THE; VERA. THE ERA. . - - -- . f PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLLARS "A-YEAR, IN A REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS-PAPER-THE CENTRAL ORGAN - ADVANCE. "v : rr: .'" ( " ' fr Jon .Woke; executed at short no tice and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment In the State. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Ono square, one time, li - - $100 " two times, " - - 1 50 ' 44 " three times, - 1 - 2 00 Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. OF THE PAKi i. W. 31. imOWN, Manager. Okkick in the old "Standard" Build- r,r, nuare South of the Conrt Uoasc, Fayetteville Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Vln rear. - - - - f 2 00 - j rt jll Six months. Three months, - 1 00 50 VOL. IV. RAIiEIGflET, 1ST. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1874. NO. 24J; Invariably in Advance.- ,; ; - ,. . . . i I - i.-. t I I THE ERA. Official Orn of the United States. Official Orjraw of tne cur. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1874. NOTICE. 9. Tlie Post oflico regulations require prc-payment of postage on papers mailed to subscribers after January 1st, 1875. fcThe terms for the Era will 5 -fYT-r in ruturn be as fol- lows : One year, i months, 3 months, in advance, $2.1 0 1.05 READING MATTER pfRST AXD FOURTH PAG IX. OX The Great lilemma. The present tonsiuuuu.i was adopted in 18C3 by a very large ma- ioritv of the people oi me ouic. Vmm the time of its rati ticat ion to ' .. x I the nresent. th npmocratic pany have been violent in their denun ciations of most of its important fea tures. The framers of the instru ment have been held up to the pub lic as enemies to the Southern people, and epithets of the most dis gusting character have been applied to those who took a prominent part in shnninz t. Such terms as " Car- Tot-hA? Constitution - - a Constitution," "Nigger Constitu tion," and the like, are almost daily expressed. It would seem that a party so ap parently disgusted with the organic law under which we live, would, at the first opportunity which present ed itself, take some steps to apply remedies for their grievances. The opportune time would appcur to have arrived. The Democratic party now have a two-thirds majority in both Houses of the Legislature, suf ficient, under constitutional provis ion, to call a Convention of the peo ple and arrange matters to suit themselves. But somewhat of a change seems to have come over their dreams. The Constitution, framed, as they say, by carpet-baggers, scalawags and niggers, is, in the opinion of many of the faithful, endurable at least until after the Presidential election in 1876, and the further im pression appears to be gaining ground, that, if a Convention should beealled for the punose of changing it, the dear people of the State, alarmed at the prospective tamper ing with the Homestead and other privileges allowed under Republi can rule, will electa majority of Re publican delegates to represent them, and thus again consign the unterrified to an ignominious defeat. The will of the leaders remains firm, but then, that atrful class, the people, who are continually placing themselves in the way to obstruct oligarchial plans, are rather suspi cious at present, and a little more time must be taken to nurse them up to the proper point. Taking these views into consid eration, the faithful sentinels of De mocracy now on guard in the Capi tol of the State will doubtless talk " Convention" over their Christmas dinners, and we would not be sur prised if the mocking-bird should w histle the approach of Spring ere the vexed question can be so sugar coated as to create no nausea upon the stomachs of the people. With the Convention thunderbolts of the Sentinel on the one hand aud the echo of Joe Davis, Judge Fowle and other policy batteries on the other, the faithful may find it neces sary to fall back from Raleigh and Hgain consult the folks at home, with whom policy, rather than in clination, inclines them to confer. Verily the dilemma is a difficult one. We can only hope for a happy deliverance; but how many, oh, how many of the essence of Democ racy are this day revolving in their minds those words so consoling to the troubled politician's heart, "the post of honor is private station." Tea Party. The members of Hickman Lodge, I. O. G. T., of this city, gave a Tea party on Thanks giving evening, which proved to be one of the most pleasant affairs of the season. A large number of citi zens and strangers were present, and the evening