-President John Tyler, was in the citv during the past week. He was the guest of our townsman, Win. P. Wetherell, Esq. this. The Master of Transportation, Capt. W. II. Green, is certainly one of the best officers in this State. He we believe, served in almost TLo Remedy for all ail- Fiipnts is Hum Hitters, surcharged with Kut'l oil, a deadly element, rendered more anive by the pungent astringents with which it is combined. If your st.ina"h is weak and liver or bowels disordered, strengthen and regulate tlitm with Vinkoar Bitters, a purely vegetable alterative and aperient, free from alcohol and capablo of infusing now vitality into your exhausted sys tem. 4v. every capacity as a railroad man, going through the various grades of engineer, conductor. &c. Being a man of the most punctual business habits, he exacts from all under his control the fulfilment of every duty assigned them, and while he takes care in every instance to reward merit, he does not hesitate to repri mand in an impartial manner those guilty of dereliction of dutv. If competent, polite and honest offi cer3 are the passport, as they should be, to success, this corporation de serves it in an eminent degree. sympathetic friendship to his griev ing kindred. As a man, winning, gentle, true ; as a lawyer, able, earnest, upright ; in public life, wise, popular and loyal with no common loyalty, to his native State : as a Mason, zeal ous. nure. ana abundantly niieu with that charity which is the per fection of every virtue, well may Hiram Lodge inscribe his name upon her tablets as among the no blest of her illustrious dead. Not his public services, many and hon orable though they were, rise fresh est in our memory ; his private vir tues, his benevolent heart, chiefly endear him to us. With his mark in view, he has passed before the Great Taskmaster's eye, an honest man, a faithful friend, we have rea son to hope, an humble believer. Sensible of our irreparable loss, by Hiram .Lodge In regular com munication assembled, be it Resolved, That we tender to his distressed relatives our cordial sym Hickory Press: Mrs. Augusta J. Wilson, nee Evans, author of "Beu lah," ' St. Elmo," &c, breakfasted at the Central a few mornings since. Knoxvi ie Tenn 'to "lo u her jfu Pjdent by a prormnent politician hand, who is PH pntnf thpRnhth. ? Mississippi, in wiucnii isarguea em Security Company, if such a The Governor of Maryland de clines to pardon Udderzook, the murderer. A letter has been addressed to the corporation is yet in existence. She wears glasses, appears to be about 40, and has a very intellectual face. Greensboro Patriot: The U. S. District Court is in session this week, Judge Dick presiding. There are quite a number of strangers in attendance and a full bar. There are seventy-six criminal cases on the docket mostly violations of the revenue law. Three persons have that the only true mode of restor ing reace and Drosneritv in the South is for Congress to pass an act to pay for quartermaster and com missary stores taken by the Union army during the war, and to re fund the cotton tax. , The President referred the letter to the Attorney General. The following is the President's speech lately made to the Indians: " I shall remember with pleasure a. a - T .3 rr w PjATENT MEDICINES. rZT " "r :.,T I.:, my visit to the Indian Territory. I prosperity-nn this latitude. You and sentenced to six months' im prisonment and $1,000 fine. There are fifteen civil cases on the docket. And now, the States vi lie Land- mar: comes to us with a very ex traordinary hen story. It is told must possess a climate well adapted to the growth of cotton and other profitable crops. I have always tried to see you protected in every right guaranteed in your treaties, PSlafi MISCELLANEOUS. pathy, and with them give thanks upon the authority of an honest old and while I hold my present posi to God for the hope of a glorious ladkin county farmer that he has tion I shall endeavor to see that you resurrection. 