gjULja.. nam. THE ERA. THE ERA. V Kli PUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS PAl'Efl THE CEXTKAL OllUAN i IF THE PARTY. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE. : " - - - V. M. HltOAVN, Manager. jzrfr Jon Wokk executed at short no tion and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State. ; ' RATE; OF 'ADVERTISING : Ono square, one time, , - $ 100 " two times, . - - 1 50 Ut :kvt the North Carolina UUrtk- : t.ir wnwr of Fayetteville hi1 Mor frire.-t;s lirst lrKr s-uth of th State ) ll-Mlse. IlATI-is OF SUBSCRIPTION Oneye-ir, - 44 three times. 2 00 T"r - - - TOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1875. N0.28-'9. Contract advertisement? taken, at proportionately low rates. r lit Jmm -.mm : 1 .' ! ... ' I ' I " " m ; - 1 . n ... .. i i 1 Co : V . . :t ! rm THE 'ER A. TIIl'K-SHAY. JANUARY 7. 175. FOKTItY. Discontent. A man in. hi carriage was tiding along. Hi Klydrsetl vife y hi side; In satin and lare sne looKeu ijkh queen, Ami he like a kin;; in Lis prido. A woirtl-Miwyer stood on the street a they passed, Tho carriage and couple he eyed, Ai:d J as ne 'rkl with hU saw on u log. I whti I was rich and could ride." The man in the carriage remarked to his wife, " One thini? I would pive if I could I would give all my wealth for the htrength and health Of tho man w ho is sawing the wood." POLITICAL. I low the Secretary of t lie Treas ury ot the United States would Solve the Problem. rt.,. fm.r. th,. tract from the . ra.e- reu- The following ex ivi.ort of the United r. r will show the plan he o;!Vrs for tfv resumption of specie payments: The Secretary n-oommcmls Con Ttv to provide by law that after an e.irlv :T.d fixed day United States notes "hnll cciie to Im legal tenders ;n to contracts thereafter made. But hU provision should not apply to r.ffli i;il salaries or to other ordinary expenditure." if toe government un-,I.-r fheti cxistirg contracts or ap propriations, lil t .vi til the day thus t U fixed and the time of final re sumption a sufficient period should , :- toenahle the people and banks i , prepare for the latter by such gradual process '. business as will neither lead to violent eontn'ction in credit and vaiii's, nor suddenly increase the obligations f debtors. Te sudden nd immediate appre ri.uioii of the papr dollar to its par value in iiold i- not only no neces sry elemt-nt of rdieniption, but, as i.ir as practicable, ohoutd be avoid ed. If, lnrirnr the period of the w ar, the l gal Tvnder Acts opera ted us a bankrupt law, compelling ereUiior to jiive acquittanci-s upon the rctvipt of les- than the full amount of their debts, this is no rea son why the law of redemption should now ctjmiel debtors at once to ay essentially more than they have contracted to pay. The adop tion of such measures as will not suddenly increase the obligations of debtors, will go far to allay and dis arm w hatever popular opposition to resumption of specie payment may now exisM and, besich s, would be but just to the debtor clas. The day trotn which new contracts must ie di-wharged in coin should be fix ed sulhciently f.ir in advance to give the people and the banks time to understand it, and to prepare them !el ves for it. It is believed that not many mom lis will be necessary for that ptirpese; but, to avoid the mis chiefs already indicated, this day should precede the day of final re sumption by a longer period. The time should not, in the opinion of the Secretary, Ik? extended beyond three years, and might safely be made as much less as in the judg ment of Congress would sufficiently protect the interest of debtors and avoid the evils of too sudden con traction. The law should also authorize the immediate conversion of legal tender notes into bonds bearing a low rate of interest, which, while inviting conversion, should not be sohih as to appreciate the legal tender notes rapidly, and thereby operate oppressively on the debtor class. As an additional inducement to the conversion of United States notes into these bonds at a low rate of interest, authority should be giv en for making them security for the circulation ot national banks. The law should further provide the means for the redemption of such notes as may be presented for that purpose when the period of resump tion shall have been reached. To this end the Secretary should be au thorized to make a loan not exceed ing the total amount of notes re maining unconverted at the time of resumption, less the surplus revenue to ie made applicable to such re sumption. It is probable that the gradual and continued revival of business will so far increase tho rev enues that a large loan will not be requtrea tor the purjiose; uul it is advisable that the Secretary be au thorized to make it in order to meet the contingency of a failure of suffi cient surplus revenues. Such a loan should be made by issuing bonds to run for such time as the wisdom of Congress may suggest, and to be disposed of from time to time as the necessities of the caso may, re quire. In the opinion of the Secre tary, these bonds should run for a long period, and should bear inter est at a rate not exceeding the low est rate which the government may then be paying In refunding its G percent, securities. Any