Jil sniitltfiJ il !- 'Hi! illotl 5"i-lI ?rrnili I't i ""i ' . iiupitiit.tu WEEICLYNBW8- -Jrr. I -lit) i.yoy-Monr .,1 ! il -nil ui iu". i; h , ! ..(1 j "PTfrfMlI fuiM )l) -:.'! ; - - . KjJV" ..uil' f :Ltf :Ui..v. . . ii orricKover the. North .Carolina Book lUlM, corner of; Fayette viJl imd Mot . mi iretat first door south of the Stole -(. ! :.iT I-! RATKS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Oiii year. -.U'. 8Wj jjiX mnilthn, ,- - -1 Ij ' Tim- month, 'j. ' , ifl-rTittAM-T;t;. .Uv.c STATE COIlSflTUflbUAt ' coiivEimon.' 1 . TWENTY HIXTH HAY." - ; TuV-kdaV, Oct. t 1S75. .Mt-t at 10 A. l. Mr. I'rebUlent lUrirn in th ckfr. lraer ly lt'V. Mr. Siki-, of the ('.HlM1lll'll. Journal of sterday rvnd and ap .Mr. lU'iiui'tt . off reU a j-r.ifest nd iy iveitylelccats, against iiiiowitig ihn ll-lHon County con- ti slants Kiy. IU'ptjrt. wrre submitted from l.iii(liiig amiiiiitt s. IXTKOlW-HTfON OF ORDIXAMCE8 AND ltESOr.UTION. ' " " By Mr. Thorne, (Ko.jtordiiittiice .r rtliff of KopU. , lxvh-n a tax, to pun-liao bonds for baukiiijc ur- By Mr. I)-ki'ry, Rep. : H.hoIu li.m r. lntiiii: to cotiipletii g V K. i:. II. R., and tnoiu raging iiiimigra tiin and tnluc itton. B Mr. Bennett, Do n : Ros:!u tion of instruction respecting Che raw ami .wili-nury Railnitd. By Mr. Buxton, Rep., resolution instructing th Couuuittee on Priv ilege and Elections to report on lloleson ami. Surry contested elec tion cases on Wednc-sday, Gth Inst. The Convention relumed, to suspend the rules to consider the r60luiion, nil the ayes being lt publieani. By Mr. Badger, Iep., ri'soltition instruct in the Commit lev o:i Priv ileges ami lClections to inquiru whether I). S. Iteid, D. Coleman and John Manning, del gates, are not trustees of the Uni versity. By Mr. French, Rep., resolution authorizing the Principal Secretary to prepare for publication the Jour nal of Convention. On motion of , Mr. Bennett, the rules were suspended and the reso lution relating to the Cheraw and .Salisbury Railroad was adopted. Mr. Bingham, Dem., moved to reconsider the vote by which the sjKvial tax question was lost, on yesterday The ordinance In regard to bonds of t he-Stale, beiiigsubMitute offered by the Coiumitteoon Bill of Rights, (ieneral 'Assembly to levy no taxes for ptyment of more than 5 wr cent, of principal of special tax bonds, and 3-J per cent, of all other iHmils, until question of levy shall be approved by majority of voters nf State. No interest, past or fu ture, to be paid ou any bonds. This motion, on motion of Mr. Clingman, was laid on the table ayes 52, noes 4U. Mr. Boyd, Rep., introduced a resolution instructing the Commit tee on the Judicial Department to enquire and report if the Convm tion has the power to adopt such measure as may be necessary to eomjiel the Public Treasurer to re fund to the County of Alamance certaid railroad taxes. ' ' The rules were suspendetl and the resolution was adopted. Oa motiou of Mr. Young, 1U -p., the rules were suspended arid the resolution Inquiring whether the Convention has the power to di vorce from matrimony was taken up and adopted;" - " By Mr. Turner,' Demi? Resofd-' tion providing for two sessions of Convention daily. Lies over. , By Mr. Manning, of Chatham, Dem. : Ordinance concerning public debt. No tax to be levied unless d question submitted to the people, i SPECIAL ORDER. Motion to reconsider the vote by which ordinance to amend art. ii, see. io, of the Constitution, passed third reading. Relates to appoint ments of officers by Governor and confirmation by Senate. The motion to reconsider was tabled ayes 54, noes 48. i st mutotrirn