1 a hen that has given birth to four are protected in the enjoyment of Resolved. That a copy of this me-1 chickens; that the hen has not been your personal and civil rights. With morial be transmitted to the family 1 known to lay an egg since her recent industry and proper observance of of the deceased and to the press of recovery from cholera. Ihe young the laws of the country and rights the city. FAB. H. BUSBEE, C. D. 1UCFJ, D. W. BAIN, Committee. STATE. chickens that were born are perfect- of others, you cannot fail to become ly developed, and both tne lien and prosperous and useful citizens." chickens are doins' well. Who 1 . o iuuiiuay iuuruiuK m ram commenced falling in torrents, and The Fayetteville iSawfe says: The continued throughout the day and T ." A 1 " 1. A A. I 1 S r 1 I A L I I A 1 1 A 1 T . xigypt coai mines are not ai worK iuuiiuay uigut wun out iiiiieinier- next Monroe has street lamps noxr. Statesville wants a market house. Asneviue on in Frost appeared the 30th ult. Twenty new houses are going up n Winston. now and will not be, we learn, until a route of shipment is opened to the States and the cities south of us to give a market for coal. Three or four hundred hands are at work on the Raleigh and Augusta railroad and several miles of grading is now going on just south of Sandford. It mission. luesday morning the river had risen fifteen or twenty feet ; the water continued to rise throughout the day and night, and by Wednesday morning had risen thirty-five or forty feet, overflowing the lowlands from ten to fifteen feet. Thousands of dollars worth A reading club is to be organized the Carolina Central Railway some is said the new road is to join or cross of cotton and corn has been destroy Provisions. We invite our friends who are in want of sound, healthy, well butchered meat and other provisions, to call at A. Haum's establishment on Wilming ton street, in front of the east side of the Market House. Mr. Baum is rapidly gaining a splendid repu tation among our people. He keeps constantly on hand a supply of the bt Baltimore beef and all kinds of vegetables in season. Be sure to give him a call. We would call the attention of visitors to the Fair to a worthy ob ject of their charity Joseph Miller, who served in the 5th N. C. State Troops, and was in at the surrender at Appomattox. Mr. Miller lost both arms and one eye by the ex plosion of a cannon. He deserves the sympathy and substantial as sistance of all men, and our expe rience teaches us that the women of our State arc never outdone In a pood work. Stkixcjent Law. The follow ing act, passed at thy last session of the General Assembly, will doubt less be of interest to some of our readers : Sec I. The General Assembly do enact. That if any person or persons who have heretofore executed a chattel mortgage, deed in trust, or lien for a lawful purpose shall, after the execution of same, and while it is in force, make any disposition of any jersonal property embraced in said chattel mortgage, deed of trust, or lien, with intent to hinder, delay or defeat the rights of the person or Iersons to whom the said chattel mortgage, deed in trust or lien was made, such person or persons so of fending shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction, shall W punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment not exceeding one month. .Sec. l That growing crops shall U considered personal property within the meaning of this act. Sec. 3. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Faiu of the Albemarle Ag ricultural society. we nave received from Dr. P. John, Chair man of the Executive Committee, a handsome poster, announcing the holding" of the second Fair of the Albemarle Agricultural Society, near Elizabeth City, on Wednes day, Thursday and 28th, 29th and 30th month. Hon. Matt. will deliver the address on the sec ond day. Competition open to all. We might individualize respect- ing tne memDers oi mis society "speak of the President, George W. Charles. Esq.. a host within hioi- self; the practical, pushing Chair- Friday, the days of this W. Ransom n Statesville. An 18 ounce apple, raised in Ashe, is on exhibition in btatesville. The Bank of Wilson has been or ganized with a stock of $200,000. The woods are full of wild pigeons between Wadesboro and South Car olina. Wild pigeon3 are said to be abun dant in the woods of Wake and ad joining counties. Mrs. Sarah Lee, of Kinston, died suddenly in church, on Friday night, 2d inst. Ten years ago Rutherford did not raise a bale or cotton, jnow it will raise some 2,000. One man in Asheville has raised 40 bushels of tomatoes this season in a small garden. The pay of the New-Berne police has been reduced from $30 to $25 per month. The Washington Echo claims that not less than 20,000 bales of cotton were shipped from that port last season. A Granville county man got the highest price in Petersburg paid for enipping tobacco tnis season, one hogshead bringing $329.55. - i i - The Salisbury Watchman says the house of Mr. James A. Click, of Rowan county, was burned, it is be lieved by incendiaries, last Sunday morning The loss by the fire which burned man of the Executive Committee ; the Washington and Jamesville R. State Fair. The fourteenth Annual Fair of the North Carolina Mate Agricultural Society com menced at the grounds one mile west of the city on Saturday, 10th inst. