THE ERA, W. M. HBOWN, Manager. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1S74. iLOCAIi AI STATE. Settled. Joseph A. Haywood, Esq., tax collector for Wake county, settled with the Public Treasurer, on the 30th ult., the amount due for 1S74. Sewing Machine eedles. Messrs. Petty & Jones, on Fayetto ville street, keep constantly on hand a supply of needles suitable for all kinds of machines. fCDGE Bond. -This gentleman alved in the city on Wednesday, the 2d inst., for the purpose of pre siding with Judge Brooks over the Circuit Court now in session. Congress assembled 'on the 7th inst. The President's message was read and listened to with unusua attention. An extra containing the rlnriimpnt In fall accompanies this issue of the Era. State Penitentiary. There are now over five hundred convicts In our State prison and daily acces sions are being made. We hear that it will soon be Impossible to find work for this large number unless the Legislature shall author ize some arrangement for hiring them out, which would probably be a difficult matter. Their disposal will be a knotty question after a while. Bell's Hall. Our friend, Sher iff Bell, of Bertie, has built a fine hnil in Windsor. The hall is 25 feet wide by 40 feet long, Is of regu lar theatre appointment, and wil seat about 300 persons. The rent Is low, only $5 per night. Found. An Infant, newly born, was found in Mordecai's pond, on our western suburbs, on Sunday ,Gth. if wAflsnnnosed to have been first rdpred. then tied in a sack and thrown in. No clue to the perpe trators. Orphan Asylum. The cash contributions to this charity for No vember amounted to about $1,080 31. The contributions in kind were very liberal, consisting of clothing, vegetables, provisions, learner, shoes, hats, quilt3, Ac Masonic The Grand Lodge of the Masonic Fraternity of North Carolina met In the Good Templars' Lodge room in this city on the 7th inst. One hundred and seventy five lodges were represented by about three hundred members, be ing the largest attendance ever known in the State. Fun Ahead. Palmer's Opera Company, composed of the best burlesque performers on the conti nent, are booked for Raleigh about the middle of January. Our people will be treated to the VBlack Crook" and other sensations to their hearts' content. New York Comedy Company. We are pleased to learn that this company will probably visit llal eigh shortly. No people are more willing to patronize the Drama when properly presented than our citizens, and wo may confidently expect that Miss Clara Wildman and her talented troupe will not dis appoint our people by giving us the goby. As a dramatic company it Is not excelled by any now travel ling. Insurance Companies. The new Insurance bill before the Leg islature provides that the Secretary of State shall send a certificate of the solvency of each company to the Superior Court Clerks of the different counties in the State, ana that the Clerks shall keep a copy of the certificates so received in books for the inspection of the public. This extended mode of advertising these corporations will serve to pro tect the people against fraudulent or bogus corporations. Treasurer Jenkins. While this gentleman is not confined to his room, we reeret to learn that his health is still feeble. We are sure that the dcodIo of North Car- olina, regardless of party, would de light in his perfect restoration. As an officer and crentleman he stands t, deservedlv hiirh. and it is a source - 90 - fees of jailors and providing that the county commissioners shall not allow more than fifty cents per day for feeding each prisoner, Dassed its final reading. 'The Senate resolution to adjourn on the 21st inst., until the 3d Mon day In January, was adopted. The bill in relation to the Carolina Central Railroad Company was ta ken up, but postponed until the 8th instant, r - Senate resolution requesting Con gress to pension soldiers of the Mexican war passed its several readings. Also, resolution for re moval of obstructions in Neuse river. Messrs. Tate, Richardson, Bar nett, Mcllae and Dula were an noupced as the House branch of the committee to count bonds and cou pons in Treasurer's office. Ad journed. Saturday, Dec. oth, in the Senate, Mr. McElfov introduced a resolution requesting W. A. Smith, President of the North Carolina Railroad, to furnish the Senate at a3 early a day as practicable, a statement of all claims outstandingagainst saidroad, to whom due and the amount due to each : also, of all sales or report ed faks made of said road or any part thereof, under what order sales were made, by whom sold, who was purchaser and amount paid therefor, and any other information in his possession which will enable this body to fully understand the present status of said road. Adopted. The bill requiring magistrates to give bond