mtaTVrQ C Ordinance to strike out sec. 33,U art. 4, of ConstituUon. This is tl 0 section which gives juslv fxeUi- sive original jurisdiction of certain. civil actions founded on, cpnlxacn and jurisdiction in crlm nal'mat;-: ters where the punUhment caniut T punishment cannot oue month., ,:, exceed a One of prison ment for oue Previous question called, lund passed second readl iig ay es . ; 5, . noes 49 ayes all Democrats. THIRD , READING. uruinance ,to, abrogate sees. 15, 16, and 17, of ph., 4 of-tej PuusUtueh tion. Relates io power of IislaJ tureover 'the Judicial Peiwir'nientM Legislature io distribute that pgr tion ot this rxjweiand cjurisdictior which does not pertain tojSapreine i I'll 1 IMt i li ' ' 1 J - i t irjHJ --,) ' t ! ,7T ' ' '"", '".,' ' ''' -r.l s i I ' . . . !! -i.i ! , . ii VOE.V. I 'T l' ' liMiri Hiuio iiiher coarta ta bo-es- IvtlilSlxail'liui ZlLtiMu I ' A amhmMm ....... ..i.. ..j v. unai vwTtiAjiijr. 3iw.sr. Blotker, BadgerBarrlrw tferiMi"rurij MeuMviai.Tnyior Ante Gwodwyiiv lUpabliant spke flgflln THkinit-rrm'iKe't ctmrin iht- Jurisdiction , now, exer- piiKxl by tbtjui. t.tl , ., f, Mr. Bennett.iDem! calkd the iirevhn question. Bostalned ayes o3anoc$.40. , .'' . ti' Mr. Justice, Rcp.vi moved to atjy Journ, but the President- decided the motion not In order, the prevt- ous question having been, ordered lrP Badger,.,, Rep., ..appealed, when the Chair was: sustained ayes 54; noes 47. '' ' ' Division 6f the Question havlpg bt-en called for, by ; JiIry,.Albertson, Rei., the propositions l were adopt- eI, and then the ordinance passed its third reading. ', . 1 ! , ,Mr. Badger mpyed to reconsider the vote Just taken... ;... Mr. ' Durham; -DemJ,lmoved to lay the motion to reconMderj on the tableland the; vot , stood, ayes pJ, noes 1. Less than a quorum jvdtlng, the motion to table railed. ' 1 ' mil: ll if' :l 1 ' ; me quesuon recurring on. "ie motion to reconsider, , , Mr. Badger moved to postpone th motion to reconsider till to- morrow at olpck. Mr. Clingman, , Dem., demanueu the previous question. . Mr. Justice moved to adjourn. Ayes 45, n 08, 52. .' - Mr. Badger, moved to take are cem till, 8 o'clock. Ayes 20, noes 58. Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. carter, nennetr, ana bcoii of Jones. .. uVt-2:2- on motion of jllr. Re id. the CJbnvtjntion took a recess till 4 if T V ENT Y SIXTH P A Y. A FTEKNOOJl . SESSION. , .- r i i ' ' Tuesday, Oci 5, 1 875. ' ; . The Convention reassembled at 4 o'clock. .-. ; . -The mdtion of Mr. Badger to re- cnslder the .Vote by which the or- dinance to strike outsecsJu, 16 an,d 17 of art. 4 passed, .was. considered. ami after a considerable .number of mntlimslllnM Of the roll, and a Inrge numo'pl pointi'of prder, tho motion to reconsider;, was declared J lost. The substltue :rerorted ' by J the Cuininitteeon. Suffrage and EIig(-, biiity to Oflice for ordinances lo .? nd 232 was considered. It re- nntnv. nt npf v VlA W iIdehcfi before a . rrsoncan'ofe and1' any person convicted of . felony or other infamous crime from yotlfig.1 'Mr. Manhlng,x)f Chatham, Erity! called the previous, question,. . . r Mr. Smyth,. Rep., gave notice of an amendmenl, as did Others. ; ul Petiu1ngconsideratiotifJ 6 this 6r- dinance, fthe (qyention adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow . 1 : - .5(1 J TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY., ; I ; 1 il: ii. V EDNESDAY Ocf.! 6, 1875. The (invention' met at' lO A. M.i Mr. Jarvis in the chair. : Prayer by Re v . ' Mr. . Hassell , of the Convention.' ' ; ' , ; ; ; ; J , ;. ; ' TThe Jourriarofyesterday Was read arid amended and then approved- - Leave 'of absence was granted to Mr Bell; ' 'n'l ',' " ' Mr Colman 'frqm' e.'tmlt tee on the Judicial JDepartm'ent, re DOrted.. 