was passed in sing tog, promenading, eating and drink ing. At 10 o'clock the' gathering was brought to a close by the entire company joining in to the tune of that grand old song, "The Old North State." Addresses were de livered by Rev. T. II. Pritchard, Hon. Josiah Turner, Capt. Thos. C. Evans and others. Among the Dry Bones. On Monday, the 30th ult., Mr. Glenn, the Republican member of the House of Representatives from Yadkin county, introduced a bill looking to the purchase by the State of material for executing the Public Printing. On presenting the bill, Mr. Glenn set forth in a clear manner the ad vantages which would accrue to the State by its adoption, and showed that it would save the tax payers thousands of dollars. The bill was referred and ordered to be printed. Later in the day it was rumored among the faithful that the passage of Mr. Glenn's proposition would ruin the party, inasmuch as it would deprive some of their organs of a large slice of the spoils of office which they had labored for so per sistently, and forthwith a panic was created, the motion to print wag rcconsidcred and the bill refer- red to tne judiciary committee, where it will probably die. How 4 1 nnn Hiv fi love the mw lumuui, umi-uiucvt dear people ! The Message. We continue our extracts from the Press of the State on Governor Brogden's Message : " Governor Brozden's message to the Legislature is a very creditable document, and much better than might have been expected irom a Radical executive. He expresses his views on nublic matters clearly and forcibly and shows a thorough knowledge of the status oi our itau roads and State institutions;. He urges the importance of fostering our educational interests." Pied mont Press. 44 The message is practical and ap pears to be full in its statements, without any special recommenda tions as to the means best calculat ed to remedy the evils to which he calls attention. He is hopeful of the prosperity of the State in the future. We are glad to notice that the document is free from any par tisan malignity and is dignified and courteous in its tone." Roanoke Xexcs. 'The message of Gov. Brogden does credit to the head and heart of the man. We did not look for or expect an extraordinary state pa per ; but we are free to confess that it surpasses our expectations. It is a brief and candid exposition of our State affairs and is not without en couragement in the future." JPU ton Chronicle. 44 The Governor's message to the Legislature is quite a lengthy docu ment, too much so for insertion in our columns. We look upon lit as a very able state paper, and we are glad to notice that it is very favora hlv onnimented on bv most, if not all, of our Democratic exchanges Spirit of the South. State Agricultural Jour nal. This paper, published in Ra leigh, has passed into the hands of Johnstone Jones, Esq., as Editor-in-chief, and C. B. Denson, Esq., as Associate Editor. Both of these gentlemen are well known in the history of North Car olina journalism and will doubtless render substantial aid to the agri cultural interests of the State. The editor-in-chief, in his salutatory, foreshadows his course by stating that the Journal will be conducted upon a non-partisan basis, but qual ifies by the assertion that, in case of urgent necessity, political questions will be viewed from a conservative standpoint. Federal Court. This tribunal commenced its session in this city, on Monday the 30th ult., Judge Brooks presiding. The Supreme Court of Indiana having decided that colored chil dren are not entitled to the benefits of a common school education from the school fund of the State under the provision of the constitution, the colored citizens, many of whom are large property holders and heavy tax payers, are beginning to look with anxiety to the probable action of the Democracy, when they shall have full control, as to the few rights which remain and in the ex ercise of which they were protected while the Republican party was in power. Washington Chronicle. OFFICIAL. united states mails. Post Office Depabtment, Washington, October 1. 1874. PROPOSALS will bo received at the Contract Office of this Department un til 3p m of February J, 175. for con veying the mails of the United States from July 1, 1875, to June 30, 1876, in the State of ; NORTH CAROLINA, on the routes, and by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein e pe el tied. . J; Decisions announced on or before March 8, 1875. Bidders should examine carefully the laws, forms and instructions annexed,) 13100 Prom Brinkland, White Hall, Little Sugar Loaf, Elixabethtown, Dawson's Land ing, Tarheel, Prospect Hall, Loveland, Cottonville, Gray's Creek, and Cedar Creek, to Fayetteville, 120 miles and back by steamboat, twice a week. Batata Leave Wilmington Tuesday and Friday at 2 pm; Arrive at Fayetteville next days bv 4 d m: Leave Fayetteville Monday and Thursday at 7 a m; Arrive at Wilmington next days by 8 a m. Bond reouired with bid. $1,800. 