THE ERA. TV. M. UROWX, Manager. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1874. LOCAL AXI STATE. Grand Lodge. The G rand Lodge of Free and "Accepted Masons, of this State, will meet in Raleigh on the 7th day of December. Settled. Jesse C. Jacocks, Sher iff of Perquimans, settled in full with the Public Treasurer on tho 20th ast, paying in $3,720.94. iitely informed by the orator of the occasion that his lecture was inten ded only for the faithful and that as he intended "shelling" all outsiders, had better retire, we held a wo irood order, council and fell back in leaving the orator to the tender mnrrv of hf frfpnrfa. "We hear it rumored that the "Cfcudlo Lectures' have fallen in public estimation sinnn this last exhibit of secret ora tory. Rumbling of the waters. The Editor of the Sentinel addressed a meeting in Metropolitan Hall, in this city, on Monday evening, the mvPKREscE.-The annual Con- I ssa insi. we attended ior mo pur- ference of the Methodist Episcopal I pose of finding out, if possible, the onjeci sougni io ue ooiaineu. jxi we could learn (and that was mostly inferred) was that the Editor want ed the public printing and thought the best mode to obtain it was to abuse his opponents. Those who did not already know, were en- lightened to the extent that Dr. Hawkins is President of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad: that Dr. Blacknall is proprietor of tho Yar borough House and stockholder in the AWrx- that Ma . Hearne once edited the Carolinian ; that Ex-Gov. Holden is a member of the Bap Church, South, will commence m this city, on the 2d day of Decem ber. Bishop Marvin Is expected to preside. If Alcoholic SUmuIantsare taken into the blood the heart works faster, and t ils unnatural speed wears out the vital machinery. All intoxicating nos trums advertised as 44 tonics," 44 renova tors," Ac, produce this disastrous effect and ahouldbe rejected. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters an Invigor ant without the. curse of alcohol is everywhere supplanting these poisons. Robbery. On Monday after noon, 23d inst., abouL 2 o'clock, Mr. C. H. Weathers,- a grocer, doing business on Fayetteville street, near Martin, locked his door for the pur pose of going to dinner. On his re t irn he found one of his rear win dows had been raised and upon ex amination discovered that his mon ey drawer had been robbed of about thirty dollars. No clue had been obtained of the robber at last accounts. Under Way. A large number of bills and resolutions are beinp every day offered in the Legislature and referred to committees. Very little will be done until the com mittees report, when the actual bus Iness will commence. The work ol the session is rarely entered into oirnestly until after the Christmas holidays. Although a resolution - a a a .1 has been offered loosing io an au journment sine die on the 21st of De cember, it will find but little favor, as indications point to an extended session, reaching perhaps to the middle of March. tist church; that Thomas Scott, Esq., Col. Buford and Maj. W. A. Smith, are nrominent railroad men, and that Messrs. Stone &, XJz zell were, at one time, journeymen printers. At the close of the speech he offered resolutions concerning rates of Interest, railroads, and the Convention, but they were treated in rather a farcical manner, and amid the confusion the meeting ad journed. Bold attempt to escape. On Sunday afternoon, 22d inst., about 4 o'clock, the prisoners confined in the county jail in this city, formed a plot to escape, which, however, proved a failure. It seems that the jailor was called to bring in some lime for disenfecting purposes, ai- Legislative Summary. WVdnesdav. Nov. 18th. in the Senate, a resolution was introduced bvMr. Warinsr. that a committee of seven from tho Senate and twelve from the House, be appoint ed to devise some suitable plan by which the public debt can be adjust ed satisfactorily to the creditors anu without oppression to the people. Laid over under the rules. A resolution of Mr. Waring's in reference to the appointment of a committee to consider what amend ments were necessary to the Consti tution, elicited much discussion, and wa3 finally passed. The com mittee is composed of eight from the Senate and thirteen from the House. In the House, Mr. Trivett offered a resolution asking our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence to defeat the civil rights bill. After the introduction of several unimportant bills the Governor's message was received and read. At the conclusion of which, the House adjourned. In the Senate, Thursday, Nov. 19th, very little of interest transpir ed. The bill of Mr. Cantwell, of New Hanover, extending the col lection of taxes in that county CO ter using the lime, and when about to retire, one of the prisoners threw I days read and