THE ERA. W. 91. BROWN, Manager. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1874. LOCAL AND STATE. Conference. ;The Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, convened In this city, on the 2d inst, Bishop Marvin, of Mis souri, presiding. Pe rsoxa L-We are pleased, to see in the city, Col. Samuel .T, .Gar row, of Beaufort county, formerly U. S. Marshal. The Colonel is looking well. Public Printing. It is under stood that the committee appointed for the purpose, has been Instructed to contract with Hon. Josiah Turn er of the Sentinel for the execution of the Public Printing. Fine Whiskey. Gill, north side Exchange Place, learning that there is one man attached to our of fice who occasionally smiles, has kindly presented him with a bottle of his fine whiskey. Best thanks. We were pleased to receive, on Friday, the 27th ult., a visit from E. B. Drake, Esq., the senior Editor of theSt&teavltte American. Mr. Drake is In the enjoyment of good health and is likely to see much more ser vice in the editorial line. Liesfislatire Summary. In the Senate, on Wednesday, the 25th ult., most of the day was occu pied In the discussion of a proposl tion to amend the lien law. Mr. Kerr, of Samnson. offered the amendment, which abolishes the provision reauiriner agreements to bo probated and registered. Mr. Cantwell, of New Hanover, offered a resolution appealing to Concres. to repeal the law which prevents payment of Mexican war pensions to persons who participated in me reuvuiuu. uieuuar. Mr. Busbee offered a resolution requesting the Judiciary committee to prepare anu report a bill provid ing that discharged penitentiary convicts be transported to their re spective counties. Calendar. The Senate adjourned until Fri day, 7tn ult. In the House the day was princi pally occupied in the discussion of Mr. Trivett's civil ricrhts resolutions and Mr. Means' substitute. The substitute was finally passed by a strict party vote, Democrats voting for and Kepublicans against It. (The original resolutions of Mr. Trivett respectfully appeal to Congress not to pass the bill. The substitute of Mr. Means is of a vindictive char acter and denounces the Adminis tration as oppressive towards the Southern people. The evident in tention of the substitute was to place the Republican members of the Assembly who should vote for it in the position of condemning a Republican Administration.) A resolution of enquiry as to the eligibility of Appleton Oaksmith, member from Carteret, was taken up and referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections. Friday, rov. 27th, in the Senate, Mr. Williamson introduced a bill to SpecialTerm. His Excellency, repeal certain provisions of theRev- uiu. it eAeiiipis Itll IOUUCUO, corn, bacon and cotton in the hands of producers on the 1st of April of each year. Referred. Mr. Stanford, a bill to extend time of removing improvements from State lots in Raleigh until 1st June, 1875. Referred. The resolution of Mr. Cantwell, memorializing Congress as to pay ment of Mexican soldiers, was taken up, and after being amended to read " in the late war" instead of " re bellion," was adopted. A resolution was adopted asking appropriation for a Custom House at New-Berne and removing ob structions in Neuse, near that place. In the House, Mr. Foote offered a protest against the passage of the Governor Brogden, has ordered a special term of the Superior Court for Halifax county, to commence on Monday, the 7th Inst., and continue until the civil docket is disposed of. Judge Henry will preside. Hon. S. F. Phillips. This dis tinguished gentleman is now in this city, In attendance upon the U. S. Circuit Court. His many friends will be glad to know that he is in the enjoyment of most excellent health. t Vi - T rvnpJ old pay 10 cents to learn keeper of Accident. We regret that Mr. B. H. Norris, the Fair grounds, fell to the ground and sustained serious injuries on Saturday evening, 28th ult., while attempting to get into a wagon. His condition is not dangerous, but his Injuries are of a severe character. Returned. T. N. Ramsay, the Temperance lecturer, has returned tD the city after an extended tour through the eastern part of the State. He reports having organiz ed twenty lodges of Good Templars and initiated upwards of five hun dred men and women. Mr. Ram say states that there are upwards of Guilford, Rockingham Means substitute for Trivett's civil rights bill, which was entered on Journal. The amnesty bill of Mr. Staples was taken up as unfinished busi ness. The following is thesubstance of the bill: It provides pardon and amnesty to all persons, whether ac tually present or not, who were con nected with the various secret po litical societies up to the year 1871, and as such committed offences against the laws of the State, with the exception of the crime of