5 ! f V f ..I- IlHi! 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS. ;.p. See above,1 the matter nijder con sideration at adjournment last night. " ! The Convention fproceeded under, the operation of the previous ques tion. Mr. French, -Rep, moved to take a recess until Sat urxiay. Mr. ii auger, ivep.,an ameuuuieut, i naming Friday. : Aye$ 20, pays 85: Mr. French's motion was Josi ayes 22, nays 84. Smyth's amendment making . . . f tMre huj atheism and malfeasance work dis-J -oniiniT.;iiitwit)i ia lo9t--rionein the affirms . e'aniendrfiea ...v m A L-,y.UUkVJM iJuiMi!iXl Trt - iftiiiKT .-e.Mi . -ns. -n-k-oi h , uu.vkt -'oi -WJ Vtl 'rr: A'ourigV Rep.; 4 in suppbrting th'e'atnendmeriVof Mr. Justice, said, by 1 way of explafaation,,!thai "the rHlpnt !of -ninetv 'divsy resi dence wbolddisfrarichlsmany who wer coin pel led fluently tq change, redence Jnprdeto Qbtain.meat and bread. f!.i . t ...r . The amendment 7 of Mr.1 Carey. Rep.J'a pr6vl?o,' thatrirspndls frfuichlsd ahiU jbcf reauicil, to pay, 1 .BXEIGIT, N. C, .ublic tax, was lost -ayes. 41, noes fifcfil ! ' T' ' ' I vw. ...... .Mr. Boxton, R p h.twntc. asked Awja oj vision, the. first proposiUon whW Uecided by the Chair as haying Reid, from the Committee amendment, Mr. Buxton favoring thirty days. , -The second reposition, covering everything ric'mmendel by the cpmtoittt'e wm. thwi adopted ayes C4 noes 44, ' In explaining hi4 vote Mr. Box- tb'Rep.'i Vj .k he temptation wniCil WOUli hc i out ti imrtU - -. ., ' san grand jutiv-s hihI partisan judges to disfranchise frsniall onVnees for party, purposes , ,Mr. ChamfK-rlain, Rep., by way of xplainiiiL' Mi.s vote, spoke against this attempt to disfranchise he people; vHessrs., Crosby f Smyih, Thome, Woodfin; Page and Justics Repub- llcans;in! explaining their votes, regarded this as an attempt to de prlvea great portion of the people of a voice in the government under which they live. ' The Ofdl nance then passed second Ml ....... t . i " ;i.r r. T reading -ayes fS, noes 49. Mr, Badger, Rep , moved to sus- pend the rules to put the ordinance tust passed oU; :its third reading, and asked the ayes and noes. li ijvir. j'Tencn uwvea to tase a re ., r , a . a . a cess till :4 o'clock. Mr. Page,, an amendment, till . half-past 3. Mr-Hoi ton, an amendment, till 3.' moved to tabJe the motion to take arecess. 4 Mr. Badger, Rep., moved to ad journ ayes 23, noes 80. The motion to table tho motion to take a recess prevailed. - Mr French, Rep., moved to ad journ. Lost. , Mr. Manning, of Chatham, called the previous question ayes 59. Thequeslion recurring upon tl motion of Mr, iJadger, to suehd thai rules, aud only 59 delegates voting, not a qlorum, several were called out, when .,-Mr. jbrench, not desiring to place himself in contempt, voted. Mr. Buxton, being called, voted, an then others followed. The vote stood ayes oa, noes j not a ma jority ,of ejected aeiegates voting in favor, the motion failed. 1 Ordinance to amend sec. 34, art. 4, of tho Constitution, was read by title. Mr. Badger, at 2:05, moved to ad . aml P' ay oe oo. j till 4 o'clock. Mr, French moved to amend by naming 3 o'clock. LosL Mr. Durham's motion -prevailed, and the Contention, at J 2.