13101 From Wilmington, by Topsail Sound. Stumo Sound; Sneed's Ferrv. and Aman's Store to Jacksonville, 65 miles and back once a week. Leave Wilmington Friday at 0 a m : Arrive at Jacksonville Saturday by 1 d m: Leave Jacksonville Wednesday at 1 D m: Arrive at Wilmington Thursday by 6 p ni. Bond required with bid, $800. 13102 FromWilmingtontoSmUhville,30 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Wilmineton Tuesday and Saturday at 3 p m; Arrive at Smithville by 7 p m; Leave Smithville Monday and Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Wilmington by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13103 From Wilmington to Shallotte, 39 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilmington Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Shallotte by 7 p m; Leae Shallotte Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wilmington by 7 p m. Bond required with bid. $100. 13104 From Smithville, by Supply and Shallotte, to Little River (S. u.), 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Smithville Tuesday at 7 p m: Arrive at Little River next day bv 7 d m: Leaveave Little River Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive Smithville by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13105 From Whitesville to Conwaybor- ough (S. C), 44 milos and back, once a week. Leave Whitesville Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Conwayborough by 7 p m : Leave Con wa borough Friday at Gam; Arrive at Whitesville by 7p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13106 From Whitesville, by Pireway Ferry, to Little River (S. C.)f 37 miles and back, once a week. Leave Whitesville Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Little River by 8 p m; Leave Little River Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Whitesville by 8 p m. Bond required with bid, 8400. 13107 From Abbottsburgh to Elizabeth town, 12 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Abbottsburgh Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3 p m : Arrive at Elizabethtown by 7 pm; Leave Elizabethtown Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6.30 a in; Arrive at Abbottsburgh by 10.30 a m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13108 From Elizabethtown, by Down ingville, Ammon, Arran, and Warrensville, to Clinton, 38 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elizabethtown Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Clinton by 6 p m; Leave Clinton Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Elizabethtown by 6 pm; Bond required with bid, $400. 13109 From Fair Bluff, by Green Sea (S. C), Grantsville, Conway boroueh. and Bucksville. to Bull Creek, 51 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Fair Bluff Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Bull Creek Wednesday, r riday. and Sunday by 12 m; Leave Bull Creek Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at l p m; Arrive at Fair Bluff Monday, Wednesday, and r riday oy o p m. Bond required with bid, $1,000. 13110 From Burgaw Depot to Angola, 21 miles and back, once a week. Leave-Burgaw Depot Friday at 9 a m; Arrive at Angola by 4 p m; Leave Angola Friday at 4.30 p m; Arrive at Burgaw Depot next day by 5 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13111 From Magnolia, by Rockfish, Harrell's Store, Herringsville, Taylor's Bridge, and Six Runs, to Magnolia, equal to 26 miles and back, once a week. Leave Magnolia Friday at 10.15 a m. Arrive at Magnolia Saturday by 7.15 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13112 From Magnolia to Kenansville, 7 miles and back, six times a W 68 Leave Magnolia daily, except Sunday, at 10.15 am; Arrive at Kenansville bv 1 d m: Leave Kenansville daily, except Sunday, at 1. 30 p m; Arrive at Magnolia by 3.30 p m. Boud required with bid, $300. 13113 From Kenansville, by Hallsville, Beulaville, Ha- Branch, Rich- lands, Gum Branch, Catharine Lake, and Tar Landing, to Jacksonville, 44 miles and back, r once a week. i Leave Kenansville Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Jacksonville by 10 pm; Leave Jacksonville Wednesday at 5 a in; Arrive at Kenansville by 7 pm. Bond required with bid, $500. 