THE ERA. ' Tho Cross (X) Mark Is to remind voii that your subscription Is about expiring. Let all renew promptly. Persons leaving orders for sub scriptions or advertisements with Messrs. B. H. Woodell,' Hargett Street ; John W. Cole, South-side Market Square; N. L. Brown, Fay etteville Street, or W. TL Richard gon. Keeper of the Capitol, will be promptly attended to. Local and State. In making op the fourth page two pieces accidentally got mixed up together. They are placed on the jn.-ideall right. A horrible thing the breath of a young man after taking a drink of corn whisky and eating raw onions and scotch herrings. The epizootic still rages, and peo ple cough and talk politic, and talk laities and cough. No caso has as vet prove I fatal. (let your fifty cent uotes ready, eentlemen. The honest men at the d,K)r won't receive anything less than this or make any voii at the Centennial ? change for These are the days that Coleridge tokl about nUl w int r n-pt upon the snowy earth, AU't ! Itiniillnj fuct- a dream of upring. Oxk-Kvko Justice. Judge Henry, who is now holding this term of Wake Superior Court, comes one-eye nearer representing blind Ju'tire than any Judge we have ever wn. And yet Jo. Turner say the rings have bought out the Judiciary of North Carolina. The Centennial hen has caroled her last lag, and gone where many U tter, hut no more ajjed chickens 0. We purchased yf r of an igno rant countryman Monday morning, who lias not heard of the Centen nial, and does not know the value of relics of past nges, or he would never have taken 30 cents for her. She has sat on the fence and eyed with suspicion many a Methodist brother as they halted at the gate, and then skulked away in the bushes to escape. Peace to her bones ! Siperior Court. This court met on Monday, Judge Henry pre siding. A goML many farmers present. No cases of importance rame up Monday. Injunction mandauiiis to day. Judge Henry gives general fak isfaction in his administration of of justice, and can do more bus iness in one day than some Judges would do in a week. He keeps the Solicitor, crier and members of the bar busv. Nkw Pater. Mr. Johnstone Jones, of our city, who is well known in North Carolina as a pub lisher, will commence the publi cation of a weekly pajer,to becalled North (trotina Farmer's Jour nal, alout the first of August. It is to be purely a farmers' journal and devoted to their interests, inde jendent of all sects, parties, fuct timis r rings. He promises to make it as lan;e as any paper in the State. Sulwcription $2.00 ix?r year. For further information address Mr. Jones, this city. The Journal has no connection with the late State A gricullural Journal. How Now? We learn from one sitle that the city authorities will not regard the injunction issued by Judge Watts last week, and from the other that they will get into trouble if they don't. To-day in the Suierior Court counsel for the plaintiffs moved that the defen dants be required to answer thi complaint by Wednesday at 10 o'clock, and that the case be set for trial at 10 o'clock Thursday, which motion wa, argu! one s.Oe by iuurg auu xauKci, au on the other by Messrs. Fowle,Bus- bee and Fuller. Judge Henry took the papers, saying he would give his decision this evening. Well, we'llsee what we do see. Oir, the Times ! Everybody is stealing money in some way or other who has a chance, and those who haven't are committing suicide or starving hardly honest men enough left to try the rogues ; there' re Sundays In this year ; ana a child born on the 29th of February will never know when it's a year old. We are having earthquakes and tornados and showers of flesh ; injunctions and mandamuses and libel suits by the score ; and now it that we don't even know when Easter comes. Dr. Craven says It was last Sunday, and the Episcopal Prayer Book, which was adopt ed by a council of wise men at Nice years ago, says 1 1 is next. Old peo ple, who know nothing about the Prayer Book or the lenten season, aay it occurs after the first full moon in April.': One man read Turner's Almanac and dug his