Tate iSEicnLTnEij:. arcmRKr&x;, 7 t The Cumberland Fair. The 12th Annual Fair of the Cum berland county Agricultural Society was held in the town of Fayetteville on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th inst. The weather, though threatening for one or two days was generally favor able, and the exhibition taken as a tfiiole was one of the .best we ever witnessed. The entries in every de partment were more uiumerous than at any exhibition held since the war and in the ladies departments the display was j-not only attractive and beautiful but really it was superior to the Exhibition by the ladies at our State Fair- ' , - FLORAL HALL. Here. we noticed specimens of home made jeans, blankets, flannels, quilts counterpaines &c. There were no foreign manufacturers, such as silks, merinos, caces ribbons &c., iroor the mecf hunts ot Fayetteville, in order l j ''iill np" as an esteemed cotempo rary terms it. The Exhibition was really creditable in every particular and the Jadies of old Cumberland de serve great praise for their efforts to build up one ot the best i airs of thd old North State. We regret that our space is limited cunsequently ,ve can make but few special notices. iVe observed in Floral Hall a beau- if nl pair of cotton socks which were nit vy a.iaay z years or ago. - we lout know her name,butit is enough o eay mac sne is a citizen oi tnra jerland county we were told that he planted the cotton, cultivated it, icked it out, spun it and then init the socks. JNorth Carolinians Iiould feel proud of such women. vc trust our worthy friends, of the server and Eagle will give tjie public her name. From the North Carolina Gazette 61 tne lytn we clip tne lollowing: "Here the display was very attrac tive and beautiful, and the ladies de Berve the thanks of the society for tie large measure in which they con tributed to the success of the fair. Jl noticeable ,fact in this and all the ther halis was that it was strictly in industrial and agricultural exhi bition ; there were no show-cases worn the stores, no yankee notions ma ciap-traps, iust to run up here were beautiful 'home-made ans, flannels and blankets, among e exhibitors oi which were Mrs. ryan Mrs. McNeill, and Mrs. G. . -Davis, the sheep raised, the wool rded and spun, and ihe cloth woy- l ana dyed, all at homev ouch ives are worth being proud ot, we e proud ot them, although they are t our wives. I here were beanti il paintinsrs bv Master Elliott Dain a. t i v rfield, (showing an artist's genius d talent in every touch) Mrs. Jsck n, miss unamDeriam and others. J. M. Lamb, Florist, had a magni cut collection of flowers from his nur- y on Haymount. We saw very fine ccimenf of moss work by Mrs. Jack- l, of Asheboro : amous; the most in- fcresting articles which came under our itjtice were a fountain tree by Mrs. T. l! Jones, and a large entomological col ltion by Mr. Stephen Worth, an en tmsiastic student of insect life. As to th crochet work, nee(He work, embroi dery, &c, it is impossible to make even amention of their variety and excel L: .ce. . J" . Farmers'- Hall. The collection here was fine, showing fo: this section a high degree of culti vj ion. Among the largest exhibitors ii iiis department were Messrs. Pearee, Iiwrence, Evans, Thames, and Alder irin. ,Mr, P. A. Wiley, of Raleigh, 03 libited splendid specimens of cele- MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. The display here was very good. Messrs. McXethan & Sons had some of their incomparable work the iri( 3t beautiful buggy among other ye iicles; Messrs. Bryan & Sons, Mr. Gjeer, and Mr. J. 