.-- -S. T?M-v"rV'.. i' JLaoMrj - aw THE EH A. J f ' " 4 THE ERA. " ' r- REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS- r 0? THE PARTY. 17. 31. BROWN, Manager. nvrics on Newbern Avenue, some . or seven hundred yards east of the HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: nn rear. - - - f2 10 Six months, jtree months. - 1 05 55 f-IyvAnrABt.T ix Advattck. T Poetry. . n'r;irV L.1IO 11 IS lO IlllTO IIO Work to do nd strike the sounding blow, -Kr from the burning iron's 1 !-- breast The sparks fly to and fro, While answering to the hammer's ring, And fires intenser glow 0 while we feel 'tis hard to toil And sweat the long day through, Remember it is harder still To have no work to do. Ho! ye who till the stubborn soil Whose hard hands gtxde theplow, Who bend beneath thesummersun, With burning check and brow Vodeem the curse still clings to earth , From olden time till now But while ye feel 'tis hard to toil And labor all day through, Remember it is harder still To have no work to do. Ho'vewho plow the sea's blue fields Who ride the restless wave, Beneath whoso gallant vessel's keel There lies a yawning grave, Around whose bark tho wintry winds Like fiends of fury rave Oh! while ye feel 'tis hard to toil And labor long hours through, Kemember it is harder still To have no work to do. Ho ! ye upon whose fevered cheeks The hectic glow is bright, Whoso mental toil wears out the dny And half the vc:ry night ; Who labor for the souls of men Champions of truth and right Although ye feel your toil is hard, Even with this glorious view, Remember it is harder still To have no work to do. Flo! all who labor all who strive Ye wield a lofty power ; 1 with your might, do with your strength, Fill every golden hour ; Tin- glorious privilege to do U nan's most noble dower 0 Mo your birthright and your selves. To your own souls he true ! A weary, wretched life is theirs Who have no w ork to do. Sclc&tcd Story. THE FATAL NAIL On the evening of June 20, 1837, peddler on horseback stopped at the smithy of John Steele, on the outskirts of Tickhill, near Doncas ter, England. Several persons were in the smithy at the time, be sides the blacksmith and his son Kichard. The peddler asked Steele to shoe his horse as soon as ho could , as he wished to reach Doncaster early, and get a bed in time ; for next day being the fair, a number of visitors would be looking for ac commodations. While the smith was shoeing the horse, another rider came up, also desiring the smith's services, his horse having cast a shoe. The two strangers and the loung ers got into conversation, and the Ieddler opened a mahogany case wkicn was suspended on his should.; e-, and exhibited his wares, which consisted of rings, gold and silver chains, watches, etc On the last comer's hearing that the peddler was going to 'Doncaster, he offered to accompany . him, as Ai was go tag in the same- direction, adding that as he was a: stranger the ped dler might take him to some hou.se here he could get lodging. The Peddler replied that , he was going to the Travel er'8t Rest' on the out skirts' of Doncaster, as he knew the landlord. . . When the smith removed the shoe from the last comer's horse, he examined it very closely,1 re marking that it was made in Hol derness, pointing out . tho fact that the nail was peculiarly made, hav ing a half-split in the head, which a Holderness fancy. . ' u I'll keep this nail," the smith id, and drove it as a wedge Into the handle of a small hammer, where it passed through the head. The peddler sent for a flagon of ale, and they stood drinking and talking for some time. When the blacksmith joked the peddler about Jiuginsucha great hurry when he first came in, he laughed and ex claimed : VPh; that's all right. I've made op my mind to sleep In the big out . 'S VOL. V. house, where I've often slept be fore ; it's comfortable, and you take anybody you like in there, you know," the peddler added with sly wink. When tho two men were ready to depart, the peddler took a large wallet from the valise at his sad dle bow, and paid the smith. The peddler seemed to make rather an ostentatious display of his wallet, which was crammed with bank notes and gold. The two men rode off together, and the smith cleared his place, and closed it for the night. In due time the peddler and his friend reached the Traveler's Rest, and told the landlord thev would 8ieep in the Dunuing in the rear, which had several beds. The ped dler retired first, and the stranger remameu oenina to nave supper and a glass of ale. .Next morning neither the ped dler nor his friend appeared, and the landlord went to arouse them. He found the door open, and on entering the room discovered the peddler in his shirt, lying on the floor at the far end of the room, in