worms to go owning Monday, but a neighbor came In with Ayer'a Almanac, and he placed them again -under the cild sod to wait further orders. What a glorious Centennial year ! None of the fruit isinjured around Personai. Col. W. H. Tucker, with his brother's three daughters, left our city yesterday morning for a six months' European tour. Nice thing, but how many of us can af ford It? Our young townsman, Marx Schloss, who has been in New York for some months under medical I treatment,has returned, greatly im I proved in health. Major W. A. Hearne is again down with remittent fever and ha been ordered by Dr. K. B. Hay wood, as soon as able, to go imme diately to the Hot Springs. Mr. Bohemme, the French gen tleman who proposes to introduce the silk culture In this State, reach ed this city yesterday. Col. P. Donah is in the city. Mr. John H. Baker has returned from Franklin where he has been on a visit to relatives. Mr. Parham, of Rogers A Par ham, is visiting relatives in Gran ville. Rev. Mr. Taylor, of this city, leaves this week for Ridge way, where he will engage in agricultu ral pursuits. Axotiieu Baptizing. Rev.Mr. Epps, pastor of the A. M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. Alexander Turner, on Sunday, baptized 93 new con verts in Mordecai's pond. It was witnessed by an immense crowd of people estimated at between three and four thousand of all colors, sexes, sizes, sects and classes. There was the white man and the black man, the christian and the infidel, the merchant and the mendicant. the city belle and the country dam sel, married folks and courting characters, boys and girls, the me- chanic and the kid-gloved gentry, all mingled together In this vast throng. Up in the trees, under the bridge, in the edge of the water, an on the hillside, in vehicles and on horseback, sitting and standinj did this eajrer multitude witness the event. There was some sing ing and some praying, some laugh ing and some crying, a good deal of shouting and splashing water, considerable "ducking," and all was over. Some went away happy, some rude and boisterous, some calm and thoughtful. The Churches. Rev. Mr. Nor man, assisted by Rev. F. L. Reid, at Person Street Methodist Church, still continues his meeting with in creased interest. Last night Mr. R preached an excecellent sermon to to a large congregation. He wil preach again to-night. At Swain street Baptist church, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, six persons were baptized. At night Mr. Dixon preached his closing sermon from 1 Cor. n : 2G. It was a remarkably able and lucid pre senlation of the views of the Bap tists on the vexed subject of com munion. While the preacher was very bold and candid in giving his own views he was courteous towards those who differed with him. At the the close of the sermon a num ber of persons rose for prayer, show ing that the religious interest among the unconverted portion of the congregation naa not aoatea. Several persons received the right hand of fellowship, and the Lord's Htinner was administered to the Church. Mr. Dixon left this morn inerfor Wake Forest College, where he will rest for a few days and go thence to Durham, where he has agreed to conduct a meeting:. He has crreatly endeared himself to the eonirreffation of the Swain street church. Hejustly takes rank among the first preacnera oi ins age in inw State. At Christ Church (Episcopal) the services of Lent are still continued, notwithstanding the opinion of Dr. Craven. At tho African M. E. Church the meeting still continues with una bated interest. This meeting is do ing; an immense amount of good. Two hundred and sixty-five have nWptf0mWmK amJ 35 by Sprinkling. Cure for CoNSUiirriox.