substan tial or useful raovemeut for resump tion necessarily involves supplying the Treasury with increased amount of coin, either by increased reve nues or an adequate loan. The pres ent condition of the credit of the government, which would be fur ther enhanced by the adoption of measures for return to a specie basis, leaves no room for doubt that a loan fur such purposa would be readily hdcen at a low rate of interest, pleasures should also be adopted re quiring the banks to hold gold re serves preparatory to resumption on their part. . . -K Lit t. , ; I' ,.ry docs not deem it proper to pursue the matter into farther detail. It" Congress shall onelude, as he earnestly hopes it win, that the time has arrived for the enactment of a law having for it object resumption of ppecie pay ment, its own wisdom will supply the necessary methods. That which is of th.-ghest importance is the : doption of.the definite policy of re- sumptlon. In his speech accepting the Re publican nomination tor le-clection to Congress in the Ninth district of Massachusetts, Hon. Geo. I Hoar said : I do not deny that errors have been made by the Republican par ty, but it is only admitting that er rors have been made by a majority of the American people, and those who declare that the Republican party is corrupt only declare that a majority of the American people re corrupt. Some things have been "hme which ought not to have been done, some things which should have been done have been left un done. In my opinion ono of the greatest errors was committed when universal suffrage was given the people that universal education was ii t imposed with it. I do not con- -e:itl that duition w a panacea for u! evils,t or that knowledge is to t t aU evil r,uri)0rie3 when re- !i;ion itself fails. But I do suppose that the great truth upon which Massachusetts is founded as on a reck should not be disregarded in the reconstruction of the South. I think it a mistake that Congress did lot declare to the States that to be tdmitttd there must bea complete system of education, and that it would have been wise economy if on or two hundred million dollars had been expended for the purpose of educating the peopleof the South, .it then referred to his Education iiJl which passed the House, but iaiied in the Senate, was introduced i U at the present Congress, but j.-ing to the panic, had been defer red till next winter, when it has the priority of all other business from da y to day until disposed of. We ies'.re, he continued, to secure hon esty aud purity in the administra tion of government. Great uneasi i.er.s has prevailed, many charges, s nne of them just, have been made fcgmnst men who have been honor ed by the Republican party with its oufidence. This is what has al ways followed a great war, and what persons familiar with politi cal history predicted as the war approached its close. No party can retain power for twenty years with out attracting to itself persons who join it for their own selfish ends; camp-followers, jobbers, office-hunters, moiety-men, men who'mean to make politics pay." The Republi can party must deal with them, and i4 trying to deal with them as well as it can. Do you think our Demo cratic opponents likely to have es caped better than we have in this regard? The Republican party is the majority of the American peo ple, and to say that the Republican party is corrupt is to declare that the American people is corrupt. To say that we cannot remedy this evil is to declare the republic itself a failure. I, for one, do notdespair. England, a nation with institutions so nearly like our own that she has b.en called a 44 republic hooped," has gone through a far worse expe rience, Not many generations ago an election in England was a con test between two men of wealth, widen could pay the largest sum for the votes of the constituents. Yet j bribery at elections has there almost wnolly been suppressed. Nor was the representative in Parliament himself, man of rank, man of cul- ; ture, man of honor though he claimed to be, better than the con hliiuent. Mr. Disraeli, a short time ; go, stated in the House of Com ni.uis that the time was when at the close of every session of Parlia ment the Chancellor of the Ex chequer took his place below the bar and gave a 500 note to each im-inber as he went out who had voed steadily with the government through the session. Some one caned out 44 You mean Sir Robert Walpole." 