a pool of blood. His head was bat tered in, and near him was a ham mer with blood and hair on tho head. He was cold and dead. When the alarm was given, it was found that tin? horse of the man who had accompanied the peddler to tho inn, and occupied the room witn mm, was missing, and sus picion at oneo foil upon him as the murderer, The authorities were notified, and officers were in pur suit of the supposed assassin before the day was an hour older. They tracked him to Coninhro,' hut lost trace of him just beyond, on the road to Sheffield. The keen eyes of the officers, however, caught sight of a horse among the branbles in a valley to the left of the road, and there the man was captured. He was terribly frightened so much so as not to be able to articulate for some time. Strapped to his sad dle-bow was a valise, and on open ing it a well-filled wallet, identi fied as the peddler's, was found. Before the coroner, the prisoner, who. said his name was Henry Scott, told the most astounding storv. He said that when he went to the out-house the peddler had alreadv cone to bed. which was a high, old-fashioned tent-bed, with curtains. Ho went to bed at the opposite end of the room ; this bed had curtains also, for the room was large and draughty. He placed his clothes upon a chair, and flung his valise, or holster, on a bit of carpet at the side of tho bed. He lay awake for some time, and presently he heard footsteps in the room.The next moment the curtain of the bed was gently drawn, and by the bright moonlight he saw a face looking down upon him. He lay quite still, though greatly alarmed ; the face disappeared, and retreating steps were heard. He raised himself on his elbow, peering through the cur tain, and distinctly saw two men near the peddler's bed. They pass ed around the foot of it and disap peared on the other side, when in a moment he heard a scream and a scuffle, and saw the legs of the ped dler protrude from tho curtains. There was a struggle and a suppress ed cry.and the peddler boundedfrom the bed and ran, screaming murder, and holding his valise at arms length. Two men pursued him; and Scott, horrified and fear-stricken, slipped from the bed and hid himself in a closet. He heard groans and blows, and the sound of re treating footsteps; the next mo ment all was still. Directly, how ever, there were other footsteps, and tho curta ins of Scott's bed were hastily drawn ; tho intruder utter ed an oath of disappointment and fled from the room. Afterwalting for some time Scott came from the closet, and found the peddler lying dead on the floor. He was in a terrible dilemma, knowing that he would be suspected of the murder. Panic-stricken, he hastily, dressed himself, picked up his va lise irom the' floor, took his horse from the stable, and departed from the inn, resolving to seek safety in flight. It was day when he reached Conlnbro, and then for the first time he discovered that the valise which he had taken from the floor was not his but the peddler's, which he had doubtless dropped when the murderers fell upon him, and in place of which they no doubt seized and carried off his, lying on the carpet close' by. This extraordinary story was of course not believed ; Scott was sent to jail, and in due time was tried RALEIGH, K. C, for wilful murder. The evidence for the prosecution was clear and convincing, and the prisoner's coun sel saw no chance for his client's es cape. The principal witnesses against him were John Steele and his son Richard, the men that were in the smithy when Scott and the peddler first met, the landlord of tho inn, who swore that Scott urged tho pedler to go to another Inn, and the officers who found the pedler's valise in Scott's posses sion. The hammer with which the mur der had been committed was pro duced on the trial, and shown to the jury. One of them remarked to the court that it was a black-smith's 8hoeing-hammer. Mr. O'Brien, the prisoner's counsel, examined it closely ; ho then stood up, and handed it to the prisoner, who glanced at it a moment, and then handed it back. The next instant he clutched it. drew it from his lawyer's grasp,and examined it with the most intense interest. Then he leaned on the dock, and spoke in a hurried tone to his counsel. The latter, with a flushed and eager face, made his way to the side of the prosecuting officer, and conversed with him in a low tone for several minutes. The prosecuting officer spoke to the judge, and beckoned to an officer, to whom he whispered a few words. John Steele, the black smith, was recalled to the witness stand byMr. O'Brien, who said : "Mr. Steele, you are an old and experienced blacksmith, are you not?" 41 Yes, sir." "Did you work at your trade in Holderness?" "Yes, sir, when I was a young man." "Anything peculiar in the manu facture of horse-shoe nails in that district?" "I think there is, sir." "Pray tell us what that peculiar ity is, Mr. Steele?" "The head is divided in the mid dle." "Anything like the head of that nail used as a wedge in the handle of that hammer ?" asked the coun sel, handing him the implement. The witness's hand shook like a leaf as he reached it out for the ham mer, and his lips became parched, while his staring eyes were fixed on his questioner. "Anything like that nail?" Mr. O'Brien repeated, calmly looking in the eye of the witness. "Yes, sir." "Should you say that nail had been made in Holderness?" "It looks like it, sir." 