in the sura of $o00 was reconsidered and passed its second reading. The substitute to the bill in refer ence to fees of jailors, offered by Mr. Morehead, to the effect that the law should not be amended within oneyear, passed its several readings. Adojurned. In the House, Mr. loote onereu a resolution in regard to the late Gov ernor Caldwell. Calendar. A resolution of instruction to our Senators and Representatives in Congress, in relation to securing a law for the refunding of the tax collected on spirits of turpentine soon after the war, was taken up and passed its several readings. A resolution of enquiry as to the collection of fines, penalties and of congratulation that the finances of the State have been so ably and forfeitures by the Public Treasurer, honestly managed during his term passed its several readings. of office. Spotless in personal char acter, and devoted to the interests of North Carolina, the State can well afford to boast of her chief fi nancial officer. Praiseworthy. At a meeting of the cadets of the Bingham School, at Mebaneville, it was agreed to forward the amount received by them as a premium for the best drilled company at the State Fair, to the Orphan Asylum at Oxford, and the sum of $37.50 has been sent to Mr. J. H. Mills, Superintendent. Pro Bono Publico. This is the title of the splendid brand of Dur ham smoking tobacco manufactur ed by W. Duke, at Durham. Those who have tried it say that it is un surpassed in flavor and quality by any made In North Carolina or the world. We advise our friends to give it a trial. Lv the City. We were pleased to receive calls on Monday, the 7th inst.. from E.T. Blair, Esq., former ly a member of the Legislature from Randolph county, and Sheriff Lath fn nf A she countv. The former . J v m - or trip, Legislative Summary. In the Senate, Dec. 2d. a commu nication was received from the Di rectors of the Cape Fear Agricul tural Association inviting the Gen eral Assembly to be present at its annual Fair on the 15th, 10th and 17th inst. On motion of Mr. Al bright, the invitation was accepted. Most of the day was passed in discussing the question of adjourn ment. It was finally agreed to ad- ourn on the 21st inst. and assemble again on the third Monday in Janu ary. Adjourned. In the House, a largre number of unimportant bills were introduced, but up to adjournment very little business had been transacted. Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the Senate, Mr. Waring offered a resolution re quiring receipts of persons for poll taxes before voting, iteterred. Mr. Morehead introduced a bill providing that disabled Confederate soldiers shall be exempt irom cer tain specified license taxes. Referred. A bill to amend the law of 1866- 'G7 for the benefit of North Carolina soldiers disabled in the late war was taken up. Thfe amendment pro posed to embrace those who fought cither on the side of the Federal or Confederate governments. Consid erable discussion occurred, and the previous question being called, the amendment failed to pass its second reading. Adjourned. A cotton factory in Rutherford- In the House, Mr. Carson offered ton, owned by A. R. Homesly, was a bill giving compensation to sher- lately burned. Loss 20,000. John iffs for conveying prisoners to the Shell, who lives in Gaston county, Penitentiary. Referred. is 103 years old. In McDowell The rules were suspended and county, corn is worth 50 cents per Senate bill for relief of the Sheriff of The bill to prevent gambling on Fair grounds and other public places of exhibition, was recommit ted. Adjourned. Monday, Dec. 7th, in the Senate, Mr. Mills offered a bill for appropri ating $70,000 to Insane Asylum. Re ferred. A number of bills of an unim portant character were discussed, but no business of much importance transacted. In the House, the Senate bill for the general relief of Sheriffs and tax-collectors was discussed and passed its several readings, ivner other unimportant business, the House adjourned. Tuesday, Dec. 8th, in the fcenate, the day was mostlyconsumed in the discussion of Mr. Cantwelrs substi tute to the civil rights resolution of Mr. Means. Mr. Cantwell made a long speech in defence of his position which oc cupied the time up to adjournment and was continued in the afternoon. In the House, a number of peti tions mostly of a local character were presented. The bill to change the time of holding certain courts in the 11th Judicial District passed its several readings. A bill providing that the sales of public lands in Burke and McDow ell counties be applied to the pay ment of the bonded debt of said counties contracted for internal im provement purposes, was, after a long discussion, defeated on its second reading. Adjourned. conies out of the ground.