5 state jl&ricztxsb.&i: jonaNAL. 1' J TiT 0 IT T TT fl H TT I'l T I II l I i I i I n i iTfi 1 1 1 1 i i I M&imjsTi-T!.;; nu)jiiD)o wnflir Iff UECBBlf TriV PROSPECTUS, The undersigned proposes to publish, on or uuuv oepieinuur in, ibis, in tne city 01 kui- V". ...... i - " THE NORTH CAROLINA DIREO TOET AND STATISTICAL ' COMPENDIUM." A book of 350 1 v Daees. whlcb win eentaln a statistics, Including the latest revised liata of jck"utb, iuuciai, ana uxecnuve omcere. With A Census report ol each county, its Ag - jii-uiiunujHeunaoicat' ana VioniBsreui re ourcet and industrial. i Line of Kallrooda and other Public Works, their extent, route, and Importance, .The Merchant. Artisans, Mechanic and Professional men In every city and town In North Carolina. , Public, Private, and Endowed Charltableln stltutlons, Colleges, Institute!, and Primary Schools To which will be added an Appendix, show ing the .. K ' RISK, PROGRESS, and PRESENT STATUS of the Patrons of Hus bandry in North Carolina Also, a complete list of every Grange Num ber, Master, Secretary and PostofDce. Subscription Price Single Copy $2. A limited number of advertisements will be received and-inserted at the following rates : From 1st to 10th page, after reading matter, per page, Hall page, One-fourth page, From 10th to last page In book, per page, ....... Halt page, ' One-fourth page, $35.00 15.00 . 8 00 20.00 13 00 0.00 7 he Only PERFECT - Drill in tht World. Grain First Edition, S,000 The cheapest and most useful Book ever published. Mo business man should be with out a copy. R. T. rULGHUM & CO., . Publishers. K. P. BATTLE, Pres. F. H. CAMERON, V. P. W. H. HICKS, Secretary. XTOKTH CAROLINA STATE LITE nTSUBANCE COMPANY,- RALE I OH, N. C. , Capital ... ; . $200,000 At end ol First Fiscal Tear baa Issued over VOU Policies without sustaluing a single loss. Prudent, economical and energetic manage ment has made it .. A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. This Coiugany Issues tvery desirable form of Policies at as rate as any other First Class Company. ; : , impose ne useless restriction upon residence Ha a Hied paid up value on all policies Ulll-I 1"V IIUUB1 payment. . Its entire sssets are loaned and lnvetd AT nuns., to ioster ana encourage home enter prises. .,. . Thirty days premiums. grace allowed In payment of With these fact before them will the people ui jnuria Carolina conunee to pay annual! thousands upon thousands of dollars to bull! op Foreign Companies, when tney can secure insurance in a uoitipany equaiiv reliable and every dollar's premium they p.y be loaned and invested In our own State, ai.il among our own people f THEO. H. BILL, Agentj Raleigh. April 23, 1874. - Krm. v n a- ii a. a MJJi4ldJl.a I & THE NEW FLORENCE.- ST.''"' ;- : '' PRICE, a0 below I any other Srst-classT RVALUE, 30 above Sewing Machine. $ r 1 urn en v.- .1 - . r f vw J ujiua, iuo g lurunce. X Every Machine warranted. Special terms ) j 10 ciuos ana aeaiers. send tor clr- culars to ths Florence S. M. Co., Florence, Mam.i or su union square, New Xork. H OW TO SELECT COMPANY. A LITE There are two main point to Consider! 1st. Strength ; for insurance Is little worth unless it be secure beyond peradventuee; It must maintain a high standard of solvency; Its reserve must be carelully Invested. 2d. The actual cost of its policies ; the prop er cost of a policy each year Is "the share It must bear of the current losses. Its share of the expenses and of the reserve; In a MUTU AL Company all the premium- not needed 'for. these three things Is returned, tn some -way, to the policy-holders. It should have no stockholders to divide sur plus with, se Increasing the cost. How the Connecticut Mutual Life- BEARS THE TEST. It ' maintains the' highest standard, of sol vency. - - -.., . .!...,. The character of its investments of its accu mulated assets of 18)1,000,000, Is of the highest class for security, It having never lost a dollar of Its Investments, its