rape. This bill is for the relief of a large number ofpersons scattered through out the State, residing in the coun ties of Cleaveland, Rutherford, Ala mance, Caswell, Orange, Randolph, and other thirty years and under the follow ing rules : The Treasurer shall exchange the new bonds at the rate of 25 cents on the dollar for bonds issued before the war, called old bonds.and interest on same : shall exchange the same at the rate of 20 cents on the dollar for bonds issued since the war but under acts of the Legislature adopt ed before the war; shall pay lGj cents on the dollar for bonds issued during the war for internal improve ments ; snail pay 12 cents on the dollar for bonds issued for funding the interest on the public debt of the otate under acts o ture of 1867-'G8 : shall on the dollar for bonds issued since the war under the ordinance of the Convention and the several acts of the Legislature, (not to include the Special Tax bonds.) The bill was referred and ordered to be printt d. A resolution of 3Ir. Busbee, de nouncing the Freedman Bank as a swindle, was tabled. In the House, bill No. 26 was ta ken up as special order and passed its final reading. It provides that every homestead and the dwellings and buildings belonging thereto.not exceeding in value one thousand dollars, to be selected by the owner for his agent, or in lieu thereof, at the option of the owner, any lot in a city, town or village, with the dwelling and buildings belonging thereto, owned and occupied by any resident of this State, not exceeding one thousand dollars in value, shall be forever exempt from sale under execution or other final process ob tained on any debt contracted after ine ratincation oi this act. liut no property shall be exempt from sale or taxes, or the payment of obliga tions contracted lor the purchase of said premises. iNothingin this act shall prevent a laborer's lien for work performed for the person desiring such exemp tion, or a mechanic's lien for work done on the premises. This act to take effect from and after its ratifi cation. STATE At a late meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington and Co lumbia Railroad, held in Wilming ton, Hon. R. R. Bridgers was elec ted General Manager and Vice President; W. T. Walters was also elected a Vice President of the Company and J. W. Thomson, Sec retaryand Treasurer. Mr. Hill, a popular physician of Iredell coun- of Sally Michael pipes, a number of wnicn ne, on his arrival in London, presented to the Prince of Wales. The Prince was so much pleased with the pipes and so highly enter tained by the account of their man ufacture that he has written an autograph letter to old aunt Sally. Col. Tate and Prof. Kerr presented Francis Joseph, of Austria, and the Shah of Persia, with a lot of these pipes at Vienna Exposition. For the month ending Xoveraber 24th, there were shipped from Magnolia 347 bales of cotton, 12S barrels of spirits turpentine, G87 barrels rosin, 184 barrels tar and six loads of lum ber. Wild pigeons are plentiful in the woods near Greenville, Pitt county. Hon. T. J. Jarvis left Greenville a few days ago on a pleasure trip. Elliott, the mur derer of young Neal, at States ville, has been sentenced to five years in the Penitentiary. Mr. A. A. Forbes, of Pitt county, killed a buck a few days since with a light wood knot. Eight thousand per sons attended the circus in Monroe. On the morning of the 20th ult., between 6 and 7 o'clock, W. Fulton Henry, while standing: near the store door of David Abernathv. in Murphy, Cherokee count v. was shot and killed by the latter. The par ties had quarrelled the previous evening, but parted in an apparent ly inendjy spirit. Abernathv was arrested and committed to fail. Both were young men, and were raised together. Henry, who is the son of the hotel keeper of that name in jiurpny. returned a lew months ago from the West, and engaged in merchandising. The oritrin of the difficulty which has terminated so fatally, has not yet been made pub lic. Asheville Pioneer. COMMERCIAL REPORT. W.j ADVERTISEMENTS. Latest News. The late utorm at Tmcumbia, Ala., turns out to have been even more disastrous than at first report ed. A large amount of property was destroyed in the surrounding country, among which were two grist mills that were relied upon to supply the town with meal, and at last accounts the want of braid was seriously feltamong the inhabitants. The grist mill of Dickson & Co., at Albany, N. Y., was destroyed by fire on the night of the 24th ult. Loss $90,000. The President is busily engaged on his annual mes oiie. j. ne citizens oi isoscon are contributing liberally for the Tus- cumbia sutierers. The over WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Era Office, Dec 2, 1874. REMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Sugars are very firm and on the ad vance. Other quotations unchanged. COTTOX. Transactions in the staple yesterday were very light. The market closed at 13al3 for low middling. General Market. BAGGING,Domestic2iRyd 14115. COTTON TIES, 89c. FLOUR, North Carolina $7.257.50. CORN, 31.10. CORN MEAL, 1.05. BACON, N. C. bog round, 15. ' hams 18. BULK C. R. sides, 13. " shoulders, lOalOJ. LARD, North Carolina, none. Western tierces, 16. kegs 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 25. Fair " 21. SYRUP, common, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT. $2.35. CHEESE, Cream, 18J. Factory, 18. 