'Mr. Steele," the counsel said moving close to him, and standing so that judge and jury could dis-. tinctly see both witness and Interro gator, "did you ever see that ham mer before you saw it in court?" The witness gave a gasp, and then , recovering himself, he replied: "Yes, sir, saw it in the hands of the coroner." At this juncture the officers were . A A. seen striving to prevent a young man from leaving the court-room ; it was Richard Steele, the black smith's son. tt Let me go," he said ; "that's the old scoundrel that did it. He knows that hammer's his, well enough. He planned the whole thing, and led me into it ; I'll blab the whole story. Let me go, and I'll hang the old villain, if he Is my father." The scene that followed cannot be described. A nolle prosequi was entered as to Scott, and he wTas transferred into an important wit ness. Steele and his son being duly indicted and tried for the mur der of the peddler, Scott swore to the blacksmith's having taken the nail from the shoe, and driven it into the head of the hammer as a wedge, remarking that it was made in Holderness. The hammer was furthermore identified as belonging to Steele, and testimony was given which showed that the blacksmith and his son were absent from home the night of the murder, a market- man swearing that he passed them near Doncaster, going in the direc tion of Tickhill, at 3 o'clock on the morning of tho 21st of June. But the evidence that settled their fate m 1 9 1 1 411 1 In. was iurnisneu uy ot-un a vmi&c, which was discovered in the ash heap back of the smithy. Steele and his son were convicted and sentenced to be hanged ; and both made a full confession to the following effect : The smith resolved upon the rob bery, and murder, if need be, of the peddler as s xmjas he discovered that he man had a large sum of money. He disclosed his plan to his (son, who assented. They were about to THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1876. start after the two men, and get ahead of them by a bridlepath, when the smith changed his plan. If they did that they would have to attack them both in the open road and on horseback. The smith knew the inn to which they were going, and was well acquainted with t&e outbuilding in which they were to sleep. He proposed, therefore, to rob the peddler in his sleep, and use violence only In case it was necessary to secure their safety. The reader knows the rest from the tale told by Scott. After the smith and his son had left the room with what they supposed was the peddler's valise, Steele's mind mis gave him, and a dread that Scott had been an observer of the bloody deed, and would recognize the per petrators, seized him. He hurried back to the room, re solved to kill Scott if he found him awake. On discovering the bed empty, the smith dropped his ham mer In affright, the only explana tion to his mind of Scott's absence being that he had witnessed the crime, and had left the place secret ly to give the alarm. The smith and his son departed panic-stricken; and on reaching home discovered, to their intense mortification and disappointment, that the valise, for which they had murdered a man and exposed themselves to the gallows, contained only a few old clothes and a bible. John and Richard Steele were executed Dec. 8th, 1837. Miscellaneous. Life Lengthened. Dr. Hall, in his excellent Journal of Health, gives the following sensi ble and suggestive rules under the above heading : 1. Cultivate an equal temper; many have fallen dead in a fit of passion. 2. Eat regularly, not over thrice a day, and nothing between meals. 3. Go to bed at regular hours. Get up as soon as you wake of your self, and do not sleep in the day time at least not longer than ten minutes before noon. 4. Work always by the day, and not by the job. 5. Stop working before you are very much tired before you are "fagged out." b. cultivate a generous and ac commodating temper. 7. Never cross a bridge before you come to It ; this will save you half tho troubles of life. 8. Never eat when you are not hungry, nor drink when you are not thirsty. 9. Let your appetite alv&ys come uninvited. 