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. T. II. Pritch ard, after which, His Excellency, Governor Brogden, delivered an able and appropriate opening ad-iln-ss, which, wo regret, want of pace prevents us from laying be fore our readers in this issue. We have not, as yet, had an opjortuni ty of visiting the"grouuds, and there fore do not propose in this week's paper to give anything like an ex tended account of the occasion. It h with pleasure, however, we say to our readers, that judging from the large number of articles of al most every kind pertaining to manufacture and arts, together with stock of various descriptions on ex hibition, the present fair fully sheets the expectations of the Socie ty. Added to other inducements, the beautiful weather has contribut ed towards drawing to the city a krge concourse of people from all parts of the State and many por tions of the Union. Up to this time nothing has occurred to mar the general joy and good feeling. Every body we meet seem to be en joying themselves, and are vieing "h each other in their endeavors to reader the occasion worthy of the 1 Old Xorth State the efficient and urbane Secretary, Mr. Culpepper ; the Hollowells, the Kennedys, the Pools and others, all indeed " representatives of the people" of the Northeastern section; a section of which too little is known by the citizens of other portions of North Carolina. Let all who can make it convenient to do so, attend this Fair. We cony from the North Carolinian : The Second Annual Fair of the Albemarle Agricultural Society will be held at Elizabeth City, on the 28th. 29th. and 30th days of this month. From the interest already manifested we arc satisfied that it will mark an era in this section. In ante-bellum days here was a region of country blooming with beauty and teeming with wealth. The war came and its rude blast was the harbinger of a devastation and a privation that made a people, till then happy and prosperous, the victims of desolation and ruin. But, thanks to the recuperative energy of our neoDle. thev are rapidly re covering from the prostrate condi tion they found themselves in after the storm king of war had spent its force. And as they are enabled to 44 get on their feet" again they have resolved to take a 44 new departure" in an upward and onward direction. As an evidence we refer to the onranization of our Agricultural Society. It is one of the results, as Tuesday, the 3d day of November, R. Mills was not $100,000. covered by insurance, but $80,000, insured for $10,000. The Murphy Herald says: Leon- idas Bates, formerly a citizen of this countyr, was murdered about the 10th instant, near Athens, Tenn. He was shot. by some person while returning home from his day's la bor. The murder is supposed to have been done by a neighbor of Bates' with whom Bates had a pre vious dithculty. The Charlotte Observer says there was an accident on tne unanotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, Saturday, near Rock Hill, S. C, in which a freierht car of the passenger train jumped the track, making a smash up. Mr. A. B. Mathis, ex press messenger, had an arm sprain ed, and one of the train hands re ceived some Injury. The Greenville Register says : Mr. Jesse Smith, of this county, has three sons who picked 1,248 pounds of cotton on Monday, the 5th inst. Jesse L., 17 years old, picked 403 pounds : Francis M., 15 years old, 414 pounds ; Ivy, 13 years old, 431 pounds. We challenge the State to beat this, and we are proud to know that old Pitt can boast of such in dustrious and enterprising young men. Messenqer : The first annual meet ing of the "Eastern Medical Associ ation" will be held in Newbern on well as one of the signs, of this progressive popular spirit. Its am ple and well arranged Fair Ground and Track prove that its projectors