! T II E E K A. i TIIL'KSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1S74. ! . . ..m . m m - LOCAL AM MAii- ' Tor Sale on ItEXT. A haiul M,ie Rosewood Piano, of modern ake. Apply at the Era omce. in: La ims R !,ivn by Et;o. We have been Mr. Albert Johnson, of . , ity, a hen's eg of an;extraor dinary mo weighing over twice as i.ukIi as any of the kind vc ever a w. It is quite a curiosity and can r tii at his store on Hiilsboro -trett. The llar-rooin Remedy fr all ail- ..... 1 . 1 witli .,. nt-s is Hum imicrs, suri:iiib I u-el Oil, a deadly element, rendered n-re active bv the pTingont astringent .vi:h which it i coinDincu. : ,mach in weak and liver or bowel ,;,rJered, strengthen and regulate . r.i with Vi.nkoak Bitters, a purely .. . table alterative and aperient, free .,.,, a',cliol ;md capable of infusing . . w vitality into jour cxliausted sys- Dkatii of Josiaii Turner, Sr. The nmiiy friends of this vener aMe gentleman will regret to learn .,f his death, which occurred on the l -ih inst., in the 'J2d year of hisage. Mr. Turner was the father of Hon. j.iah Turner, Editor of the Ral t ;cli Sen'inel. He was horn in the county of Caswell, on the 18th of I , bruary, ITS-'. For many years he u a-fSheriffof )range county, where, believe, he lias rcsiueti since. ,:lv in anh'MMl. I ) K A T 1 M F A N KsT I M A H L K L A I) Y. Wer.-'ret to announce the death thi- city, on the ICth inst., of Mis. Anna McKesson IJusbee, wife .f our e-teemed young fellow-citi-jn, V. H. Iiusbce, Esq. Mm. Husbee was a lady of supe ri ir attainments and was possessed nf that sweetness and amiability character which so eminently a l.m- her sex. We lu-artiiy sympathize with Mr. i;-Ui' in the sad afllictiori which I. -prives him of the earthly com pai:iuliip of one he so devotedly J'wd; and may HE so " temper thr wind to the shorn lamb " as to t ria!! all relatives and friends of th- iltrca..d to bear up under their itJllirtion. Prolific. We have been shown ly our friend John K. Harrison, K-., a bush containing over one thousand peas raised from one pea. Karly in the Spring Mr. Harrison planted in his garden a small quan tity of the Japanese pea, a new va riety lately introduced into this rou n try merely lor experiment, and the rc -alt is most astounding. The pa is cxd for the table and is Irfnind to become popular for stock ft 'din. It is very easily cultivated. We advise all who are interested in this matter to call on Mr. Harrison and -co the bush. It is a real curi ' -ity. Tim: State Fair. The four teenth annual State Fair closed on Saturday, the 17th inst., after the most successful exhibition probably ever held in the State. The number of articles far exceeded those of last year, while the crowd in attendance was much larger than at any pre vious time. We learn that the pro-m-ds this year will be sufficient to place the Society upon a firm basis, and that more extensive arrange ments will be made hereafter than ever before. We will endeavor in a future is sue to give a statement of the re ceipts and the number of persons in attendance as nearly as possible. This can only be arrived at after the Society has had a settlement with the various roads and comparison made with the Secretary's books. Election or Officers. At a meeting of the State Agricultural Society, held in the Hall of the 1 louse of Representatives, on Thurs day evening, the 15th inst., the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President Col. Thomas M. Holt, f Alamance. Vice Presidents at large Dr. Co lumbus Mills, of Cabarrus; Gov. C. II. Brogden, of Wavne ; Col. J. M. Heck, of Wake; Dr. W. J. Hawkins, of Warren ; W. S. Bat tle, of Edgecombe; John Norwood, f Orange. Treasurer P. A. Wiley, Esq.' Recording Secretary Mod. or J. C. inder. Wake County Business. Mr. White, the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, has had printed and posted the itemized statement of accounts, c., audited and allow ed by said Board, from September 1, 1873, to September 4, 1874. The statement is exhaustive, and show3 much labor on the part of the effi cient Clerk. The Board was in session sixty seven days and received as compen sation and mileage, $371.90:" Of course, the accounts audited, and the witness tickets allowed, 'the juror tickets audited, and the allowances made, are given in full. The last "amed, which are itemized, aggre gate $.5,705.20, the most important of which are, for support of the. poor, HOOO.OO ; on account of workhouse, $110.00; on account of lunatics, v 0 00 ; removing rafts from bridges, '" Ni:w IIoteu Our travelling: frfend.s will be triad to learn that the "Central" Hotel, at Fayette-, ville, has been reopened under the management of Messrs. IV.ik & Mc Donald. It has been f.irnislKtl in costly style and the ft re is said to consist of the lt Hie market af fords. The price of board is only $2 per day. Persons visiting the Fayetteville Fair will lilid the Cen- .!. m m '"a ; tral a nio-tn-ngiiuui stopping place. If tin Druggist offers any kind of herb-flavorc alcohol fur dyspepsia, bilionsnejfs, or any other nilfnentg tell 1dm that you want: medicine not a bar-room drink. Ask him for Dr. Walker.'