I Topics of the Times. I The Ladies of the'OM North State are tak- The American Association for the Advancement !"g an activc interest in the next Fair, they of Science is just closing its annual session, held alwaJ8 their duty. this year in thVfine old town of Hartford, Conn; The Hillsboro Recorder, of yesterday, in The country is to be congratulateupon the" rig- speaking of tho approaching Exposition which orous life which the Association exhibits. "We commences in this city October 10th, says: remember a time in its history,, when after the f " The product of the past years toil ongmai glow oi enthusiasm had departed from in Old Orange will be there well represented ISfrf to ami Jfarts- in griencf. FORE,(EWS- that its doom was WfnU u w iT; ; "lu r me sweep stane lor stallions, contemntuouslv re- w 1 will; be the most attractive. tual admiration society. J 3 Dies Webb, Jr. offers a special prom in ra. But it has put on better things. A vast amount . 1 . . of $10 for the best colt sired by his horse of original experiment and research has been SumPtcr to be exhibited at the Fair. stimulated, keen and sparkling debate has elicit- 80 Pnre-bred Southdown and Cotswold ed truths of the most important character, its sueep by James Norwood, purchased from deliberations have been watched with eager in- Sands & Son, Baltimore ot them his Buck terest where T -oration of Wad at!. In Central Afri ca, the equator and between the King domj;r ivuron the east and some small statfjj I separate it from the great country of Br I lies a country known as Waday, whi never been safely penetrated by a until now. ler capital, Wara, was known to be f hundred miles from the equator, ?at the country stretched much farther nork into the Great Desert, than the ad join! Tions. From Arabs, it was learned tha - iy was a tropical table land, crossed by1 storii j among which dwelt a very nerca ana intri " 3 people. . ., " IQI be remembered that interest in African exr.it 'ins revived about 1850. In 1853, when whitj. somj shov 4 ure by the intelligent mass of society every- lo. 60, (now ' Beecher which has inst ar theeLrated Barth was supposed to need neip, . and it is nOW atlvanrinnr ir iha -full I rlvpd fWim Pflnnenl enn f All t.'fn Tn'a relief, and met him ui its uuues, ana at tne same time the full is by Imported 89. which was bred bv James Hn -toan m Dec. 1854. m . w -i . i I- meed of pubHc appreciation. Webb, of Babraham, England, and imported gar ne visited various' The meeting at Portland was reported promnt- at a cost of 9K0 trninna TT;a Sfrn .f S11hni? tendlo reach Wara, the Capital of Waday, v w .uie country, ana tlie extent, variety and Sired by son of imported "Archbishop," also Value of the Scientific invfiRtirmtin Tion. ttoo l r i t vi t i i . -n i " -k-r o ' wov ; uieu uy uames yy euo, ungiana. ino. bu was - Austria and Germany have recognized the Republican government of Spain. ; The King of Denmark has just retnnred to his capital ' (Copenhagen) from a visit to Iceland. j ; ' Spanish papers indignantly deny the ru mored sale ot the Island of Porto Rico to the German Empire. : It is expected that France and England will very soon recognize the Republicof Spain. The only cause ot delay is said to be the trou ble of deciding upon the precise form in which the recognition is to be made. : The British Government on the 20th inst., reminded the Newspapers in an official note that the publication 6t articles signed by per sons deprived ct civil and -political rights is prohibited by law. The note doubtless refers to John Mitchell, who has . lately returned to Ireland and is making some noise in politics. The town of Leo do.Urcel, in Spain, has uunngne j b,cu plur iiy the Carlists. Tie surrender states, and finally at- r q m&dQ treachery of ed contributed, largely to the present esteem for bred by Samuel J. Sharp, Chester County, J'3 nW strengthened by the Pennsylvania. Mr. K. exhibits a number Jan. 1st 185G. 0) years passed'away, and no news of him cair.: Beurmann, the African traveller then VnfTpl "travelliner from lez- accession of a large number of the.most eminent -i, 4 lc xu.l ... , . , zanirbueh an unknown landjacross the desert .... 