10. Cool off in a place greatly warmer than the one in which you have been exercising. This simple rule would prevent incalculable sickness and save millions of lives every year. 11. Never resist a call of nature for a single moment. 12. Never allow yourself to be chilled through and through ; it is this which destroys so many every year, in a lew aays' sicxness, rrom pneumonia called by some lung fever or inflammation of the lungs. , 13. Whoever drinks no liquids at meals will add years of pleasurable existence to his life. Of cold or warm drinks the former is the most pernicious. unnKing at meals in duces persons to eat more than they otherwise would, as any one can verify by experiment ; and it Is in excess in eating which devastates the land with sickness, suffering and death. 14. After fifty years of age, If not a day laborer, and sedentary per sons at forty, should eat but twice a day in the morning and about four in the afternoon ; for every organ without adequate rest will "give out" prematurely. 15. Begin early to be - under the benign influence of the Christian re ligion, for it "has the promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come." Gilts whicli Cost Nothing. An exchange, in hinting what can be done in the way of kindness, says: A young man begins to tread the downward path, comes home at night flushed and un steady ; the older brothers watch him keenly and sternly, the sisters cry in secret, but there is an un accountable repugnance to inter fering with him, unless In the way of lecturing. Perhaps if some effort were made to brighten the evenings at home, if his sister coaxed him out with her, the brothers took him k into their confidence, if each gave a little quick, tender care and tact to guard him, the terrible end might never have come. In how many households too has a certain chill and7 reserve fallen upon the intercourse of husband and wife which saddens not only, their own lives but Irreparably the years which should be happiest for theirhiklren. It arises from dif ference of employment and taste rather than lack of affection, and i would disappear if either made any effort to follow or sympathize with the other. In how many more households will you find one mem ber set apart from the of hers un cared for, treated with a cool kindly Indifference ; it may be the deaf old man, the unmarried aunt, the mother-in-law, who keenly feels every newspaper gibe at her ex pense, but who has no other home than this in which sjie is so unwel come ; or it may be Bridget in the kitchen, who is human after all, and not a machine. In a word, there are few of us who, when we look round our own hearth, cannot find somewhere a sore need of gifts which we have long stubbornly withheld, gifts which cost no money, but are priceless. Questions and Answers. How can I cement emery to gether? Answer. Use the best glue. How can I make a good washing fluid ? Answer. Make a strong so lution of washing soda, and render it caustic by the addition of quick lime. ( .How can I make a good baking powder? Answer. Take tartaric acid five parts, sesquicarbonate of soda eight parts, and potato flour sixteen parts. Dry them perfectly, mix, pass through a sieve, and keep free from moisture. Is it healthy to keep plants in a sleeping room? Answer, Plants In a sleeping apartment are not con sidered as conducing to health, and some of the medical authori ties claim that they are very in jourious. j Can you give a good cure for cracks in the skin or hands ? The points of my fingers and thumbs are badly cracked, and although kept as clean as possible, gljeerine being applied, they will not heal. Answer. Try spermaceti ointment. Please give me a recipe for mak ing oil paste, shoe blacking for shoes? Answer. Take ivory black sixteen parts, treacle eight parts oil of vitriol four parts, diluted with water twTo parts, oil two parts, "gum arable one part, soft water (for final dilution) sixty-four parts. Mix well. Am I running any risk in udng tubs made of old petroleum barrels for washing underclothes In, or cn I in any way make them fit for such use? Answer. In a short space of time, by the use of soap, the barrels will become deodorised and will suit your purpose perfect ly. By what means can I detect pe troleum or cotton seed oil In so- called linseed oil? Answer. Pe troleum may be detected by its property of imparting a fluoresence to animal or vegetable oils, and by its aromatic odor on burning. An oleometer may be used to distin guish cotton seed oil from linseed oil. I am very much troubled with my hands becoming very rough from constant use of copperas water. Can you suggest a remedy? An swer. You may avoid this bv wearing a pair of india rubber gloves, so as to avoid contact with the iron