-Mr. John Sattcrwhite, of Granville county, aged 64 years, cured him- self effectually of consumption,- after the doctors gave him up to die, by using the following re cipe. He had lost many of his relatives by consumption, and came near "pegging out" hiui- self. He is now hale and hearty, and says the recipe has cured sev eral other consumptives in that county who stood upon the very brink of the grave:. THE REMEDY : , . ' One pint of liquor and four ta- blespoonfuls of old fat light wood knot sawdust. Dose, one ta- blespoonful three times a day. Cut mullen leaves in July or Au gust, dry them, and make a tea, not too strong, and use night and morning In place of coffee. Mix with sugar and milk to suit taste. Drink one cup full. It is not well to take too much. Mr. Batterwhite still continues the use of the mullen tea, and has great faith in it. A man named Bill Ingram was shot in Wadesboro on the 4th Inst., while trying to get away with a piece of cloth slyly from Mr. S. J. McLendon'd store. Ho refused to halt. His leg was broken and nau what Each Wants. The cry in unaneston is "water! water I w a Ler. juccnange. : j . ; : ; 1 1 The ereat crv in Columbia is. "whisky !, whisky I whisky union Jleraia. " The cry in Winnsboro is. "whis ky and water 1 whisky and water 1 whisky and water." -News. The ereat cry in-Charlotte "is" whisky and water and sugar and a spoon !" Observer, The cry in Danville is "whisky straight and I'll take the same!" Neics. , The cry in Milton is "whisky, any way I can get it !" Chronicle. The cry in Raleigh is "gib me gubthig anythig to. help by epi zootic!" Sold. He was a dark, swarthy faced man with a heavy, black moustache. Saturday evening he rode past the market, on WilmingT8yum iwn succi, v-aii jrnig l llcXo Willi some stransre device inscribed thereon. When at the corner of Exchange Place he wheeled and rode up Wilmington nearly to liar gett street, when he screamed at the top of his voice : " Sixty-two dollars! sixty-two dollars! sixty-two dollars V J list then a lame man hobbled out of Jim Forrbsls' to get the money, and T. T. tumbled from Tim Lee's when he heard money mentioned. " Sixty-two dollars! sixty-two dollars !" said the man. By that time quite a crowd had congregated, but the man,' still waving his flag aloft, continued to cry out : "Sixty-two dollars !" 'Crazv !" said one man. " "Seize him ! he's mad !" said an other to a policeman, standing by.' "Do you think it's Scott Parton, or little Charlie Ross," ' or Boss Tweed ?" asked the policeman. "No, it's some victim of financial embarrassment who is raving mad ! Seizehim before he hurts some one!?' said T.T., from Tim's. "Sixty-two dollars is all I am of fered for this horse!" said the man. and then the policeman; arrested a small boy who was standing by The crowd skulked off. one by one, ana looked as if they had been standing in a srale with their mouths open to satisfy their hun ger, and Watts, the auctioneer, "knocked off"- the horse on the lame man, who couldn't get out of the way. North Carolina NeiVS. An old soothsayer of Statesville predicts snow on the fourth of July. 5rown, tne minu reader, " as tonished the natives" of Charlotte Saturday night. Senator Morton, of Indiana will deliver the oration on May 10th, decoration day, at Wilmington. The Oxford Torchlight is still hopeful of the peach crop. in that section. The two- million claim or a Wilmingtonian in the city of Philadelphia turns out to be worth about $200. Washington McAlistcr, a' highly respected citizen of Pender county, was killed by his horse' running away with him last week. i J The commissioners of Craven county have been indicted for ob- structing the highway and failing to repair bridge. The Concord bar rooms were all closed on Saturday last, tltat .being - . ... jt ; .... ,.'.' ' the day on which their licenses ex A telegraph omcehas oeen es tablished at Matthews' Station,- ten miles from Charlotte, on the Car olina Central Railroad. Miss Sudie Hall, of Charlotte, has received a letter from Louisville, Ky., informing fieH that aj-elatjve of her's has iust died, leaving her $25,000. An old colored man 75 yerrs old, from Pender county, was fell upon and forcibly robbed in' Wilmington, last Thursday night, by four wo men. ' The Asheville Citizen says the peach crop of that section ' Is un- quesuuimuiy iu . iw cold spell, but there is still -hbpes for the annles. auestionably killed by the late The River and Harbor bHl which passed in Congress on the - 10th inst.. eives one. million dollars, of which one hundred and forty-six goes to Norh. Carol! na Including fifteen r thousand for the;" Krench Broad. ' . It is rumored that the Democrat ic State Executive Committee will, about the first of May, commence the publication of a daily paper in Raleigh, to support.; the nominees of the Democratic State Convention, and try to'? hormonize the warfare between the News and Sentinel. . I 'fir' .'