1 uuu BiiLJisu. ui iiiHiTi cnRnnor :s i ?si i no rnin tre i - t- ... i Amencac cnennsts, ,n accordance with tlieir late tIierA 'nro nr,t 'TU rvZ ZZ but toding.it impossible, ne turnea w icouiuuuu uuopiea at JNonnumberland, Pa., on the occasion of the Priestly centennial. V . We will take occasion to refer to the work of the past year, as presented at Hartford. An ag ricultural and industrial journal is necessarily in full sympathy with scientific advance, and espe cially with the section of chemistry and agricul tural chemistry. ft is to be regretted that so few meetings of the Association has been held in any Soutkern city. Those at Charleston and Baltimore were held long since, the Baltimore meeting being in nersons in thb citv. who were under the influ ence of the chaplain of Don Carlos. The Anmrnandant of the republican forces in tho citadel was-shot by order ot Gen. Tristany tle Carlist commander. . is more profit to Middle and Western North Carolina in the culture of grass and sheep straw than in cotton and corn to the east, j ; Let our farmers and mechan ics and all give a good account of themselves, and let Orange, as of voire, take a foremost piace in me exniDition." Reminiscences of .Fort Delaware. Bonn! There he learned that Vogelihad found hisav to Wara, but. had been executed eu. ? - j 8thftKfi. TTndismaved, lieurmann pursue - - . 1 va in the hone of recovering Yogels journal tn ifi63. r .- . i. 1 ,1 Vii-in vh, ii was learned that lieurmann tuu am , . " - . . - 1 i. i : IrilVl irvn tha verv frontier 01 tins .myswuiuuo an Tn 1866. Benlfs found the danger too great, lan Heuglin in an effort to .reacn v au uum it, .0 'ii. ".xm-noiiA tn tnrn back. But in tuuaofj nu -"x Officers of the State Grange : Hatter Columbus Mills, Concord, N. C., t Overseer Ricbri Williams, Greenville, Pitt Co , N. L. Lecturer J. 8. Long, New bent, N. C. Steward Vacant.! : .... v -' Ass't. Steward AJ. GALLOWAY, Goldsboro, N. C. Chaplain Rev. Colin Shaw, uiacK Hiver unapcj, camp- eon County, N. C. U m yv ; Treasurer k l. vail, .tnarww, f. : Secretary Q. W. Lawrence, Fayetteville, N. C. Gate Keeper. Mi Campbell, Jonesboro, N- C. Gem Vacant. . ' ( , Jbmona Mrs. S. A. Mills, Concord, N. C. i?Yara Mrs. E. G. Davidson, HunterBviile, N. C. Xafy Aw'f. Sieword MR3. A. T. VaiL Charlotte, N..C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1 . Azabiah Graves, Locust Hill, Caswell County, N. C. A. T. Mial, Raleigh, N.C. Geo. Z. French, AVilmington, N. C. No. 1. Feb. 13. 186K.. This is Npto ncio onfi -.o t . to-o! woa cAtif tn Sultan Omar of J -"'J '.IVII VUWVXV I IOO I Jr. llitUUliK"1 fJV-w " me lies the proud , Delaware flowing in majestic Bom iisHErom the King of Prussia, with presents 1858.' But a partial explanation is to be found beauty to the distant ocean. I am a -'prisoner Aft,r visitinc various unknown tracts of ternto- in the apathy of the people. If we remember of war' and as 1 stand under guard, waitingfor ry byond previous journeys, it is now known correctly,only three members from North Carolina tne 'tug' hich is to carry me to my "home for thathA safelv reached the new capital of Waday, attended even the Baltimore 7yi3ai thfi Wfir " mv pto rnnma n.rrm-nrl dn'nKn I iriro t "NTVifirraI RrP.Tit last vear in Wft- vvvuic., uc ucai ao I " ' J J mninii ifc; ju. LXXC III Uifl. XX. I v - it was. Cities send in f.Vipir invifnfinna