passed its final read some of it into the jailor's eyes, at the same time catching him around tho waist. The officer drew a pis tal and fired, when the prisonerran, whereupon tho officer fired on him again, the ball taking effect in the back and bringing him to a stand. At last accounts the would-be fugi tivo was under medical treatment. Fuel.. We are informed that the enormous price of $4.50 per cord is now demanded for wood delivered in the city. It strikes us that if this is to continue there will be a great deal of suffering among our people this winter. We hope that our railroad companies will take some steps looking to a reduction of freights, as we are told that It Is almost impossible for the dealers to 8311 at a less price on that account. There is enough wood within a short distance of Raleigh that could Oisily be brought to market, to pre vent anything like a scarcity, if the railroads would agree to bring it at ing. Under a suspension of the rules, the bill preventiug the Public Treas urer from paying out any money as interest on the State debt unless specially authorized by the Legis lature, was taken up and passed its several readings. In tlie House, a joint 'select com mittee was ordered to consider the question of per diem. Mr. Hanner introduced a bill iookingtothealteration of the home stead law so as to render its pros pective feature that of a fee simple title. After the introduction of sev eral unimportant resolutions and bills the House adjourned. Friday, Nov. 20th, in the Senate, Mr. Cantwell introduced a bill to provide for calling a convention with the same representation as tne Kefer rights"" resolutions came up ai spe cial order. Mr. Means offered a substitute, stating that the people had spoken plainly on the subject. Tho original bill of Mr. Trivett asks Congress to withdraw the bill and also requests President Grant to veto it, if passed. Considerable discussion took place, pending which the House adjourned. STATE. Mr. Caleb Setzer, of Rowan, who was wounded a few days since in an encounter with a colored burglar has died of his wounds. Applica tion will bo made at the present session of the Legislature for a new charter for the city of Charlotte. A colored man named Elam Hen derson was shot in the side by his step-son, In Charlotte, on the 17th inst. There are fourteen prison ers in Rutherford county jail, and the number is daily increasing. The skating rink in Statesville is in full blast. There have been 44 conversions in Selma recently un der the management of Rev. N. 13. Cobb, of the Baptist church. The Statesville ' Landmark has on hand four fully developed ears of corn, matured ou one shoot, and two bolls from one cotton bloom. Bald Mountain is again on the shake. Partridges five cents a piece in Hillsboro. While J. A. Perry and wife, of Bladen county, were working in a field, their little child, 18 months old, fell into a pot of boiling water and was scalded o death. A trunk was found re cently on a- street in Wilmington. On breaking it open, letters were found proving it to be the property of Ja nit's B. Houston, of Jackson, Tenn. There was blood on some of th'e papers and the matter will un dergo investigation. Jas. Boyd, Sr., of Chester, S. C, was drugged arid robbed of $75 a few days ago in Charlotte. Four divorce suits are to be tried at the next term of the Mecklenburg Superior Court. Mr. G. Livesay, of Goldsboro, has recently shipped thirty quarls of second crop of strawberries to New York. Mrs. Harvey Hill, mother in-law of Col. S. T. Carrow, recently died in Beaufort county. A com pany of northern gentlemen are go ing into the oyster canning business at Beaufort. The old hotel at Kinston has been destroyed by fire. A monument to the Confeder ate dead is to be erected at Char lotte. Ninety-five true bills were found by the Grand Jury of New Hanover county, at the recent term of the Superior Court. New Han over claims to be the banner county in the way of prisoners in the Pen itentiary, having fourteen majority over any other. A patent has been granted to Dr. B. J. Field, of Leakesville, N. C, for an improved method of attaching artificial teeth to their plates. Mr. W. H. Sneli, formerly of Craven, at present a resident of this county, has been out of necessity confined in the jail at this place, for two weeks or more, on account of lunacy. The cause of" his trouble is attributed we under stand to pecuniary embarrassments, and his case is a sad one. indeed. Prior to his affliction he was a gen tleman of much intelligence, hav ing graduated some years ago at YalcColIeire, with distinction. His whole estate, worth over $60,000, was swept away by the war. He is very respectably connected both in this and Craven counties, but his relatives, like himself, have suffer ed so much by the war. thev are unable to afford him any relief. We