! . f . i Cabarrus county has just finished the erection of a new Court House and jail, Faid to be .the best In the State. Cabarrus has no debt, ana her citizens are generaly Vwell off," and she can afford .fine things. V-" w 7 , . rr,. , We learn that onlast Thoiay mnrhlne an infant, child about four .i trrua tntinn nMr rswrKS i At.t ,nnrif linage, in u.ia w; tlfy of clothing was also found (lying near. : No clue to the mother.--. Ox-1 j. itindel Brown,-the mind -read- er, ' failed 'totiraw a 1 house on Thursday and Saturday evenings; but performed for those present some , Interesting 1 experiments. Greensboro Patriot "1 ' ? T .Martin, Arm field, an .old man, living if'.t'Bend':Mka cou n ty,.. dropped f dead last .' Week while attemptingto-get down his gun tot(8hoolift.colored. man who had offended him. , Owing to the physical disability of the-pastor, tMr; Brown, the re vival at the Baptist church at Fay- etteville has .been discontinued. Fifteen new converts joined the church. ; ,. Mr. Mills realized $75.10 from a collection at his 'en tertaln ment in Durham last week4 for the Orphan The house was overflow ing with, spectators, - ana . many turned away for want of room. Eloped on! the ; night of the 6th inst.j Dr. J. A.:Crisp and Miss Amanda Dean, of Stecoah Town ship, Graham, county,- N. C. Dr. Crisp leaves a .wife and seven chil dren and Miss Amanda leaves five illegitimate children on the charity of the community. Murphy Her ald. r-!t:'T f.'t ' " j: C. T. Harden, of Wi ndsor . has on hand a lot of walking canes, made from the wreck of the illus- trous Iron' clad ste&mer Merrimac, which he Will dispose ot as relics. Each cane; contains a written cer tificate on its side, on silver, of re spectable gentlemen, as to its being genuine and no humbug. v A number of oiir young men are organizing a Centennial Walking Club.. ThejObject of this organiza tion, is tq.s visit the Centennial at Philadelphia during the Summer, and make thetripj on foot. They will , start during the month, of May, and calculate ; that the .trip can. be. made in the space of six weeks. Durham Tobacco Jlant. On i Monday afternoon about 2 o'clock, a nortion of the shaft of the King's Mountian Gold Mine caved, in while a number of la borers were at work in the shaft. Two of - the men Herndon and Froneberger were - killed. and three others were wounded. The killed and wounded are all col ored. Charlotte Observer. The revival at the Methodist Church in this city still continues. The nastor. Rev. Mr. Caraway, has been assisted principally by Rev. W. W. Duncan, President of Wof ford College, of Spartanburg, S. u.f and also by Rev. Wm.?H. Bobbitt, Presiding Elder of this District. The congregations are large, and much interest seems to be manifested by the people of this community generally;--Charlotte Democrat. We regret to learn that the of fice of the'Danbury Reporter to gether with the large brick resi dence; of the proprietors wa3 to tally destroyed by fire on last Fri day morninjr. The cause of the firef unknown.'7 It will be seen from a card of the proprietors of the Re porter 1 that the publication of the paper will he resumed as soon as new material can be received. Winston Sentinel. " ' The famous Colt's pistol is a North Carolina invention. The Gatlih gun, so famous in Europe as bllna invention. The Edwards battery, patented during1 the war bv a resident and a native of Or ange couri ty ,' is a 1 North Carol i na Invention! One of the latest useful inventions' is a sewing machine, made in Cleavelantl county, which comes in coiiiptJimuii wmi me famous machines of Howe, Singer and others.VJ4 rgus. Dr. Howerton has sent us a two or three column eauoriai laiten Urom . the Erah with a request that twe publish it. Can't do it too in fernal long. Doctor! We've al ready published your denial of overcharging, and the fact that you show the New York stationers made the charges, and not you. We have never intimated that you - , H - -n: r.t - and the stationers "went halves" In these overcharge antT we're hot going to do it. Milton Chronicle. A gentleman accidentally drop pediiis umbrella overboard at the harft fobt' of Princess "street, ; ' . 