ot,1 u soenft bpfnrfi inp. TV TVlawavo n'vor : i.' L i rofnmprl bv wav of Abvse ' ".i.umiVliO, UUU PU 11 I . vamiitjw A A T VX . X WM 1 I IM 1111 ( 1 W V OT1I1 VLLO VU UU t U jluvv " ' goes fromfyear to year, fi-om East to West and unceasing, rapid current, washes the shore at nmm;mw.fimber. but the war between Dar-Fur back acain. We hnnA it. -wi'll the South again, to give a general stimulous to Delaware" rise,, like some crloomv sentinel, cast- Wcf,,' to make liis way through the lybian tne pubhc interest in science, and more esnecial- ing their' shadow upon the waters, which ae rQ frt TWrit. ly to strengthen our scientific schoolsand nnr to be troubled, so sombre doth Pvlnnlr TWvni tr. a-r0 ;n bis letter bf Ithe new Sultan Ali Extract from the Address of the IN a- strugghng coUeeres. A ereat chann-A is tnl-inn. the shorps of NVnv .TfirsPv fnrTr. o foV, oi ttt-,i. A -b ;TtneAst. ruler of Central Africa. : tlOlial Urrailae. t . v V t 3 1 k I " -r w . -A-xA lix Li XJ. it3XJ. 1LI1I Ilim.-B I 111 VV ! I l'.I.V il - I LIU IT wiw w r I t . . . . place in the culture faith. The peo- ."AVft pmpliaticallv and emcerely assert tlie " "nwuvu ui vxioj xxixiuxxvitixi 1 " gvuuuj it mo luum iiiiu sn rfiS Ha wn.fl Tn ilia iu uc uxuiyMi 1 ' , . - xr . " ... . people.. Ten men buy scientific papers now to " of Delaware Citv" show rnVn nf Hf 'uti i i w'and show the greatest ill will oft-repeated truth taugnt in our organi . law - 1 - ,i miav . J . nljl xxl I i IN. I ntmno I ?STQTO tlT" Kll Illll 1 1 1 rs Ivory, ostrich featiiers, cameis auu mau -.;-r--, ls. -ivuijo, r , ; At rt nAlifipnl nr rrtv orsraniza BUSINESS AGENTS FOR NORTII CAROLINA. Messrs. Farley ACo., No. 61 Park Flac?, New York City. Mr. - T. G. Garrett, No. 100 So. Commercial 8t., St. Louis, Mo: y 'V. . ,r Mr. J. w. ieweiiin, rwcumuuu, . Mr. W. B. Westbrook, Petersburg, Va. Mr. P. F. Faison, Baleigh N. C. one a dozen years oga, and ennobling And this healthful, pure ity. But as I stand and look around, the "tug" to stranger Prison Life During: the War. We have commenced this week, for the edi fication of our readers, a series of articles por trayed in truthfully graphic terms. The au thor, a gentleman well known in Raleigh, de scribes his prison life in one of the numerous Bastiles of tlae United States, 'and gives other reminiscences of the late war. As the pas sions of men subside, the true data for the tu ture historian slowly comes forth, and in due course ot time, we hope to be enabled to lur- . nish such information, based upon direct expe rience and eye witnesses, and original manu scripts, corroborated by traditionary facts, as will fully vindicate the Southron in the late civil contest. It may, be suggestive, to remind the actors in the contest for'constitntional free dom, that we of' the South, jealous of our honor, should carefully note such events as come under our personal eye, and take occa sion to prepare such records as will conclu sively refute thb man-sensational and untruth ful statementSjJwhich have from time to time emanated from mendacious sources. The people 1 i puffing tmd blowing and making the waters brutal. No Arab's life is safe in ibttSffiSritSffi i - dance and ripple around it, the orders are given Cattle, sheep and goats are found everywhere, "We wish a hearty God-speed to the Association in all their labors. i to make ready for a start. Lieut. Van A. of the 91st New York Infantry who is in charge of the prisoners and who has acted the part of a "gentleman and a soldier" towards those, whom it is his duty to guard, gives the word of com mand, and we leave, with a heavy heart the friendly shores of Delaware and step upon the little boat which is to bear, lis "to our prison home. The ride is exhilarating, and as the spraydash es over me and