are glad to know that Maj. Sparrow, Dr. John McDonald, K.L.Myers, and others of his friends have inter ested themselves in his behalf, and are making every effort to alleviate his sufferings. Our community will be under obligations to the Raleigh papers if they will bring the matter to the attention of the authorities of the Asylum, and ascertain if there is a possible chance for his ad mittance. If there was ever a pitia ble object he is one. Wash. Echo. The two Female Colleges at Murfreesboro are well patronizec this season. The Methodists have 154 pupils and the Baptists 100. A gentleman of Warren county pro poses to exhibit a triplet of babies tion of the leaf tobacco clauses in the Act of June 6, 1872, without amendment or alteration. During the first quarter of the present year the demand for distilled spirits has been active and the quantity with drawn from tho warehouse upon the payment of the tax, has exceed ed the quantity deposited, so that a balance remaining in the warehouse on September 30th, 1874, has been reduced to 12,577,096 gallons, or a decrease of 3,240,613 gallons as com pared with the quantity remaining jn the warehouse - on June 30, 1874. The whole number of cases com promised during the past fiscal year was 38, and the total amount re ceived by the compromise was $62, 679. The largest amount of revenue collected in any one quarter from tobacco, was collected during the first quarter of the current fiscal year which reaches the sum of $10, 162,9.34. Should the corresponding relative collections continue to be made for the remaining three quar ters the receipts for the current fis cal year will aggregate $36,000,000. The following is the New York cotton statement for the week (end ing Nov. 20th : Net receipts at all U. S. urts for the week, 15o,025; same week last year, 130,152; total to date, 1,109,234 ; same date last year, h72,3S2. Exports for the week 97,258 ; same week last year, 81,053, total to date, 477,174; same date last year, 361,104. Stock at all U. S. ports 516,495 ; last year, 391,495. At all interior towns, 89,816 ; last year, 68,207. At Liverpool, 540,000 ; last year, 697,000. Ameican afloat for Great Britain 212,000, last year 153,000. A considerable fail of snow in New York on the 19th inst. Five inches of snow in Port land, Maine, on the 21st inst. The following is the New York Bank statement for the week end ing Nov. 20th : Loans decrease half a million; specie increase same; legal tender decrease two million ; deposits decrease two and half mil lion ; reserve decrease seven-eighths of a million. A. B. Mullett, Su pervising Architect of the Treasury Department, has tendered his resig nation, and it is understood the po sition has been offered to a Mr. Mc Arthur, of Philadelphia. A mis understanding of the mode of dis bursing funds in Mr. Mullett's de partment led to the resignation. A terrible storm passed over the town of Tuscumbia, Ala., on the evening of the 22d inst., destroying a third o: the place, killing twelve persons ana injuring many others. Among the killed are an Ex-Governor, an Editor and a State Sena tor. The President has been tele graphed by citizens of Tuscumbia, Ala., for aid for the destitute of that place, caused by the tornado. The President, through the Secreta ry of War, replied that the appro priation for the Army was so limit ed as to compel him to decline the necessary aid, which he greatly regrets. C MISCELLANEOUS. LE1R X II E TRACK And let tho rush continue on its way to J. M. ROSENBAUM'S, At Kline's Old Corner, Fayetteville and Hargett Streets, where it is a well known fact that there is to be found the largest stock of DRY GOODS, PRINTS, DOMESTIC PLAIDS, BROWN AND BLEACHED DOMESTICS, HATS AND CAPS, MILLIN ERY GOODS, NO TIONS, FAN CY GOODS, tc., tfcc, in the City. We are daily receiving large additions to the General Stock, which is always kept fresh and complete in every branch and department of tlie store. Re ADY-MADE CLOTH IN G is the specialty of my trade, and lam now prepared to offer every grade of Clothing at the very bottom prices. Call and see for yourselves. CROCKER Y DEPARTMENT. I have tho only exclusive Crockery Store in the city, connected with and adjoining the main establishment. I offer every species of Crockery at whole sale, to the country trade, at Northern prices, as I buy direct in large quanti ties from first hands. To all my former customers and pa trons, and the public generally, I would say that I am better prepared "than ever to administer to their every want at terms which I will guarantee satisfac torv. Raleigh, October 1, 1874. 