THE ERA. THE ERA. ! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE. V lUU'UBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS PAPER THE CENTRAL. ORGAN O V THE PARTY. W. 31. HKOWN, Manager. Job Work executed at short no tice and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Offick in the old "Standard" Build ,z, one square South of the Court i'.ue, Fayetteville Street. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: vno square, one time, - - $ 1 00 Ono year, -six months, -Three months, - 2 00 - 1 00 50 two times, - - 1 50 three times. -. - 2 00 4 VOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1874. NO. 26! Contract -advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. .tr Invariably i- Advance. . , ; " - ' -I" THE ERA . Official Oripin of the United State- Offlrlal Or ran of the cur. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 174. 'otici:. The Post oflicc regulations require pre-P" -incut of postage on paper? mailed to subscribers after. January 1st, 1875. The terms for the Era will therefore in future be as fol lows: One year, in advance, i?'J.10 (.months, " ;; months, -r R KA 1) IXG MA TTKIt OA" : ST A XD FO VII Til PA C LS. The Message. The message of President Grant i-a plain matter-of-fact document. It contains no nourishes, no extra words hut is replete with common-y.-iiefrom beginning to end. Much or the mosajre is devoted to the discussion of the financial eondi- ii n of the country, in which he strongly advocates an early return t., -juvie payments, and, in view of that end, rather advocates an in-cp-ase than a diminution of the revenue to an extent sufficient to ktepon hand enough gold to re dctn at all times government obli gations. in repaid to the Cuban insurrec tion, the Pnsid.'ut unquestionably nth ets the views of a large majori ty of the American people in inti iiViting that Spain has-o far failed to MiUlm' the insurgents as to make it incumbent upon other powers to tal;e -!ejs in the matter. il t- question in which we of the S nth are most interested, is treavd in a candid and impartial matt' r. While declaring his deter ininali n to u-eal! nver vested in hi. n to preserve order, the Pres ident di-claimsany intention to ex ercise authority not delegated by law over the hc.d affairs of the ditTerent States. He declares his belief in the law-abiding spirit of the U tter portion of the Southern people, but does not think they are acting properly in ignoring the fre quent acts of violence in their nihKt. He announces himself the friend of the South, and expresses a wil!ingius to aid them, but de ires to disabuse them of the idea that oppression and wrong will be tolerated under his administration. The factious and discontented only can earnestly find fault with the tone and general temper of the document as .directed towards our section of the country. That there are such, we confess, but we feel confident that a large majority of our people see in the production a renewal of the pledges of our pat riot President to discharge with eye to the interests of the nation at 1 irze the responsible duties con ferred upon him by the Constitution and laws. The Landmark, in answer to an article in the last Era, in relation to Mr. Waring's proposition to re quire the exhibit of a poll-tax re ceipt as a necessary qualification for voters, pives an estimate of Demo cratic happiness as follows: 44 With the whipping post restor ed ; an efficient dog law ; and such a law as Mr. Wnrinjr'a bill contem plate, our country would be com paratively happy and prosperous." The editor of the Landmark can k muster. Nobody can doubt his devotion to the guiding princi ples of true Democracy. The watchwords in the future are to be 44 Whipping posts, dog laws and poll-tax suff rage." The editor of the Landmark believes in the old constitutional doctrine of a 44 fre quent recurrence to fundamental principles" with a vengeance. How would it do to give the Public Printer an order for a few hundred copies of the 44 Ordinance of seces sion?" It might bring back the 44 memory of other days." Death of a 3Iember. We re gret to learn of the death of William H. Williams, a colored member of the IIoue of Representatives from Warren county. Mr. Williams obtained leave of absence a few days ago" on account of sickness, and reached his home in Warren a very short time before his death. He was well and favor ably known in his county and. en joyed the confidence and esteem of all. As a member of the Legisla ture he labored assiduously for the pood of his people and for the Inte rests of the State. Removal. The office of the State Agricultural Journal has been re moved to the rooms formerly occu pied by Dr. V. E. Turner, No. 40 Fayetteville street, up stairs. 