solution. Use a little good glycerine or glycerine, soap as a remedy. A pane of window glass may be cut into pieces by being rubbed by a small tortion of the white ash obtained from the ignition of cer tain woods in contact with air. The ash is to be placed on the glass and briskly rubbed overit with a flat piece of wood. Are the cutting particles crystallized carbon, and can they De utilized ? Answer. When plants, etc, are burned, a portion of the silicic acid (sand) and soda, lime or potash become fluxed together by the heat to form min. ute particles of hard glass. I am straining my eyes by work ing in white wood and reading by lamplight. I want ; to . use spec tacles, but I am told that if I once use them I must always use them. Is this so f Answer. Spectacles of the proper kind may be used to as sist the eyes to see indistinct ob jects; but if there is not light encsxgh to see well without them, their use would certainly ho in. wtom.--&&ntilc American. NO. 34. Mother How my heart has been pained to see the coolness and indifference which is often manifested .for an aged and dependent mother. Age may wast a mother's beauty, and dim the lustre of her eyes, her strength may depart, her limbs re fuse to support her tottering frame, or she may become as helpless as an infant, but shall wo lovo her less ? Is she not our mother still ? Has she not toiled and watched over our helpless Infancy? And in youth, has she not tried to lead us in the straight and narrow path ? And in sickness she wTas our min Istering angel. Who but a mother could be so patient, so kind and affectionate, so gentle and self sacrificing, as a mother ? If we have been tempted Into for bidden paths, if we have followed in bad counsels and gone astray, if we have chosen evil companions and forgotten the good counsels of our youth, who is so ready to en courage and lead us back to honor and virtue, as a mother? She is ready to forgive, to love aud cher ish us still. Who can fathom a mother's love? She is our friend when all the world iorautes us. tone win ennr to usi will die for us if necessary. A mother' s love is strong, tender and true. Hard indeed must be the heart that can neglect and abuse a dear old mother. not welcome, never feel that she is a burden to her children, never should her sensitive heart be pained by an unkind look or word. How little do w,e appreciate a mother's tenderness and love, whilo living how little do we think of her anx iety for us ! But when she is gone, and we see the old arm -chair, the vacant place at the table, and hear no more her dear voice, then do we know she is gene, never to return, and wo cannot call her back. She has gone ; and happily for us if we have so treasured our mother, that we can say we have been faithful and made her happy, and could look forward to a meeting beyond this world. So Near and Yet so Far. Not many months ago, in India, a gentleman and wife having taken passage for England went on boan with their baggage. Presently the husband discovered that there was time for him to go ashore and see a man. He went, and when it oc curred to him that it was time to go on board again, he hailed a boat man and ere long found himself on board a large passenger ship. It was night. A sleepy steward In quired the number of his cabin, which he chanced to remember, as also that his was the upper berth ; so he contrived to clamber into It without disturbing his wife, as he supposed, who slept beneath. But when dawn broke, and the ship was well on her way, a feminine voice was heard shrieking, in a tone of terror: "Steward, steward ! there's a man In my cabin I" The wretch ed man was aroused, and the situa tion explained to him. He had mistaken the ship. They were un der way for Australia, and his un happy wife was steaming away to England under a firm conviction that he had been robbed and mur dered by ruffians who frequent the quays. When he at length arrived in Australia, he could not even there relieve her mind, as the cable connecting that country with Eu rope was not completed, so that about four months passed before she heard anything of him. The Matrimonial Question. A writer in Frank Leslie's puts the matrimonial question pithily thus : "There is altogether too much marrying by form of. law' those who at the most, are only a third or half married in other waS's ;" and there is altogether too much urging and coaxing and alluring young people into the most important and sacred of all human relations before they are prepared or moved to assume its burdens, and by those who ought to know better and act'with more consideration. Wo make too much of marrying and being married, un til it is thought by many people somewhat of a disgrace for a woman to pass through life alone; when, in fact, the