15 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTlTrSAMPLE to Agents. La JU SJjjJjJ dies' combination needle-book, with Chromos. Send stamp, Dean fe Co., New Bedford, Mass. 4w. iij' ; CONSXAJVT -EMPLOYMENT At home, Male or Female, $30 a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address with 6 cent return stamp, C. ROSS, WUliamsburg, N. Y. 4w ACiE-VTsI WAXTED for the PEO PLE'S JOURNAL. Fourmagni ricent Chromos free. The most liberal offer ever made. Send 3 cent stamp for circular and sample. P. W. Zieolek & Co., 518 Arch St., Philadelphia. 4w. W ' I, At home, male or female, 0 I- K. $35 per week, day or cve fOP AllJni,,S- No. capital." We send valuable package of goods by mail free. Address with ten cent return cbmn M YOunq. 173 Greenwich St., -"""-ii N. Y. 4w XMED-AGENTS for the best W out. Sample package, 2oc. Circulars free. J Broadway, New York. selling prize stationery pacKage posi-paiu, tut liLXLAJAlt. !-" 4w. HE WAD V i: ItT I S 1331 ENT OirCCBSS BSTOND CO2CP2TITI0. ! J IT im imnirfl tfmrr Tinln a tA let. re-r-';.r"jt 1-4 TTiln Ti meet rr or Cornice Uvri-itnrc Ycr rj to 'inn!r tSa tra'! Camilla OrtS.T rcupoctrn:! tc:Wil.-1. AflJrm I A. J. HLL1S & CO., Pittsburgh. P. r J hi -a. :.Vr. PtceU Ironi tf all k!rm n: I ;.:.-4. t CoM S H-?rarert, P. . ...... i - I - ... W 1 . . '... - 1 - t . I Tci..-o4 tT N jUJa tncmt to ait cjl kiuJ,of , J, PATENT MEDICINES! 6 6 nSYOHOMAXCY. OR SOUL IT CHARMING." How either sex mv fascinate and grain the love and af- fontinns of anv nersou they choose 111- ctni1v. This siui ole. mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c, together with a marriago guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La aJL WHinc-Nicrht Shirt. fec A nilPPT book. Address T. WILLIAM fc rv. TnKa. PhJladelnhia. 4w. I5V THE C. A OVEROR Of KOKTII CAROLINA. PROCLAMATION. MatuvKT Summaky. In New York, on the U4th inst., cotton steady at 14Ial5i. Rosin firm at 2.3oa2.40. Turpentine 35ia3(i. Money 2ia3. Exchango 476. Gold llgallf. In Southern cities of the U. S., cotton was quiet at from 13 to 14. 3IAR1UED, At Edenton Street 2I. E. Church, in this city, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Jlangnin, Mr. T. K. Waitt to Miss Maktua E. Johnston all of Raleigh. In Greensboro, on the 23d inst., by vVm. E. Edwards, Esq., Mr. John A. Rragassa, of Lynchburcr, Va., to Miss Florence E. McGowan, of Raleigh. UIE1, In Wake Forest Township, on the 18th inst., of brain disease, Mrs. F. H. Hodge, widow of the late Henderson Hodge, aged about GO years. Also, in St. Matthews Township, on the 21st inst.. of Consumption, Mrs. Su san Partin, wife of Drury Partin, Esq., in tne ooth vear ot her aare. COMMERCIAL KEPOIIT. reasonable rates. This is a matter etl by Col. S. McD. , :i i to provide for the "w . " the State debt. companies will consider it. House of Representatives red to the Judiciarv committee. A resolution was also offered by Mr. at the approaching Fair of the Cape Cantwell in relation to civil risrhts. Fear Association. There are now It opposes interference on the part of the Federal government in the control of schools, churches, &c, but favors the passage by Congress of the civil rights bill with amend ments. In the House, a large number of bills were introduced, the most im portant of which was a bill introduc- Tate. or liurke, compromise of Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. We are indebted to John Nichols, Esq., the efficient Princi- oal of tho Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, for a copy of his report for the year end ing November 1, 1874. The num ber of pupils for the year is 215, an increase over the previous year of 13. The Institution has been in 460 granges in North Carolina. The Lenoir Cadets, of the Carolina Military Institute, have gone to the bouth Carolina Fair at Columbia. Three cotton factories are in course of erection at ltockingham, liichmond county. James C. Skinner, Esq., formerly a State Sen ator, had his leg broken by step ping from a steamer, at Hertford, a short time since. Dr. Jas. E. Kea, of Wilmington, has patented an invention which will prove of ate, a resolution was offered by Mr. great advantage to railroads. It is liraham calling upon the Treasurer a seu-acung saiety switch, ana is to cive the valuation of the various reported to be very effective. railroads, canals, and telegraph Numbers of persons who left Gaston companies in the State for taxation, county for the West are returning. and also what taxes have been col- lhe scheme to start a female col lected on the same during the last lege at Tarborohas been abandoned. flvevears. Adopted. Thirty-four students of Ruther- In the House, the Speaker an- ioracouege nave joined the Method nounced the various standing com- ist church. The Wilson Advance Saturday, Nov. 21st, in the Sen- claims to have doubled its subscrip tion list since its removal from Bat- tleboro. Messrs. Sherrick & Slo- mittees. Resolutions were offered asking appropriations for building Govern mentCourt-houses at Greens boro and Asheville, and for clearing ver have started a spoke