-- It is hol low to start with, and needs no bor ing. By steaming it you can bend it into a double bow-knot and straighten again without injuring it in the least. If you don't believe it send and get one.-- Sid Rode rick, on nine acres of land, belong ing i to Dr. McDowell, of Burke county, raised 492 bushels of corn, being So bushels to : the acre. Who can beat it? The rest of the twen ty acre field is yet unmeasured, but it is believed will equal the first nine. J. A. Cooper, a postmaster in Cherokee, 'has been arrested for robbing the mail; -Eight thieves were sentenced to the Penitentiary at Mecklenburg Court last week. LaGrange is to have a guard house. Two thousand partridges were shipped from Salem by one firm last week. Mr. Yardly, who lives twelve miles south of Warren ton, now has 180 sheep, and expects to increase his fiock to 1000, by the Spring. The colored Freewill Baptists are getting up a church at Kinston. The Goldsboro Messen ger says: Wo think the condition of farmers in this section is 25 per cent, better for 1875 than 1874. As a general rule they are less in debt ; the present crop is nearly an aver age, and cost nearly 40 per cent, less to make than did the crop for 1873, and, if our reports are correct, the farmers have generally made more corn, meat and other supplies this year than at any time since the surrender, and most of them con template planting small grain wheat and oats on a larger scale. Dr. Chas. Knight, of Edge combe, died of a congestive chill on the 28th ult. The gin house of Mrs. Gideon Winfree, two miles from Wadesboro, was destroyed by fire on the 25th ult. Two hun dred and twenty-five bales of cot ton were sold in Wadesboro for the week ending the 3d inst. the Roard of Supervisors refused to order a new one. Several officials were under indictment for embez zlement. The citizens demanded their resignation which was refused. At the supposed instigation of the sheriff, a band of about 200 colored men marched to the city on the 8th inst.. but were met and repulsed Dy the citizens. One citizen was killed and about 70 colored men are sup posed to have been either killed or wounded. It is rumored that Gov. Ames and his Attorney General in cited the invasion and steps are be ing taken to arrest them. Crosby, the sheriff, is under sruard at the Court House and denies the charges against him. A bill has been in troduced in the United States Sen ate, to construct a line of telegraph from Washington to Boston via Bal timore, Philadelphiaand New York to render government control, charges on same not to exceed the expenses of operating. Market Summary. In New York, on the 8th inst., cotton was quiet at 14U14J. Turpentine 34. Rosin firm at $2.20a2.25. Money 2 a2. Gold 10;. Governments dull. In Southern cities of the United States, cotton dull at from Yl to 135. C03I3IEKCIAL, REPOKT. i-atest News. STATE Franklin, extending his time to 1st January, 1875, passed its several readings. The bill in relation to gentleman was on a pleasure and the latter was here for the pur- jail fees was referred to the r ..Miin tho fnrr duo the mittee on salaries and fees. I h lir m mm a. a as kll ' State from his county. Sheriffs' coni- bushel, wheat 1.2-3, oats Go : butter 20 cts. per pound, sweet potatoes 40 cts. per bushel and Irish potatoes CO cts. A case of small pox was dis covered in Wilmington last week. -The Kinston Gift Concert did not come off as advertised. A A rumor is in circulation in New York that Wm. M. Tweed has es caped from prison. At the cheap transportation convention, held in Itichmond, Va., on the 2d inst., resolutions were introduced tore commend to Congress to extend such reasonable aid to the Texas Pa cific Railroad as will insure its speedy completion ; to memoralize Congress to prohibit, under heavy i penalties, all combinations between competing lines of transportation, whether by land or water. The rumor that Secretary Fish will re sign shortly gains credence in Washington City. Sixty-six em ployees of the Chesapeake and Ohio liailroad have struck for back wa ges. it is reported that Judge Swayne, of the United States Su preme Court bench, will soon retire. The family, of the lat.e Mayor Havemeyer, of New York, have consented to a public funeral. Preparations are being made in W ashington City for the proper re ception of the King of the Sand wich Islands. Mullett, Supervi sing Architect, reports that the sites for the proposed public buildings at Helena and Little Rock have been 1 1 TT A purcnasea. it was necessary to re sort to condemnation to secure the property at Grand Rapids. Mem phis has presented property to the government for public buildings valued at $300,000. The old custom house lot at Norfolk has been sold at auction. The custom house and post office at Knoxville has been The buildings at Co C, will be completed present year. Recom- regarding the custom