'W. Welsh, with a ht of his splendid wagons, receiv ing thfi SrvPnifil nromi'nm Trir linot. nni Tarfeest display ot articles. We noted everal S.tA. McNeill, of Harnett, chief uicioug which was a pick for mill stones a most admirable labor er. Mr. J. A. Farrar. of Moore, exaibited a washing machinecon ceded to be one of the best, in all re- Bpuci, ever invented. t ' LIVE STOCK. The exhibition was . measrrd. Messrs. Faison. Burns. Evans 'and Williams had some find bldoded Itofk, but the collection was small. Mr Evans entered a very fine cow. Which was n$ked on the ground,and the result of the milking, a water bucket heaping full of cream milk, wa3 shown during the5 Fair. FOOD AND CONDIMENTS'. ' I Here we shall attempt no notice. The exhibition was magnificent, and the ladies covered themselves with lory. In this department Mrs. W C. Troy was the largest exhibitor, having entered about 90 articles." In the department of household supplies which our i friends term "rood and Condiments," wo must say that the display was the best we have ever seen at any Fair in JNorth Carolina. Here we noticed cakes, preserves,, jellies, pickles, salads, am and Icabbage. pork and leans. all sorts of deserts such as pies. astards, etc , indeed we can't enu- merate everything, but do not hesi tate to say that the show was per fect. Mrs. Trov. the wife of ex-Sen- ator V. C. TrOy, of Cumberland connty', made the best display in this department. Would i that we had many such ladies in our citytotaid in making the exhibitions at the State Fair equal to that of old Cum berland. ,! ' The! Poultrv Department was r j' W a i really excellent; indeed e'qual if not surpassing the State Fair. , The j Agricultural Implements and machinery, while not j very numer ous, were good. I Upon the whole we regard the Cumberland County Fair as one of the permanent institutions of North Carolina. We might make some suggestions which would add greatly to the 'receipts but will not do so for the present. 1 i I Great credit is due i the ; manage ment of the Fayetteville Fair. The President, Maj. Evans, and Secreta ry Alderman, are very efficient and faithful officers.; During our visit we heard no grumbling, indeed, no cause for complaint, but all spoke in the highest terms of the officers. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CtTRTS THE WORST PAINS j In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this adrertisesiefit need any oae ; SUFFER WITH 1 PAIS. I BAD WAY'S KEADY EELIFP IS A CUJ&y FOE j EVERY PAIN.: ! It TM' the first and is j Tlio Only rain Remedy that insUntly stops the most excraei&tixig psins, sUsTt lnlUmmatloDS. and enres ConsesUons. whether of tho Lungs. Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application i ! IN FIM)3I ONE TO TWENTY MTNCTES. no matter how violent or excrnciating the pain, the KHEU MATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, r prostrated with disease may suffer, I R AD WAY'S READY RELIEF 1 WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. I I N'FLAIMATION OV THE KIDNEYS. ( INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE EOWELS. I s CONGESTION CP THE LUNGS, SORE THKOAT, DIFFTCULT BREATH ISOL I'ALprTATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DII'THERIA I CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. : ; I NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. I , I The application of tlio Itidyj TtelleT io the rai 01 parti) where the pain or dillicuity exists will afford ease and comfort. f v r Twenty drops in half a tumbler ot vratfr will in a few momenta cure OliAill'H. SPASMS, SOUit STOMACH, HEARTBUKN, SICK HEAIACHE. IIARIIICEA. DYS ENTERY, COLIC, WLND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Badwar Ready Keller with them. A few drops in water will prevent fucknees or paina from change of water. It 5 better than French Brandy or Bitters as z etunui&nt. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cared for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious. Bilious, Scarlet, Typnoid. Yellow, ana otner severs aided cry kau WAY'S riL,Lii so ruick as RADWAY'S READY BELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. , COMMERCIAL, REPORT. Raleigh, N. C, November 20, 1874. Cotton. middlings... .!. i . . .13 cents. Bacon C. 11. sides . . . i 1213 R " . shoulders... Bulk N. G. Hams :.161G N. C. (hog round) 15 Sugars A : . . . . ..... j . l ....... . 