'si Wednesday morning, when it sank to the bottom. A colored man vol unteered to recover it for a quarter of a dollar and his offer was accept ed. Upon coming to the surface it was found that he 'tiad not only succeeded in getting the umbrella, but had also brought up a bag, which', upon being unfastened, was found to contain a journal, ledger and blotter. At last accounts we learned that one off the books had been left at the First National Bank. They were recognized as belonging to a firm In business here some years age. Wilmington A friend at Henry's, the Western terminus of the Western North Carolina Railroad, writes us under date of the 2d, that ' on Friday evening late, 1 when the convict cooks were being turned into f their I Ceil UIlCO VI lUO WllfltW LUC lh 'knnd oassinsr the truard. 1 1 X & . n W il. n A.n If lilr. win made a es caned. . After at least, two dozen f'theshot toassins'throujch' hts heart snoH. ants ui ine uariv waa uicu. prodqeinfffiustant death.- .The ftth T two arG vet at lanre. : with prospects good for their early a p- eavy st inn of rain, wind and lightning. - C prevailed ,- i Monday morning, at. Iron Station, on the W'.'steni ltvision of the Carolina Central Railroad. During this storm, Mr. Alberi DjI Singer was standing under, a shed, aUout 125 yards from the railroad depot, holding a horse. Under the shed was a cow, and between Mr. Del linger and the horse which he held and the cow, was a buggy. Present ly there was a loud clap of thunder and then a vivid lightning flash, and the horse and cow fell dead. Mr. Dellinger was knocked down and stunned, but soon recovered. The buegy which stood between the horse and cow which were killed, was not touched anywhere. Passengers report that at Lincoln ton, also, a heavy storm, accom panied by thunder and lightning, prevailed on the same morning. Charloite Observer. General News. Thirty-four Governments will he represented at Philadelphia. 1 Yellow fever is piling up saffron colored corpse at Rio Janeiro. The witnesses in the Spencer in vestigation will cost over $10,000. A bill has passed Congress pro viding for the redemption of un used stamps. George W. Hews, a prominent broker of Philadelphia, hung him self on the 8th. A. T. Stewart, tho merchant prince of New York, died of infia mation of the bowels on Saturday evening. ' It is stated that Clapp supposed there were $50,000 in the safe of tho public printer, but count showed but $10,000. Christopher Ward, of Torrento, Canada, burned his own house, with his wife shut up in a roorn, on the 10th inst. Mrs. B. F. Butler died on April 8th, in the Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was taken for an operation on cancer of the throat. She was 55 years old. The Senate passed a bill on the 10th, appropriating $10,000 to de fray the expenses of the special committee appointed to investi gate the election in Mississippi. The city editor of the Philadel phia Star had an overcoat stolen from him six years ago, and iden tified it on the street the other day. He recognized it by the patches on the tails. A Cuban lady left $:i 1,000 in her will to be invested in lottery tick ets. The prizes were to go to build a big; church, but there wasn enough in amount to build one side of a pine pulpit. Mrs. Morgan, sister of Gen. John Morgan, of Tenn., niece of 1. T Barnum, took laudanum while at a card party and died from its effects. Grief at the death of her daughter was the cause. David J. Van Meter, city editor of the Rock Island Argus, killed John