and handle every respect properly managed as I the mouths of Cape Fear and Scup- iactory on tnerseuse near Goldsboro. far as the means allowed would ad- pernong rivers. - -ms xwumree, a young iauy if Tho tvvi f Tiwnr several unimportant puis ana wnorecenuynaa a narrow escape an appropriation of $45,000, and an additional sum of $5,000 for repairs of buildings, fencing, Ac. We hope that no notions of false economy will prevent liberal appropriations for this noble State charity. North allowing Carolina stands deservedly high for county to having in the past so promptly cared; for her unfortunate citizens, and we cannot doubt that she will sustain her reputation in this particular. resolutions were offered, after which from drowning, while crossing the me nouse auiourneu. uuuuiu m urwuecouniy, nas sued Monday, Nov. 23d, in the Senate, the authorities for $10,000 damages. Mr. Busbee's bill allowing the sale Daniel Setzer, of Catawba, lately Curtain Lecture. On Satur day evening, the 21st inst., it was rumored on the streets that the edi tor of the Sentinel would address the public, and especially the members of the Legislature, in the Commons Hall, at 4 o'clock, of that day. The of Wake county Work House and changing its present location, pass ed its several readings : also a bill Commissioners of said hold their special meet ings for four days. On motion of Mr. Waring. Mecklenburg county was included in the provisions of the bill. In the House, Mr. Blythe intro duced a resolution of instruction to our Representatives in Congress touching the Revenue laws. A resolution asking indemnity from the government for destruc tion of Davidson county Court house. The session of the day was taken up mostly by the introduction and reference of many resolutions and bills generally of a local character. Tuesday, Nov. 24th, in the Senate, very little of Importance transpired. A resolution of Mr. Cantwell's killed a large grey eagle measuring nine feet from tin to tin of wine". A little colored giil, two and a half years old, attempted recently to commit suicide by hanging, in Iredell county. The little creature was cut down in time. No cause assigned. -Peter Freeze, an old gentleman near Statesville. was se riously injured by a bull last week. Latest News. WHOLESALE CASH. PRICES. Era Offick, Nov. 25, 1874. REMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Sugars are very lirm and on the ad vance. Other quotations unchanged. COTTON. Transactions iu the staple yesterday were very light. The market closed at 13Jal3i for low middling. General Market. 11 (5GING,Dornestic2ilbydl4Il5. Ct ; VTON TIES, 8 J (a, 9c. FEOUR, North Carolina $7.2f7.50. COHN, $1.20. CO UN MEAL, 1.15. BACON, N. C. hog round, ' " hams IS. BULK C. R. sides, 23. " shoulders, 10al0. JLiAUD, isortu Carolina, none. 44 Western tierces, 10. kegs, 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 25. " Fair 44 21. SYRUP, common, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT, 2.40. CHEESE, Cream, IS. Factory, 18. 44 Dairy, none. NAILS, on basis for lOd, 4.50. SUGAR, A, 12. Extra C, lliHS. 44 Yellow, 10i103. LEATHER, Sole 27J HIDES, green, 7 (8. drv, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. 44 Irish, $1.00 1.25. OATS, shelled, 75. sheaf, $1.25. FODDER, old, 82,00. 44 new, 1.25. HAY, N. C. baled, good, 1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS 25 BUTTE K, country, 4045. FISH, Mullets, 7.00; new weights new law, lCOIbs. net, 10.50. 44 Cut Herrings, none. 44 Mackerel, new family, 12.00. BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, on foot, 5G. 44 dressed prime, 5(0. WHEREAS, THE PEOPLE OF North Carolina have been abun dantly blessed with the favorand protec tion of Divine Providence, which has crowned the past year with plenty and general prosperity, preserved to us the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, exempted us from tho ravages of war, pestilence, famine, and other calamities which have scourged other peoples and States, permitting no evils to befall us but such as aro incident to the common lot of man : Now, therefore, as it becomes us, a christian people, to render thanks to Almighty God for these and number less other blessings showered upon us in His great mercy, I, CURTIS II. BROGDEN, Governor of North Caro lina, in obedience to law and in con formity with an honored precedent, do appoint and set apart Thursday, November t6tUf IS74, as a day of public Thanksgiving throughout the State. And I do earnestly invite the clergy of every denomination to open their respective houses of worship, and the people to abstain on that day from all pursuits inconsistent with tho sacred duties of the occasion, and with devout hearts to assemble in their respective sanctuaries, and oner the prayer ot tha :ksgiving, and unite in the songs of praise to Him who has given us