44 Dairy, none. NAILS, on basis for lOd, 4.50. SUGAR, A, 12. Extra C, llill. 44 Yellow, 10i10j. LEATHER, Sole 27 HIDES, green, 78. drv, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. 44 Irish, $1.001.25. OATS, shelled, 75. sheaf, 1.25. FODDER, old, $2,00. new, 1.25. HAY, N. C. baled, good, $1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS, 25. BUTTE K, country, 4045. FISH, Mullets, 7.00; new weights new law, 1601bs. net, 10.50. 44 Cut Herrings, none. 44 Mackerel, new family, 12.00. BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, onfoot,56. 44 dressed prime, 56. awjmjui uica uumuinauon nee dle-book;! with Chromos. Send stamp, Dean fe Co., New Bedford, Mass. 4w. CONSTANT EJIPLOYxTIEXT- At home, Male oi Female, 30 a week warrantee. No capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address with 6 cent return stamp, C. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. Y. 4w AGENTS WANTED for the PEO PLE'S JOURNAL. Four magni ficent Chromos tree. The most liberal offer ever made. Send 3 cent stamp for circular and sample. P. W. & Co., 518-Arch St., Philadelphia. 4w. r L At home, male or female, " K 35 per week, day or eve- lOr AIL nnS No cap111 VVe send valuable package of goods by mail free. Address with ten cent return stamp, M. YotJNa, 173 Greenwich St., N. Y. 4w WANTED AGENTS for the best selling prize stationery package out. Sample package, post-paid, for 25c. Circulars free. J. BRIDE, 767 Broadway, New York. 4w. " TDSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL JL CHARMING." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and af fections of any person they choose in stantly. This simple, mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La dies, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM & Co. Pubs. Philadelphia. 4w. For Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put UP only in BLUE boxes. A TRIED & SURE REMEDY. Sold bV Drusrcists. 22 -4w NEW ADVmmSEMEXTN. I 8T7CC3SS BXTOXQ OOXPSTXTZOV. Kellis'Patent5 Gotten 7k Tbia Ti BeU tie imrrrl of rrtrr P1M rcw io Rim it ui.b noiM UU1 it (' I Presa er Com-raa afflrma lit mtmrh. -. . K to .apply th trwim at markrt prlaaa. Pmpl Order rarwctfullr aollcitd. A. J. NE.LLI3 A CO., Pittsburgh. Pa. O&lio, mfn. Aftl. BtoHi aai Irons of m klnK and liiaa, to lt: Cotton Sworpa, Bcnport. f. ; Tonruc. RkoreU. ht Tina Caum'ia t c ' . Toapfo4bT Kmlkt rrooaea Va Mil ajl kla-iiof PATENT MEDIC INKS. c MISCELLANEOUS. LEAK THE TRACK! HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA. , 1 , ' ' Vr t i a i tuuiuia sunerers. ine over SUD- ty, has gone to New York tc .take a ply 0f coal throws fifteen thousand position in BePevue Hospital. persons out of employment in Penn- two hundred lodges with a membership thousand. in the State of about ten If Alcoholic Stimulants are taken into the blood the heart works faster, and this uunaturai speed wears out the vital machinery. All intoxicating nos trums advertised as "tonics," "renova tors," Ac, produce this disastrous effect and should be rejected. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters an Invigor ant without the curse of alcohol is everywhere supplanting these poisons. 22 4 w. Shocking Murder. On Thanks giving day, 26th ult., a young man named James Smith, entered the house of an aged widow, named Hepsy Austin, residing in Panther Branch township.In this county ,and shot her down without any appa rent cause The daughter of the old lady was present and witnessed the bloody deed. The murderer at last accounts had not been arrested. Counterfeit. We are request ed to caution the public against a very dangerous counterfeit $5 bill which has mado its appearance. The signatures are complete imita tions of the Traders' National Bank of Chicago, with the words "First National " substituted. The gen eral appearance ol the bill is rather darker than the genuine, and the vignettes are not so well finished. The Treasury seal is, to those not well acquainted with money, appa rently perfect. counties, who have been excluded by the provisions of the last Legislature. Mr. Barnett offered an amend ment to exclude from its provision thecrimeof" murder." Mr. Blythe favored the amend ment. He was unwillimr' to allow murderers to go unpunished, quo