13114 From Kenansville, by Branche's Store, Outlaw's Bridge, and Al bcrtson, to Kins ton, 42 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kenansville Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m; Leave Kinston Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kenansville by 8 p m; Bond required with bid, $400. 13115 From Kenansville, by Branch's i Store, Outlaw's Bridge, Albert son, Resaca, Pink Hill, Buena Vista, and Sa recta, to Kenans ville, 25 miles and back, once a Leave kenansville Saturday at 9 a m: Arrive at Kenansville Sunday by lpm. 13116 From Rocky Polnt,by Lillington, Pnint Caswell, and Moore's Creek, to Black River Chapel, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Rocky Point Friday at 7 a in Arrive at Black River Chapel by 6 pm; Leave Black River Chapel Thurs day at 7a m; Arrive at Rocky Point by 6 p m. Ri.nd reouired with bid, $300. nnrtlflv. bv Jericho, to Strabane, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dndley Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Strabane by 1 p m; Leave Strabane Friday at 2p m; Arrive at Dudley by 8 pm. Bond required with bid. $200. 13118 From Everettsville, by Falling Creek (n. o.), to Bentonville, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Everettsville Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Bentonville by 7 p m; Leave Bentonville Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Everettsville by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13119 From Kinston, by Snow Hill, to Hookerton, 22 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Kinston Tuesday and Fri day at 9.30 am; Arrive at Hookerton by 2 p m; Leavo Hookerton Tuesday and Friday at 3 p m; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13120 From Kinston, by Johnson's Mills, to Swift Creek Bridge, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Swift Creek Bridge by 6 pm; Leave Swift Creek Bridge Satur day at 6 am; Arrive at Kinston by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13121 From Kinston. by Comfort, to Richland's, 35$ miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Saturday at 6 am; Arrive at Richland's by 8 p m; Leave Richland's Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Kinston by 8 pm; Bond required with bid, $400. 13122 From Kinston, by Fields and Fountain Hill,to Ridge Spring, 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Thursday at 2 pm Arrive at Ridge Spring by 8 p m; Leave Ridge Spring Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kinston by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13123 From Hookerton, by Ridge Spring, Johnson's Mills, Cox ville, and Rose Hill, to Green ville, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerton Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Greenville by 7 p m ; Leave Greenville Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Hookerton by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13124 From New Berne, by Grants borough and Bay River, to Van demere, 29 milesand back, three times a week. Leave New Berne Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Vandemere by 6 p m; Leave Vandemere Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $900. 13125 From New Berne, by Pollocks- ville. to Trenton. 25 miles and back, twice a week. Leave New Berne Wed nesday and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Trenton by 3 p m; Leave Trenton Tuesday and Fri day at 8.30 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 4.30 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13126 From Beaufort, by Mill Point and Portsmouth, to Ocracoke, 60 miles and back, once a week. Leave Beaufort Tuesday at 10 p m; Arrive at Ocracoke Thursday by 4 pm; Leave Ocracoke Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Beaufort next day by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13127 From Ocracoke to Hatteras. 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Ocracoke Friday at 8 am; Arrive at Hatteras next day by 10 am; Leave Hatteras Saturday at 10.30 a m: Arrive at Ocracoke next day by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13128 From Newport, by Sander's Store, to Peletiers Mills, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newport Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Peletiers Mills by 7 pm; Leave Peletier's Mills Saturday at bam; Arrive at Newport by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13129 From Newport to Harlowe. 