1 Democratic Consistency. TIipm is :i crowing suspicion that the democrats are not so much averse to some form of Civil nights Dill as . m m sm . m at thev were, and that u the repumi cans should fail to pass a bill they win nr th( next session, perhaps. take up the measure and at least . s. s . 1 . secure the ngni oi equai aa-ummu-iiitinn if tliM races on railroads and perhaps in hotels, leaving out the school anu cemetery cinuae. ssinuj influential democrats acknowledge that on railroads it is nuijusi mai hi rmve ennal vriviteges, and that the hotel question is not much riiirnrent fmm that, of railroads. Washington Correspondence of Kew 1 ork lleraia. At the late election, Republicans were made to stay at home in order, as our Democratic friends said, that colored people might not travel on first-class cars nor stop at hotels. Now, it appears, many Democrats in Congress acknowledge the just ness of enual privileges on railroads, and have concluded 44 that the hotel nuestion isnot much different -from that of railroads" ! 44 We indulge in no comments on the Civil itignis bill " ; and comment on Democratic consistency is unnecessary. Tobacco Manufacturers. At a meeting of the North Carolina Tobacco Association, held at Greens boro, on the 25th ult., a preamble and resolutions were adopted which will tend to put a stop to a great deal of illicit traffic in the State. The following is a copy : Wheukas, It is a fact to be re gretted, but not denied, mat meic are manufacturers of tobacco who do evade the United States revenue laws, to the great detriment of the honest manufacturer; therefore, . Resolved, That we, the manufac turer of North Carolina, do hereby pledge ourselves to use all legiti mate means in our power to aid the revenue officers in suppressing the , .Revived, That no evasion of the law shall be practiced with our knowledge or consent, but that blockaders shall be exposed and brought to grief, if possible. Resolved, That we cordially in vite all tobacco manufacturers to unite with us in this our endeavor to save the honest manufacturer from shipwreck and bankruptcy. Resolved, That we will here after expose and have prosecuted any merchants orother persons who mav deal in blockade tobacco. Resolved, That we will co-operate with the Richmond manufac turers, and recommend that an as sociation of the tobacco manufac turers of all the States be formed. Resigned. We hear that Capt. Ceo. N. Waitt, who has been for the past ten years a conductor on the N. C. Railroad, has resigned his position, to take effect on the 1st day of January, 1875. The traveling public will regret the loss of Capt. Waitt, as his court eous and attentive manners had gained him many warm friends. We believe he intends commencing business in our city, and we wish him much success in his new sphere. Election of Officers. The following officers have been elected by the Rescue Steam Fire Compa ny, for the ensuing year: R. H. Bradley, Foreman ; Sam'l Merrill, Asst. Foreman; T. T. Fentress, Rec. Sec. ; T. W. Blake, F. Sec. ; P. C. Hardie, Treasurer; J. H. Greene, Engineer; J. G. Justice, Asst. Engineer; Frank Brannan, Hose Director; T. D. Stevenson, Asst. Hose Director. Exhibition. A concert and ex hibition will be given by the pupils at the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind this (Thurs day) evening, at 7 o'clock. Mem bers of the Legislature and the pub lic generally are invited to attend. Sick. We regret to learn that our venerable and esteemed fellow-citizen, John R. Harrison, Esq., is quite ill. At last accounts his con dition was but little, if any, im proved. official UNITED SXATES ITIAILS. Post Office Department, Washington, October 1, 1874. PROPOSALS will' be received at the Contract Office of this Department un til 3 p m of February 1, 1875, for con veying the mails of the United States from July 1, 1875, to June 30, 1876, in the State of NORTH CAROLINA, on the routes, and by the schedules of deoartures and arrivals herein spe citied. Decisions announced on or before March 8, 1875. (Bidders should examine carefully the laws, forms and instructions annexed.) 