ting Scripture to sustain his posi tion. He spoke at some length against tnebili, in which ne insinu ated that there was doubt as to the constitutionality of the General Assembly to pass such a law. The amendment failed by a vote of 9to 27. After the passage of several unimportant resolution in relation to tax collectors, &c, the House adjourned. Saturday, Nov. 28th,. in the Sen ate, Mr. Busbee introduced a reso lution to allow the tax collector of Wake county to settle with the State Treasurer without reference to the list of unlisted taxables placed in the hands of T. F. Lee, late Sher iff of said county. After consider able discussion between Mr. Busbee and Mr. Cantwell, of New Hanover, the resolution passed. A bill for the general relief of the sheriffs and tax collectors of the State, was recommitted. In the House, the Senate bill re quiring all legislation on the sub ject of the State debt to be transact ed in secret session was taken up. Messrs. Gudger and Means opposed it, and considerable discussion en sued between them and Mr. Oak smith, after which the motion to postpone indefinitely prevailed. On motion of Mr. Strong, the House resolution to require the State Treasurer to pay the Public Printer the amount detained by him for failure, to perform the Drintinc at The Rector of the Episcopal Church in .Lienoir, t;aiaweii county, is making preparations to spend a few years in Palestine. The follow ing is a portion of the work per formed at the last term of the Fed eral Court at Asheville, as we learn from the Pioneer : D. C. Ghormley, of Uraham county, sentenced to two years in the Albany penitentia ary: John L. Crane, of Cherokee county, two years in the Albany penitentiary; Samuel L,. Thomp son, who hulls from the neighbor nooa oi jonnson uity, renn., one year in the Albany penitentiary; Dr. L. P. Blackburn, of Mitchell county, three years in the Albany penitentiary ; John bhehan, of Polk oeunty, one year in the Albany penitentiary. The case of Gibbs Garland, charge of conspiracy and counterfeiting, syivania. A dispatch from Col. Miles to Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, gives an account of the capture from the T ,1 : i j a . .inuiaus oi two mtie gins aired re- apeunvtjjy seven ana inree years. They state that their father, moth- er, Drotneranu sister were murflpr- ed while on their way from Georgia 10 vxjiorauo. joi. Miles recom mends mat an annual provision be made for the support of the rhil- aren, as tney are in a very deplora- uiL- couuiuon. rne mother of a supposed stolen child in Freemans- burg, Penn., has confessed that slio tnrevv it in the river. The fol lowing is the New York cotton statement for the week ending Nov. -in.: net recemts at a . s nnrts for the week. 1G3.148 : same wepk last year. 123.739: total tn dtP ma i 977 iv). was continued, the vi C " AJ, - HM.II1H VVf'H K7 Iflcr. of $10,000 for his appearance at the next term of the Court. Col. Oscar Eastmond, charged with conspiracy to obstruct the course of justice, was arraigned, and failing to give bond in the sum of $2,000, was committed to jail. The Grand Jury returned 114 new bills. Chas. A. Camp, .Lsq., of Jsash county, late of the Battleboro Advance, was married a few days ago to Miss Lizzie Pitt- man, of Halifax county. Sixteen hundred and fifty-three bales of cot ton have been shipped by four mer chants of Granville this season. A man named David McNeill has been arrested at Whiteville, Colum bus county, for counterfeiting. He pasted an 0 to a $2 bill and attempt ed to pass it for $20. The Swiss Bell liingers are making for Char lotte. Wilmington has a society of Spiritualists. Three parlor cars nave oeen introduced on the Caro- una vjenirai itoaa. mere are fourteen stores in Warsaw. Sher iff J.L. Harris, of Person county, is dead. Also, John A. Reid. Sherilf of Halifax. General Alfred M. Scales has been quite ill.- The Presbyterians are to have a new church at Wadesdoro. The Wash ington Echo hears a rumor that Hon. F. G. Iteade will resisrn his place on the Supreme Court bench. J. L. Carroll, of Sampson, with two others as help, has pro duced on acres of land, 1,150 Dusneis oi corn, 4 bag3 of cotton and 300 bushels of potatoes, the manure costing only $6.50. We learn from the Jefferson Messenger of the 16th ult., that a shooting affair occurred year. 64.931. total to i - " uaie, ob,osi; same date last year, to,oyo. siock: at all U. S. norts ez t s fco r - i a m otvo; lasi year, 432,eyo. At all interior towns, 102,569; last year, 79,159. At Liverpool. 