10 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newport Saturday at 7 am; Arrive at nariowe by 10 a m; Leave Harlowe Saturday at 11 am; Arrive at .Newport by 2 p m. Bond required with bid, $100. 13130 From Jacksonville, by Ward's Mill, Duck Creek, and Queen's Creek, to Swansborough, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jacksonville Tuesday at 1 P m; Arrive at Swansborough next day uy 11 a m; Leave Swansborough Wednesday at 2 pm; Arrive at Jacksonville next day by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13131 From Pollocksville, by Palo Al to, to Swansborough, 27 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Pollocksville Wednesday and Saturday at 11.30 a m; Arrive at Swansborough by 8 pm; Leave Swansborough Thursday and Sunday at 8 a m; Arrive at Pollocksville by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13132 From Wilson, to Marlborough, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilson Wednesday at 2 pm; Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p m; Leave Marlborough Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wilson by 1 p m. Bond required with bid $200. 13133 From Wilson to Speight's Bridge, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilson Monday at 1 pm; Arrive at Speight's Bridge by 7 P ni; Leave Speight's Bridge Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wilson by 12 m. Bond required with bid. $200. 13134 From Speight's Bridge to Snow 11111,10 miles and back, once a week. Leave Speight's Bridge Friday at 9 am; Arrive at Snow Hill by 12 m; Leave Snow Hill Friday at 1 pm; . Arrive at Speight's Bridge by 4 pm. Bond required with bid, $100. 13135 From Snow Hill to Greenville. 22 miles and back,' once a week. ' Leave Snow Hill Wednesday at 6 am; ' ! . . Arrive at Greenville by 12 m; Leave Greenville Wednesday at 1 p m; Arrive at Snow Hill by 7 p m. Bond required with' bid. $200. 13136 From Greenville, by Pactolus. to Washington, 25 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Green ville Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Washington by 8 pm; Leave Washington Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Greenville by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13137 From Washington, by Choco- winitv, Belleview, and Switt Island, to New Berne, 36 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Washington daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 4 p m; Leave New Berne daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Washington by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $2,200. 13138 From Washington, by Bath, Pun- go Creek, Pantego, Leechville, Burger's Mill, Sladesville, Swan Quarter, Rose Bay, Lake Com fort, Lake Landing, Middle town, and Stencil House, to Fairfield, 119 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington Tuesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Fairfield Thursday by 12 m; Leave Fairfield Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Washington Monday by 7 pm. Bond required with bid, $1,200. 13139 From Washington, by Choco- winity, Blount's Creek, Ed ward's Mill, Aurora, and South Creek, to Goose Creek Island, 52 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Goose Creek Island TFednesday by 4 pm; Leave Goose Creek Island Thurs day at 6 a m; Arrive at Washington Saturday by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13140 From Tarborough. bv Snarta , and Falkland, to Greenville, 26 miles and back, six times a week Leave Tarborough daily, except Sunday, at 5 a m; Arrive at Greenville by 12 m; Leave Greenville daily, except Sunday at 1 p m; Arrive at Tarborough by 7.30 p m. Bond required with bid. $1,500. 13141 From Tarborough, by Bethel and t i : ii i a iiti i ? a xvuuiiisuuviiie, to w uiiamsion, 36 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Tarborough Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Williamston by 5 pm; Leave Williamston Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 a m Arrive at Tarborough by 5 p m Bond required with bid, $1,200. 13142 From Falkland to Farm ville, 9 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Falkland Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 10.30 a m; Arrive at 1? arm ville by 1 p m; Leave Farm ville Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Falkland by 10 am. Bond required with bid, $300. 