.? California Bitters, the b-st regulating preparation known, and which you know is free from 'Swan's .Elixir." Rejecft all 1 the fiery " Tonics" and " Appetiz lers," and cling to that remedy, There is no medicine that' corn parra- with it. -4w." - New Jail. The Grand Jury for the late term of the Superior Court have made ti report on thecondk tion of the Court House and Jail, and recommend the erection or a new jail on the lot immediately south of the present one, and furth er advise the alteration of the old building so as to render it suitable for a deposit of records. We think the suggestions of the jury should at once receive the attention of the Board. The many escapes of late years prove that our prison facili ties have been too much neglected. A new building would prove an economical investment in the end. Another Show. Although the crowd has somewhat thinned out and the Fair is over, we wish to call the attention of our readers to the fact, that there is still a big show in town and one well worth seeing. Our friend J. M. Rosen baum, better known among his, friends as " Jonas," has on hand one of the finest stocks of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Millinery Goods, Notions Fancy Goods, &c, to be found in any city South of the Potomac River. Add ed to these, " Jonas" keeps constant ly onwhand ai I , k i uds of Crockery Ware, which he is offering to the public at the most reasonable prices. .This establishment is situated at the corner of Fayetteville and Hargett streets, next door to Simpson's Drug Store, and better known through out the surrounding country as " Smith's big building." And now having told our friends what " Jo nas" has 'to' show, we respectfully call attention to his prices. He charges nothing for admission b'ut having entered, such an array cheap goods' presents itself to the eye that. jinxJady 1 or gentleman hardly ever leaves without a bun dle. The merchant, lawyer, doctor, farmer, mechanic or anybody else, can always find something to8ui ... A. f. t l ' i-tl ac me most reasonaoie raies. e only ask our readers to give'Ji M. Rosenbaum a trial, and we are con fident they will find what We say to be so. Recollect Kline's old stand, north-cast corner of Fayette ville and Hargett streets. - STATE.. A large revival of religion is in oroirress among the Methodists at Statesville. A man in Wilson killed a beef lately in good order only weighing 43 poundsl pounds to tne quarter. The celebrated Cherokee Indian Land suit has been transferred for trial to the Federal Court at States ville. The gin house and steam mill of Messrs. Johnson Bros., located at Fremont, were destroyed, by fire on the 14th. Loss$G,000. George W. Cunningham, who murdered Daniel Sternbergh, near Asheville, in June last, ha3 been tried and sentenced to .be hung on the tth of November. The mother of Col. W. II. Thom as, Indian Agent, died at Qualla town, on the 1st inst. Had she lived till the 13th next May she would have rounded thecenteunary period. Mr. Moses Allison, a carpenter, was killed in Charlotte on the 14th. by being struck by swaying rafters' of a building erecting, and knocked from the scaffold to the ground. He leaves a wife and a number of chil dren. The New-Berne Times says : On Sunday evening last, at about 8 o'clock, while the family were at church, the residence of Geo. W. Simmons, colored, living near Bach elor's Creek, took fire and with its contents was entirely consumed. The fire it is supposed originated from some defect in the chimney. The Hickory 'Press says : Mr. W. M. Puett, of JLenoir, laid on oar ta ble, last week, a beautiful specimen, of asbestos that came from a vein of this mineral in Caldwell county. This mineral can be woven into cloth. The cloth is of course in combustible, hence the ancients used asbestos cloth to wrap up the bodies of their dead when they were burned so the ashes could be saved. If cremation becomes popular, an asbestos mine will be a fortune. Mr. John C. Wooten, Sr., informs the Kinston Gazette that he has saved eleven4 tons joCtho very best of hay from three acres of land and at a cost of not more than ten cents per hundred pounds." Thig ! hay is equally as good as any JCofthejrn il is worth at least SH per hundred pounds, wHlch'at the low-' est calculation will leave mm a net profit of $80 per acre ! Let others of our farmers imitate Mr. Wooten's example another" year " Why boy Northern hay when we can raise a plenty here