Starnback with a pocket knife on the 10th inst., about an offensive article which Van Meter publish ed. Van Meters in jail. -F our thousand men at work on the canal basin, in New York, hav ing struck on the 4th inst., for $1 a day, the contractors paid them off. A dollar a day from the first of May was offered those who would continue to work in the meantime. The suit against James Watson Webb, late Minister to Brazil, to recover $4o,uuM, has commenced. The defendants claim that money was paid by him to influential Brazilians to secure payment of a claim for an American citizen. A local wit of Lafayette, Ark., undertook to fool Dr. Westbrook one dusky evening last week into the belief that a ping of twist to bacco that he pointed at the doc tor's head was a pistol. He suc ceeded admirably, and was shot dead before he cold explain that it was all a joke. . The war in Mexico still rages. A dispatch from Brownville, Texas, April 10th, says Diaz has possession of the entire border. Only a few Federal troops are nearer than Monterey. Diaz maintains strict order. He had three soldiers shot for insubordination. He is strength ening his position and accumu lating arms and ammunition. .Congressional printer Clapp states that on account of printing -mm- the uongressionai itecord tne ap propriation is insufficient. He had availed himself of the legal priv ilege to draw from the treasury to the amount of two-thirds of bond, and' following the practice of his prrdeceasoiy, had used the ' pro ceeds of the sales to supply the de ficiency as the only means to pre vent a stoppage. It is said that great looseness is manifest in the management of the government printing office. A meeting of the Boston Light Infantry was held on the night ofthe 8th Inst., to perfect arrange ments for attending the Fort Moul trie Centeto The1 plan is for the comnirind to lea ve Boston1 With j thl rty gn its for KeW' YdrtjWliere they will join the Old Guard with thirty gun-; and proceed to Charleston by stoamer. After the celebration, thee tym panies, with twi companies from Charleston, will return fo New York and rendezvous at Uippdronif. There the Boston LlUi Ii:f:iutry will be joined by thirty mure guns and with full ranks the svimi com panies, including tho two South Carolina companies, will on the third day of July take a special train to join the Centenni . Le gion. The New England Division of the Legion will be under. .the command of Gen. Burnside. It is calculated that it will take 13 days to carry out the programme. The Silver Bill was rutrned in Congress on the 10th inst., and iur. onerman, ny unanimous con sent, withdrew the third and fourth sections of the bill. It was then passed. It provides that there be and hereby i appropriated out of Any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of 103,000 to provide for engraving, printing and other expenses of making and issuing Uaked States notes, and the further sum of $H, 000 to provide for engraving and printing National Bank notes, to be disbursed under the Secretary of the Treasury. The second section provides that the Secretary of,the Treasury is hereby directed to issue silver coin of the United States of the denominations of ten, twenty, twenty-five and fifty cents, of standard value, in redemption of an equal amount of fractional currency, whether the samelu:iv in the Treasury awaiting r d-nip-tion or whenever it may be j relent ed for redemption, and the Secre tary of the Treasury may, under tne regulations or tne ireasury Department, provide for such re demption arid issue by substitution at the regular sub-treasuries ami public depositories of the Unitt 1 States until the whole amount ol' fractional currency outstanding shall be redeemed, and the frac tional currency redeemed under this act shall be held to be a part of the sinking fund provided t' v Iy existing law, the, interest !o le computed thereon as in the en. of bonds redeemed under the nets re lating to the sinking-fund. S200 REWARD. A puoci,amat10 ixv ;ovl:jc,oic. EXECUTIVE DEPARTM F, n i", State of J)rth CcwnJuHi , Ralei