529.000: last year, 477,000. American afloat for Great Britain 247.000. I asst. venr 1JT AAA r, ' . ' " io,vw. specie shinment. fnr 4L 1. A,.. .. - uiu weeK ending Z6tl ult., from New York, is over half a million. ivenneth it. Cobb, Supervisor of In ternal revenue tor tho stntA TT . . ' V VV A iventucky, Tennessee. Miiinni Alabama and Louisiana, has been nouneu oy the President that hia resignation would be Hnontnd . James Uusseli Lowell has declined the Russian Mission. A heavy onuw siurm urev.aied in i totrmt-nn ine L'Sth UJt. The "Vpw Vrlr -r-. . - ' " lianK statement for the week end ing 28th ult. Was as follows : Loans decrease one million. Specie de crease a trifle. Legal tender de crease four and a quarter million. Reserve' decrease three and onp. eighth million. The King of the Sandwich Islands arrived i n Ra n Francisco on the 30th ult. He will visit Washington City and other eastern cities. The Kentnnkv Grand Gift Concert has been post poned until the last of February. A petition numerouslv sio-nprl has been presented to the President aKing the pardon of T. T. Broocks, who was sentenced to live years' imprisonment for defrauding the OPIN THE ! ! And let tho rush continue on its way to J. M. ROSEN BAUM'S, At Kline's Old Corner, Fayetteville and Hargett Streets, where it is a well known fact that there is to be found the largest stock of DRY GOODS, PRINTS, DOMESTIC PLAIDS, BROWN AND BLEACHED DOMESTICS, HATS AND CAPS, MILLIN ERY GOODS, NO TIONS, FAN CY GOODS, &c, &c, in the City. We are daily receiving large additions to the General Stock, which is always Kept iresnand complete in every branch and department of the store. Ready-made clothinGt is the specialty of my trade, and I am now prepared to offer every grade of Clothing at the very bottom prices. Call and see for yourselves. CM O CKER Y DEPARTMENT. I have the only exclusive Crockery Store iu the city, connected with and adjoining the main establishment. I offer every species of Crockery at whole sale, to the country trade, at Northern prices, as I buy direct in large quanti ties from first hands. To all my former customers and pa trons, and the public generally, I would say that I am better prepared than ever to administer to their every want at terms which I will guarantee satisfactory. Raleigh, October 1, 1874. 15 Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond & Danville. Richmond A Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. I ABE TOU WeakNervous or Debilitated ? Are you so languid that any exertion requires more ol an effort than you feel capable of making! Then try Juru- beba, the wonderful tonic and invigora- tor, which acts so beneficially on the secretive orerans as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth ol mis ery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly tan the liver and spleen. It reg'ulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, out is characterized by great gentleness : the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked resu ts, but gradually his troubles; "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, Andisilently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the hiehest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative known' ! Dr. J. Walker's California Tin. egar Bitters are a purely Vegetal' preparation, mado chiefly from the ri. tivo herbs found on tho lower ranges Vf the Sierra Nevada mountains of Ca!i:'.-. nia, tho medicinal properties of wh: are extracted therefrom without the ua of Alcohol. Tho question is almi; daily asked, "What is tho cause of thi unparalleled success of Vinegar Hit tersT" Our answer is, that they reir.ova the cause of disease, and tho patient :". covers his health. They aro the prea: blood purifier and a life-giving- principle' a perfect Renovator and Invigomt, r oi tuo system. iMcver ociore in tra j history ot tho world nas a medicine 1v3 compounded possessing tho rcmarkib.a qualities of Vinegar Bitters in hoalm? t;-9 sick of every disease man ia heir to. The? are a gentle Purgative as well ns a .Te-lc relieving Congestion or Inflammation ,( the Liver and Visceral Organs ia L';1:o:j Diseases . The properties of Dr. Walker Vixegab Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic,' Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Alter tive, and Anti-Bilious. K. II. MtDONALD fc CO.. Drngpiirta and Gen. Agt., San Fr&nciaoo, GUifm-iV and cor. of W&aUnrton and Charlton Su X y ' Sold lay ail Druggist and 1) alrr. Ask your druggist for it. For sale by Wm. F. Kidder New York. t Co. 17 4w THIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. JU Montpelier Female Humane Asso- . ... 1 -T-r T 1 ciation. at Alexandria, va., wovemuer 23. 1874. ; List of Gifts. 1 Grand Cash Gift, -$100,000 1 1 10 15 50 100 1,000 1,000 20,000 $10,000 ea. 5,000 " 1,000 " 500 " 100 " 50 " 20 44 50,000 2fVOpO 1007600 75,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 400,000 CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. Iu effect on and alter Monday, Aug. GOIJfQ NORTH. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Charlotte, 7.45 p. m. 8.35 a. m. Air Line Ju. 8.15 " 8.56 " Salisbury, 10.44 p. m. 10.54 44 Greensboro, 2.15 a. m. 1.15p.m. Danville, 5.13 44 3.36 " Dundee, 5.25 44 3.48 44 Burkville. 11.30 Ar. at Richmond, 2.22 p. m. 11.04 44 GOING SOUTH. Stations. Mail. Leave Richmond, 1.38 p. m. liurKvilIe, 4.41 44 Dundee, 9.25 44 Danville, 9.29 44 Greensboro 12.20 Salisbury, 3.15 Air-Line J u. 6.15 a. m. Ar. at Charlotte, GOING EAST. Stations. 6.22 Express. 11.04 p m 2.07 a. m. 7.40 44 7.44 44 11.00 44 1.21 p. m. 3.25 44 3.30 44 Life of Captain Fry. We have received from the publishers a pamphlet containingspecimeD pages of a new book now being offered for sale entitled " The Life of CaDtain at. I Jruaaxr f.rcmlr fllinrnh sn tkn hi ume reumreu vy iaw, passea its Sunday before, in which Mr. Ben. 8eraKreaa1Dg?' ,r , . Phillips, an old and esteemed citi in ine aenate. on jHonaav. the QAfL ,L till 4 ' . . , " ' ,1 w" "" IIU UUUlUaUl' ovin, ine diu to prevent tne sale, ed a crowd of hnvs that. delivery or receiving of cotton in quantities less than is usually baled, either in lint or seed, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, was considered and recommitted to the Judiciary Committee r " "J - I rru . i , , ... nie Mort ker of New Or- St. leans. The sad fate of CaDtain Frv inrr on mrin h and his companions is still fresh in the minds of many of our people, but for the information of those who may have lost sight of the mel ancholy event, we state that he was, power to remove Solicitors for de reliction of duty, was passed. No other important business. In the House the resolution in re lation to the appointment of a se lect committee to enquire into the in company with others, taken from charges against J. C. L. Harris, So the steamer Virginia by the Span-' "" K!rV " . .J8 ish authorities, carried into the port tinted on T: "SHE w3 or Santiago de Cuba and executed as being an accomplice in the at tempt to land arms for the Cuban insurgents. The book gives an interesting ac count of his life from childhood up difficulty, when Wm. Gentry, one oi tne ooys, turntsj upon him and shot him twice. Gentry "alsq,shot a Doy namea lie board. Jotfn 13 er ry, a supposed accomplice in the murder of Caleb Setzer, has been arrested. Capt. Sterling Adams, oi fetofces. last week sold 40 ono pounds of tobacco at his barn for fzo per hundred. Hor cholera is prevailing in Forsythe. AsDecial term of the Superior Court for the county oi Northampton will prob- uuiy ue neia in tne nrst week in January. The Southern Hotel. at Halifax, has been so arranged as to heat all of the rooms with stoves. W. N. Mitchell, Esq., father of j.. a. iuucneu, .csq., representative JNational Bank of Petersburg. Va.. out or $700,000. The President af ter conference with the Attorney txeuerai uecnneu to paraon mm. Mayor Ha vemeyer, of New York, aged 70 years, died suddenly on tho 30th ult. to the time of his melancholy death. the,fat,e Purchase printing material The proceeds of Its sale are for th Yr""" 'Y1"3lfau puir i..itJ .ir out dv coniract as neretofore ucucuii ui tiio lUTtuiu who kuu seven young children. We hope that the appeals of the widow and fatherless desiring the book should address J. jSSComi& t0 thG B. Burr Publishing Company, 252 Tuesday, Dec 2, in the Senate, Asylum street, Hartford, Conn. J1!6111"118 of Cleaveland, intro Price $3.50 gilt edge, $3.00 plain ?hUjl2 l b.liJ0Z th? adjustment of ihe 8tate debt by issue of new eDS i bonds payable at the expiration o ?l ""Ai A,uric" rwin. irom franklin county, died at his Mr. Gleun offered a resolution, having for its object economy in the matter of public printing. Re ferred and ordered mlo be Drinted. (The resolution proposed to have residence in Frankliuton. on the 24th ult. The wheat crop of Iredell county is fine. An infant daughter of Anderson McDonald, colored, was burned to death lately. A pair of socks was exhibited at the Fayetteville Fair, made by an om may agea 4Z years. Uen. Allfin Hiitttorfnrri thirrl Anlif-r it was argued that in that manner the Treasury, has been spending a ite, W0UId Mve lay- Du- few days in Wilmington. W. 11 O?P?i tdaV1?KPI0i!SfIll0,,0fMr- EmPie' Ksl-a Prominent lawyer Ulenn to Drint the hill, wiw iwnn. vn.v,;.,..' X-.i : ri " - mm V W B I XX M WW lllll W-mm I I I I r t M I 1 M. MJ I . . r 1 ... ...Vw m, m m, m. m W vine, Va., last week. The Hick ory Press says : Col. Paul DeLeon. a grandson of the Duke of Bedford, visited this section last Spring to ex amine certain iron mines for large jngusn capitalists. Wnile in Mor ganton he was presented with a lot Market Summary. In New York, on. the 1st inst., cotton was dull and heavy at 14 Jul o. Turpen tine heavy at 34?. Rosin firm at 2.30a2.3o. Money active at 3a4. In Southern cities of the United States, cotton quiet at from 13 to 141. Wim.UK STILL FOIt SALE. rm. ..I, ki : i t ouustnuur oners ior sale a nrst-rate WHISKEY STILL, iwu