at home? . Th e Wad esboro ITerald says : While cotton in New, York was selling at from 15J to 15 cents, the enterprising j merchants of Wades- boro the beat market on the line of the Carolina1 Central Railway were paying 14 1 10 cash. The Piedmont Press : Charles F. Harris, of the Concord Sunt wrote a characteristic postal . card to a printer, in this place, desirjhg em ployment. The following is an ex tract : " What pay do you want, how long do you propose staying ; how often 6Jo' you want to draw your money.' how much whiskey do you average a day, when, do you want to come, and do you part your hair in the middle? J fall the ques tions are answered rightly you can pack your candle: box and come down." - Salisbury of. the man Waicliman: The body ifound in the creek at Rum pie's bridge, reported in this paper last week has been identified as lhe remains of L O. McAfee. He is known in the Circuit Court of the Upited. States, first as a prisoner enlarged with counterfeiting ; and next, asjan accused turning State's evidenco against other . parties charged ? witp counterfeiting. He was released from imprisonment at Stalesvijle, , last Spring, but was bound oyer in a bond and security for his appearance at'lheFall Term tp giye evidence. " Extraordinary Scene. The protracted meeting at Jersey meet ing house, in Davidson, recently, resulted in'the conversion of a large number of persons. On Sunday last, tho Rev. Mr. Jordan, assisted by Rev. Mr. Richardson, baptized by immersion sixty-seven persons. They were of all ages from ten to sixty years, male and female. They marched in procession totnestream. The scene was extraordinary not only tis to the number to be bap tized, but also in respect to the feel ing manifested by the great assem bly who Were present. ScUitbury Watchman. The Wadesboro Herald says : Mr. Thos. L. Shaw, now employed in the Railroad shops at Laurinburg, has invented a " bumper" and coupling" for cars, which we think must come into very general use. To our unskilled eyo it seems Cerfect, so that no more men will e crushed to death, nor have arms and legs and bodies mangled in the now hazardous, work of " coupling up" trains. Letters patent have been applied for, ana Mr. H. G. Fladger goes to Raleigh this week to exhibit the model at the State Fair. He also carries the model of another invention of Mr. Shaw a sash and car-window fastening, which displays much ingenuity and skill. It differs from, and seems to be better than, all' others we have seen. : The Hickory Press says: The Rev. G. H. Hoody, a Baptist min ister of Caldwell county, is a re markable man. When Mr.'Moody was 32 years old, and had a wife and four children, he felt called to study for the ministry. He left his family arid spent two years at the Baptist Theological Seminary at Greenville, S. C. After leaving the institution he taught school till he - f"'sW ' 3" tito "', . nflhad raised money enough to pay I 7 , , , . . . ' .1 -every cent uuc ior.nis course in uiu Seminary. He now preaches in four counties and Maj.' Graham informs us -that.he frequently walks twenty seven miles and preaches three ser mons all the same day. Can the religion that actuates, his man be tne same tna proclaims ine woru of God before footlights, with a glittering-chandlier orer head, all paid for from the proceeds of rented pQWS? ... We congratulate the- people of Fayetteville, and the Cumberland and Robeson section of the State, in the announcement which we are enabled to make, that the requisite amount in bonds has at length been subscribed, and nothing now op poses the closing of the contract for the grading or tne yettovine aim Florence Railroad to Shoe Heel on the Carolina Central Railway. Re viewing all the circumstances at tending -the work upon which the board of directors have recently en tered, and taking into consideration the very serious difficulties and un usual obstacles which have opposed the consummation of their plans and wishes, we feel that a due meas ure of credit should be accorded to the President of the Road. Mr. A. A. McKethan, and the directors, for their faithful exertions in finding purchasers for the bonds, and to our citizens for the earnestness which they have evinced in extending to this railroad - enterprise all the as sistance in their power. Pay. Eagle. Officer Rivenbark arrived here yesterday from South Washington, having in charge a colored prisoner by the name of John Washington, who was sent hereby Justice Rufus Garriss,to be committed -to jail in default of a bond of $500 for his appearance at the next term of Superior Court. Washington is charged with having emptied a load of shot into the body 6f one Amos Wheeler, colored, under the follow ing circumstances ; On last Thursday night Washing ton wa3 walking along the road near Wheeler's house when a dog belonging to the latter attacked him in the road, when he killed it. The next day he approached a shop on theplantatlori of Mr. Archibald McMillian, where Wheeler was at work. Some words in reference to the killing Qf the dog passed be tween them, when Wheeler raised his gun, which was near at hand, and shot at Washington, but missed him. The latter, who had his gun with him, ; loaded with ddck shot, thereupon, returned, the fire, pepper ing Wheeler in the left side and shoulder biit' inflicting- only flesh wounds.' Both parties were after wards arrested, when Wheeler gave a bond of $500 for his appearance, and Washington, failing to do so, was sent here and lodged in jail. mi. Journal. . 