-20,, ,al journd ; ;' " ' ' . TWENTY-SEVENTli DAY. ; AFTERNOON ; SESSION. Wednesday, Oct. G, 1875. , The Convention;. met at .r m., President lansom in the chair. -Consideration of ordinance to Btrike out sec. 33; art. 4, of the Con stitution, was reuhjed.j ; This sec tion relates to the, exclusive original jurisdiction of magistrates. Mr.1 fanning, of Chatham , Dem., ofiered a .substitute, , , iuterfering with this jurisdiction giving Gen eral Assembly power to prescribe It,1 fecand t,Mjied the j previous question,, which, was, sustained. Mr; French, Rep., moved to take a recess till 8 o'clock. An aniendhent to make the hour 6'fajfre;;. v.-'.: The. motion to take a recess was then voted down. ,J-"p jDMlwuTfC' rt" f was,, teri , adopted,; and ,the, ordi nancei passed Its tnira reading. ; Mr1.1 Baer, lp(. ', r nye to sus pend the rMies if tak up. a resol u- ton introduced by hinelf relating WOilB;ltlrt!ng sec. 5, aft. 5 M thJConstitutionJ ! It appearing thaV the 'restrictions of the act call ing the Convention prohibited ac tion' irithts matter, the Convention reiuseo iq suspeuu uitj tuics, uuuj Mr. lUdger, asked to withdraw' the resolution. Leave of absence was granted to Mr; 'Dixon. Mr. Holtoh, Itep.f moved to sus pend the rules to take up an ordi- .nance introduced by . himself, sub- mittingto tne voters oi otaie me question of removal of disabilities of V.r Y. Holden. Objection being j,hefd,4,ihe,(CJonvention refused to suspend tho rules, oy a voie oi ayes THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 4, 1875. 4C, noes 5C-aIl the ayes being Ee- ....kill I pUUII12U : Mr. French, Rep., Introduced a resolution, but objection was raised to the reading of it. on Revision, and Mr. Roberts,' 6f Gates, from Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported. : Mr. French moved to adjourn and called the ayes and noes. Lost. Ordinance to add three sections to art. 4 ; Legislature may remove Judges and Judges may remove iifrKs uj touns. Mr. Jarvis, Dem., undertaking to hold the floor during the reading of the ordinance. Mr. Badger, Rep., rose to a point of order and asked a decision from the Chair. The President decided in favor of the delegate from Pitt ; whereupon. Mr. Badger appealed and asked the ay is and noes, when the Chair was sustained. Mr. Jarvis called the previous question. Mr. Badger moved to adjourn, and called ayes and noes. Lost. Mr. Badger called the ayes and noes on sustaining the call for the previous question, and It was sus tained. The ordinance then passed its second reading ayes 58, noes 33. Ordinance to strike out sections 26 and 27, art. 4, of the Constitution; relates to election of Judges of Su perir and Supreme Courts. Passed its second reading. Adjourned till 10 o'clock to-mor row. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. Thursday, Oct. 7 1875. Met at 10 a. m., President Ran som in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Marshall, of the. city. 1 Journal of yesterday reatl ahd ap prove 1. froin c-i.ens of' Wake countv county sgainst paying special tax and ben itentlary. (Deep .River bonds, un til ordered by a vote of the people. Having sent forward an ordinance looking to this end, he asked a sus pension t)f the rules to consider It, but the motion failed. - - REPORTS, FROM COMMITTEES. " Mrj Manning, of New Hanover, and Mr. Shepherd, from Standing Committees, reported. INTRODUCTION OF u ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. McCanlcss: An ordinance providing that no county, city, &c.t shall lend its credit unless ordered by vote of people. By Mr. Badger: Resolution to alolish the Senate and give to the Governor a limiietl veto power. 