house at New Orleans have been re newed. Quartermaster Meigs' re- WIIOLESALE CASH PRICES. Era Office, Dec. 9, 1874. REMARKS. Business continues dull and quiet. Sugars are very rirm and on the ad vance. Other quotations unchanged. COTTOJf. Transactions in the staple yesterday were very light. The market closed at 232ai33 for low middling. General Market. BAGGING, Domestic 2Jlb yd 141 15. COTTON TIES, 79c. FLOUR, North Carolina $7.25(5,7.50. CORN, $1.00. CORN MEAL, 1.05. BACON, N. C. hog round, 15J. " hams 18. BULK C. R. sides, 12i. shoulders, lOalOi. LARD, North Carolina, none. " Western tierces, 16. " ' kegs 17. COFFEE, Prime Rio, 22. Fair " 2i. SYRUP, common, none. MOLASSES, Cuba, 50. SALT, $2.35. CHEESE, Cream, 18. " Factory, 18. " Dairy, none. NAILS, on basis for lOd, 4.50. SUGAR, A, 12. Extra C, 1U112. " Yellow, 10 102. LEATHER, Sole 27 HIDES, green, 78. dry, 13. TALLOW, 910. POTATOES, sweet 75. Irish, $1.00 1.25. OATS, shelled, 75. sheaf, $1.25. FODDER, old, $2,00. " new, $1.25. HAY, N. C. baled, good, $1.25. CHICKENS, grown, 25. EGGS, 25. BUTTE tt, country, 4045. FISH, Mullets, $7.00; new weights new law, J60fts. net, $10.50, " Cut Herrings, none. " Mackerel, new family, $12.00, BEESWAX, 25. RAGS, 2. BEEF, on foot, 5G. " dressed prime, 5G. i SCHEDULES. T y, : Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond;: fc Danville, Richmond & DanvilleR. W., N. C. Division. nd North Western N. C. II. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and alter Mondaj, Au 10th, 1874. GOIVO NORTH. Stati07is. Mail. Leave Charlotte 7.45 p. m. " Air Line Ju. $.15 " Salisbury, 10.44 p. m. " Greensboro, 2.15 a. m. " Danville, 5.13 44 Dundee, 5.25 " " Burkville. 11.30 Ar. at Richmond, 2.22 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Siatio?is. ; Mail. Leave Richmond, 1.3S p. m n. aiveutisi:ments. SUCCESS E2TONT3 OOaCPXTmOIf. JTelHs' Patent r?T5 Ccttcn Oia: Express. 8.35 a. m. 8.50 " 10.54 l.lop. m. 3.3G 3.48 44 11.04 44 Burkville. 4.41 Dundee, 9.25 Danville, 9.29 Greensboro 12.20 Salisbury, 3.15 Air-Line Ju. 6.15 in. Ar. at Charlotte, GOING EAST. Stations. Express. 11.04 p m 2.07 a. m. 7.40 " 7.44 44 11.00 44 1.21 p. in. 3.25 44 3.30 44 6.22 44 GOING WEST. JUaiL Mail. Read Down. Head Up. Leave Greensboro 2.15 a. m. 1L15 p. m. 41 Co. Shops, 4.00 "LvelO.OOp. m. 44 Raleigh, 8.10 44 5.41 p. m. Ar. at Goldsboro, 10.50 a.m Lv 2.30 p. in 2.00 a. 3.30 9.20 a. 11.15 m. 14 m. i XORTHWESTEKN IST. C. U. K (Salem. Branch.) Leave Greensboro, Arrive at Salem, Leave Salem, Ar. at Greensboro, Passenger trains leaving Raleigh at 5.41 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with the Mail Trains to or from points north or south. Trains daily, both wa3rs. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.00 a. m., arrive at Burkeville 12.43 p. m., leave Burke- villo 4.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.5S a. in. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise tne scneauie oi mis company will please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer fc Geu'l Superintendent. JS E W AIVE KTISEMENTS. Hi Tht Ti meta TTWT' of Tirr HnnW and Factor that baa Rtrcn i t a trial. A .inula trial at th Pra or Compress afflmie Its ttrench. turrits an-1 !a4rantaea OTr any la tha market. Wa errpa rr. to .opplr the traiis at mtrkrt prises. 'rJ.,-r. a 1 IFampla Orders respectfully aollcitr-1. AdJress A. J. KELLIS & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. C J AHa, mTrs. Act. Stasis and Irons of all kin 1 n 1 Ucs. tt w.ti Cotton Bweent. RcrsMra. Hull 'T.ratuc. EhorcU, rVa Tin Cotters," Ao.,te. iel ?jl Tsuiper! bT 2UU frcoBM fait sil kinds of sail. i 1 1 j patent; medicines. .... 1 TTTT'Tr'S AMPLE to Agents. La JD JL 1 Lai lu dies' combination needle-book, with Chromos. Send stamp, Dean ct Co., New Bedford, Mass. 4w. Dv. J. Walker's California Vin egar Hitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mado chiefly from tho ili tivc herbs found on tho lower ranges! i f the Sierra Nevada mountains of Cal; nia, the medicinal properties of w!i; are extracted therefrom without tho of ! Alcohol. Tho question is almi daily asked. "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vixegai: Mut ters?" Our answer is, that they remdvo the causo of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. They arc tho -rear blood purifier and a life-giving, a perfect Renovator and lnvigorator of tho system. Never before in the history of tho, world has a medicine bt:i compounded possessing tho remarkahi.; qualities of Vixkgab Bitters in healing sick of every disease man is heir to. TLov are a gentle Purgative an well as a T.::ii". reneriug Congestion or Inflammation ( t the Liver and Visceral Organs ia Bilious Diseases IThe properties of Dr. Walki u s Vixegar Bitters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. It. II. McDOtfAIiD & CO.. Drngpista and Gen. Apta., San Francuco, Catif.rnia, awl cor. of Washinrton and Charlton Kts.. X. V. Sold by all Druggists and l-ali r. MISCELLANEOUS. completed. lumbia, S. within the mendations If Alcoholic Stimulautsaxe taken into the blood the heart works faster, and this unnatural speed -wears out the vital All intoxicating nos trums advertised as 44 tonics," " renova tors," &c., produce this disastrous effect and should be reiected. Dr. Walker's -- - m Vegetable Vinegar Bitters an Invigor ant without the curse of alcohol is everywhere supplanting these poisons. 