ir, Man 2()ib, 1S7(. TT7IIEEAS, OETICIA! VV niation lias been n reived at this Department that one William IjOCKE, late of Itowan county, stands charged with the murder of P. R. liarrinejer in said county, and whereas, it further appears that the said William Locke has fled the State, or so conceals him self that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him. v Now, therefore, I, Curtis II. Broaden, Governor of the State of North Caro lina, by virtue oi authority in me vest ed by Taw, do issue this my Proclama tion offering a reward of TWO HUN DRED DOLLARS for the apprehen sion and delivery of the said William Locke to the Sheriff of Rowan county, at the Court House, in the town; of Salisbury, a,nd I do enjoin all officers of the law and all pood citizens to aid in bringing said accused to justice. Done at our citv of Raleigh, the 20th day of March, AD., 1876, and in 100th year of American Independence. C. II. mtOGDKX. JJy the Governor : J. li. Neathkry, Private Secretary. DKSCtllPTION. William Locke is a dark mulatto,. about '20 years old, about six feet high, blind in right eye, and turns his toes in when talking being what is com monly called " pigeon -toed." March 20th, 17(3. 40-4t Statesville American and Asheville Pioneer copy four weeks and send bills to Executive office. PROPOSALS lor FUEL FOK AGE AND STRAW. Office Chief Quartermastkr, Department of the South, Louisville, March 28, 1876. SEAL uiuh EA LED PBOPOSALS, in triplicate, er the usual conditions, will be received at this office,- and also at the offices of the U. S. Quartermasters at the several Post named below, until 12 o'clock, m., on Wednesday, the 10th day of May, 1870, at which time and place they will be opened in presence of bidders, for the delivery of Military Supdlies during the fiscal year, begin- nmg July I, iso, ana cnuing J une 3U, J 8 7, as follows : Wood, Coal, Corn, Oats, Hay and Straw, at the following named posts Louisville, Lebanon, Lancaster and Frankfort. Kv.; Nashville, Humboldt Chattanooira. Tenn.: Iluutsville, Liv ingston,'- Mount ernon and Mobile, Ala.: Atlanta and Savannan, ua. Charleston. Columbia. Yorkville and Greenville, S. C; Fort Johnston, Fort Macon. Morgan ton, auu Kaieign, Si. U.; and St. Aueustine. - loriua. Bids for any portion ot the supplies will be entertained. The Government reserves tne riguc 10 reject any or an bids. A nrefeience will be given to arlicles of domestic production. Blank proposals ana printed circulars showing the estimated quanties requir ed at each post, and giving full instruc tions as to the manner of bidding, and tiie4erms of contract and payment, can ha obtained lv nersonal or written ap plication to the quartermasters at the viiriiiin nosts. or to this otlice. Lt. Col., D. Q. M. GenJ 41 4t C! ENI 25c. to G. R ROW ELL & CO.. NeV O Yt ork, fur pamphlet of lWpnges,contain- insr lists of 3CW newspapers, una estimates showing cost of advertising. Sp j. " OA per day at f home. Samples O 10 oU worth tl free. Stison & Co., Portland, Maine. 3S-ly Tii Bankruptcy. "XJ-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN J3l that a general meeting ofthe cred itors or the Bank of N.-C, bankrupt, will be held at the Register's office in Raleigh, N. C, before A. VV. Shaffer,4 Esq, Register in Bankruptcy, on the 19th day of April,' 4870, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purposes named in the 27th and 28th sections of the Bankrupt, Act ot March 2, 1867. . : ; By order of the court. A. W. SHAFFER, ..... Register in Bankruptcy, i l Raleigh, March 23d, 1876.