12 ! C Yellow, 10-al0 Bright C Yellow,. 11 " Extra C........ 11 i Crushed. .............. . 14 Coffee Rio . ; . . . , 22 to 23 Flour $6.50to 10.00 Meal. :$1.10a$1.15 Butter Country l ..: ... 30a35 Eggs, j ..20 Cor,N i . , .$1.10 to $1.15 Fodder per cwt. . . . J . ..'$1.25 Oats ...V... 8090 Potatoes Sweet, per bushel 50 Nails. , ,.$4.75 Bagging-Domestic 2 Tb $ yd, 15al5A Cotton Ties, 910 Salt JMarshal's, sack $2.35 Evans . $2.30 Cheese Factory, 1717 1 Dain-, ; 1515 TaUow ...... 910 .:. ...... 22 Eags -4-4- New York Markets. NEWjYoRK, Nov. 19. Cotton quiet; sales bales at 14al5. i Southern flour a shade easier and at mode rate inquiry. Wheat dull and 1 cent lower at ?1.17alL25 for winter red western; $1.20al.27 tor amber western; fl.28al.41 for white do Corn dull and lower at 91a91J-' for western mixed S0aS5 for new,; 85aS6. lor new yellow western, and closing heavy. - Coffee firm and in good demand to trade. Sugar, more active and firmer. Rice unchanged and dull. Tallow heavy at 8M&9X. Pork firm, western held at $31. Lard tower, prime steam 145al5V. Rosin steady at &2.25a2.30 for strained. Tur pentine firm at 35. -! Money firm at SJa4. . Exehange dnll and lower at 4J. Steriiuc: firm at 7. Gold 11a 113.' Governments strong and active. . States dull and steady. i : ' Baltimore Markets.; Baltimore, Nov. 19. Flour firm, steady Wheatj strong. Corn active and firm. Oats steady. Rye dull. Pork 521. Bacon higher. shoulders 9 Whiskey scarce $1.03. Coffee unchagned. Sugar dull, i i Foreign Markets. Paris, Nov. 19. Rentes 61 and 39. London, Nov. 19. Consol 93a92J. Street rate Z. i Liverpool, Nov. L Noon-Cotton steady; uplands; Orleans 8. I Sales 15,000 bales, including d.UUO lor speculation and export. i Cotton Markets. Baltimore, Nov. 1Q- Cotton qaiet and easy. middlings 14 ; low middlings 14 3-4 ; good or- nary 11. Charleston, Nov. 19. Cotton steady ; mid dling I4; low middling 13 3-4al4 ; good Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 19. Cotton steady middling Z m. low middling 13?; good ordi nary 13. Norfolk, Nov. 19. -Cotton ; nominal ; .middlings i ; low jri .K-?, ' rjr '. MANUFACTURED Br I McCALLUM, WVCKOFF & UOPE, It ALEIG II , TV. C. This ertical Engine occupies less room, is stronger and pore simple than any other, and perfectly saf in the hands of persons .of ordinary intelligence without long previous training as Engineers. Our S and 10 HOKSE-POWEK ENGINES 3 ire made psnoHallv fnr PT ivtitthv rtot? IS.' Cotton Gins. Corn MUls."A- ns t. to give MORE than its rated power, and to be perfect la CAROLINA COTTON GIN This Gin combines every quality that constitutes, a FJKST CLASS GIN. Every Gin is warranted to gin as FAST orFASTER, and as WELL or BETTER, thau any other Gin. For full descrintion and Pr!ce List r.f hnth F. gines and Gius, address jUcOallum, Wyckoff & Hope, May 28. - RALEIGH, N. C. HEALTH ! BEAOTV ! ! STEOXG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE O? FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTI. FUL COMPLEXION SECURED TU ALL. JULIUS LEWIS. NICHOLAS' W. WEST. D R. R AD Sarsapilliai V'S Hesolvent i THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES : SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES TUB HOUX TABLE CUTLERY 1 I .t C-O, 1 I .41. AUW A i'UJ. ' V J J. 1. I.J TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT House Furnishirig Hardware. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., FISHEE BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. . CALL ATTENTION TO AND INVITE AN INSPECTION ON THEIR VERY EXTENSIVE DlUtrli. UJJ Every Baj an Increase in flesh ana s feiitt is'Seen aiOelt. Rvnrv flroo 6f the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the'Blood, Sweat, Urine, and othei Fluids and juices of the system the rigor f life, for it repairs the wastes of the bddy with new and sfiund material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular tlisease, Ulcers lathe throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in tne uianas ana other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous aiscnar- . . wi 1 I X -a C Ul.in I nnnnnn ges irom ma iars, auu me wureu iurm uj ohi uiowmvo, Eruptions, 'Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Kheum. Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, j and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all w.asrp.s rsf ttie liienrinciDie. are witmu me cunuBiiuiKo triit wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these lorms oi disease its potent power to cure them. If the patieut. daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of puri-.-tim. a.ni emeve&A in diminishing the loap wastes. its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing newer ana stronger, iu iuua digesting better, appetite improving; and flesh and weight Xicn-asing. ' "( ' Not onlT doe3 the Satis iPA'Rli.t.1 an Resolvett excel all knowu remedial agents ini the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseasea.i but it is the only positive cure for i Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, StODpaee of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where thore are brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, clou- , mixed With substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, urifi whitft bone-dust denosits. and when there is a pricking. tinrninir Kpnsation when TasMiir water, and ifi in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Tu mo v of 2? rears? Growth red by Jl:i:lw:i.n's Hesolvent. SILVER PLATED WARE, s ' . 7 t ' , JAPANNED TEA TRAYS, DISH MATS, FEATHER DUSTERS, ' . . . ... ... , PLAIN, PLANISHED AND : JAPANNED TIN WARE. KITCHEN FURNITURE QF EVERY DESCRIPTION Brass, Steel and Copper Goods, Shoyel and Tongs, Grates, Heating, Parlor and Cook ' Stoves, ToilotSetsin .Great Variety, Glasswre French, Cat and Glass of every Description. , v - FLUTING MACHINES Of Latest and Most Improved Patterns, ' ALSO ' HARDWARE, BUILDERS, SHELF AND GENERAL HARD WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. ' ' R, RADWAY'S Perfect Pnrptive anft Replatim Pills nerfectl v tasteless, eleeantlv coated with Bweet exua, purge, mimlate. rnrifv. cleanse and strengthen. Kadrarfy's PiDs, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, LiveY, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa- tinn. Costiveness. Indisestion.l DTBoensia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive Cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. ' . Afew doses of RAD WAY'SPILLS -will free the system, from alt the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ " FALSE AND TRUE," , Send one letter stamp to RAD WAY & CO. , No. 32 Warren St., New York. Infor mation worth thousands will be sent you. . CAPITAL PAID IN $100,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $1,000,000 OEGANIZED NOVEMBER 4thy 1873. ' Eahking Honsc Trade Street, Cluirlotte, N. C. K ADER BIGGS & CO. A general Bankiner business transacted. Deals in Gold and Silver Coin. Exchange. Bullion. Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, fcc. Deposits of ONE DOLLAR and upwards received. Interest paid on Deposits when left on time. , A sale depositary lor Iund3 belonging to Guardians, Administrators, Executors, Trustees, and others, for which Certificates of Deposit will be issued bearing interest according to agree ment. .:." ..;...:,.:..''!":... Cash advanced on Cotton, Manufactured Goods and Merchandize stored in warehouses and covered by Insurance! Cotton 60ld or shipped when ordered. Special attention given to collections. General Commission Merchants, ; AND COTTON FACTORS, Biggs' Wharf, Norfolk, Va. S. P. SMITH, President, OFFICERS : ' C. N. G. BUTT, Assistant Cashier. T. L. VAIL, Cashier,, : GET THE BEST. "Webster's Unabridged dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Die j tionaries. 