peace and plenty, and vouchsafed all the priv ileges and blessings wo enjoy. Let gratitude inspire our hearts and enlarge our benevolence. And remembering the poor and unfortunate among us, let us add to our devotions deeds of chari t3r and works of love. With gratitude for the mercies of the past, let us seek wisdom from above to guide us in the future, thatour feet may be kept in the paths of rectitude, and that our days may be a blessing to our selves and those with whom we asso ciate. Done at the city of Raleigh, on this -the 4th day of November, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and in the ninety-ninth year of American Independence. CUItTIS II. BIIOGDEN. By the Governor : John B. Np;atiiery, 20 4t Private Secretary. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, ana nil Tliroat Iisea,cs, USE WELLS' ' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up onlr in BLUE boxes. A TRIED & SURE REMEDY. rl1 !w Drnrrcrists. 22 4w Piedmont ivir-JLine Railway. Richmond fe Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. HAVE YOU TRIED JUEUBEBA. 'are you Weak, Nervous or Debilitated ? Are vou so languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Then try Juru beba, the-wonderful tonic and invigora tor, which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of mis ery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets tlie nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. ' Its operation is not violent; but is characterized by great gentleness ; the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked resu ts, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been Ion z used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by Win. F. Kidder it Co., New York. 17-4w FIKSX GRAND GIFT COXCEKT. Montpelier Female Humane Asso ciation, at Alexandria, Va., November 23, 1874. List ot Gilts. 1 Grand Cash Gift, 2 " " 2 " " 41 10 " " 15 " " 50 " " 100 " 1,000 " " 1,000 " 20,000 " Dr. J. Walker's California egar IHttcr$-aro a purely Vcg jVin. preparation, mado chielly from tl tivc herbs found ou tho lower rauios table na- llo';. f tb I)n. novo the Sierra Nevada mountains of C nia, the medicinal properties of 'are extracted therefrom without tl of Alcohol. Tho question i3 a daily asked, "What is tno cause i 'unparalleled success of ;teiis?" Our answer is, that they ic jthe causo of disease, and tho pat ic 'covers his health. They are tho iblood purifier and a life-giving pi i;; a pertcct itonovator and im imiratoi of tho system. Never before i;i tl.c !i . f .1. 11 I i: :.. i , inisioiy 01 uio worm uas a uiaucniq i c, i compounded possessing tho rema kal. qualities of Vinkgar Uittkrs in heal; sick of every disease man is lioir to. are a gentle Purgative an well as a relieving Congestion or Inflammat: the Liver and iscerai urgaus m Diseases The properties of Dr. Wai Vixegar Bitters aro -Aperient. Diap!: Carminatirc. Nutritious, Laxative. Di Sedative, Counter-Irritant Sudorilic, Jviu-ra- tive, and Anti-Bilious. It. II. MeDOJTALD Sf CO. Urogjfista and Gen. Apts., ban iTancuoo, C.'iltf.irni ana oor. of w asainjrton and Charlton St3., N V 9 a . . VV . . - Tl .t'V '1 (I !Vti. i. $100,000 60,000 25,000 10,000 ea. 100,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 400,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 '20 CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. Iu effect on and after Monday, Au. 10th, 1874. OOIXG NORTH. Mail. Express. 45 p. m. 8.35 a. m. 8.56 " Stations. Leave Charlotte, . Air .Line J a. 8.15 " Salisbury, 10.44 p. m. " xreensboro, 2.15 a. m. " Danville, 5.13 " " Dundee, 5.25 " " Burkville.1 11.30 Ar. at Richmond, 2.22 p. rn. GOING SOUTH. Mail. Statioyis. Ieave Iticliinond, 1.3S p. m. uuriivnie, " Dundee, " Danville, " Greensboro " Salisbury, " Air-Line Ju. subject was to be 44 The typographi cal advantages of the Kaleich Sen- advocating, the puttinfr of all pri tlneL19 vate into one Omnibus bill was Curityled lncompany th a speech re- several Others, to attend, but before viewing his past political course, the lecture commenced we were po- In the House, Mr. Trivett's civil Th3 New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad sections west of the Mississippi, have been sold by the U. S. Marshal for $350,000 to Frank M. Ames, son of the late Oakes Ames. The report of the Com missioner of Internal Revenue shows that the total production of manufactured tobacco during: the last fiscal year was 118.548.618 pounds. The tax collected on to bacco was $33,242,875. The actual production of manuft c'ured tobacco exceeded that of the previous vear by over two million pounds. The Commissioner urges the continua- IIISKET STILL FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a first-rate WHISKEY STILL, with two worms, heater and cooler, as good as new, made by Hesselbach, of Raleigh, 1S67, used but little, will save Revenue tax, Ac. For further partic ulars addres JOEL PATRICK, 23 Gtpd. LaGrange, N. C. Ar. at Charlotte, GOING east. Stations. Leavo Greensboro 2.15 a. " Co. Shops, 4.00 Raleigh, 8.10 Ar. at Goldsboro, 10.50 a.m 10.54 " I. 15p. m. 3.36 3.48 " 11.04 " Express. 