13100 From Brinkland, White Hail, Little Sugar Loaf, Elizabeth town, Dawson's Land ing, Tarheel, Prospect Hall, Loveland, Cottonville, Gray's r Creek, and Cedar Creek, to Fayetteville, 120 miles and back by steamboat, twice a week. Leave Wilmington Tuesday and Friday at 2 p rn; Arrive at Fayetteville next days oy p m; Leave Fayetteville Monday and l nurdav at 7 a m: Arrive at Wilmington next days oy a a m. Bond required with bid, 81,800. 13101 From Wilmington, by Topsail Sound, Stump Sound, Sneed's rerry, and Aman's Store to Jacksonville, 65 miles and back once a week. Leave Wilmington Friday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Jacksonville Saturday DVipm; ' Leave Jacksonville Wednesday at l p m; Arrive at Wilmington Thursday oy p m. Bond required with bid. 8300. 13102 From Wilmington toSmithvilIe,30 nines ana DacK, twice a week. Leave Wilmington Tuesday and aaiuraay at 3 p m; Arrive at'Smithville bv 7 d m: Leave Sinithville Monday and r naay ac y a m; Arrive at Wilmington by 12 in. Bond required with bid, ?G00. 13103 From Wilmington to Shallotte, 39 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilmington Wednesdaj' at 6 a m; Arrive at Shallotte bv 7 p m; Leae Shallotte Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wilmington by 7 p m. Bond required with bid. $400. 13104 From Smithville, by Supply and Shallotte, to Little River (S. C), 40 miles and back, once a week. leave amitnvine Tuesday at 7 p m; Arrive at Little River next day by 7 p in; Leaveave Little River Thursday at b a m ; Arrive Smithville by 7 p m. Bond required with bid. 8400. 13105 From Whitesville to Con wav bor ough (. u.J, 44 miles and back, once a week. Leave Whitesville Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Conwayborough by 7 p m : Leave Con way borough Friday at bam; Arrive at Whitesville by 7p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13106 From Whitesville. bv Pirewav Ferry, to Little River (S. C.)f 37 miles and back,oncea week. Leave Whitesville Friday at 6am; Arrive at Little River by 8 p m; Leave Little River Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Whitesville by 8 p m. Bond required with bid. 8100. 13107 From Abbottsbunrh to Elizabeth- town, 12 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Abbottsburgh Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3 p m ; Arrive at Elizabethtown by 7 prn; Leave Elizabethtown Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6.30 am; Arrive at Abbottsburgh by 10.30' am. Bond required with bid, 300. 13108 From Elizabethtown, by Down- ingville, Ammon, Arran, and Warreneville, to Clinton, 38 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elizabethtown Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Clinton by 6 p m; Leave Clinton Saturday at G a m; Arrive at Elizabethtown by 6 ptu; Bond required with bid, $400. 13109 From Fair Bluff, by Green Sea (S. C), Grantsville, Conway borough, and Bucksville, to Bull Creek, 51 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Fair BluffTuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Bull Creek Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday by 12 m; Leave Bull Creek Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 1 p m; Arrive at Fair Bluff Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $1,000. 13110 From Burgaw Depot to Angola, 21 miles and back, once a week. Leave Burgaw Depot Friday at 9 a m; Arrive at Angola by 4 p m; Leave Angola Friday at 4.30 p m; Arrive at Burgaw Depot next day . by 5 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13111 From Magnolia, by Rockrish, Harreli's Store, Ilerringsville, Taylor's Bridge, and Six Runs, to Magnolia, equal to 26 miles and back, once a week. Leave Magnolia Friday at 10.15 a m. Arrive at Magnolia Saturday by 7.15 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13112 From Magnolia to Kenansville, 7 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Magnolia daily, except Sunday, at 10.15 a m; Arrive at Kenansville by 1 p m; Leave Kenansville daily, except Sunday, at 1. 