44 No," said Mr. Dis raeli, 44 long after Sir Robert Wal poie. Long alter the close of the American war." Now if England, with all the tendency of an aris tocracy toward corruption, has ex tirpated a practice which existed in SUCn grOSS iorm wmuu mo m u,wl J of living men, so that corruption in Parliament is there almost un known, surely the American people need find no difficulty. The Real Facts. Chronic grumblers see nothing good in the acts of tho Republican party. During the administration of ihe party it has aided and actu ally secured the construction of a railway across the continent from ocean to ocean; yet tho party is abused for donating to this enter prise a portion of the public lands, iy which Immigration has been drawn into the interior, developing he resources of the great West, and tioubling in value the yet unoccu pied public domain. During the administration of the party more than 40,000 miles of rail way have been constructed over the country, equaling In cost. Including rolling stock and equipments, the tudre railway system of England twice told ; yet the party is blamed tvauso there are not railways enough to transfer our vast internal prducts to the seacoast and manu ldttures to the interior. ' i Since the party came into power it has expended, vast sums in har bor and river improvements; yet it is censured because it -ha not arotrUpteU n trytcm of ;in- land canals across the continent. It is censured for expending mom-yon fiublic buildings; yet there is sea n'e y a city, territory or State in the Union that is not clamoring to-day for appropriations for the erection, of public buildings that are really needed to meet the development and consequent necessities of the country. The Government is censured for the public debt and consequent tax ation; and yet the debt is the di Tect result of the war inaugurated by the very men who are now whi nmg over its existence. aut - The Democratic party is const ly denouncing the Administration for the heavy expenses of the Gov ernment, while the figures show conclusively, and every body who has investigated the subject knows, that when the disbursements grow ing out of the Democratic war are deducted, the cost of the Govern ment is less than it was under Buchanan, with one-third more population to provide for now than at that time. The Democracy blames the Re publican party for the late panic and subsequent hard times, and at tributes this disaster to a high tar iff; yet, every intelligent man in the country knows that if it had not been for that same tariff, the crisis would have fallen upon us several years earlier, and with ten fold more severity. TMiese chronic grumblers know better. They know that the Republican party has been a marvelous success. JVetc-Jieme Time a. The New Bankrupt Law. The following are the most im portant provisions of the new Bank rupt Act, which has been approved by the President: 1st. No proceedings can be taken in involuntary or compulsory bank ruptcy excepting by the action of one-fourth in numoer of creditors and one-third in value of claims against the debtor. 2d. The provision of the present law requiring that the assets of an involuntary bankrupt shall be equal to fifty per cent, of the indebted ness (proved or provable) is repeal ed without limitation. 3d. In voluntary bankruptcy the bankrupt may be discharged if his assets equal thirty per cent, of debt proved against him which he owes as principal. 4th. A composition may beelfect ed without regard to the proceed ings in bankruptcy, by a vole ot a majority in number of creditors, who shall adopt a resolution to that in effect at a meeting duly called, on due notice, as such creditors as may be present or represented by proxy; said resolution to be certi fied to court, to be signed by a cer tain number (five-eighths) of tl e creditors, representing a certain proportion (three-fourths are believ ed to be the proportion) of the in debtedness, which, if had, such composition may be enforced upon the non-agreeing creditors. oth. The two periods of four months and six months, prescribed as limits of reclaiming and avoid ing processes, are reduied to sixty days and four months respectively, but this is not to take effect for two months after pa.-sage of act. 6th. The expenses of all officers, agents, etc., to be reduced to one half the, present rates ; the old rules to remain in force until theSupreme Court shall arrange the new tariff of charges. In estimating the number of credi tors in certain cases no debt under $o0 is counted in the number, 1 hough it may be computed in whole. Neic-Berne Times. Judge Dick has issued an order fixing the rates tf printing notices in bankruptcy as follows, after June 21,1874: First meeting, 2 times, $2.25 Appointment of Assignee, 3 times. 2.00 Final Notice, 2 times, 2.25 Notice of second and third meet ings, once a week 2 weeks, each, 2.25 All notices of sales by assignees or officers of the court snail be pub lished once a week for 3 succebsive weeks in one of the newspapers heretofore designated by the court to publish bankruptcy notices. Such notices shall be paid for according to the published rates of such news papers. This is a reduction of all fees in bankruptcy to one-half what they have been heretofore. The fees of lawyers in bankrupt cases have like wise been reduced to $2.3, or what ever pricr may be agreed upon. Au- Xoi th.State. MISCELLANEOUS. The D tinkers. A Peculiar Set of People. A correspondent of the St. Louis Republican gives some particulars about the German Baptists known as the Dunkers, who have been holding their annual national con ference: "They teach the doctrine of general redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ, and hold that man is a free moral agent. They also believe in the doetrineof infant salvation, but their leading bishops have not decided at what time in life accountability begins. They believe that Christian regeneration will exhibit itself externally, and hence on becoming members of the