my hands .dapple in the spark ling yaters, I might almost forget that l and my fellows, are prisoners. Away we go -the ht tle t4tug" plunging thi'pugh the river. ; the dread ed walls of our prison rising plainly before; us, with its starry flag flying in the breeze, and its ugly guns staring us in the face. 1 The whistle blows ; the bell rings, the shore is reached, and we disembark upon that island which is doomed to be. the abode of many, many weary hearts, "till this cruel - war is over' and peace shall once more dwelHn our land; ? . , Edward. PERSONAL. State Fair Items. Five hundred entries of Live Stock.Machin .ery, Field Products, &c, have already-been made for the approaching Exposition. Many Special Premiums have been offered by citizens in various sections of the State since the Premium List has been published. They will appear in our paper next week. Dr. Columbus Mills, Worthy Master Of the State Grange, and one of the Most successful and popular planters in the State, in a letter to the editor, says : " I will get up something handsome in the way of stock, &c, to exhibit at your Fair from this section of North Caro lina. Every Carolinian should feel and take a lively interest in our State Fairs. The pros perity ot the State largely depends upon the exhibit of agricultural, nrineral arid mechani cal products at onr annual Fairs." Dr. Mills live3 in Cabarrus county, one of the wealth iest sections of the South, and we'ean safely promise a splendid exhibition from that county. Ed. - ' T. N. Ramsay, the great Temperance lec turer is now in Western North Carolina, j --Coh: W. H. Avera,late Senator from John ston, will remove his residence to Hilliardston, Nash County. . '. . ;i - Col. J. D. Cameron of the Hillsboro Tie corder i3 spoken of for Clerk of the Uouse oil Kepresentatives in the next Legislature. There are at present only four ex:Gover nors ot North Carolina living ; Lx-Govs. r WJ A. Graham, David S. Keid, Zeb. B. Vance and Wm. W. Holden. Shot well, associate ed i tor o but the native horses are few and worthless. Government is strictly personal' and very se- rm hi - ,xi ' . n x x;i r vere. xneit ox tne smuuesi arucie is puxusxieu by death. - 1 - - This bein the first time a Christian has ever travelled through Waday, Dr. NachtigaVs arrival in Egypt is hoped for shortly, with a rich fund of information to add to the sciences, at least of ethnology and philology. A Fossil Fibula. Among the recent contri butions to the discussion of the antiquity, of man is the description in detail of certain fossils dis covered in Victoria Cave, in Yorkshire. -The cave has been explored by a committee of the British Association. Under various deposits was found a bone-bed, containing the remains of the cave bear, bison, hyena, rhinoceros, and the fossil ele phant primogenius Among them ,was a fibula, the small bone of the human leg. Experienced anatomists have pronounced it a human bone without doubt, whiie the particulars of the. dis covery are authentic. . 7 . Eastern New Guinea. It seems from a. recent report of Capt. Moresby, of the British navy, that the black, Papuan race inhabiting the west ern y arts of New Guinea, are not to be found in the eastern portion, hitherto undescribed. Near the sea, he found everywhere a light ; copper colored Malayan race, with intelligence and kindly deportment The hill-slopes were tended and' cultivated! in perfect order, imd, their plan tations werefenced and cared for. : Some good harbors were discovered in . the east and duly named. The northern coasts were inhabited by milar people. It was impossible to. penetrate into the interior, as the fearful currents, ot the rivers prevented the ascent of the boats. The ! X - , nate is not a political or parxy . orguui-tu- UonJ No Grange, if