and members are in earnest. They are but the representatives of the people. They are but putting into execution what the public ask for and are willing to sustain. The object of these annual Fairs is a noble one. It commends itself alike to all classes. To dignify la bor, to elevato the masses, to devel- ricultural. mechanical ooe our a and other resources, to expand our day night. -- -. x iiftmotu niUMni'O Oil I liivn Ha vi iiii ii'lf h O the industriesthese are the ends Thursday, and yesterday held we aim at, and the accomplishment inquest over the body, which result of which will promote the common ed in a verdict of Tleath by acciden welfare. proximo, at 7 o'ciocK p. m. as Constitutional amendments and oth er business of importance will come before the meeting,a full attendance is earnestly desired. Arrangements will be made with the different rail roads to pass delegates for one fare. We regret to learn that Mr. Hen- T . - l i. rv -tvocK, a young uerman aoout 26 years of ege, employed as a watchman at the Government Works at Zeke's Island, whs acci dentally drowned on last Wedne- Coroner Hewlett went on an four miles east of Rockingham, and to be put through at once. Ilillsboro Recordei' : Mr. Duncan Carrington, one of the most respect able and most worthy citizens of this county, met with an accident on Saturday afternoon which will most probably result fatally. He was on his way home in a two-horse wagon, and in descending a steep rough hill, he lost his seat and was thrown out, the wheels passing over his neck and cutting his head. From his shoulders down he is hopelessly paralyzed, and recovery can scarcely be possible. Mr. Car rington is between G5 and 70 years of age. The New-Berne Times says : We regret to learn that the late storm has, to no inconsiderable extent, in jured the growing cotton in this section. The gale being of such un usual force, blew from the stalks the ripened contents of the boll, throw ing it upon theground, from whence, it is picked in a dirty and inferior condition, and which, when ginned and baled, will affect its price. We learn that in the lower part of Car teret county this result is especially noticeable, and conclude that sec tions similarly situated have suffer ed in the same manner. Wilmington Journal: We under stand that the Cape Fear River is now on a high time, the freshet having overflowed its banks in many places between this city and Fayetteville, causing the entire de struction of the valuable crops of corn in the lowlands. The rise at Fayetteville was 45 feet, and from this fact some idea may be formed of the vast amount of water now pouring down to the sea. The riv er is covered, in many places, with pumpkins, blades of corn, &c, torn from the fields, some of which will probably find their way out to the ocean. The loss of farmers has been very heavy, the corn fields having been submerged and the standing crop almost completely covered by the water. Several gen tlemen in Bladen county have lost crops valued at from $1,000 to $5,000 and the aggregate loss will be very heavy. Such corn as is covered by the water will be almost entirely useless, being only fit to be fed to the hogs until it turns tfour, after which they will refuse to eat it. There has been much trouble in Edgecombe over the Superior Court Clerkship. We learn from the En quirer that on last Monday H. L. Staton, Jr., Esq., presented his ap pointment from Judge Hilliard to the Board of County Commission ers, and after filing his bond, was duly inducted into his office. Mr. S. then made a formal demand upon Mr. John Norfleet, the present in cumbent, for the seal, papers, &c, belonging to the office, which Mr. Norfleet refused upon the ground that Judge Hilliard was not the le gal Judge of the District and had not the power to appoint a uieru ; the matter was then brought before his Honor, Judge Hilliard, who or dered Mr. Norfleet to appear before him at Greenville on Wednesday and show cause why he should not beheld in contempt. Wednesday morningr. nowever, iur. i.orneet concluded to surrender the office to Mr. Staton and the disagreeable and difficult matter was ended. At the time Mr. Staton was inducted into office, Mr. Robt. Norfleet presented his application as appointee of Judge Moore. ed in the river bottoms alone, and it is thought the overflow of the creeks will produce nearly as much damage. It is impossible to esti mate the loss at present, but the crops of many of our most success ful farmers are from ten to fifteen feet under water and will be entire ly destroyed. At six o'clock last night the water had fallen about four feet. Cheraw Democrat. Oct. 2d. Market Summary. In New York, on the 13th inst., cotton quiet at 15al5J. Turpentine firm at 39. Rosin firm at $2.45. Money 2a3. Gold 9al0. States quiet. In Southern cities of the Union, cotton quiet at 14J to 15. C03IMERCIAL REPORT. