X 8 law ST .UN u a -is h i i i H t i i,' s s i ill I'll 7 i - .- v c r t i (Patented Oct 15ta,187J.) "1 TBI aiM?LE8T AND MOST POWERFUL r V COTTON PRESS IN USE. Tw man mi easily ptck MO lb. bale ol CXtlton, and It It o imaged: that th power and working forea en be doubled. If necessary, Feeke aa compact a baleae the old fashioned . wltb ball ID iaoor. van oe run dj lot gin-power, or by -watrtjpd abeam, ty patting wnei la piae oi uie muu. Farmr cao bay Family RigbU, and build tbeir own rraae at mau expense. IBONfrfVEitlSHED AT COST. But, Coast and Family BurLta ior sale by MALLORT & ALFORD, Bole Proprietor f jt the Southern Bute, Frankllnton, N. C. Jo 14 ltm W.&AiiDBaaoii.Prea'L I P. A, )V iijiT.Casbier, QITIZENS. NATIONAL BANK ..... . :' "OF ; BALEIGH , ;N. 0. , Authorized Capital, $500,000 ,','V 1 l SBAL IS CKOTRNMXMT AND OTHER SECURITIES. my 10 If : : ; : . R THE SPRING OF 1874. Wa oflar to thoa deairlng to plant this eea- Of all Tarietlea aultad to a Southern climate. Roue of all claaaea. In 100 beautiful Tarletlea, Flowering Bbruba, of two hundred aorta. M to SO centa each, e Ornamental Tree,'' for Park, Cemetery, Home or Street planting. Linden. Elme, Maple, Magnolia. Kolren trla, Poplar, Flowering Ptacbea, Cataipaa, Faulonlaa, AWv ,'taat, Firple ' Beechea, Bona Cheatnnt, M KTergretE ot all alaea and atylea. Jriah and Bwedlah Jnulper, Nor way Spruce, Hemlock Spruce, Yewa, Rhodod endrons, Ratlooaporaa, Tbnjopala, Borealia, Balaam, Fir, White Pine, Cepbalotaxua, ani many other aorta. Of Arbor Vitaea, w offer Golden, Hoopee, r rera, Piwn'i, Booth's, Glauca, Chinese, Jo near, bib. i iun, American, ncoldes, Tom huwb and oiber claaaea. ' Climbing Vlnea of many rare and beautiful Tarletlea. One hundred klnda Hardy Border Perennial, at 86 centa each. Forty Tarletlea ChryaauUtemuma, Dahlias,. Tuberoses, Lilies, tJlsdlolns and Bedding Plants; " ' Special oflera by mail free: 80 Paper Flower Seada f I 00 8 Rose of different aorta 1 00 6 Hardy Perenniala 1 00 6 Handsome Chrysanthemums 100 Or the whole will be forwarded poat Iree for 00. Plana of Gardens, furnished With Plant named and eatlmatea of cost. Packing care fully done, and Plant lorwarded promptly by the Chatham Railroad, Sand lor catalogues, supplied free by mall. For ten dollars, wa furnish a handsome aeleo aian of fthrnba and ETerereena. Addrea V. B. DJCNBON, KeWyn Nursery, Pittaboro't N. a i8-ly pUREj ESSEX PIGS, BTlng recently Imported dliectly from Eng land andCaaada cholen apeeimcaa of tbi la Torlta breed of Hogs, I can offer their progeny Willi a guaraatee of their undoubted purity. I sis bar a Hal collMtioa el . Light Srabna, "Whits Leghorn : and Cams, Jjomlnlque fowls, Ayies , bury and Sonen Ducks, ' All bred from th purest strains In this coun try and warranted to be first-class In erery respect For fsl on reasonable terms, tor breedicg or exhibition purposes. Eggs for 1 o b J t ale in seaaon. T. J. WOOLDRIDGE, M. V., French Hay, Hanorer co., Va. par 28. - bRANflE SPORTTNO AND i rBlVASTING POWDERS." .. . GUNPOWDER, iy Put up In IfctalHe and Wooden Keg LAFLUT & BAND POWIEB CO. Magazine beyond the City limits, Balelgh, K.d Oranire Rifle FG. FFG,FFFG. In ken ot So, UX and 6X lbs. Diamond Oram. 1. 2. J. 1. 