1 By Mr. Morehead : H -solution of adjournment ine die on the 18th inst. By Mr. Turner; Petition from citiKensof Wake county in regard to the Chatham R. R., Co. By Mr. Boyd : Resolution of in struction to committee on the Judi cial Department to report an ordi nance relating to the payment of special tax4bonds. By Mr. Badger: A resolution that the Convention do now ad journ sine die. By Mr. Thorne: Ordinance abol ishing certain tests for eligibility to office and suffrage. By Mr, Kerr : Ordinance to sub mit sec. 3, art. 9 of the Constitution as'a.sparate proposition. On motion of Mr. Reid, the rules were suspended and the ordiuance relating to submitting the amend ments to the people was takeu up. Provides for; publishing in,-, pam phlet form and not in newspaper. ? Mr. Badger moved to amend by requiring publication in two neu-s-papers in' Raleigh.. 1 ,i Mr. Durham moved the previous quest ion , wh left was qidjeted . y " Mr. Badger i amendiheut , was lost, ami the ordinance passed its several readings.,., , . , . , i ; . On motion of Mr. Boyd, the rides were suspended, and' the reso lution introduced by himself this morning was adopted:' ' ft CALENDAR. Ordinance prescribing suniage i - i and eligibility to foffice. 1 Requites ninety dajresidence in county, and disfranchises infamous, persons. . Messrs? O'Hara Crosby, Cary; Badger,, Keans, pposefhe ordinance.,. U: ut-f.f.i f Messrs,. Jarvs,an4. mner, Dem ocrats, favored the ordinance.. .The latter gentleman, In a characteris tic speech, which kept; the Conven tion in good humor. mor, said that Borne was intended -as a blow at thene- paying s '40;M;iyBrowejicoMnJl -presldefnt3din hlrgro, they rxuld-n9tf$trikelhef of the railroad (Democratic)church had stolen more than the eight hundred convicts In the . penitent iary. - He , was , not' i n favor (of disfranchising the tmd ne grpk ool yw , but the, .thieves on a larger scale should - suffer as well. -, ' Aftei;"an ; Jtereslhg t tfort . f rpiu Mr. Thorne, Rep. in opposition to the ordinance, ' v; : ! f ! ' ' Mr. Durham jitoved tle previous question which;wasnstained? and then all the'amn (itne'es ouert Ky the Republicans, pending tnr offerfd after potlbel had been.Vgi.ven, were voted down by a party vote. Among these, was one by; Mr. Buxton, re quiring .'sixty days' residence In the county instead of ninety. The or dinance, then passed third reading. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Taylor and to the Assistant Doorkeeper. - s The Convention, (t hen took a re cess till half-past four o'clock. . TWENTY'-EIGHTH DAY. AFTERNOON SESSION. Thursday, Oct: 7, 1875. The Convention met at 4 p. m., and remained ifesslonuntif :16 p; m.- 1 iS ' 'I ' ' , t -iiJin -The ordinance 'giving 'the 'Regis lafure bdwer fenrdve Judged dn der certain circumstances, anif Ihe Judges the power to remove Clerks of the .Superior . Courts,, passed Jts third reading. The substitute from the commit: , . . . . . ; .. . , ! ' . . tee on municipal corporations rela ting to the government; of cities, towns and iiheorporated villages, came up on its second reading. It prpvldes. that it shall Ae the duty pf the Legislature to provide for the government and organization bf cities,. towns and , incorporated vil lages.ahd' to1 restrict their power Of taxatiour assessments, i uorrowing moneyL contracting debts, and loan ing their credit :anjfqrer' prp vides' that the Legislature shall regulate aif county governkhents;. Adjourned." ' TWENTY-NtKTH DAY, ; Friday, Oct. 8, 1875. Met at.10 a. m.. President Ran som in the chair. r Prayer by Rev. Mr. Spake, of the Convention. 