22 4w. - A message was received from His package containing $5,000 in curren- Excellency, the Governor, transmit- cy was stolen from a steamer on a ting such information as was in trip from Wilmington to Fayette- his possession concerning charges ville, recently. The Methodists against J. C. L. Harris, Solicitor, in North Carolina claim to have one Li:cTURE.--The lecture of Hon. T. Li. Clincrman delivered In this city on Thursday evening, the 3d inst., entitled " Science and Chris tianity," was attended by a large nnd annreciative audience. It is j- c pronounced to have been a master ly effort, and the desire is general that it may be repeated at the prin cipal points throughout the State. THE AilEKIUATi x Aii.ur.iv run December. This old journal is re ceived, with its usual collection of good things for the farmer and gar- punish dener. No branch of rural lire seems neglected. The useful has, of course, the preference, but consider able space is given to the ornamen tal, whilst some appropriate and In teresting reading is offered for the family circle. In this number will be found something to interest and Instruct every member of every country family. We recommend it to the favor of our farming readers. The subscription Is $1.50 a year, or only $1.00 in cluba of five or more. Liberal premiums are offered for Huh, and the Dubllshers. Samuel and also the protest of Mr. Harris. The matter was referred to the se lect committee. Several members were granted leave of absence. Adjourned. Friday, Dec. 4th, in the Senate, Mr. French asked a suspension of the rules to take up the Amnesty bill. .Mr. Cantwell desired to amend the bill by extending its benefits to W. W. H olden, and made a speech in support of tho same. Mr. Bus bee hoped that Mr. Cantwell would withdraw tho amendment and in troduce a separate proposition. He doubted the constitutionality of the manner proposed and was not now prepared to vote upon It. Mr. Cant well, at the request of several Sen ators, withdrew his amendment and the bill passed its second reading. The bill finally passed its third reading by a vote of 40 to 0. Mr. Stanford introduced a substl tute for the bill for relief of disabled soldiers, which was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. trench introduced a bill to persons obtaining monevs or goods under false pretences. Re ferred. Mr. Cantwell offered a joint reso lution to repeal the disabilities im posed upon W. W. Holden on tho z2d of 3 larch, 1871. Lies over. A bill to regulate the fees of Jail ors, allowing so much for feeding prisoners, nut suDject to alteration uy county commissioners, was re ferred. The bill requiring Justices of the Peace to give a bond of $500, after a discussion or some length, was defeated on its second reading. Mr. uusbee moved a reconsideration of the vote. rending which, the Senate adjourned. In the House, a bill to Dunish a Sands & Son, Baltimore, Md., will swindlmgat Agricultural Fairs was forward specimen numbers on ap- Pfea on raiendar ti i a T,anr i.imo hpfflns A Dil1 y Ir Mcltae to secure plication. A new volume begins sufficcof security on official January 1st, so that now Is the best bonds, was referred. time to fpb3cribef A substitute to the bill regulating white member for every eleven of the white population. Wilming ton is to have street letter boxes. -A new buggy factory is to be built in Goldsboro. It is stated that Alexander countv has but one Physician and he is at present a member of the Legislature. The closing exercises of Rutherford Col lege will take place on the 18th inst. port states that railroad companies, principally in the South, owe the government seven and a half mil lion. A Berlin dispatch to the Times says Russia contemplates re assembling next March in St Pe tersburg the International Law Con ference lately held in Brussels. Ex ertions will probably be made to secure the consent of Great Britain and some minor States. The work of the Conference will be confined to the enactment of more imrelv philanthropic classes of the pro gramme proDOsed by Itussia. 