worms, neater ana cooler, as guou as new, made by Ilesselbach. ofi Kaieigu, 1SG7, used but little, will save neenng wx, &c. For further partic- uioiaauuress JOLL FA 1 KICK, -w-otpcl. LaGraDge, N. C. Office United States Marshal, "IT - 3 4 an T:- "Tvr i Raleigh, Sept. 1st, 1874. Notice is hereby criven to all Dersous m . . . aoing business with my omce, particu larly Clerks ol Courts, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, that all papers and process for service in this District must be sent to me directed to Raleigh. X. C. I will not be responsible for any default . m Wrm, . m w or uuiaiui acts oi deputies wnerein iiiia nuuctj is not stnciiy compnea with. J. 15. IHLiL,, QOINO WEST. Mail. Mail. Read Down. Rpad TTn. Leave Greensboro 2.15 a. m. 11.15 d. m. Co. Shops, 4.00 44 LvelO.OOp. m. Raleich, 8.10 5.41 n. m. Ar. at Goldsboro, 10.50 a.m Lv 2.30 p. in R. It. NORTHHTSTERIV fi, C. (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro, 2.00 a. m. Arrive at Salem, 3.30 44 Leave Salem, 9.20 a. m. Ar. at Greensboro, 11.15 44 Passenger trains leaving Raleigh at 5.41 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train : makinsr the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with the Mail Trains to or from points north or south. Trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.00 a. m., arrive at Burkeville 12.43 p. m., leave Burke ville 4.35 a. m.. arrive at Richmond 7.M a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule of this company will please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer A Gen'l Superintendent. 22,17'8 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000,000 Number of Tickets, 100,000. Price of Tickets.i-Whole Tickets. $20.00; Half Tickets, $10.00 ; Quarter Tickets, $5.00; Eighths! or each Coupon, $2.50; 5j Tickets for $100.00. The Montpelier Female Humane As sociation, chartered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Po., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to establish and endow a "Home fortheOlcl, Infirm, and Destitute Ladies of Virginia," at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madison. Governor's Office, i Richmond, July 3, J874. It affords me pleasure to say that I am well acquainted with a large majority of the officers of the Montpelier Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public cbnfidence, influence and sub stantial i means liberally represented among them. JAS. L. KEMPER, Gov. Va., Alexandria, Va., July 8,1874. I com mend them as gents of honor and in tegrity, and fully entitled to the confi dence of the public. R. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge East'n Dist. of Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex Governor of Va. ; Hon. R. E. Withers, Lieut-Gov. of Va., and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Con- erress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by express prepaid, post-office money order on Washington, D. C, or by reg istered letter For full particulars, testimonials, fec, send for Circular. Address. HON! JAMES BARBOUR, Pres't M. F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. 4w Reliable agents wanted everwhere, R. R. RADWAV'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this adTertlaement ned ancna SUFFER WITH PATX. I-ADWAVS READY RELIEF 13 A CCSE T02 EVERY PAIN. It waa the first and la Tho Only Pain Romodj that instantly stops the most exeruciatfnir pains, alUn inflammations, and cures ConseaUona, whether of lU Lmnes, Rtotnach, BoweU, or other gland or orsaiu, it one application. ' IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINCTES, no matter how violent or excrnclatln th natn iv. RMKUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled. Nrrom Neuralgic, or prostrated with dioeaM mar suffer, radwAy's ready relief WTtLi AFFORD TWSTA WV.XRV. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TfTW BT.inntn INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LrSQV SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHINd PALPITATION OF THE DEABT. HYSTERICS, CRDUP, DIPTHERIA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE0811' NKURAT.nT Rnri'ViTtstf COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Itrllef tn the part t rrts wiiere the pain or dlfflcultr exlata wliuriurd tu .iMil ('oinfort i v. cnty drops in half a tumbler of water 111 In fw 1:1 ni nt cure CRAMPS. SPASMS. ROftt STovn H !! i;. . KTBURN, SICK DEADACHE, DIARKN'iEA, ' -:'-mrk. CULIU, WIND IN THE UowtU ! ill INTERNAL PAINS. i : ne!-rs should always carry a bottle of Bad jy Heady lellr with them. A taw dri.tna v 1 f r m-UI prevent sickness or pains from ching uf v- :. r It is better than French Brandy or Bitter ui '.M..'.Mant. FEVER. AND AGUE. '.'ER AND AGUE cared for fifty cento. Thero . . tc medial agent In this world that will cur Few .1 Airue. and all other Miltrinm rn.ui. Hctr'n (vrlioid. Yellow, and other Fevers faideil hv RKV V J HIT a ... 