3000 Engravings , 1S40 Pages Quarto. Price $12 J Webster is now glorious. Pres. Raymond, Yaiv sar College.- Every scholar knows its vahie. W. H. Prescott Best defining Dictionary. Horace Mann. Standard in thisofiice. fA. H. Clapp, Gov. Pr. The etymology without a rival. fJohn G. Saxe. Excells in defining scientific terms, f President . i Hitchcock Remarkable compendium of knowledge. Pres . .-! 1 I. i Ciark The best 'Practical English Dic tionary Extant." London Quarterly Rcvieic, Oct. 1873. ' ! Published by G. &C. MERRIAM, Springfield, I Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. act.31.lt. . Liberal advances on Consignments. Shipments to Liverpool free of forward ing Cornnmsions, and the usual advances made. Special attention paid to the sale of Cotton and all kinds ot Country Produce, aud prompt returns made. t Bagging and Rope and Tics, furnished on lib eral terms i i July 2, 12m TO PATRONS DESIRING TO SHIP COTTON TO LIYEBPOOL. As the present low priced Cotton has caus ed many Patrons io desire to hold the.r Cotton and at the 6ame time realize money on the same, I would announce that I have completed arrangements to ship their Cotton to Liver pool at lowest current rate of freig ht,and am prepared to advance Jths its value on any shipped to our Agents s in Liverpool. 6 per cent interest only being charged on the ad vance. 50 cents per bale covers all local charges free on board. , I respectfully refer to the Woithy Masters of the State Granges of Virginia and North Caro lina. E. D. PHILLIPS, Grange Agent.for Va, and N. C. Office : TOWN POINT, NORFOLK, VA. oct.31.3m. . ; L. T. GWATHMET, E. T. POWELL, J. EASTHAM. .WATHMEY, POWELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 90 WATER ST. & 41 COMMERCE ST., Norfolk, Virginia. C. A, WOODARD, Salesman. oct.8.3m. E. C. GRIER. .-. . J. W. McMURRAY, J. P. .HOUSTON, DIRECTORS : . B. n. MOORE, V. W. GRIER, i J. W. WADSWORTH, A. MACAULAT, R. D. COLLINS, 8. P. SMITH. Attorney COL. JOHN E.( BROWN. New, Yorh Correspondent Importers and Traders Nat. Bank. N AT. L. BROWN, GENERAL AGENT eob the CELEBRATED ESTEY COTTAGE OEGANS. Thev pnntain cverv valuable imnrnvement. and are superior for PARLORS, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, &c. Send for Illustrated Cata logue. AJ&o dealer in ail Kinds o; MUSICAL IXSTBUMENTS, 8trlngs and Trimmings for Guitars, Banjos, and Violins. BASKETS, BASKETS, the largest assortment in the 'city. Nursery Chairs, Feather Dusters, Brooms, Brushes, Wood Tooth Picks, Dippers, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Croquet Sets, Bats, Balls, School Bags, Playing Cards, AJU x GOODS, TUXB, Work 1 Boxes, Writing Desks, China Vases, Jewelry Stands, Dolls, Marbles, Tops,Building Blocks, Rattles; tc FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. , Don't fail to call at BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, No. 10 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, and examine his Stock and Prices before buying elsewhere. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW G00D3. sept 23 tf J NO. O, GAMAGE, ; NORFOLK, YA., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Shell Lime. Rockland, Indian Rock, "Snow Flake, Wasbingtou City Limes. Lump Calcine, Dental and Agricultural Plasters. ! Roman, Portland, Coplay and Rosendale Cement3. " i - - Cow, Goat and Hog Hair. Shell Lime and Land Plaster are specially le csmmended to the Farmer as two ot the most valuable Fertilizers lor the price that can be had for the : price.' -" " ' oct.8.3m. ? . W2 OLESALE SHOE HOUSE OF BOTTIMORE, MARROW & CO., NORFOLK, VA. AH goods of our own make re equal to Custom make work, ana aro n - J - -