1 1 , On the night of tho 12th of Au gust, ' Dr. , Blackburn, imprisoned hereby the United States authori ties on the charges of counterfeiting and conspiracy, made his escape. Owing to i the fact, that Blackburn had proved Daser man nis cometier ates in crime by betraying them, (or pretending that he would give such information as would leaa to their conviction) couplea witn me circumstance of his being a cnppie, at the suggestion of counsel and r sdme of the officers of the Govern ment, he was allowed unusual privileges at the jail, and took advantage of them to escape. A short time since Sheriff Young received a letter from a gentleman in Johnston county, Tenn., inform ing him that Blackburn was in that 'icinity, and wishing to know if there was any reward for his cap ture. The Sheriff answTered prompt ly, proposing, to pay 200 out of his own pocket. We have the de tails of 'the arrest from his captor, Mr. R. B. Stanfiel. C Blackburn had returned to the neighborhood of where his wife resides, on the land of Ex-Sheriff 3IcQueen. He would spend the day in the woods, sometimes in company with a tenant on the place, named George Fritz. A negro no ticed "Blackburn come out of b n t z's house early one morning, and he informed Stannel. Stanfiel then laid his plans to trap Blackburn. He hired the negro to watch him, and the first night he went to Fritz's house, to place a draw-bar in a prominent place near the road, to indicate that the bird was caged. Three nights in sue- cession, no visited tne spot, out found no draw-bar. On the fourth night it wa"s in the place appointed, and he secured the services of three other men, went to the house, and about daylight on Friday morning last arrested Blackburn, who was in bed. They brought him here Tuesday morning. Blackburn's cup of iniquity is well nigh full. In addition to being charged with counterfeiting, an indictment is against him in Johnston county, Tenn., for rape; and on Thursday last Sheriff Young served a capias on him from Mitchell county, in which he is charged with rape. Asheville Pioneer. latest News. The New York Bank statement on the 17th inst. is as follows: Loans increase seven-eighths of a million ; specie decrease nearly t wo millions; deposit decrease three and one-third millions : reserve decrease two and seven-eighths millions. " 4 Waters' Concerto Parlor Or gan' possesses a beautiful and pecu liarly soft tone. The Concerto Stop is. without doubt, the best ever placed in any organ. It is pro duced by an extra set of reeds, pe culiarly voiced, from which the ef fect is most charming, and its imi tation of tne nuraan voice is su perb. For sweetness of tone and orchestral effects it has no equal. N. Y. Times. The following is the New York cotton statement for the week end ing the IGth inst. Net receipts at all U; S. ports for the week, 121,175 ; same week last year, 78,753 ; total to date. 372,145: same date last year, 271,674. Exports for the week, 4o,780 ; same date last year, 30,401) total to date, 97,234 ; same date last year. 7y.08. atocK at an unitea States ports, 268,297 : last year, 159,669. At all interior towns, 45,- 446:'last year, 41,017. At Liver pool, 645,000, last year, 567,000. American afloat for Great Britain, 68,000; last year, 23,000. The' State elections on the 13th inst. resulted in the success of the Democratic ticket in Ohio by about 12,000 or 15,000 majority, in Indiana by about ,8,000 or 10,000, and a small majority on theVipopular vote in West Virginia. . The Republicans " carried Iowa and Nebraska by largely increased majorities. The questions at issue were merely of a local character unci parties in the States referred to. In Arkansas, the new State Consti tution was endorsed by a majority of about 75,000, all parties agreeing upon its main features. On the night of the 20th inst., six masked men entered the room of the Cashier of the Milford National Bank at Nashua, N. II., gagged him and put a rope around his neck, shut his wife and four children and servant in the closet, then dragged him to the bank and made him open the vault, which