11 these endeavors fail three northern powers may possibly settle the matter alone. Rev. JohnS. Glen- lening has been acquitted of all charges against hirn by the Jersey City Presbytery. Judge Durell, of Louisiana, has resigned. Gov. l lluen, Peter Cooper and Thurlow ISKEY STIIili FOR SALE. ne suDscrioer oners lor sate a first-rate WHISKEY STILL, with two worms, heater and cooler, as good as new, made by Ilesselbach, of Raleigh, 1S67, used but little, will save Revenue tax, &c. For further partic ulars address JOEL PATRICK, 23 6tpd. LaGrange, N. C. c LEAK THE TRACK! Weed are among the pall-bearers se lected atMayorHavemeyer's funeral. -Charlotte is bragging loudly of the amusements this season. -"Old Aunt Sallie," formerly a slave of the late Gov. Bragg's father, died in Warrenton a few days ago, aged 100.- Corn is selling at $5 a barrel in Warren, and scarce. There are twenty-five inmates in the North- Tho Char- begins to as if this Up to last was only ampton Poor House. - Observer savs : It now, sure enough, lotte look road was about through. Saturday noon the gap eight miles Wide, and track laying goes on at the rate of three-quarters of a mile per day. The only thing which can now delay the progress of the work, is the trestle at Mc Alpin Creek. This is not yet fin ished, and it may be that this will throw the arrival of the first train in Charlotte, behind the loth, though it is strongly hoped that it will not. The Sampson county Fair was quite a success and seems to have passed off very pleasantly. The exposition was good. Gen. J. M. Leach delivered the annual ad dress on Friday to a very large au dience, choosing for his subject 'The Dignity of Labor," which was well received by all who heard him. The attendance was quite large. Mr. W. M. Corkill. one of the pro prietors of the Piedmont Press, of fers for sale one-fourth interest in that paper, as he is desirous of leav ing the State. Bason Paton has been appointed Revenue storekeep er for the 5th North Carolina Dis trict. The Hickory Press thu3 speaks of the titi,, weed pipe- stem, found in that section : This weed Is a pipe stem, as soon as it -The President's message has been completed. -Booth's Thea tre has been purchased by Oliver Ames for $3S5,000, subject to mort gage of $276,000. John F. Sey mour, wholesale crockery dealer of New York, has failed for 8200,000. Fifteen hundred operatives in Higgins' carpet factory in New York, have struck against a reduc tion of wages. At a fire in Kerns, Butler county, Penn., seventy-five buildings, including tvo hotels and post office, were burned. Loss $100,- 000. The New York cotton state-. ment for the week ending the 4th inst., is as follows: Net receipts at all U. S. ports for the week, 168,197; same week last year, 170.559 ; total to date. 1,166.680. same date last OPEN THE WAY ! ! And let the rush continue on its way to J. M. ROSENBAUM'S, At Kline's Old Corner, Fayetteville and Hargett Streets, where it i3 a well-" known fact that there is to be found the largest stock of DRY GOODS, PRINTS, DOMESTIC PLAIDS, BROWN AND BLEACHED DOMESTICS, HATS AND CAPS, MILLIN ERY GOODS, NO TIONS, FAN CY GOODS, &c, &c, in the City. We are daily receiving larg;e additions to the General Stock, which is always kept fresh and complete in every branch and department of the store. T sTi JLAEADY-MADE CLOTHINO" is the specialty of my trade, and I am now prepared to oiler every grade of Clothing at the very bottom prices. Call and see for yourselves. CR O CKER Y DEPAR TMENT. I have the only exclusive Crockery &toro in tne city, connected with and adjoining the main establishment. I orler every species of Crockery at whole sale, to the country trade, at Northern prices, as l buy direct m largo quanti ues irom nrst nanus. -lo an my iormer customers and pa trons, and the public generally, I would say that I am better prepared than ever to administer to their every want at terms which I will guarantee satisfac tory. Raleigh, October 1, 1874. 15 CONSTANT KITI PLOYTI EXT A t home, Male oi Female, 30 a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address with 6 cent return stamp, C. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. Y. 4w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, USE WELLS1 CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only- in KLlJiS boxes. A TRIEl & SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 22 4w HAVE YOU TRIED J URUBEBA. ABE YOU Weak, Nervous or Debilitated. ? Are yon so languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Then try Juru- beba, the wonderlul tonic and lnvigora tor, which acts so beneficially on tho secretive organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of mis ery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soou make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is characterized by groat gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked resists, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by Wm. F. Kidder A Co., New