church they renounce the pomis and vanities of the world, mani festing their belief by plainuessand uniformity of dress, both men and women ; hence in all the assembly none ot the sisters exhibited any flounced, furbelows or jewelry, but instead are attired in piain modest odors, many of them in calico, aud all, both old and young, wear sun bonnets which they remove while in churcbi path on having on her head a plain cap of Swiss mu3lin, made after the style of our great grandmothers. The men wear the style of dress usually-adopted by the Quakers, and in meeting a brother salute by shaking the hand and giving the kiss of brotherly love. In their moral tenets they are op posed to bearing arms, and will not resort to the law to collect a debt. Yrhen a brother is unfortunate fi nancially, they render him assist ance, and never permit any of their members to be supported oy county or State charities; are opposed ! all secret societies and will not to re ceive any one into membership who belongs to them. Donotallow members to make contracts with persons either members or other wise of the church, which theycan !ot fill. Any member found uuilty of this subjects himself to discipline of the church. Preach temperance in everything, and prohibit their members from dealing in or manu facturing ardent spirits. Counsel their brethren not to hold office or to vote, especially in time of war, and advise not to vote or take any intenst in State or political affairs, and suggest to the brethren not to read political papers, on the pica that it has a tendency to lead their minds astray on religious matters. Their annual conference is held al ternately east and west of tho Ohio river, beginning on Pentecost day, which is the seventh Sunday from Easter. The principal churches of this denomination are located in the States of Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Indiana, Il linois, Michigan, Minnesota, Idaho, California, low', Arkansas, Kan sas, Oregon, Colorado, and Missouri, with a scattering membership in the extreme Southern and iNew England States, but no church or ganizations, the largest body being in Miuma v alley, Ohio. As to the number of membership, i it i3 impossible to give anything j more than an approximate esLi- ; mate, they holding the doctrine i that the Scripture forbids the nuni- j bering of the bretnren. Their min- J istry is divided, into three classes,; the first being teachers or exporters, I and advanced when found worthy j to the authority to perform the ! marriage rite, and eventually to j the office of bishop, by the lying on of hands. They receive no salary,! but accept what the brethren vol untarily bestow, and are at liberty to select, with consent of the church, their field of labor. Members are received by vote, and only by trine immersion, aud are not poimitted to partake of the s tcrameut with any other religious denomination. They consider marriage by an offi cer of the civil law as valid; are law-abiding citizens, except where the civil law conflicts with their views of the Bible doctrine, in which case they prefer to suffer the penalties rather than sacrifice their religious belief. Tney observe the Lord's Supper in toe ancient man ner, by washing the leet and kiss of brotherly lve. The churches are at liberty to ob-erve this ordinance six times during the year, or only once, as they may elect. Industry on the part of its members is st rictly required, and all iazy, indolent members soon find there is no sup port for them if able-bodied." Profitable Politeness. TheBoston Traveller, in comment ing on the prevalence of rudeness, tells the following incident that happened some years ago- There was a very plainly dressed, elderly lady, who was a frequent customer at the then leading dry goods store in Boston. No one in the store knew her even by name. All the clerks but one avoided her and gave their attention to those who were better dressed and more pretentious. The exception was a young man who had a conscientious regard for system. lie never left another cus tomer to wait on the lady, but when at liberty he waited on her with as much attention as though .she had been a princess. Th?s continued a year or two, until the young man became of ige. One morning the lady approached the young -man, when the following conversation took place: Lady 44 Young man, do you wish to go into business lor yourself ?' 44 Yes, ma'am," he responded, 44 but I have neither money, credit, nor friends, nor wid any one trust me." 44 Well," continued the lady, 44 you go and seiect a good situation, ask what the rent is and report to me," handing the young man her address. The young man went, found a capital location, a good store, but the landlord required se curity, which he coifld not give. Mindtul of the ladys request, he forthwith went to herand reported. 