11.04 p m 2.07 a. m. 7.40 " 7.44 44 II. 00 " 1.21 p. m. 3.25 " 3.30 " GOIJCG WEST. Mail. Mail. Read Down. Read Ur. m. 11.15 p. in. " LvelO.OOp. m. M . - o.4i p. m. Lv2.30 p. in 4.41 9.25 9.29 12.20 3.15 6.15 a. in 6.22 IVOItTIJWESl'ERIV N. C. It. 11. m. (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro, 2.00 a. Arrive at Salem, 3.30 Leave Salem, 9.20 a.m. Ar. at Greensboro, 11.15 ' Passenger trains leaving Raleigh at 5.41 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with the Mail Trains to or from points north or south. Trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.00 a. m.. arrive at Burkeville 12.43 p. m.. leave Burke- ville 4.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.53 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) JPapers that have arrangements to ad vertise tlie scnedule of this company will please print as above. lor further information address S, E. ALLEN. Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro. N. C. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer fc Gen'l Superintendent. 22,178 Cash Gifts," amounting tof)l,000,000 Number of Tickets, 100,000., Price of Tickets. Whole Tickets, $20.00; Half Tickets, 10.00 ; Quarter Tickets, $5.00 ; Eighths or each Coupon, 2.50; 5i Tickets for 100.00. The Montpelier Female Humane As sociation, chartered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to establish and endow a "Homo for the Old, Infirm, and Destitute Ladies of Virginia." at Montpelier, the former residence of Jfresiaent James juaaison. Governor's Office, Richmond, July 3, 1874. It affords me pleasure to say that I am well acquainted with a large majority of the officers of the Montpelier Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public confidence, influence and sub stantial means liberally represented among them. JAS. L. KEMPER, Gov. Va., Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874.- I commend them as gents of honor and in tegrity, and fully entitled to the confi dence of the public. R. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge East'n Dist, of Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex Governor of Va. ; Hon. R. E. Withers, Lieut-Gov. of Va., and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Con gress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by express prepaid, post-office money order on Washington, D. C, or by reg istered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, tic., send for Circular. Address. HON. JAMES BARBOUR, Pres't M. F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. 4w Reliable agents wanted everwhere. AD WAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS n Trom une to 1 wentv Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR infer ron 'Inpr thla advertisement need anyone SUFFER WITH PAIX. lun.TVAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CVRK Vr EVERY PAIN. It was tho first and if i'T'Iio Only rtiiri Remedy I it itiffftntly atop tho most excruciating pains. allaVj Jii:laiiiHi:ttonn, and cure Coneetlon.i, whether of (fie stomach, Bowela, or other glanda or organs, by .no application. I IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. tt .i mnff.-r how violent or excruciating tho pain tha J '1 K i .MATIC. Bed-ri.lden, Inflrm. Crippled. Nervoui, r.iU:ic. or prostrated with disease marauder, j HAD WAY'S READY RELIEF I WILL AFFORniNRTAVT EASE. IN TL.VMM VTlON OP THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OK THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. ! CONGESTION OF TTTE Ll;s $orn tiikoat, difficult brkathino. palpitation of the heart. hysterics. croup, iiptheria. cat arret, influenza. Headache, toothache. i NEURALGIA, RIIEUMATISr. TfLD CHILLS. AC.rE CHILLS. j The application of the Jtendv Itelleftn the rsrtor t: ts win-re the pain or difficulty exlau will afford taxs . I ("( in tort. y drops in half a tumbler of water will In a few I W.-l :i i:' nre CRAMPS, KPASM8, SOUR STOMAll, I-. AliTItrRV. SICK HEADACHE. IHAKRIIOKA ; NTKUY. COLIC, WIND IN THE liuWKLd 1 ail 1 NTERNALa PAINS. i irHer- sliouM always carrv a bo t tin of Had ay' Ready Ilcllef with. them. A lew ilronm i -r will pn-vi-nt fdcknoM or pains from change of - r It ii U-tu r than French Brand or Bitters ad :;iint. FEVER AND AGUE. 1 AND AGUE cored for fifty cent. There . .i rv medial agent in thla world that will rare Krvrr t A-ne. Mod all other Malarious. Blloin. Scarl.