York. 17 4w RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rea ling thla advertisement need anyono ' SUFFER WITH PAIS. RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF" 13 A EVERY PAIN. It was the first and Is Tiio Only I?ain CURE Fj)K Remedy that Instantly stop the most exerncfntlnsr palni. allnv Inflammations, and cures CointeHtlons, whether of tlm Lungs. Stomach, Bowels, or other glanda or orxau. ly one application. i IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. i no matter how violent or excruciating thi pain thfl UHKPMAT1C, Bed-ridicn. Infirm, Crippled. Ncrvoua, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF j WTTX AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. ! INFLAMMATION OK TITE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. ! .j CONGESTION OF TTIE LCN(M. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BRKATHINO. ' PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROCP, miTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTIIACITE. . NEURALGIA, COLD CHILLS. AOUE CHILLS. j The npplicr.tion of the Ready Itellefto the pnrt j,r rr.rtm wiicre the pain or difficulty exists will afford 1110 a:i1 Comfort., ' i ivciit.v drops In half a tumbler of water will In a fr lnci.ts enre uilAMPS, SPASMS, SOUK NTOMAt . : ItTBl'RM, SICK llRADACHE, DIARRHOKH, SKNTKKY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWEii ! -til INTERNAL PA INS. ;ive!f! should always enrrv a bottle of 1l:nl iy Krudy Relief with them. A few tr 11 r will prevent rickneM or oain from chains If vMir It i.s better tli.tu French Brandy or Bitten as a '.'iiiiiant. FEVER AND AGUE. j FKV7:R AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. Thrr !. ii t n r.Miirdial ujrent In this world that will run- K v r ui.i ..'tie. and all other Malarious, Biloiis, Kenrl.'r, Tvrhoid. Yellow, nnd other Fevers laWed bv JCAb .C.U'-H PILLS so quick as RADWAY'S HEADY Kt Lit!. Fi;tv cents per bottle. i J ' mmm biautyh i ETRONc-J A"r PURE RICIT BLOOD INCREASE ;:r FLUSH AND "WEHIHT CLEAR HKIN A.NjM JbEAL' I'IFCL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL SHORT POSTPONE 31ENI 'DAY R RADWAY'S Ssfsaparillian Besotat ! FIXED-FULL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Montpelier Female Humane Asso ciation, at Alexandria, Va., March HE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. IIAsUtaDE THE MOSTiASTONianrXO CTOES: Si' QUICK. SO RAI'JD jARE THE CHANOKS, TDK JiUUl I NJI.f.iiliM.M.'.M 1875. List of Gifts. 1 Grand Cash Gift, 2 K it OF THIS THAT t n c r ttiw TRULY WONDERFUL INKLI'EX h MEDICIXLj. 1 10 J5 50 100 1,000 1,000 20,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 $10,000 ea. 100,000 5,000 75,000 1,000 44 50,000 500 44 50,000 100 44 100,000 50 " 50,000 20 44 400,000 rary By u Increase in FlesI m. FMt is Seen and Felt. E-rr VKNV. ' r:i.Ut! -fO. t fOUIitl IP ;Uirlula' ,i35,713. Exports for the week Office United States Marshal, I.jistein x 3 1 st. JN ortli Uarolina. year, 1 92,478 ; same week last year, 92,478, total to date, 703,394 ; same date last year, 519,073. Stock at all U. S. ports 593,395 ; last year, 480,518. At all interior towns, 121,150 ; last year, 100,161. At Liverpool, 506,000 ; last year, 487,000. American afloat for Great Britian 312,000, last year 179,000. Chicago has been select ed as the place of meeting next year of the cheap transportation company. It is understood that Gen. Butler will not press the civil rights bill now second on the speak er's desk, unless 'instructed by the Judiciary Committee. The fol lowing is the New York Bank statement for the week ending Dec. 5th : Loans increase SI of a million : specie decrease 2 and nine-tenths of a million ; legal tenders decrease 3 million; reserve decrease 6 and i million. All the public buildings and many private residences and places of business in New York were draped in mourning on Sat urday, the 5th inst., in honor of Mayor Havemeyer.- The Presi dent's message is well received by the press of the country. Trouble has for some time existed between the citizens and officials of Vicks burg. It seems that the sheriff has been acting without legal bond and j Raleigh, Sept. 1st, 1874, notice is nereoy given to ail persons doing business with my oniee, particu larly Clerks ot Courts, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, that all papers and process for service in this District must be sent to me directed to Raleigh, N. C. I will not be responsible for any default or unlawful acts of Deputies wherein this notice is not strictly complied with. J. H. HILL., 12 3m U. S. Marshal. O E. A House and Lot in the Eastern TFard, containing four rooms and kitchen, with one-fourth acre of ground attached, on Newbern Avenue, will be sold on reasonable terms. Any person desiring to purchase will apply at this omce. mar 4 3t. NEW WHEELER Sc WILSON Sewing Machine, Silver Plated, for sale cheap, at NAT. L. BROWN'S. A SECOND HAND MASON AND XjL HAJWIjIN Organ, double bank of keys, in perfect order, very low, at NAT. L. BROWN'S. NOW IS TIIEfTOXE TO SECURE bargains. Prices suitable to the times. NAT. L. BROWN, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, April 7, 1874. 