30 p m; Arrive at Magnolia by 3.30 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13113 From Kenansville, by Hallsville, Beulaville, Hav Branch, Rich lands, Gum Branch, Catharine Lake, and Tar Landing, to Jacksonville, 44 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kenansville Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Jacksonville by 10 pm; Leave Jacksonville Wednesday at 5 a m; Arrive at Kenansville by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13114 From Kenansville, by Branche's Store, Outlaw's Bridge, and Al bertson, to Kinston, 42 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kenansville Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m; Leave Kinston Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kenansville by 8 p m; Bond required with bid, $400. 13115 From Kenansville, by Branch's Store, Outlaw's Bridge, Albert son, Resaca, Pink Hill, Buena Vista, and Sarecta, to Kenans ville, 25 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kenansville Saturday at 9 a rn; . Arrive at Kenansville Sunday by lpm. Bond required with bid, $300. 13116 From Rocky Point,by Lillington, Point Caswell, and Moore's Creek, to Black River Chapel, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Rocky Point Friday at 7 a Arrive at Black River Chapel by 6 pm: , Leave Black River Chapel Thurs day at 7 am; Arrive at Rocky Point by 6 P m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13117 From Dudley, by Jericho, to Strabane. IS miles and back once a week. Leave Dudley Friday at 7 am; Arrive at Strabane by lpm; Leave Strabane Friday at 2p m; Arrive at Dudley by 8 p rn. Bond reouired with bid, $200. 13118 From Everettsville, by Falling Creek (n. o.), to Bentonville, 20 miles and buck, once a week. Leave Everettsville Saturday at 1 P m; Arrive at Bentonville by 7 p m; Leave Bentonville Saturday at a m; Arrive at Everettsville by 12 m. -Bond required with bid, $200. 13119 From Kinston, by Snow Hill, t Hookerton, 22 miles and br.cK twice a week. Leive Kinston Tuesday and Fri day at 9.30 am; Arrive a ilookerton by 2 pm; Leave Hookerton Tuesday am Friday at 3 p m; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p ca. Bond required with bid, $400. I3l?n Frnm Kinston. bv Johnson'; Mills, to Swift Creek Bridge, 36 miles and back, once a week. T.p.ivp. Kinston Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Swift Creek Bridge by 6 pm; Leave Swift Creek Bridge Satur day at 6 a m; Arrive at Kinston by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13121 From Kinston. by Comfort, to Richland's, 35J miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Saturday at 6 am; Arrive at Richland's by 8 p m; Leave Richland's Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Kinston by 8 pm; Bond required with bid, $400. From Kinston, by Fields and "RYmntain Rdse Spring. 1312i 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Thursday at z pm A rrivfl at Ridtre SDrinc bv 8 p m; Leave Ridge Spring Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Kinston by 12 in. Bond required with bid. $200. 13123 From Hookerton, by Ridge Spring, Johnson's Mills, Cox ville. and Rose Hill, to Green ville, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerton Friday at 7 a m; A rrivfi at fireenville bv 7 P m : Leave Greenville Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Ilookerton by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13124 From New Berne, by Lrrants- boiough and Bay River, to V an demere, 29 milesand back, three times a week. Leave New Berne Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Vandemere by 6 p m; Leave Vandemere Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 6 p in. Bond required with bid, $900. 13125 From New Berne, by Pollocks- ville, to Trenton, 25 miles and back, twice a week. Leave New Berne Wed nesday and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Trenton by 3 p m; Leave Trenton Tuesday and Fri day at 8.30 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 4.30 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13126 From Beaufort, by Mill Point and Portsmouth, to Ocracoke, 00 miles and back, once a week. Leave Beaufort Tuesday at 10 p m; Arrive at Ocracoke Thursday by 4 p m; Leave Ocracoke Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Beaufort next day by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13127 From Ocracoke to Hatteras, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Ocracoke Friday at S a m; Arrive at Hatteras next day by 10 a m; Leave Hatteras Saturday at 10.30 a m: Arrive at Ocracoke next day by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13128 From Newport, by Sander's Store, to Peletier's Mills, 20i miles and back, once a week. Leave Newport Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Peletier's Mills by 7 pm ; Leave Peletier's Mills Saturday at 6 am; Arrive at Newport by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13129 From Newport to Harlowe, 10 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newport Saturday at 7 am; Arrive at Harlowe by 10 a m; Leave Harlowe Saturday at 11 am; Arrive at Newport by 2 p m. Bond required with bid, $100. 