0 and 6 train. In kega ol 85, lSiX and SV lb. Audubon (ttamc.X 1, 8 and 8 grain, In krgs of 12; and 6V lbs. Orange Ducking, X, 8. 8 and 3 grain, In kega of lb. Ulssting and Mining F, FF, FFF, FFFF, In keg of lba. --t.r-i V mviaTTDo Orenfct Docklne. Ko. 1. 3. 8 and 4 Itrein Canister, 6 lba. Llcbtnlng Backing, No. 1, S, S, 4, 8, 0 7 grain Canister, 1 lb. ' Audubon (Game) No. 1, S and 8 grain Can later, 1 lb. and X lb. uranee tune, grain vamaier, i id. ana ft id. DualiD,jtrtln Canister, Ilk. Safety Fuse, (Toy, Btckford A Co..) Hemp, Cotton, (Single, Double and Triple Taped,) in package ol 100 feet and over. i ;. JULIUS LEWIS A CO., Agent. jj ; Fisher Building, RalelKb, N. C. ' lfn.,fn,Jra fLifmtnf by V . Cbarlea Pratt 4 Co.,:Manulacturers ol Pratt's Astral Oil. , L. Bohea, Hoe and Tool Co., Mannlacturira of 'be Bolles' Cotton Hoe. - Tb Averlll Chemical Paint Co. Tb Goulda Manufactnring Co., Manufactu rer of Farm, Cbnicb and Plantation bell. laaae A. Bbeppard A Co., Manolactnrera ol the "All Right Cooking StOTe." Laflln dc Rand Powder Co. " " JULIUS LEWIS A CO., Flaher Building, Raleigh, N. C. . April S3. s. TGNEWALL FERTILIZER. Hlehlt concentrated. Haa ALWAYS been manufactured on the basis of a guaranteed an alysis. Will NOW be sold anbect to all lawa In regard to Fertilize!, with 1UE SAME auanutaed analraia. B. v. f jjAHHAua a nun, annual. yjj f , CharlotteaTille, Va. aptSi pIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAT. Richmoxd A Daaviixa, Richmond A Dak ' tilli R. W., N. C, Division, K Nokth WestibjtN. C. R. W; CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Feb. 23d, 1874 ; GOING NORTH. aTATioxs. . ataiL. Lar Cbsrlotte..... 7 Wpm Air-Line June. 728 " Sallabnry.....W0 " f Greenaboro'... 8 IS am DanTllle. 6 28 " BurkeTllle....ll40" ArrlT at Richmond . . 8 32 p m GOING SOUTH. IiPKioa. 8 8Sa m 855 " 10 47 ' 115pm 8 27 " 8 06 " 11 03 " TATlOMlA MAIL. xi'Rcaa. S 03 a tu 888 n 1 08 p m 4 U0 ' 688 " 8 M " 9 00 '" L Richmond llism. " Burkerille.... 4 58 " . DanTllle M " Greensboro'.. 1 16 a m , ' Salisbury 8 6 " Alr-Llne June 85 " Arrive at Charlotte.. 8 48 a m GOING EAST. GOING WEST. aTATiona. mail. mail. Read down. Lear Greenaboro. 2 00am Arrl2S0am " Co. Sbopa.. 8 55 " L' re 1105 " " Raleigh.... BSOam 640 " Arr. at Goldaboro. 1140 am L'reSOOpm Read up. NORTH WESTERN N. G R. R. (8ALEM BRANCH.) " . LT Greenaboro' 1:80 a. m. Arrive at 8alem,, 8:25 a. m. Leave balem..... 10:80 a. m. . Arrive at Greensboro'.... .12:00 m. Pasaenger train leaving Raleigh at 7 40 p m connect at Greenaboro with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Pric of ticket same aa via other routes. Trains to and from points Kasl or Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Tralna dally, both way. t On Bundava Lvncbburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9 42 a m, arrive at burke Tille 12 89 pm, leave Burkevllle 4 85 a ni, ar rive ai Richmond 7 58 a m. ' Pullman Palace Car on all night traiaa between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change) ... or runner inio'iuauon auurvs 8. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineers Gen'l Superintendent. . . feb 28 U "YyiLMINGTON A WELDON RAILROAD UUHrA.M. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Omci or Omul Sdpirmtihdeiit, I - Wilmington, N. C., Mar. 80, 1874. ( y.