surplus Is larger than that of any other Company, over 15,000,000 It has a membership of over, 63,000 persons, Its rati for the entire 28 years of its business has been but 8 97 per cent of Its receipts,' It has no stockholders. Every dollar of saving or profit belongs solely to the policy holders: From such a record, one can well Judge where to lnsnae with safety, and the smallest possible cost. ' . J ' 1 8. D. WAIT, General Agent, myt ly - Office Raleigh, N. C. It ta taken the first premium at every Held l WD UU1U3U OUHSI. I. Has taken more first nnmlnmi f IvriAnt tural Fairs than all other Drills comoiued. warranted to perfectly perform the seeding of 'l Grains from Flax to Corn. Plants Corn uu oeans in iirma for Field Cropa, with en tire success, and la the most perfect distribu tor of Fertilizers now In use. 1 am also the General Agent for THE WISNEE SULKY RAKE. It U both Alt.itlaY,liaMrlii or. A t,'BH.l Rake, and Is worked either . t tl, arm nf the operator, a leal a re which no other Sulky It makes a large compact wlnrow, and the load Is discharged bv a slip-lit mna nt driver's foot. Any boy or girl that can drive a horse can Hake xmth it, as well as the ttrongest man. It lsconstructed with tha ht 1imi ma terials ol Wood, Iron and Steel. The wood work Is finished in oil. lhn ihnwlnr tin im. vuuvvi iuq Miuuor u Doying. The teeth are guaranteed to be tempered In oil, and wilt stsnd iBKis ana usage. Be sure end see the "rirmn'i Prlt Grain-Drill and Ue Wlsncr Sclf-Diacharirina' Hay Kaku before purchanlng. fend lor a circular and price list. ORDERS PKOMfTLY FILLED. Agents wanted in all uuovcupled territories. Address , H. P. UNDERBILL, 04 Sharp St., Baltimore, Md. apr 9. . spring ateel, the severest JDWAKD FASN A Cfi , WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, ' 3 doom above Tucker Hall, KEEPS ' ' : THE OEXUINB ELGIN WATCH. XKEl'S " ; TEE GENUINE WALTEAM WATCH ' KEEPS t A great variety of LA DIES' AND CENTS' GOLD WATCHES. KEKl'S ... STERLING'S SILVER WARE. ) : TBIPLM PtATS ULVBBWAKIt, " "' 18 KT. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. i .. KEMEMBEB, - DOORS AUOVK TUCKER II ALT.. VERTICAL STEAM - 3 may 7 12m. QAKSHADE STOCK FARM, i i ', i PITTSBORO, N. C. T. B. HARRIS &. SOX,' - Breeders of Cotswold Sheep and Improved Berk: ' shire Hogs. The Stock bred on this farm Is from the best sources and from prise-winners at numerous eiaie rairs, ana won nrst prize at the late N, Bend for sample of C. State Fair. Young stock for sale, fleece. Address T. B. HARRIR A flrW hsrbis, f Pittsboro, N. C. April 23. T. B. HARRIS, I r. w. i X1DEE BIOOS, Norfolk, Vs. ADER ASA BIOOS, Formerly of N. C. BIGGS & CO. K ' General Commission Merchants, . AND " COTTON FACTORS Bioos' Wbshf, Nohfolk, Va. fW Liberal advancea on Consignments. yiT Shipments to Liverpool free of lorward- uommissious, ana the usual advances made. neclal attention Daid to the sal of Cotton and all kinds of Country Produce, and prempi returns maae. Bagging and Rone and Ties furnished on lib eral terms. . f. . , aug 80, 12m W. N. H. SMITH, Late ol Mnrfreesboro. G. V. STRONG Late of Ooidsboro. s M I T H & STRONG Attorney and' Counsellors at Law, RALKIOH, N. 0., Practice in the Circuit and ni.trlct. Tnnrta nf the United States; in the Supreme and other Court of the State. Collections made through out the State. References; Raleigh National Bank, Citl ena National Bnk. State National Bank. Ral eigh Scarboiough & Derffleld,- Blnton, Good 4 Chaplain. Norfolk j Dancy, Bymana A Co., E. i. Bale A-Soas, New York; Jennlson Davia, Drlefres Fernberger, Philadelphia; Elliott Bros., Wkedbee & Dickenson, Balti more. -- j v oct 11 3m B JJ-CK8 T I' f O CtT R Y - T A R D8 Offeffor sale'EOOStor HsTchlne ifro'm The following varieties of Pure Bred Land and Wa ter Fowls, at 12.50 per dozen i . .. - Dark and Light Brahmas : Buff. Black. White and Partridge Cochins ; Brqvn and White Leg horns ; White and Silver Grey Dorkings ; Ply mouth Rocks;-Hondsns ; Black, Ped, Earl Demy ana ruottamcg : uouen and Aylesbary Ducks; Toulouse and Bremen Ueese. 