13143 From Rocky Mount, by Nash ville, HilliardstowU, Castalia, and Cedar Rock, to Louisburgh, 47 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Rocky Mount Tuesday and Saturday at o a m; Arrive at Louisburg by 8 p m; Leave Louisburg Monday and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Rocky Mount by 8 p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13144 From Plymouth, by Avoca, Edenton, Colerain, Harrells- ville, Gates : Ferry, Petty's anore, winton, Kiddicksvilie, South Quay (Va.), and Cobbs ville, to Franklin Depot (Va.), 106 miles and back, by steam boat, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 p m; Arrive at Franklin Depot Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday by 8 am; Leave Franklin Depot Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a m; or after arrival of mail from Nor folk; Arrive at Plymouth same days by 6 pm. Bond required with bid, $4,500. 13145 From Plymouth, by Long Ridge r and Fork Swamp, to Washing ton, 35 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Washington by 6 p m; Leave Washington Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13146 From Plymouth, by Jamesville and Williamston, to Hamilton, 35 miles and back, three times a week Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 am; Arrive at Hamilton by 7 pm; Leave Hamilton Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 7 am; Arrive at Plymouth by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13147 From Plymouth to Windsor, 30 miles and back, three times a week. ' : 1 Leave Plymouth Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 p m; Arrive at Windsor next days by 12"m; Leave Windsor Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 12 m; Arrive at Plymouth next days by 6 pm. Bond required with bid, $600. 13148 From Windsor, by Lewiston, Roxobel, Rich Square, and Jackson, to Seaboard, 51 milts and back, twice a week to Jack son, and six times-a week the residue. Leave Windsor Monday and Thursday at 12 m; Arrive at Jackson Tuesday and Friday by 7 pm; . , .:. ? Leave Jackson Wednesday and Saturday at 4 a m ; Arrive at Windsor Monday and Thursday by 11 a m; Leave Jackson daily, except Sun day, at lpm; ii. Arrive at Seaboard by 3 p m; Leave Seaboard daily, except Sun day, at 10 am; Arrive at Jackson by 12 m. - Bond required with bid. $1,100. 13149 From Plymouth, by Lee's Mills ana JScuppernong,i to Columbia, 32 miles and back, three times a week. ' , . Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Columbia. by 6pm; ' . Leave Columbia Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p m. Bond required with bid. $800. 13150 From i WinfalL by Belvidere. Ward ville, and Small's Cross Roads, to Holly's Wharf, 20 , , miles and back, three times a " -week.,:- Leave Winfall Monday, Wednes . day, and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Holly's Wharf by 12 mj Leave Holly's . Wharf Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at ;2 p m; , Arrive at Windfall by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13151 From Harrell's Wharf, by Har rellsville. to Pitch Landing, 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Harrell's . Whart Wednes day at 8 a m; f. Arrive at Pitch Landing by 12 m; Leave Pitch Landing Wednesday at Lpm; --Arriva. at Harrell's Wharf byj5 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13152 From Columbia to Fort Landing, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbia Monday at 1 p in; Arrive at Fort Landing by 5 p m; Leave r ort Landing Monday at 7 am; Arrive at Columbia by 12 m. Bond required with bid. $200. 13153 From Columbia to Gum Neck, 18 . i . i mue ana duck, once a weeK. Leave Columbia Saturday at 7 a in; Arrive at Gum Neck by 12 m. j Leave Gum Neck Saturday at I pm; Arrive at Coumbia bv 6 n m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13154 From Edenton. bv Hertford- Winfall, TPoodville, Elizabeth City, Ship Yard. South Mills, Lake Drummond (Va.), Deep Creek, and Portsmouth,' to Nqr folk, 79 miles and back, three times a week to Elizabeth Citjy, and six times a week the resi due. Leave Edenton Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 6 a m; I Arrive at Elizabeth City by 3 p in; Leave Elizabeth City Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at6 am; Arrive at Edenton by 3 p m; j- Leave Elizabeth City daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Norfolk by 5 p m; Leave Norfolk after arrival of Baltimore boat say 8am; Arrive at Elizabeth City by 6 pin. Bond required with bid, $3,100. 