they robbed of about $4,500 in currency, $15,000 to $20,000 in bonds, mostly Govern ment, and some other securities. They then led him back to his house and tied him to a bed post and left. The family forced open the closet about 4 o'clock and gave the alarm, but no traces of the robbers could be discovered. The Committee of the Peabdy Fund Trustees, consisting of Wm. M. Evarts, John H. Clifford and Samuel Wetmore, appointed to con sider the subject of mixed schools in the South, -report that after the most careful comparison of opinion and the most solicitous considera tion of all the elements of the dis cussion affecting the interests of ed ucation in the various States, for their white and colored population, they have unanimously come to the conclusion that the prospects and hopes of the public system of educa tion at the South will receive a se rious if not fatal blow from any leg islation which should makesuch sys tems of education, maintained only on a scheme of mixed schools as to the organization required for such public education. The Board are of the opinion that while justice and public duty, as well as the in terests and feelings of the white and colored people . of the South concur in demanding a system of public education which should give equal opportunities and equal ad vantages to the children of either color, that no such result would be promoted by the compulsory sys tem of mixed schools. The com mittee, in conclusion, say that these views are set forth in the report of the General Agent, which is accept ed and approved as expressing the unanimous opinion of the Trustees. i,Hon. A. II. Stephens addressed the people of Augusta, Georgia, on the 16th inst. He spoke for about two hours and a half. He reviewed the history of the government from its foundation to the present time, showing that the great struggle has always ;been between centralism and constitutionalism ; the passage of the Civil Rights bill would work great evil and destroy the public school system of the fcouth ; refer red to President Grant ; would do him JU3tioe he had done his duty ; us to the third term he had no ob jection to that: per se he saw no reason why a President who exe- cuted the laws faithfully should not be elected for a third term if the people desired it ; had looked into the Louisiana question and saw no sense in abusing President Grant for his action in that affair ; spoke hopefully of the future republic; advised his hearers to obey the laws, suppress lawlessness ! and be true to the Constitution and Union as established by our fathers ; pro claimed himself a Jeffersonian Democrat, and had great faith in the triumph of those principles. I Mr. Stephens had an immense au dience and spoke with clearness aud vigor, exhibiting no signs of weari ness. Market Summary. In New York, on the 20th inst., cotton was weak at loialoi. Turpentine lower at 38. Rosin dull at $2.45. ; Money active at 3a4. Gold firm at lOialOL Exchange 485. State Bonds strong. Governments dull. I In Southern cities of the United States, cotton 13 to U . MARltlKD, Near Smith field, Johnston county, on the 14th inst., by Uev. John JonesMr. Charles A. ScotT, of Goldsboro, to Mrs. Mary Jane Brows, ot Smith rjeld. New-Berne Times will plea?o copy. CCOI3IERCI A J j REPORT. WHOLESALK CASH PRICES. Era Offick, Oct. 21, 1S74. HKMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Meats and Sugars are very firm and on the advance. Other quotations un changed. COTTON. Transactions in the staple yesterday were very light. The market closed at 13J for low middling. General Market. B AG GING, Domestic 2! lt yd. 15!(a,lGi COTTON TIES, 99ic FLOUR, North Carolina $7.2."i?7.30. CORN, 1.20. CORN MEAL, $1.20. BACON, N. C. hog round, 151. " 44 hams 18. BULK C. R. sides, 15(15J. shoulders, 103. LARD, North Carolina, none. " Western tierces, 16. kegs, 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 25. " Fair " 24. SYRUP, common, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT, 2.50. CHEESE, Cream, 17J. Factory, Iti&l?. " Dairy, none. NAILS, on basis for lOd, 4.75. SUGAR, A, 12. Extra C, lli113. " Yellow, 101 10?. LEATHER, Sole 27 i HIDES, green, 7S. drv, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. Irish, Sl.00foSl.25. OATS, shelled, 75. " sheaf, 1.25. FODDER, old, S2.00. ' now, 1.25. HAY, N. C. baled, good, 1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS, 20. BUTTER, country, 40. FISH, Mullets, 7.00. " Cut Herrings, none. " Mackerel, new family, 12.00. BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, on foot, 5$G. ' dressed prime, 5G. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOJIY IS WEALTH and the way to preserve and maintain that economy is to know where and how to make judicious outlays in thG selec tion and purchase of goods. We pro pose to give the following advice gratu itous, or free gratis and for nothing. It is a well known fact that at M. ROSENBAUM & BRO'S, may be found the largest and most at tractive stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Sheeting", PLAIN & PLAID DOMESTICS. All of which were purchased at panic prices and will be sold at bottom figures. Our specialty is READY-MADE CLOTHING. The largest stock in the city, compris ing every grade and quality and sold at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Especial attention is called to this branch of our trade. Our stock of Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Ac, is large and variou?, and itom this day we will offer at and below cost our stock OF WOOLEN CARPETS from the fact that we have not store room for the immense stock on hand. To secure tho best bargains call early and don't fail to remember the place, 2 Doors South of Williams Sc. Hay wood's Drug- Store, and sign of M. RttSEXBAlTiri Sc BIIO, 1G lm xv it The Board of Directors of the N. C. State Penitentiary hereby offer a reward of FIFTY DOLLARS EACH for the apprehension and return to them ai the State's Prison of the following prisoners, who escaped on the 3d of September, 1874. The Board have recommended to ills Excellency to pay the alve amounts, and he assures us that he will stv the same promptly paid at tin- n turn of'tli convicts. By order f the limn. M. ORAUSMAN, S v. Raleigh, Sept. 4th, K-S74. Description the Escaped PrUo.-i- er-; Abraham A udersoti. il.. frm ' , - county, 2 vears ol.i..: loet -j !ik-Ih- hitrii. sentenced October SJOui. i7l,lr 5 e.w.. Riehard Holmes, col., from Xw Hanover county, 25 veins old, a feet, 2J inches high, sentenced April 2lst, IhT, for 5 years. Isaac Iiaale3r, ol., from Davidson county, 24 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches high, sentenced April 2Sth, ls73, tor 3 years. Benjamin Hunter, col., from Pasquo tank county, 23 years old, 5 feet, 4 inch es high, sentenced Decern ber 17th, 1873, for 5 years. EPISCOPAL. FEJIALE INSTI TUTE. Under charge of Christ Church, Winchester, Ya. Rev. J. C. Wheat, A. M, Principal, (formerly Vice-Prin. Ya. Fern. Inst., with com petent assistants in the various depart ments of English Mathematics, Nat ural Science, Languages, Music, vocal and instrumental, Drawing and Paint ing. The session of ten scholastic months begins Sept. 2, 1874. Circulars of course of study, terms, fec, sent on application to J. C. Wheat, Winchester, Ya. References: The Bishop and Clergy of the Prot. Epis. Church of the Diocese of Virginia. 4w PATENT MH1ICINKS. wm n kJ.wfcj m. ax. m .Dr. J. Walker's California Tin egar Bitters are a purely Ycgctablo preparation, made chiefly from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Siena Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. 1 Tho question is almost daily asked. "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit teks?" Our answer is, that theyrcmovo the cause of disease, nnd tho patient re covers his health. They 'are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invjgorator of tho system., Never before in tho history of. the world luw a medicine beeu compounded 'possessing tho rcnwrrkablo qualities of .Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick cf every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs ia Bilious Diseases The properties of De. Walker's Vinegar Bittehs aro Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative. Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorilic, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. h. McDonald & co.. Drnpfrists and Gen. Apia., San Francisco, California, anl cor. of Vashkictn and Charlton Sts.. N". Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after roa Ung this advertisement need any one SCFFER WITH PAIN. RVDWAVS KEADT RELIEF IS A CURE FOB EVERY PAIN. It was the first and Is Tho Only Tain Remedy fhst instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allavs Inflammations, and cures Conceptions, whether of the Limes, Stomach, Bowels, or other glandu or organs, by om; apucauon. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the KH hi M ATH", Bed ridden, Infirm, Crippled. Nervous, neuralgic, or prosiratea witn disease may saner, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TITE BLADDER. CONGESTION OF TTTE LUNGS. BORE THROAT, DIFFICl'LT BREATHING. I'A LIMITATION OF THE. HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUF, DIl'TUERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACII2' TOOTIIAOnE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. ( OLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of tho Rcadv Ttelle-rtn fhp nartAr parts wl.ero the pain or difiiculty cxiata will afford eaao It l.'S I Oil) MTl. Twenty tirops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moment cure UK A M f s. Sl'ASMS, SOUR STOMACH. in-. s:thi kn, sick headache, diarrhoea. ;;i tt all INTERNAL I'AINS. ':'rnvflers should always enrrv a bottle of ILnri- uy'n lCtt(y Hell el" with them. A few dropsin . ,t will prevent Mckness or pains from change of i r.