life of many a single woman is poetry, romance, rapture even, in comparison with that of many ' a wife. So there is a vast deal of marrying with very little of rjal marrying; a vast deal of dis content, heartache, misery, hypoc risy. aLd unmarrvinff at th loaf tv " -" " O M . W AMU i Wnat we want is, not a more strin- PUBLISHED EVEUY THURSDAY (SEE RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION ON THIS PAGE.) i i , . jgsrm Job Work executed at abort no tice and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State." : RATES OF ADVERTISING . -v One square, one time, - T f 1 DO " " two times, - ' l'M " 14 three times,- - 2 00 Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. ' . ' "; uiiWA fl i m -f . if i- 1 : gent divorco law, but a better un derstanding of the moral law, which forbids tho marryingof those not already one; not less marrying, but less marrying where there is no real marrying. And above all,. let there be no Inciting or bribing those to marry who are not drawnto each other, and held inseparably together by qualities of mind and soul. ' , Tho Watch,- " Watch" Is from a saxon word sign! flying "to wake." At first the watch was as large as a sau cer ; it had weights, and was call ed " tho pocket clock." The earli est known usoof the modern name occurs in a record of 1542, .which mentions that Edward v 1. had " one larum of watch of iron, tho case being likewise of Iron gilt, with two plummets of lead." The first great improvement, the sub stitution of the spring for weights, was made in 1550. The earliest springs w?ere not collecl, but only straight pieces of steels. Early watches had only one hand, and required winding twice a day. The dials were of silver or brass y tho cases had no crystals, but opened at back and front, and wero four or five inches in diameter. There is a watch in a Swiss museum only three sixteenths of an inch In diam eter, inserted In the top of a pencil? case. Its litllo dial Indicated no! only hours, minutes, and seconds but also days of tho month It is a relic of tho old times when watches were inserted in saddles, fsnuflj bores, shirt-studs, breast-pins bracelets, and;, finger-rings.' 'Many were fantastic oval, octanngular cruciform, or in the shape of pearst melons, tulips or coffins. Patronizo Your Home Mer s chants. ' .;'";' First. It Is your home; you cannot improve it much by takj ing money away to spend or bar vest. -' . Second. There is no way of 1m proving a place so much' as by en couraging good merchants, goooj schools and good peopIo; to, settle among you spend your money a home. ' , . '' Third. Spend your money at home ; .because that's whero you earn it ; it is your duty. ; Fourth. Spend your money a home, because when it Is necessary for you to get credit it is. of you own town merchants you have generally to get it, and they mus wait for tho money; therefore: when T'nn horr iYta nah In spend it at home. J , Fifth. Spend your, money ; a home. It will make better . mer chants of your merchants; they can and will keep better assort ments, and sell at lower rates than! if the only business they can d is what is credited oat, while th money goes to other cities. ; ' bixtn. spend your money a home. You may have sons grow ing up who will some day bo th best merchants in tho city;: It is duty; it may bo your pride In j af ter years to say: 11 By my trad ing at the store I got my son a sition as a clerk, and now he Is p prietor," then you will think I hard if your neighbors spend the! money out or town. Bet tne ex ample now. Seventh. Spend your money at home. Set the example -and this season try and buy your dry goods, groceries, meats and everything air home, and you will see a wonderful. change in a short time In tho busi ness outlook: or tne place; the fore, deal with your merchants; t- Eighth. ; bpend your tnoney a home, w nat do you gain by, igoix. ix)unc me cost : see wna you could have' done at home' b letting your merchant have boenj i just as well off, besides helping you , merchants. ... ... . Hillings Good Kcsolutfors for , :.";, t .1870. .t j That I won't borry or lend cspc shilyjend..i;;;- .. jy',LV,, S1 That i won't advise anbody until I know the kind of advise they aro , anxious tew follow. : j , , ,.. J r That i won't wear enny more tite.t boots, if i have few, go , barefoot . to doit." , id;, .-'..vf. -J:;;-!, That i won't swop dogs : with no tX man, unless I kanswop two for one; (l That, poverty may be a.blesslnr. but if it ir,!it iz a blessing in dls-,a guise.' -.1 - j;: -v.; j4Hw..7 .;...! That the world owes mo a living; , --provided 1 earn it.r -,v . ; That if a man kallsjne a phool 1 won't ask hlra to provelt. v ) , That 1 will lead a moral Jife Dycm, if i go loncsum and lose a good deal 1; of fun by It. ro 5 y