13155 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, Shilob, Currituck C. H., Ma 7Xck, North West Landing (Va.), and Indian Creek, to Great Bridge, 64 miles and back, once a week. j Leave Elizabeth City Thursday at 7 am; j Arrive at Great Bridge next day Dyopm; Leave Great Bridge Saturday at 7 am; j. Arrive at Elizabeth City Wednes day by 5 p m. Bond required with bid, $700. 13156 From Elizabeth City to Manteo, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elizabeth City Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 6 P ; r Leave Manteo Thursday at 6 a m: Arrive at Elizabeth City next day Dy nam. . Bond required with bid. 8600. 13157 From Manteo, by Rodanthe, Kin- nekeet, and The Cape, to Hat teras, 73 miles and back, dnce a week. Leave Manteo Sunday at 6 a mi Arrive at Hatteras next day by 6 P ro; t-. -j,-,. Leave Hatteras Tuesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 6 Sm. ond required with bid, $800. 13158 From Manteo to The Lake, 25 miles and back, once a week. Leave Manteo Monday at 8 am; Arrive at xne .uajte jiexc aay Dy 11 am; j Leave The Lake Tuesday at 2 p m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 5 p m. . 4 : ; Bond required with bid, $300. 13159 From South Mills to Rosedale, 8 mixes ana hack, twice a week. Leave South Mills Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m; j Arrive at Rosedale by 9 a m; j Leave Rosedale Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a m ; :; i Arrive at South Mills by 12 m, Bond required with bid, $200.- 13160 From.Currituck. C. JL, by Coinr jockPoplar Branch, and Jarris- . ourg, to California,f30 miles and back, once a week. 1 . Leave Currituck C. H. Friday at 9 am; I Arrive at California by 3 p m;" Leave California Thursday at 9 am; f t Arrive at Currituck C. II. by 3 p m. j Bond required with bid, $30q. 13161 From Wood ville to Duraht's Neck, 6 miles and back, once a week. ; j Leave Woodville Thursday at 8 am; j Arrive at Durant'sNeck by 10 am; Leave Durant's Neck Thursday at 11 a m; i Arrive at Woodville by lpm. ; l Bond required with bid. $100; 13162 From Gatesville to Gates Ferrv. . i,3 miles and back, three times a week. . , Leave Gatesville Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 11 a m;l Arrive at Gates Ferry by 12 ra; Leave Gates' Ferry Monday, Wednesday, ;and' Friday at 4 p m; ! (-.- - 'i Hsu J Arrive at Gatesville by 5 p na. . , Bond required with bid, $100. ..' 13163 From Gatesville to Sunburv. 112 miles and back, twice a weeki Leave Gatesville Monday and Friday at 2 p m; , i ' 'Arrive at Sunbury by 5 p m; Leave Sunbury ' Monday and Friday at 7.30 am; ' , l Arrive at Gatesville bv 10.30 a m. f Bond required with Lid, $300. ; 13164 From Gates villej by Buck land, to Reynoldson, II miles and back, H once a week. ' . j Leave Gatesville Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Reynoldson by 5 p m: Leave Keynoldsoa Friday at 8 am;, Arrive at Gatesville by 11 a m,; ? Bond required with bid. $100. 13165 From Norfolk (Va.), by G reat Bridge, Blcssom Hill, Currituck C. H. (N. C), Knott's Island, and Coinjock, to Poplar Branch, 75 miles and back, twice a week, by steamboat.' " j ., Leave Norfolk Monday and Thursday at 6 a rn;, Arrive at Poplar B ranch by 5l p m ; Leave poplar Branch. . .Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m; ti4 ' j Arrive at Norfolk by 50 p m. I - , Bond required with bid, $1,500. 131C6 From Murfrcesbomugh to Boy kin's Depot (Va.), ,14 miles and back, six tunes a week. j Leave Murfrees borough daily.ex- cept Sunday, at G a m; TArriveat Boykin's Depot by 8.30 .am; . ., ,., . j Leave Boykin's Depot daily, ex cept Sunday, at 2.30 p m; , Arrive at Murfreesboroughi by 5 - pm. " ' ' - ' ..",,, Bond required with bid, $500.1 J31J7 From Murfreesborougb, by T . Wheel era ville, Potecasl; Wood- iand, and Saint John, toRoxo bel, 29 miles and back, once a Leave Murfroesborough Thurs day at 6 am;- .. , Arrive at Roxobel by 4 p m; Leave Roxobel Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at - Mjur&ees borough by 4 p m , , f . vi t l al I Bond required with Wd, $300. 13168 From EnlieJdby .Scotland Neck, - ilton,33 mile -and back, throe times a week, r n Leave Enneklj Jueaday, Thurs day, and Saturday tat 11 a ni; Arrive at Hamilton by 7 p m: Leave Hamilton Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Enfield by 1 p mi Bond required with bid, $1,200. 