6 lm. 22,178 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000,000 Number of Tickets, 100,000. Price of Tickets. Whole Tickets, $20.00; Half Tickets, 10.00; Quarter Tickets, $5.00; Eighths or each Coupon, $2.50; 5i Tickets for $100.00. The Montpelier Female Humane As sociation, chartered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to establish and endow a "Home for the Old, Infirm, and Destitute Ladies of Virginia," at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madisou. Governor's Office, Richmond, July 3, J874. It affords me pleasure to say that I am well acquainted with a large majority of the officers of the Montpelier Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public confidence, influence and sub stantial means liberally represented among them. JAS. 1j. KUMfUlC, iov. Va., Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874. I commend them as gents of honor and in tegrit', and fully entitled to the confi dence of the public. K. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge East'n Dist. of Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. W'alker. Ex- Governor of Va. ; Hon. R. E. Withers, Lieut-Gov. of Va., and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and' Members of Con gress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by express prepaid, cost-office money- order on Washington. D. C. or by reg istered letter. For full particulars, testimonials. Ao.. send for Circular. Address. HON. JAMES BARBOUR, Pres't M. F. H. A., Alexandria. Va. 4v Reliable agents wanted everwhere. " ' PARSAPAUILLIAK RK'Ofc. . . w i "UUli Hie HUxxl, iSwcnf. Crmj I , .i p.s of the HVrttem the uor i . i."- - ji of tho tody with new ail I :-!! ula, Svphlll, CoiisumptM,. L'i:i-r in the thrndt Month. Til- M'Tai. Kic-M.i ttiT,iHiidanil other ptru of tlH!Hj-rtteir. ro Eyes. S n morou discharge irom the Ear, a i lu'. wrirst Jornn if skin diKea-tei, Eruption. Fevr -ro, SrH Hcid, ilitur Worm, Halt Rheum, Erysipfli'. vr i:ci, liiaak X--u, Worm in the Flesh, Tumor. Cam vers in t)e V.i3th. and all weakening and painful dU-- liurpes. Ni'.'iit oweata. Low of Sperm and all wastenjff the lire priu ( i:.';. or vithiu Uie curative range of t(i I wonder of MovJi i n Chemistrv, end a lew day' um.- vj.l i rovetoaiiy person UKlug itfor either of these fuj-uujoi dicae its potent icwfr to enre them. It the parier.t, daily becoming reduced by the wo-sri ."id deoii:Hoirii;n thaO continually pro;; retain in n-rr.'inj tl:ee watc. nnf repair the t-air i M-irhj n'-w itiiMi-ini made f rom ?inlthy blood and I t :fAK i " 1 1-LI.X N" wiil and does ecore a ci r .r - o:tce thi remedy commence It or, of i r ;;.rn : mid pneceed in dimiiilKhlni; tl" -,.nf twill t rapid, and every d.v t - i p.ti'-nt will fc I hitnsel urowfna Letter and. strong t i( o 'i ii-.:eMi. teier, arwtite Improving, and flit t i wti-'lii increnniti; Nit ouiy dovs tlie I now n r .. ..u-t, Coiirtiiiiitional, tiud J-liiu di-iea; hut it b tli .yjiobliivc cure lr itldttey & Bladder Complaints, "-iiHrr and Womb d;eaifi. Grarel. Diabetes, Dropsy. 4.. a- of Water. Incontinence of L'rine. BriKht'a JDU- ts-e. Albuminuria, and in all va. where there are KACSAPiniLLiiir Rrsm.T!rr fxef. now ii remedial i;eiir nu lie cure of Chronic. KtJ brick-duttt deposit, or the water i thick, cloudy, mixed witii aubKtatM'eslike the whi.cof an egg, or threads like white silk. .r :i. ;e -i ui..rtil. dark, bilious appear Biioe. and white i.h- .:ut deponit, and when there m a pricking, bun;. . n.-uiio.t when pawing water, and pain in the btuz:: i i:.c JUci and uloug the Lohu. i Tumor c 1 Years9 Growth Cured by Itadway's Itesolvent. DR. RADWAY'S . PerfeclPDrgatiTe&BeplatiDgPills perfir;!y (.noteless, elepantlv coated with sweet ffonj. pun , ri'-iiiste. purify, clean and utremitnea. Bad-w-' i "i!K for the cure of alJ disorders of the Stomach. L,,l. Howels, KMiievs, Uladder. 'ervou Disease. Headac he. Constipation. C.t.veies, Indigestion. lv pepsia. Biliousness Bilion l ever. Inflammation of tn K.iwela, 11 le. and all'ititnts of the Internal v'lxera. Warranted tot rtVct a poitlvo cure. Purely vL-veiable, containing no mercury. luiueraUor deleteri ous drugs. A lew does of RADWAY'S PILLS oi free the .ys feuilroin allthealKvo named dirtU:r. rnce, 25 cent p-r B.iv BV P.KUUWISTSi . .... Kin -FALSE AN1 TRUE" Rend one letter 8tam o UADWAY A '0 . No. 33 Wsrren tit. hew fork! nr'i.rinailou worth thouitands will be sent you. v

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