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Era Office, Oct. 14, 1874. REMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Meats and Sugars are very firm and on the advance. Other quotations un changed. COTTON. Transactions in the staple yesterday were very light. The market closod at 13i for low middling. General Market. BAGGING,Doinestic24tb yd. 152l(3i COTTON TIES, 99ic FLOUR, North Carolina $7.25$7.50. CORN, $1.20. CORN MEAL, $1.20. BACON, N. C. hog round, 15. " hams 18. BULK C. R. sides, 1515i. 44 shoulders, lOf. LARD, North Carolina, none. " Western tierces, 10. kegs 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 25. Fair " 24. SYRUP, common, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT, 2.50. CHEESE, Cream, 17. Factor3 1617. " Dairy, none. NAILS, ou'basis for lOd, 4.75. SUGAR, A, 12. " Extra C, 11113. Yellow, 10(o)102. LEATHER, Sole 27- HIDES, green, 78. " drv, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. " Irish, Sl.00fl.25. OATS, shelled, 75. sheaf, 81.25. FODDER, old, $2,00. new, $1.25. HAY, N. C. baled, good, $1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS, 20. BUTTE It, countrv, 40. FISH, Mullets, $7.00. " Cut Herrings, none. " Mackerel, new family, 12.00. BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, on foot, 56. ' dressed prime, 5G. Br. J. Walker's California Vin egar Hitters arc a pnrcly Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho na tive, herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which arc extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho causo of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters?" Our answer is, that thev remove the cause of disease, and tho pa'tient re covers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. "Never before in tho history of tho world has a medicine beea compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver ana Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases The properties of Dr. walker's Vixegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. h. Mcdonald Sc co., Drngffiflta and Gen. Apta., San Francisco, California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.. N. Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. R. R. R- RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rea ling this advertisement need anyone SUFFER WITH PAIH. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURS FOB EVERY FAIN. It was the first and Is Tho Only Pain H.OTnotly A SEMI-MONTHLY PAPER AND j Five Ilcautlftil llxis M. nnrrav'gk FOR ONB IXLLAR. Read the Splendid .Family Parr "THK WOMAN'S KIGIIT' A sixteen coluinn paper devoted to The Family Circle. TiJSubscribe for it ! You will R-t our five beautiful premium. their description below. Kememler you oangettive engravings that retails lor ?l m the art stores, and a tomi-monthly paperfor 'one year, giving valuable ru ligious sketches, temperance stories, rt celpts, wit, humor, Ac, Ac. ALLTOll OM; uoLLlll! iMfyouare not satisfied with the pictures return them and wo will re turn the money. No par iu Ulo try gives such premium; no i.aper has so valuable reading matter. j&tirC3eneral Iak Lying in state 1A tine engraving of a beautiful voting lady decorating the casket of tho old warrior. jcir Death of General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson ! This i. one of mot touching engravings ever offered to tho public J&-Tv o Good Little Sisters !They arc ministering to the grief of their un happy brother, who, while running in the woods barefoot, has got a thorn in his foot and a mote in one of his eyes. Jf-Look at Papa! A young mother is holding up a photograph of her hus band for their baby girl, who Is looking at it with enthusiastic delight. jKr Mothers Joy ! IMaiu oval picture of a pretty young mother with her baby boy in her arms. Read this all again and then send Si to JOHN T. PATRICK, -tf Wadesboro, N, C. rjlIIE CAROLINA