'Journal of yesterday read and approved. Reports were submitted from sev eral standing committees. : . a i Mr. Turner presented a petition' rom tax payers, o'f, Wake ''; pouilty respecting special tax bonds. iwr. rurper rpse: .to . a j uueiuu 4oi .. personal privilege regarding a question of yeraelt between m self and Mr. Tourgee m i Messrs. Young and Jaryiy object-' ed to the consumption of time, with personal matters. ! ;; ; ' 1 Mr. Turner continued, his; re marks. ' ' CNFINISKKft BUSINESS. ' t.i. f t- - - 1 1 The ordinance reported by Mr. Shepherd, from the Com nut tee on Municipal Corporations, to add a sectlo to article 7 of the; Const i tu tion, to be sec. 14, providing tnat hftJOeneraI Assembly shall have full power ly .8tatute to inodifyJ change and abrogate any and all of the provisions ;of this article , aqdj substitute others in their place ex cept sections! 7 and 13. :".' A minority report opposing tne passage of the Ordinance Vvas sub mitted . ; ! r." Mr.'Massey, Rep;, offered the fol-' owing amendment,: , But nothing, herein contained shall operate' to deprive the people i of t the right to elect the officers now provided tor under this article' I Mr!. Block er, R-p., i opposedi t he ordinance as sf ri kl ng af the root of . . ; i - - ' I . i i .- -,. "t; j li fij B f i J i popular government. ; ,i i. . Mr. Manning,' of New Hanover;1 Rep.', pfrered the fol Idling amende ; ment: -That : the General' Assembly j shalhavetio ahthorJI'tJsin the Boards of Cunty Comnilssion- ers jior to estahl'fsi the old County 1 COUW. , ,r. ... ,. f MrBuxton; Rj. 'an amendment 1 to5 exempt svv.tio troin ithe'pcrr, ationsbf the ordinancei " amendment to prohibit counties from'Ieyyldgiacs meet 1 necessary expenses 01 ineir guvero ment:,''',, '"4,i rV'Xtbtsop, Rep-JJ'paw inC iheJ ordinancearr attempt to take from( the people all the powers theynp'w have and to give it tofne hundred and seventy men. Itas left to the Legislature , tq , ,say , ,wnat ,forni .jJ government the people of thecoma tie3,hoMlt., h$ye .denpuged; this tyranny and t reminded the Ojriyeritlonthatthughfhe wlth6ufuliya Vhc pporr wnites. 1tetaespiseo;,this x indirect .way. of , reaching ,ends.If it, was the Durnose,of . the insiorlrv lr r!. .... . . . v v iri ve i the people.of their rights, ay sojand not get atlt in them An- ner proposed hr the ordinance W- der consideration: 'life 'Was willing to trust people. There , are thqu dfi'h lptpendltheur days at the plow hnndles whose judgment Whn'x&Ctte ihe'kaVestVilHln the if he were talking to a packed jury, as the ctrueas had atxeed that the people should j bqdcprived of their ightsraiKWte-wouid- sa .Hr. O'Hara,! Rep;, followed lSlr. Aibertson, in opposition to the "or dinance,,andmade an nnanswera bleBpeech ' u - Mr. Smyth, Rep4 opposed the ordinance., i He could not ;seo the consistency in refusing to alloVv the Legislature to fix their per diem and then giving to that body the power to ;sayt what sort of govern ment the counties should have; i Mr.jCham betlaln, Rep. addressed the Convention in Opposition to the passage of the ordinance. ; , f Mr. Dockery, Rep j, fol lowed Mr. Chamberlain, and. iu opposing the ordinance, regarded it: as sounding the death knell ofpopular govern ment in the State. n v . .Mr. Turner, . Dem. , livored the ordinance, .., In reply to the charge that the . long-haired tnen did not vote againstcalling the Convention M r Bo wman Rep., i informed, hi m tiathis own is a white constituen cy. and th4t ' he was tuianimously 5rY,wu a.sutjiegaiK,- , : j , , j tfi;. v -,i-.v MrDurhani,, jpm., s moved the previous quesfion, , which ,was sus tained.. . ;; ,u . . ,,;f.p.1..t-n mi -Vj t Mr.s MasseyJs amendment (was lost ayes 55, noes 56, as follows: Ayes Messrs. .Albertsjon,. Bauer. Bitrrlnger, J?arrow, 