44 Well," she replied, 44 you go aud tell Mr. that I will be respon sible." He went, and the landlord or agent was surprised, but the bargain was closed. The next day the lady called to ascertain the result. The young man told her, but added, What am I to do for gootU ? No one will trust me." 44 You may go and see Mr. , and Mr. -, and Mr. , and tell them to call on me." He did, and his store was soon stocked with the best goods in the market. There are many in the city who remember the circum stance and the man. He died many years since, and left a fortune of 300,000. So much for politeness, so much for civility, and so much for treating one's elders with the defer ence due to age, in whatever garb they anc clothed, Look Up, Bachelors. Here's a morsel of comfort for ye, bachelors : Bachelors are. stylet), by marred men who have put their foot into it, as only 44 half perfected beings," 44 cheerless vtigtoiids,M 44 but half a pair of shears," and many other cutting ti;les are given them, while, on the other hand, tliey extol their ownj!ate as one of such perfect bii-s that a change from earth to Heaven would be somewhat of a doubtful good. if tie-, h ippy, why in time don't they enjoy their happiness, ami hohTti.- c tongues about it? What do half of the men who get married, get married for? Simply that they may have somebody to darn their stockings, sew buttons on their shirts, and trot the babies; that they may have somebody, as a married man once said, to 44 pull off their boots when they are a little balmy." These fellows are always talking of the loneliness of bache lors. Loneliness, indeed! Who is petted to death by the ladies with marriageable daughters ; invited to tea and to evening parties, and told to 44 drop in just when it is conve nient?" the bachelor. Who lives in clover all his days, and when he dies has flowers strewn on his grave by all the girls who couldn't entrap . . i .i i itr . 1 1 1 1 i j . i nz i;(iLii.iui it i.'i i , flowers on the married man's grave! j his widow! not a bit of it; she! pulls down the tombstone that a six weeks' grief has set up in her heart, him .' tne oacneior. w no strews and goes and gets married again. she does. Who goes to bed early because time hangs heavy on his hands? the married man. Who gets a scolding for picking out the softest side of the bed, and for wak ing up the baby when he turns over in the morning? the married man. Who has wood to split, house hunt ing and marketing to do, the young ones to wash, the lazy servant girl to iook after? the married man. Who is taken up for beating his wife? the married man. Who gets divorced ? the married man. Fi nally, who has got I he Scripture on his side? the bachelor. St. Paul says, and St. Paul knew what he was talking about : 41 lie lhat mar ries does well, but he that does not marrv does better." Wo mle r fill Ca 1 c u 1 a t i o m A write? thus undertakes to con of the greatness of vev some idea the population of China: "The mind cannot grasp the real import of so vast a number. Four hundred millions! What do-s it mean? Count it. Night and day, without rest, or food, or sleep, you continue the weary work ; yet eleven days have passed before you have count ed the first million, and more than as many years before the end of the tedious task can be reached." He also supposes this mighty multi tude to take up its line of march in a grand procession, placed in a sin gle fi!e six miles apart, and march ing at the rate f thirty miles a day except on the ;.5.ibbath, which is given to rest. 44 Day after day the moving column advances, the trail pushing on far towards the rising s;tn, now bridge the Pacific, now bridge the Atlantic. And now the Pacific is crossed, but sliil the lo.ig procession marches on, stretching across high mountains and sunny plains and broad rivers, through Citir a and India and the European kingdoms, and on again over the stormy bosom of the Atlantic. But the circuit of the world itself affords not standing room. The endless column will double upon itself, and double and double again, and shall girdle the earth eight times before the great reservoir which furnishes these numberless multitudes is ex hausted. Weeks and months and years roll away, ani still they come, men, women and children. Since tho march began the little boy has become a man, yet on they come in unfailing numbers. Not till the end of forty-one years will the last of the long procession have passed." Such is China in its population, arid if Homer could preach eloquently on the vanity of man as moral, with equal eloquence, had he seen or contemplated the millions of China, could he have preached on the vanity of man as an individual. The Strangest "Wedding on Record. Bva strange perversion of legal principles, it was supposed by our ancestors that whoever married a widow who .was administratrix upon the estateof her deceased bus- band, represented insolvent, and should nossess himself of any pro perty Or anything purchased by the deceased husband, would become an xpiitor de son tort and would thereby make himself liable to an- . 1 m I I swer lor tnegooas oi nis preaecessor. Major Moses Joy became enamored of Mrs. Hannah Ward, widow of William Ward, who died in 1788, leaving an insolventestate of which Mrs. Ward was administratrix. To . .. . 1 . 