SPRING HKU. mat instantly stops tne most exernctatini? pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions, -whether of the Lungs. Stomach, Bo we la, or other glands or organs, br one application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the KtiEi'MATio, Bed ridden, Infirm. Crippled. Nervous, ieuruigit;, or prosLrnicu wiiu aiseaae may sutler, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WTLIi AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OP TIIE BLADDER. II r XjAM NAliUK O THK KdlVKLS. CONGESTION OF TIIE LUNGS. PORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHINO. PALPITATION OF TIIE HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP, DIPTILERIA. . CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application ot'the Ready Itellefto the part or parts whore the pain or difficulty exinis will afford easo ani Comtort. Tw onty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few nil-men's c ure tKAMfS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH. II Ka KTIll'RN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA! ! SKVTKRY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELa! ui. 1 ail INTERN AL PAINS. Travelers should always carrv a bottle of Had '.t ay'u Keady JCellef with them. A few drons in mi er will prevent sickness or pains from change of .vhit. ii is ufHcr iKiii f reucn arunay or witters as a - I .' ! U !U Patented January OJIi, 1874. Tho undersigned offers to thn ntiblip tho Carolina Spring Bed Bottom, which for Cheapness, , Durability and Comlort, he challenges the world. . This bed is m posed of tho .spiral spring, made of tho best tempered steel, is simple in structure, and is perfectly noiseless, being an improvement upon all other similar patents. I will sell County or State Itights at low ligures. Parties wishing to nego tiate should communicate with me at once. Any one with a little energy, can make money with this patent. For particulars, address 1). W. WHITAKKU, jan. 28-tf Itale'igh, N. 0. Clekk and Collector's Office, Ilaleigh, July 17, 1874. VTOTICK TO TAX lMYI.ItS. I JJi will bo in my olHco daily lor tho next thirty days between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., and 3 and 0 p. m., for the collection of tho taies of tho City of Kaleigh for the year 1 1874.. Taxes must oe paid wituin tins jtimo or they will bo collected accordingJ,o law. 1'llAClS M. SUKUKLh, -12t Collectgr. FEVER AND AGUE. . v. ER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There j9 n..; u remedial agi-m in this world that will cure Fever i n ' Ai'tie, una ail other Malariouu, j'vnhoul. Yellow, and other Fevers ;vs PILLS) so quick as RADWAY r my centa per bottle. Cleric and Collector's Office, JulvjiJth, 1874. T I C K. Acting under an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, Juno -ti, 1874, 1 hereby notify all persons who failed to list their taxables to come for ward and list tho same within the next raidPd,s,hvCRAn' 1 teu t,ay8 u,,der penalty of the law.; ready re- FRANCIS M. SOKKKM,; 47 4t. Clerk and Collector. HEALTH I BEAUTY! ! N o T STIIONO ANT PURE RICn BLOOD INCREASH OK FLESH AST) WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND mkau : ikul. COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. I,atest News. In this there is no poli ties, no bitter strife, but they " are the plans of fair, delightful peace ; Unwarped by party rage," and calculated to perpetuate good feeling among all classes. And for this reason all the people not only feel an interest but are disposed to lend a hand in tion an entire success. making the exhibi- In Memoriam. At a recent meeting of Hiram Lodge No. 40, A. F. and A. M, tiro following pre amble and resolutions were adopted: "When such a man as Sion Hart Rogers is suddenly stricken down in death, ordinary expressions of re gret and remembrance sound weak and inadequate. It is fitting, nev ertheless, that we who hold his memory dear, who have honored him as a man, and loved him as a Mason, should place upon our re cords our appreciation of his many virtues, and should offer the hand of tal drowning. The body wax brought to the city, and the funeral will take place this evening. Wil. Journal. Oct. 10th. The Charlotte Southern Home con tains the following in regard to Mecklenburg county : 44 The taxable property is estima ted at $3,032,G14 (five millions and eighty-two thousand and six hun dred and fourteen dollars.) The receipts from taxation, etc. amount ed to $63,070.45 (sixty-eight thous and and seventy dollars and forty five cents.) The amount disbursed is $51,874.92, leaving a balance of $10,295.63. The county poor cost $2,193.81 ; the prisoners (nearly all colored) $1,773.95; guard at jail, etc., $128.48; Coroner's expenses $58.65 ; roads and bridges $960.93 ; Treasurer, commissions on receipts and disbursements $1,571.32 Court expenses $3,143.56; Assessors of property $270; Clerk of County Board $159.35; County Commission ers $346.40; Stationery $106.03: ad vertising and printing $35; Rail road $25,200." The President i.