-. J -l. XI V no -1..n- T. VU KIIU Kl," MMI-U . Ill VI i 1 l II O on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad will run as lollows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally Sunday ex cepted at 740am Arrive at Goldsboro at 11 50 a in Kocky Mount at too p m Weldon at- 8-50 Dm Leave Weldon dally (Sundaya except ed) at 050am At rive at Rocky Mount at 1186 am " uoiaaooro as i si pm ." , Cuion Depot 6 50pm EXPRESS TRAIN. Lea i Union depot, dally, at ' 1110 pm Arrive at Goldaboro at ' 8 57 a m Rocky Mount at 6 21 a m " Weldon at 8 SO a m Lear Weldon, dally, at 7 30 p m ArrlT at Rocky Mount at 27 p m " Goldaboro at 1143pm , Union Dpt at 480m Mall Train make clos connection at Wel don for all point North via Bay Line and Ac,ui Creek route. J gr Express Tialn connects only with Ac quia Creek route. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Usrs on tuis irain.fta 1 FreiEht train will leave Wllmlnirton ! - weekly at 8 00 m. and arrive at 1 40 b m Ezprcta frelsrht trains will leave Wil iimiquion OAllT uowpn., ana arrive niwp JOHNF.DIV n.rj imCs General Srtjt mar 89 tf . R. R. R. ' i RADW AY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS j In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONI HOUR ' . after saaduia this adveitlaamant naaa any eaa suma irrrai' paw. BADWAY-8 UAST ELTBT U A COM TO CVXiiir FAIN. . . - It waa frs Brat and la The Only sPaln Remedy that blatantly stops sk Aoa nemelatlnf palna, aUaya Inflammations, asd enrea Oonavattona, whather of tha IABia, Btoenaeh, eowaas, or ouu (lanos or ergaaa, 1J on appliaaUoa IS FBOat CUt TO TWIST I laTfTTJTIS. no matter how violent or axerndatlug the pain, the MTVO. MATIO, Bad-l 1-riddan.Io-lrm.C raewtmppiea. L una, Mairtlgto, ot acosarelaa IwUhd RADWAY'S RIADY RILIIF WTLL AFFORD TH8TAHT KA8a . IKa-UaltATIOlt OF TH KIDNEYS. " INFLAMMATION Ol TH1 BLACDEB. INrLAJtMATIOS of XHB BOWMA ... OONOKTIO"1 OFTMLTJUQ. OBI THBOAT, BOTlaULT BBKATHINO. JALPrTAT10K OF IBM BXAJtT. ETSTSB108, CBOOT, B IPTHEBIA, - CAIABRH, mrLVKSZX, HIADACHB. toothache, KBmtAiaU, EEICMAT COLD CHTLLfl, AOUS CHILLS. The aDDUaatloa t Mr 1lr la tha vart es part whar the pa sr dinVmlty aaass wlU aOord saa ootarort. Twenty drop In half amabler ef water will ta a few momenta rare CRAMPS, SPASMS, BOO STOMACH, HKABTBUBN, SICK HEADACHE, DIABHHtEA. IYH ENTKBY, OOLIO, WIHJ IX J lit SOWKLB, and ail INTKKNAL PAINS. Tra vdanahoaldalwav aarrr a boUls ef Easwart StM Seller with then. A few drops In water will prevena esttneaa or palna from enanaw or wawr. n w better lhaa Fnaeh Braxtj aa Bitters aa a aUmatt, FEVER AND AGUE. FtTrs AND AODS cured for fifty eenta, There not a remedial agent in una woria tnal win enre irever ana Ane, and ell Mate Melerkraa, BlUona, Soarlet, Trobotd. , Typhol PILLS) Yellow, and ether Fevere elded br RADWAY'S qalek aa aUDWAX: BiX BSLICF, bottle, Fifty sent per HEALTH I BEAUTY 11 sraoHo aitd ptnti won blooo-wcbkase of FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIS ASD BEAUTI FUL, COMPLEXION 8ECCBKD TO ALL. . DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparilliaii Kesolvent THE ORIAT BLOOD PURIPIKR. JLW MADE THE MOSJT A8TOKWHIHO CtTRES : 80 QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHARGES THE BOUT UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WOSDERFUIi hUDICXSE, THAT Every Day an Jacrease in Flesh anfl : We iilit is Sees antl Felt . Every arap ol tb SAMAFARTLLIAft RKSOLVEKTi communicatee mronf n we umjou, bob, unoe, m vie Klulde an Jaleea of the ayeteaa tke vtfoi ol lire, lor It repel the waeteeot the body with new and sound material. SerofoU, Srphllle, Ooefmmption , Olendnlar dleeaee, Uleer In the throat, Month, Taaaon, Modea In the Glands and other parte ot the ayateei. Sore Eyee, Stmnorooa dieehar roe from the Ban, aad lba wont forms of Skla diseases, Krnptloos, Fever Soraa, Hold Heed, Bin Worm. Salt Rheam, Ernlpelaa, A e, Black Spots, Worms In the Fleeh. Tamori, Oeneera In the Womb, aad all weakening and pain rut dlacharrea, Mlbt Meal. Lees ol Spun) and aU waetea of the life principle, are wlthla the eoratlte rang ol this wonder ef Modem Cneanlat , andafawde ' nee will prove to any peraoa aeln; IS for either of theae forms of dlaeaaelta potent power so ear these. If the peUeot, dellr beeoaaln- redaeed by the wastes and deoompoalUon that la eoallnueUj progreeaUic, auaoeede la arreetlna: thaea waetea, and repair tha same with mrw Hiill aude- f a haalthr bleed end this the BARSAPARILUAS WU1 end doee eesors s cure le certain ; for when once this remedy aommenoee Its work of pari. toatlon, and meoaede ta dlatlniehlnf the lose of waetee, lu repel rl will be rapid, and vry day the patient will f.-el hlmaelf freer lug better aad etronaar, th food diiestlng batter, appsUt Improving, and flesh and weight bioraaetng. Ho eulr done th SiaairaaltiJia BaaoLvan axcel all known remedial egenta In the care of Chronic. Scrof alone, ConMlnttonel, and Skla 'dlasssea, but H la the only poelUre oar tor Kidney and Madder Complaints, Urinary and Womb dlaeaaaa. Ore veL DUbetes, Dropey. Stoppega of Water, laeoattaenos of Urine, Brlghl's Dieeeee, Albomtnarle, end la aU eaaea where there are briok-daetdepeslla.or th water le thick, aloofly, mixed with anhebuwea Ha th white of aa ee. or threads Ilka white ellk, or there la a eeorbid. dark, btllona appeersnce, and white bone-duct depoelte, and when there Isa priekinc, burning aeneatlon wbea peeelng welar, and pain In th Hnull of th Haek and along th Lata. Tumor of JH Years' Growth Cured by Itadway'i Ueedvent. . DR. RADWAY'S PerfGctPmiatip and Beplatii. Pills perffcotlyteleea, el eeantlyooefced with sweet rum, puree, regulate, purify, clean ee and strengthen. Badway'e Pllle, for the enre of all dlaordera of the Stomeeh, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys. Bladder, Nervoae Dleeaeee, Headache, Oonattpa tjon, Ouetlvenaae, IndlgeeUoa. Dyepepala, BUlosaaeea, BiUona Fever, Innammalloti of th Bowtla, Fllee, and all Derengementeof the InlHrnal TUeer. Warranted tOfSVot a poaiuve Cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drmra Afewdoeeeot RAD WAY'S. PIT. LI win fns tb system, front all the abov named dieorder. Prio. senu per Box. SOLD hi DRUGOIrTTS. BEAD ' FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter stamp to RAD WAY A oa , Ho. S'J Warren Bt, New York, lutuc matton worth thoaaaudewU 1 1 sent yon. R.J.BAKEE & GO. MiiornEnsiiiD: ; IMPORTERS OF '; PureGroundBone . AID CHEMICALS FERTILIZEILS, 38fc38 South Charles