4l... I avoia tne unpleasant penai ties oi me law, on the morning of her mar riage with Major Joy, Mrs. Ward placed herself in a closet, withui tire-woman, who stripped her of all her clothing, and w hen in a perfect ly nude "state she thrust her fair round arm through a diamond hole in the door of the closet, the gallant Major clasped the hand of the bux om widow, and was married by the jolliest parson in Vermont. At the close of the ceremony J the tire? wo man dressed the bride in a complete wardrobe which the Majofinad pro vided and deposited in the closet at hDOrtmmpnfment fif thptvivmonv. fiha nump nut Ipr.ititlv Htossu il in Silk, satin, and li.ee ; and there was kissing all VQuad.Montptlier ArgW. Tricky. The Secretary of theTrea iry had a consultation with the Assis ant Secretary, the Chief clerk and the Appointment clerk recently, with reference to the reports that had been received from all of the nearly 5,000 clerks of that department, re garding the relationship of those holding: positions with each other, and with thoso in other depart ments. These repot ts were 'made in accordance with the orders of the Secretary, his object being to allow but one in a family to remain in the department. During the consider ation of the subject several Mnusing and striking facts were developed. It was found that, sin many cases, ladies had been married for years who were known on the rolls by their maiden names, although they yet had been married to clerks in the -same department, and had .chil dren. It is a rule of the office that as soon as n female clerk is married she shall be removed to make a place for some less fortunate individual. Clerks were therefore known as Miss Brown and Miss Smith, aud drew pay and signed the rolls as such, when, in reality, they were not entitled to those names. Other female clerks were found to have married clerks in other departments and had not reported the facts; Another easo was that relating to a i -ii - - n very prosperous shoemaker and his family. He married a woman in one of the Bureaus of the Treasury, but she retained her place under her former name, and has had several children since her marriage. It is even reported that the thritly shoe maker supplied one of the lady's superior officers with boots and shoes without charge. $ A Whale Story. Whales are supposed to live to a great age; aud, apropos, a story is told of a sailor whose boat was wrecked, while he and -his mess mates were tossed high into the air, by a mad whale's flukes. As he came down, after half an hour had elapsed, the whale awaited him with open mouth, aud, instead of sinking as deep into the sea as he had been in the air, he slid smooth-, ly into the whale's interior. As soon as he recovered his breath he drew out his tobacco box and helped himself to a liberal 44 quid," which he rolled over and over in lfis mouth as he laughed at his adventure. .Presently he aro.-e from the soft but mo;st couch on which he had fallen, and surveyed the apartment, which contained, many wonders you may be sure. Some writings on one of the walls attracted his attention, and, on examination, it proved to be the words 44 Jonah, B. C. 802." This amused him so much that the quid fell out of his mouth, and the whale at once commenced to writhe aud show a violent dislike to nico tine. A happy idea occurred to him, and he cut his plug of tobacco into small pieces, whicn he distri buted over the floor. The whale then heaved more violently than before, and while Jack was holding his sides at the joke he was thrown into the water and almost on board one of the ship's boats. Some of his comrades doubted his wondrous story, but for the benefit of unbelievers, he hail brought back with him a pocket-knife with a buckhorn handle, on which were carved Jonah's initials and an American eagle. From Ximrod bf the Sa, or The American Whale man, hy W. Morris Davi. Locusts in China. In China, wherlocusts are wont to ravage the country, the authori ties, whether civil or military, are held responsible for the stamping out of these insects as soon as their appearance has been reported. They are required to summon a large body of men, and at once surround and destroy the locusts ; the ex pense of the maintenance of the men and compensation for the crops trodden down during the chase be ing supplied by the Provincial Treasury. Should the authorities succeed in stamping out the locusts within a limited time their services are favorably reported to the Empe ror; but should they fail, and the locust3 spread and do damage, they are liable to be deprived of their posts, arrested, and handed over to the proper board for punishment. A certain sum per bushel is paid to the peasants bringing in unwinged locusts, and half that sum when the locusts are able to tly, wmte com- j pensalion 16 given for crops trodden ! f,ri.n in tilft (.ha The locusts are swept with besoms into trenches dug at the sides hi the corn field, in which a vigorous tiie is kept up. The best time to capture locusts is when they are feeding at dawn of day, when their bodies being heavy with dew and their wings wet, they are unable to jump or fly. Ex change. lcat!i of a Circus Giant. A giant boy connected with the Chicago circus, which was recently traveling through Delaware, died of typhoid fever at Frankford, a rural village in Sussex, county. He had been left there by the company, sick and unable to proceed further, without money and among strang ers, entirely dependent upon the charities pf the people there. He was, however, kindly -cared for by the people until death relieved him. When laid out for burial he meas ured seven feet four inches.