-s on a visit U) Texan. 1500 bales of cotton have been burned at Newport, Arkansas. The Convention of Delegate-? from the reconstructed States assembled at Chattanooga on the 13th inst. It was called to order by Senator Clay ton, of Arkansas. Hon. William Markham of Georgia was appointed temporary chairman. A commit tee ou credentials consisting of one from each State was appointed. The following is the permanent organi zation : President Hon. Lewis E. Par sons, of Alabama. Vice Presidents L. D. Evans, of Texas ; A. E. Darber, of Louisiana ; John N. Sarber, of Arkansas ; Fin nis II. Little, of Mississippi ; Davis Woodruff", of Alabama; Jefferson Long, of Georgia ; T. W. Ash borne, of Florida ; J. T, Wilder, of Ten nessee ; L. N. Shoemaker, of Vir ginia. Secretaries Geo. W. Pashal, Jr., of Texas ; H. W. Lewis, of Missis sippi, and J. A. Emerson, of Ar kansas. North Carolina had no represen tatives present. Statement of the Rank of Greensboro, located in the City of Greensboro, on Monday. September 7th, 1874, and furnished the Secretary of State of North Carolina. LIABILITIES. Capital stock, $100,000.00 Deposites, 218,780.46 Due other Banks, 2,545.81 Profit and loss, 783.87 $322,116.14 ASSETS. N. C. It. R. 8 per cent bonds. $ 25,500.00 V stock 115sharos cost, RifeDASRR bonds. N C State bonds $8, 500 cost, Keal estate banking house, Notes and bills discounted, Due from other banks, Greensboro li. & L. Associa tion, 4,270.00 10,000.00 1,743.17 5,000.00 22S.733.U2 24.064.28 Premium account, Kevenuc stanijis. Cash, 1.35 J (JO 1 in. :iii.4s j DR, RADWAY'S Sarsaprillian Resolrat VHii CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. IlA.s THE MOST ASTOXTSHINO CURES: RO OUIOK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THK nolo lNIEKiOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF Till ! TUULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT Day an Increase in. Flesh ana Weiglit is Seen anfl. Felt r--n- 1r... -r thrt flARSAPARTLLTAN' BE80L- isT i.nnmm a' through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, t . t ' i ii.i '-i ji .1 iulccH of tho system the vigor of ii ! w antes of the body with new and -on .;i i! u: ril. fcTniula, Syphilis, Consumption, ::nn;!nl:..- 1;iie. Ulcer in the throat. Mouth. Tu ' " s. Nodesiii tlieOlHiidaand other partaof the system, . i o Kes. S'.riuuorou discharges from the Ears, ana he vorst forms of diseases. Eruptions, Fever ; , m-kM Ht-ad, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. m lilacs Si.ots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Can- i s In ti t- SVutnb. and all weakening and painful d la rd irifcs. N ii'lc Swears, Loss of 8perm and all wastes of tti life principle, are within the curative range of this Tvi.n.ler of Mooi-rn Chemistry, and a few days' uso wi4 t r.-vc to any person using itfor either of these forma of diiea-w lu potent power to cure them. 1 1 Le patient, daily becoming reduced by tne wastes r.nil Jt Ci.iiiposition that is continually progressing, rac -as i-i arresting thee wastes, and re r airs the sam :-!i i-cT:iiii rial made from healthy blood and thin i.. .Ai: AI'ARILLIa.V will and doea secure a cur ! ivriiii k tor win 'i i.ncc this remedy commences it of iirlfrn ii ii. nd succeeds In diminishing tb .-of ;.;:.. r' will be rapid, and everyday t :i'!ci)w,i! cl himself crowing better and stronger. I :.) uit:ci!fi bet'er, tipjMitite improving, aud e& I 1 wHi'h: inert aii)g- Not only do- the SAitsiPAnttLiiir Rksoitmkt exc i -n-vi n n iii-tlui agents in the cure of Chronic, Sere . : Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it la th .; jiosiuve cure lor 'Kidney & Bladder Complaints, '.-!. tv nr. I Womb dlsc-ascs. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, " !: : ' or" Water. Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dis- o a liiuminuriu, tin. I in ail cases where there are :. flu-" rVp:f.s. or tho water is thick, elondy, mixed k.i ii (;i,-!i:ii t s like i iu- wi.i.u tt" an ecrK. or threads Ilka !!nrii(i, dark, bilious appear .-i i-e( .wits, and when there is :.:..u when postiing water, and -....A uiid along the Loins. i Years9 Growth Tho undersigned, apiiointctl lv tho Board of Commissioners of tho City of Raligh to superintend tSie issuo of Bonds for City Scrip, will Jg. present in the Treasurer's OIico on Saturday, the 12th instant, for that purporto. A. WILJilAMN, JKFF. FisilKK, NICHOLS. Sept. 8th, 1871 -It. norfli:i:t iunston, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER; COUNEIl OF Cabarrus and McDowefl Streets, 'RALEIGH, X. C. TS NOW PREPARED Ti( DO ALL JL kinds of work in his lino with neat ness and dispatch. Ualelgh, Sept. 18th, 1873. N T D An occupation as teacher, hearing at least a second grade certilicato. If in formation he required address WiJison G. Lamb, John ii. Watts. DI W. Magic v and John Watts (whites) 'residing at Williamston, where I have'been labor ing as teacher for the last l.lhuonth. J. JI. IIEUUSTEIIS, (f olored,) . feb 3-tf Williamson, N. C. , 1 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That I have been appointed Assignee of the estate and ell'ects of Charles Hu man, of Raleigh, Wako leountv, N. C, who was adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. J. II. FLEMING, Assignee. Raleigh, Sept. 8, 1874. , 12 3t 1 , , , . i ... it- s.-.i.. i kii . art-:; v 'n 1 ii trior of J Cured bj lt.t.ltvay's Resolvent, 1322,1 Hi. 14 Statement of the 0niitiou of lit? J i ml: of New ILiKuit r, on L'tr i t diy of August, 1ST ,nuul".to tieS c retary of State for (he Slide- of North Carolina. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, DR. RADWAY'S iT"i ATI 1 , sniff ,iPiUHnpnrQHr.v,worrn annrrpi w I JllUUli. UJHUUTUUAluUUmiWlLlIllfl Pfir eum. Kaa Real estate, Ofticfc furniture, safes, Ac., Bonds and stocks and uncur- rent ban bills, Cash due from other banks subject to check and cash on band, $S03,270 67,345 85 8,995 94 9,527 38 LIA1JI LITIKS. Capital, Undivided profits, Bills re-discounted, Bills payable, Due depositors, 140,447 95 1,030,587 98 $300,000 00 68,965 38 50,001 00 35,000 00 575,621 60 $1,029,587 98 This bank has branches or separate places of business at Wilmington, Golds bo ro, Tar boro and Wadesboro, and the above is a consolidated statement of the lesources and liabilities of the bank at all these points. . .: it - .;.. Jfc:n!ly mated with sweet i .. ;ii;rin. i !..! uwi utrengthen. , i .r tht-rure tit aii l!rnlers of the Stomach. l. Kidnvvx. hiaiMtr. rvoos Diseases, . .'. :onstipatitn. r ne.?. Indigestion. Drs . i.a. bi'ioaji-s.-, Bilioii Kt-ver. In dam mat ion of the ii, files, and ail Df r;i;i.-i-i units of the Internal -era. IVVarratifed to eff;t a positive cure. Purely .-:4itleLcou:uiuin uu mercury, mineral or deleteri- 4.S JrugsJ A ti-w doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the ys inna all the above named dl-torJers. Price, 23 cents I ' .ion HOLD BY" DKUOtllSTS. k -;..:) i" KALfiE AND TUUE' Rend one letter i. ' ; KADW'aY A CO , No. 32 Warren St. New K.r . i maiiou worth thousands will be sent yotu WILMINGTON JOUItNAL,, (WBEKLY3 Tlie Ixirgest, Rest and Cheapest Paper Published in North Carolina. As a. First-Class News and Literary jrournal, it is Unexcelled. One copy, for one year, $2 00 One copy, for six months, 1 00 Three copies, for one year, ' 5 00 Four copies, for one year, 7 90 Five copies, for one year, 8 50 Ten copies, for one year, - $15 00 Twenty copies, for one year, 25 00 y-To every getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for one year. Address JOURNAL, Wilmington, N. C. ''''j' at. l, ' n It O W I General Agent for the Celebrated Estey Cottage Organs. Payments easy. Trices lrjw, Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Also dealer in all kinds pf - MUSICAL INSTRtTAfENTO. Fancy Goods, Toys, Baskets, Children's Carriages, Cigars, Pipes ahd Tobacco. Don't forget to call at No. 10 Fayette ville street, Raleigh, X. C.j t ANEW WIIECIiEK j WIIjSOX Sewing Machine, Silvjer Plated, for sale cheap, at I XAT. L. BROWN'S. T" O V E J O V The Sixty-sixth August 5th, 1874. 56 4t ACADEMY, , Session will begin J. M. IX)VEJOY. J. M. WHITE.

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