13130 From Jacksonville, by Ward's Mill, Duck Creek, and Queen's Creek, to Swansborough, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jacksonville Tuesday at 1 P in; Arrive at Swansborough next day by 11 a in; Leave Swansborough Wednesday at 2 pm; Arrive at Jacksonville next day by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13131 From Poilocksville, by Falo Al to, to Swansborough, 27 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Poilocksville Wednesday and Saturday at 11.30 a m; Arrive at Swansborough by 8 pm; Leave Swansborough Thursday and Sunday at 8 a m; Arrive at Poilocksville by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $400. 13132 From Wilson, to Marlborough, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilson Wednesday at2 pm; Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p m; Leave Marlborough Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wilson by 1 p m. Bond required with bid $200. 13133 From Wilson to Speight's Bridge, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilson Monday at 1 p m; Arrive at Speight's Bridge by 7 p m; Leave Speight's Bridge Monday at 6 a in; Arrive at Wilson by 12 ni. Bond required with bid, $200. 13134 From Speight's Bridge to Snow Hill, TO miles and back, once a week. Leave Speight's Bridge Friday at 9 am; Arrive at Snow Hill by 12 m; Leave Snow Hill Friday at 1 pm; Arrive at Speight's Bridge by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $100. 13135 From Snow Hill to Greenville, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Snow Hill Wednesday at 6 am; Arrive at Greenville by 12 rn; Leave Greenville Wednesday at 1 pm; . Arrive at Snow Hill by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13136 From Greenville, by Pactolus, to Washington, 25 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Greenville Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Washington by Spin; Leave Washington Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Greenville by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13137 From Washington, by Choco- winitv, Belleview, and Swiit Island, to New Berne, 36 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Washington daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at New Berne by 4 pm; Leave New Berne daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Washington by 4p m. Bond required with bid, $2,200. 13138 From Washington, by Bath, Pun- go Creek, Pantego, Leechville, Burger's Mill,Sladesville, Swan Quarter, Rose Bay, Lake Com fort, Lako Landing, Middle town, and Stencil House, to Fairfield, 119 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington Tuesda' at 6 a m. Arrive at Fairfield Thursday by 12 m; Leave Fairfield Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Washington Monday by 7 pm. Bond required with bid, $1,200. 13139 From Washington, by Choco- winity, Blount's Creek, Ed ward's Mill, Aurora, and South Creek, to Goose Creek Island, 52 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Goose Creek Island TFednesday by 4 pm; Leave Goose Creek Island Thurs day at 6 a m; Arrive at Washington Saturday by 4 p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13140 From Tarborough, by Sparta and Falkland, to Greenville, 26 miles and back, six times a week Leave Tarborough daily, except Sunday, at 5 a m; Arrive at Greenville by 12 m; Leave Greenville daily, except Sunday at 1 p m; Arrive at Tarborough by 7.30 p m. Bond required with bid. 81.500. 13141 From Tarborough, by Bethel and rtooinsonvine, to Williamston, 36 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Tarborough Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 6 a rn; Arrive at Williamston by 5 pm; Leave Williamston Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 a in- Arrive at Tarborough b3 5 p in. Bond required with bid. 81.20D. 13142 From Falkland to Farm ville. 9 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Falkland Tuesday, Thurs . day, and Saturday at 10.30 a in; Arrive at Farmville by 1 p m; Leave Farmville Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Falkland by 10 a m. Bond required with bid. 8300. 