- nil-rK Is tii i: itiATTjm of moxinAft intttX, Ilaakrnpt. -This is to give notice, that on the 10th day tf April, A. D. 1870, a war rant iu Bankruptcy wan Issued out of the District Court of the United States Tor l!, I.astcrn District of North Car olina, against the estate of-Loonldas M.' "recti, of Italeigh, In the County of Wake, and State of North Carolina. Ins own Petitiou: That the payment of any debta, and tho delivery of any property belonRing t such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer any property, by him, are forbidden bv law ; That a meeting of the creditors uf said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of bis estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptey, to be holdcn at Italeigh, N. C, before A. V. Shaffer, Register, on the liOth day of April, A. D. 1870, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOSHUA B. HILL, Marshal as Messenger. Rusbce it 13 us bee and Fowle, Attor neys. 43 3t Xcw. Advertisements. for lst chance in the world to U. S. 8AFKTY coin money. Address l'OCKKT (X)., Newark. N. J. 42-4w ha i .rttr, win -N. Y.r..J to partk-vlan- ft tunp. C. K. W ml 'ta- , T.J t A Co. f ltmtVxi TIND HEADING, Paychomancv, -ItX fascination. Soul Charming, Mci raerism, and Marriage (luido, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose instantly. 400 pages. IJv mail M cents, mint A Co., 139 S. 7th bL. Phlla- ueipnin, i-a. 42-4w AK rs waivtkd I Melals and Diplomas Awarded, roil llolmmu i Pictorial Bibles 1,800 Illustrations. Address for new circulars, A. J. 1IOL M AN CO., J30 Arch St., Phlla. 42-4 w WANTED tonery packages in the world. It con tains lf sheets paper, 15 envelopes, golden pen, pen-holder, pencil, patent aru measure, ana a piece or jewelrv. Siiiglo package, with pair of elegant gold st. ::e sleeve buttons, post paid 25 cts, live with assorted Jewelry for 1.00. This package has leen examined by the publisher of "THE ERA," and found as represented worth the money. Watches given away to all agents, cir culars free. BUIDE & CO., 7C9 Broad way, n. y. Wanted Agents for tho great CENTENNIAL v,Xr History! to tho close of the iirst 100 years of our national independence.includlng ajj ac count of the coming Grand Centennial Exhibition, 7(0 pages, lino engravings, low price, quick sales, extra terms. Send for circular. P. W. Ziegler it Co., 518 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. 42-4 w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat DUcaiei, USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in IIMJI2 boxes. A TKI12D & SURE ItEMEDY, For salo by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO.,, Philadelphia, Pa. ATERS' niANOS, vj i ivuu, oi(uiut) auu uprigiu, A HE the BEST I made; the tone TOUCH, WORK I MANHHIlml DUKA HILITY IIiiKurDUHHtHl. WAT EKS' OIt(JANS, Concerto, New Orchestral, Vesper; Chapel,. VI aleste, and Cymbella, cannot bo excell ed in tone or beauty. The Concerto stop is a line imitation of thoC human voice. Warranted for six years Prices extremely low for cash during this month. Monthly installments re ceived. A liberal discount to teachers, mlnin- .a.c.Agents Wanted. . Special inducements Ut the trade. Il lustrated catalogue sent. 'HORACE WATERS cfe SONS, 481 Broadway, N. Y. Box 35(37. , FULLER, WARREN & CO., MANUFACTURES OF S "H- S ThOHTJ?n!Ni-$' FiJuxACK in the Market. Our new wood and coku cooking stoves UOIiIi:N CKOWN. JtEPOKTKIC. PIRITOF'76. OUTHERN GEH. AND TUB VASIOVS TEWART IMPROVED' Meet the wants of every Dealer. Correspondence invited. Price list and cut upon application to FULLER, WARREN A CO., 23G Water St., N. V. BLACK HILLS GOLI FIKL.DS ! For guide book, maps, rate, routes, Ac, sent FREE to any address. Apply to W. P. JOHNSON, Geo. Pass. Agt. I. C. R. R. Chicago, or to I. V. RANDOLPH, Trav. Agt. I. C. R. R., Indianapolis, Ind. TOM COOPER'S LAUREL VALLEY -AND CENTENNIAL OLD RYE & WHEAT WHISKEY. t m A large lot now on hand from two to four years old. The finest whiskey made in the South. 1 I have in connection with my distil lery one of the boat RECTIFYING 1IOUSES in Western North Carolina. Parties wishing a Pure Old Whiskey for medical and other purposes, can get any size packages from 3 to 40 gallons. Also, manufacturer anu proprietor oi TOM COOPER'S Celebrated BALD MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY. WHOLESALE DEALER IN APPLE AND PEACH BRANDY. Address all orders to T. N. COOPER, Eagle Mills, Iredell county, N. C. OR TO Robert Mitchell, Agent, FayettevUla. N. c somnon. (M O dT at horn a. Agents wanted, ou t Uj I Lm lit una irrun iree. TRUE & CO., Au gusta Maine. Newbern. to be amputated.