-: -The nmvor of New York says in his message that the debt of the city i is, $142,000,000. - The expenses .ior i the current year is $37,)W,U00; Starving in Nebraska. It is a strange and pathetic story of destitution and suffering which comes to us from Nebraska, where whole communities isolated from the rest of the world are brousht face to face with starvation. Tho cry of want has for many months been painfully familiar to the cars of ptniple in tho thickly settled States in the lvtst, but. the people who raised it have always been ea sily within thn reach of thoirtflief which, when known to lie needed, has always been liberally supplied. The people of Nebraska, whoso crops have been swept clean by a plague of grasshoppers as destruc tive as tnu one iniiictett upon tne Egyptians of old, are, by reason of their isolation, almost oeyoud tho reach of relief ; and the advent; of the winter's snow, if it finds them misapplied, will hopelessly shut them in with their fate. It isa ter rible thing to think that-in this land of plenty and In a year of inoro than usually bountiful harvests, hundreds of peoplo are in immi nent danger of dying outright from starvation. The relief which shall save them from starvation must bo" speedily nwidered, and it is greatly to the credit of General Ord, com manding the department in which the destitution exists, that he has done everything In his power to hasten the rendering f relief.- Lsricks Twenty Ccnturidw Old. A correspondent of the Cleave land Leader, writing from Persia says: 44 Coming from Bagdad, which, in a direct line, is forty four miles distant, three immenso mounds appear in succession, which have the appearance of natural hills. But closo examination shows that they are composed of bricks, and are'the remains of largo buildings. These are on tho east side of tho Euphrates, and the largest is about one hundred and fifty feet in height. They are supposed to be an ancient citadel that defended this. part of the town, the royal palace and a temple. How immense must the original buildings have been, when it is considered that these mounds have been the storehouses from which, for twenty centuries, bricks of the finest' description have been taken to build thu great cities of Csesiphon, S. lucia, and Bagdad! Fragments of alabaster vessels and images, tine earthenware, marble, and great quantities of enameled tiles, the coloring and glazing cf which are still surprisingly fresh, can yet be found in these mounds. On the face of every brick is stamp ed, in cuneiform, the name and title of Nebuchadnezzar. They are all laid face down ward, and the cement in which they are imbedded is so hard that they can'only be detached with the greatest difficulty." Teaching the Queen. The London World has taken to teaching Queen "Victoria good man ners, lis first lesson touches the proprieties with regard to the visit to England of the Empress of Rus sia, and isa follows: 44 Supposing you were an elderly lady and your son had married the only daughter of the richest, grandest and most important of your neighbors, by whom every possible attention had been shown to you and yours ; and supposing on the occasion of your daughter-in-law's confinement her mother came from a long distance to stay with , her in her London house, don't you think it would be merely decent and polite we would say nothing of politic behavior on your part to come up from the far distant place, 1 where you persist in burying yourself, to the great con fusion of the business which it Is your duty to discharge, and show some personal civility to-your guest?" A Child's Will. Men often speak of breaking: tho will of a child; but it seems to me that they had better break the neck. The will needs regulation, not de stroying. I should 3 soon break the legs of a horse in training him, as a child's will. I would disci pline and develop it into harmo nious proportions. I never yet heard of a will in itself too strong, more than an arm too mighty -or a mind to comprehensive in its grasp and too powerful in its hold. The instruction of children should bo suclas animate, inspire, restrain; but riotto hew, cut and carve ; for I would always treat a child as a live tree, which has to be helped to grow, never as dry, dead timber, to be carved into this or that shape, and to have certain mouldings grooved upon it. A live tree, and not dead timber, is every little child. Theo dore Parker, Dr. Johnson said that a man who would make a pun would pick a pocket. The more practical Dr. Franklin, on the contrary, said in a letter written from, London to a Philadelphia friend, July 7, 1765: 44I am pleased with your punning not merely because I like punning in general but because I learn, from your using it, that you are in good health and spirits, which I pray you l! 1 t may long cpuuuutv; A little son of J. M. Hurah, of Salisbury, was seriously inj urea late ly by the explosion of a powder fiask.. - j: . Dr. J: II. Tucker shot at Mr. Rob ert Hamlin three times on Christmas day, on the streets of Henderson. oi..i v.n-a tvtorln hrlr nnnearanco in some of the waters of North Car olina.