-', .vi, cilow. and other Fevers aided bv KAH S I'ILLiSI so quick as RADWAY'S READY lit- Fiity cenU per botUc. HEALTH!' BEAUTY ! ! FTRONO AST) PURE RICIT BLOOD INCREA Sit j OK FLKSII AND WEIOHT CLEAR SKIN AM ! BEAIMI1UL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU ADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE TTIE JIOST ASTONISniNO CURES- FO ; QUICK. So RAPID ARE THE CHANOKS, TIIK ! BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUE.M K i OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL XKDIC1N&. ! THAT Every Day an Increase in ani feiilit is Seen and Felt. FURNITUHE. BUY YOUR FURNITURE DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. tN BANKRUPTCY. SSIGXEE'S NOTICE OF AP- POINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed As signee of Wra. H. Hughes, bankrupt, vice Calvin Betts, deceased, by the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Ea&tern District of North Carolina. G. ROSENTHAL, Assignee of Wm. H. Hughes, B inkrupt, 22 law3w. Raleigh, N. C. "DAXKttUPT SALE. NOTICE IS JJ hereby given that on Saturday, the 2Sth day of November, 1S74, at the Court House door, in the city of Raleigh, N. C, I will sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, the interest of Wra. 1. Hughes, Bankrupt, in the following described real estate, to-wit : one tract of land in the town of Henderson, Gran ville county, N. C, bounded on the north by D. E. Young. On the south by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad and Mrs. Ann S. Young. On the east by the said Railroad and on the west by Dr. Samuel D. Young containing 15 acres more or less. G. ROSENTHAL, Assignee of Wm. H. Hughes, 22-law2w. Bankrupt. Am Si y4 f f F Erory dr'-.n of iho SARSAPARILLIAV RESOL VENT c-'immi:. ' through the Blood, Mweat, l"ririv mid irlir Hi.-'-i MM,! Juices of the system the vjtfor Kir It r. pi.-rsiiie wastes ofthe body with new nw -niin-d iniitonnl. Fcroltila, Srphllls, ConrtumOtlfn. ;ilaiidular ill -en. Ulcers In the throat. Mouth. Ta iiii.ri. NiMleKin iheOlnndsand other part of the system, -.ire Eyes. Str;wuor:.ut discharges from th Ear, and he worst fonr. of Skin dleaes, ErupUons, rever re, Scald Head. Rlnjr Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas Acne, Black Spot, Worms In the Flesh. Tumor. Can--ars In the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges, Nlpht bweata. Loss of Sperm and all waste of tliic life priuclplc. are within tlie curative range of td i wonder of Modem Chemistry, and a lew days' u ti I.rove to any person using itfor either of these for(ai 4 dieae Its poieut power to cure them. i I f the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waif and decomposition that is continually progressing. -njifds in arresting there wastes, and repairs the nam Willi new materia! made from Wealthy blood and tit Mie S A R. ' A P A R I LLI A N will and doea secure aicur i certaij; tor when once this remedy commence 1'- . ork of purification, and succeeds in diminishing t!i' m of wat-K. iu repairs will be rapid, and ever I i-atit-ntwiineelhlmselfgrowingbetterandstrricr1 I - mI digesting better, appeUte improrlng, and(tle4 ii weight increasing. i Not only does the BAS.niTiun.UAn ErsotTTTi fftf I anown remedial agents in the cure of Chronicler iu, (institutional, and bkiu diseases; but it u iu y positive euro fur Kidney & Bladder Complaints, rinary and Womb diseases, Orarel. Diabetes, Dronr. u.ppaare of Water, Incontinence of L'rine, B right's a-e. Albuminuria, and in all cases wbere there ara Walnut Parlor Suits. Reps or Hair Cloth, con taining seven pieces, $50 Walnut Bedroom Suits, Marble tops containing ten pieces, 59 Beautiful Painted Cottage Suits, complete, '19 Also, a magnificent varietv of HIGH COST WORK. Full Catalogue and Price of all mv stock sent by mail, free on application. Write for one, i 4 w 00 00 00 trick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mi ' wiiii su orances like the wnneor an egg, or inreaus u "-bite silk, or thf re i a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone4ut deposits, and when there i a pricking, burniux st-auation when passiog water, aul paau iu the bmall of the Back and along the fjuia. i u Tumor of 12 Years9 Growth Cured by Itadivay's Resolvent, DR. RAD WAY'S PerfectPoriratiTe&BepIatiiigPills pertc?!r tasteless, elegantly coated, with sweet jram. pw . resulate. purify, cleanse and strengthen. Bau-w-t pills, for thecureof all disorders of the StomacR. L i . Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder. Nerrona Disease. Ktadaclie. Constipation. Costireness, Indigestion, vt Bowels, Files, and all DerangemenU of the IDtem' v iKcera. Warranted to etrect a positive cure, jury, minerals or aeic lammation of Purelf vwetable. containing no mercury A frwdosesofBADWAVS PILLS will free the sy e m from all the above named d bmrders. Price, Ifi ceuw pr Box. SOLD BT DKUOOISTa . I READ "KAL8E AND TRUE Rend one letter jump to RADWAY A CO., No, 32 Warren St, yrk i uformaUoo worth tHoiwandc wUl be KUl J9t '