1 war rant one-half of each dozen Eecs to batch. If they do sot I will replace them for 50 cents per dozen. Send stamp for circular. -Eggs sent C. O. D. If desired. Give me a trial. - . '. - ISAAC LYNDE, .. feb 19-3m. Marlborc, Stark Co., Ohio. ' H, IT. moDOSTALD CO.. Druggist sneTVenetai Agento, su rnuoutio, CalUoruis, sua our. naaBingtoa ana o'Usruon gla., Kew York, ol by sU VrsjfffisM sind stealers. Dri J. Waiter's t'aliTonilft Tinegftr JUltierS are-A rnrtlv Vegetable nrpnamtinn made chiefly from tlie native herbi found on iho lower run Res of the Sierra Nevada mountains ol California, te medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the dm of Alcohol. The question is almost rlailv Bskml ' What in tl,a nu of tiie nnnaralleled saooetw of Vinioab Bit tBBs?" Our answer ia, that they remove tne cause of diseane, and the patient recov ers his health. - Thev are the crrcat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect renovator ana invigorator oi tne system. Never before in the history of tha world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VnnraAB Bitteks In healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. iliey are a gentle rnreative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In- nammation ol tne La yet and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diswases." a, If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vlxeoab Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants tn every form. ' ; No Person can tuktr lhesri Itifffira aoeorains to directions, and rmuin lanu unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital orcans wasted bevond reonir. Grateful Thousands proclaim Tinboax siTOQts tne most wontlerlin limirorant that ever sustained the sinking system. ; JJIlious. Remittent, and Intermit. lent Jtevers, which are so prevalent iu .the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra- eob, xvio uranue, reari, oiaoama JUotiiie, Savannah, Itonnoke. James, and taanv others. with their vast tributaries, throughout Our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual neat anu dryness, are invariably aooompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera jn tueic xirntimmr ..pimjtia, exprtiug a pewerfnl influence upon these various organs, . is essentially necesaarv. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to JLTC. J.-WATjK128 8 V1SEOAS JBITTEQS, 03 tliey.will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with' which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the .digestive organs. 1 ; . ..r . Dysnensln or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness; Sour ruotations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflam mation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tne Kidneys, ana a nunured otber painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ouo bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than, a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Eril, White Swel- uugs, uuiers, rj-ysipems, oweuea : xnecx, Goitre, Scrofulons InflamiflationB, indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, eta, etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walkeb's Vet bo as Bittem have shown their trreat curative powers in the most obstinaCe and intractable oases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. : ' - Mechanical Diseases. - rereons en gaged in Paints and - Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of WaLEEB's Vin bub Bittebs occasionally. Tor Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Blionm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Boils, Carbuncles, Bjftgwornis, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Disoolorations -of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short timo by the use of these Bitters. ..... . ' Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed.. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel mintics, will free the system froin worms like these Bitters. l or f emale joinpiaints,inkoungor old, married or single, at the dawn I of wom anhood or the turn of life, these Titnie Bit ters display so decided an influenW that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice. In all eases of iaundio test assured that your liver is not doing its wark. The only sensible treatment is to proufcte ths secretion of the bile ana favor its movaL Eor this purpose use Visigab Bit xbbs. . 1 Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: oleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggmn in the veins; cleanse It when it is foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. . b. ii, Mcdonald co.(- Druggists snd Geneml Agent, Bon Fxaooiseo, California, and sor. Washington and Chariton Bta., New York. Md 7 all Druggist and Dealers, 3' Z-1 ' : ft MAKUFACTDSIO BT ., , AIcCAIXTJM, WYCKOFF & HOPE, IIALEIOH, ft. C This Vertical Eaglne oecnplss lets room. Is stronger and more simple than any other, and perfectly safe in the hand or persons or ordinary lntelligesne withoot long previous training a Engineers. Oar i 8 amd 10 HORSE POWER, ENGINES -lire made esneclallv for PLANTATION rra. aj. ' " 'LW7 ? t V' S'S'ji'? warranted 'r4jl -A . to (ive MOKE than Its rated power, and to ke perfect la ' .-. . rr - Jt-jf. evervnart. ' THE CMOli. COfTOlI GI This Oln combines every asalltv that constitutes a FIRST-CLASS G IN. Every Gin Is warranted to gin as FAST or FASTER, and at WELL or BETTER, than any other Gin. For full description and Fries List of both En-i glae and Gins, address , ,, ' McCallcm, Wtckoff & Hope, RALEIGH, N. C. S REMINGTON It is the beat. Every one warranted. ' '. HANDLED It is made ot Solid Cast Steel. V It has 5i toot Handles. It is made especially should use. " . 1 '.-. COTTON It is the Hoe everjbodj HOES. for this market, Send for Price Lists and Discounts. ' ' T. H. BRIG-GS & SONS, Sole Agents, . - . AND DEALERS IN Hardwire and Cutlery, ' " r Wagon and Buggy Material, Premium .Safety Oil, voili not Explode, Stove Jlaint and 'Glat,. "'. M ''" ad .,'.'.:-. . ; ''J55:''' ... a a w mills, i2 4". "-ii"- fei-' 3 i j. - aMr ' DbanuiB' runiSOLS lUNUlJI&a ISUSAW-ai .Ul. the i nn ial n. and most durable In the world. Guaranteed to be able to saw tram 5,000 to 15,0UO lietVdav Over 8,000 In anccessful operation and giving; perfect satisfaction. BLANDT'S Patent Hatui Blocks, the simplest, most accurate andmost quickly operated Head Blocks In existence. Fans and Plantation EnKinoa alwaya on hand. Corn Mills, Wheat Mills, and Grlat MIU Maehinen at all kinds, and Stationary Engines o( all sizes. Send lor Clrcnlars and Prices fo ' 'P'-88 - ZanesvUle, Ohio. 'I. THE BROOKLYN L I EE INSURANCE COMPANY, O F N E W r o It K A8SETS, ; $,000,000. .OFFIQES, NO3.-820 AND S3J BROADWAT. NEW IORK. CITT. J -. . The Brooklyn Life is THE Companr which endorses nnnn h n .rfM..u. i ev iued to its patrons, tha guarantee ol a certain amount of ssrrender value. ThUssmls " stated in dollars and cents. .' . .. ... i .. THE BUSINESS OF THE BROOKLYN LIFE IS CONDUCTED ON;.PRNCfPLE8JOr ' ECONOMY AND EQUITY. ".. ' .,r u : The desire and aim or it management havsalwava haen ta mb ihiinmu.. uji-iu r most beneficent resulu to It policy-holders. "w-1 . i Liberal term will be offered to good Solicitor, A, w. LAWRCNnV. ;-..'' , ; ; ':-: Ueaeral Agent tor North Caroline. Jylfltf Oflee: aUIeigk, N. C. D. W OO D T, GENERAL ' MISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. O. ' ' BCow m'ntnehts of Cottonand!Naval Stores sollclum Qulcx sales and.prompt returns 1 , MarVJfly .' .'. THE FARMER'S FRIEND PIX) W . : E. II. l'LUMMER tV CO., : 81 Syeamore St., Petersburg, Va. '" -'. V - Clrcnlars furnished on application, ' jaaSO-ly. . ; . - ; APPLICATIONS lor P. this office. . Of B. for sal it

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