13143 From Rocky Mount, bv Nash ville, Hilliardstown, Castalia, and Cedar Rock, to Louisburgh, 47 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Rocky Mount Tuesday and Saturday at 5 a m; Arrive at Lou is burg by 8 pm; Leave Louisburg Monday and Friday at 5 am; Arrive at Rocky Mount by 8 p m. Bond required with bid. $800. 13144 From Plymouth. bv Avoca. Edenton, Colerain, Harrells ville, Gates Ferrv, Petty's Shore, Winton, Riddicksville, South Quay (Va.), and Cobbs ville, to Franklin Depot (Va.), 106 miles and 1 ack, by steam boat, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 p m; Arrive at Franklin Depot Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday by 8 am; i Leave Franklin Depot Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a m; or after arrival of mail from Nor folk; Arrive at Plymouth same days by 6 pm. Bond required with bid. S4.500. 13145 From Plymouth, by Long Ridge and "ork Swamp, to Washing ton, 35 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Washington by 6p m; Leave Washington Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13146 From Plymouth, by Jamesville and Williamston, to Hamilton, 35 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Hamilton by 7 pm; Leave Hamilton Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Plymouth by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 3147 From Plymouth to Windsor, 30 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 p m; Arrive at Windsor next davs by 12 m; Leave Windsor Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 12 m; Arrive at Plymouth next days by 6 pm. Bond required with bid, $600. 13148 From Windsor, by Lewiston. Roxobel, Rich Square, and Jackson, to Seaboard, Similes and back, twice a week to Jack son, and six times a week the residue. Leave Windsor Monday and Thursday at 12 m; Arrive at Jackson Tuesday and Friday by 7 p in; Leave Jackson Wednesday and Saturday at 4 a m ; Arrive at Windsor Monday and Thursday by 11 a m; Leave Jackson daily, except Sun day, at 1 p m ; Arrive at Seaboard by 3 p in; Leave Seaboard daily, except Sun day, at 10 a m; Arrive at Jackson by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $1,100. 18149 From Plymouth, by Lee's Mills and Scuppernong, to Columbia, 32 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Columbia by 5 p m ; Leave Columbia Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Plymouth by 6p m. Bond required with bid, $800. 13150 From Winfall, by Belvidere, Ward ville, and Small's Cross Roads, to Holly's Wharf, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Winfall Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Holly's Wharf by 12 m; Leave nolly's Wharf Monday, p m; Arrive at Windfall by 7 p Bond reouired with bidCStiOO. 13151 Prom Harreli's Wharf, by Har- rellsville, to Pitch Landing, 12 miles and back, once a week. L?ave Harreli's Whart Wednes day at 8 am; Arrive at Pitch Landing by 12 rm; Leave Pitch Landing We iuesdai at 1 pm; Arrive at narrell's Wharf by! 5 p m. ' Bond required with bid, $200. 13152 From Columbia to Fort Landing, 20 miles and back, oftce a week. Leave Columbia Monday at lpm; Arrive at Fort Landing by 5 p m; Leave Fort Landing Monday at 7 am; i Arrive at Columbia by 12 m. j Bond required with bid, $20dJ 13153 From Columbia to Gum Neck, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbia Saturday at 7 a in; Arrive at Gum Neck by 12 m. Leave Gum Neck Saturday at I pm; Arrive at Coumbia by 6 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13154 From Edenton, by Hertford, Winfall, TFoodville, Elizabeth City, Ship Yard, South Mills, Lake Drummond (Va.), Deep Creek, and Portsmouth, to Nor folk, 79 miles and back, three times a week to Elizabeth City, and six times a week the resi due. Leave Edenton Tuesday, Thurs ' day, and Saturday at 6 a m; I Arrive at Elizabeth City by 3 p m; Leave Elizabeth City Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Edenton by 3 p m; j Leave Elizabeth City daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Norfolk by 5 p m; Leave Norfolk after arrival of Baltimore boat say 8am; j Arrive at Elizabeth City by 0 pm. Bond required with bid. $3,100. 