'Batemari,. Beau, Bell,' madkBliven,4 !rifocker,"Bowntan, Bovd,,Bullpck,f;Buxtoa.' Brvn.! Carv. Chamberlain, Crosby, Davis, . Dobson, Dotokery, Dulaf,"' Fair6 loth ' French; woawyu, .vmiiuianii Jtianiptan, liliv- Yojw---. . . , ( u . . Ha&sell; HendersOh'. Jarvlsi Jones' 'of Caldwell, King . of i Pitt, ; KirbV ? Lov, Manning of Chathain, ,AJars4a,-, Mc- ii " Mnrhofli1 Afn, f v Neat, Nicholson? Pattered, PiicefRedl wine. Reid. Robbina. Roberta of Davids son, Itpberts of (iates, Kumley. Scott of Orislow. i Bliepherd . Slkibey. SiriclAf ri Singeltaryj y Hpake, .. StaUiQgS,'. fStroud; summers, .Turner, .v augbau, 4atts, Party1 vote, HVitH the exceritloK 0 Mr.-. Dobson l air 4 the others4 'Iti the1 affirmatlVfef being Republicahs 'v ! -Theamendmeht,6f Mr.4 Manning,1 of New Hanover; wits then lost1 b i party vuie iiyes u, noes to ; noes Democrats." J siM" ' v;,siI '! ?"3 iM.Buxton's amendment Vlis5 accepted;' '4!r ; '; 1 ','!,"',Mur The -amend ment of Mr. King; or Lenoir,7. was decided not in order rom which decision' he-appealed. The Chair Was sustained. n Ji 1 ' 1 ' ' ; ' 1 The brdrnance theh parsed secbtld1 readlng--ayes 55-"rioes 52: allRe- ;pnblieans agamst.:i ? ,,l '; '"ftfr1. BUxton fose fo quWllori'df jpersonai privilege1' respecting1 alid-1 sibh5 made' to him 1 bV if fj Turner ; and1 U:;i 't,i; '.,,:,l -Mr. CareyV in1 regard toan 'article inf the Daily 's2feits ' reflecting Uponf himseir.1 iu:M r;;5 1 u''-' lOh? motion of 'afr.'1 Durharpthe ruler were susrended a'rid the ordT- hance passeli'Its thidf 'reliifhg'iWa parry vote, an me ivepuoiicans voi-, ing" against Its passage 1 "V AdjoOrned'tnrhO 'OIock' to-tno?-rOwrhoVnlh'J "'V.'1 7iU " '"" o) TiliH,t t! vfn' - 'ii;,. U i , tsl"ni tt' TIIIRTIJ5TH D'AY.i!!' "3 SATt?BDAT, Oct. 9, 1875. ThQiCpftYenUojo, merafelOi a u. Presiden, Ransom Jn jthe chair. ,1 ftrayecbyiRev. Mr Atkinsonr of t lie city. i" 7ii-i"i!M'Mi(!iv Journal of yesterday read and ap-; proved , .t- v-. .A ..' -a Mr. Turner"t)fesehtetr artietltidn tfrorn'-t;;.Jti County relaMng 4oUhe special tax kAwJ-V! M. III Iti ?!! i V. -,3r.J , air,. Clingman, i.a petition from 'Iku Ma - rf fh a rt rt f rt 1 tr. VaWwtiMrl .thi.re estWuhwent pf, theBranch MitiMrt thfltrfrV: f ImU ,r 1 Y, iBepef t.JrpuithQ Cbramittee ou''the?Jddlchti 'Depart m en tj re- JjKiwer to grant diyorce from matrI-4 jniohjf. '''nC : f jiy)iIr. aMger: An ordinance to ameHd alft;; 7'of the CprjstJtutiori.5 resolution nanc npogo, noumag, juoiton, jones lsiaiure to preserjpe ;nc manner ot of Yadkin, Jordan, Justice,' Kerr, King aDnotntment or ' election ot'cierLja of Lenoir. LehmiuilEK)we:3MAbson.' Man WvK'1 Ul PT Ciecuon.QI, .Cierka , V" V. . ! .. .-.a - .i ..' ning of N, Hanovert . Massey,, JklcCahe, Off such mfenor( Cpurtsn a, , mayi bb McCandless, McDonald, JJunden, Now- tafahlishfld was onwldml - . I eii,!?0'Hara. Page Smyth,' 'Taylor esiaPiisneuwa-s consiuereu. ... . t Thorne, Wheeler,: Wilcoxi Woodfin and Mr Tourgec, Rep., .offered an -7Ti rdv fAff? !btv?.?- tlcend in a jtyla. onjurpaMed by any stinila'r'Ublisb'menlin tifaM "I -; u 4iii ui 'in til, ni ,) RATES OF ADVERTISING j i Contract: adrertisemnU taken at proportionately Itrvr ratoej w : ! J SPiPaMppEaaaDHMaHaHaHaaaa By MrTBtyan i Ordlriimco'to ret?- nlate'and ctabli.sh fealArles'of hde Officers J 1 Oiont i -,e '. i... . . . - r , i 1M.IU . IVSUlUllOll uu- thotiilng Secretary of Stnto 16 cmV Tloy? eachftdditlonal clerical1 force asmay be necessary to prepare thb trdinancesJbr publlcatidn. 