1-1- n. rvnr . . . IT Li' -- t. luLHi iu quick mm aauitai a kcavi nfc i.i-. Fli ty cents per bottle. THI BEAUTY! ? 1 1 FUBNITURE. BUY YOUR FURNITURE DIRECT FROM THE BUNUFACTURER AND SAVE 25 FEB CENT. O R E. F A House and Lot in th TlastPtn Ward, containing four moms' nH kitchen, with one-Vourth acre of vrnnnrt attached, on Nowbern AvemiA will Vw sold on reasonable terms. Any person desiring to pnrehase will annW at t hia office. . IS BANKRUPTCY. - LSI f.THONM AND PrTRTC RlCn ntA)OI-lSCKtyt V FLUSH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN Aa jiEAl' I'iKUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO AIL DRu RAD WAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent VK2 CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. has made rnn host astonishing orREs " gi'ICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGK. TH." iiO'DY UNDERGOES, UNDER TIIE INKL' K' ? THIS TRULY WONDEEKUL MEWCIM "'HAT . very Bay ai tease ii Flesl 22i eM( is Seen and :ii-.. t5) PARflAPARILLlAN'' tfrouuli the Blood, hwcit. I r '' - '' .mice of tlie system the v..'r '. Il:f v. :tn'rmof the body wiiii ik-."'' '!. To'Hla. erphllU. Con!i:npt e. tJict-r in the throat, Mu"i T- V ti ' 1 -. 1 1 i . 1 1 . ti-i it 1 . oil; id mors, f-iidchiii I li Gl-itulsnnd ntiirr itartnof tlie r-' rt- .S;ri.iuuru diacharKe from tho Ear hi: worst fotn. of tikln dixeaie. Eruptlorn. f',T : . rr, feal1 1 1 Rlni? Worm, Halt Rheum. Kr ;'. --ue. Black Si,i;i., Worms in the Flesh. Tumor-. 1 r in tb V. omi). and all weakening and ;niin.!o riiaraet. Ni.'iit Sweats, Lmw of tiperm and ail w''" tii--- Ine prnici'l are wlihin Uie curative ran- r ' n onder of Motltru Chemistry, and a lew dav. iirf 1 prove to any i -..Mon uiiin It for either ol tin : I v' tl:-a) its potent power to enre thrn. Ii tbe panert, daily becoming reduced r r the ' r id iL-ciiiiipoxttiun tnatUcon!lni;aJly pnn-' -' 1 . ds ia arresting the wa-te. and reruirn iU 4-' "'h itp maor'al mudn from i':i!'hv Lloo.! a:i ' f sa;: 'Al'AklLLlAN will ami it'-i m.cut 1 f';,7 l t:s'i:i: tor when r:ice UiK r-medy roit!ti: 'i'V ' rk of lirillcailnii. m:J ticc-ets in diiiiin.'li!'"' -.oof vrtii-v. ;i r-..ri wi;i b rapid. aul ''' 'V I i?ic-n twill tul hiiusel' stowJiik betteraii'l:!'"r- : I ...,rt dfKetinii b-tc r, r;i;i-ti:c iianroviue, 1 " t I i'bt iiitn aniis. N only dnc the insirinn.i.iAff RiaotrrT f I ' iiomtii remedial atrentt In 1 lie cure ot lir..n; ' . Constitutional, i.i;J J distasti, hut H J " . I'Obitirc cure fvr Kidney & Bladder Complain!' .'rinn-v and Wombdase. Oravrl, Diabefr. P' rVr; 1 "liiiaKcoi W at-r. Incotil,iieii eot I rule. BdM a-. Albuminuria, miul in ail caeit wlicre tn'-r Snca dutiiep(Mttn. or ihe water i thick, CI011J. ' r.-itn u'j.ientes like ih- wlii;cofan gg, or tlirciJ".' white Mik. or tli'-n- ! n n;oi-liiJ. dark, blliou . auce. and wi.ite inn c! jt depoita. and wht-11 tu' . a I'rickiiii;. tiuri.-u. it ailon wl-n paini; watr. - pain iu the 1 Uuck and aloutf the Luu- Tumor cf 12 Years9 Groicti Cared by Radway's llesolvcnt- if -om U. S. Marshal. A XEUr U11LELER A- Wirsnv -ti Sewing Machine, Silver Plated, for cola a?aovx rt f oaig vuva at NAT. L. BROWN'S. A SECOND IIAXD .TIASUN AND HAMLIN Organ, double bank ol keys, in perfect order, very low, at NAT. Li. BROWN'S. Walnut Parlor Suits. Reps or Hair ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF AP- Cloth, containing seven pieces, $50 POINTME XT. Notice in hhv Walnut Bedroom Suits. Marble tOD T U V - . . - J I Ct .In.r-.r, f 00 given mai i nave Deen aDDOinted Ac signee ot v m. 11. Hughes, bankrupt. vice Calvin Betts, deceased, by the Dis trict Conrt of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina KOT?ETHAL, Assignee of Wm. H. Hushes ' Rantmnf Raleigh, N. C. 22 law3w. containing ten meces. f0 00 Beautiful Painted Cottage Suits, complete, 19 00 Also, a magnificent variety of HIGH COST WORK. Full Catalogue and Price of all my stock sent by mail, free on application. Write for one, $w DR. RADVAY'S PerfectPiiialiye&Bepl atiiPi I-:- l.ik-!'. rk'pati!!y roa!td wlfh weet 'Lj. . ri cuiHie. poritv. ifti and utretiKth"- l'i ! ' . f or t h e e u re i f n 1 1 d I rd e ri of t he Httwein, Kidneys, Mladder. ervous per"' pur - Mc .aciM-. t:onntipatioii. CoUveiif's, Indlire'n""; . t ep.a, BilloUiJe'sB'lon Feer. luartiiiui:'0" ' ',-,! Kowels. file, and at Deranjrenu tit of thJ ,!,1r,. v 'i-cera Warranted loeUVci u positive cure 't'etalile. containing 110 mercury .n.-n -raurut' otiidrufa. ,,iv-rt A rlnux ..r R A IIW A V N J ... ... 1 I I ' mi rom All I In- alMive iia:m: i -.. i -.-- I'f" '' I ' M)U) BY DKiJiJlIhr-! i. i "K.LSE ANU 'Ji;l E ' '"J " u:. .. to HtDK'AV i TO. No ."J Warren -s' for n:itiou worth thousand W utl

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