13160 From Enlield, by Heathsville, Brinkley ville, and Ringwood, to Enfield, equal to 16 miles and back, once a week. Leave Enfield Tuesday at 16 a ni; Arrive at Enfield bv 6 n m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13170 From Raleigh, .by Eagle Rock, Moore's Mills, Wakefield, and Stanhope, to Wilson, 53 miles and back, twice a week; to Eagle Rock, and once a week tho res idue. ; j Leave Raleigh Monday and Thursday at 2 p m; i Arrive at Eagle Rook by 0 p in; Leave Eagle Rock Friday at 6 am ; Arrive at Wilson by 7 p m Leave Wilson Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Eagle Bock by 7 p m; Leave Eagle Rock Monday and Thursday at 8 a m; Arrive at Raleigh by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13171 From, Raleigh, by Hay'sl Store, Kelvin Grove, Dayton, Fish Dam, Stagvllle, Round Hill, Red Mountain, and Mount Tlr zah, to Roxborough, 52 miles , and back, once a week, j Leave Raleigh Wednesday at 2 P m; , , i Arrive at Roxbbrough next day by 7 p m; , y I am; I Arrive at Raleigh jaext day by . 12 m. ... ! Bond required, with bJd,$500. 13172 From Raleigh, fby Banks, Myatt's iu Store, Barclay s ville.and Averys- borough, to Elevation, 4 miles and back, once a week, j ' Leave Raleigh Thursday at 6 a in; Arrive at Elevation next day by 10 a m; , , , - j Leave Elevation Friday at 12 m; Arrive at Raleigh next day by 3 p m. ; r, j Bond required with bid, $500. 13173 From Forestville,- by NewlLlght, Slab Town. Wilton. Brooikvilln. and Fairport, to Oxford. 3'.) 4: miles and, back, once a wlDek. . . . Leaye . Forestville : Wednesday at Arrive at Oxford by 7 p mjj . Leave Oxford Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Forestville by 7 pm. Bond required with bid, $400. 13174 From Frankllnton to Louisburg, 10 miles and, back, six limes a week. ;.. 1 Leave Frankjiuton daily, except Sunday, at 3 pm ; Arrive at Louisburg by 6 p m ; Leave Louisburg daily, except Sunday, at 7 a m ; j Arrive at Frankllnton; in XI mo to connect with: mail going rtorth saybyiOam.. l Bond required, .with bid, $600. 13175 From Henderson to Oxford, 12 miles and;(bakj six times a ,weekr-u .. vth-.f Leave Henderson . dally, except Sunday, at 2p m; . Leave Oxford daily, except Sun day, at 8.30 a m rtl Arrive at Henderson by 11.30 am; Bond required with Did, $300. 13178 From; Oxford; by?: Tally ho and , Dutch ville, to Knap-of- Reeds, : 23 miles aud back, twice a week . Leave Oxford .Tuesday and Fri . day at Sum;. 7 .1 A Arrive at Knap-of. Reeds by 4 p m ; Leave Knap:of-Reeda Wednes day .and Saturday at 8 a m ; Arri ve at Oxford by 4 p m. I , Bond required with bid, $300. 13177 From. Oxford; by Sassafras Fork, a f- Brownsville, Young's J Cros .;Road8, Buchanan abd Oak Hill, to Oxford, eqnakto 231 miles and back, twice Aweek. Leave Oxford Tuesday aud Fri- day at6 a mji v-n A f Arrive at Oxford next days by 0 .jn.v- .!). n'l TO! I ond required 'with bid. $600. 13178 From Oxford. Jto Berea, lo'miles and hackv once a-week. Leave Oxford Saturday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Berea by 1 m ; j , Leave Berea Saturday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Oxford by 12 m. I ' Bond required with. bid. $100. 13179 From: Manson; by Townes ville. in (jiarjtesvuia ( va. miles and back, three times a week. 1 Leave-, Manson. Monday, wjodnes- day, and Friday a 1.30 p m ; Arrive at CI arks ville by 8 pm ; Leave Clarksville Toesdfay,Thurs- day, and Saturday at 8 a m ; ' Arrive at Mansonby2 p ml Bond required with bid. $700. 13180 From Bridge way, a by Palmer's , Spring (Va), 8aiatf amnjany's, : Merry. Mount, to Ridge way, and . equal to 17 miles and back, once - .a week. .ij. :i Leave Ridgeway Satn rday at 7 am ; u Arrive at Ridgeway 4y 7 p ni. ' Bond required with bid. $200. 13181 From LeaJcrrllle, by Ridtrewav . - s and .Mayo : Forks J to Penn's ? Store (Va,), 28 miles and! back, l twice a week. ?A Leave Leaksrille Wednesday and , Saturday at 1 p mr J v -V f . .Arrive at Penn's Store by 9 p m : . j Leave Penn'a Store Wednesday . : and Saturday -at a m ; I Arrive at LeakBvjlle by 12 m. Bond required with hid. trsm 13183 From; Littleton,? bV Areola, to r; iiansom'sjBridgs21 miles and back, once a. week. 1 Leave Lit jeto Saturday 6am; Arrive at Ransom's Bridge by '.miio.Mfi,!.- i , . vn Leave Bansom' Brtfge Saturday ' atl pm; .fry 1 .. , Arrive at Littleton by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13183 From Fayetteville, by Roslin and oam jraursjT .'to Lumberton, 33 miles and bactf, six times a H.'week.'fVr"! - - I ; Leave Fayetteville flatly except Sunday, at 9.30 ptn. I , Arrive at Lumberton next days i . by 8.30 a m p ' in j . Leave Lumber ton: daily, except f - Suttdayt Wm ; Arrive at u ayetteville by 11 p. m. Bond required with bid, $1,900. 13184 Fron Fayetteville, by Blocker's, Dismal, Leon, and. Clinton, to Warsaw, 49 miles aud back,

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