'Ttdlcs suspended and the resolution '"pass .!.!. i 1 1 1 L'ALKXDAR.ii' 1 " Ordinance to.aoiehd urU 11, by the addition of a new section, was considerexl; tAuthorites' the farm ing out or .empjoypient of convicts hi penitentiary, 4 . ... ! Mr. Tourgee. offered an amend ment, prohibiting the punishment of convicts so hiretl out except by a responsible officer of the State. ' The ordinance then passed its second reading. Ape. rules, wero .suspended and it was.put.upon its third, reading, u . Mr. Bennett offered an amend- menVprohibiting the farming out of convicts-convicted' for murder, mahslaughtef, rape ' Or attempt at rape, and arson. ' ;; ;'- ; j Mr. Young, au .'amendment., that the government and 'supervision qf the convicts shall be exercised by the Penitentiary Board or some of ficer of the State. ' ' The amendments were accepted and the ordinance passed its third reading. Mr. Boyd Introduced a resolution in regard to certain .taxes, paid Into puhlic treasury .by tho. county. of Alamance. ..Under a suspension of the rules theordinanop to strike out sec. sL art. 4, relating to tho appointment of certain officers,' providing for ar t ppintment by Governor unless otlj erwige'provideti for, passed its third reading. , , I JXhe rules wero suspended and tho ordinance prohibiting tho carrying of concealed-! weapons passed its several readings. ' n ' M Ordinance to add 'an additional t uddltlonajl ng tlie Legj- sectiori'tH art. ,4, 'allow! amendment, pr0vldlng for tlrecl Mr. Massey,., Rep,, , an: amend ment, making term of office of sue ii officers four years instead of eight: as provided for in "'the Ordlnanct, afhd elective fay the' people." Ijostf aGs,'4D;''noes, 51 Party' vofej 'a 1 ueraocrais opposing. , , ( By Mr. Cobpef, Dem., an amend nient, providing tliat the city, town, or other municipal corporation shall pay tho expenses of' tho- courts established in it;k 1 - 1 Mr. Durham moved the previous qnestibn. Sustained. ; ' ' ' Mr. Coopers ""amendment was lost, and the or ii nance then pas.se d its, second reading. ., . I. Under suspension of rules, IL wns put upon its third reading, t Mr. -ToUrgee' offered an amend-j ment, inaklng term ' bf Office ! of clerks, Acit wo years Instead 'of eight.'1 Lost ayes '41. noes C3. I ! j Mr. Baciger, 'Rep., an amepj-, ment as follows. : But no such offi cer shall be elected by the General 'Assembly. or appointed by the Gov ernor alone or' by and witifthead-' vice' arid consent of : the Senate. Losa-oSr.;'--' ' j v 'Mr.' Alhertson,' Rep',, ' offered an ' amendment, to strike out the wprd k,cjerksl', jWherever it occurs. , I . . j The previous question waa sus tained, on motion of Mr. Durham. 1 Mr. AIbertson called the ayes and noes, and his amendment was votid ' tlbwh ayes 46; noes 55. " " 1 thl reading ayeqt57, noes 49.. J. . ; Ur. -Jarvis; , in traduced, a i resof u-, , tionti pay ing. Secretary .of Conven tion and 'Auditor each '$150.00 for preparing this -amendments ordered ! to be riUblished ln' pamphlet form " few days since. Under saspcnslon"1 .ae.fiP'es, tne jesoiuuonpaasea itBAyeraJ readings. u U:ili rljJ;Jj -On i motion ,ot Mr. i Durham, tho t rules were suspended , and tho ordi- : r i I U ! i.1 2 A. i m . .nance prooauiwug cairmarriago oi races was considered. .'--' t - ; I Mr. hAIbertson Kep.; ' offered an antehdment; stikrig, 'out the wird Indian." ,.Tho amendment pro-'" ' "M "V" ' ' ',lti' " ' 1 ya.1 .1 ilul litnu a 4-j )': -L ';:. j Mr. Smyth, Rep., an amendment, 'striking out the-wonl "negrf? Lost ayesl(Mr. Thorne, white,) noes Passed second reading. L : Tho rules being ' suspended J and the ordinance being 'Gn'Its4' third ' ; M; P'JHara .Rep.,, offered j an , 4 uicers pS1 .Hi 0- Hili ' ll J' ' if' '!', '