13155 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, Shiloh, Currituck C. H., Ma zock, ; North West Lauding (Va.). and Indian Creek, to Great Bridge, 64 miles and back. once a week. Leave Elizabeth City Thursday at am; Arrive at Great Bridge next day by 5 pm; l,eave lireat Bridge Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Elizabeth City Wednes day by 5pm. Bond required with bid, $700. 13156 From Elizabeth City to Manteo, 50 miles and back, onco a week. Leave Elizabeth City Frb;ayat2 P m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 6 p m; . . Leave Manteo Thursday at G a m; Arrive at Elizabeth City next day by li a m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13157 From Manteo, by Rodanthe, Kin- nekeet, and The Cape, to Hat teras, 73 miles and back, once a week. Leave Manteo Sunday at 6 a in; Arrive at Hatteras next day by 6 p rn; Leave Hatteras Tuesday at 6 a in; Arrive at Manteo next day by 6 p m. Bondrequired with bid, $800. 13158 From Manteo to The Lake, 25 miles and back, onco a week. Leave Manteo Monday at Sam; Arrive at The Lake next day by 11 a mj Leave The Lake Tuesday at 2 p m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 5 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13159 From South Mills to Rosedale, 8 miles and back, twice aweek. Leave South Mills Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Rosedale by 9 a in; Leave Rosedale Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a m ; Arrive at South Mills by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13160 From Currituck C. H., by Coin jock, Poplar Branch, and Jarris burg, to California, 30 miles and back, Once a week. Leave Currituck C. H. Friday at 9 a in; Arrive at California by 3 pm; Leave California Thursday at 9 am; l Arrive at Currituck C. H. by 3 p m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13161 From Woodville to Durant's Neck, 6 miles and back, once a week. ' Leave Woodville Thursday at 8 a m; Arrive at Durant's Neck by 10 am; Leave Durant's Neck Thursday at 11 am; t Arrive at Woodville by 1 p m. ' Bond required with bid, $100. 13162 From Gatesville to Gates Ferry, 3 miles and back, three times a week. A Leave Gatesville Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 11 a rn; Arrive at Gates Ferry by 12 m; Leave Gates' Ferry Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 P m; ; Arrive at Gatesville bv 5 pm. Bond required with bid, $100. 13163 From Gatesville to Sunbury, 12 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Gatesville Monday and Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Sunbury by 5 p m; Leave Sunbury Monday and Friday at 7.30 a m; , -Arrive at Gatesville bv 10.30 a m. Bond required with bid, $300. 13164 From Gatesville, by Buckland, to Reynoldson, 11 miles and back, once avveek. Leave Gatesville Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Reynoldson by 5 p m: Leave Reynoldson Friday at 8 a m; 5? Arrive at Gatesville by 11 am. Bond required with bid, $100. 13165 From Norfolk (Va.), by . Great Bridge, Blcssom Hill, Currituck C. H. (N. a), Knott's Island, and Cpinjock, to Poplar Branch, 75 miles and back, twice a week, by steamboat. Leave Norfolk Monday, and Thursday at 6 a rn; Arrive at Poplar B ranch by 5 p m ; Leave Poplar Branch Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Norfolk by 5.30 pm. Bond required with bid, $1,500. 13166 From Murfrcesbo rough to,Boy- kin's Depot (Va.V 14 miles and back, six times a week. . Leave Murfreesborough daiy,ex- cept Sunday, at 6 a in; Arrive at Boykln's Depot by 8.30 a m; Leave Boykln's Depot daily, ex cept Sunday, at 2.30 p m; Arrive j at Murfreesborough by 5 &m. bnd required with bid, $500. 13167 From Murfreesborough, by Wheelersville, Potecasl, Wood land, and Saint John, to Roxo bel, 29 miles and back, once a week. Leave Murfreesborough Thurs day at 6 am; Arrive at Roxobel by 4 p rn; Ijeave Roxobel Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Murfreesborough by 4 Bin. " " ond required with bid, $300. 13168 From Enfield, bv Scotland Neck, Palmyra,and Roanoke, to Ham ilton, 38 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Enfield Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 11 a ni; Arrive at Hamilton by 7 p m; Leave Hamilton Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Enfield by l p m. Bond required with bid, $1,200. 13169 From Enfield, by Heathsville. Brinkleyville, and RIngwood, to Enfield, equal to 16 miles and back, once a week. Leave Enfield Tuesday at 6 a in: Arrive at Enfield by 6 n va. 1 Bond required with bid, $200. 