true to its obligation, 1 ---x , f i 7 xxwvttx conveniions, nor nominate canaiaates, nor even discuss their merits in their meet- ings." . labors. gate to theGrand Lodge I. O. G. T whiclj meets in JNewbern in beptember. Capt. James L. Robinson of Macon conn ty, the Speakers! the last House ofBepresen tatives, has been returned to ; the '.Legislature by the voice of every voter in his county sac one. j ;..; 'v'. ' t Hon. Geo. V. Strong, member elect, t the House of Representatives from Wake C will probably be elected speaker of that bod which assembles in this City in Noyemlxt next. Mr. Strung a leading Jawyer is'a gerj . j tleman of very superior ability, and is in every : . Marshal Bazaine has written a letter to the Minister of the Interior, at Paris, Tin which he exculpates the guard and his late fellow prisoners, on the Island of Sainte Marguerite, from any complicity in his escape, 7 He de clares he had no accomplices except his wife and nephew. His letter concludes : ".Resent ing the humiliating ; prison regulations, I felt justified in an attempt to recover, my liber ty. was not tried by my peers, my sentence Patrons beware of politics and politi cians! ''. -: '' ; , . V STATE GRANGE, P. of H ) - : Secketabt's Officb, Fayetteville, Aug. 2rd, 1874. j" CIRCULAR No. 15. . Officers and members of Subordinate Granges are earn estly requested to affix an impression of the Seal of their Grange on all their communications addressed to Xny officer or Business Agent of the State'or National Grange. Attention will not be given to any sent otherwise (except from Granges recently organized). Our Worthy Master, Dr. Mills is receiving a great many letters without a seal ; these, he says.Tvill not be noticed except where the writers are personally known to him; the same course will be adopt ed by the Secretary. ; G. W. LAWRENCE, y l. SECBETA.KT. N. C. STATE GRANGE, P. of If., Secretary's Office, Fayettevill, Aug.10, 1S74. ) CIRCULAR No. 16. way qualified for the high .position which his was illegal." It seems that the military an friends throughout the State would have hi , thoritie3 on tho Island are not blamed by the: ocsapy. ' ' f ' Government tbrthe escape, ; P Notice is hereby given that Mrs.' Bella A. Johnston, No. 21, West 12th 8treet, New x orK uuy, lias oeen duly appointed Purchas ing Agent for the Ladies of our Order in JsTorth Carolina. Mrs. J. is entitled to the utmost confidence, and any busi ness entrusted to her will receive prompt attention. - G. W. LAWRENCE, Secretary. Never, let the interest in Grange meet inga die put. ' Timely subjects for d iscussion ' will do mucH to lleep up the interest. Let ever Patron learn to tallr upon any subject that may come up. " ' 1 Politicians don't want the Grangers to handle politics, but . they cordially in vite .them to break their backs in the harvest field. f Farmers'are biisy with tlieir hands'Jn se curing'food'fof a year's, subsistence -for the worW out of the ground. , The balance of the world are devising ways and means to make a living or wealth by manipulating theproducts ot . the farmers' toil. . And yet that ."balance" willnot agree that - the farmer shall have any- tiling to say what prices shall be pail for their labors and products. ,;; : , Members of the Ordershould visit neigh boring Granges as often as possible. ; Nothing can, have a more beneficial effect; -And visit ing members should always be called upon to, speak: for the ; good of. the .Order. When called. upon ft response should always be made. ' The following named'brothers have been appointed Special . Deputies to organize Granges in North Carolina : James M. Green lee, JVIarion, McDowell county ; E. A. Powe, Lenoir, Caldwell county ; VV. Jp. Clement, Jerusalem, Davie county. , 1 -i ) i i -