St, BALTIMORE, KO. 6Co Oil Vitriol, Nitrate Soda, Muriate Fotiujh, Ownnd Plaster, && tarSEND froR CATALOGUE Or'PRlCES.! FLKST-CLlSS house rATIQ$AL JIOTEL, . ' N. I O H j . - C. 8. BripWN, Proprietor, H N A R M 3 T R 0 M G , i NO. 1 FATETTKVILLI 8TEKET, RALEIGH, N. C, BOOKBINDER AND . , ".. , MANTJFACTttREB. BLANK BOOK Newspapers, Mtrailn and Law Books ol every description Bound la tb very best Style end at Lowest Price ' my 7 ly I PURE; FIIEtODIDb V " aes a .9 SAUK 1 Price $55.0O ier Tou Cftsh, or S65.00 on. Credit. "Navassa Tobacco Fertilizer." MaMinfactnred especially lor.the Tobacco Crop. Rich in Ammonia, Ni trogon, Phosphate and Potash. ,, ' ' . PRICE, 865.00 per Ton Ceuh, 'or $75.00 on Credit. ' ' " DISSOLVED NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE " . : - Rich in Soluble Bono Phoephate prepared especially lor composting with Cotton Seed. .' PRICE $35.00 PER TON CASH, OR $iO.OQ ON CREDIT. " We use only the highest grade of suitable raaterula known to Chemistry, and maintain and guarantee a uniform standard. Our Fertilizers are sold by our cities in the South. w Circulars, leatimoniale and Analyses f ur nithed on application, t $S3"A Liberal Discount allowed to Wholesale Purchasers. R. K. Dbidgers, President, C. L. (jrafflih, Sup't, Donald MacRak, Sec. & Tr. Wilmington, N. C, 'Jan. 22, 1874 ly. , r For tale hy THOMPSON & WJITAJZEE, ItaUiyh.- RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE. T HIS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL thoroushlv tested on all crops, and fered to farmers with fail assnrance fully cqnil to its action in the past. It is manufactured only at onr strictest chemical supervision, and is ; -? ANALYSIS ; 'AS REQUIRED BY THE RECENT LAW OF THIS STATE: Soluble Phosphoric Acid, 4.17 Precipitated " '- " . Insoluble, " " 2.21 Total " , " 11.82 , Potash,- 0.40 Soda, 3.75 Actual Ammonia, Nitrogenous organic ) matter, equivalent ; z.ou to ammonia, ' ) - ' . ., '' We guarantee that each and every sack of our Fertilizer shall be fully up to this standard. ADDlications for circulars, pamphlets and other information, should be made to any of the following Agents. - - r , Agents for North Carolina ' FOR THE SALE OP BAWBONB SUPERPHOSPHATE: WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCn & THOMAS, Baleigh,2T. C. ROUNTREE & CO., Wilson. ROWLETT & TANNOR, Petersburg, Va. KING, WHITE & SHAW, Franklinton. MoCUBBINS & CO., Salisbury. JAMES SLOANS' SONS, Greensboro. . April 16, 1874. SO L M B L "NAYASSA G UANO"' : Which i establithed a standard character at a Fer- '? : -4,. ;. ... - ' - - " 1" . iilizeffor Corn Cotton Wheat and all other cropt. Agents at all the principal towns and i .. .. , OF WILMINGTON, IV. C. MANURE WHICH HAS BEEN in all eectiona of the country, is of that its record in. the future will be works at Wilmington, Del., nnder the Bold under the following Equivalent to Bone Phoephate, 9.10 11.88 4.82 25.80- Snlphato Potash, 0.74 " Soda, 8.59 . . - WALTON, WHANN & CO., WILMIll'GTOX, DEL. VICK & MEBANE, Wilmington. HY MANS & DANOT, Norfolk, Va T. B. IIYM AN, Goldsboro. LINDSAY & REID. Reidsville. . BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, Charlotte. HODGIN, HINSHAW & CO,, Winston. t e$ 5 Y J i r U.aaW'SMTHaa.ijfc' ee