13170 From Raleigh, by Eagle Uock. Moore's Mills, Wakefield, and Stanhope, to Wilson. 63 miles and back, twice a week to Eagle Rock, and once a week the res id ue. Leave Raleigh Monday and Thursday at 2 p m; Arrive at Eagle Rock by 6 p m; Leave Eagle Rock Friday at 0 am; Arrive at Wilsou by 7 p m; Leave Wilson Saturday at 6 a in; Arrive at Eagle Rock by 7 p m; Leave Eagle Rock Monday and luuiouay aw o a ill , Arrive at Raleigh by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13171 From Raleigh, by Hay's Store, Kelvin Grove, Dayton, Fish Dam, Stagville, Round Hill, Red Mountain, and Mount Tir zah, to Roxborough, 52 miles and back, once a week. , ' Leavo Raleigh Wednesday at 2 P m; Arrive at Roxborough next day by 7 p in; ; Leave Roxborough Tuesday at 6 am; Arrive at Raleigh next day by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13172 From Raleigh, by Banks, Myatt'a Store,Barclaysville,and Averys borough, to Elevation, 1 miles and back, once a week.- Leave Raleigh Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Elevation next day by 10am; Leave Elevation Friday at 12 m; Arrive at Raleigh next day by 3 . p m. Bond required with bid, $500. 13173 From Forestville, by New Light, Slab Town, Wilton, Brookvillo, and Fairport, to Oxford, 39 miles and back, once a week. Leave Forestvlllo Wednesday nt 6 a m; Arrive at Oxford by 7 p m; Leavo Oxford Thursday at 6 a in; Arrive at Forestville by 7 p in. Bond required with bid, $1W. 13174 From Franklinton to Louisburg, 10 milesand back, nix times a week. Leave Franklinton daily, except Sunday, at 3 p in ; Arrive at Louisburg by 6 p m ; Leave Louisburg daily, except Sunday, at 7 a ni ; Arrive at Franklinton in time to connect with mail going iiortti-' say by 10 a m; Bond required with bid, $600. 13175 From Henderson to Oxford, 12, miles and buck, six times a week. J Leave Henderson daily, except Sunday, at 2 p in; Arrive at Oxford by 5 p in ; Leavo Oxford daily, except Sun- daj-, at 8.30 am; Arrive at Henderson by 11.50 a m; Bond required with bid, $300. 13176 From Oxford, by Tallyho and Dutchville, to Knap-of-Reeds, 23 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Oxford Tuesday and Fri day at 8 a m ; Arrive atKna-of-Reedsby 4 p in; Leave Knap-of-Reeds Wednes day and Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Oxford by 4 p m.' Bond required with bid. $300. 13177 From Oxford, by Sassafras Fork, Brownsville, Young's CroK. Roads, Buchanan and Oak Hill, to Oxford, equal to 23 1 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Oxford Tuesday and Fri day at 6 am; Arrive at Oxford next days by 6 Sm. ond required with bid, $600. k 13178 From Oxford to Berea, 10 miles and back, once a week. Leave Oxford Saturday at lpm; Arrive at Berea by 4 p m ; , , Leave Berea Saturday at 9 a mj Arrive at Oxford by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $100. 13179 From Manson, by Townes ville, to Clarkesville (Va.), 25 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Manson Monday, Wednes day, and Friday a 1.30 p m ; Arrive at Clarksville by tt ptn ; Leave Clarksville Tuesday,ThurM- day, and Saturday at 8 a rn ; Arrive at Manson by 2 p oo. Bond required with bid, 700. 13180 From Rridgeway, by Palmer's Spring (Va), Saint Tammany's, Merry Mount, to Ridgeway, and equal to 17 miles and back, once a week. ' Leave Ridgeway Salurdayat7am; Arrive at Ridgeway by 7 p m. Bond required with bid, $200. 13181 From Leaksville, by Ridgeway i and Mayo Forks, to penn's Storeya.), 26 miles and back, twice a week. ! Leave Leaksville Wednesday and - Saturday at 1 p m; . Arrive at Penn'a Store by 9 p m j Leave Penn's Store Wednesday and Saturday at 4am; Arrive at Leaksville by 12 m. Bond required with bid, $600. 13182 From Littleton, by Areola, to Ransom's Bridge, 21 miles and back, once a week, , j Leave Littleton Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Ransom's Bridge by 12 m; , Leave Ransom's Bridge Saturday at lpm; , Arrive at Littleton by 7 p m. . Bond required with bid, $300. 13183 From Fayetteville," by Roslln and Saint Paul's, to Lumber ton, 33 miles and back, six times a Leave Fayetteville dailyi "except Sunday, at 0.30 pm, t f Arrive at Lumbetton next Cays by 8.30 am; Leave Lu m ber ton dally except Sunday, at 12 m i Arrive at Fayetteville by li p. m. Bond required th bid, 8 ,9 0. 13184 From Fayetteville, by BW ner's. Dismal, jLeon, ana Clinton, to Warsaw, 49 nnfl and Wfr