-r. It is ietu r I'.mn I-rench lirandy or Iiittcrd as a I I! .! Ill Ilk FEVER AND AGUE. F:VEIi' AND AOl'E cnrc l tor fiftv wnts. Thorn a :- medial ayi'iu In thi world that will cure Kevt is ui.i A-'iie. nna an other Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, rover ! oi..:u, leunw, anil ottur he vers lamed hv RAD 7VS T'lLLSl so ouirk an RADWAY'S READY RE L.l.r. Flay an'i& par botilc. UmMl BEAUTY! ! 'RONO '.xr rrr.F. RICH rlood IXCREAS7? OK KLKSif AMI WP:i;UT OLHAR SKIN AND liEAUTlKl L COMl'LEXION SECURED TO ALU DRt ADVAY'S SsRaiiarillian Resolvent H GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER has :...nn the most astonishing cttres; OUM'K. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THE so OF TH! mum- vrUBtisp.n, undeb the INFLUENCE -t TiiULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT an Increase in flesh -. 'M is' Seen and Felt F -. rv ror r-y PARSAPARrLLIAW RESOL. II. A I O'.nil i :s.) .. I.;-- " 1 1 t.f . to: .p-' . throuuli the Blood. SweaL Urine. i ; ..1 iniecof the system the vliror of iije wastes or the body with new and (:i'ui i..al: :;tl Sfi-oiUla. SvnhilU. Hnnanmntinn. ;!.u!.lrit:ir iiis ae, I'icera in the throat, Moutb. Tu nxirs. N.ietiiii t le Glands and other parts of the system, -..r Eyes. Sirumoroiia discharges from the Ears, and 'i win fornr f Sliin dUeates, Ernptiona, Fever . re. Scald Head, Ritij; Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. a. -tic, Biack Spirfs, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Can vcrs in the vTtiinh. and all weakening and painful dls rliarwB8. Niuht Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the lira principle, ere within the curative range of this wunder o.f Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use wij prove to any jerson using Kfor either of those forms o iitea.e its not en t power to cure them. If the patient, daily becomins reduced by tne wastes :iid .i'.'ciiTip.w:tjon that U continually progressing, sue--.-f.js in arreciin:: tlioo wastes, and" repairs the am iiii M-v tiiKti-rii, mndo Irom Iiealthy blood and thi - s.vit "A"AKILLIAN will and does xecare a cun i- '-rim i; I'.r when i.-ice this remedy commences It i.rn iif wrifi',tioii. ixn-l succeeds lr diminishing tho .nm .v-.-tcs. -.xr imirs will lie rapid, and every day I .atient -. i!ifeel iiitnself cr.winit tietterandstronger. I i- i 't (licwiiu; boiler, uiipctitu improving, aud liei I ni weight inert asin;;. .i auiy dies the SARSAPjiwrLLiAif RKnoimn excM ii'vvn iiini-Jiai fcgcnis in i he cure of Chronic, Serf i r Cotutitntional, and feliin liseases; but It 13 th .iceitive cure lur 1 1 Incy & Bladder Complaints, aTi;i v5i!b rt.ja'-i. Gravel, Diabetes, Dror id Wojislj (U'ea.i. Gravel - piia-.'' of W uter, Iitciiitineiiueof trine. Brlirht't .j i . Aiiu!:iiii(ina, mul iu ml ra.-ci where there are a 'c-fe dti-Mler-'r?"". r i'i' 'nvr Is thick, clody, mixed r. -,-ii uu-taiK--ed 'U.-- in-. ni 't' a:i eug, or threads like ii"e j-ilk. 'r !. . - i iji-.rl.id. dark, biltotvi appear ii'-v. fin:! v.::r.t i.m! i,:w ii;i,:t. and when there is ti pricxiiit, i.ui.Ki.j - v.- tic it pairing water, and (.a. ii i.i tbe oir.:.l . .. i'..u K and loii the Loins. Tumor , 1 Years9 Growth Cured btj lUidtvat's llesolvent. DR. RADWAY'S Perfe g t P area tive &RegnlatiBPills r-r . . '.iis'.tilevi. e)ei;-JiJliy coated with sweet gam. i -'i.ve. puriJv, t-r.-;i i aim xtrenctbeti. Kad i-.-'i i.ir tin; cure oJ'j: tLrders of the Stomach, i. . v-.w-els. Kidneys, Ksud-Jtr. Nervous Diseases, iK .i l kiitipatlrm. C.-ven-s. Indigestion. Dys-i-i :a. Eiitouttie, BiiioiiH .v- er. luflamiuation of the ittiwuL-i. files, and all Derai.i-tiu-nu of the Internal "i-i-era. Warranted to eftVet a positive care. Purely -' -ae'able, couuunutg uu mercury, uiiucralsor deleteri viu drugs. A lew dose of RADWAT'8 PILLS will free the ys uniirouiallttiealKive named disorders. Price, 25 cents -r Kox. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. KfcAD -KALSE AND TRCE " Send one letter stamp (n RAD WAY A CO., Ho. S3 Warren St. New lurk nfonnation worth thousands will be sent you. WIL.3IINGTON JOUKNAIi, fWEEKLTj The Eargestj Pest and Cheapest Paper Published in North Carolina. ' As a First-Class JVws and Literary Journal, it is Unexcelled. ' One copy, for one year, $2 00 One copy, for nix months, 1 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00- Four copies, for one year, 7 90 Five copies, for one year, 8 50 Ten copies, for one year, $15 oO Twenty copies, for one year, ' 5 00 jr To every getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for ono year. Address JOURNAL, ' Wilmington, N. C. A SEMI-MONTHLY pJlPER rive ileauumi ltxlS In. k, FOR ONB DOLLAU. Head the Splendic Family iapor, "TIIK WOMAN'S UIG1IT," A fiixteeu . colujpo paper, dovotcU to The Family CircleL ; xtf-SttbscribV for it 1 YoU ill get our five .beautiful prcmiuili. llvad their description below. Remdrnbor you can get live enffraririgs that j retails for SI in the art stores, and a seinj-rnonthl v paper for oue year, giving ;va,luahle ro liKioua sketches, temperance stories, ro ceipta, wit, humor, Ac, Ac., j Ai.r. Fon o.m: dollaic ! If you are not waistied with tho pictures return them and io wiJl re turn tho money. No paper in tho coun try gives such premluniH; no4aper ha so valuable reading matter. pifGeneral Le. Lyinjjj in Stato ! A fine engraving of a : beautllu! young lady decorating tho casket of tho old warrior. j&r Death of General T. Jr. (Stonewall) Jackson ! This is oue of monj touching enyravinirs ever 'offered to th i.nl.ii- 'A7-Two (ood Little Kistern ! They aro ministering to the grief of their un happy brother, who, while running in the woods barefoot, huts got ft thorn in his foot and a moto in ono of his eyes. JSrrI,ook at Papa! A J'ouhff mother is holding up a photograph of hor hus band for their baby girl, wko is looking at it with enthusiastic delight " 2TMothers Joy ! lMain ova! picture of a pretty young mother wit i her baby boy in her arms. Read this nil again and thin send Si to JOHN T. I'ATUICK, 4-tf Wadesboro, N. ('. T" K CAROLINA SPIUS'O in:n. Patented January Utli, 1874, -o- The undersh tho ned offers tti the public Carolina Spring Bed Bottom, which for Cheapness, luralility and ;ofiuort, he challenges the worlq. Thi.s bed is composed of j tho spiral spring, made of tho best tempered steel, is simple- in structure, and ijs perfectly noiseless, being an improvement upon ' all other similar patents. I will sell County or Stato Rights at' low figures. Parties wishing to nego tiate should communieato with meat once. Any ono with a little energy, can make money with this patent. For particulars, address 1). W. WIIITAKKK, jan. 2S-tf Haleiph, N. C. Clkrk anp Collectou's Okfiok, Raleigh, July 17, 1874. TOTICK TO TAX l'A Villi S. I JJN will bo in my olllco daily for tho next thirty days between tho hours of D a. m. and I n. m.. and 3 and 6 p. m.. for the collection of lhe taxes of the Cilv of Raleigh for tho year 187L Taxes must bo paid within this tiino or thev will be collected according tii lnw. FRANCIS M. SORRELL, 52 12t i Collcotor. . Clkrk and Collec tor's Okkick, July Gth, 174. , ' - f. Actintr under an ordinance! DSHsetl bv the Board of Commissioners, Juu6lo, 1874. I herebv not if v all nOrsons Who failed to list their' taxable td come for ward and list the same withijn the next ten da3rs, under jxonalty of the law. FRANCIS JN1. SORRFLL, 47 4t. ' Clerk and Collector. o i:. Tho undersigned, appointed bv Mm Board of Commissioners of jthe City of Raleigh to superintend the issuo of Bonds for City Scrip, will be present in the Treasurer's Ofiice on Saturday, tin 12th instant, for that purposoj A. WILLIAMS, ' :; JFFF. FIN J IKIt, . JNO. NIC HOLS. Sept. 8th, 1871 It. NOKPMiliT 1UNHT)X, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, COItNKIl OP I Cabarrus and McDoicell Streets, RALEIGH, N. C. IS NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of work; in his line with neat ness and dispatch- Raleigh, Sept. isth, 1873. l N T D An occupation as teacher, hearlncr at least a second Krade certiticate. If in formation be retjui red address Wilson G. Lamb. John (i. Watts, I). W Raelev and John Watts (whites) residing at Williamston, where I have been labor ing as teacher-for the last 15 months. J. II. R E J USTKltH, (eolored,) feb 3-tf WillianisU)n, N. C THIS IS TO UIVE NOTICE. That I have been appointed Assignee of tho estate and effects of Charlea Ro man, -of Raleigb, Wake eounty, N. C, who was adjudged a bankrupt bv the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. J. II. FLEMING, Assignee, , Raleigh, Sept. 8, 187 L , , 12 3t A T B n O Y ., General Agent for the Celebrated. Estey , Cottage Organs. Payments easy. Prices low. Sen 1 lor Illustrated Catalogue. Also dealer in all kinds of , MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. Fancy Goods, Toys. Baskets, Children' Carriages, Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco". r Don't forget to call at No. 10 Fayette ville street, Raleigh, N. C. ANEViWllBElBU .. WIWSO." Sewing Machine, Silver TlatOd, for sale cheap, at NAT. I. BKOWyS. jroVJGJOY ACADEMY. The Sixty -sixth . Sosslpn , iylll beln AucrusL 5th, 1874. h J.M.LOVEJOY. (0 4t J.M, tVUITE. , , , .ii . - - - ft :.JtJijc,.,Lji''f f El

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